Alumno/a: _______________________________

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A partir de lo trabajado en clases (presenciales y virtuales) y de la lectura de las páginas 8 a 17 del cuadernillo, resuelvan con sus palabras las siguientes actividades:

1) ¿Qué son las declaraciones que aparecen en la Constitución Nacional?

2) Completen el siguiente cuadro para clasificar a los artículos de la Constitución Nacional según la categoría de declaración política, religiosa, económico-financiera y jurídica. (Les recomiendo buscar los artículos en el texto de la Constitución Nacional que se encuentra disponible como archivo adjunto de esta actividad.)


Explicación de la declaración





El Tesoro nacional es el dinero disponible para cubrir los gastos del Gobierno nacional. El dinero del Tesoro nacional proviene de: venta o alquiler de tierras del país, impuestos por las cosas que entran y salen del país y los que paga la población, préstamos que pide el Gobierno cuando el dinero de los impuestos no le alcanza. El Congreso nacional es el encargado de crear los impuestos. Los impuestos deben ser equitativos: cuanto más tenés, más pagás.







3) Busquen en la Constitución Nacional los artículos 14 y 14 bis, 15, 37, 41 y 75 inciso 17. Luego expliquen con sus palabras cuáles son los derechos reconocidos en cada uno de los artículos, a qué clasificación de derechos corresponde, busquen una imagen para ilustrarlos y agréguenle un epígrafe.


Artículo 14: Reconoce a todos los habitantes de Argentina (nacionales y extranjeros) la libertad para trabajar, transitar, comerciar, peticionar a las autoridades, y de expresión, asociación, culto y educación. Es por ello que decimos que el artículo 14 garantiza los derechos civiles (de primera generación.

La imagen ilustra el derecho a publicar las ideas por la prensa sin censura previa

4) ¿Qué son las garantías constitucionales?

5) A continuación les presento diversos casos en los que no se cumplen las garantías constitucionales. Comenten con sus palabras qué tipo de acción judicial usarían en cada caso para proteger los derechos constitucionales.

a) Una persona es detenida en la vía pública por ser de la religión musulmana

b) Una ley sancionada este año establece que los alumnos que el año pasado aprobaron la materia de Construcción de la Ciudadanía con 7 deben rendir nuevamente la materia, porque ahora se estableció que la note mínima es 8

c) Una persona es detenida por fumar en la vía pública, en un espacio abierto

d) Una persona que robó una bicicleta fue detenida y golpeada por los vecinos de la zona

e) Un grupo de jóvenes fue detenido por la policía y obligados a mostrar los mensajes recibidos en sus teléfonos

f) Una familia está a punto de ser desalojada de su vivienda porque se atrasó una semana en el pago del alquiler

6) Elaboren un mapa conceptual para graficar las declaraciones, derechos y garantías reconocidas en la primera parte de la constitución nacional.


Answer 1


is there english transalation?


Related Questions

Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps during World War II
a. due to numerous acts of sabotage.
b. in retaliation for the placement of Americans in concentration camps by the Japanese.
c. as a result of anti-Japanese prejudice and fear.
d. because many were loyal to Japan.
e. All of these



Option A


Because of Japanese folk's fear as well as paranoia the United States interned nearly 127,000 Japanese-Americans in detention centers throughout the length of WWII. Many Americans were concerned that Japanese-Americans would work as spies or traitors for the Japanese government. The United States placed nearly 127,000 Japanese-Americans behind concentration centers for the length of WWII, based on fear rather than proof. During World War II, more than 127,000 Americans were imprisoned.

What was the importance of the city of Venice?


The Republic of Venice was a major financial and maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important centre of commerce (especially silk, grain, and spice) and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century.

what is the Shariah?



Shariah is an Islamic law obtained from the teachings of the Quran and of Muhammad. It is not a list of rules but rather a set of principles on aspects of life, including marriage, divorce, finance and rituals such as fasting and prayer.

The word Sharia literally translates to "the way." As mentioned above, the law outlines how Muslims should conduct themselves in various aspects of their lives, including their personal lives, their responsibilities to society, their religious beliefs, as well as their finances.

Napoleon’s final defeat came at in Belgium against a combined
and British army.



