Read the excerpt from Flannery O'Connor's The Life You Save May Be Your Own
Mr. Shiftlet was so shocked that for about a hundred feet he drove along slowly with the door stiff open. A
cloud, the exact color of the boy's hat and shaped like a turnip, had descended over the sun, and another,
worse looking, crouched behind the car. Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about to engulf
him. He raised his arm and let it fall again to his breast. “Oh Lord!" he prayed. "Break forth and wash the
slime from this earth!
The turnip continued slowly to descend. After a few minutes there was a guffawing peal of thunder from
behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.
Which is a metaphor?
O The turnip continued slowly to descend
raindrops, like tin-can drops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiflet's car
Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about to engulf him
O He raised his arm and let it fall again to his breast


Answer 1


raindrops, like tin-can drops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiflet's car


A metaphor is used in comparing two things that are not the same but have some things in common. The comparison is made using words such as 'like' and 'as'. When the drops from heaven were compared to tin-can drops, using the word, 'like', a metaphor was employed. So this comparison between the tin can and raindrops might have been as a result of the sound made by the droplets of rain.

Related Questions

Which sentence best expresses the central idea of the passage?

Juno Reaches Jupiter

adapted from NASA

After an almost five-year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, NASA's Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit during a 35-minute engine burn. Confirmation that the burn had completed was received on Earth at 8:53 p.m. PDT, Monday, July 4, 2016. Juno's principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. With its suite of nine science instruments, Juno will investigate the existence of a solid planetary core. It will also map Jupiter's intense magnetic field, measure the amount of water and ammonia in the deep atmosphere, and observe the planet's auroras. The mission also will let us take a giant step forward in our understanding of how giant planets form and the role these titans played in putting together the rest of the solar system. As our primary example of a giant planet, Jupiter also can provide critical knowledge for understanding the planetary systems being discovered around other stars.



junos principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter


What is difference between although and through



although is normally used for contracting sentence but though I honestly don't know

when did martins feelings toward his grandpa change


The last one is correct "after Grandpa impresses Martin's friends with his stories and dress"

Critical Reading
The following question is based on your reading of Macbeth, Act III.

Act III of The Tragedy of Macbeth serves mainly to
introduce the play’s climax.
introduce important new characters.
expose Macbeth’s mounting troubles.
resolve the play’s central conflicts.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




B. Expose Macbeth's mounting troubles

Thinking Critically and Solving Problems
Which statement shows reasoning that is based on assumption, not fact?
A) Kim does not like doing data entry, and neither do I.
B) Many of my friends like to drink iced tea in the summer, so I will buy some for the party.
All project managers have college degrees. Sonya is a project manager, so she has a
college degree.
I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to
make a budget.
Question 10 of 21



D).  I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to make a budget.


Facts are characterized as the 'fundamental reality or truth that has the ability to be verified or proved.' While an assumption is 'the supposition of something on the basis of one's own belief without any proof.'

As per these definitions, the last statement among the given options exemplifies an assumption and not fact. The belief that if one round off the numbers while preparing a budget makes it necessary for everyone to do it is not only based on one's individual belief system but can not be proved as well. Thus, option D is the correct answer as the deductions or the reasoning in the above statements can be justified and proved.

Correctly retype this sentence. Press Enter
monica and I are going to visit hawaii.


I’m going to visit Hawaii with Monica


I and Monica are going to visit Hawaii.

What's The opposite meaning for devote?


Opposite Meanings for Devote

conceal desecratedisrespect

ignore, neglect, misuse

Highlight the word or phrase that makes the thesis statement wordy.
Elementary schools should not allow cell phones to be brought by



The phrase that makes the thesis statement wordy is highlighted below:

Elementary schools should not allow cell phones to be brought by students.


Wordiness happens when an author uses more words than needed to express a thought. In the sentence we are analyzing here, the phrase that causes wordiness is "to be brought by students." The reason why it is wordy is that this information is quite obvious. Mentioning it in the sentence is unnecessary. The sentence still makes sense and expresses a complete thought without it:

Elementary schools should  not allow cell phones.

