1980’s why did unions decline?


Answer 1


Increasing market rivalry, decreased manufacturing activity, and technology innovation that has replaced human labor have all been proposed as explanations for this occurrence. While all of these variables are crucial, such explanations ignore the political and institutional components of the transition. Dec


IBM, the world's largest computer manufacturer, announced the first layoffs in its 80-year history in February 1993. Throughout the 1980s, the firm had seen a gradual drop in profitability and slow development due to increased foreign and local competition; personnel modification and cost reduction looked necessary. Nonetheless, IBM's decision was a significant break from the company's well-known reputation of lifetime employment. It has prided itself on looking after its personnel throughout its history. However, when seen in a larger context, what was actually surprising was that the firm had managed to avoid layoffs for so long; most of its competitors had already embraced the practice as necessary. Since the 1980s, corporate America has been subjected to waves of downsizing. Firms made layoffs amid economic downturns long before the 1980s. However, prominent US corporations' layoff policies changed dramatically in the 1980s. Previously, layoff denoted a temporary suspension of employment with the expectation that laid-off workers would be called back when economic conditions improved, but it has increasingly evolved to indicate permanent termination (see Figure 1 attachment). Furthermore, unlike in the past, even strong and lucrative businesses have begun to downsize. For example, Xerox stated in 1993 that it would lose 10,000 positions, or about 10% of its workforce, despite the fact that the firm had been successful for several years before to the announcement. Its CEO emphasized that the firm needed to be lean and adaptable in order to compete effectively. What is the cause of this dramatic shift in layoff policy among significant US corporations? Increasing market rivalry, decreased manufacturing activity, and technology innovation that has replaced human labor have all been proposed as explanations for this occurrence. While all of these variables are crucial, such explanations ignore the political and institutional components of the transition. In recent research, I show that altering inter-class power dynamics inside big US corporations were behind the shift in layoff policy. Several prior studies have found that wealthy shareholders and senior executives advocated for permanent layoffs as a way to increase shareholder value—the company's stock price. However, these studies do not paint a whole picture of the inter-class power struggle over layoff policy. They neglect how employees and labor unions resisted the modification of layoff practices and how the larger political context limited their capacity to fight while emphasizing on the involvement of shareholders and senior executives. In my research, I look at labor unions' opposition to the transition from temporary to permanent layoffs. Labor unions reportedly fought back vehemently, but given their waning political clout, it's unclear how effective their opposition was. Industrial unions, particularly in critical industrial industries like automotive and steel, previously played a crucial role in building a system of statutory laws and unwritten conventions that compelled employers to ensure that employees' job security was linked to their reciprocal commitment to the enterprise. One move that signaled this commitment was temporary layoffs followed by recall. During economic downturns, corporations used this approach to reduce employee size while workers remained loyal to their original employers. However, in the late 1970s, the industrial unionism that dictated employment policies in many big US corporations began to crumble. As the power of industrial unionism faded, a new set of ideas arose to modify US employers' employment policies. New power groups in financial markets, particularly major institutional investors (e.g., mutual and public pension funds), began to put pressure on management to improve profitability and maximize shareholder returns as many enterprises suffered from a chronic fall in market share and profitability. Firms began to actively participate in substantial downsizing in order to preserve, recover, and even enhance their stock price, owing to institutional investors' pressure and the Reagan administration's pro-business posture. This strained the relationship between employees and their bosses even further.

1980s Why Did Unions Decline?

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Espionage & Sedition???


Answer: President Woodrow Wilson and Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, which made any "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the US government or military, as well as any "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the US government or military, illegal.

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a depiction of the When was the Quran revealed? Muslims believe God verbally revealed the Quran to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel over the course of 23 years, beginning on December 22, 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, Muhammad's death year.

Answer: December 22 ,609 CE.

Explanation:Muslims believe that the Qua ran was verbally revalued from the God Muhammad through the angel Gabriel gradually over a period of 23 years. This was when Muhammad was 40 and it ended in 632 CE the year of his death.

The issue Middle Eastern nations have with
Israel stems from what?
A. Commmunism
B. Nuclear weapons
C. Religion
D. Trade


Religion, Jewish vs. Muslim
Religion. The majority of people that live in Israel are Jews. The majority of people in the middle east are muslims.

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Imperialism also brought confrontation between the cultures. By 1900, Western nations had control over most of the globe. Europeans were convinced that they had superior cultures and forced the people to accept modern or Western ways



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it enforced the previous ruling of the Missour Compromise and extended the boundary line into the Kansas and Nebraska
© It increased sectionalism and led to violence between anti-enslavement and pro-enslavement settlers
O It banned enslavement in all territories acquired from Mexico,
It admitted Kansas as a free state and allowed enslavement in Nebraska



The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty.


