Admas University College of Distance Education TMA for the Course of Communicative English Language Skills II (30%) IdNo Center I. Change the following statements in to passive form. 1. The commander ordered his troops to fire at their enemies. 2. The government taking measures on tax reduction to help the private sector. 3. The electoral board is getting ready to conduct election. 4. Most Ethiopian people eat Injera. 5. Police handovers the robbery's case to the attorney. II. Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate modal verbs given in bracket. read when you were 4? (can, could, would) Name 1. 2. Abeba always get prizes from her school. She 3. Where is my bag? I saw it earlier, it be) study hard. (might, may, must) in the dining room. (might be, must be, may not​


Answer 1
   His troops were ordered by the commander to fire at their enemies.    Measures on tax reduction to help the private sector are being taken by the government.    The election is getting ready to be conducted by the electoral board.    Injera is eaten by most Ethiopian people.    The robbery's case is handed over to the attorney by the police.


   Could you read when you were 4?    Abeba always gets prizes from her school. She must study hard.    Where is my bag? I saw it earlier, it may be in the dining room.

Related Questions

My little sister, Sarah, is five years old. She loves playing outside with me, and she always follows me wherever I go. She is a great little sister, but she really irritates me when she takes toys out of my room.

Read the paragraph from Max's journal entry about his sister.

Max wants to use less formal language in his journal.

Which of these sentences is an appropriate replacement for She is a great little sister, but she really irritates me when she takes toys out of my room.?

She is a great little sister, but she is a pain in the neck when she takes toys out of my room.
She really irks me when she takes toys out of my room even though she's a great little sister.
Although she is a great little sister, she really aggravates me when she takes toys out of my room.
Sarah is a great little sister, but she really annoys me when she takes toys out of my room.



Option D, "Sarah is a great little sister, but she really annoys me when she takes toys out of my room," is an appropriate replacement for "She is a great little sister, but she really irritates me when she takes toys out of my room" if Max wants to use less formal language in his journal.


Option D is a good choice for a less formal version of the sentence because it uses a more casual verb ("annoys" instead of "irritates") and because it uses Sarah's name instead of just calling her "she." Using someone's name is often more personal and less formal than using a pronoun. The sentence still conveys the same basic meaning as the original, but it does so in a way that feels more like natural speech.

At the end of chapter 15 in Treasure Island, Jim sees a Union Jack flying. What is the reason for this that we learn in these chapters?
A. It is all the remains of a shipwrecked boat.
B. It is Captain Smollett flying the flag in the strong hold.
C. It is a distraction from the mutineers.
D. It was a hallucination.


Final answer:

In Treasure Island, at the end of chapter 15, Jim sees a Union Jack flying. The reason for this is revealed in these chapters: it is Captain Smollett flying the flag in the stronghold. therefore the correct option is b .


In Treasure Island, at the end of chapter 15, Jim sees a Union Jack flying, which is the flag of the United Kingdom. The reason for this is revealed in these chapters. The correct answer is B. It is Captain Smollett flying the flag in the stronghold.

Learn more about Captain Smollett flying the flag here:


Odysseus is finally asked about his story. Before he even gets into the story, what does he tell his audience about himself? Who does he blame for his misfortune? What does this suggest about his character?




18 minutes ago



Odysseus is finally asked about his story. Before he even gets into the story, what does he tell his audience about himself? Who does he blame for his misfortune? What does this suggest about his character?


In the Odyssey, when Odysseus is finally asked about his story, he introduces himself as "Nobody" and tells his audience that he is a man who has suffered greatly and traveled far. He explains that he has been through many trials and tribulations, but he has always had the strength to persevere.

Odysseus blames the gods, particularly Poseidon, for his misfortune. He suggests that his suffering has been caused by their wrath and their desire to punish him for his actions.

This blaming of the gods suggests that Odysseus has a fatalistic view of the world, and that he sees himself as a victim of fate. At the same time, his willingness to endure such hardships and his determination to continue despite his misfortunes suggest that he is a strong and resilient character who is not easily defeated.

Can someone help with question 39 please





The temperature sometimes reaches 830F


The temperature sometimes reaches 830°F.What is temperature?Temperature is the measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance.

In essence, it reflects the speed at which the atoms and molecules that make up the substance move or vibrate. Temperature is an essential component of everyday life and has a direct impact on a variety of natural phenomena, including weather patterns, chemical reactions, and the overall health of living organisms.What does 830°F mean?The temperature is defined as 830°F in the given statement. The Fahrenheit temperature scale is used to express this temperature unit.