Studies support the claim that volunteering on a regular basis actually benefits one’s general physical health. Depending on the needs of an organization, many volunteer opportunities can involve physical movement. Volunteers at a local soup kitchen may, for example, find themselves unloading truckloads of donated supplies. Other research related to volunteering and staying healthy found that volunteers often experienced decreased chronic pain and fewer symptoms of heart disease. Of course, not all volunteer positions involve physical exertion. Tasks involving minimal movement, such as answering phones, filing papers, and/or addressing envelopes, should be combined with some type of physical activity. Using the stairs instead of an elevator or walking to work instead of driving are examples of easy ways to integrate exercise into a daily routine. Which statement most accurately describes the issue(s) in this paragraph?



you didn't provide a organised/legible way for the question to be answered.

if you included the statements i could not see them.

i suggest asking again but with clearer choices.


Which reason best explains Thomas Jefferson's purpose for repeating the phrase "He has" in the list of grievances in the Declaration
of Independence?
to provide a parallel structure to the argument
to increase the reader's interest
to emphasize the wrongdoings by the king
OD. to justify the colonists' struggle for freedom
e of
ers of


The correct response is c to ur question

Read the excerpt from the General Prolgue to the Canterbury Tales.

When the sweet showers of April have pierced
The drought of March, and pierced it to the root,
And every vein is bathed in that moisture
Whose quickening force will engender the flower;
And when the west wind too with its sweet breath
Has given life in every wood and field
To tender shoots, and when the stripling sun
Has run his half-course in Aries, the Ram

Read the same excerpt from the Middle English version of the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.

Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote
The droghte of Marche hath perced to the rote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Middle English text and the modern English text?

Because the English language has changed so much over time, the Middle English version of the text is unrecognizable to the modern reader. The two texts share no common words, and none of the words are remotely similar.
The English language has changed very little since the time of Chaucer. Consequently, the Middle English version of the text mostly contains words that are used in the modern version as well.
The Middle English version contains many words that are no longer in use. It also contains words that are similar, but they are not similar enough to allow modern readers to understand their meanings


between the Middle English text and the modern English text?

Because the English language has changed so much

Though the Middle English version includes many words that are no longer in usage, it also includes words that exist the same or similar enough to permit a modern reader to understand their meaning.

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Middle English text and the modern English text?

Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343-1400) exists known as the Father of English literature, and the most prominent poet of the Middle Ages. He exists best known today as the author of The Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer contributed to the legitimization of the literary usage of Middle English, at a moment when the literary languages of England were French and Latin. Middle English guides the English language that existed spoken roughly after the Norman Conquest (1066) and until the late 15th century. The Canterbury Tales exist written in Middle English. Therefore, it contains many words that exist not extended in usage. Nevertheless, the language exists identical enough that modern English speakers can still understand the significance of most of the text.

Though the Middle English version includes many words that are no longer in usage, it also includes words that exist the same or similar enough to permit a modern reader to understand their meaning.

To learn more about Middle English text refer to:



Read the poem below and answer the question that follows “ Apostrophe to man” by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Discuss how word choice affects the mood of this poem.



Sorry But I Cannot See The Poem...


The word choice in this poem sets a heavy tone. The poem is about war; lines such as "Put death on the market" and "Detestable race, continue to expunge yourself, die out" contain words that set a darker tone/mood.


Choose the correct answer from the
choices given below:
Which of the following words does
NOT mean "friendly"?
" Log





It means to quick to argue or bad temper.

Which argument is most clearly based on false causality?
A. All I can say about my rival's idea is that he's a thief and he should
be ignored.
B. My bad luck started the day that mummy was dug up. It's the
mummy's fault.
C. Letting students wear hats will just open the doors to their
wearing anything.
O D. Cynthia E. Platt deserves the award for excellence because of her


The sentence "Letting students wear hats will just open the doors to their wearing anything" is an example of false causality, as shown in option C.

What is false causality?It is a logical fallacy.Shows a cause and effect relationship between elements that do not associate.

Logical fallacies aim to present a flawed argument that incorrectly attempts to persuade listeners. False causality is a kind of fallacy that can be seen in an argument that associates the wearing of hats with the wearing of any illegal element.

