2. all of the following are accurate pairings of a researcher with their contributions regarding learning except: a. ivan pavlov - demonstrated how the acquisition of a cr depends on pairing the cs and the us (c b.f. skinner - designed an operant chamber to study how operant behavior is reinforced and shaped john b. watson - showed the importance of learning by watching a model and imitating the model's behavior e. edward tolman - demonstrated learning occurs but may not be apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it martin seligman - contributed to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans


Answer 1

All of the following are accurate pairings of a researcher with their contributions regarding learning except John B. Watson - showed the importance of learning by watching a model and imitating the model's behavior.

Learning is an ever-present phenomenon in humans and animals, and researchers and scientists have been examining its nuances for decades. Numerous discoveries and experiments were conducted to help us understand the learning process better. Research in the field of learning helped us gain insight into how people learn and how the learning process can be enhanced to improve educational outcomes.

Ivan Pavlov demonstrated how the acquisition of a CR depends on pairing the CS and the US. B.F. Skinner designed an operant chamber to study how operant behavior is reinforced and shaped. Edward Tolman demonstrated that learning occurs, but it may not be apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it. Martin Seligman contributed to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans. John B.

Watson did not contribute to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans; therefore, he is the researcher who is not paired correctly with his contribution.

To know more about Learning please visit :



Related Questions

Pain that start at colicky and than localized to RUQ with anorexia and nausea may be sign of which of the following gastrointestinal disease? DiverticulitisGERDcholecystisAppendictis


Pain that starts colicky and then localizes to the right upper quadrant with anorexia and nausea may be a sign of cholecystitis.

The gastrointestinal disease that may cause pain that starts colicky and then localizes to the right upper quadrant with anorexia and nausea is cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is a disease that affects the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a tiny organ beneath the liver that stores the bile that is needed to digest fatty meals.

When the gallbladder becomes infected or inflamed, this is known as cholecystitis. The symptoms of cholecystitis can include Constant pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen that can radiate to the shoulder blades, especially after eating fatty meals. Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice).

Cholecystitis can be either acute or chronic. In acute cholecystitis, the symptoms appear suddenly and are severe. The symptoms of chronic cholecystitis are less severe and occur more frequently over a more extended period. The treatment for cholecystitis is usually surgery to remove the gallbladder, known as a cholecystectomy.

To know more about cholecystitis, refer here:



Identify each organism as either a primary producer or a consumer.


Animals Fungi Bacteria that perform chemosynthesis Bacteria that perform photosynthesis


Primary producers


Primary producers form the base of the food chain by producing their own energy and serving as a source of food for consumers.

Plants are primary producers as they are able to convert energy from the sun into organic matter through photosynthesis. This makes them the basis of most food chains.

Animals are consumers as they cannot produce their own food and rely on consuming other organisms for energy.

Fungi are consumers as they obtain their nutrients by decomposing organic matter or by forming symbiotic relationships with other organisms.

Bacteria that perform chemosynthesis are also primary producers, as they are able to convert inorganic compounds into organic matter for energy.

Bacteria that perform photosynthesis are primary producers as well, similar to plants, as they are able to convert energy from the sun into organic matter for energy.

To learn more about Primary producers, here



what is the function of the group of proteins that make up the complement system ?


The complement system is a group of proteins that form part of the immune system.

It works to fight infection and other diseases by enhancing the body's natural immune response. It does this by increasing inflammation, promoting the destruction of invading cells, and by activating the clotting cascade to seal off the infection. The complement system is made up of more than 20 different proteins, which are divided into three main categories: the classical, lectin, and alternative pathways. The classical pathway is triggered by antigen-antibody complexes, while the lectin and alternative pathways are triggered by bacterial components such as lipopolysaccharide. The classical pathway activates the cascade of proteins and chemicals which leads to the destruction of the invading cells. The lectin and alternative pathways activate the production of the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, which are important mediators of the inflammatory response. The C3a and C5a molecules bind to the surface of invading cells, triggering their destruction. The complement system also helps activate the clotting cascade, which seals off the infection. Ultimately, the complement system helps to fight infection and other diseases by increasing inflammation and promoting the destruction of invading cells.

