1. How far can you or will you travel? Travel close to home.

2. Do you have to do all of your shopping at one store?

3. Always ensure the store is clean!


Answer 1


Well, you can only travel to places close to home. So think of places like restaurants, clothing stores, malls, and other things. You also do not have to do all of your shopping at one store. There is much more variety, only if you want to buy the best items you like just shop at that one store. And, yes, make sure the store is clean. Read reviews to know this.

Related Questions

Don't make a noise, a baby .........(sleep). ( into correct tense)​


is sleeping

hope it's correct and really helps...!!!

Don’t make a noise, the baby is sleeping...
hope this is correct and helps you!

My car has a radio...... a CD player



My car has a radio and a CD player

it's the correct answer

Hope it helps.

Have a great time

my car has a radio with a CD player.

Which of the following can change our perspectives about a topic. Select all that apply
A. Experiences
B. One's birthday
C. Knowledge
D. Key figures





knowledge better then education




Life experience is what defines our character even if it means getting your heart brocken or being lied to.You know you need the down to appreciate the ups. Going on the adventure or taking that risk is important.

What is the best antonym for the word effortlessly? A) comfortably B) efficiently C) freely D) clumsily



D. Clumsily.


Comfortably, Efficiently and Freely are all synonyms of the word effortlessly except the word clumsily.




Given in the dictionary antonym/synoym

write a story that ends with, so you see it does not pay to be dishonest​


A story which ends with, so you see it does not pay to be dishonest.

The story of tortoise and rabbit

Once upon a time, there was famine in the animal kingdom. Tortoise and rabbit are friends, so one day, in their search for food. They saw a basket filled with food on a farm. Tortoise convinced his friend rabbit that the farmer might be watching them from afar, so they should go home and come back in the night.

As soon as tortoise and rabbit departed to their various houses, tortoise went back to the farm immediately to eat the food alone. When rabbit no waited but didn't see his friend, he decided to go to the farm and bring the basket of food home so he could share with his friend.

Unfortunately, he met tortoise on the farm in pains. Tortoise greediness has caused him discomfort because the fruits were spoilt and poisoned. Tortoise realized, he wouldn't have been in this condition if he was honest and loyal to his friend.

Learn more about story writing:


Why do some people in Quebec want their own country?​



some people in Quebec want to preserve their french culture and language


HELP!!! According to the article, why was Dr. Wu's success in proving the new theory important?

A.It allowed her to undertake nuclear research at Columbia.
B.It opened the doors to a teaching position at Princeton.
C.It furthered physicists' understanding of the universe.
D.It exposed the prejudice against Asians in California.



According to the article, it furthered physicists' understanding of the universe. Thus, option C is the correct option.

Dr. Wu's success in proving the new theory was important because it contributed to the advancement of physicists' comprehension of the universe. By confirming the theory, she expanded the scientific community's insights into fundamental principles governing natural phenomena.

Her achievement added a significant piece to the puzzle of understanding the cosmos, potentially leading to broader applications and insights in physics. While options A and B focus on her personal career advancements, option D addresses a different social issue. However, the primary significance of Dr. Wu's accomplishment was its contribution to the progression of scientific knowledge.

Thus, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about physicists here:



Synonyms or antonyms?


1. Synonyms
2. Antonyms
3. Antonyms
5. Synonyms


1,4,5- The words means the same thing

2,3- The words are the exact opposite of each other

The House on Mango Street
At the end of the first vignette, the narrator shares an experience in which she felt ashamed. Why did she feel ashamed?

Question 3 options:

Her family said they would win the lottery but they didn't.

A nun looked at the narrator's house as if it were a terrible place to live.

Her family has no car, so they have to walk everywhere.

Her parents are embarrassing to her because of the way they look and behave.



A nun looked at the narrators house as if it were a terrible place to live.

In frank dobbin and alexandra kalev’s 2016 analysis of 800 u. S. Firms, which of the following approaches to diversity did they find was effective?.


It can be inferred that the approach which the firms found effective are:

"Mentoring and college recruitment programs".

What is Inference?

Inference refers to a logical conclusion that one arrives at by examining strong evidence or facts related to an event or a text.

In literature, the evidence may come from facts that can be found in the text, poem, or story.

Learn more about Inference at:


Which line from Utopia is an example of an anecdote, a brief story or account of an event used to make a larger point?

The folly of men has enhanced the value of gold and silver because of their scarcity; whereas, on the contrary, it is their opinion that Nature, as an indulgent parent, has freely given us all the best things in great abundance . . .
It is certain that all things appear incredible to us in proportion as they differ from known customs; but one who can judge aright will not wonder to find that, since their constitution differs so much from ours, their value of gold and silver should be measured by a very different standard . . .
I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.
But they much more admire and detest the folly of those who, when they see a rich man, though they neither owe him anything, nor are in any sort dependent on his bounty . . .


The line which represents an example of an anecdote in the excerpt is;

I observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.

What is an Anecdote?

