1 minute speech about valuing time


Answer 1


Valuing time is of significance importance. When you value your time you are appreciative of the experiences in your life. It is important to value time because it helps to structure the activities you do in a day, and to better organize your life. Understanding time, and its value can make you a more successful person all around. By bettering our understanding of the value of time, we can even gain experience.  


Answer 2


Time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can never be earned. There is a common way saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits anyone. So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose.


In modern life, for me people run after money and forget to give time to their family. In the haste of money, one loses the precious memory that the time would have provided them.

However, we should learn from one's mistake and prevent any kind of damage to our precious time or moment. i hope you know that

Related Questions

3. How did Salim Ali conduct the surveys across the country?​



Here is your answer


When he was ten years old Salim shot a strange looking bird with his toy air gun. Unable to identify the bird he showed it to his uncle Amiruddin who introduced the boy to W. S. Millard, secretary of the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) INTERESTS Salim Ali have a passion about studying birds

Hope u like it : )

Read the statement below and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Be prepared to support your opinion with details from the reading. Here's your discussion prompt:
Independence is a universal human need.
What do you think? Write a paragraph supporting your opinion and then write a reply paragraph. If you're working with others, your reply paragraph should respond to the ideas of another student. If you're working alone, your reply paragraph should support the opposite point of view from your own.



Recently there has been a ton of debate as to whether independence is a universal human need or not, It’s my firm belief that all men are born equal and have right to pursue what they want, so independence is needed and I feel this way for various reasons that will explain in the subsequent paragraphs

First and foremost, every well develop nation on this planet is conserving the values of freedom and independence, as a consequence it’s remarkable throughout history, that those nations development relied mostly in a strong based constitution that always had independence as a universal right, for men and women equally theoretically.

Secondly, nations around the globe that prevent its denizens to have freedom and independence are more likely to suffer from third nation’s symptoms, for instance hunger and lack of infrastructure. If we take Brazil as an example it’s notorious that once the Brazilian population elected a dictator called Bolsonaro, the country is suffering from the consequences of preventing freedom and independence for its denizens resulting in the most dangerous crisis that Brazil is passing through  

In the light of all above, it’s clear to see how independence as a universal human need must be protected at all costs.


I disagree with the statement.

I think independence is great if you have a good sense of responsibility and moral integrity. It helps to further self-reliance and resourcefulness but independence isn't for everybody, and I definitely don't believe that it is a human need. It's more of a privilege...independence is something that's earned.

For example, you don't see any convicted felons or psych ward patients walking around freely without supervision during any given time of the day. If you do, they've either escaped or they or are being monitored from time to time. People who act in ways that portray the fact that they are irresponsible or dangerous do not need independence.  Likewise, people who are unable take care of themselves are also dependent on others to live. Babies, seniors, and people with disabilities all fit into this category.

Although I agree with the idea that everyone should be able to think by themselves and make their own decisions...what if those decisions are self-destructive and can put people in danger? Freedom without supervision would be anarchy. Period. And even though America was founded on freedom, it is still very much limited.

Independence is great but it is not a fundamental or universal human need. It is earned, wanted, and coveted but it is not for everybody.

1. Describe how Raven finally released the sun.
2. Why did Raven release men and then release women?



i uh


sorry i really need the points ¨

Answer:me too


need some

15 pts + BRAINLIEST!!

What is the central idea?

A. The narrator is trying to figure out which kind of writing she’d like to do for a career.

B. The narrator is not sure whether she wants to be a writer or pursue a different career.

C. The narrator decided to stay at her part-time job after she graduated college.

D. The narrator does not yet have the responsibilities of someone at a “real” job.

The previous spring, I’d taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college. He gave me more hours, so I was making more money, but I didn’t yet have the responsibility of a “real” job. I’d been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer. I’d taken the summer to think about things and prepare for a fall job search.

(I'm leaning towards A. just checking)





I also think its A,judging from the passage shes trying to figure out what she wants to do

What is it like to truly live??
Why do these things, what's the purpose?? ​


Answer:Set goals. Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.

whatever you going through make it through safely...if you are this is all i can help you with only the big guy called god knows

Quote of the day:

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long in disappointment and bitterness at the closed door that we do not expectantly look for and therefore see with pleasure and gratitude the one which has been opened for us."
-Helen Keller


Nice, real noice.

Thanks for the points.

Answer: deep words


please please please please



third person emniscient



Read this passage from “A Smart Cookie” by Sandra Cisneros.

She has lived in this city her whole life. She can speak two languages. She can sing an opera. She knows how to fix a TV. But she doesn’t know which subway train to take to get downtown.

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that

Esperanza’s mother is a great singer.
Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.
Esperanza’s mother is delighted with city life.
Esperanza’s mother is not able to travel much.




the fourth one

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.