The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.Nov 7, 2018

End date: June 18, 1815

Part of: Napoleonic Wars

hope I helped plz give BRAIN-LY-EST


USA vs Confederate advantages and disadvantages



The main advantages of the USA were:

A larger population, the USA had the majority of large cities of North America at the time, and a lot of immigrants, while the Confederacy was mainly rural, and not as populated. This larger population meant a more numerous army.

And a more powerful economy with some industry, which facilitated the production of arms and supplies for the military.

The disadvantage was that USA was the aggressor, and had to take up territory, while the confederacy only had to defend itself.

The confederacy main advantage was that as defenders, they knew most of the territory better, and had overall a more advantageous geographical position, at least at the start of the war. The main disadvantage for the Confederacy was precisely the smaller population -which means a smaller army- and the less developed economy, which was mainly agrarian, lacking almost any form of industry.

Which of the following is a reason not to extract mineral resources from the ground? It can improve technology. It can allow the resource to be used in a helpful way. It can cause air, soil, or water pollution. It can provide new jobs.





it can cause gas to release, along with pollution!

What was the Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor? Plz give me an awnswer i dont know it



It was the most prominent labor organization of the 1880's.


the caption “every garden a munition plant” suggests that food was just as important as in winning the war. the poster is an example of total war strategy because it suggests that all were needed to help win the war.


Answer: important as BULLETS, all CITIZENS were needed



important as BULLETS, all CITIZENS were needed


World War II ended with

A.) the D-Day invasion

B. the bombing of Nagasaki

C. the Battle of the Bulge

D. the bombing of Dresden


Hope this helps. Sorry for wrong answer



war world 2 ended with the bombing of Dresden.

Though Christopher Columbus was the most famous, Spanish exploration of the America’s began long before he arrived.


Answer: false


9. Alexander Forbes wrote the list book in English special about California.




10.Thomas Cesty Jones:

A. Mistakenly took Santa Barbara for the U.S

B. was in the of the Beat Flag Revolt.

C. Conquered New Mexico the U.S

D. None of the choses we correct





Please help me
What eventually happened to most of Caribbean pirates



They got hung or was lost to Davie Jones locker.


I know this cause I watched pirates of the Caribbean I suggest it

Hoardings, television and radio commercials, pamphlets and brochures are



Types of advertisment


ting With the
ar Colonial
e Beginnings
The most brutal and destructive fighting of the war occurred
Nation 1777-
at Valley Forge
Forming a
O in southern colonies
Citizenship and
O at Lexington and Concord
Citizenship and
anted by the
O in New England
Launching the


A. The Southern Colonies

Enlightenment thinkers most contributed to the development of which
political idea?


What’s the answer choices?
Can you show the choices?

De los principios republicanos de la Antigua Roma ¿cuales dirias estan presentes en el sistema politico chileno actual? Explica



La división de poderes tripartita es heredado de los principios republicanos de la Antigua Roma.

La división en gobiernos menores.


La división de los poderes en la antigua Roma es una herencia muy fuerte en muchos de los gobiernos actuales, con un Senado y Cámara de  diputados que aprueban y promulgan leyes, así como la figura presidencial que ejecuta el gobierno como tal, en Chile existe además la parte de la suprema corte que ayuda a hacer justicia en el país.

La división de gobiernos, que están supeditados al gobierno general del país es una herencia romana que también fue utilizado con las ciudades republicas, que tenían su propio estado más chico que respondía al gobierno central.

During European Imperialism which country had the largest Empire?
b. Germany
Great Britain
d. Belgium



c) great Britain


I think it’s Great Britain

What was a cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?



A cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was establishing and maintaining the Interstate Commerce Commission. In that time, railroads had abusive practices that affected consumers and businesses across the country. hope i helped man plz GIVE brain-ly-est



A cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was establishing and maintaining the Interstate Commerce Commission. In that time, railroads had abusive practices that affected consumers and businesses across the country


How were the Aztec chinampas constructed?



Agriculture, along with trade and tribute formed the basis of the Aztec empire such as growing enough food to feed the urban population of the Aztec cities was a major importance

Based on the result of the situation in the map, which statement best describes President Truman's point of view on United States foreign policy?

A. communist expansion in Europe should be contained

B. cooperation with the Soviet Union should be increased

C. satellite nations of the Soviet Union should not be recognized as legal states

D. economic aid was not likely to help nations in Western Europe



communist expansion in Europe should be contained


Containment was a foreign policy of the united states of America. It was introduced when the cold war was about to start so that the spread of communism could be stopped entirely or kept contained.  

