35 grams of carbohydrate, 25 grams of protein, 12 grams of


Answer 1

Hi. Your question is incomplete. However, by the context of the question it is possible to consider that you want to calculate the amount of calories from the elements mentioned in the question above. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.

To calculate calories, you must understand that each gram of protein and carbohydrate has 4 calories. Similarly, each gram of fat has 9 calories. So, to answer your question, you would multiply the grams of carbohydrate by 4, the grams of protein by 4, and the grams of fat by 9. This would be done as follows:

35 grams of carbohydrates * 4=140 calories

25 grams of protein * 4 = 100 calories

12 grams of fat * 9 = 108 calories

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Which birth control method helps protect against STIs and STDs?
vaginal ring
emergency contraception





The answer is a B) condom.

When did STDs change to STIs?

when you consider that in 2013 a few human beings ditched the term “STD” some people decide upon the term STI due to the fact they accept it as true with its far greater correct. Now not everybody with an infection develops symptoms, and because there is technically no disorder without signs, they say that STI is the greater scientifically accurate term.

Three bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) and one parasitic STI (trichomoniasis) are usually curable with present unmarried-dose regimens of antibiotics.

STIs are sexually transmitted infections. STDs are sexually transmitted illnesses. An STI is most effective taken into consideration a disease whilst it reasons signs and symptoms.

Learn more about STIs and STDs  here: https://brainly.com/question/1304618


A patient with COPD struggling to breathe in the sitting position should be changed to which position



semi-fowler's position

6. Is it safe to store condoms in a car or wallet?



what's the statement i just see the question whether we should it store it in a wallet or a car

Answer is false because the condom will rub together and make a hole when it is in a wallet and could melt in a car during hot days

What does anthropology have to offer the medical profession? Consider culture, cultural relativism, and human diversity in your response.​



Anthropology can help to understand how different environmental factors influence health, as well as to prevent and treat disease states and healing processes


Medical anthropology is an emerging subdiscipline at the intersection between anthropology and medicine. This field (medical anthropology) is able to relate the natural sciences to humanities by considering different life aspects (such as social, cultural, biological and linguistic factors) in order to understand their influence on health and thus prevent/treat disease states and healing processes. Culture refers to the patterns of learned behaviors and beliefs of a particular social/ethnic/age group, whereas cultural relativism indicates that beliefs, ethical norms, and customs are relative to the individual within his/her own social context. Culture relativism (and therefore also culture) plays a central role in medical anthropology because it is a factor that has a strong influence on how persons view a disease state and/or treatment, thereby affecting how a professional should address and treat his/her patient. Human diversity refers to the differences associated with a cultural group (i.e., race, ethnicity, national origin, religious beliefs, etc). Medical practices always must contemplate politics of diversity and multiple perspectives in order to fit the right treatment to each patient in the best way possible.

My mom does a lot for me, she is like every mom who picks up stuff from school for me and works so I can have a good life. But, every single day she tells me that I am ugly and fat, once in the mall she was walking with me and my sister, she stopped and turned around and told me "You will not walk with me because I don't want people thinking I have a fat girl as a daughter" and those words keep repeating over and over in my head all the time. When I was younger I thought the girls who face this problem were being dramatic until I experienced it myself. It hurts, there are many days where she makes pig faces and says "you are useless." Today, she told me a hundred times how ugly and fat I am and how she wished she never had me. She never once apologized. My mom does buy me stuff so I am confused if this is normal because I have always been treated like this. I have never talked to anyone about this. All she ever talked about was how I looked and even when I got straight A's all she would ever say is "ok" and she goes back to my weight. I cry myself to sleep because I think it is just me and that I am overly sensitive and what she is saying is not even that deep. I am so confused, I want to explode and tell the world and tell my aunts who don't even know this is happening because my mom always says what I do wrong but never says what she says to me. What should I do? Please help me.​


Explanation: If she thinks you are Fat and Ugly that messed up because she's the one who gave birth to you.. this means she is fat and ugly to.. Don't let the negativity get to you. Next time she says anything bad to you just imagine she is saying it to herself..

5. How do barrier methods prevent pregnancy?

by stopping ovulation

by stopping sperm

by stopping hormones

by stopping menstruation



by stopping sperm


A barrier's job is to block things from coming in. Similarly, barrier method prevent sperm from getting to the egg. Condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and the contraceptive sponge are some common examples.

Think about walking dead, they had walls in their communities to prevent zombies from coming in, similarly, barriers are used to prevent the sperms from getting to the egg. Thus, prevents pregnancy to some extent.

What is the current situation in Vietnam



The current situation is that it has one of the lowest unemployment rates.

Which of these is provided by a government website and intended to reduce



The correct answer is - safe practices instructions.


Safe- practices instructions are the instruction provided by government web portals in order to provide information and intended to reduce injuries. Such government portals help in enhance awareness among people for avoiding such injury by providing precautions and instructions.

