A 2.80 kg mass is dropped from a
height of 4.50 m. Find its potential
energy (PE) when it is 3.00 m
above the ground.


Answer 1


PE = 82.32J


PE = m*g*h

PE = 2.80kg*9.8m/s²*3m

PE = 82.32J

Answer 2
Mark Brainliest please

Answer : 41.2 J


The energy that the ball had instantaneously prior to being dropped was Potential Energy (EP) only and gravitational potential energy is calculated as Ep = mgh = (2.80)(9.81)(4.50) = 123.606 Joules.

Because no outside energy was added and no work was done, the energy instantaneously prior to being dropped is equal to the energy when the mass is 3 m above the ground only at that point, the energy consists of two parts, gravitational Potential Energy (EP) and Kinetic Energy (EK). So, considering the point just prior to the drop as point 1 and the point 3 m above the ground as point 2, we can say:
EP1 = EP2 + EK2
so EK2 = EP1 - EP2
and EP2 = (2.80)(9.81)(3.00) = 82.404
So EK2 = 123.606 - 82.404 = 41.2 Joules

Related Questions

Question: A car of mass 500kg travelling at 12m/s enters a stretch of road where there's a constant resistive force of 8000N. The car comes to a stop due to this resistive force. Calculate the distance travelled by the car before stopping.​



ans: 2.25 meter


use following equations

F = ma

V = U + aT

S = UT + 1/2 aT^2

You are driving home from school steadily at 97 km/h for 190 km . It then begins to rain and you slow to 60 km/h instantly. You arrive home after driving 4.0 hours.

how far is your hometown from school?


Please delete my answer. I made a mistake

why acceleration independent variable​



Explanation:Force and acceleration are directly proportional. ... Mass and acceleration are inversely proportional. In this situation, acceleration changes in response to a change of mass, so mass is the independent variable and acceleration is the dependent variable.

A test charge of -1.4 x 10-7 coulombs experiences a force of 5.4 x 10-1 newtons. Calculate the magnitude of the electric field created by the
negative test charge.
1.4 x 106 newtons/coulomb
1.9 x 106 newtons/coulomb
OC. 5.4 x 10-1 newtons/coulomb
3.6 x 106 newtons/coulomb



3.86×10⁶ Newton/coulombs



E = F/q....................... Equation 1

Where E = Electric Field, F  = Force, q = charge.

From the question,

Given: F = 5.4×10⁻¹ N, q = -1.4×10⁻⁷ coulombs

Substitute these values into equation 1

E = 5.4×10⁻¹/ -1.4×10⁻⁷

E = -3.86×10⁶ Newtons/coulombs

Hence the magnitude of the electric field created by the

negative test charge is 3.86×10⁶ Newton/coulombs

What must be true if energy is to be transferred as heat between two bodies in physical contact?

1-The two bodies must have different volumes.

2-The two bodies must be at different temperatures.

3-The two bodies must have different masses.

4-The two bodies must be in thermal equilibrium.



answer is d


i hope this helps you

What is the torque in ( lbs-ft ) of a man pushing on a wrench with 65 lbs of force 8 unches from the nut / bolt he is trying to turn?



The torque [tex]\tau[/tex] is given by

[tex]\tau=Fd = (65\:\text{lbs})(\frac{8}{12}\:\text{ft}) = 43.3\:\text{lbs-ft}[/tex]

Answer the following questions
1. Heat in liquid travels from

a) bottom to top
b) top to bottom
c) left to right
d) right to left

2. The direction of flow of heat is

a) always from a cooler body to a hotter body
b) always from a hotter body to cooler body
c) always from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature
d) all the above

3. A cold steel spoon is dipped in a cup of hot milk. The steel spoon transfer the heat to its other end by the process of

a) convection
b) conduction
c) radiation
d) none of the above


I ueueeieueueuekdududieisidudud
Number one I think is A

The ejection seat has an acceleration of 8gees (8xgravity or ~80m/s/s). He has a mass of 70kg. The total force on him from the chair/rocket would be ?