An anecdote is a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

On this note, it follows that the line which is an example of an anecdote in the text Utopia is; I observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.

Read more on anecdote;


Answer: I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observe in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.(c)

Explanation: I hope this help 2023

What is the meaning of 'Pride always goes before a fall'?



people who are too arrogant are likely to fail.


the term was adapted from the bible book of proverbs


If we are too proud about ourselves or something, we will probably meet with failure or disaster.


hope this helps


Authors can draw on and use elements from other works. This element is an object or event that represents a larger idea. This element adds additional meaning and understanding to stories. What element is it?

1. symbol
2. allusion
3. allegory


Answer: 3.archetype please mark brainliest

Explanation: archetype please mark brainliest

Which word belongs in this sentence?
I can __ down at night and feel fulfilled.
2. Lay


Answer: Lie


' Death is one sure event of the unknownable future '-explain

please help me with this tommorow is my deadline ​



Death is one sure event of the unknown able future


It means that 'Death' is an event that might come in the future . it's an event that will surely come in everyone's life . Just like the future is unknown , this event is also unknown .


Explanation:my opinion is that the statement means that death is something that we all don't know and takes place in the future

hope i tried

Why are the characters committed to nonviolence during their protest?
Requires at least 2 pieces of evidence from the text.
Standing Up By Sitting In


SCENE 1: JUNE 1960

(Three black high school students, dressed in their best clothes, stand outside a store in a South Carolina town. They are gathering courage to begin a sit-in at the store lunch counter, which serves only white people.)

Narrator: Beginning in 1960, black students started sit-ins to protest against unfair segregation laws. At sit-ins, students sat at lunch counters for hours, even though the waitresses would not serve blacks. Bystanders often harassed, or bothered, the protesters by hitting them and yelling insults. Many students were arrested for breaking segregation laws.

Joseph: [to his friends] We are just going to sit at the counter and politely order something to eat. When they refuse to serve us, we will sit there until the store closes.

David: I hope our sit-in will be peaceful, not like that one in Tennessee last week.

Linda: I heard that bystanders there kicked the protesters and squirted ketchup on their heads.

Joseph: No matter what happens, we’ll stay cool, just like we practiced in our nonviolence training.

Narrator: The students promised each other they would remain nonviolent and not fight or use ugly words, even if they were attacked or jailed. They believed their protests would have more power if they reacted to anger and hatred with peace and love.

Linda: My parents are terrified I might get hurt or arrested, but I told them it would be an honor to go to jail for this cause.

David: [nods] It’s up to us kids to push the movement forward. Our parents’ generation has made some progress with boycotts, but things are moving too slowly.

[Frank rushes up to the group. He has been part of the students’ nonviolence training]

Frank: Hey there! I heard you’re going to have a sit-in. I want to join you!


(The students enter the store. There are racks of clothing for sale. Along the back wall is a lunch counter with stools. A waitress serves a plate to a white customer who is sitting at the counter. The students walk to the back and sit quietly at the counter.)

Narrator: The waitress has been afraid a sit-in might happen at her lunch counter. She does not want to serve the students. Even if she thinks segregation is unfair, her boss could fire her for serving blacks in his store. And the possibility of violence, against herself or the students, scares her.

David: I’d like to order lunch, please.

Waitress: This counter is for whites only. You know that. You’d better leave before there’s trouble.

Customer: [angrily] If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get out of here right now.

Linda: [to waitress] Your store is happy to take my money when I buy a dress. Why won’t you take my money at the lunch counter?

Waitress: It’s just the way things are around here.

Frank: Well, we say it’s time for a change!

Joseph: The color of our skin shouldn’t determine where we can sit.

Customer: [to Frank] Now why are you hanging out with them?

Frank: These guys are my friends. I can’t just stand by and watch while you treat them like second-class citizens.

Joseph: This sit-in is our way of standing up for what’s right.

Customer: [with increasing anger] I’m warning you — I’m going to call the police. They’ll put you all in jail where you belong!

David: If they arrest us, more of our friends will come.

Linda: You can fill your jails, but you’re not going to stop us!

Narrator: Student sit-ins spread through the South and succeeded in integrating lunch counters in many cities. The students’ energy and determination inspired adults to protest other forms of segregation. Without the involvement of these children, the civil rights movement might not have succeeded at all.


Answer:"The post-conventional level is a moral development in individuals. People in this stage of development are involved with the rights and controlled by their ethical beliefs.

Segregation was common in the South because of Jim Crow laws, which kept public buildings like libraries, restaurant, lunch counters, parks, theatres, and swimming pools segregated. The sit-in protests drew public attention to these inequities. "

Which sentence is not true?

A. Water can wash away fertile lands
B. Everybody needs water
C. Water is always useful
D. Water destroys rice during floods ​



C. Water is always useful


Water can wash away fertile lands - True

Soil erosion occurs primarily when dirt is left exposed to strong winds, hard rains, and flowing water.