For more such questions on immune system



how did hoover try to help people keep their homes and farms during his administration?


In addition, Hoover persuaded Congress to establish Federal Home Loan Banks to assist individuals in preventing the loss of their homes.

The 31st president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, took office on March 4, 1929, and served until March 4, 1933. Following a convincing victory over Democrat Al Smith of New York in the 1928 presidential election, Hoover, a Republican assumed office.

Hoover raised $17 million, or $265.19 million in 2021, through the establishment of over one hundred tent cities and a fleet of over 600 vessels. By 1928, Hoover had begun to overshadow President Coolidge himself, in large part due to his leadership during the flood crisis.

The Emergency Relief Construction Act, which Hoover signed into law in July 1932, allowed the RFC to lend the states $300 million for relief programs and $1.5 billion for public works projects.

To learn more about Hoover here



Cholera is a disease that can spread when sewage mixes with drinking water. cholera is spread by _____ transmission.


Cholera is a disease that can spread when sewage mixes with drinking water. Cholera is spread by waterborne transmission. It is transmitted through contaminated water and food.

What is cholera?

Cholera is a bacterial infection that affects the digestive system of the body. This infection is transmitted through water, particularly contaminated water, or by eating food that has been in contact with contaminated water.The disease is usually caused by Vibrio cholerae, a gram-negative bacteria that is found in contaminated water and food. When an individual ingests contaminated water or food, the bacteria penetrate the small intestine, causing the person to suffer from cholera symptoms.

Symptoms of cholera can be mild or severe, and they can develop within hours of being exposed to the bacteria. Some of the most common symptoms of cholera include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, dehydration, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, low blood pressure, muscle cramps, and abdominal pain.

Learn more about Cholera here:



Fossils reveal the body structures of ancient organisms. What other information can be concluded or inferred from studying fossils? Select THREE correct answers. *

A. The ecology of ancient environments

B. The colorations and markings of ancient organisms

C. Evolutionary lineages from common ancestors

D. Sequential nature of groups of ancient organisms


Fossils reveal the body structures of ancient organisms. What other information can be concluded or inferred from studying fossils
A. The ecology of ancient environments
C. Evolutionary lineages from common ancestors
D. Sequential nature of groups of ancient organisms

In addition to the body structures of ancient organisms, studying fossils can reveal various other aspects of ancient environments. The analysis of fossils can allow paleontologists to reconstruct ancient environments and ecosystems, providing insights into the Earth’s natural history. They can also be used to decipher the ecological characteristics of organisms in the past. In conclusion, the ecology of ancient environments, evolutionary lineages from common ancestors, and the sequential nature of groups of ancient organisms can be concluded or inferred from studying fossils.

For more such questions on Fossils, click on:



Match the proper type of lining epithelium with the respiratory structure Nasal cavity Nasopharynx Laryngopharynx Trachea Bronchioles Alveoli


Type of lining epithelium with the respiratory structure:

Nasal cavity: Respiratory Epithelium, Nasopharynx: Pseudostratified Columnar EpitheliumLaryngopharynx: Stratified Squamous EpitheliumTrachea: Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium\Bronchioles: Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar EpitheliumAlveoli: Simple Squamous Epithelium

Epithelial tissue spreads throughout the body. It forms the surface covering of all the body, lines body cavities and hollow organs, and is the major tissue of glands.

Epithelial tissues perform a variety of functions including protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration, diffusion, and sensory reception.

The cells of epithelial tissue are very densely packed with little intercellular matrix. Tissues form envelopes and layers so that cells have a free surface that does not come in contact with other cells. 

