After reading all L02 content pages in Lesson 02: Inheritance and Interfaces, you will complete this assignment according to the information below.Do not use the scanner class or any other user input request. You application should be self-contained and run without user input.Assignment ObjectivesPractice on implementing interfaces in JavaFootballPlayer will implement the interface TableMemberOverriding methodswhen FootballPlayer implements TableMember, FootballPlayer will have to write the real Java code for all the interface abstract methodsDeliverablesA zipped Java project according to the How to submit Labs and Assignments guide.O.O. Requirements (these items will be part of your grade)One class, one file. Don't create multiple classes in the same .java fileDon't use static variables and methodsEncapsulation: make sure you protect your class variables and provide access to them through get and set methodsAll the classes are required to have a constructor that receives all the attributes as parameters and update the attributes accordinglyAll the classes are required to have an "empty" constructor that receives no parameters but updates all the attributes as neededFollow Horstmann's Java Language Coding GuidelinesOrganized in packages (MVC - Model - View Controller)Contents


Answer 1

Solution :  

import Controller.Controller;

import Model.Model;

import View.View;  

public class App


public static void main(String[] args) // Main method


Model model = new Model(); // Creates model object.    

View view = new View(); // Creates view object.    

Controller controller = new Controller(view, model); // Creates controller object that accepts view and model objects.    




package Controller;  

[tex]\text{impor}t \text{ Model.Model;}[/tex]

import View.View;  

[tex]\text{public class Controller}[/tex]


Model model; // Model object    

View view; // View object

public Controller(View v, Model m) // Method that imports both model and view classes as objects.


model = m;    

view = v;  

//view.basicDisplay(model.getData()); // basicDisplay method from View class prints FootballPlayer objects as Strings from Model class.  





view.basicDisplay("size of names=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributeNames().size());    

view.basicDisplay("size of attributes=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributes().size());



package Model;  

import java.util.ArrayList;  

public class FootballPlayer extends Person implements TableMember { // Used "extends" keyword to inherit attributes from superclass Person, while using "implements" to implement methods from TableMember interface.    

private int number; // Creating private attribute for int number.    

private String position; // Creating private attribute for String position.  

public FootballPlayer(String name, int feet, int inches, int weight, String hometown, String highSchool, int number, String position) // Full parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object (using "super" keyword to incorporate attributes from superclass).


super(name, feet, inches, weight, hometown, highSchool); // Used super keyword to include attributes from superclass.  

this.number = number; // Value assigned from getNumber method to private number instance variable for FootballPlayer object.  

this.position = position; // Value assigned from getPosition method to private position instance variable for FootballPlayer object.    


public FootballPlayer() // No parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.


this.number = 0; // Default value assigned to private number instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    

this.position = "N/A"; // Default value assigned to private position instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    



public String getAttribute(int n) // getAttribute method that is implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for each attribute from each FootballPlayer object. Including two local attributes, denoted by this. While the others are denoted by "super".

case 0:

return String.valueOf(this.number); // Use of the dot operator allowed me to discover String.valueOf method to output int attributes as a string.

case 1:

return this.position;

case 2:

return super.getName();

case 3:

return super.getHeight().toString();

case 4:

return String.valueOf(super.getWeight());

case 5:

return super.getHometown();

case 6:

return super.getHighSchool();


return ("invalid input parameter");




public ArrayList<String> getAttributes() // getAttributes ArrayList method that is implemented from interface.


ArrayList<String> getAttributes = new ArrayList<>();    

for(int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){ // For loop to add each attribute to the getAttributes ArrayList from getAttributes method.    



return getAttributes;



public String getAttributeName(int n) // getAttributeName method implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for the name of each attribute from each FootballPlayer object.

case 0:

return "number";

case 1:

return "position";

case 2:

return "name";

case 3:

return "height";

case 4:

return "weight";

case 5:

return "hometown";

case 6:

return "highSchool";


return ("invalid input parameter");



Related Questions

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Security Configuration and Analysis (SCA) tool?

a. It evaluates the current security state of computers in accordance with Microsoft security recommendations.
b. It allows an administrator to analyze a computer and compare its configuration settings with a baseline.
c. It can apply a baseline to force current computer settings to match the settings defined in the baseline.
d. It uses security templates to store the settings that make up baselines.


Answer: a. It evaluates the current security state of computers in accordance with Microsoft security recommendations


The Security Configuration and Analysis tool allows the configuration of local computers through the application of the settings in a security template to the local policy.