What is “A Smart Cookie” about?

Sandra Cisneros' short story "A Smart Cookie" is about a young girl named Esperanza who lives in Chicago with her family.

The story delves into themes such as cultural identity, assimilation, and the difficulties that immigrants face in adapting to a new culture while maintaining their own traditions.

The story's title refers to Esperanza's mother, who is portrayed as a strong and capable woman with many skills and talents who struggles with the complexities of city life.

The term "inferred" refers to the process of reaching a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning rather than directly stated information.

Thus, the question asks which conclusion can be drawn from the information in the passage.

For more details regarding “A Smart Cookie”, visit:





The second one! Hope it works lol

How does conflict lead to change? Give examples from your life, the media, or other texts (books, films) you have consumed.



What are examples of conflicts?

Decoding the Six Conflicts in Literature (With Examples)

Man vs. Self. Man vs. ...

Man vs. Man. Man vs. ...

Man vs. Society. ...

Man vs. Nature. ...

Man vs. Technology. ...

Man vs. Fate or the Supernatural


The opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with others, Conflict with the environment and Conflict with the supernatural.


Read the passage from "Allegory of the Cave."

Socrates: And do you see men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues and figures of animals made of wood and stone and various materials, which appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent.

Glaucon: You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.

Socrates: Like ourselves; and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the fire throws on the opposite wall of the cave?

Glaucon: True; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

Socrates: And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the shadows?

Glaucon: Yes.

Socrates: And if they were able to converse with one another, would they not suppose that they were naming what was actually before them?

Glaucon: Very true.

Socrates: And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the other side, would they not be sure to fancy when one of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they heard came from the passing shadow?

What do the shadows most likely symbolize?

A. a false vision of the truth
B. an area of blocked light
C. common actions that people complete daily
D. ideas that people repeat that seem like echoes


A : a false vision of the truth

The shadows most likely appear as a false vision of the truth.

What are shadows?

Shadows are dark area or shape of a body when light falls.

What is appear?

Appear means to come into vision.

What is false?

False means which is incorrect.

What is vision?

Vision is the ability to see.

What is truth?

Truth means which is fact or correct.

Hence the option (A) is correct.

To learn more about shadows and false vision here



What do we hear socially about intelligence at school?



Every year hundreds of grade school students converge on Washington, D.C., for the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee. The “bee” is an elite event in which children as young as 8 years old compete to spell words like “cymotrichous” and “appoggiatura.” Most people who watch the spelling bee think of these kids as being “smart.”

What makes a person intelligent? Is it heredity (two of the 2014 contestants in the National Spelling Bee have siblings who have previously won) (National Spelling Bee, 2014a)? Is it interest (the most frequently listed favorite subject among spelling bee competitors is math)(NSB, 2014b)?

In Eleanor Roosevelt speech the Struggle for Human Rights. What audience and tone does she use



She used a persuasive and formal tone to an audience made up of political leaders and UN members.


In her speech for the fight for human rights, Eleanor Roosevelt presented arguments to convince political leaders around the world and all UN members to pay attention to the importance of human rights in promoting a just, peaceful and egalitarian world. As Eleanor Roosevelt was speaking to an audience made up of politicians and people of international importance, she used a formal and cultured tone, but as she sought to convince them to support her arguments, she used a persuasive tone, encouraging everyone who listened to agree with what she was talking about.

Which would be the best example of hyperbole? A. The water heater was turned to a scalding level. B. Peter pan flew out the window, refusing to grow up. C. The homework assignment grew scarier by the minute: it even grew fangs!​



C. The homework assignment grew scarier by the minute: it even grew fangs!​








stop the car and help her across

Read the excerpt from “Sea Fever” by John Masefield. Then, write in the correct response for each question.

Which word creates an end rhyme with “sky” in this stanza?

Which word creates an end rhyme with “shaking” in this stanza?







Sea Fever is a poem by John Masefield about his love for the sea. By and breaking are the rhyming of the words sky and shaking in the poem.

What are rhyming words?

Rhyming words are the words at the end of the stanza with similar or the same sounding effect as the word in the previous line. The final vowel is generally the same in the rhyming words.

The poem describes the beauty of nature and the poet's love for the sea and sky. In the stanza of the poem, the poet uses a rhyming word like by for sky, and breaking for the word shaking.

Therefore, the rhyming words are by and breaking.

Learn more about rhyming words here:


define Environmental Responsibility​


To make reasonable decisions on using natural resources and taking steps to prevent the pollution of large corporations.

*Read the message from your childhood friend Jonie.*

Hello Wai Ling,
l I'd like to participate in a school competition. There is a talent competition, a painting competition and an inter-class badminton competition. All the competitions are interesting and I don't know what to do. Let me know what you think!