Learn more about function of the epithelium: brainly.com/question/27960196


animal name fish (include animal name and photo) amphibian (include animal name and photo) reptile (include animal name and photo) bird (include animal name and photo) mammal (include animal name and photo) physical traits (list 5 traits, including body temperature regulation) animal behaviors (list 2 behaviors) reproductive processes (at least 2) common ecosystems why are they endangered? references/works cited:


1. Fish: Animal name: Clownfish

2. Amphibian: Animal name: Red-eyed tree frog

3. Reptile: Animal name: Komodo dragon

4. Bird: Animal name: Bald eagle

5. Mammal: Animal name: Polar bear

What is an animal?

An animal is a living organism that belongs to the kingdom Animalia. Animals are multicellular and eukaryotic, meaning their cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are heterotrophic, which means they obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms, and most animals are mobile, meaning they can move on their own.

Physical traits (list 5 traits, including body temperature regulation):


Brightly colored body with white stripesAbility to change sex from male to femaleSmall size, usually around 4 inches in lengthLives in a symbiotic relationship with sea anemonesCold-blooded and relies on its environment to regulate its body temperature

Red-eyed tree frog:

Brightly colored body with red eyesCan change its color from green to brownSticky pads on its toes for climbingLong, webbed toes for swimmingCold-blooded and relies on its environment to regulate its body temperature.

Komodo dragon:

Large, powerful body with sharp claws and teethCan grow up to 10 feet in lengthHas a forked tongue for sensing preyCold-blooded and relies on its environment to regulate its body temperatureHas venomous saliva that helps to subdue prey.

Bald eagle:

Large, powerful body with sharp talons and beakCan have a wingspan of up to 7 feetHas excellent eyesight, able to spot prey from a great distanceBuilds large nests in tall trees or on cliffsWarm-blooded and able to regulate its body temperature internally.

Polar bear:

White fur that provides camouflage in the ArcticLarge size, usually weighing between 900-1500 poundsPowerful swimmers, able to swim for long distances in cold waterHas sharp claws and teeth for hunting and defenseWarm-blooded and able to regulate its body temperature internally.

Animal behaviors:

Courtship behavior in Red-eyed tree frogs: Males engage in vocalizations and elaborate visual displays to attract females during the breeding season.Symbiotic behavior in Clownfish: Clownfish have a mutualistic relationship with anemones, in which they are protected from predators by the anemones' stinging tentacles, and in turn, the clownfish protect the anemones from predation by other fish.

Reproductive processes:

External fertilization in Red-eyed tree frogs: Females lay their eggs on leaves overhanging water, and males fertilize the eggs externally by spraying them with sperm.Oviparity in Komodo Dragons: Females lay eggs, which they bury in sand or soil to incubate, and hatchlings emerge after several months.

Common ecosystems:

Coral reefs: Clownfish and anemones are commonly found in coral reef ecosystems, along with a diverse range of other marine organisms.Arctic tundra: Polar bears are adapted to life in the harsh Arctic tundra, where they hunt for food on sea ice and spend much of their time in the water.

Reasons for endangerment:

Clownfish: Habitat destruction due to climate change, pollution, and overfishing of coral reefs, as well as collection for the aquarium trade.Red-eyed tree frog: Habitat loss due to deforestation and agricultural expansion, as well as collection for the pet trade.Komodo Dragon: Habitat loss due to human encroachment, hunting and poaching for their meat and skin, and predation by invasive species introduced to their island habitats.Bald eagle: Habitat loss and degradation, hunting and persecution by humans, and pesticide poisoning that affects their reproductive success.Polar bear: Climate change and melting sea ice, which impacts their ability to hunt for food and raises concerns about their long-term survival.

Learn more about animal on https://brainly.com/question/25897306


Bone tissue is constantly broken down and resynthesized to maintain bone health. Complete each sentence about bone remodeling with the appropriate term. The ongoing processes of bone degradation and resynthesis are termed bone remodeling : The osteoclasts are the type of cells that break down or degrade bone in a process called This process releases minerals into theblood. The celle that take up minerafs from the blood to form new bone are catled When these funes of cells become embedded into the bone matrix, they are called New bone is formed from a misture of minerals and collagen called Levels of calcium in the blood are tightly regulated. Click to select the physiological responses that occur in response to low biood evels of calcium. Click to select the foods that are good sources of caicium. (A good source is one that provides at least tos of the Dely Vatue fir a nutrient.) Daicy foods are rich sources of caicium, but many people with lactose intolerance connot consurne these foods without txpericneing gostrointestinal discomfort. Fortunately, there ate a fumber of nondairy sources of calcium. Rank the following nondairy foods in ardet of caicium comtent.