This allows an administrator to analyze a computer and compare its configuration settings with a baseline. The Security Configuration and Analysis (SCA) tool also uses security templates to store the settings that make up baselines.

Therefore, based on the options given, the correct option is A as the SCA tool doesn't evaluate the current security state of computers in accordance with Microsoft security recommendations.

write a program to update the rate by increasing 20% from sequential data file "items.dat" that store item name.rate and quantity​



your answer is in the pic



A constructor can be overloaded with more than one function which has the same name but with what two different things



i. Number of parameters

ii. Type of parameters


When there are two or more constructors, definitely with the same name, in a given class, then the constructors are said to be overloaded. An overloaded constructor appears declared many times in a class but each time with different number of parameters and/or type of parameters.

For example, given a class Test, the following combination of constructors can exist;

i. public Test(int x){



ii. public Test(String m){



iii. public Test(int a, String b){



The following should be noted;

In the case of combination (i) and (ii), the constructors have the same number of parameters but different type of parameter. In other words, they both have 1 parameter but while the first one has a parameter type of int, the second has a parameter type of String.

In the case of combination (ii) and (iii), the constructors have different number of parameters and of course different type of parameters. In other words, the second constructor has 1 parameter of type String while the third constructor has 2 parameters of types int and String.

Why might you use a navigation form instead of tab pages? The navigation form allows for several levels and sublevels to be collected. The navigation form allows for duplicate records of information to be collected. The navigation form requires all entries to be complete before adding to a database. The navigation form requires report headers and footers to make publication neater.



Access includes a Navigation Control that makes it easy to switch between various forms and reports in your database. A navigation form is simply a form that contains a Navigation Control. Navigation forms are a great addition to any desktop database.




answer c


correct answer on edge

An infographic displays the relative frequencies of the 100 most common emojis used in text messaging for each of the last 12 months. Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from such a representation of emoji usage?
a. You can determine the growth or decline in popularity of a particular emoji.
b. You can determine what percentage of text messages contains a particular emoji.
c. You can determine how long the most popular emoji has held the #1 position.
d. You can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.



d. you can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.


The infographic displays 100 most common emoji used in text messaging. This information can be used to determine percentages of text message which contains particular emoji. This details can not determine the age of emoji user based in emoji use.

A. Describe four types of information that you can enter into a worksheet cell when using a spreadsheet package, giving specific examples.​



The first step of learning about spreadsheets is understanding the terminology you will encounter as you work through this lesson. The glossary below lists terms that are specific to spreadsheet applications. Terminology that we learned when we looked at wordprocessing (such as copy, paste, clipboard, etc.) also apply to spreadsheet applications.

The compound known as butylated hydroxytoluene, abbreviated as BHT, contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A 1.501 g sample of BHT was combusted in an oxygen rich environment to produce 4.497 g of CO2(g) and 1.473 g of H2O(g). Insert subscripts below to appropriately display the empirical formula of BHT.





n(C) = 4.497 g/44g/mol = 0.1022

Mass of C = 0.1022 × 12 = 1.226 g

n(H) = 1.473g/18 g/mol = 0.0823 ×2 moles = 0.165 moles

Mass of H = 0.0823 × 2 ×1 = 0.165g

Mass of O= 1.501 -(1.226 + 0.165)

Mass of O= 0.11 g

Number of moles of O = 0.11g/16g/mol = 0.0069 moles

Dividing through by the lowest ratio;

0.1022/0.0069, 0.165/0.0069, 0.0069/0.0069

15, 24, 1

Hence the formula is;



The formula is C1SH240

Write a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should calculate and display the total rainfall for the year and the average monthly rainfall. Use bubble sort and sort the months with the lowest to highest rain amounts. Use the binary search and search for a specific rain amount. If the rain amount is found, display a message showing which month had that rain amount. Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for monthly rainfall figures.



Program approach:-

Using the header file.Using the standard namespace I/O.Define the main function.Check whether entered the value is negative.Find the middle position of the array.Display message if value not found.Returning the value.



