A Whole New World
A timeline is a visual representation of historical events that helps you visualize the order of those events and how they relate to each other. When you read a narrative account of history, you tend to focus on one event at a time as you read a description of that event. When you “read” a timeline, on the other hand, you can see more broadly how events relate to each other chronologically, which may help you see other types of patterns and relationships among events.

Directions: First, place the events below on the timeline in a way that illustrates recent American history. Then answer the question below the timeline.

• George H.W. Bush’s term in office (1989-1993)
• Bill Clinton’s term in office (1993-2001)
• George W. Bush’s term in office (2001-2009)
• Barack Obama’s term in office (2009-2017)
• America’s Operation Desert Storm brings swift defeat to Iraq (January – February 1991)
• The Oslo Accords, which bring Israel and Palestine closer to
• The first budget surpluses since the 1960s (1998-2001)
• Unemployment drops to 4%, the lowest rate since the 1960s (2000)
• The September 11th Attacks (9/11/2001)
• The War in Afghanistan (2001 – Present)
• The Iraq War (2003 – 2011)
• The Great Recession begins (2008 – 2009) peace and mutual recognition, are signed with American help (1993 – 1995)

Year Event

Follow-up Question: In general, what happened to the United States after the September 11th attacks? Do you think those changes are permanent? Why or why not?


Answer 1


George H.W. Bush’s term in office (1989-199Explanation:

Related Questions

Why did the Phoenicians developed an alphabet? To preserve their history None of the above are true To communicate with conquered people For business and trading



to keep track of their trade

For business and trading

. Which of the following is a good example of a dictatorship?
a. Great Britain
b. Germany
c. North Korea
d. Switzerland


North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship.

C. Answer

What is one way the executive branch checks the power of the judicial



One way the President checks judicial power is through his ability to appoint federal judges.


Since the President is the Chief Administrator, it's his job to appoint a court of appeals judges, district court judges, and Supreme Court justices.


The Executive Branch Checks on the Legislature included “Veto power and Vice President isPresident of the Senate” while for Checks on the Judiciary: “Power to appoint judges andPardon power”.

Hope it helps >3!

PLs answer i need it now



Earthquakes are recorded by a seismographic network. Each seismic station in the network measures the movement of the ground at that site. The slip of one block of rock over another in an earthquake releases energy that makes the ground vibrate. That vibration pushes the adjoining piece of ground and causes it to vibrate, and thus the energy travels out from the earthquake hypocenter in a wave.

There are many different ways to measure different aspects of an earthquake:

Magnitude is the most common measure of an earthquake's size. It is a measure of the size of the earthquake source and is the same number no matter where you are or what the shaking feels like. The Richter scale is an outdated method for measuring magnitude that is no longer used by the USGS for large, teleseismic earthquakes. The Richter scale measures the largest wiggle (amplitude) on the recording, but other magnitude scales measure different parts of the earthquake. The USGS currently reports earthquake magnitudes using the Moment Magnitude scale, though many other magnitudes are calculated for research and comparison purposes.

Intensity is a measure of the shaking and damage caused by the earthquake; this value changes from location to location


plz follow me.

and mark me a brain list

briefly describe three major characteristics of industrialization in the south (the 1890s) what were some of the key southern industries during this era ?​



Betty boop was a big hit back then and one she's such a peach she's a great dancer and her shows just really great

Investiga sobre las armas de destrucción masiva y sus efectos perjudiciales en el mundo a lo largo de la historia. Realiza un comentario al respecto, no mayor de 10 líneas.



Armas nucleares, armas químicas y armas biológicas.


Las armas de destrucción masiva y sus efectos dañinos en el mundo a lo largo de la historia se componen de tres tipos principales que son las armas nucleares, las armas químicas y las armas biológicas. Las armas nucleares se refieren a las armas atómicas y las armas de radiación, las armas químicas se refieren a los gases venenosos y las armas biológicas son las toxinas y patógenos naturales que causan destrucción masiva y grandes daños al mundo y su medio ambiente.

An important trade good from subsaharan Africa in the middle ages was



The main items traded were gold and salt. The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads.



Subsaharen, Africa traded gold

Trong cuộc khai thác thuộc địa lần thứ 2 (1919-1929) ở Đông Dương, Pháp đầu tư chủ yếu vào ngành công nghiệp nào



Beginning throughout the 1930s, Immediately started using the natural resource base riches and diversifying the colony's economy. Tea, rice, espresso, pepper, lignite, zinc, and tin were produced in Cochinchina, Annam, and Tonkin (contemporary Vietnam), while rice and capsicum crops were grown in Cambodia.

