15. How mh energy does a 850W microwave transfer reheating a meal for 30s?


Answer 1
Answer- is 10000000000
Answer 2

Answer: 25500 joules

Explanation: E = P x t

Related Questions

What happens to the force between charged and uncharged objects as the distance between them decreases?


Answer:Thus, if each of the charges were reduced by one-half, the repulsion would be reduced to one-quarter of its former value. Also In electrostatics, the electrical force between two charged objects is inversely related to the distance of separation between the two objects. ... And decreasing the separation distance between objects increases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


Nothing, until those two objects physically touch each other; contact aligns polarity among the now single shared mass.

(Your question never states if both objects are unique or similar polar charges, so I just assumed they were both neutral objects existing within an electric field.)

So a better question would then be, what is gravity’s relationship with an electric field?

You could solve this with the following: confine the electric field’s volume to a set variable (never increasing nor decreasing in size or shape); density is variable and easily definable. This creates the limit to build upon. This density has to be fluid and has electron mass (full of electrons at rest mass, so with substance but no movement). Within, create a closed system (the hard part in this equation; outside interference like ambient light will eschew results) where each variable of kinetic energy then is accounted for or measurable (including heat and light, and the physical movement of the two objects)

Determine the mass for both objects, calculate gravity for both and each body’s inertia on the other as a sum over distance. record results. Polarity is shared across the masses until there is no longer inertia (one mass or contact).

Some students found this information about an energy saving lamp and a filament lamp that give out almost the same amount of light.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type of lamp.



By replacing your home's five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the ENERGY STAR, you can save $75 each year.

Compared to traditional incandescents, energy-efficient lightbulbs such as halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs) have the following advantages:

Typically use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescents, saving you money

Can last 3-25 times longer.

In your own words explain why the thickness and length of a wire could effect the flow of electrons​



(you can use my exact words) The length and thickness would make it so that the electrons move differently than they would a shorter and thinner wire because with the wire being longer the electrons would have a longer trip and with the wire being thicker the electrons would be more spread out and move be able to move more freely

Which statements correctly identify chart of Earth and Jupiter?






The first box, second box, and fourth box are correct. I think the fifth might be correct...not completley sure about the fifth box.


Three gases are at the same temperature and so have the same kinetic energy . The atomic mass of gas 1 is 10amu the atomic mass of gas 2 is 25 and atomic mass of gas 3 is 8. Which gas will have the greatest velocity ?​



We mentioned in the study section of Lecture 2 that hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of 1 to 8, but that this is not enough information for leading to the conclusion that two hydrogen atoms combine with one of oxygen to form a water molecule. A key idea is attributed to Avagadro who said that equal volumes of gas (at the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of constituent atoms or molecules. Experiments show that two liters of hydrogen gas will combine with one liter of oxygen gas to form two liters of water vapor. Each hydrogen molecule in hydrogen gas consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded together. Likewise, two oxygen atoms bind to make a oxygen molecule.

A "model" of a physical process is used to represent what one actually observes, even though this is an "ideal" model and not expected to be correct in all respects. However, it is a good enough model to explain many of the properties of gases with sufficient accuracy.

The motion of gas particles can be used to explain the pressure exerted and the temperature of a gas. The pressure on a surface is due to the force on that surface divided by its area. The force comes about from the multiple impacts of individual gas particles. Temperature, on the other hand, is DEFINED in terms of the average kinetic energy assocated with the motion of the gas particles. The greater the kinetic energy, the greater the temperature. See the apparatus shown in Figure 7.6 of the text which gives a simple way of measuring the distributions of speeds of atomic particles.

To visualize how gas particles colliding with a container create pressure, see Website II.

Gas particles move in all possible directions with differing speeds. The Kinetic Energy (KE) of a gas particle is equal to 1/2 its mass times its speeds squared. That is KE = 1/2 M x V2 , where M is the mass of the gas particle and V is its speed. The gas particles have a range of speeds, just like cars on a road, but it is the average of the speed squared times the mass, or the average kinetic energy which characterizes the temperature of a gas.

High temperature is associated with high kinetic energies and low temperatures are associated with low kinetic energies. However, keep in mind that the kinetic energy, and in this case the temperature, is proportional to the mass times the speed squared. So heavy particles moving more slowly will have the same kinetic energy as light particles moving more rapidly. Also, because the kinetic energy varies as the square of the speed, if two particles have the same mass, but one moves twice as fast as the other, it will have four times the kinetic energy (or temperature).

