1. What eight words will change Wiesel's life forever? For him,
what was the meaning of those eight words beyond their literal


Answer 1


the SS officer uttered "Men to the left! Women to the right"! those words changed Elie for he was separated from his mother and sister forever.

Related Questions

Which line best helps develop the central idea that the plague was a very deadly disease?
A. "Elizabethans do not understand infection and contagion as we do."
B. "In 1565 the people of Bristol count up the plague victims for that year and arrive at the figure of 2,070..." *
C. "This last epidemic originates in Portugal and is brought to Devon by mariners."
D. "It is ironic that the great naval ships that deliver the English from the Spanish threat bring another danger..."

please answer if you have seen this lesson and actually taken the quiz to help prevent junk answers.





The answer is B because if there were 2,070 plague victims then the plague was probably very contagious and deadly.



“In 1565 the people of Bristol count up the plague victims for that year and arrive at the figure of 2,070 . . .”


Which of the following is an example of a fable





Fables usually have a simple lesson/message for the reader

answer: C

Explanation: a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

explain the irony of "keep your peace​



It means that - If you hold or keep your peace, you do not speak, even though there is something you want or ought to say.


However according to the bible “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

What does the word precipitated mean in the following sentence?

The incident at school precipitated the need for more security.



cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.

Identify three voice qualities





hope this helped

Compare and Contrast Nixon Video and Article
Submit a 4–5 paragraph essay that compares and contrasts 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate. Draw conclusions from both texts to make your points. Support your statements with quotations and evidence from the texts. Write using clear and varied sentences.
Make sure you review the grading rubric so that you understand how you will be graded.
(pls hurry)



did you ever get the essay and if you did can i pls get it


The 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate are two separate texts that shed light on Richard Nixon's presidency.

What is Transcript?

A transcript is a typed or written record of a spoken conversation or event. It is a verbatim record of the words spoken during the conversation or event, typically created through the transcribing process.

The 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate offer opposing viewpoints on the Watergate scandal.

The video is Nixon's defence of himself, while the article is a more critical look at Nixon's role in the scandal.

Despite their differences, both texts highlight the importance of the Watergate scandal and its impact on American politics.

The documents demonstrate that Nixon's presidency was defined by scandal and controversy, leaving an indelible mark on American history.

Thus, this is the comparison between Nixon Video and Article.

For more details regarding Nixon Video and Article, visit:



do u think we should live in space ?
( write 4-5 paragraphs )

ill give brainliest i need this done asappp


No, I don’t think we should live in space because it is already hard enough to get all the equipment needed for traveling into space. No other planet besides Earth has what we need to survive as humans. There is no water or food on any other planets therefore we would probably starve to death or die of dehydration. Unless you live in a space shuttle for the rest of your life there is really no way of surviving in space.

Brainstorming is an uncritical, non-evaluative process of generating associated ideas.





bring v. a. yourself b. themselves c. himself d. myself Darpana hardly obeys me, ? a. does she b. isn't she c. is she d. doesn't she 10 Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets. (3x1=3) DOLGOTH 1195 i. They never visit their parents. (into affirmative) ii. Rohan said, "Where do you live?" (into direct speech) hii. The house was sold. Shambhu lived in the houses for 10 years. (in one sentence with relative clause) . Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box below. (2x1= is have has i. Hemanta already left the village. ii. Neither of the boys excellent in studies this year. Group "B" 4. Read the passage below and do the activities that follow. (10) otho Gautam was born in Lumbini in Nepal about 2-​



" don't walk on the grass " said our teacher



don't walk on the grass " our teacher said


Don’t walk on the grass

vii)The word ‘ withdraw’ in para 3 is closest in meaning to -------------------
c)pull out.
viii)The word ‘shield’ in para 2 is closest in meaning to -----------------



pull out


hope it helps..



Answer: I love you,” she said softly.


"I love you," she said softly.

free poinnttts...........​






Question 5. Everyone likes him, ?
A. doesn't he B. doesn't she C. don't they D. don't you
Question 6. The story I’ve just read................... by Agatha Christie
A. were written B. was written C. was written from D. wrote by



5 ) don't they

6 ) was written

screenshot 2021-06 54.09 am ong


I feel it’s a bit at the same time u didn’t provide enough information cause we didn’t read the story

In another paragraph, describe an individual healthy weight-management plan. The plan should include specific details about goals, diet, exercise, and evaluative monitoring.



Reasonable weight loss expectations. Avoid the weight loss equivalents of “get rich quick” schemes. These are popular diet plans and exercise programs that guarantee you large and rapid weight losses in short time periods, such as “Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days!” or “Get Slim by Saturday!” Instead, look for programs that have you aim for about a pound per week of weight loss. While people do tend to lose larger amounts of weight the first week or two of a new weight loss program this rate is often not sustainable longer term. Assuming that you will continue to lose weight at that rate can lead to you feeling frustrated and giving up completely.