The freezing point of water is 32°F, whereas the boiling point is 212°F on this scale.Therefore, a temperature of 830°F is exceedingly high, and exposure to such high temperatures can result in significant harm to living beings, including humans. In such cases, it is critical to take immediate action to prevent injury.

Learn more about  temperature here:


How does Priestley present the theme of social class in Act 1? 3 paragraphs 80 POINTS!!!

INTRODUCTION: What are Priestley’s overarching ideas about the class system? How are Priestley’s ideas about class seen in Act 1 of the play?
CONCLUSION: What are Priestley’s overarching ideas about the class system? How are Priestley’s ideas about class seen in Act 1 of the play?





In J.B. Priestley's play "An Inspector Calls," he explores the theme of social class and its impact on society. Priestley was a socialist, and his play reflects his belief in the need for social change. Throughout the play, Priestley challenges the notion of social hierarchy and presents the idea that all members of society are responsible for each other. In Act 1, Priestley introduces the theme of social class through the characters and their attitudes towards each other.

Paragraph 1:

Priestley presents the theme of social class in Act 1 through the character of Mr. Birling. Mr. Birling is a wealthy businessman who is preoccupied with his social status and the prospect of furthering his success. He expresses his belief that "a man has to make his own way" and that the lower classes should not be given too much power. Mr. Birling's attitudes highlight the class divide in society and his lack of empathy for those who are less fortunate.

Paragraph 2:

Priestley also presents the theme of social class through the character of Sheila. Sheila is initially portrayed as a privileged young woman who is solely concerned with her own happiness. However, her encounter with the Inspector challenges her perception of class and highlights the need for responsibility and accountability. As the play progresses, Sheila begins to question the actions of her family and the implications of their wealth and privilege.

Paragraph 3:

In Act 1, Priestley uses the character of the Inspector to challenge the notion of social hierarchy and highlight the interconnectedness of society. The Inspector does not adhere to traditional class structures and treats all characters with the same level of respect. He is also able to uncover the family's secrets and expose their wrongdoing. The Inspector's character represents Priestley's belief in the need for social change and the importance of recognizing the value of all members of society.


In "An Inspector Calls," Priestley presents the theme of social class through the characters and their attitudes towards each other. His play challenges the notion of social hierarchy and highlights the need for responsibility and accountability. Through the character of the Inspector, Priestley emphasizes the interconnectedness of society and the importance of recognizing the value of all members of society. Ultimately, Priestley's play reflects his belief in the need for social change and the importance of addressing the inequalities present in society.

Which element of a personal narrative would be best
for Spencer to include next?



Read the sentence.

I could tell by the mischievous gleam in their eyes and the sneaky looks they were exchanging that my little brother and sister had been planning to deceive me in some way.

The most precise replacement for the underlined word is "_______________."






Explanation: dfhdtgnjtgdmgngnggjgngfngf

Zoom in to read it please.



Can you provide a more clear picture?

So it was not impossible that I,
Banished to the outfield and daydreaming
Of water, or a hotel in the mountains,
Would suddenly find myself in the path use a different word for the words in bold print

Of a ball stung by Joe Barone.




So it was not improbable that I,

Exiled to the outfield and daydreaming

Of water, or a hotel in the mountains,

Would suddenly find myself in the trajectory

Of a ball hit hard by Joe Barone.

The Velda by by Rat Bradbury



be care full

Explit is expleinable

A short story called "The Veldt" was written by Ray Bradbury in 1950. In an effort to foreshadow the potential dangers of technology advancement, the author of this short fiction imagines a family residing in an automated home in a dystopian future.

What is The Veldt's succinct synopsis?

One reading of "The Veldt" is that it is a cautionary tale about the dangers of technology, especially when such dangers threaten the relationship between parents and their children. George and Lydia Hadley, a married couple, live in a Happy life House that is fully automated and capable of taking care of all of their household duties.

The veldt, with its oppressive heat and frightening lions and vultures, serves as a metaphor for the reality of human existence and nature.

Bradbury uses situational irony in "The Veldt," one of his books. Situational irony occurs when the author delivers the audience something radically different than what they anticipate happening. In "The Veldt," a short tale by Ray Bradbury, George Hadley fights to prevent his family from slipping even farther into a state of technological opulence.