The lifting of traditional restrictions on Indian labor alluded to in the speech contributed most directly to which global processes?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, your question is incomplete. You forgot to include the speech and the options to answer this question.

However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

The lifting of traditional restrictions on Indian labor alluded to in the speech contributed most directly to the following global processes: "A long-distance and overseas migrants of contractual and coercer workers."

It was the year 1863, when British governor of Bombay, India, Bartle Frere, delivered a speech during the inauguration of a rail line.

In the speech, he referred to the Railway period in India, highlighting that Indian workers could have better conditions in the railroad industry.

Frere also commented on the many advantages railroads would bring to India in terms of transportation of people and goods.

The First Continental Congress suggested that colonists boycott British goods in 1774 to protest
A. the Stamp Act.
B. elections held in England.
C. unfair treatment of their representatives.
D. unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.


D. Unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.


The First Continental Congress suggested that colonists boycott British goods in 1774 to protest unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.

The tension between the colonists and Great Britain was continuing to rise, as the colonists felt as if the taxes that were being put on them were unfair. They had no representation in the British Parliament, which was coined as, "taxation without representation." This caused the colonists to act out and later on start the Revolutionary War.

The First Continental Congress met in 1774 and wanted to make it so Great Britain would get rid of the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts, were a set of laws put on the colonists from Great Britain. These laws were put on them after the colonists continued to defy Great Britain and their taxes. The acts in the Intolerable Acts ended up angering the colonists even more, as they were deemed to be completely unfair.

When the First Continental Congress met in 1774, they agreed that the colonists should boycott British products and goods until Great Britain got rid of the Intolerable Acts.




who started the lunch room fight?



Alicia, a girl in the same grade as Max and Justin: “My friend Malik said he was in the lunchroom when Max and Justin started fighting. He told me that some people moved away to give the boys space while some others ran to break it up. I don't really know either of them, but I bet Justin started it.” 1.

On a two-dimensional graph representing two variables:
O a. a negative slope of a curve means the two variables are positively related.
O b. a pojitive slope of a curve means the variables are negatively related.
O c. à line that is vertical has a zero slope.
O d. a line that is horizontal has a zero slope.



O d. a line that is horizontal has a zero slope.


When the line moves horizontally, then it makes no or zero slope because it does not move upward or downward direction, it only moves from left to right direction while on the other hand, when the line moves vertically, it makes slope.  A negative slope means that two variables are negatively related whereas, a positive slope means that two variables are positively related.

What did the Colonization Law of 1823 do for Stephen Austin?
It gave him 640 acres of land in Texas.
It allowed him to buy land in Texas for $1.25 per acre.
It made him empresario over 100,000 acres of land in Texas.
It allowed him to overthrow the governor of Texas and take his land.


B I believe it allowed him to buy land in Texas for $1.25 per acre


it both C and B

hope it helps

consider the information you have learned about the colombian exchange. Which location, new world or old world, influenced the other more ?



the old world influenced the new world to change more


What are redcoats disadvantages?



One of the major disadvantages of the Redcoats were emotions. The redcoats were there just to fight, they had no personal stake in the Revolution. The colonists did, they were fighting for their country, their people, their land. So the colonists had a lot more to lose than the redcoats.

Mark Brainliest please


The British forces were trained and structured for 18th century linear warfare against conventional forces, in most (not all) encounters when the Continentals met the British in open warfare the British gained the upper hand - When the Continentals exploited their tactical strength through more unconventional methods the red coats tactics became a disadvantage

One of the major disadvantages of the Redcoats were emotions. The redcoats were there just to fight, they had no personal stake in the Revolution. The colonists did, they were fighting for their country, their people, their land. So the colonists had a lot more to lose than the redcoats. The Redcoats were there just because they were paid to be there and fight.

How many dust storms occured in 1932?


I think the answer is 14
there was 14 dust storms!

What was the state of the French government during Napoleon's exile?



Your answer is here but you have to mark it as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 points


Napoléon Bonaparte(15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821), usually referred to as simply Napoleon in English, was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. He was the de facto leader of the French Republic as First Consul from 1799 to 1804. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814 and again in 1815. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. One of the greatest commanders in history, his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial political figures in human history.

The French government was in a state of disarray following Napoleon's defeat. France's Bourbon monarchy was reinstated, but political unrest resulted from Napoleon's flight and subsequent return to France.