//required headers

#include <stdio.h>


using namespace std;

//main function

int main()

{   double rain[12], temp_rain[12], sum=0, avg=0, temp;

   int month=0, i, j, n=12, low=0, mid=0, high=12, x, found=0;

   char month_name[][12]={"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",

   "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};


   //store input values to arrays rain and temp_rain


   {   cout<<"Enter the total rainfall for month "<<month+1<<" :";



       //check whether the entered value is negative


       {   cout<<"Enter a non negative value"<<endl;




       {   rain[month]=temp;



           //total sum is found out and stored to sum






   //find average rainfall



   //display total and average rainfall for the year

   cout<<"Total rainfall for the year: "<<sum<<endl;

   cout<<"Average rainfall for the year: "<<avg<<endl;


   //perform bubble sort on temp_rain array

   for(i=0; i<n-1; i++)    

   {   for (j=0; j<n-i-1; j++)

       {   if (temp_rain[j]>temp_rain[j+1])








   //get search value and store it to x

   cout<<"Enter the value to search for a specific rain amount: ";


   //perform binary search on temp_rain array

   while (low<=high)


      //find the middle position of the array

      int mid=(low+high)/2;

      //if a match is found, set found=1


      {   found=1;



       //ignore right half if search item is less than the middle value of the array

      else if(x<temp_rain[mid])


       //ignore left half if search item is higher than the middle value of the array





   //if a match is found, then display the month for the found value



       for(i=0; i<n; i++)

       {   if(x==rain[i])

               cout<<"Found matching rainfall for this month: "<<month_name[i];






   //display message if value not found


       cout<<"Value not found.";


   return 0;


BADM-Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.



WooW We Have To All This Which Class can you Please tell

Write a Java program that creates a two-dimensional array of type integer of size x by y (x and y must be entered by the user). The program must fill the array with random numbers from 1 to 9. Then, the program must print the original array and the elements that are in even columns of the array.



The java program is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 Random r = new Random();

 int x, y;

 x = input.nextInt();  

 y = input.nextInt();

 int[][] Array2D = new int[x][y];

 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j < y; j++){          Array2D[i][j] = r.nextInt(9) + 1;      }


 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j < y; j++){          System.out.print(Array2D[i][j]+" ");      }




 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 1; j < y; j+=2){          System.out.print(Array2D[i][j]+" ");      }






This creates a random object

 Random r = new Random();

This declares x and y as integers

 int x, y;

This gets input for x

 x = input.nextInt();  

This gets input for y

 y = input.nextInt();

This declares the 2D array

 int[][] Array2D = new int[x][y];

The following iteration populates the array with integers 1 to 9

 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j < y; j++){          Array2D[i][j] = r.nextInt(9) + 1;      }


The following iteration prints all elements of the array

 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j < y; j++){          System.out.print(Array2D[i][j]+" ");      }



The following iteration prints all elements on the even column

 for(int i = 0; i < x ; i++){

     for(int j = 1; j < y; j+=2){          System.out.print(Array2D[i][j]+" ");      }



Given the value x=false ,y=5 and z=1 what will be the value of F=(4%2)+2*Y +6/2 +(z&&x)?



F = 13



x = false

y = 5

z = 1

F = (4%2)+2*Y +6/2 +(z&&x)

We solve this arithmetic using the order of precedence:

i. Solve the brackets first

=> (4 % 2)

This means 4 modulus 2. This is the result of the remainder when 4 is divided by 2. Since there is no remainder when 4 is divided by 2, then

4 % 2 = 0

=> (z && x)

This means (1 && false). This is the result of using the AND operator. Remember that && means AND operator. This will return false (or 0) if one or both operands are false. It will return true (or 1) if both operands are true.

In this case since the right operand is a false, the result will be 0. i.e

(z && x) = (1 && false) = 0

ii. Solve either the multiplication or division next whichever one comes first.

=> 2 * y

This means the product of 2 and y ( = 5). This will give;

2 * y = 2 * 5 = 10

=> 6 / 2

This means the quotient of 6 and 2. This will give;

6 / 2 = 3

iii. Now solve the addition by first substituting the values calculated earlier back into F.

F = (4%2)+2*Y +6/2 +(z&&x)

F = 0 + 10 + 3 + 0

F = 13

Therefore, the value of F is 13

Ten examples of a compiler



Compilers for AdaCompilers for ALGOL 60Compilers ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68 Assemblers Compilers (Intel *86) Assembly.ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68 assemblers (Intel *86) assemblers (Motorola 68*) Assemblers.Compilers for ALGOL 60 Compilers for ALGOL 68 Assemblies (Motorola 68*) Assemblies (Intel *86) (Zilog Z80)Compilers ALGOL 60 Compilers for ALGOL 68 Intel *86 Assemblers Mounting machines (Motorola 68*) (Zilog Z80) Assemblers Assemblers (other)Compilers for ALGOL 60 Compilers for ALGOL 68 Assembled assemblers (Intel *86) (Motorola 68*) (Zilog Z80) Assemblers Assemblers (other) Compilers BASICCompilers for ALGOL 60 Compilers for ALGOL 68 Intel *86 Assembly Machines Motorola 68* Assemblers.  Assemblies (Zilog Z80) Assemblers Assemblers (other) Compilers of BASIC Interpreters from the Basic.ALGOL 60 compilers ALGOL 68 Intel Compilers *86 Motorola 68* Assemblers Assembly Machines. Meetings of the assembly members (Zilog Z80) (other) BASIC Interpreter compilers from the fundamental


Compiler – The compiler is the language processor, which reads the whole of your source software, and translates it into an equivalent program in the machine language.