I hope this helps you! :)


It increased sectionalism and led to violence between anti-enslavement and pro-enslavement settlers

did the test

Help with this my teacher said this was history but I clearly don't understand


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Plessy v. Ferguson was a Supreme Court decision that upheld the validity of racial segregation, popularly known as "separate but equal." It validated numerous state legislation implemented in the South to re-establish racial segregation.

racial segregation is when your taking rights away from people just because of there race and in this case preventing African Americans to vote is taking away there rights to vote.

hope this helps

have an awesome day -TJ

PART A: What does the phrase "puppet government" most closely mean as it is used in paragraph


Answer: A “puppet government” refers to a government that is officially autonomous, but which, in practice, is controlled by another nation.


Why do you think the constitution of 1895 was considered a setback for African American?


Answer: The key to disenfranchising Black citizens was the new suffrage clause in the 1895 constitution that extended voting rights only to men paying taxes on property assessed at $300 or more, who were also able to read and write the state constitution, and those who could prove state and precinct residency.


ANSWER NOW! How has the war in Ukraine affected farmers in the US?

a. many farm workers are going to fight in Ukraine

b. fertilizer prices are going up

c. gas prices are going down

d. the price of wheat is at an all time high



the answer is b the fertilizer prices have tripled or quadruped in prices in many U.S. places hope this helps!

1. How do you think Charles Darwin's theories impacted education?


Evolution could now be taught in public schools. Darwin's theory of evolution completely changed the foundational premise for teaching science. Biology textbooks were immediately rewritten from an evolution viewpoint. Public education transitioned from a religious foundation to a secular one.Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection falls into this category, making Darwin one of the most important thinkers of modern times. He helped to transform how people thought about the natural world and humans' place within it..

How do the long telegram, the Truman Doctrine, and the Marshall Plan create a cohesive foreign policy? Cite specific examples to support your response.


Answer: In February 1946, George F. Kennan's transmission from Moscow was published in the Kennan-Roosevelt Telegram, which is now known as the Kennan-Roosevelt Telegram.

Explanation: Kennan's "Long Telegram" was the cornerstone of the United States' "containment" strategy against the Soviet Union for the duration of the Cold War.

In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case, the Supreme Court ruled that:

A. states had the right to decide whether or not to allow slavery.

B. publicly calling for an end to slavery was illegal under federal law.

C. the federal government could not pass laws limiting slavery.

D. enslaved people had the right to sue citizens in federal courts.


The Dred Scott v Sandford case processed by the Supreme Court ruled that the American constitution does not apply to any African decadents living in the US. With no rights of freedom and no protection under the constitution, federal laws or government cannot pass laws limiting slavery.

The best answer would be C

Hope this helped!

In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case, the Supreme Court ruled that states had the right to decide whether or not to allow slavery. The correct option is A.

On March 6, 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dred Scott decision, holding that Dred Scott, an slavery, was not entitled to freedom since he had resided in a free state or territory. The ruling basically concluded that Scott was not a citizen and was not eligible to file a lawsuit in a federal court since he was someone else's property.

Dred Scott was still a slave, according to the court's decision, and no African American could be a citizen. Moreover, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was declared unlawful by the court.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Dred Scott here:



Read the sentence below, and answer the question that follows.
The sharp cacophony of sirens blaring startled the birds resting in the park and sent them wheeling in the
Which tone is established based on the use of the word cacophony in this sentence?


I believe it would be tense. This is due to the words sharp, blaring, startled

!!!!!!!!!!!81 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Briefly tell what these events were and analyze their importance in the Reconstruction era:(3 pts each)
b.The assassination of Lincoln –
c.The rise of the Ku Klux Klan –
d.The impeachment of Andrew Johnson –


The assassination of Lincoln was when Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in the Ford theater, this was big because he was a civil rights activist and he stopped slavery.

On August 8, 1925, more than 50,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan paraded through Washington, D.C. This was big because after the civil war white people used violence and intimidation to try and keep slaves.

The impeachment of Andrew Johnson was when the house of representatives impeached Johnson and accursed him of high crimes and misdemeanors. He survived his trial by one vote.

Which goals did Lyndon Johnson have as president?

Choose all answers that are correct.

a good education for every child

wipe out poverty

equality for all men and women

caring for old people

minimum wage



choose all answers that all are correct answer

background of olympics


Answer: The Games have a 3,000-year history dating back to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece. Every four years, Olympia hosted sporting events that became known as the Olympic Games. We don't know when they began, although the year 776 BC is frequently mentioned in recorded documents.