Napoleon was ultimately overthrown by a coalition of the Allies, which resulted in his second exile. The French government was undergoing change as Napoleon was in exile.

In April 1814, Napoleon was banished to the island of Elba, which is sandwiched between Corsica and Italy. In France, the Bourbon monarchy was reinstated. In February 1815, Napoleon made his way off the island of Elba and took over France.

Learn more about on Napoleon, here:



what are the 3 thing



according to research;"The three important things in life are vitality, connection and contribution"

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of limited government?



In political philosophy, limited government is the concept of a government limited in power. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism.

Why was Mckinley favorited over Bryan in the 1896 presidential election?


At their national convention in 1896, the Populists chose Bryan as their presidential nominee. However, to demonstrate that they were still independent from the Democrats, the Populists also chose former Georgia Representative Thomas E. Watson as their vice-presidential candidate instead of Arthur Sewall.

hope this helps have a great day!!

What are modern day archetypes? I’m today’s world



classic archetypes change to fit modern day society. Hundreds of years ago, the most common archetypes included the hero, the caregiver, the mother, the orphan, the rebel and the sage. Carl Jung, famed psychologist, created the concept of archetype when he first developed his theory of the human psyche

Which of the following was not a part of America is war debt



you don't have any options there

'Life is nearly impossible without rocks". Do you agree or disagree? Justify your answer with suitable examples
pls will mark brainliest​



The "NO ROCKS ON EARTH" condition would be very difficult to envision. That would mean that there would be no crust, separating the mantle from the asthenosphere. The heat exchange from that condition would cool the mantle and a new crust would form. The whole concept of "no rocks" becomes untenable.It's no surprise: The promise of a better life in the mysterious beyond can be of the rock materials resemble how they would appear under daytime There are three main types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.Life is nearly impossible without rocks". This is the fact we all should be agree with. Each of these rocks are formed by physical change that gives us shelter. However,we use things made from rocks and minerals every day. The items in this case are just a few of the ways that we use rocks and minerals in our daily life. It's hard not to experience iron and aluminum in our everyday lives.


This much you will get 8 marks if you're at 7th to 8th grade!

The United States advocated the Open Door policy because



The primary reason the US advocated the Open Door Policy was to protect and broaden US trade with China. This policy was put into effect in the early 20th century after the Boxer Rebellion in China. It hastened the end of the last dynasty in Chinese history.



Open Door Policy of Secretary John Hay aims to keep China a free trade country with equal trade opportunities between countries. At that time, the European country has colonized nearby Hongkong. Thus, the answer is letter C. Open Door policy had kept European Power to limit foreign trade with China.

What affect did the Scopes trial have on the school curriculum in Tennessee?



Scopes lost the case, thus the curriculum did not alter.


Why was this video created?

1.to encourage American women to work in factories
2.to ask the public to make donations to the war effort
3.to ask citizens to save gasoline and other supplies
4.to help increase the size of the American military



4. to help increase the size of the American military

have a nice day


Help increase the size of the American military.


The main message of the poster is that



the message on the poster is meant to empower women I believe


the main message that the poster is portraying is that women can do anything and just keep going. This may be my beliefs for this and if it's wrong sorry.

helpppp xd is for a final test :(




United nations: works with many international nations on issues such as terrorism, poverty, hunger etc.

Amnesty International: is an ngo (non-governmental organization) fighting for human justice and rights

Realism: an approach

Sanctions: foreign policy type, we do this alot againt Russia

Containment: we tried to keep communism from spreading more west after WWII by "containing it"

My best guess, sorry if not correct

the strongest man in the world


Answer: Zydrunas Savickas


1. Zydrunas Savickas – Powerlifter, Strongman. In our opinion, he's the strongest man of all time. ... Savickas placed second at the WSM competition in 2002, 2003, and 2004, usually dominating the events that involved pure strength while not doing as well in those that required speed and agility.


Martins Licis


americans are big and muscely

why was the boston massacre a turning point for the american revolution?


It angered the colonists to the point of revolution
The Boston Massacre is considered one of the most significant events that turned colonial sentiment against King George III and British Parliamentary authority. John Adams wrote that the "foundation of American independence was laid" on March 5, 1770, and Samuel Adams and other Patriots used annual commemorations (Massacre Day) to encourage public sentiment toward independence.

It helped America pull away from British rule and establish a new country on it’s own.
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