(80m/s/s)(70kg)=5600N + Fg = 5600N+(70kg)(9.8N/kg)~5600N+700N=6300N
(80m/s/s)(70kg)=5600N - Fg = 5600N+(70kg)(9.8N/kg)~5600N-700N=4900N
I need the time

please explain need this ASAP


I assume you're talking about a pilot. If the ejection seat has an acceleration of 8g, then it would exert a normal force of 8g (70 kg) ≈ 5600 N.

(This is assuming the pilot is flying horizontally at a constant speed, and the seat is ejected vertically upward.)

To reiterate, this is *only* the force exerted by the seat on the pilot. Contrast this with the net force on the pilot, which would be the normal force minus the pilot's weight, 5600 N - (70 kg)g ≈ 4900 N.

If instead the seat ejects the pilot directly downward, the force exerted by the seat would have the same magnitude of 5600 N, but its direction would be reversed to point downward, making it negative. But the net force would change to -5600 N - (70 kg)g ≈ -6300 N

1. An AAMU basketball player is 2.03 meters tall. What is his height given in US customary units of feet and



His height is 6.66 feet or 79.92 inches.


Given that,

An AAMU basketball player is 2.03 meters tall.

Let h is the height.

We know that,

1 m = 3.28 feet


2.03 m = 6.66 feet


1 m = 39.37 inches

2.03 m = 79.92 inches

Hence, this is the required solution.

Write the prime factorization of 32. Use exponents when appropriate and order the factors
from least to greatest


The answer should be as follows: 1,2,4,8,16,32
1 2 4 8 16 32 -there we go :)

A bullet of mass 0.5 kg is moving horizontally with a speed of 50 m/s when it hits a block of mass 3 kg that is at rest on a horizontal surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.2. After the collision the bullet becomes embedded in the block. How much work is being dne by bullet?



Work done by the bullet is 612.26 J.


mass of bullet, m = 0.5 kg

initial velocity of bullet, u = 50 m/s

coefficient of friction = 0.2

mass of block, M = 3 kg

let the final speed of the bullet block system is v.

use conservation of momentum

Momentum of bullet + momentum of block = momentum of bullet block system

0.5 x 50 + 3 x 0 = (3 + 0.5) v

v = 7.14 m/s

let the stopping distance is

The work done is given by change in kinetic energy of bullet

initial kinetic energy of bullet, K =  0.5 x 0.5 x 50 x 50 = 625 J

Final kinetic energy of bullet, K' = 0.5 x 0.5 x 7.14 x 7.14 = 12.74 J

So, the work done by the bullet

W = 625 - 12.74 = 612.26 J  

A train mass of 2000kg and speed 35 m/s collides and sticks to an identical train that is initially at rest .After the collision (a) what is the final speed of the entangled system?
(b) what is the kinetitic energy of the system? compare the final kinetic energy to initial kinetic energy?



The system would be moving at [tex]17.5\; \rm m \cdot s^{-1}[/tex].

The kinetic energy of this system would be [tex]612500\; \rm J \![/tex] after the collision.

[tex]612500\; \rm J[/tex] (same amount) of kinetic energy would be lost.


The momentum of an object is the product of its mass [tex]m[/tex] and its velocity [tex]v[/tex]. That is: [tex]p = m \cdot v[/tex].

Assume that external forces (e.g., friction) have no effect on this system.  The total momentum of this system would stay the same before and after the collision.

Initial momentum of this system:

Moving train: [tex]\begin{aligned}p &= m \cdot v \\ &= 2000\; \rm kg \times 35\; \rm m \cdot s^{-1} \\ &= 70000\; \rm kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-1}\end{aligned}[/tex].Since the other train wasn't moving before the collision, its initial momentum would be [tex]0[/tex].

Hence, the momentum of this system would be [tex]70000\; \rm kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-1}[/tex] before the collision.

Under the assumptions, the collision would not change the momentum of this system. Hence, the momentum of this system would continue to be [tex]70000\; \rm kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-1}[/tex] after the collision.