The ongoing processes of bone degradation and resynthesis are termed bone remodeling. The osteoblasts are the type of cells that break down or degrade bone in a process called bone resorption.

This process releases minerals into the blood. The cells that take up minerals from the blood to form new bone are called osteoblasts.

When these types of cells become embedded into the bone matrix, they are called osteocytes.

New bone is formed from a mixture of minerals and collagen called osteoid.

Levels of calcium in the blood are tightly regulated.

Click to select the physiological responses that occur in response to low blood levels of calcium. Click to select the foods that are good sources of calcium. (A good source is one that provides at least 20% of the Daily Value for a nutrient.)

Dairy foods are rich sources of calcium, but many people with lactose intolerance cannot consume these foods without experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort. Fortunately, there are a number of nondairy sources of calcium. Rank the following nondairy foods in order of calcium content:

Soy milkWhite beansAlmondsKaleOrange juice

In order of highest to lowest calcium content, the nondairy foods listed are: Kale, White Beans, Almonds, Orange Juice, and Soy Milk.

Hence, the osteoblasts are the type of cells that break down or degrade bone in a process called bone resorption.

To know more about bone resorption, refer here:



Could directional selection lead to creation of new species?


Yes, directional selection could lead to the creation of new species. Directional selection is a kind of natural selection that occurs when the environment favors one extreme of a phenotype distribution.

Over time, directional selection will cause the trait frequency to shift towards the favored end of the spectrum, potentially resulting in the development of a new species.This is because over time, populations can become increasingly different from one another as they adapt to their respective environments. This can cause reproductive isolation, which occurs when different groups of organisms are no longer able to breed with one another.If the divergence between two populations continues to grow, they may become so distinct that they are no longer capable of interbreeding. This can lead to the creation of a new species.

In conclusion, directional selection can result in the development of new species through the process of reproductive isolation. The environmental changes caused by directional selection can drive populations to become increasingly different from one another, eventually leading to the development of new species.

For more such questions on directional selection



define biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. give an example of each.


Abiotic factors are non-living elements like water, soil, and atmosphere, where biotic factors are live entities found an ecosystem including plants, animals, and bacteria.

Biotic factors are living components of the environment, including all living organisms such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, and the relationships among them. Examples of biotic factors include predators, prey, competitors, and symbiotic partners such as pollinators or parasites. For instance, in a forest ecosystem, the biotic factors may include trees, deer, bears, fungi, and insects.

Abiotic factors, on the other hand, are non-living physical and chemical components of the environment, such as temperature, water, sunlight, soil, and minerals. These factors influence the distribution and abundance of living organisms in an ecosystem. For example, in a desert ecosystem, the abiotic factors may include high temperatures, low rainfall, sandy soil, and limited availability of water and nutrients.

Learn more about “  Abiotic factors “ visit here;



a misshaped cornea or lens that causes objects to look wavy or blurred is know as ____


A misshaped cornea or lens that causes objects to look wavy or blurred is known as astigmatism.

Astigmatism is a vision condition in which objects appear wavy or blurred due to an irregularly shaped cornea or lens. The cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, and the lens, the eye's crystalline structure, work together to focus light on the retina accurately.

In most people, the cornea and lens are evenly curved in all directions, allowing light to pass through and focus correctly on the retina. However, in individuals with astigmatism, the cornea or lens has an uneven curvature, causing light to bend in various directions and focus at multiple points on the retina, resulting in blurry or distorted vision.

Astigmatism is commonly detected during a routine eye exam and can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.