If temperature is associated with kinetic energy of a gas, one could ask at this point what controls the temperature of solids and liquids. It turns out that it is the kinetic energy of the constituent atoms and molecules that characterize the temperature of liquids and solids as well. We show in class a transparency picturing a solid with its atoms rigidly connected to each other. We will discuss more about liquids and solids in the next lecture, based on chapter 8. However, for now, let's keep in mind that the atoms or molecules in a solid, although bound to its neighbors in a rigid structure, can oscillate back and forth, and it is this motion that characterizes the temperature of a solid (or in a similar manner, of a liquid as well). As before, rapid oscillations mean high temperatures, and slower oscillations are lower temperatures.

4 - The Three Temperature Scales

There are three temperature scales. In the United States, we commonly use the Farenheit scale while in most other nations, the Celsius or Centigrade scale is used. Figure 7.10 shows these two scales side by side. Water boils at 212 degrees Farenheit or 100 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit or zero degrees Centigrade. However, the most important temperature scale for scientific calculations is the absolute temperature scale, or the Kelvin scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is the coldest possible temperature: it can be physically interpreted as the situation where the atoms or molecules have zero kinetic energy...so this is a very natural temperature scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is also -273 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at +273 degrees Kelvin and zero degrees Centigrate. Hence, a difference of one degree is the same on the Centigrade and Kelvin scales, but the zero points are different.

R.S. Panvini


what's the difference between work and power


Work is defined as the process of energy transfer to the motion of an object through the application of force. ... Power is defined as the amount of energy transferred in unit time. The SI unit of power is the watt.

You need to have power or energy, to be able to work. When you reach another lesson, you will learn about time, which is the flow of work you have done. You need more work than time for your work to count.

If you need more help, don't hesitate to ask!

May I please have brainliest?

WORK is the amount of energy used to get something done.

POWER is the RATE at which the energy is used and the work is done.

Does anyone understand This question if you do can you tell me the answer



50N increasing


it looks like we want the net force. this is the sum of all forces acting on the object. here the problem is extremely simplified and we are even given the values of force. this looks like the rocket is producing an upward force of 160 newtons. it also looks like maybe weight (gravity) and drag (air resistance) are producing downward force against the rocket. we can say those would be subtracting from the amount of upwards force. so 160-40-70=50N. since the force is positive that means we will still have a magnitude of force vector that points upward and so we will increase.

A sled starts off with an initial velocity of 8 m/s and slows down to 2 m/s after 3 seconds. What was its acceleration?





How does Newton's third law of motion apply to how the planets move?


According to Newton's third law of motion, every action has an equal but opposite reaction. When the force of thrust is exerted on an object, it will cause the equal but opposite reaction of moving the object through the air.

Please help me like rn it’s an embergency



first one


electromagnetism is the forces and fields associated with charge

9. True or false. Training at high altitudes can also increase the amount of
oxygen that can be carried by the circulatory system. *


False because when the training higher there is less oxygen

As your scooter coasts downhill, your speed goes from 4 m/s to 6 m/s in 1.5
seconds. What is your acceleration?
A. 2.4 m/s
B. 1.3 m/s
C. 0.8 m/s
D. 3.0 m/s



it is B.


Why do some organisms never turn into fossils?
A. They are far too large to be buried in the ground.

B. They are made mostly of soft tissues.

C. They contain too much protein to be preserved.

D. They contain chemicals that prevent the hardening of their bodies.



The answer is B.


Since they are made up of soft tissues, they decompose become they become fossils.

What type of tool would best be used to map a section of the ocean floor?


Echo sounding is the key method scientists use to map,uses sound waves bounced off the ocean bottom.

There are three tools used to map the ocean floor, sonar, satellites, and submersibles.

A car travels at 12 m/s. The car then accelerates at 3 m/s2 until it reaches a speed of 18m/s.
Use the formula: (final velocity)2 – (initial velocity)2 = 2 x acceleration * distance
Calculate the distance the car travels.
2 m
6 m
30 m
60 m



С. 30 m


Given the following data;

Initial velocity, U = 12m/s

Final velocity, V = 18m/s

Acceleration, a = 3m/s²

To find the distance, we would use the third equation of motion;

V ² = U² + 2aS

Substituting into the equation, we have

18² = 12² + 2*3*S

324 = 144 + 6S

6S = 324 - 144

6S = 180

S = 180/6

Distance, S = 30 meters.

As a geologist, you come across a landscape with a massive fault zone that
produces a lot of large earthquakes but has no volcanoes. What type of plate
boundary is this? What are the movements of plates there? Where is this type
of boundary found in California?