Explanation: In the summary: Every four years, Olympia hosted sporting events that became known as the Olympic Games. The Games have a 3,000-year history dating back to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece.

I hope this helps!

Which achievements does the text describe? Check all
that apply.
Several Black men and women have led major
O A Latina businesswoman founded a bank and a
marketing company.
O A Latino businessman created a housing empire.
O A Black husband and wife established an
employment agency together.
Latina businesswomen have worked as CEOs for
Fortune 500 companies.



1, 2, 3


The text describes the achievements by the Black and Latino community as,

Several Black men and women have led major corporations;A Latina businesswoman founded a bank and a marketing company;A Latino businessman created a housing empire.

What is the significance of the Black and Latino community?

The Black and Latino community have made significant contributions to the American society. The number of their contributions have grown, especially after the end of segregation laws in the United States.

The influence of the Black and Latino community on the American society has been in diverse fields and both male and female populations have been involved in influencing the society.

Hence, options A, B and C hold true regarding Black and Latino community.

Learn more about Black and Latino Community here:



can some parts of war be dignified why or why not


Yes because mostly every war that has ever started has happened do to conflict of some sort and always has a reason of why but also some countries don’t have a reason to be in the war with countries that do.

What are customs and beliefs that arise within a diverse culture realm made up of a variety of culture groups part of? ОА. folk culture O B. latent culture oc. popular culture OD ethnic culture​


Answer: Popular culture.


how do most people make their opinions known to govenment officials
a: voting
b: paying taxes
c: being informed
d: attending school



Most people make their opinions known to goverment officails through voting.


The payer of taxes does not share their opinion.

Being informed is good but it is not telling government officials your opinion.

Attending school is also good but does not lead you to share anything with government officials.

• How did the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions promote new ideas about rights that impacted lower class people, women, and people of African descent? Explain your answer with specific examples from this period of class, gender, and race.

• With your previous answers in mind, what were the most important accomplishments of the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions?

• What were the most negative things that took place during the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions? Explain your answer.



Liberty referred to religious freedom, freedom of the press, and freedom from oppressive government (torture, censorship, and so on). Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau were Enlightenment writers who inspired ordinary readers, politicians, and even rulers of state all around the Western world.


The ideas of freedom, toleration, progress, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of religion and state were propagated during the Enlightenment.

What was Enlightenment Age of Revolutions ?

These principles go counter to the monarchs and imperial regimes that were prevalent at the period.

These principles were what initially prompted American intellectuals to reconsider submitting to and paying taxes to a monarch, which ultimately led to the American Revolution. These principles captivated the French as well, inspiring the French Revolution.

Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom from repressive government were all examples of liberty (torture, censorship, and so on). Enlightenment authors like Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau influenced common people, politicians, and even head of states throughout the Western world.

These principles go counter to the monarchs and imperial regimes that were prevalent at the period. These principles were what initially prompted American intellectuals to reconsider submitting to and paying taxes to a monarch, which ultimately led to the American Revolution.

Learn more about Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions here


# SPJ 2

Which 20th-century Chinese leader introduced free market reforms in
communist China after the end of the Cultural Revolution?
A. Deng Xiaoping
B. Chiang Kai-shek
C. Mao Zedong
D. Sun Yat-sen


the answer is A. Deng Xioping

What was Lewis H. Latimer?



Lewis Howard Latimer was an inventor and patent draftsman. His inventions included an evaporative air conditioner, the light bulb with a fiber filament made of carbon, and an improved toilet system for railroad cars.


Explain the roles of African Americans and women in the military
in World War II. What prejudice did these groups face?


They were not granted the same rights as white soldiers.

what falls out of dr clarks suitcase



The answer is the Clark zapper its a therapy device that you use



What are some of the ways King Henry II further strengthened rthe king's power in Britain? Select ALL that apply.
a. He set up a central royal court
b. He married Eleanor of Aquitaine and gained her land
c. He set up juries of citizens to settle legal disputes.
d. He seized all land from the nobles



all correct


How are the bodies of the three animals similar to one another? How are they different?

After italy was defeated in 1943, who was left to fight against the Allied forces in world war one?



Germany and japan


Question 16 of 20
What is true of the federal level of government and the state and local level in
the creation of public policy?
A. Both set policy related to public education.
B. Both set policy related to family law.
C. Both set policy related to the economy.
D. Both set policy related to foreign countries.





Because it makes the most sense

A political ideology where the interest of the nation comes before its citizens.


i don't kown the answer sorry

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