3 measures for protecting a forest


Answer 1



Controlled Deforestation

While deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature trees should not be felled as far as possible. We must look to avoid large-scale commercial deforestation as well. Adapting practices such as clear-cutting or selective cutting will be beneficial in the long run


This is the process by which we plant more trees in the area. We try to increase the forest cover by manual transplantation, or fresh plantation of trees. It is an attempt to balance our ecosystem to reduce the effects of deforestation and environmental pollutions of all types.

Better Farming Practices

Slash and burn farming, overgrazing by cattle, shifting agriculture are all farming practices that are harmful to the environment and particularly to forests. We must keep all these practices under control.

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Help please!!! Read the text below, and state one way that the Indian Removal Act of 1830 would affect many Native American Indians.
An act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished [revoked], as he [the president] may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other.

-- Indian Removal Act of 1830



Many of them would die because they were forced to walk the Trail of Tears in deadly conditions with no assistance.

اريد افكار مواضيع برزنتيشن عن التعليم



نتعلم منه الكثير عن اهمية التعليم وفوائد التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وكيف ان ارتقاء وتقدم الشعوب يكون فقط من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزيلا احد يستطيع ان ينكر فضل و أهمية التعليم, فمن دون التعليم لن ترتقي الامم ولن تتقدم الشعوب.وهنا سنتعرف على اهمية التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وايضا الصفات والمهارات التي يجب ان تكون موجوده في المتعلم. كل ذلك هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

two forms of collusion​


Answer:   It is possible to engage in collusion in two ways. When two or more firms in the same industry formally agreed that they would control a particular market, it was termed "explicit collusion." The act of informal, independent co-operation between two or more businesses in the same industry results in implicit collusion.



How do u write "22 june 2021" in 5 letters without using numbers ?​


you walk away and do something worth your time.

The answer is Today

what is human rights​



The basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

Human rights are rights inherent to all humans, no matter race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, faith, or every other repute. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and schooling, and lots more.

What are the three kinds of human rights?

At the same time as monetary, social, and cultural rights are framed as rights someone is entitled to, most civil and political rights are about safety from certain things, like torture and slavery.

It's far something to that you are entitled via distinctive feature of being human. Human rights are based on the precept of admiration for the character.

Their fundamental assumption is that absolutely everyone is an ethical and rational being who merits to be handled with dignity. They may be referred to as human rights due to the fact they're normal.

Learn more about human rights here: https://brainly.com/question/1261546


Which one of the following is an example of dramatic cultural adaptation that impacts
globalization on cultural diversity?
A. For an area that is hot and humid, people move to a colder climate.
B. For an area that lacks fertile farmland, food is imported.
C. For an area that is often windy and cold the common practice is to wear hats,
D. For an area that is snowy people move to a warmer climate,


B because yes yessssssssss

5. What do you mean by the active participation of people? Why is it important in the development of a country? Present your views.​



Active participation of people means participation of people to give people voted during elections. It is important for a country as this would bring new and efficient leaders to improve a country's development.


3 reasons why we study economics



The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change


what is the role of literacy perequisites in the development​



Developing literacy in early childhood plays a critical role in learning development. Literacy skills essentially set the stage for future education goals parents and educators will implement, as well as helping children grow academically.


Dựa trên cơ sở nào để Pháp trở thành nước phát triển nông nghiệp nhất trong
Liên minh châu Âu (EU).





Im english


Nền kinh tế của Pháp rất phát triển và theo định hướng thị trường tự do. Đó là thế giới ... Mặc dù là một nền kinh tế được tự do hóa rộng rãi, chính phủ vẫn tiếp tục đóng vai trò ... Pháp là quốc gia hàng đầu thế giới về năng lượng hạt nhân, quê hương của năng lượng toàn cầu ... Pháp là nước sản xuất nông nghiệp lớn thứ sáu thế giới


what is the important of social study?



social studies is a discipline that includes humanities such as geography, history, and political science. ... “The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.


