after the spanish-american war, supporters of united states annexation of the philippines believed that


Answer 1

After the Spanish-American War, supporters of United States annexation of the Philippines believed that the Philippines could serve as a stepping stone to other countries in Asia.

What was the Spanish-American War?

The Spanish-American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States in 1898. It began as an effort to free Cuba from Spain's colonial influence, but it quickly expanded to include the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The United States won the war and acquired these territories as a result. This marked the beginning of America's emergence as a world power in the early twentieth century.

Supporters of the United States annexation of the Philippines believed that the country could serve as a stepping stone to other countries in Asia because the archipelago is located in the center of Southeast Asia. It was seen as a strategic location for the United States to establish a foothold in the region, gain access to trade routes, and project its military power. The annexation of the Philippines was also justified by the notion of "Manifest Destiny," which was the idea that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its influence and territory throughout the world. This belief was prevalent among American politicians, military leaders, and intellectuals at the turn of the century.

Learn more about Spanish-American War here:


Related Questions

1. After reading the topics, summarize some of the reasons that global migrations occurred in the
1750-1900 time period:
2. How do you think industrialization played a role in increased migrations in this time period?
3. How did environmental factors play a role in increased migrations in this time period?
4. How do you think global capitalism played a role in increased migrations during this time period?



1. Global migrations occurred in the 1750-1900 time period due to various reasons such as economic opportunities, religious persecution, political instability, wars, and natural disasters.

2. Industrialization played a significant role in increased migrations during this time period. As industrialization led to the growth of factories and manufacturing industries, there was a need for more labor. This led to the migration of people from rural areas to urban centers in search of work.

3. Environmental factors such as droughts, floods, famines, and other natural disasters also played a role in increased migrations during this time period. These environmental factors often led to crop failures and food shortages, which forced people to migrate to other areas in search of food and better living conditions.

4. Global capitalism also played a significant role in increased migrations during this time period. The growth of capitalist economies and the search for new markets and resources led to colonization and imperialism. This, in turn, led to the forced migration of people from colonized territories to other parts of the world as laborers or slaves. Additionally, the growth of international trade and commerce led to the migration of skilled laborers and entrepreneurs in search of economic opportunities in other countries.

which scientist was the first to describe cells after seeing spaces in cork


Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study cells. Scientist Hooke was from England. He examined tiny slices of cork with a compound microscope. Several plants include cork.

What about Robert Hooke?The first two scientists to discover microbes were Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke FRS, both of whom were active as scientists, natural philosophers, and architects. Robert Hooke FRS is credited with making the compound microscope that was used to make this discovery in 1665. The law of elasticity, often known as Hooke's law, was discovered by English physicist Robert Hooke, who was born on July 18 (or July 28, New Style), 1635, in Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England, and died on March 3, 1703, in London. Hooke also conducted research in a wide range of other areas. The cell has a long and fascinating history that began with Robert Hooke's initial discovery in 1665 and ultimately led to many of the scientific advances of the present day.

To learn more about Robert Hooke, refer to:

this federal organization established by wilson explained the war to the american people and compelled america to take arms in defense of its liberties and free institutions.


The organization you are referring to is the Committee on Public Information, which was established by President Woodrow Wilson in April 1917.

The Committee's goal was to inform the public about the war and to generate enthusiasm and support for the war effort.

It used a variety of methods such as films, radio broadcasts, posters, newspaper articles, and public speeches to educate the American people about the war and encourage them to support the Allied cause.

The CPI used a range of techniques including propaganda, advertising, and censorship to shape public opinion and control the narrative of the war.

To know about Committee on Public Information refer here:


Both the American and French revolutionaries issued documents declaring independence. Which idea contained in these documents was used as a justification for revolution?
Governments are inherently corrupt and oppressive.
Governments are established to protect citizens' rights.
Government power should be divided between different groups.
Government should provide for the economic welfare of citizens.


"Both the American and French revolutionaries issued documents declaring independence. The idea contained in these documents that was used as a justification for revolution was that Governments are established to protect citizens' rights."

Both documents asserted that individuals possess certain unalienable rights that are essential to their happiness and well-being, and that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. The American colonists and the French people believed that their respective governments had violated these principles and had failed to protect their rights, leading to a loss of trust and legitimacy. By declaring their independence and establishing new governments based on the principles of individual liberty and popular sovereignty, they sought to secure their rights and create a better, more just society.

To know more about French revolutionaries click below:


What was the global effect of the influenza pandemic from 1918 to 1920?
A. The pandemic caused a shortage of doctors.
B. More U.S. soldiers died of influenza than in fighting.
C. Approximately 25 million people died worldwide.
D. Businesses needed to shut down to prevent the spread of


According to estimates, the Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918–20 killed 40 million people, or 2.1 percent of the world's population. A similar pandemic would kill 150 million people worldwide if it struck now.