These portals of the government educate people are very beneficial as they give information how what to do in case of injuries. These websites also provide data about the injuries.

Answer: C: Safe Practices Instructions.

Explanation: I hope this helps! ;)

Healthcare manufacturers and Health foods after rely on statements or personal appearances called



Healthcare manufacturers and health foods after rely on statements or personal apprearances called "Statistics".


when utensils are washed and sanitized by hand, a _____ compartment sink must be provided A) Single B) Two C) Three





Explain the significance and impact of the American with Disabilities Act on businesses in the United States.


Businesses were prohibited from discriminating against people with disabilities in any workplace function, including hiring, promotion, and firing, under the ADA. Businesses were also required to make their stores accessible to people with disabilities. This includes making them wheelchair accessible and allowing blind and deaf people to safely navigate them. Businesses that continued to break these laws risked being sued and paying hefty fines.

Hope this helps and if it does, don't be afraid to give my answer a "Thanks" and maybe a Brainliest if it's correct?  

The ADA prohibited businesses from discriminating in any workplace function, including hiring, promotion, and firing, against those with disabilities. It also required businesses to make their stores accessible to those who are disabled.

True or False, Agents have 10 calendar days to enter a customer request to be placed on the Company DNC List or enter requests for our Company DNC Policy




Agents have 10 calendar days to enter a customer request to be placed on the Company DNC list :  TRUE

What is DNC list ?

DNC ( do not call ) registry gives customers/consumers the option to opt in or out of receiving unsolicited calls usually for the purpose of telemarketing. Customers can sign up for free.

Agents working with the do not call registry are obligated to enter a customer request to signup for a company's DNC list. within the maximum of 10 days after request have been received.

Hence we can conclude that the statement is TRUE

Learn more about DNC list : https://brainly.com/question/25578667

Chicken must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165. why must chicken Be cooked to this temperature



Because all bacteria will be killed and the chicken will be cooked.

So all the germs can die. This should kill all the germs

Description of recent (2018-2020) example of how Xenophobia has displayed itself in your community​



“Jean,” a Congolese shop owner, received a disturbing call on the night of September 2, 2019. On the other end of the line was his landlord, a South African, who told him that rioters had broken into his shop in Johannesburg. Jean promptly headed to his shop, where the violence was still ongoing. The rioters chased him away from his shop, threw stones at him, and forced him to flee. He counted himself lucky to escape unscathed, unlike his experience in a similar situation in 2008 when rioters beat him, and he sustained serious injuries. Reflecting on his experience, Jean told Human Rights Watch, “I am not feeling happy even though I am alive. I am trying not to be so angry, but I am

so angry.”

Another man in Johannesburg, “Syed,” a Bangladeshi shop owner, pointed at a row of shops ransacked by mobs during the same violence in September 2019. Over 1,000 Bangladeshi shops were looted, he said, by mobs estimated to be 300-500 people. Syed called the South African Police Service (SAPS), but he said they did not show up until the third day, forcing him and other shop owners to stand guard over the shops, without sleep, day and night, for three days, as the mob threw stones and other objects at them.

"Nathalie," a grade-10 student at a public school in Cape Town, who came to South Africa in 2009 with her family from the Democratic Republic of Congo paid a heavy price for being elected class monitor. She was severely beaten on August 27, 2019 by fellow students who thought a non-national was undeserving of being elected to such a position. She spent nine days in the hospital because of her injuries. Education authorities took no action because, according to them, the offending students expressed remorse and taking further action would, in their view, inflame tensions. When this report was finalized in August 2020, Nathalie had still not returned to school out of fear, as her attackers are still attending the school but have faced no consequences for attacking her.


Help please help ASAP!!!!


Do Uu need help with all of them ?


530-631-2382 answers when you text me

Doctors now agree, almost unanimously, that chronic smoking greatly increases one's chance of developing lung cancer. So unless you want to suffer from lung cancer, you should not smoke cigarettes.

a. True
b. False



The correct answer is - true, however, there is a fallacy in the statement.


in which country did the gothic style first emerge​





Gothic architecture began in the earlier 12th century in northwest France and England and spread throughout Latin Europe in the 13th century; by 1300, a first "international style" of Gothic had developed, with common design features and formal language.

The correct answer Is France<3333

what themometer do you use to check a two year old



Clinical thermometer use to check a two year old

A temporal artery thermometer

What are good films

On real men who can fight and stand up for themselves
Films on what a man should be like?



there's really no films on how men should be like but lgbtq shows are probably the best to watch if you wanna know what a man should be like and I mean by standing up for yourself and other people I would recommend moonlight since that's the closest thing to being a man and standing up for yourself and others though

Which part of an insurance application would contain information regarding the cause of death of the applicant's deceased relative?