However, with two identical trains stuck to each other, the mass of this system would be twice that of just one train: [tex]m = 2 \times 2000\; \rm kg[/tex].

Calculate the new velocity of this system:

[tex]\begin{aligned} v &= \frac{p}{m}\\ &= \frac{70000\; \rm kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-1}}{2 \times 2000\; \rm kg} = 17.5\; \rm m\cdot s^{-1}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Calculate the kinetic energy of this system before and after the collision.

Before the collision:

[tex]\begin{aligned}& \text{KE(before)} \\ =\; & \text{KE(moving train)} + \text{KE(stationary train)}\\ =\; & \frac{1}{2} \, m(\text{one train}) \cdot (v(\text{moving train}))^{2} + 0 \\ = \; &\frac{1}{2} \times 2000 \times (35\; \rm m\cdot s^{-1})^{2} \\ = \; & 1225000\; \rm J \end{aligned}[/tex].

After the collision:

[tex]\begin{aligned}& \text{KE(after)} \\ =\; & \frac{1}{2} \, m(\text{two trains}) \cdot v^{2} \\ = \; &\frac{1}{2} \times (2\times 2000\; \rm kg) \times (17.5\; \rm m\cdot s^{-1})^{2} \\ = \; & 612500\; \rm J \end{aligned}[/tex].

Change to the kinetic energy of this system:

[tex]1225000\; \rm J - 612500\; \rm J = 612500\; \rm J[/tex].

a car increases its speed as it moves across the floor. which form of energy is increasing for the car?





i just remember it from last year


kinetic energy


expression for kinetic energy is

kinetic energy = (1/2) × mass × (velocity)^2

so , as velocity increases K.E increases

A conductor is placed in an external electrostatic field. The external field is uniform before the conductor is placed within it. The conductor is completely isolated from any source of current or charge.

1. Which of the following describes the electricfield inside this conductor?

a. It is in thesame direction as the original external field.
b. It is in theopposite direction from that of the original externalfield.
c. It has adirection determined entirely by the charge on itssurface.
d. It is alwayszero.

2. The charge density inside theconductor is:

a. 0
b. non-zero;but uniform
c. non-zero;non-uniform
d. infinite





The volume of a liquid is 830m'at 30°C and it is 850m'at 90°C. The
coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid is​



4.02×10⁻⁴ K⁻¹



γ = (v₂-v₁)/(v₁Δt)................. Equation 1

Where γ  = coefficient of volume expansion, v₂ = Final volume, v₁ = initial volume, Δt = change in temperature.

From the question,

Given: v₂ = 850 m³, v₁ = 830 m³, Δt = (90-30) = 60°C

Substitute these values into equation 1

γ  = (850-830)/(830×60)

γ  = 20/(830×60)

γ  = 4.02×10⁻⁴ K⁻¹

A professional boxer hits his opponent with a 1035 N horizontal blow that lasts 0.175 s. The opponent's total body mass is 120 kg and the blow strikes him near his center of mass and while he is motionless in midair. Determine the following.(a) The opponent's final velocity after the blow(b) Calculate the recoil velocity of the opponent's 5.0-kg head if hit in this manner, assuming the head does not initially transfer significant momentum to the boxer's body.



(a) vf = 1.51 m/s

(b) vf = 36.22 m/s


The rate of change of momentum is equal to the force:

[tex]F = \frac{mv_f-mv_i}{t}[/tex]

[tex]Ft = m(v_f-v_i)[/tex]


F = Force = 1035 N

t = time = 0.175 s

vi = initial speed = 0 m /s

vf = final speed = ?


m = mass of body = 120 kg


[tex](1035\ N)(0.175\ s)=(120\ kg)(v_f - 0\ m/s)\\\\v_f = \frac{181.125\ Ns}{120\ kg} \\\\[/tex]

vf = 1.51 m/s


m = mass of head = 5 kg


[tex](1035\ N)(0.175\ s)=(5\ kg)(v_f - 0\ m/s)\\\\v_f = \frac{181.125\ Ns}{5\ kg} \\\\[/tex]

vf = 36.22 m/s

Baseball runner with a mass of 70kg, moving at 2.7m/s and collides head-on into a shortstop with a mass of 85kg and a velocity of 1.6m/s. What will be the resultant velocity of the system when they make contact with each other



The speed of the combined mass after the collision is 2.1 m/s.


mass of runner, m = 70 kg

speed  of runner, u = 2.7 m/s

mass of shortstop, m' = 85 kg

speed  of shortstop, u' = 1.6 m/s

Let the velocity of combined system is v.