Ex: C, C++, C#, Java.

When free of errors, the source code of a compiler is successfully transposed into the object code. At the end of the build, when the source code has errors, the compiler indicates the errors. Before the compiler can successfully recompile source code, errors must be removed.

After performing addition operation such as AX=18, BX=19 which Flags will be



Carry Flag (CF) - this flag is set to 1 when there is an unsigned overflow. ...

Zero Flag (ZF) - set to 1 when result is zero. ...

Sign Flag (SF) - set to 1 when result is negative. ...

Overflow Flag (OF) - set to 1 when there is a signed overflow.

What are 6 Steps in opening the print dialogue box in PowerPoint presentation​?



Find the steps below.


The print dialogue box is the box that contains all the options to be selected before a hard copy of the power point presentation is obtained. The steps in opening it include;

1. Click on File to select the document to be printed

2. Click the Print icon

3. When the option Printer is displayed, choose the desired printer

4. Select Settings and choose the number of slides to print, the layout of the print-out, the color, and if the slides will be collated or not.

5. Select the number of copies to be printed

6. Click Print or Ok

Mencione como la electricidad evoluciono la vida el ser humano.



La electricidad es el conjunto de fenómenos físicos relacionados con la carga eléctrica y los campos eléctricos y también con el electromagnetismo. Dado que la energía eléctrica es una fuente importante de energía en la vida cotidiana, las palabras "electricidad" y "corriente" a menudo se usan indistintamente en el habla cotidiana. Sin embargo, la electricidad también incluye otros fenómenos fácilmente reconocibles como los rayos y la electricidad estática.

La electricidad tiene muchas aplicaciones técnicas. Por lo tanto, la ingeniería eléctrica se explora y se desarrolla más en la ingeniería eléctrica. A diferencia de muchos otros fenómenos físicos, muchos de los fenómenos asociados con la electricidad pueden medirse y calcularse previamente con gran precisión.

La electricidad es un fenómeno natural. La más conocida es la ocurrencia de rayos, que es causada por una diferencia de potencial en la atmósfera. Algunos peces, como la anguila eléctrica, también son capaces de generar electricidad. Además, los sistemas nerviosos animal y humano funcionan con señales eléctricas.

difference between cyberbullying ,cyber wellness and cyber safety​


cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

cyber wellness is refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace.

cybersafety is being secure online

What mistake might you make related to changing the data in a cell that's used in a formula?



ojalat sirve


Cuando en una fórmula, en vez de indicar una celda, fila o columna estamos enlazando una hoja de cálculo o libro, debemos hacerlo con comilla simple. Si empleamos otro signo o símbolo separador, la fórmula no entenderá correctamente lo que le estamos indicando.

Can Algorithms Be Used Again?



Explanation:Algorithms are aimed at optimizing everything. They can save lives, make things easier and conquer chaos. Still, experts worry they can also put too much control in the hands of corporations and governments, perpetuate bias, create filter bubbles, cut choices, creativity and serendipity, and could result in greater unemploymen

Answer: The algorithm must have an infinite number of steps because there are an infinite number of integers greater than one. It will run forever trying to count to infinity. Every algorithm must reach some operation that tells it to stop.

2. Used to drive in or remove screws that fasten electrical wires or other electrical accessories. A. Pliers C. Screwdrivers B. Mechanical D. Multi-tester VOM​



the correct answer is C. screwdriver

what is your biggest takeaway on that subject?​


Hi. You have not informed the subject to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer this question is to evaluate the media where the subject in question is being presented. Thus, you must understand this subject, whether reading a text about it or watching a video about it, the important thing is that you understand it and absorb all the teachings it is capable of transmitting.

In this case, you need to evaluate all these teachings which was the most important for you and which represented a very important lesson in your life. This lesson will be the biggest takeaway you've achieved with this subject.