Learn more about "The Veldt":


james Green’s “Equal Pay Bill Has a Serious Downside” and discuss if his argument is effective or ineffective rhetoric to persuade readers.




In his article "Equal Pay Bill Has a Serious Downside," James Green argues against the proposed legislation to establish equal pay for men and women in the workplace. He contends that while equal pay for equal work is an admirable goal, the proposed bill would lead to unintended consequences that would harm women in the workforce. Green's argument is ineffective as it relies on flawed logic and ignores the reality of gender inequality in the workplace.

Green's primary argument is that equal pay legislation would lead to fewer job opportunities for women. He claims that employers would be hesitant to hire women for fear of facing lawsuits or penalties for paying men and women differently. However, this argument is flawed as it assumes that employers are currently hiring women without regard to gender discrimination. In reality, studies have shown that women are often paid less than men for doing the same job, and that gender bias can play a role in hiring decisions. By ignoring this reality, Green's argument falls flat.

Furthermore, Green's argument relies on the assumption that women are not interested in negotiating their salaries. He suggests that women are content to accept lower salaries and that equal pay legislation would take away their bargaining power. However, this argument ignores the reality that women often face barriers to negotiation, including bias and discrimination. Studies have shown that women are less likely to negotiate their salaries than men, and that when they do, they are often penalized for it. By ignoring these factors, Green's argument overlooks the challenges that women face in the workforce.

In conclusion, James Green's argument against equal pay legislation is ineffective rhetoric. By relying on flawed logic and ignoring the reality of gender inequality in the workplace, Green's argument fails to persuade readers. While equal pay for equal work may have unintended consequences, such as fewer job opportunities for women, the solution is not to abandon the goal of gender equality. Rather, we must work to address the root causes of gender bias and discrimination in the workforce.

Write a paragraph about something surprising or unexpected that happened to you in the past year.


Quiz hindi ko alam na mag qquiz pala ayun na surprise ako


Explanation: It all started when I was still in high school. It was an exam week and I was afraid that I would get a bad result. So I used most of my time to study hoping that I could get good results. Sometimes, I even skipped lunch to catch up with my studies. After 2 weeks, exams are over and the result has been released. When my teacher was starting to passing out the grades, I was afraid that my results would be bad and I was trembling the whole time. When my name was called, I stood up and walk towards the teacher’s table to get my result. I went and sat back in my place and saw that I got 1st in class. I was happy and surprised with the results I get. I could see my classmates were looking at me with strange faces because I was smiling widely to myself. Most of my classmates were baffled until I told them about my result. Then slowly one by one stood up and congratulated me. I was a quiet and shy boy so usually I wouldn’t talk much and was always quite in the classroom. But today, after the good news, I completely changed myself. I just became the noisiest in the classroom. When the clock strikes 12.30 p.m., it was time to go back home. I quickly kept all my books and stationeries into my bag and rush towards the school gate. I could not wait to get home to tell the good news. While I was walking back home, I knocked over a spray painter. Then, I took it up and started spraying the corridor fences that are nearby. I sprayed a picture of a mother hugging her own child. I used to learn graffiti, so I did the drawing in about 5 minutes. Suddenly, I heard a footstep coming closer to my way. And then I turn to the back and look at the guy who put his hand on my shoulder.

Oh ghost! It was my principal. At that time, I wanted to explain to my principal, but I have no guts. So I decided to push away his hands and quickly run out of his sight. Luckily, I saw my father was waiting for me in the car nearby. The run made me sweat a lot. I quickly pretended like nothing has happened when I was in the car. The next day, I went to school as usual and pretended like nothing had happened and behave like how I usually was a quiet and shy boy. After 2 hours, there was an announcement from the principle calling out my name and instructed me to go to the principal’s room. After hearing the announcement, my heart beats rapidly. I stood up and quickly walked to the principal’s office. When arrived, I knocked the door and enter the office. Entering the office, I felt so scare and nervous. After about 10 minutes, I was told he was actually attracted to my drawing and recommended me to become a member of the art club. I shook his hands and thanked him for not punishing me and gave me a chance to present myself. I never expected this would happen in my life.

What is the symbolism of the yellow wallpaper?