Use conservation of momentum

Momentum before collision = momentum after collision

m u + m' u' = (m + m') v

70 x 2.7 + 85 x 1.6 = (70 + 85) v

189 + 136 = 155 v

v = 2.1 m/s

A car changes speed from 27m/s to 5m/s in 50m. The acceleration is: *
A) 7m/s2
B) 7.04m/s2
C) -7.04m/s2
D) 0.22m/s2
show your work please


by using v ^2 = u^2 + 2as we can find "a"

25 = 729 + 2 × a × 50

25 = 729 + 100a

a = - 7.04

so the answer is B

Lightning can be studied with a Van de Graaff generator, which consists of a spherical dome on which charge is continuously deposited by a moving belt. Charge can be added until the electric field at the surface of the dome becomes equal to the dielectric strength of air. Any more charge leaks off in sparks. Assume the dome has a diameter of 25.0 cm and is surrounded by dry air with a "breakdown" electric field of 3.00 10^6 V/m.

a. What is the maximum potential of the dome?
b. What is the maximum charge on the dome?



(a) V = 3.75 x 10^5 V

(b) q = 5.2 x 10^-6 C


Diameter, d = 25 cm

radius, r = 12.5 cm = 0.125 m

Electric field, E = 3 x 10^6 V/m

(a) The maximum potential is given by

[tex]V = E \times r \\\\V = 3\times 10^6\times 0.125\\\\V = 3.75\times10^5 V[/tex]

(b) The charge is given by

[tex]V = \frac{k q}{r}\\\\3.75\times10^5=\frac{9\times10^9\times q}{0.125}\\\\q = 5.2\times 10^{-6} C[/tex]

What is this sport ⚽⚾



sports are all forms of physical activity that contribute to physical fitness, mental well-being and social interaction.

hope it is helpful to you

A major artery with a 1.3 cm^2 cross-sectional area branches into 18 smaller arteries, each with an average cross-sectional area of 0.6 cm^2. By what factor is the average velocity of the blood reduced when it passes into these branches?



When the blood passes into the smaller branches, its average velocity reduces by a factor of 0.12



initial area of the artery, A₁ = 1.3 cm²

Area of each smaller 18 arteries, a₂ = 0.6 cm²

Total area of the smaller 18 arteries, A₂ = 18 x 0.6 cm²

Apply flow rate equation;

Q = AV


Q is the flow rate of the blood

V is the average velocity of the blood

If the flow rate is constant, then;

A₁V₁ = A₂V₂

[tex]V_2 = \frac{A_1V_1}{A_2} = \frac{1.3\times V_1}{18\times 0.6} \\\\V_2 = 0.12 \ V_1[/tex]

When the blood passes into the smaller branches, its average velocity reduces by a factor of 0.12

Determine the values of m and n when the following average magnetic field strength of the Earth is written in scientific notation: 0.0000451 T. Enter m and n, separated by commas.



B = 4.51×10⁻⁵ T


Given that,

The average magnetic field strength of the Earth is 0.0000451 T.

We need to write the value in the form of scientific notation. Any number in scientific notation is written as follows :



n is any integer and a is a real no


0.0000451 = 4.51×10⁻⁵ T

So, the required answer is equal to 4.51×10⁻⁵ T.

A 50 g copper calorimeter contains 250 g of water at 20 C. How much steam be condensed into the water to make the final temperature of the system 50 C. ( specific heat water= 4200 J/Kg C , specific heat copper= 390 J/Kg C



Approximately [tex]13\; \rm g[/tex] of steam at [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] (assuming that the boiling point of water in this experiment is [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C\![/tex].)