Answer: Medical information of the application includes information on the prospective insured's medical background, present health, any medical visits in recent years, medical status of living relatives, and causes of death of deceased relatives.

If a food service worker follow directions how long it takes wash his are her hands



The federal food codes recommend employees wash their hands in at least 110° F water after using the restroom. Lather soap between hands for at least 20 seconds. Concentrate on rubbing around and underneath fingernails and the cuticle area, which is where germs tend to reside. Rinse hands thoroughly


Hope it helps

the fda requires a 20 second hand washing time to kill all bacteria

Pretend that you are a physical fitness/gym teacher for a group of 12-year old children. In 2-3 paragraphs, what three benefits of cardiovascular health would you teach them? How would you encourage them to get cardiovascular exercise as adults? Answer may be based on lesson content or you may conduct Internet research. Be sure to copy the URLs of any outside sources you used. 





Cardio-vascular health throught out your life is important as it leads to a healthier lifestyle. One benefit is that exercise will help keep you heart healthy. It will help keep the flow going and your heart rate in a normal rythm. Your arteries and veins will keep flowing and be less likely to get clogged.

Second, it will also help prevent other medical issues such as obesity which puts an extra strain on your heart. It will help your fat stay down which will keep the weight off of your other organs. Too much fat and pressure can cause your organs to start shutting down from the weight of the fat.

The patient is a relatively inactive 26-year old woman who lives alone in a highly urban city in an apartment. She works
from home as a software engineer for 7-8 hours every day. She exercises 1-2 times a week at the local gym for 30-40
minutes each time. She typically runs on the treadmill, but does not do muscle training or any other form of exercise. The
patient is inquiring about the benefits, risks, and costs of buying refined foods from the store versus whole foods from the
farmer's market. The store is 5 minutes' walk away from the apartment, while the farmer's market is around 7 miles from
the city. The patient is seeking to purchase one food from each category of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and
As such, one view is from the perspective of a naturally occurring harvest, and the other is from a processing and
refining perspective.


Hi. This question is incomplete. However, when searching for it on the internet, I was able to find another question, very similar to yours, which asked you to recommend ways to keep this patient in good health and body weight. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.

The first recommendation is that this woman avoid foods that contain processed and refined macronutrients, as they are not able to meet the needs of her body efficiently, in addition to being more difficult to be digested and have high levels of fat. Therefore, it is preferable that this woman eats natural products, mainly vegetables, which will help her to efficiently digest macronutrients, supplying her body's needs.

It would be necessary for this woman to increase the frequency in which she exercises and do a greater variety of exercises, treating different parts of her body and working on her muscles, making her body stronger, in addition to controlling her body weight.

1.2. Describe how the above problem has reflected itself in your community
poor service delivery in sa



What are the effects of poor service delivery? Poor service delivery and general poor government services lead to the decline of resources, zero job opportunities, job losses and overall poor living conditions. However, the service delivery issues in South Africa begin with the lack of adequate infrastructure.


If the problem is not attended to, poor service delivery will probably continue which will result in cost increases, higher frustration levels of the community, and a decrease in foreign investment. Key Words: computer literacy skills; job satisfaction; motivation; office knowledge;

When people are said to be insane, this means that
Select one:
a. psychologists have compared their behaviors to the characteristics of
individuals with disorders and found a strong correlation
b. a psychiatrist has determined that they are suffering from one of the
psychological disorders, as described in the DSM
c. a legal determination has been made that they are unaware of the
consequences of their actions and are unable to control their behavior
d. a diagnosis of schizophrenia has been made, either by a psychologist or
by a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of the insane



C. A legal determination has been made that they are unaware of the consequences of their actions and are unable to control their behavior



either oxygen or carbon dioxide.

The cells need oxygen for metabolism, which creates carbon dioxide as a waste product. The carbon dioxide is absorbed from the cells by the blood plasma (some of it binds to hemoglobin too) and is transported back to the lungs in the bloodstream.

4. A woman cannot become pregnant during her menstrual cycle.





Have a nice day :)


A person can get pregnant during their period, but it is unlikely. A person is most likely to become pregnant in the middle of their menstrual cycle, which is when the ovary releases an egg in a process called ovulation. The egg then travels to the uterus, where a sperm cell can fertilize it.

So basiclly true

The correct answer is true yiur welcome<3

List three Movement for which relative angle at a particular joint is important



The movements where the relative angle of a joint is important are: flexion, internal lexternal rotation and abduction.


A joint can be defined as the meeting between two bones. The movement of this joint is very important for the movement of the body and the angles that this joint presents during the movement is very important for the performance of some movements in particular.

The joint relative angles are those formed between the longitudinal axes of adjacent body segments, so we can see that they are extremely important for movements such as flexion, internal lexternal rotation and abduction.

give a suffix for a fright​






[tex]{ \tt{frt}}[/tex]

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