Addison's disease is characterized by which of the following symptoms?

a) Hypoglycemia
b) Weight loss
C) Swelling of the lips and nose
d) Electrolyte imbalance
e) Sensitivity to cold

Please help


Answer 1


weight loss



Related Questions

Now differentiate between laws and theories



laws are so far permanent and can be amended, other-wise they can't be removed

theories, are different, theories are just theories that are ready to become something like a law, it is still in testing mode, it is like a bill in terms of law and has a possibility to become a passed law, just needs more hypothesis's and conclusions


law = law that is passed

theories = bills in law

The arctic fox has a diploid number of 50 an arctic fox was forming gametes by meiosis, how many chromosomes would be visible in prophase 17 Are the chromosomes replicated or non-replicated?
a. 2. 50; unreplicated
b. 28; replicated
c. 100, replicated
d. 25: unreplicated
e. 6.50; Replicated



50 visible chromosomes and replicated.


Diploid number 50Haploid number 25

When we talk about the cell cycle, we refer to the interphase and the cell division (mitosis or meiosis).

Interphase is composed of stages G1, S, and G2. During the S stage, the DNI replication process occurs. This is the only stage in which the DNI molecule replicates. The synthesis of histones and other associated proteins also occurs.

Meiosis occurs after the interphase is over.

Meiosis produces four daughter haploid cells (n) from a diploid germ cell (2n). Each daughter cell is haploid because they have half the number of chromosomes of the original one.

At the beginning of prophase 1, DNI is condensed in a well-defined chromosome formed by two sister chromatids joined by a centromere. Each chromosome carefully pairs with its homologous chromosome. Homologous chromosomes aline together to make the crossing-over possible, the stage where they interchange their parts.

The whole set of chromosomes is present in prophase 1. The reduction occurs later.

So if the germ cell has 50 chromosomes, the same 50 will be visible during prophase 1. DNA has already been replicated during the S stage of interphase.

Which of these occurs in the first trimester of human pregnancy?

A. The fetus accumulates fat under its skin.

B. The fetus's lungs become fully developed.

C. The fetus is able to move its limbs.

D. The fetus becomes medically viable.



i think its probably A


the first trimester is when the fetus enters a stage of rapid development. forming most organs, facial features, skeletal tissue, and limbs. So its either A or B. But i dont think the lungs are fully developed yet so i would choose A. hope this helped

Why do some people argue that scientists should not use embryonic stem cells in medical research?
A. They think research conducted on these stem cells is not applicable to adults.

B. They think the use of these stem cells is too expensive.

C. They think the use of these stem cells is the same as ending a life.

D. They think research conducted on these stem cells is too difficult.​


[tex] \huge \rm \pink{answer}[/tex]

D. They think research conducted on these stem cells is too difficult.

They argue because they think the use of these stem cells is the same as ending a life. Therefore, option C is correct.

This viewpoint is rooted in ethical and moral concerns. Embryonic stem cells are obtained from human embryos, usually from unused embryos created during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. Opponents argue that using these stem cells for research purposes involves the destruction of potential human life since the embryos are destroyed in the process of harvesting the cells.

The ethical debate surrounding embryonic stem cell research centers on the question of when life begins and whether it is ethically justifiable to use human embryos for scientific purposes.

Learn more about stem cells, here:


A(n) is a molecule, cell, or organ that directly carries out a response to a stimulus and restores homeostasis.



Red blood cells and the heart causes response to stimuli

Which bone is identified in the picture below?
O A. Cranium
O B. Radius
C. Metacarpal
D. Sternum


⟟ think is the sternum sos if it’s wrong


B) Radius


By the way for some people this question will have different answers so.. yeah

When crossing a true breeding white mouse with a true breeding brown mouse your friend tells you she recovered all black mice. But then when she crosses the F1 mice to each other she recovered 28 black mice, 8 brown mice, and 13 white mice. Can you help her explain these results? (Type out the cross and include genotypes of as many mice as possible. What phrase best describes this phenomenon? How many genes are involved are they linked or unlinked? Etc.)