A.Freedom of expression

B.Repression of women

C.Fear of confinement

D.Joy of discovery


B. Repression of women

The yellow wallpaper in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a symbol of the societal and institutional repression of women during the 19th century. The narrator, who is suffering from postpartum depression and is confined to her room, becomes fixated on the wallpaper and begins to see a woman trapped behind the pattern. This symbolizes the narrator's own confinement and oppression, as well as the confinement and oppression of women in general during this time period. The wallpaper also represents the patriarchal control over women's lives, as the narrator's husband, a physician, dismisses her illness and insists on her confinement. The yellow color of the wallpaper is also significant, as it represents sickness and decay. Overall, the yellow wallpaper serves as a powerful symbol of the repression of women in society.

Night is a work by Elie Wiesel based on his experience, as a young Orthodox Jew, of being sent with his family to the
German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald during the Second World War. In this selection we learn
prisoner who is selected will be
Select one:
a. transferred
O b. assigned to harder work
c. killed
O d. sent to the infirmary


c. killed.

In the context of the concentration camp, the selection process was a way for the Nazi authorities to choose which prisoners were fit enough to work and which ones should be killed. Those who were deemed unfit, such as the elderly, the sick, and the young, were immediately sent to the gas chambers. Therefore, when a prisoner was selected, it meant that their fate was most likely to be killed.

DIFFICULTIES OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH OF SELECTED TOURISM STUDENTS IN BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY 2022-2023 Can you put dependent variable here for research please need asap noww​


Here's an example of how you could rephrase the title to include a dependent variable:

Title: Factors affecting the English speaking proficiency of selected tourism students in Bestlink College of the Philippines SY 2022-2023

Dependent variable: English speaking proficiency

What is dependent variable?

In mathematical modeling, statistical modeling, and experimental sciences, there are dependent and independent variables. The assumption or demand that dependent variables must depend on the values of independent variables is the basis for studying dependent variables.

A dependent variable is one that is altered as a result of the modification of an independent variable. Your independent variable "depends" on the result you're interested in measuring.

Learn more about dependent variable on:


Dr. Kings perspective of white moderates
violent and rarely
accomplish anything at all.
delusional and misunderstand political issues.
necessary to bring about change in an unjust society.
extremely beneficial for society because of their wealth.


Dr. King's perspective of white moderates is that they are necessary to bring about change in an unjust society. The correct answer is C.

Dr. King believed that white moderates played a crucial role in effecting change in an unjust society.

He did not view them as individuals willing to take risks on behalf of the oppressed, but rather as those who preferred negative peace, characterized by the absence of tension, to positive peace, which is based on justice.

According to Dr. King, white moderates acted as a vital link between the black and white communities and were necessary to effect changes in society, including dismantling institutional racism and violence.

Therefore, option (C) accurately reflects Dr. King's perspective on the importance of white moderates in bringing about change in an unjust society.

Learn more about Dr. King's.


1. At the beginning of this episode, Sarah describes Leakin Park as a place where many dead
bodies have been found and she discusses the bullet holes in the signs near where the body
was found. What picture does this paint of Leakin Park? Why do you think Sarah uses this



This paints a picture of Leakin Park as a dangerous and potentially violent place. Sarah uses this description to set up the atmosphere of fear and intrigue surrounding the discovery of the body in the park. She is also trying to emphasize the gravity of the situation and the need for a thorough investigation.


Read this story:
Its 9: 45 pm and the ten o clock local news is about to start. The show producer gets a message that the downtown library is on fire. He sends a team to get the story about the fire. " We'll have to skip the human interest story about the dog rescue team" he says.

Which term describes the editors Decision?

A. objectivity

B. Gatekeeping

C. Housekeeping

D. Bias.


The correct answer is B. Gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is the term that describes the editor's decision.

It refers to the process of choosing, evaluating, and presenting information in the media. Editors decide what information to include in a news story, what sources to use, what angle to take, and how to frame the story. They decide which stories to pursue and which ones to ignore. In this case, the editor decided to skip the human interest story about the dog rescue team in order to cover the fire at the downtown library.

This is an example of gatekeeping, as the editor is making a decision about what information to present to the audience. Gatekeeping is an essential part of journalism, as it helps to ensure that the media provides accurate, relevant, and important information to the public.

You can learn more about Gatekeeping at:



Explanation: I just took it and I'm always right

The following sentence contains a transitional word or phrase:
The commercial had promised bounce and shine instead her hair was dull and limp as ever.
Which revision correctly punctuates the sentence


Option c) Although the advertisement had promised bounce and sparkle, her hair was still limp and lifeless. is the appropriate update.

What would be a good transitioning phrase?