For such more question on astigmatism:



how might a scientist determine whether a trait is sex-linked by observing the offspring of several genetic crosses? 4. compare and contrast how is the expression of sex-linked genes both similar to and different from the expression of autosomal genes?


To determine whether a trait is sex-linked by observing the offspring of several genetic crosses, a scientist may examine the ratio of male and female offspring with and without the trait. If the trait is found to be inherited differently in males and females, then it may be sex-linked.Sex-linked genes differ from autosomal genes in their expression in various ways. Sex-linked genes are located on the sex chromosomes, X and Y. In contrast, autosomal genes are found on the non-sex chromosomes.

Autosomal traits are equally expressed in both males and females, while sex-linked traits are expressed differently in males and females. Males have only one X chromosome and no equivalent Y-linked genes to compensate for gene abnormalities, resulting in males expressing more sex-linked traits than females.

However, sex-linked traits are more likely to be recessive, meaning they will only be expressed if present on both the X chromosomes in females. As a result, males have a higher chance of inheriting and expressing a sex-linked recessive trait than females. Thus, the expression of sex-linked genes is similar to that of autosomal genes in some respects, while it differs in others.

To know more about sex-linked traits here:


Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, exceptA) release of renin.B) decrease in blood volume.C) decreased peripheral resistance.D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide).E) decreased levels of aldosterone.


Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, except

release of renin.

What is blood pressure ?

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force used by your heart to circulate blood throughout your body. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and is represented by two numbers:

Systolic pressure is the pressure created by your heart when it pushes blood out.

Diastolic pressure is the pressure in your heart when it is at rest between beats.

For example, "140 over 90" or 140/90mmHg means you have a systolic pressure of 140mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90mmHg.

What is renin ?

Renin is an aspartic protease protein and enzyme secreted by the kidneys that participates in the body's renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)—also known as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis—that increases the volume of extracellular fluid (blood plasma, lymph, and interstitial fluid) and causes arterial vasoconstriction. As a result, it raises the body's mean arterial blood pressure.

to know more about blood pressure , visit ;



in seed plant reproduction, when does the diploid zygote form?


In seed plant reproduction, the diploid zygote forms when the male and female gametes fuse together.

The male gamete is found in the pollen grain and is produced in the anther of the flower, while the female gamete is found in the ovule and is produced in the ovary of the flower. During pollination, the pollen grain lands on the stigma of the flower and begins to grow a pollen tube that penetrates the style of the flower and reaches the ovary. The nucleus of the male gamete then moves down the pollen tube and fuses with the nucleus of the female gamete inside the ovule. This process is known as fertilization and forms a diploid zygote. The zygote then undergoes mitosis to form an embryo, which is the first stage of the new plant. The embryo remains dormant inside the seed until conditions are favorable for it to germinate and grow into a mature plant. In conclusion, the diploid zygote forms when the male and female gametes fuse during fertilization in seed plant reproduction.

To learn more about Zygote :



what is the key characteristic of a transformed cell?


The correct option is A, The key characteristic of a transformed cell has acquired tumor-forming properties.

A cell is the basic unit of life. It is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, capable of performing all the functions necessary for life. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells, and they can either be prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Cells carry out various functions, including energy production, protein synthesis, and DNA replication. They also maintain homeostasis and respond to changes in their environment.

Prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria and archaea and are characterized by lacking a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles. Eukaryotic cells, on the other hand, are found in animals, plants, fungi, and protists and are characterized by having a membrane-bound nucleus and various organelles that carry out specific functions within the cell.

To learn more about Cell visit here:



Complete Question:

What is the key characteristic of a transformed cell?

A) has acquired tumor-forming properties

B) is producing toxins affecting neighboring cells

C) is producing budding viruses

D) has undergone chromosomal rearrangements

E) is infected with a lytic virus

why was the of rate of co2 per minute so low for 1% galactose when compared to 1% glucose?


Because yeast needs nearly an hour to reach the stage of utilising galactose, whereas glucose occurs immediately, the rate of CO2 per minute for 1% galactose was much lower than that for 1% glucose.