Following are the response to the given question:  


[tex]White = aaBB \\\\Brown = AAbb\\\\Parental \ \ cross: aaBB \times AAbb\\\\F1 \ progeny: AaBb\\\\F1 \ selfing: AaBb \times AaBb\\\\F2 \ progeny:\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\frac{9}{16} = A_{B_} = Black\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\frac{3}{16} = aaB_ \ = White\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\frac{3}{16} = A_{bb} = Brown\\\\\frac{1}{16} = aabb = White\\\\[/tex]

The observed progeny ratios closely match the morphological ratio of 9:3:4. That's a hereditary pharmacogenetic example.

Applying a number of distinct genes = 2

You have really no connection

Phenomenon=Recessive Epistasis

2. What is the longest wavelength?





Visible light may be a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but there are still many variations of wavelengths. We see these variations as colors. On one end of the spectrum is red light, with the longest wavelength. Blue or violet light has the shortest wavelength.


red has the longest wavelength.


blue and violet are the shortest

2. Is caffeine really a source of energy



Yes i believe so


Same here lolzz !!!!!!!

the point when cytoplasm just start diffusion to separate from cellwall is


Answer :

Maybe Plasmolysis...

Andrew is trying to identify an unknown element. The element is dull and
brittle, and it is a poor thermal and electrical conductor. Where on the periodic
table is this element most likely found?



non metals


Complete each of the sentences with the correct word or words regarding the function and structure of nails.

a. Nails are a scalelike modification of the __________layer of the _________
b. Nails form on the _______edges of the fingers and the toes.
c. Fingernails _________digits from damage protect the

1. stratum corneum
2. do
3. dermis
4. do not
5. ventral
6. epidermis
7. dorsal



a. nails are a scalelike modification of the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis  

b. nails form on the dorsal edges of the fingers and toes

c.  fingernails do protect the digits from damage


The stratum corneum consists of the top layer of the epidermis (i.e., skin). Nails represent a modification of the epidermis and they are composed of densely packed dead skin cells (keratinocytes), which are rich in a protective protein called alpha-keratin. The nail plate is the hard keratinized part of the nail. The nail bed is the skin underneath the nail plate. The nails grow from the proximal portion of the nail bed, which is known as the nail matrix. The main function of the nails is to protect the tips of fingers and toes from injury.

What is seed technology?why is still considered as one of the major subject in agriculture?​


Seed technology is the science dealing with the methods of improving physical and genetical characteristics of seed. It involves such activities as variety development, evolution and release of varieties, seed production, seed processing, seed certification and storage. Thus seed technology is interdisciplinary science which includes broad range of subjects. It also includes seed quality control, seed marketing, seed distribution and research on above aspects of seed.

How do transitional fossils help explain the evolutionary steps that took place to produce modem organisms?​



Transitional fossils show how a particular taxa accumulated adaptations to fit particular environment​s and/or ecological niches


Transitional fossils are fossilized remains of taxonomic groups/species that illustrate an evolutionary transition between a known version of a taxa/species and the current taxa/species. Transitional fossils are fundamental because they can be clearly differentiated from the ancestral group as well as of its derived descendant group. For example, there exist transitional fossils known as "mammal-like reptiles"(i.e., therapsids that gave rise to the true mammals), which are clearly different from current mammals.

a) Identify where exocytosis begins in this pathway.
How is the protein transported out of the cell?



Protein cargo moves from the ER to the Golgi, is modified within the Golgi, and is then sent to various destinations in the cell, including the lysosomes and the cell surface. The Golgi processes proteins made by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) before sending them out to the cell.


correct me if I'm wrong (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Please help meeee!!
Can you please give me an environmental risk or benefit for artificial selection?


Answer: i answered the first one you posted go check


Your considering career options in health field which of the following would focus on performing medical test on animals


Answer: Become a veternarian.

The growth of the human population directly relates to the use of natural resources by humans. Based on the graph, which two statements about human use if natural resources are most likely true?

A. resources use by humans will be higher in 20 years than it is now

B. resource used by humans is much higher now than it was 200 years ago

C. Resource used by humans in steadily decreasing over time

D. Resource used by humans is about the same now as it was 150 years ago​



A. resources use by humans will be higher in 20 years than it is now

B. resource used by humans is much higher now than it was 200 years ago


The growth of the human population has direct relation with the use of natural resources by humans means if the population of humans increases, more natural resources will be consumed by the population. Directly relation means if one increases the other automatically and vice versa. more population needs more resources for their growth  and survival so we can conclude that resources used by humans will be increases if the population increases.