A diet that fits with your preferences. In head-to-head comparisons, weight loss diets have been shown to work about the same in terms of weight loss success. Most important is choosing a program that has a diet that you ENJOY! Do you like vegetables? If so, maybe a vegetarian diet will work for you. Are you able to not eat over long periods of time without getting “hangry”? If so, intermittent fasting might be worth a try. The program should focus on dietary changes that you can stick with long-term. Enjoying what you eat is really important. Who wants to feel deprived for even short periods of time?


Keeping your favorite foods. Along with choosing an overall diet that fits your preferences, make sure your program leaves room for your favorite foods. For example, having a bowl of ice cream in the evening may be really important to you, so trying to cut it out completely may lead you to give up on weight loss entirely. Instead, try having a smaller serving (a half a cup, for example), filling your bowl with fruit and a small dollop of ice cream, substituting a lower-calorie option (such as frozen yogurt), or having it less frequently (such as once per week at a restaurant, so as not to tempt you each night at home).


Focus on changing both eating and activity patterns. Many people try to lose weight by increasing physical activity alone. However, weight loss is primarily driven by dietary changes. So you might ask, “Why exercise at all?” Exercise is a major driver of weight maintenance. That is, being active can help prevent you from regaining weight once you’ve lost it. Keeping this in mind, choose a program that has you getting into the swing of both diet and exercise at the start, when you are the most motivated.


Tracking your weight. A good program should have you tracking the changes that you are trying to make. Think about tracking your weight in the same way as you think about checking your bank account balance. Even though it may not be pleasant at times to know the balance, you need that information to be able to adjust your “spending” of calories and “banking” of exercise. Whether you use a smartphone app or just a piece of paper, tracking allows you to see what strategies are working to help you lose weight and what strategies are not.


Tracking your diet. In addition to tracking your weight, a good program should also have you track what you eat and drink. It can be really easy to forget about the calories in that coffee drink, the mayonnaise in your sandwich, or the chocolates you grabbed off a colleague’s desk. Track your diet to know where you can trim calories with the least amount of pain. Apps or websites can make tracking easier than ol’ paper and pencil. They can remember your frequently consumed foods or meals, utilize barcode scanners for packaged foods, and import recipes.


Accountability and support over the long-term. Finally, the program you choose should provide the type of accountability and support that you need. In-person and phone-based programs tend to lead to larger weight losses than online programs because they have quite a bit of accountability and support. On the other hand, web-based and smartphone programs can be helpful for those with challenging or unpredictable schedules (especially if they have a way to provide accountability and support!). Be sure to look for programs that continue to provide accountability and support over the long-term, which has been shown to help maintain your initial success!

While there is no perfect diet plan, find one that fits best with your lifestyle and that encourages you to keep going even after you’ve experienced small slips. Looking for the 7 key components listed above can help you look past marketing claims and find a program most likely to help you successfully meet your long-term weight loss goals.


We don’t want to delay this project any longer.

This sentence is an example of a -

(a) Simple Past Tense

(b) Simple Present Continuous Tense

(c) Simple Present Tense

(d) Simple Past Continuous Tense​



simple past tense I guess

Can anyone help me plz





The slippery slope fallacy goes like this: If we let something happen, it will slip further and further to something seen as way worse.

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and the information in the paragraph below it.


ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar.

Background information:

"The Evil That Men Do” is the title of a song by the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. The lyrics of the chorus say that people’s evil deeds live on.

Iron Maiden’s reference to the line from Shakespeare’s play is an example of

cultural allusion.
literary allusion.
historical allusion.
religious allusion.



Historical Allusion


I just did it on edge.



it is the third answer ♡

Judson, reaching for his boots, stepped fairly upon the acorn, his foot slid from under him and his head struck the massive table as he fell. Several minutes later he began to regain his senses. Alec’s strong arm was supporting his as he lay on the porch and a kindly voice was saying: “’Twarn’t much of a fall, Mr. Webb. You aren’t cut none; jest knocked out for a minute. Here, take this; it’ll pull you together.” A small glass was pressed to his lips. Dazed and half-conscious, he drank.

How does Alec’s arrival in the cabin affect the events of the story and how does this relate to the theme? Explain.



Alec's arrival leads Judson to drink the poisoned whiskey and most probably to his death.

This is related to the theme of the story because Judson tried to get justice in his own hands, leading to him getting the same treatment.


The short story "Ruthless" by William DeMille revolves around the story of Judson Webb and his "trap" of putting poisoned whiskey for whoever broke into his cabin house while he's away. The story has a dramatic ending with that same whiskey being given to Mr. Webb.

Alec is the caretaker of the cabin while the city folks are away. So, after Mr. Webb put the rat poison in the whiskey, he was on his way to return to the city. But he slipped on an acorn, knocking him out for some time. And when he gained consciousness, he saw that he given whiskey, which seemed to be his poisoned whiskey. So, Alec's arrival leads to Judson drinking the poisoned whiskey.

This relates to the main theme of not taking things into one's own hands. Trying to exact justice into one's own hands would lead to serious consequences.