Everybody needs water - True

we need water to survive

Water is always useful- False

water is not always useful. For example: to much rain(Water) causes flood

Water destroys rice during floods - True

Floods can cause destroys to crops (rice)

Hence, [C] water is always useful is not true


What does "Poem For My Mother" mean



This poem is about the sense of loss and feeling of pain after the demise of the poet's mother.



"Poem For My Mother" meaning is a strong bond between mother and daughter and the effect that the mom can give mentally and the challenges.


Hey what does Myrmecophilous mean? ;-;


It means to be fond of or to be associated with
Myrmecophily is the term applied to positive interspecies associations between ants and a variety of other organisms, such as plants, other arthropods, and fungi.

appropriate proposition (i like to go swimming--winter)​



I like to go swimming in winter.

Surya asked Marrisa, 'will you visit Hetuda ? '(into indirect speech)​



surya asked manisha whether she would visit hetauda

What role does the election play in the story and why are the election results important? Refer to both instances in the story in which they appear.


Elections are important because they advance the democratic process and ensure that the leaders preferred by the people are elected into power.

What is an Election?

An election is a process that enables people to vote their preferred leader into political positions or positions of responsibility and accountability.

Successful elections show that democracy is a healthy one.

Please note that the story referred to is unavailable hence a general answer.

Learn more about elections at:


I need help with my iready



the answer is "how much energy something has"


Answer: "how much energy something has"

In what ways does the author set you up to be shocked by the ending of the story? Analyze the author's use of setting, tone, imagery, and even the title of the story. Evaluate the effectiveness of her choices. the lottery



1. title: lottery: sounds fun and a good thing for the winner

2. setup: tradition: story said lottery has happened for a long time so reader is made to feel it must be good. like good things last

3. people defended it

climax : Tessie’s paper is marked with an ominous black spot and she says its not fair

reader understands why kids gathered stones


so this isn’t a question i’m just curious, what does getting marked “Brainliest” or wtv even do?



it just means your doing well. It also means you have the best answer.



Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,

And on the strangest sea:

Yet, never, in extremity,

It asked a crumb of me.

–“Hope is the thing with feathers,”
Emily Dickinson

Consider the word choice in the second stanza, and then answer the questions.

The denotation of gale is “a strong wind.” What is the connotation of gale as it is used in the second stanza of the poem?

How would the poem’s meaning change if Dickinson had used the word breeze instead?



1. The tone of the word "gale" as it's used in the poem is warm and grateful.

2. If Emily Dickinson had used the word "breeze" instead of "gale" the meaning would have been more relaxed and it would have been harder to figure out the meaning, that hope is hard to demolish.


1. The word connotation means feeling, so the question is asking what feeling does the word "gale" give off as it is used in the second stanza.

2. If you replace the word "gale" with "breeze" the tone is relaxed and it is harder to detect the meaning of the poem.

Why is the meaning of behind 'despise the free lunch'?



When someone gives you something for free, you're then obligated to them.


This is why you should despise the free lunch. You need to guard your independence, but you can use the tactic with others. According to Law 40 of the 48 Laws of Power, when you give a gift, you put the recipient under obligation.

Which of the following choices best presents a counterclaim to the argument presented in this excerpt? teenagers have not yet developed skills that make them valuable employees in the workforce. fast food restaurants are able to employ people who otherwise might not be able to find a job because of the low skill level required to perform the tasks. the mcdonald brothers designed the speedee service system based on the assembly line systems of american factories in the early twentieth century. by law, fast food restaurants must offer equal employment opportunities to those seeking work.


By regulation, drive-through joints should offer equivalent business open doors to those looking for work. The response is  This is on the grounds that all residents ought to be dealt with similarly regardless of the circumstance. Regardless old enough, race, or religion.

What is counterclaim?

This is the explanation that best gives a counterclaim to the contention introduced in the passage. The contention introduced in the portion expresses that youngsters are many times recruited in the inexpensive food industry since they can be dealt with uniquely in contrast to grown-ups.

They can be controlled and along these lines, manhandled) all the more effectively and saved money. The counterclaim, in any case, expresses the inverse by contending that all businesses should be paid something very similar and treated similarly by regulation regardless of whether they are teens.

For more information about counterclaim, refer the following link:


Answer:The answer is D


The excerpt states that teenagers are easier to control than adults and they are better candidates fro adults, however a great counter counterclaim to this is all people should have equal opportunities

Which factor most influences the speaker’s perspective? age gender race location.


The factor most influences the speaker’s perspective include options C and D: Race and location.

What is the term Perspective about?

Perspective or viewpoint always play a vital role in assisting the audience to view and understand the text as intended by the author and elicit intended response.

In the given passage, the 'race and location' is the factor that most likely affected the speaker's perspective as the author employs allusions to his race and his native place.

He discusses the issues of 'racial inequality' and the pain of 'not belonging to a specific country or having a real home.

Learn more about speaker’s perspective, refer to the link:


C | Race
It was correct on Edge 2022

My sis asking what is verb? What is it?


A verb is a word that conveys ACTION,

Hope it helps


have a great time

a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.
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