Latent heat of condensation/evaporation of water: [tex]2260\; \rm J \cdot g^{-1}[/tex].

Both mass values in this question are given in grams. Hence, convert the specific heat values from this question to [tex]\rm J \cdot g^{-1}[/tex].

Specific heat of water: [tex]4.2\; \rm J \cdot g^{-1}\cdot \rm K^{-1}[/tex].

Specific heat of copper: [tex]0.39\; \rm J \cdot g^{-1}\cdot K^{-1}[/tex].

The temperature of this calorimeter and the [tex]250\; \rm g[/tex] of water that it initially contains increased from [tex]20\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] to [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex]. Calculate the amount of energy that would be absorbed:

[tex]\begin{aligned}& Q(\text{copper}) \\ =\;& c \cdot m \cdot \Delta t \\ =\;& 0.39\; \rm J \cdot g^{-1}\cdot K^{-1} \times 50\; \rm g \times (50\;{\rm ^\circ C} - 20\;{\rm ^\circ C}) \\ =\; & 585\; \rm J \end{aligned}[/tex].

[tex]\begin{aligned}& Q(\text{cool water}) \\ =\;& c \cdot m \cdot \Delta t \\ =\;& 4.2\; \rm J \cdot g^{-1}\cdot K^{-1} \times 250\; \rm g \times (50\;{\rm ^\circ C} - 20\;{\rm ^\circ C}) \\ =\; & 31500\; \rm J \end{aligned}[/tex].

Hence, it would take an extra [tex]585\; \rm J + 31500\; \rm J = 32085\; \rm J[/tex] of energy to increase the temperature of the calorimeter and the [tex]250\; \rm g[/tex] of water that it initially contains from [tex]20\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] to [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex].

Assume that it would take [tex]x[/tex] grams of steam at [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] ensure that the equilibrium temperature of the system is [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex].

In other words, [tex]x\; \rm g[/tex] of steam at [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] would need to release [tex]32085\; \rm J[/tex] as it condenses (releases latent heat) and cools down to [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex].

Latent heat of condensation from [tex]x\; \rm g[/tex] of steam: [tex]2260\; {\rm J \cdot g^{-1}} \times (x\; {\rm g}) = (2260\, x)\; \rm J[/tex].

Energy released when that [tex]x\; {\rm g}[/tex] of water from the steam cools down from [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] to [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}Q = \;& c \cdot m \cdot \Delta t \\ =\;& 4.2\; {\rm J \cdot g^{-1}\cdot K^{-1}} \times (x\; \rm g) \times (100\;{\rm ^\circ C} - 50\;{\rm ^\circ C}) \\ =\; & (210\, x)\; \rm J \end{aligned}[/tex].

These two parts of energy should add up to [tex]32085\; \rm J[/tex]. That would be exactly what it would take to raise the temperature of the calorimeter and the water that it initially contains from [tex]20\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] to [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex].

[tex](2260\, x)\; {\rm J} + (210\, x)\; {\rm J} = 32085\; \rm J[/tex].

Solve for [tex]x[/tex]:

[tex]x \approx 13[/tex].

Hence, it would take approximately [tex]13\; \rm g[/tex] of steam at [tex]100\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex] for the equilibrium temperature of the system to be [tex]50\; \rm ^\circ C[/tex].

When rebuilding her car's engine, a physics major must exert 405 N of force to insert a dry steel piston into a steel cylinder. What is the magnitude of the normal force in newtons between the piston and cylinder





From the question we are told that:

Force [tex]F=405N[/tex]

Generally the equation for Normal force in this case is is mathematically given by

 [tex]F=\mu_s N[/tex]


Static Friction=[tex]\mu_s[/tex]






CHEGG A neutron star has a mass of 2.08 × 1030 kg (about the mass of our sun) and a radius of 6.73 × 103 m. Suppose an object falls from rest near the surface of such a star. How fast would it be moving after it had fallen a distance of 0.0093 m? (Assume that the gravitational force is constant over the distance of the fall, and that the star is not rotating.