[tex](a + b) {2}[/tex]





What is the Best IPTV service provider in the USA?



Explanation: is the best IPTV provider offering HD 7300+ channels, 9600+ Movies and 24/7 on demand TV shows on your TV, Phone, Laptop or tablet.

With what software tool can you see the applications that are currently runni
your computer?
Application Manager
Task Scheduler
Task Manager
Device Manager
None of the above



Task Manager


On windows, you can press Ctrl + Esc and it will open Task Manager.

You will see all the currently running programs and the amount of resources they are currently using.

Which of the following CALL instructions writes the contents of EAX to standard output as a signed decimal integer?
a. call WriteInteger
b. call WriteDec
c. call WriteHex
d. call WriteInt



d. call WriteInt



Instruction to write to decimal integer

Of the 4 instructions, the call WriteInt instruction is used write to a decimal integer.

This is so, because the WriteInt instruction writes a signed decimal integer to standard output.

This implies that the output will have a sign (positive or negative) and the output will start from a digit other than 0 (i.e. no leading zero)

What does Falstaff do to protect himself in battle? ​


bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark

what is a network computer that processes requests from a client server​



computer processing unit

computer processing unit is a network computer that processes requests from a client server​.

What is a computer processing unit?

The main element and "control center" of a computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU, sometimes known as the "central" or "main" processor, is a sophisticated collection of electronic circuitry that manages the device's software and operating system.

A central processing unit, sometimes known as a CPU, is a piece of electronic equipment that executes commands from software, enabling a computer or other device to carry out its functions.

Computers use a brain to process information, much like people do. The brain is the central processing unit for a computer (CPU). The CPU is the component that carries out all of the computer's instructions. It connects with all the other hardware parts of the computer while being on the motherboard.

Thus, computer processing unit.

For more information about computer processing unit, click here:


Which report views shows how the report will look in print and enable you to make modifications to the print settings?



Print preview


In Microsoft access the report view that will show you an accurate picture of what your print out will look like before it is printed is : Print preview

Microsoft access is a relational database that allows the usage and storage of information in and organization

A database has two tables Rand S with 100 tuples each. Exactly two transactions, 11 and T2, execute concurrently on the database. T1 inserts a tuple in R and after some time decides to abort. T2 computes the difference: SELECT count(*) from R - SELECT count(*) from s and inserts as many tuples in S. After the transactions complete, R has 100 tuples and S has 101 tuples. Which of the following is possible?
a. The transactions executed in the REPEATABLE READ isolation level.
b. The transactions executed in the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level.
C. The transactions executed in the READ COMMITTED isolation level.
d. This outcome is not possible in any of these isolation levels.



a. The transaction executed in the REPEATABLE READ isolation level.


Database management system are used by businesses to organize and handle large data. There are 3 types of DBMS :

1- Hierarchical Database management system

2- Network Database management system

3- Object oriented Database management system.

Christina has been asked by the firewall administration group to identify secure network protocols that can be used to prevent network analyzers from being able to read data in flight. What are considered as secure network protocols?





Data theft can be defined as a cyber attack which typically involves an unauthorized access to a user's data with the sole intention to use for fraudulent purposes or illegal operations. There are several methods used by cyber criminals or hackers to obtain user data and these includes DDOS attack, SQL injection, man in the middle, phishing, etc.

Encryption is a form of cryptography and typically involves the process of converting or encoding informations in plaintext into a code, known as a ciphertext. Once, an information or data has been encrypted it can only be accessed and deciphered by an authorized user.

Some examples of encryption algorithms are 3DES, AES, RC4, RC5, and RSA.

Hence, SSH, HTTPS and SMTP are considered as secure network protocols.

HTTPS is acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure while SSL is acronym for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

SMTP is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it uses the standard port number of 25 to provide clients with requested services.

Reverse Word Order: Write a program that reverses the order of the words in a given sentence. This program requires reversing the order of the words wherein the first and last words are swapped, followed by swapping the second word with the second to last word, followed by swapping the third word and the third to last words, and so on.



function reverseArray(arr) {

   if (arr.length > 1) {

      arr = [arr[arr.length-1], ...reverseArray(arr.slice(1, -1)), arr[0]]


   return arr;


function reverseSentence(sentence) {

   let words = reverseArray( sentence.split(" ") );

   return words.join(" ");


console.log( reverseSentence("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two three") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two") );

console.log( reverseSentence("Single") );


This is a solution in javascript leveraging several powerful constructs in that language, such as the spread operator.

Other Questions
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