Social studies helps students understand the world they live in, so they can make their own decisions about issues bothering them, especially when they grow up.

Why do you think the style of each mosque is so different? (Consider the time, situation etc.)



because the people who develop mosque are not same and time zone of all countries are different

bài tiểu luận Thực trạng, hiệu quả của việc thúc đẩy khả năng pt ngôn ngữ - nhận thức qua các hoạt động ngoài trời của trẻ mầm non



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Children's cognitive growth is aided by outdoor play. Play also helps a child's cognitive abilities, independent thinking, conflict resolution, and behaviour management. They learn to assess events and come up with innovative solutions to problems they face.

Executive function, concentration, and a child's capacity to organise and respond to the events and information they encounter on a daily basis are all part of cognitive development.

Chữa lỗi (nếu có)
Câu b. Trong chuyến thăm quan bảo tàng khảo cổ vừa rồi, tôi đã có dịp tận mặt nhìn thấy cơ man là sản phẩm đắt đỏ của các nhãn hàng thời trang nổi tiếng nhất hiện nay.
Câu d. Người phụ nữ tầm 68 tuổi ấy đã bước vào cửa hàng thời trang SM khoảng 9 giờ 27 phút thứ năm tuần trước; và cô ta không chút biết rằng đó là một bước ngoặc cho cuộc đời mình.



Câu b. Trong chuyến thăm quan bảo tàng khảo cổ vừa rồi, tôi đã có dịp tận mặt nhìn thấy những sản phẩm đắt đỏ của các nhãn hàng thời trang nổi tiếng nhất hiện nay.

Câu d. Người phụ nữ tầm 68 tuổi ấy đã bước vào cửa hàng thời trang SM khoảng 9 giờ 27 phút thứ năm tuần trước; và cô ta không biết rằng đó là một bước ngoặc cho cuộc đời mình.


Diferencie entre producto y meta en un proyecto. *


please can you change it to English

3. Think and write. Write two thin about any your society You d dislike ?​



What we do not like about our society:-



The leaves of some plants have waxy coats. This feature helps prevent water loss. Which statement describes an example of evolution


The correct answer is C. Thick, waxy coats become more common on a species of trees during a drought.


Throughout history, plants have evolved to adapt to different climatic conditions and geographical characteristics. Therefore, different characteristics can be seen in plants such as large leaves to capture the sun's rays and obtain food from them, thick trunks to protect themselves from adverse weather conditions, thorns, among others. In the previous case, the best example of the evolution of plants that have waxy layers is the increase of this characteristic in times of drought, because the plants adapt to this condition to conserve water for long periods. According to the above, the correct answer is C. Thick, waxy coats become more common on a species of trees during a drought.


C. Thick, waxy coats become more common on a species of trees during a drought.


Think about your family life and compare it to that of your grandparents. In what ways is it different? What factors do you think have produced any differences you perceive?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

When thinking about my family life and compare it to that of my grandparents, I realize is very different in many ways. The factors I think have produced those differences are basically education and social and economic conditions.

Life has radically changed from my grandparent's times to what we are living in 2021. And I mean, it is radically different. Technology is the big factor that has facilitated many comforts and "laziness" too. When my grandfather was young, he told me that he had to work very hard to support the family. He had no access to education because the priority was to work with his father to make ends meet. As simple as that.

They lived on a daily basis and worked extremely hard. He had a small house in the country. No technology. They waked up early in the morning and the day ended up at 8 or 9 at night. Nothing was for granted.

No TV, no radio, no electro domestics.

However, that kind of lack forced the people of that generation to be very clever, to be smart, and to commit to their work. It was a matter of survival.

Unfortunately, today we have everything at hand. And that makes us a lazy society.

which government was most directly influenced by athenian democracy?



A representative democracy.


The Athenians used a system of government called representative democracy. This type of democracy entails that everyone has the righ to vote, and can indirectly vote through an elective representative of their beliefs. This is the exact model of government that is used in the United States (with Congress).