The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is able to penetrate a gram-negative bacterium that has a slimy cell covering. What is the correct sequence of structures penetrated by B. bacteriovorus on its way to the prey's cytoplasm



The order of bacterial structures that the bacteria would penetrate would be:

Capsule.Lipopolysaccharide MembranepeptidoglycanPhospholipids Membrane.


A parasite like B. bacteriovorus faces some challenges in getting into a bacterial cell. This is because these cells have devices and strategies to prevent the entry of parasites and ensure the survival of the bacteria. The first challenge would be to penetrate the bacterial capsule. The capsule is a structure that is located around many bacteria. This structure is rigid, with sharp edges and thick thickness, which protects the bacteria from external agents. If B. bacteriovorus manages to go beyond the capsule, it will find a membrane, also thick, composed mainly of lipopolysaccharides, which will also provide protection and try to prevent the entry of the parasite. If this membrane is crossed, B. bacteriovorus will face another layer called peptidoglycan. This layer establishes itself as a cell wall, being very difficult to break. Some bacteria present one more layer after peptidoglycan, which is a membrane made by Phospholipids, which is highly selective and difficult to break, but is more fragile than the previous layers. Only after overcoming all these structures, the parasite will have access to the bacterial cel

If I lost 17,000 in a year how much did I make that year


17,000 just because you lost it does not mean you did not make it


not a zamn thing


Discuss how the concept of "survival of the fittest" was developed and what it means.



Survival of the fittest is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection.In On the Origin of Species, he introduced the phrase in the fifth edition published in 1869, intending it to mean "better designed for an immediate, local environment".


there right^



why do many RNA viruses commonly demostrate antigen drift?​





Luke was Isked to find the median of the following
16, 24, 12, 7, 30, 11,22
The work below shows the steps he used.
X X 16 22 24 30
What error did Luke make?
O He forgot to put the numbers in order first.
O He crossed off the low and high pairs incorrectly.
O He left out a number when putting the numbers in
O He did not make an error.
16 + 22 = 38
2 2
16 22 = 38



He left out a number when putting the numbers in order.


To find the median of a set of numbers, first arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest. Then begin crossing numbers of from each side at the same time.

Luke did not cross numbers off from each side, but only crossed them off from the left side. He also skipped a number, given there are only 2 "X's."

The list should look like so:

7, 11, 12, 16, 22, 24, 30

There should be three numbers before 16, not two as he has listed.

Activated macrophages and neutrophils release cytokinin, signaling molecules that enhance the immune response Select one: True False


its true that cytokinin released by macrophages boost immunity

Which best describes the ecosystems on Earth?

A. Earth has mostly rain forest ecosystems.
B. Separate ecosystems can affect each other.
C. There are very few types of ecosystems on Earth.
D. Ecosystems do not interact with each other.




B.  có nhiều hệ sinh thái khác nhau trên trái đất. mỗi hệ sinh thái có một đặc tính riêng và chúng có thể kết nối, tác động qua lại với các hệ sinh thái khác

A chain of monosaccharides is called a _________.
A. quasi-saccharide
B. multisaccharide
C. polysaccharide
D. glucose molecule


C. Polysaccharide
Hope this helps :))


C. polysaccharide



State three different information about zygote.



A zygote is the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell . Also known as a fertilized ovum, the zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization. After this two-week period of cell division, the zygote eventually becomes an embryo.


State why the cobalt chloride paper is kept in a jar with a ground glass



bcz it is harmful for human body


Osmolarity tells you the concentration of solute particles in solution, osmolarity cannot always tell you the direction of water movement across a membrane.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Osmolarity is a measure of solute concentration, that is, it indicates how much solute there is in a liquid. As we know, osmosis is the movement of solute across the cell membrane, where the solute passes from the more concentrated side to the less concentrated side. Osmolarity is directly linked to this concept, but it is not able to indicate the direction of movement of the solute. This is because the solute will only pass through the membrane if it is a penetrating solute. Non-penetrating solutes do not have the ability to move through the membrane, even though the osmolarity of the liquid is high.

What is the kind of asexual reproduction


This is the kind of asexual reproduction tho‼️

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