*In about 80 words, write a message to Jonie giving a suggestion.*​



I have no friends so sorry bye good luck

Translate Shakespeare please!
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."



This is what it's saying: "You are your own person, yet you alter yourself to be something else."

You are your own person and yet your changing yourself to be another person

e? 6 KEY PHRASES Add the phrases below to the correct groups. How many of them can you find in the story? about a year ago a few minutes later at last in the end later on one Saturday last month Narrative time expressions Non-specific time expressions for starting a narrative a 1 2 id one day last week a while back about a month or so ago Expressions for ordering events 3 later at first after a while afterwards Expressions for bringing the narrative to an end 5 6 eventually finally. ​




gffbhibfd DJ McKinney j Chi Jvj I dbgdg sick hook Hcgk

can anyone help me with a dialogue between a father and a boy Who has a fight with another one . OR between a school principal and a puppil who played truant. OR between a woman and a grocer who has sent her wrong groceries and wrong account.​


Write about how the boy fought and is details… and then how angry the dad got and what was his reaction

What are three synonyms for taste as it is used in the sentence below?

“I’m not hungry, so I will just taste the main dish.”




chew,flavor,sample are three synonyms for taste as it is used in the sentence given above.


DON'T WORRY all answer is correct. I really it thrice ³



The one that requires no explanation is sample. You are just taking a small amount to see what it is like.

The other two have problems.

Flavor is possible. It means you are checking out the texture and  spice content. You are being a bit more careful in what you are doing. It is a more thorough examination (scientific) of what the food is like. You caould pick it.

Nibble is also OK. It refers to how much you will take.

The problem is that the last two are not as good as the first one.

What is genocide? Examples would include Armenian and SHOAH.
A Hatred of Jewish people
B The attempt to kill a whole ethnic group
D Complete destruction or obliteration





Learn to pronounce


the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Evaluate statement about the given text: The challenges and coping mechanism in online classes?


Students reported the use of six of the eight coping mechanisms. These were planful problem solving, self controlling, seeking social support, positive reappraisal, accepting responsibility, confrontive coping. The other two distancing and escape avoidance were least used.

In Antigone, what is the chorus made up of and what does it represent? A. It's made up of Creon's friends and represents his royal courtiers. B. It's made up of the Theban elders and represents the Theban citizens. C. It's made up of women and children and represents the Theban minority. D. It's made up of Oedipus’s family and represents the sorrowful state of their lives.



respect man


Any little girl did this that can help my sister ?



I am a hardworking and hopeful girl.

I wonder if I can give my family a good life again.

I hear terrible things about refugees.

I see that prejudice is very big in American society.

I want to overcome all prejudice and difficulties imposed on me and my family.

I am a hardworking and hopeful girl.


As shown in the comments, this question refers to the book "Esperanza Rising" written by Pam Muñoz Ryan, where we are introduced to a girl named Esperanza who has a very good and trouble-free life on a farm in Mexico, where she lives with the her parents who own this farm. However, when Esperanza's father dies, the family loses all the wealth and stability in which they lived. For this reason, Esperança and her mother need to travel to California and become refugees in the Mexican workers' camp, where Esperança finds herself in an environment with a lot of poverty, a lot of work and a lot of prejudice and difficulties. At this moment, Esperança sees herself as a very strong, hardworking and hopeful girl, who wants to protect herself and her family.

The above phrases were created based on Esperanza's entire experience as a refugee in California.

Creating a Multimedia Presentation:
Think about a situation of division that would benefit from increased unity.

( Just need some examples or ideas please )  

f r i e n d    p l e a s e


Answer and Explanation:

Not a situation you may be familiar with, you may need a little research. But here goes: a good example is Nigeria's tribal division. Nigeria is currently plagued with tribal wars, a constant battle to decide which tribe is better and should lead the country. For each tribe, a president which comes from their tribe should represent and prioritize them and not the whole country. As a result every tribe seeks to dominate the other. This situation has left the country backwards for countless decades, encouraging large scale corruption, nepotism, and incompetence in high places.

Writing. Part 1
Question 1 (10 Marks)

Your friend, Ethan, had a wedding part yesterday. You liked the wedding a lot.
Write an email to Ethan. In your email, you should:
• Thank him for inviting you to the wedding as you enjoyed it.
• Say what you liked best about the wedding party.
• Suggest some places for him to spend his honey moon.
Write about 40 – 50 words only



Dear Ethan,

First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting me to your wonderful wedding. Congratulations! I hope both of you enjoyed the night as much as I enjoyed the chicken cordon bleu. Man that was delicious! Also, if you wish to extend your fabulous celebration, try considering the resort in Maldives, the one I mentioned before.