Conjunctive adverbs like however, hence, also, consequently, while, additionally, and furthermore as well as transitional phrases like nonetheless, even so, additionally, on the other hand, for instance, as a result, as well as those used to join or connect independent clauses are examples of transitional expressions.

Two independent clauses with similar meanings are separated by a semicolon (;). In this instance, the independent phrases "The commercial had promised bounce and shine" and "her hair was as drab and limp as ever" are related to one another.

A comma (,) is also required after "instead" to demarcate it from the body of the phrase and signify a brief pause.

To know more about commercial visit:


24. Roll film was the basis for the invention of motion picture film in 1888.
a. True b. False



24. Roll film was the basis for the invention of motion picture film in 1888.

a. True b. False


a. True.

"The young members of the Zephyr Team sponsored by a permanently stoned surfboard store owner revolutionized
the sport performing acrobatics and crazy stunts on skateboards that had until then been seen as fancy scooters.
They became famous, they made a lot of money, they grew up, and one of them, Stacy Peralta, made a 2001
documentary about them named "Dogtown and Z-Boys.
Who is Stacy Peralta?


Stacy Peralta is one of the young members of the Zephyr Team mentioned in the passage who later made a documentary about their experiences called "Dogtown and Z-Boys."

What is "Dogtown and Z-Boys."?
"Dogtown and Z-Boys" is a 2001 documentary film directed by Stacy Peralta, which explores the pioneering of the Zephyr skateboard team and its members, who revolutionized skateboarding culture and brought it to the mainstream. The film documents the rise of skateboarding culture in the 1970s in Southern California and the impact of the Zephyr team, also known as the Z-Boys.

The answer to the question "Who is Stacy Peralta?" is that he is one of the members of the Zephyr Team mentioned in the passage, who later went on to make a documentary about the team called "Dogtown and Z-Boys" in 2001. The passage describes how the Zephyr Team revolutionized the sport of skateboarding and became famous and wealthy through their innovative acrobatics and stunts, which challenged conventional notions of skateboarding as a fancy scooter-like activity. Stacy Peralta's documentary about the team is a well-known and respected account of their story, and he is often credited with helping to bring skateboarding to a wider audience and inspire a new generation of skaters.

To know more about documentary visit:

The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

In the last paragraph, which line tells us that the lionfish population will likely keep growing? (5 points)

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems.

Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator.

We may never be able to completely remove the threat.

Many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.



The line that tells us that the lionfish population will likely keep growing is "We may never be able to completely remove the threat." (option c).


Chatbots represent a troubling and potentially dangerous trend. Will replace trained health care professionals with unqualified and profit-seeking tech companies.


No, chatbots do not represent a troubling and potentially dangerous trend that will replace trained health care professionals with unqualified and profit-seeking tech companies

What is Chatbots?

A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet or messaging apps. Chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to understand and respond to user queries or commands.

There are two types of chatbots: rule-based and AI-powered. Rule-based chatbots use pre-set rules and decision trees to respond to user inputs, while AI-powered chatbots use machine learning algorithms to learn from past interactions and improve their responses over time.

Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to simulate conversations with humans, and can be used to provide helpful information to people who are looking for quick answers to their questions. They are not intended to replace health care professionals, but rather to provide an additional resource for people in need of quick information.

Learn more about Chatbots from given link


fill in the blank. moral reasoning based on instrumental orientation tends to occur at the level of moral thinking


Moral reasoning based on instrumental orientation tends to occur at the preconventional level of moral thinking.

According to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development, moral reasoning evolves through three levels: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. At the preconventional level, individuals are focused on self-interest and personal gain, and their moral reasoning is based on instrumental orientation, where the consequences of an action determine its morality.

In other words, an action is considered right if it leads to desirable outcomes for the individual, such as rewards or avoiding punishment. At the conventional and postconventional levels, moral reasoning becomes more focused on social norms and values, and the rights and welfare of others.

To learn more about Moral reasoning, here


guys help im from indonesia,how to go out from america server

i will give you 30 points


Answer: use vpn

veepn is a good vpn


Guys I need your Help please


Story on the tagline - Today is the day I turn myself into a new person, a person whom nobody knows, not even myself. I was tired of living the same monotonous life every day, and I felt like there was something more to life.

I woke up early in the morning, and the first thing I did was to look at myself in the mirror. I stared at my reflection for a long time, trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to be.

I took a deep breath and started to pack my bags. I was going on a journey, a journey to find myself. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had to leave. I left my apartment, and as I walked down the street, I felt a sense of freedom that I had never felt before.