Let g be the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the star. By Newton's second law, the gravitational force felt by the object has a magnitude of

F = GMm/r ² = mg


• G = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg² is the gravitational constant,

• M = 2.08 × 10³⁰ kg is the mass of the star,

• m is the unknown mass of the object, and

• r = 6.73 × 10³ m is the radius of the star

Solving for g gives

g = GM/r ²

g = (6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg²) (2.08 × 10³⁰ kg) / (6.73 × 10³ m)²

g ≈ 3.06 × 10¹² m/s²

The object is in free fall with uniform acceleration and starting from rest, so its speed after falling 0.0093 m is v such that

v ² = 2g (0.0093 m)

v = √(2g (0.0093 m))

v ≈ 240,000 m/s ≈ 240 km/s

A 1500kg car is travelling at v=30m/s. The cars kinetic energy is? *

A) 45000J
B) 1350000J
C) 22500J

show your work please


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{\text{D. 675000J}}[/tex]

Use the following formula to solve:

KE = 1/2mv², where:

KE = kinetic energy

m = mass (kg)

v = velocity (m/s)


KE = 1/2(1500)(30)²

KE = 1/2(1500)(900)

KE = 675000 J

The lumberjack pulls on the sled with 40 N at an angle of 30 degrees, pulling so the sled moves at a constant velocity. 1) What is the x component of the applied force? 2) What is the y component of the applied force? 3) If the loaded sled has a mass of 65 kg, what is the magnitude of the force of gravity? 4) What is the magnitude of the normal force acting on the sled? 5) What is the coefficient of friction between the snow and the sled?


1) (40 N) cos(30°) ≈ 34.6 N

2) (40 N) sin(30°) = 20 N

3) (65 kg) g = (65 kg) (9.80 m/s²) = 585 N

4) The net force on the sled acting in the vertical direction is made up of

• the sled's weight, 585 N, pointing downward

• the vertical component of the applied force, 20 N, pointing upward

• the normal force, with magnitude n, also pointing upward

The sled does not move up or down, so by Newton's second law,

F = n + 20 N - 585 N = 0   ==>   n = 565 N

5) The net force in the horizontal direction consists of

• the horizontal component of the applied force, 34.6 N, acting in the direction the sled's movement (call this the positive direction)

• kinetic friction, with magnitude f, pointing in the opposite and negative direction

By Newton's second law,

F = 34.6 N - f = 0   ==>   f ≈ 34.6 N

Now if µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction, then

f = µn   ==>   µ = f/n = (34.6 N) / (565 N) ≈ 0.0613

The component of the force is the effective part of that force in that direction.

What is the component of a force?

The component of the force is the effective part of that force in that direction.

1) The horizontal component of a force = 40 N cos 30 degrees = 34.6 N

2) The vertical component of the force = 40 N sin 30 degrees = 20 N

3) The magnitude of the gravitational force = mg cos 30 degrees  = 65 Kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * cos 30 degrees = 551.7 N

4) The normal force = 551.7 N

5) The coefficient of friction = F/R =  40 N /551.7 N = 0.07

Learn more about component of a force:https://brainly.com/question/15529350


Got it never mind. The only reason I'm typing more is to fill out the required space



hey. i dont know what you tryna say but if u replying to someone else, you should use the comments section. in that way you won't lose points.

A 1200-kg car is being driven up a 5.0o hill. The frictional force is directed opposite to the motion of the car and has a magnitude of f = 524 N. A force F is applied to the car by the road and propels the car forward. In addition to these two forces, two other forces act on the car: its weight W and the normal force FN directed perpendicular to the road surface. The length of the road up the hill is 290 m. What should be the magnitude of F, so that the net work done by all the forces acting on the car is +150 kJ?


I suppose the hill makes an angle of 5.0° with the horizontal.

• F acts parallel to the road and in the direction of the car's motion, so it contributes a positive amount of work, F (290 m).