Again, thank you and best wishes.

your forever single pal,

Eddie Diaz.

Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating." She can also scan food to determine whether she's met her daily need. "So after I have breakfast and lunch, and if I've had too many carbs, by dinner I know I have to cut back," she said. And that kind of tailoring is key, nutritionists say. "People want me to just tell them what to eat, give them a meal plan. But they'll only follow it for two weeks," [dietician] Castro-Romero said. "So I get them to focus on the foods they're eating now and improve. One group might be soda drinkers. So we work to decrease rather than eliminate. "It's really trying to keep it simple and look at small changes. I like to say small changes produce big results." Based on this excerpt, the dietician wants people to .


This question is missing the answer choices. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

A. follow a strict meal plan

B. eliminate all unhealthy foods

C. eat only low-carb foods in the morning

D. make small adjustments to their diets


Based on the excerpt, the dietician wants people to:

D. make small adjustments to their diets.


In the passage, dietician Castro-Romero explains that following a set plan is not a good idea. People expect dieticians to give them a meal plan, but then they only follow it for a couple of weeks. According to Castro-Romero, the best strategy is to make small adjustments. You do not have to cut carbs, for instance. But, if you eat too much of it for breakfast and lunch, you can avoid it when having dinner. Such adjustments are more efficient and "produce big results."

i really dont like gossingping about my colleagues ( grain )
it goes______me to gossip about my colleagues


thin like grain for, i honeslty don’t know
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when magnesium reacts with chlorine, the chlorine atom gain electrons. what happens to chlorine in this reaction?a. it is oxidizedb. it is synthesizedc. it is decomposed d. it is reduced Pls Im confusedddddddddddd Match the Following1. asexual reproduction in which a single cell divides into two with no exchange of genetic material; reproduction method of bacteria 2. asexual reproduction involving the growth of a new individual from part of an older organism; uneven distribution of cytoplasm that results in one cell receiving most of the cell contents3. a group of organisms attached to one another after undergoing asexual reproduction from a common parent 4. the part of the cell division that causes the separation of the cytoplasm 5. a phenomenon in which organisms break into two or more parts and then each part grows into a new individual 6. the process involving the division of the nucleus of a body cell 7. asexual reproduction in which a single cell undergoes many mitotic divisions in the nucleus and a number of daughter cells are produced all at once cytokinesis fragmentation colony mitosisbudding binary fission multiple fission The technique for linking a manufacturer's operations with those of all its strategic suppliers and its key intermediaries and customers to enhance efficiency and effectiveness is How does replanting trees increase the sustainability of forestland?A. Replanting reduces the consumption of wood.B. Replanting reduces the demand for wood.C. Replanting increases the cost of wood.D. Replanting increases the supply of wood. In the following reaction, Zn is Zn(s) H2SO4(aq) --> ZnSO4(aq) H2(g) A.Reduced B.Oxidized C.This is not a redox reaction D.An oxidizing agent d. Picd. Z-aPART II. ACTIVITIES. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. It contains two related data. It has horizontal axis and vertical axis.a. Pie Graphb. Bar Graph c. Line Graph2. What do you call the horizontal axis of the line graph?a. w-axisb. x-axisc. y-axis3. What do you call the vertical axis of the line graph?a. w-axisb. x-axisc. y-axis4. Which of the following is not a step in making line graph?a. Put a title on the line graph.b. Connect the points with a line.Draw the line for the x-axis and the z-axis.d. Plot the points that correspond to each variable in the table,5. It is shown just above the table or a line graph.b. bodyd. z-aa, titlec. tabled. n3. Directions: Study the line graph below. Encircle the letter of the corr playing indoor and outdoor games promotes? explain What is the distance between the points (8, 12) and (1,3)? If necessary, roundyour answer to two decimal places. Factor completely, then place the factors in the proper location on the grid. a8 - 12a4 + 36 How many wax warmers will she make when she makes 77 candles A.75B.55C.40D.69 which symmetry does y= -x^2-2x have? x-axis symmetry, y-axis symmetry, origin symmetry, or no symmetry? A company's value chain Multiple choice question. is not analytically useful if it is a non-manufacturing company. includes only the company's supply chain management activities that add value for customers. includes only the primary activities that the company performs. identifies the company's internal activities that create value for customers. Given the value x=false ,y=5 and z=1 what will be the value of F=(4%2)+2*Y +6/2 +(z&&x)? Find the sine ,cosine and tangent ratios of find the volume of the rectangle evaluate the extent to which nationalism contributed to the collapse of the ottoman empire in the early twentieth century. (I need answers with documents) Explain the energy transformations that occur when breaking in a hybridvehicle. help me please as soon as possible. I will mark you as the brainliest Please help, I need it due today and urgently! Please give a small explanation and an answer