The representative democracy of the United States

The world's population is expected to drop over the next fifty years.
True or false


false because it rises every year so yeah



Ô nhiễm thế giới đang là một vấn đề rất lớn khi các nhà máy công nghiệp thải chất động cũng như rác thải nhựa ngày một gia tăng

Religion is the scourge of humanity. Just think of all the people who kill one another in the name of their own version of Almighty God. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another! Never again will religion be allowed to pollute the minds of our children in an age of scientific objectivity. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos who force their own narrow-minded view of reality down innocent throats. Besides, don't all religions basically say the same thing about not killing. Which of the following statements best expresses a rephrasing of an emotively expressed portion of the passage in emotively neutral terms?

a. The various world religions have similar ethical prohibitions on murder.
b. People who kill in the name of God will burn in eternal flame.
c. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos.
d. Religion pollutes the minds of children.
e. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.


although i don’t agree i’ll answer for ya the answer is e

What percent of students report having used at least one of the following tactics to keep their drinking sensible: avoiding drinking games, setting a maximum number of drinks in advance, having a friend help them know when to stop, pacing drinks to one or fewer per hour.


Answer: 41%


According to a study performed on college students to see their drinking habits, 41% of those surveyed said that they try to keep their drinking sensible by employing a range of tactics including avoiding drinking games and having a friend around to enforce limits amongst others.

This is very admirable considering that uncontrolled drinking has been a rampant problem is many colleges in the United States so far especially when students get together for parties and this can lead to unruly behavior.

Angela and Glenn are deciding if they should get married. Their biggest point of contention by far is over money. Angela believes strongly that the right way to handle family finances is to save as much as possible for the future. Glenn, however, has no problem spending freely, using credit cards, and borrowing for lifestyle. As Angela is considering whether or not to marry Glenn, which questions would help her to evaluate the problem of finances?



The question which will help her to evaluate the problem of finances is as follows:

"Does marrying Glenn fit with my personal financial values?"


As we have clearly seen the above scenario, the question which will help her to evaluate the problem of finances is as follows:

Does marrying Glenn fit with my personal financial values?

I hope this answer helps. Thanks :)

El proceso de seguimiento de un proyecto o plan de accion de resposabilidad social busca evaluar las actividades realizadas para asegurar el cumplimiento solo del cronograma de ejecucion. Es verdadero o falso?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es "falso."

Es falso que el proceso de seguimiento de un proyecto o plan de acción de responsabilidad social busca evaluar las actividades realizadas para asegurar el cumplimiento solo del cronograma de ejecución.

Un verdadero y bien elaborado plan de Responsabilidad Social busca satisfacer las necesidades de los diferentes grupos internos y externos con los que la Organización tiene contacto de manera directa o indirecta.

El plan de Responsabilidad Social  de la empresa busca satisfacer diferentes necesidades de grupos internos como lo pueden ser los empleados, como de grupos externos como lo puede ser la comunidad, grupos vulnerables, el medio ambiente, entre otros factores.

Una de las formas de proceder correctamente en este sentido es que las iniciativa privada y gobierno actúen con responsabilidad social, lo que significa que hagan uso adecuado y correcto de las materias primas, recursos materiales, y recursos humanos, para no sobre explotarlos de la manera irresponsable.

Es falso afirmar que el proceso de seguimiento de un plan de acción de responsabilidad social tiene como objetivo evaluar las actividades realizadas para asegurar el cumplimiento del cronograma de ejecución únicamente.

El objetivo de un plan de acción de responsabilidad social corporativa es promover acciones que beneficien al macro y microambiente de la empresa, ayudando a reducir los impactos ambientales y al desarrollo de la comunidad local.

Por tanto, el plan de acción de responsabilidad social ayudará a una organización a reducir el desperdicio, mejorar la calidad y generar valor para los grupos de interés, aumentando su posición en el mercado.