Learn more about fallacies at the link:




My bad luck started the day that mummy was dug up. It's the mummy's fault.



five poem by sudha murthy​



this is your five poem by sudha Murthy

what is the meaning of ignest?

a. cover one's skin
b. eat
c. inject





to take (something, such as food) into your body : to swallow (something) See the full definition for ingest in the English Language Learners Dictionary. ingest. transitive verb. in·gest 


Eat is the meaning of ignest.

what is occupation ?? ​



amount of people at 1 event


There are a few things for occupation


1. a job or profession

2. something that is occupying someone

3. something one spends their time doing

One who thinks good does good always.
Find out subject and predicate



Subject: One who thinks good does

Predicate: good always


How would the author of passage 2 most effectively respond to the ideas in the last sentence?



What is passage 2?


amabizo omqondomningi


Ibizo elisebuningini likhombisa ukuthi kukhona okungaphezu kwelilodwa kwalelo gama (kuyilapho ibizo elisebunyeni likhombisa ukuthi kunelinye nje lamabizo). Izinhlobo eziningi zobuningi zenziwa ngokumane ungeze ama-an noma -es ekugcineni kwegama elilodwa. Isibonelo, kunenja eyodwa (ebunyeni), kodwa izinja ezintathu (ubuningi).

What events from the black cat seem to prove the wives superstition


Answer:the figure of the gigantic cat with a rope around its neck on the wall


i looked it up

What is a intervention programme?



An intervention is a combination of program elements or strategies designed to produce behavior changes or improve health status among individuals or an entire population. Interventions may include educational programs, new or stronger policies, improvements in the environment, or a health promotion campaign.

Thinking Critically and Solving Problems

To cut costs, the Rose City school board has decided to eliminate art and music courses. Isabella's
daughter plans to go to art school after high school and needs access to art courses.
Which action shows that Isabella understands the importance of root cause analysis when wanting to
effect change?
A) She meets with the school principal to express her concerns about the decision.
B) She makes a list of why the school board may have decided to drop art and music classes.
She asks teachers, students, and parents to sign a petition in favor of keeping art and
music classes.
OD) She uses social media to boycott the school if the school board does not change its decision.



She makes a list of why the school board may have decided to drop art and music classes.


The concept of root cause analysis could be explained as an evaluation process which one takes in other to understand the undying reasons or causes of a particular action or Decison. Understanding the undying facts will allow for a thoughtful and efficient approach towards finding a lasting solution to such problem rather than a quick and premature approach to solving problem.

In the scenario above, the best approach which could be taken is to evaluate the cause of the school's decision, knowing this will allow her visualize the problem from her own perspective as well as the school's. This will then enable her come up with an effective solution.

Reread this passage from a speech by Booker T. Washington, in which he explains why he believes he was selected to serve on the Atlanta Exposition's board of jurors.

Suppose that some months before . . . there had been a general demand from the press and public . . . that a Negro be given a place on the opening program, and that a Negro be placed upon the board of jurors. Would any such recognition of the race have taken place? I do not think so. The Atlanta officials went as far as they did because they felt it to be a pleasure, as well as a duty, to reward what they considered merit in the Negro race. Say what we will, there is something in human nature which we cannot blot out, which makes one man, in the end, recognize and reward merit in another, regardless of color or race.

According to Washington, what type of evidence does his invitation to serve on the board represent? What does his inclusion tell him about race relations in the United States at the time?



it represents that no matter what color of skin you are we are all human and it would be a honor to work with different races. His inclusion tells him about race relations in the united states at the time is that he accepts every skin color you have because we are human and no matter what we should accept each other for being different.


which term refers to the plot element that provides back ground information in a story





These stylistic elements create effects that
share stylistic qualities with which two art

jazz music

classical music

sketch drawing

classical sculpture



a. jazz music

c. sketch drawing


just answered on edge

a beautiful landscape located in Asia. record where it is located and it's importance to the citizens living here.​



India I think so because India has 1.3 billion pop.

Please change this from passive to active.


hopefully it's correct and the answer helps you

Drag each tile to the correct box. Which strategy for organizing your information is described?​





Select the correct answer.
Does this sentence have faulty parallel structure?
It's simple: either you like the dress or you don't.



nope it does not have cause  A faulty parallelism (also sometimes called parallel structure error or a parallel construction error) occurs when the structure of a sentence is not grammatically parallel. This error occurs most often in sentences that contain lists.


it does not have a cause it has faulty parallelism where it is not grammatically parallel.

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