Harry S. Truman, the 33rd president of the United States, adopted this policy, and it was put in place in such a way that the united states would not make moves to get back territories that have already falling into communism.  

discuss the political economic impact of the Great Depression in Germany in the 1930​



loss of man power. shotageof social services. And etc

Napoleon’s failed invasion of led other states to attack the weakened French army.


Russia, as Napoleon unsuccessfully invaded Russia and did so in a poorly planned invasion

Critical Thinking: Summarizing How did the
Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 help end
discrimination in the work place?


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act barred race, religious, national origin and gender discrimination by employers and labor unions, and created an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission with the power to file lawsuits on behalf of aggrieved workers.

How was the wave of UIS. immigration in the late 1800s different from the
previous wave of immigration in the mid-1800s?



"In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. Others came seeking personal freedom or relief from political and religious persecution, and nearly 12 million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900. During the 1870s and 1880s, the vast majority of these people were from Germany, Ireland, and England - the principal sources of immigration before the Civil War. Even so, a relatively large group of Chinese immigrated to the United States between the start of the California gold rush in 1849 and 1882, when federal law stopped their immigration."

Which social class was most under attack during the French Revolution?

The aristocracy?
The priesthood?
Urban workers?
Rural farmworkers?



The aristocracy


The social class that was most under attack during the French Revolution was the aristocracy.


The aristocracy


Because that was who made the unfair voting laws for the lower classes which caused them to revolt.

name three ways in which Cuneiform is different than hieroglyphics in terms of
how it originated (3 points) and its different phases of evolution in both


Answer: The earliest known script, the Mesopotamian cuneiform was invented in Sumer, present-day Iraq, circa 3200 BC. It is the origin of our present-day alphabet and it was uninterruptedly used for over a period of 10,000 years as its prehistoric antecedent.

Explanation: The evolution of the cuneiform script is divided into four phases: Clay tokens representing units of goods were used for accounting purposes (8000–3500 BC). The three-dimensional tokens were transformed into two-dimensional pictographic signs, similarly to the tokens, the pictographic script served exclusively for accounting (3500–3000 BC). Phonetic syllabic signs initially introduced to write down the names of individuals marked the turning point when writing started imitating spoken language and, as a result, became applicable to all fields of human knowledge (3000–1500 BC). With two dozen letters, each standing for a single sound of voice, the alphabet perfected the interpretation of speech.

Hieroglyphic writing, which appeared at the end of the 4th millennium, was a complex system of phonetic signs corresponding to one or more consonants, ideograms objects or abstract concepts, and determinatives that determine the words. These specified their semantic categories (e.g. man, woman). Hieratic script, which arose in parallel time with the hieroglyphics, is the  “cursive” format of hieroglyphics for easy use in daily and private matters, where appearance was less important than writing speed. These writings were used simultaneously for many centuries until the beginning of the 26th dynasty (664–30 BC), when a third one was introduced, the demotic script. Hieroglyphs from then on were used for monumental inscriptions, whereas religious texts were written in hieratic script, and the demotic script became that of the public administration and private documents.

How did Bourbon rule impact Mississippi's education system?

It benefited African American children.
It drastically cut spending on education.
It led to significant improvements in literacy.
It decreased the length of the school year.



it benefited african american children


ASAP help just say what order pls



hunting and gathering

farm and store

advance civilization

neolithic revolution occurred


I think that's the order.

Which of the following was a Republican elected from Oklahoma?

Robert S. Kerr
David Boren
Ed Edmondson
J.C. Watts



Its J.C. Watts


The republican elected from Oklahoma is J.C. Watts

Question 3 of 26
How did centers of world power shift from the period before World War I to
the period after World War II?
A. The centers of power shifted from Western Europe to the United
States and the Soviet Union.
B. The centers of power shifted from the Soviet Union to Eastern
Europe and China.
C. The centers of power shifted from the United States and Eastern
Europe to the Soviet Union.
D. The centers of power shifted from Eastern Europe to the Soviet
Union and China.


The answer is A.

America's military might surpassed Western Europe, along with their GDP. The same happened with the Soviets.

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