The teacher formed a softball team.
A. Based Form
B. Past
C. present participle
D. past principle


past principle

because base form is only in action word

present principle is only using ing




I'm pretty sure its Repetition

Reflect on your experiences and explore your own growth and
development during this past year. How has the pandemic changed you?
What are some things you've learned about yourself during this time? As
you reflect on your response, consider your life outside and inside of

Be sure to support your response with elaboration, details, and

I need help with this.can somebody please help me



It can be hard for persons to answer a question like this so as yourself these. How has the pandemic affected you? How did it affect your mental health? When you are locked away, how do you cope with it?

When it asks questions like what did you learn about yourself, ask how did you respond to the news of the lockdown. Ask how is your health, life and family important other than your school work or grades

Be sure to explain in detail how you feel or felt since it's a reflection and you can't really fake it.

If its a speech for your class or school that you have to read aloud, maybe ask some questions. You can also add a little story about something that happened to you that changed your perspective on the world or people. It doesn't have to be a great thing, It can be something small.


My little thing would say:

This year has changed a lot for me, not only in terms of my health but my relationships. I always thought of myself as a honour student with good grades and a perfect life, well not really perfect, I still hate cooking but that's besides the point. I was one of the persons that got really overwhelmed when the news of the virus hit. Schools, parties and all the fun places I used to love going all shut down. Although, I tried to make the best of being inside, I felt trapped. With no school and no where to go my mental health began to go. I felt like I was trapped in a dark alley with nowhere to turn. School started to do online classes, but that didn't make things any better, in fact they made it worse. With no motivation and my mental health dwindling, my grades started to plummet.

Yeah hoped that helped, if I finished that I would tell you my whole life story. I didn't have any anecdotes in mine, but be sure to use like little stories in yours. Make it so people laugh and enjoy themselves, then hit them with the sad tales of your life so they feel bad for laughing or don't. It's up to you, it's your life story.

Have fun and Happy writing

Select the correct answer.
Read the sentence.

In his farewell address, President Washington acknowledged that taxes, though inconveneint and unpleasant, generate revenue.

Which rule can be used to correct the spelling of the underlined word?

Change y to i when adding an ending.
Drop a final e when adding an ending that begins with a vowel.
Use i before e except after c.
Double the final consonant when adding an ending that starts with a vowel.



C). Use I before e except after c.


As per the question, the thumb rule of mnemonics that 'I before e, except after c must be used' would be employed to rectify the given sentence. According to this rule, the words involving the digraphs either 'ie' or 'ei' must employ 'i' first and 'e' later excluding the case where the preceding letter is 'C.' Thus, the word 'inconveneint' would be converted to 'inconvenient'('ei' to 'ie') as per this rule in order to make its spelling grammatically correct. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

Answer: use i before e exept after c


Please answer this question to your best ability, Fake/No answers will be reported



Freewriting: Writing down first thoughts on a topic in a timed sessions, without pausing to check for relevance or grammar

Clustering: Connecting ideas for a topic using different shapes and color-coding to identify how the ideas are related

Three perspectives: Describing a topic, tracing its history, and examining its connections with related topics


Freewriting is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without worrying or regarding grammatical errors. This is designed to get all your ideas out and revise later.

Clustering is the concept of connecting different ideas for a topic, often incorporation the use of shapes and lines to relate them.

Multiple perspectives are used in to trace an idea throughout various time periods and perspectives, then connecting these perspectives with each other and the topic.

“Last month when I mailed a check to pay my phone bill, it arrived a week late. I got charged a late fee! Mail delivery these days is terrible!”

Which logical fallacy is found in this sentence?

non sequitur

red herring

hasty generalization

bandwagon appeal


It’s A. Non sequitur sorry if I’m wrong

Which three factors determine the formality of a discussion?

O opinion, audience, and time
O topic, audience, and purpose
O facts, purpose, and location
O topic, time, and location


the second one, “topic, audience, and purpose”

The three major factors which determine the formality of a discussion are topic, audience, and purpose. Thus, the correct option will be B.

What is formality of a discussion?

A large part of human communication is spoken whether it is during a friendly conversation, a news broadcast, a lecture, or a negotiation over the price of things such as a car. The way that a person speak depends on the communication situation. For example, if a person get pulled over by a police officer, he will speak differently than if he is talking to a friend at the locker. Each situation calls for a specific level of formality or formal communication.

The three major factors which determine the formality of a discussion include topic, audience, and purpose.

Therefore, the correct option will be B.

Learn more about Discussions here:



Help me with this question please lol:)



the answer is the first one i think... please let me know if i am right or wrong


Give a brief summary of your extra curricular involvement and leadership positions you have held at your previous school.


Answer and Explanation:

Hi. This is a question that requires a personal answer, that is, an answer based on your own experience. However, I hope I help you with the answer below.

At my previous school I led a group of students responsible for cleaning up the beaches for four weekends. Although I participated in other extracurricular activities, this one was the most meaningful to me, as in addition to establishing myself as a leader, I was able to promote an improvement to the beaches in my previous city. During this activity, my group organized to promote the cleaning of a different beach each weekend. We arrived at the point of collecting a truck full of garbage from each beach. Most of this waste was plastic, but we found other materials as well. We divided it into different regions on the beach and everyone worked very well and I believe that despite the fatigue they were all very satisfied.

Other Questions
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