Although yeast and galactose can substitute glucose, it is usually the substrate for anaerobic respiration. Glucose's isomer is galactose. Only their atoms' arrangement is different between them. Stereoisomers of each other exist between glucose and galactose. The hydroxyl group's (OH) orientation at carbon 4 is the primary structural variation between galactose and glucose. As a result of the seedlings' photosynthesis, which uses up CO2, less CO2 is being measured.

To know more about galactose, click here:



Green plants utilize _____ a and b to absorb light energy in photosynthesis



Chlorophyll or chlorophylls

the amino acid in hemoglobin that is most found to be most sensitive to ph changes, and hence affects oxygen binding process around ph 7 is___
a. aspartic acid
b. tyrosine
c. histidine
d. valine


The amino acid in hemoglobin that is found to be most sensitive to pH changes and hence affects oxygen-binding process around pH 7 is histidine.

What is hemoglobin? Hemoglobin is a protein that helps in the transportation of oxygen to the tissues in your body. Hemoglobin is found inside red blood cells, which gives them their distinctive red color. Hemoglobin is a protein that can be found in the blood that is responsible for carrying oxygen to the cells of the body.

Hemoglobin is made up of four polypeptide chains, each of which contains an iron molecule. Hemoglobin aids in the transport of oxygen to the lungs and carbon dioxide to the rest of the body. The most important amino acid residues in hemoglobin are histidine and tryptophan.

Histidine plays a crucial role in the functioning of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin releases oxygen in response to low pH, which occurs in response to the buildup of carbon dioxide. His146 (also known as the "Bohr Effect") is a crucial amino acid residue in hemoglobin that is involved in oxygen binding and release.

When there is an increase in H+ concentration (lowering of pH) in the blood, His146 and other histidine residues in hemoglobin becomes more positively charged. This causes the oxygen-hemoglobin affinity to decrease, which causes more oxygen to be released to the cells.

To know more about Histidine , refer here:



although both adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells are used for research, embryonic stem cells are of particular interest among researchers. which medical advancements are possible using these stem cells? what ethical issues could arise from using embryonic cells as opposed to adult stem cells? 15px


Embryonic stem cells are more advantageous than adult stem cells in research as they can differentiate into any cell type, making them more versatile. They are of special interest to researchers because of their ability to differentiate into every type of cell in the human body.

What is the ethical issue?

Embryonic stem cells have the potential to treat a variety of illnesses, including those caused by aging, as well as genetic disorders, cancers, and traumatic injuries. They have a wide range of potential applications in the treatment of degenerative diseases, stroke, heart attack, and spinal cord injuries.

Embryonic stem cells, on the other hand, are frequently accompanied by ethical concerns. Embryonic stem cells are taken from the blastocyst stage of an embryo, which involves the destruction of the embryo. This is frequently seen as controversial since it may be viewed as destroying a human life at its earliest stages.

There are ethical issues associated with the use of embryonic stem cells since they are usually taken from unused embryos produced for in vitro fertilization. These embryos are typically discarded or frozen, and some people believe that their use for research purposes is unethical. However, supporters argue that embryonic stem cell research has the potential to save millions of lives, making it an ethical necessity.

Read more about stem cells here:



Stomata are located on the underside of the leaf and are flanked by guard cells. These guard cells close the stomata by
Select one:
a. taking in water by osmosis due to an accumulation of K+. This results in swell of the guard cells that closes the stomata.
b. taking in water by osmosis due to a loss of K+. This results in swelling of the guard cells that close the stomata.
c. losing water by osmosis due to an accumulation of K+. This results in a shrinking of the guard cells that close the stomata.
d. losing water by osmosis due to a loss of K+. This results in a shrinking of the guard cells that close the stomata.


The answer should be D.

what are 3 differences between the daughter cells made from mitosis vs. the daughter cells made from meiosis?


Three differences between the daughter cells made from mitosis and the daughter cells made from meiosis are as follows: 1. Mitosis daughter cells: In mitosis, two daughter cells are produced, each of which is genetically identical to the parent cell, and each has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Meiosis daughter cells: In meiosis, four daughter cells are produced, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Each daughter cell is genetically distinct from the parent cell and each other.