• Friction does negative work on the car since it opposes the car's motion. As the car moves up the slope, the work done by friction is (-524 N) (290 m) = -151,960 J.

• The car's weight has components that act parallel and perpendicular to the road. The parallel component has a magnitude of W sin(5.0°) and points down the slope, so it contributes negative work of -(1200 kg) g sin(5.0°) ≈ 1,024.95 J. The perpendicular component of W does not do any work.

• The normal force FN also doesn't do any work to move the car up the slope because it points perpendicular to the road, so we can ignore it, too.

The net work done on the car is then

F (290 m) + (-151,960 J) + 1,024.95 J = 150,000 J

==>   F (290 m) ≈ 300,935 J

==>   F ≈ (300,935 J) / (290 m) ≈ 1,037.71 N

Convert the following:
1) 367.5 mg = _______ g
2) 367 mL = _______ L
3) 28.59 in =______ cm
4) 8 0z =_______lb
5) 0.671 mm =_____m



1) 0.3675

2) 0.367

3) 72.6186

4) 0.5

5) 0.000671


1) 367.5 mg = 0.3675 g

2) 367 mL = 0.367 L

3) 28.59 in = 72.61 cm

4) 8 0z = 0.5 lb

5) 0.671 mm = 0.0000671 m

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What are the first five terms of the recursive sequence? which statement is accurate? A. Jim Crow laws took effect during the Civil War. B. Jim Crow laws were created before Reconstruction. C. Jim Crow laws were created as a response to the Civil Rights Act. D. Jim Crow laws took effect after ratification of the 14th Amendment Line segment Q R , Line segment R S and Line segment S Q are midsegments of WXY.Triangle R Q S is inside triangle X Y W. Point R is the midpoint of side X Y, point S is the midpoint of side Y W, and point Q is the midpoint of side X W. The length of Q R is 2.93 centimeters, the length of R S is 2.04 centimeters, and the length of Q S is 2.28 centimeters.What is the perimeter of WXY?11.57 cm12.22 cm12.46 cm14.50 cm I don't even know what we are working on at this point so if this isnt biology, sorry. The decorative features of Shang bronze ritual vessels were inspired by __________. (HeLp hOomAnZ i iZ neEdS uR HelPinG :V)What compromise was made by the South in 1790 that changed the location of the nations capital?a. The North would allow the federal government to collect taxes.b. The national capital would later be moved north to Philadelphia.c. The North would repay its own war debt.d. The South agreed the federal government would take over the war debt owed by the states. The measure of degrees CAGIGISO Very short answer questions. 1. How do you define human development? (a)What is the meaning of subsidiary company (2) write a paragraph on tarak Mehta ka ulta chasma Your city has a sales tax rate of 6%. If you just spent $30 on sales tax, how much were your purchases? Nagpur is famous for its (a) apple (b) pineapple (c) oranges What did Hernn Corts do after the Aztec emperor Montezuma II welcomed him to Tenochtitln?A) He took the emperor captive.B) He burned his own ships.C) He met with Atahualpa.D) He encountered the Pacific Ocean. consider the figure below FREE BRAINLIST TO WHOMEVER ANSWERS THIS QUESTION! - Write me a 7 sentences comparing and contrasting Juneteenth celebrations with 4th of July celebrations. No plagiarism please! Need answer ASAP pls its important a. What is Art Exhibition?b. State any four benefits of exhibitionc. Describe four essential steps in planning exhibition 20. Find the measure of < DEG. (G.CO.C.10)4EA. 25B. 8(3y + 4) A (5y-10)C. 30DFClick to add speaker notese here to searchOc3PO.a Th th no lin kt vi mt phn t ngoi mng t bo, hot ho mt protein kinase bn trong t bo? Which function can represent the height, y, of the railing in inches according to the horizontal distance in inches, x, from the top of the stairs? y = StartFraction 3 Over 4 EndFractionx + 36 y = 3x + 36 y = StartFraction 3 Over 4 EndFractionx + 36 y = 3x + 36