At a convergent boundary where both plates are continental, mountain ranges grow and earthquakes are common. At a transform boundary, there is a transform fault and massive earthquakes occur but there are no volcanoes. Processes acting over long periods of time create Earth's geographic features.


Calculate the efficiency of a hairdryer that has a total power input of 2000W and a useful power output of 1200W.


Answer would be 40 w

What is the current if a charge of 25 coulombs passes in 5 seconds?


Answer: 5 amps

Explanation: I = Q/t

what determines the color of light?

1. brightness
2. wavelength
3. amplitude
4. reflection rate


The answer is wavelength because The wavelength of visible light determines the color that the light appears. Light with the longest wavelength appears red, and light with the shortest wavelength appears violet. ... The wavelengths of visible light that an object reflects or transmits determine the color that the object appears to the human eye


2. wavelength


Light moves in waves. Light waves are different from sound waves in that light travels in transverse waves (as opposed to longitudinal, which is how sound waves travel). A light wave that travels in a direction is called a light ray.

Just like other waves, light waves have a wavelength and amplitude. The wavelength determines the color; we will learn more about this in the lesson on color. The amplitude of a light wave determines the brightness. Just as large amplitudes in sound waves result in sounds with greater intensities (louder sounds), large amplitudes in light waves result in light with greater intensity (brighter light).

How is impact force and impact time related when describing the same impulse?

a) Inversely proportional
b) Directly proportional
c) They are opposite to each other
d) None of the above



The correct option is (a)


Impulse is given by the product of force and time. It is denoted by J. So,

[tex]J=F\times t[/tex]



It can be seen that the relation between the force and the impact time is inverse. Hence, the impact force and impact time possess inverse relation.  

describe the steps that occurs in the process of fission



--In the first step, a uranium-235 atom absorbs a neutron, and splits into two new atoms (fission fragments), releasing three new neutrons and a large amount of binding energy. -- In the second step, one of those neutrons is absorbed by an atom of uranium-238, and does not continue the reaction.


Nuclear fission begins when a neutron hits the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus splits in two and releases thermal energy and releases more neutrons. The neutrons hits the nuclei of more atoms, splitting them and releasing more energy and neutrons.

I hope this helps!!

pls pls pls pls help!!!!!
A 96 kg man is standing in an elevator. The man experiences a net force when the elevator moves at an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 upward and downward. Find both net forces



The net upward force the man experiences is approximately 1,324.8 N

The net downward force the man experienced is approximately 556.8 N


The given mass of the man, m = 96 kg

The acceleration of the elevator, a = 4.0 m/s²

According to Newton's third law of motion which states that action ad reaction are equal and opposite, when the elevator moves upwards, we have;

The net force the man experiences, F = Gravitational force, m·g + The force of the elevator pushing upwards, m·a

∴ ↑F = m·g + m·a


F = The net force the man experiences

m = The mass of the man = 96 kg

g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.8 m/s²

a = The acceleration of the elevator = 4 m/s²

∴ ↑F = 96 kg × 9.8 m/s² + 96 kg × 4 m/s² ≈ 1,324.8 N

The net upward force the man experiences ≈ 1,324.8 N

When the elevator moves downwards, we have;

The net force the man experiences, F = Gravitational force, m·g + The loss of the gravitational force as the floor moves further downwards, -(m·a)

∴ F = m·g + -(m·a) = m·g - m·a

F = m·g - m·a

∴ ↓F = 96 kg × 9.8 m/s² - 96 k × 4 m/s² ≈ 556.8 N

The net downward force the man experienced ≈ 556.8 N

What do organisms get when Glucose is broken down?




chemical energy  :)   yay...  we can live  :D  

the answer is chemical energy !!

What is the study of economics?​



Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people.


The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives.

Hope this helps!


the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. (basically the study of money and not just banks but how it effects the world)


An optical device that reflects light ?





an optional device that reflects light is a mirror

A car traveling at 5m/s starts to speed up after 3 seconds its velocity has increased to 11 m/s what is its acceleration





a =(11-5)/3

a= 8/3

a= 2.6 m/s

The acceleration of the car is 2 m/s².

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate at which speed and direction of velocity vary over time. A point or object going straight ahead is accelerated when it accelerates or decelerates.

Even if the speed is constant, motion on a circle accelerates because the direction is always shifting. Both effects contribute to the acceleration for all other motions.

Acceleration is a vector quantity with and SI unit of it is meter/second².

Given parameters:

Initial speed of the car: u = 5 m/s.