Aprenda más aqui:


what are the affecting factor of elasticity of supply? Explain​



There are numerous factors that impact the price elasticity of supply including the number of producers, spare capacity, ease of switching, ease of storage, length of production period, time period of training, factor mobility, and how costs react.


There are numerous factors that impact the price elasticity of supply including the number of producers, spare capacity, ease of switching, ease of storage, length of production period, time period of training, factor mobility, and how costs react.

You are sitting in a dark movie theatre watching a scary movie. In the movie the protagonist is walking down a long dark hallway. The music starts to quicken and you heart starts to beat faster with the anticipation of whatever is about to happen next. This situation is different from if you were actually the person in the movie, where you might be feeling more fear than anticipation. Which emotion theory in contingent upon the context of a situation



The emotion is contingent upon the context of the situation because if you are watching the movie, you are eager and anxious to find out what is coming next, but if you were the person walking down the hallway, you would not want what is coming to come out.


The emotion depends on the situation's context because, when watching a movie, you are curious and impatient to learn what happens next. But if you were the person walking down the hallway, you would not want what is about to happen to be revealed.

What, in a dark movie theater watching a scary movie?

When they are endangered, we feel afraid, when they are injured, we feel hurt, and when they succeed, we feel happy. As readers or watchers, we are accustomed to these emotions.

Even tragic or dramatic movies have the power to evoke strong feelings. A 2016 study found that sobbing may trigger the same endorphin release as laughing. Dramatic films may boost feelings of gratitude and lessen loneliness.

Therefore, When you cry during a movie, oxytocin has been released as a result of the connections you feel from having a vicarious social experience. The movie's plot will grab your interest and arouse your emotions.

Learn more about scary movie here:



Dùng tam đoạn luận của Aristote, em hãy rút ra kết luận từ hai tiền đề sau:
1) Tất cả người giàu không lãng phí thời gian. Một số người giàu thích thể thao.
2) Một số sinh viên thích nghiên cứu khoa học. Mọi người thích nghiên cứu khoa học có tính
quyết đoán.
3) Mọi con cá đều sống dưới nước. Con vật này không sống được dưới nước.



Tôi đã chọn rút ra kết luận từ Tất cả những người giàu không lãng phí thời gian. Một số người giàu thích thể thao, và Tất cả các loài cá đều sống trong nước. Động vật này không thể sống trong nước.

1) Tất cả những người giàu không lãng phí thời gian, một số người giàu thích thể thao. Tôi có thể rút ra từ điều này rằng ngay cả khi ai đó tỏ ra giàu có và bế tắc trên bề mặt, họ vẫn vui vẻ và đánh giá cao việc làm những việc mà mọi người đều làm.

3) Mọi con cá đều sống dưới nước. Con vật này không sống được dưới nước. Tất cả các loài cá đều sống trong nước. Động vật này không thể sống trong nước. Từ đó tôi có thể kết luận rằng động vật trên cạn không thể thở dưới nước vì chúng không có mang.


A directional state is when systems are not static but are steadily moving?





Yes, a directional state is refers to a systems that are not static, they are moving steadily in a specific direction. In this state, the body or an object does not remain in the resting position but in continuous motion in a specific direction so we can conclude that in a directional state, the object is not at rest but moves continuously in a particular direction.

(C). True false type questions 1. Mobile phones does not use radio waves to transmit messages,​





What opinions does the Wife of Bath express in the tale? What do all her opinions-and her tale itself-tell you about her character?



women cannot keep secrets, women want dominance and power over men in marriage and also they do not want their faults to be pointed out.

lustful and self-aware character


The Wife of Bath's Tale is one of the most famous and well known books written by the author,  Geoffrey Chaucer. The story speaks about the transformation of the old hag into the beautiful maid.

It tells us about the role of the women in the Late Middle Ages.

The opinions that the Wife of Bath expresses in this story is that women cannot keep secrets, women want dominance and power over men in marriage and also they do not want their faults to be pointed out.

All her opinions and the tale speaks of her as a lustful and self-aware character.

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