2. Mitosis daughter cells: In mitosis, daughter cells are usually diploid (2n), with two sets of chromosomes.

Meiosis daughter cells: In meiosis, daughter cells are usually haploid (n), with a single set of chromosomes.

3. Mitosis daughter cells: Mitosis is responsible for cell growth, repair, and asexual reproduction in organisms. Meiosis daughter cells: Meiosis is responsible for sexual reproduction in organisms. It helps to produce genetically diverse offspring.

know more about mitosis here



Classify the following descriptions of enzyme inhibition as either reversible inhibition Or irreversible inhibition. - forms an ionic bond with the enzyme
- forms covalent bond with the enzyme - prevents the eell frOm producing unneeded resources - can be removed from the active site by dilution with the substrate - permanently modifies the structure of the active site - many are toxins that interfere with metabolic processes


Enzyme inhibition forms an ionic bond with the enzyme: reversible inhibition, forms covalent bond with the enzyme: irreversible

Enzyme inhibition is a process by which the activity of an enzyme is reduced or eliminated by the presence of a molecule that binds to the enzyme and interferes with its ability to catalyze a reaction.

This can occur through various mechanisms, including reversible inhibition where the inhibitor binds to the enzyme but can be easily displaced, or irreversible inhibition where the inhibitor forms a covalent bond with the enzyme and permanently alters its structure. Enzyme inhibition plays an important role in regulating metabolic pathways and can be used to develop drugs to target specific enzymes involved in disease processes.

Forms an ionic bond with the enzyme: reversible inhibition Forms covalent bond with the enzyme: irreversible inhibition Prevents the cell from producing unneeded resources: reversible inhibition Can be removed from the active site by dilution with the substrate: reversible inhibition Permanently modifies the structure of the active site: irreversible inhibition Many are toxins that interfere with metabolic processes: irreversible inhibition

To learn more about enzyme refer to



What subgroup of protists swims with one flagellum, are mainly photosynthetic, and are common pond dwellers?a) amoebasb) apicomplexansc) ciliatesd) cellular slime moldse) euglenids


A ubiquitous pond inhabitant, the amoebas subgroup of protists swim with a single flagellum and are mostly photosynthetic. Option a is Correct.

Molds that produce slime are considered protists. It consumes decaying plant matter and the bacteria found there. It inhabits soils, woodlands, sewers, and gutters. A photosynthetic protist is not what it is. Although being categorized as fungi for a very long time, slime molds are now part of the class Myxomycetes and belong to the kingdom Protista (the Protists).

Slime molds exhibit characteristics of both fungi and animals. As a result, they are often referred to as fungus animals. They were classified as protistan fungus by modern scientists. While they are in their amoeboid plasmodial stage, they resemble protozoa and resemble real fungus when they produce spores.

Learn more about amoebas Visit: brainly.com/question/1217776


A researcher creates an antibiotic that binds to a protein present only on B. anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax), lysing the cell from the outside. After a couple of years using this antibiotic, some resistant organisms are found. Which of the following best outlines the mechanism for development of this resistance?
a. mutation in B. anthracis → altered target → resistant bacterium
b. cell division of B. anthracis → altered porins → resistant bacterium
c. mutation in B. anthracis → altered porins → resistant bacterium
d. cell division of B. anthracis → altered target → resistant bacterium


Option A is the correct answer. The mechanism for the development of resistance in the B. anthracis organism through the use of antibiotics can be best outlined through the mutation in B. anthracis which leads to an altered target that makes the organism resistant to the antibiotic.

Antibiotic resistance refers to the ability of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites to resist the effects of antibiotics that once could successfully cure the infections caused by them. Resistance to antibiotics is a critical public health concern worldwide because it can significantly increase the risk of morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenses.

Therefore, understanding the mechanism of antibiotic resistance and ways to avoid or treat it has become a matter of global importance.