Final speed of the car: v = 11 m/s.

Time interval: t = 3 second.

Change is speed = final speed - initial speed

= 11 m/s - 5 m/s

= 6 m/s.

Hence, its acceleration is = change in speed / time interval

= 6/3 m/s²

= 2 m/s².

Learn more about acceleration here:



Please answer quick - You find a chain of volcanoes along a coast on land, not too far inland from
the ocean. The region experiences frequent large earthquakes. What type of
plate boundary is this? What types of plates are involved? Where is this type of
boundary found in California?


San Andreas fault and the San Andreas plates. an Francisco, San Bernardino San Juan Bautista feel it the most

8. How do you know that
the bicyclists in the first
panel above are moving
at a constant velocity?



Constant velocity means that the object in motion is moving in a straight line at a constant speed. You know this as in the first panel each arrow representing each second is the same width apart, therefore you know the cyclists are moving at a constant velocity. Compare this to the second box representing changing speed. The arrows are different lengths meaning each second the cyclists are moving at a different speed and are not moving at a constant velocity.

Hope this helped.

the arrows that are drawn above are equal. whenever there are arrows in a diagram that are equal in length/ have a slash drawn through them it means that they are equal in speeding which also means constant velocity

URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! GIVING BRAINLIEST!! If you answer this correctly ill answer some of your questions you have posted! (30pts)



20 m


mechanical adv = distance over which the effort is applied (de) / distance the load travels (dr)

MA = de/ dr

10 = de/ 2

de = 20 m

which of the following is an example of potential energy:
(choose 2)

- a fire
- a book standing still on a shelf in the library
- a printer that is not connected
- your cellphone, when you make a call to someone



fire is a potential energy

Other Questions
9 1/4 - 4 5/6please answer and i answer for u An investor, such as a bank, may prefer to invest in securities backed by a pool of mortgages purchased in the secondary market rather than in an equal dollar amount of mortgage loans because:_________a. mortgage backed securities eliminate prepayment risk for the investor. b. mortgage backed securities diversify credit risk for the investor. c. mortgage backed securities offer higher yields than individual mortgages. d. mortgage backed securities returns are tax-exempt. 3 Zn + 2 MnF3 ---------> 2 Mn + 3 ZnF2Using the reaction above, calculate how many grams of manganese (Mn) are produced in this reaction when 8.5 moles of Zinc (Zn) are used as a reactant? the simplified form of (2^a)(2^b)(2^c) is Please can someone answer this I dont get it!!! 5 points and Brainly:) The size of a cell is typically found by capturing an image under a microscope then using software to measure its diameter. Two cells are measured using this method: Cell G: 4.21 x 10-3 centimeters Cell H: 9.2 x 10-4 centimeters How many times larger is the diameter of cell G than the diameter of cell H? Write your answer in standard notation, rounding to the nearest tenth. 10. Mark and John both have jobs they work after school. Mark has a job mowing lawns that pays $7 perhour. John works in an ice cream parlor. The table below shows how much money John earned eachday last week. Who has the better job? Please help me with this. Thank you! A boat travels 10 miles per hour upstream and 16 miles per hour downstream. How fast is the current? What is the product of the equation shown? 2 Na + S203 A. Na S203 B. NaS40 C. Na2S205D. Na2S2O3 An inclined plane consists of a 25 m length that raises an object 5 m above the ground. When pushing a 4500 N crate to the top of the ramp you exert 1000 N. What is the ideal Mechanical Advantage of this machine? someone helpthis dude abuses womenBRAINLY PLS HELPSOMOENE CALL THE POLICEhis uername is :3109959 CAN SOME ONE HELP ME WITH THIS PLEASE!What occurred at Fort Sumter in 1861? The area of the triangle below is 23.4 square inches. What is the length of the base?6 in is the height Monica deposits $100 into a savings account that pays a simple interest rate of 3.8%. Pauldeposits $200 into a savings account that pays a simple interest rate of 2.5%. Monica says thatshe will earn more interest in 1 year because her interest rate is higher. Is she correct? Justify yourresponse how do you say balcony In the context of the short story, does money buy happiness? Compare what different characters value in the storyHow do these things bring them happiness that money cannot? my question is in the picture as well as the problem. Which statement illustrates society's view of women as illustrated by Spenser's sonnet? Why should a reader evaluate the arguments made in a speech?Question 2 options:To find out if the authors argument agrees with the readers viewsTo find out the order in which the arguments are madeTo know whether the evidence given by the author is credibleTo determine how to respond to the argument