I decided to go to the airport and take the first flight out of the country. I didn't care where I was going as long as it was far away. I bought a ticket to a small island in the Pacific, and I was on my way.

When I arrived at the island, I felt like I had entered a different world. The people, the culture, and the scenery were all new to me. I was excited and scared at the same time.

As I walked along the beach, I saw a group of people practicing yoga. I had never done yoga before, but I decided to join them. The yoga teacher was kind, and she welcomed me with open arms. I felt a sense of peace that I had never felt before.

After the yoga session, the teacher invited me to a meditation class. I had never meditated before, but I decided to give it a try. During the meditation, I felt like I was floating on a cloud. All my worries and fears vanished, and I felt a sense of calmness.

That day changed my life. I discovered a new side of myself that I never knew existed. I realized that I had been living my life on autopilot, and it was time to take control. From that day on, I promised myself to live my life to the fullest, to try new things, and to be open to new experiences.

To learn more about story writing from given link


PLEASE HELPPPP will give brainlies!!!!!

NOTE: Every sentence needs at least one piece of punctuation; many of them need more than one.

Additional note: DO NOT re-write the sentences! The sentences are written correctly; they just need the correct punctuation added.
 (there’s 19 of them)
I love Spring!
           Although I do not have a favorite season Spring represents the start of new 
beginnings. For example the weather slowly gets warmer and people spend more time
outside. Heavy winter coats are replaced with brightly-colored jackets and sweaters in
fact some people even start to wear shorts! When the sun shines people are outside
walking their dogs playing in parks and getting ready to start their gardens. Spring
flowers start to bloom including lilacs hyacinths tulips and daffodils. Occasionally there
will be stormy weather as the saying goes “April showers bring May flowers!” After the 
rain flowers will grow stronger birds will chirp louder and kids will play harder. Ah who 
doesn’t love to jump in a puddle after a Spring thunderstorm? In conclusion Spring is a
time of sunshine flowers and happiness!




I love Spring!

Although I do not have a favorite season, Spring represents the start of new beginnings. For example, the weather slowly gets warmer, and people spend more time outside. Heavy winter coats are replaced with brightly-colored jackets and sweaters. In fact, some people even start to wear shorts! When the sun shines, people are outside walking their dogs, playing in parks, and getting ready to start their gardens. Spring flowers start to bloom, including lilacs, hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils. Occasionally, there will be stormy weather, as the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers!” After the rain, flowers will grow stronger, birds will chirp louder, and kids will play harder. Ah, who doesn’t love to jump in a puddle after a Spring thunderstorm? In conclusion, Spring is a time of sunshine, flowers, and happiness!

DIFFICULTIES OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH OF SELECTED TOURISM STUDENTS IN BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY 2022-2023 Can you put dependent variable here for research plsss nee asap noww​


A dependent variable may be the constancy of practice in speaking English.

What are the variables in a survey?The dependent variable is the one that needs the influence of the independent variable.The independent variable is the one that causes changes in the dependent variable.

Research involving the difficulties in speaking English of foreign students may be the lack of constancy in practicing speaking English. An independent variable that can act on this is the dedication of these students to writing in English since this dedication will have a direct effect on their speech.

Learn more about dependent variables:


9. Which of the following phrasal verb means "to disappoint" ? a. let down b. put down c. clam down d. break down​



a. Let down


Let down means To Upset

a. let dowm

b. is to physically put something down

c. is like calming yourself down

d. break down is to explain something in detail or to break down emotionally

T/F. One of the unique aspects of Thomas Paine's writing was his addressing the upper elite, as they were the men who had voting power.


The given statement "One of the unique aspects of Thomas Paine's writing was his addressing the upper elite, as they were the men who had voting power." is false because it is the opposite of what Paine actually did. Paine's writing was unique because he wrote in a style that was accessible and understandable to the common people, not just the educated elite.

Thomas Paine's writing was notable for its accessibility and directness, as he sought to reach a broad audience rather than just the upper elite. In fact, he often wrote in a way that was designed to appeal to the common people and to challenge the authority of the ruling class.

For example, his pamphlet "Common Sense," which was a key document in the American Revolution, was written in simple, straightforward language that could be easily understood by ordinary people. Similarly, his "Rights of Man" was addressed to the working classes and advocated for political reform that would benefit all people, not just the wealthy and powerful.

To learn more about Thomas Paine, here


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