In this case, when the researcher creates an antibiotic that binds to a protein present only in B. anthracis, it causes the cell to lyse from the outside. However, after a few years of using this antibiotic, some organisms start to develop resistance to the antibiotic, which means the antibiotic is no longer effective.

This resistance mechanism is attributed to a mutation in B. anthracis, which leads to an altered target that makes the organism resistant to the antibiotic.

Thus, option A  (mutation in B. anthracis → altered target → resistant bacterium) is the correct answer.

To know more about antibiotics, refer here:



does cell division in both bacterial and eukaryotic cells involves the replication and segregation of information and the division of contents within the cell?


Yes, cell division in both bacterial and eukaryotic cells involves the replication and segregation of genetic information and the division of cellular contents within the cell.

However, the mechanisms of cell division differ significantly between bacterial and eukaryotic cells.

Bacterial cells divide by binary fission, which is a simple process that involves DNA replication, elongation of the cell, and finally, the division of the cytoplasm and the cell membrane to form two identical daughter cells.

In contrast, eukaryotic cells undergo a more complex process of cell division called mitosis, which includes several distinct stages such as prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, leading to the separation of chromosomes and the division of the cytoplasm to form two identical daughter cells.

To learn more about cell division refer to



How would the results from Part A change if both parents are also heterozygous for the FUT1 gene controlling the synthesis of the H substance (Hh)? Drag the correct value to the blank following each offspring type View Available Hint(s) Reset Help type A with M antigen: 1/32 3/32 5/32 6/32 10/32 type A with M and N antigens type A with N antigen: type O with M antigen type O with M and N antigens: type O with N antigen


If both parents are heterozygous for the FUT1 gene controlling the synthesis of the H substance (Hh), then the expected offspring results would be:

Type A with M antigen: 3/32

Type A with M and N antigens: 5/32

Type A with N antigen: 1/32

Type O with M antigen: 10/32

Type O with M and N antigens: 6/32

Type O with N antigen: 1/32

This is because the FUT1 gene is responsible for the synthesis of the H substance and heterozygous for the gene means that each parent has one dominant and one recessive allele.

As a result, each offspring has a 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive alleles, so each type of offspring will have different probabilities of being expressed.

To learn more about the gene: https://brainly.com/question/19947953


What enzyme facilitates the bicarbonate reaction in the erythrocytes? a) Bicarbonate oxidase b) Carboxylate reductase c) Carbonic hydrase


The enzyme that facilitates the bicarbonate reaction in erythrocytes is carbonic anhydrase.

Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that helps catalyze the reversible reaction of carbon dioxide and water to form carbonic acid and bicarbonate. It is an important enzyme in the human body and is found in the red blood cells of erythrocytes. In the erythrocytes, carbonic anhydrase helps to catalyze the reaction of carbon dioxide, which is produced as a byproduct of metabolism, to form bicarbonate, which is used by the erythrocytes to help maintain the correct pH balance. Carbonic anhydrase also helps to regulate the rate at which bicarbonate is reabsorbed from the red blood cells, allowing for the maintenance of the correct pH balance in the body.

For more such questions on enzyme



the _________ is a large, saw-toothed, flat, fan-shaped muscle positioned between the ribs and the scapula.


Answer: serratus anterior


the breakdown of complex glycogen molecules into simple glucose molecules is most accurately described as


The breakdown of complex glycogen molecules into simple glucose molecules is described as Glycogenolysis.

When the levels of ATP are low the live cells trigger the glycogenolysis process. Glycogenolysis occurs when levels of adenosine triphosphate, The energy molecule used in the cell is low, and if there is low glucose in the blood, Since glycogenolysis is a way of freeing the glucose and that glucose is used in the formation of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), It happens when energy is low and when more energy is needed

Glycogen synthesis of glucose takes place in many tissues, but it is particularly important in the liver and muscle where its functional relevance and magnitude are more significant. Gluconeogenesis is a process that transforms noncarbohydrate substrate like amino acid, and glycerol into glucose.

To learn more about Glycogenolysis:



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