What was the duration of the influenza pandemic?In three waves that hit in 1918's spring, fall, and winter, the flu pandemic caused the most of its harm. It peaked in the spring of 1919, but some historians contend that a fourth, considerably less destructive wave persisted into 1920.There are only known pandemic-causing influenza type A viruses. Contrary to popular belief, influenza B viruses can be divided into lineages rather than subtypes. The most serious influenza outbreak to occur in the 20th century was the pandemic of 1918–19. The pandemic illness known as the Spanish flu is also what brought on this terrible epidemic.Whether or not people have had a chance to develop immunity to the virus from prior exposure is what distinguishes seasonal flu from pandemic flu. The majority of people have been exposed to the influenza strains that cause seasonal flu because people are exposed to influenza viruses throughout their lifetimes.

To learn more about influenza pandemic, refer to:

which of the following is responsible for the preparation of executive spending proposals submitted to congress?Treasury DepartmentCouncil of Economic AdvisorsDepartment of CommerceOffice of Management and Budget


The agency responsible for the preparation of executive spending proposals submitted to Congress is the Office of Management and Budget.

What is the Office of Management and Budget?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a federal agency that assists the President of the United States in overseeing the implementation of their financial, management, and regulatory initiatives.

The agency's main responsibilities include providing the president with relevant advice and guidance on the development and execution of the annual federal budget, evaluating agency spending plans, and making recommendations for program and policy changes.

The OMB works closely with other departments and agencies, including the Department of Treasury, the Council of Economic Advisors, and the Department of Commerce, to ensure that the president's agenda is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Learn more about OMB at


Which of the following is a major goal of United States foreign policy?
keeping corporate taxes low
promoting national economic growth
maintaining national security
ensuring high quality public health care


The major goal of the United States foreign policy is maintaining national security.

What is a foreign policy?

Foreign policy refers to a set of strategies and actions adopted by a nation-state to interact with other countries and international organizations. Its primary objective is to promote the nation's interests in the international arena, which may include security, economic, and diplomatic interests. Foreign policy can take various forms, including treaties, military alliances, trade agreements, and humanitarian aid. It also involves dealing with issues such as immigration, terrorism, and human rights. Foreign policy is often influenced by a country's historical, cultural, and ideological factors, as well as its geopolitical and economic conditions. It is an essential component of international relations, shaping the interactions between states and affecting the lives of people around the world.

To learn more about foreign policy, visit:


during the roman empire, there was a massive increase in cross-cultural interactions, leading to the reshaping of roman religion. what aspect of roman culture allowed for this?


During the Roman Empire, there was a massive increase in cross-cultural interactions, leading to the reshaping of Roman religion. The aspect of Roman culture that allowed for this was tolerance.

What is the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire was the world's most successful empire. Rome established a republic and expanded throughout Italy before becoming an empire after Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BCE. Augustus, his heir, established a system of autocracy that lasted until the empire's decline and fall in the 5th century CE.

The Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and prosperity, lasted from Augustus' rule until Marcus Aurelius' death.

What was the impact of cross-cultural interactions on the Roman Empire?

Roman religion changed as a result of cross-cultural interactions. Roman officials were tolerant of people practicing different religions, and many religions merged with Roman religion. Cults of mystery religions, including Isis, Cybele, and Mithras, became more popular in the empire.

Christianity, a religion that began in the Middle East, emerged in the Roman Empire in the 1st century CE and rapidly spread throughout the empire. Roman religion was a syncretic religion that included elements from various religions. For example, Roman gods were frequently equated with Greek gods.

What were the factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century CE, and by the 5th century, it had collapsed. The factors that contributed to its decline are complex and varied. Economic factors such as inflation, taxation, and the cost of maintaining the army were significant contributors.

Political instability, military defeats, and invasions by barbarian tribes also contributed to Rome's decline. Additionally, social factors, such as the decline of the middle class and the spread of slavery, contributed to Rome's decline.

To know more about Roman Empire, click on the link below:


describe the commonalities in the political philosophies of the three progressive presidents that held office between 1901-1921. provide specific examples to support your response.



The three progressive presidents who held office between 1901-1921 were Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.


The commonalities in their political philosophies are as follows:

They sought to increase the power of the federal government while also regulating industry, business, and labor. This was done in order to promote greater economic and social justice.

They were all strong advocates for the idea of a living Constitution that should adapt to the changing needs of society.

They aimed to reduce the power of political machines and make the political process more transparent and accountable.

They were in favor of increasing the government's role in social welfare programs, particularly in the areas of education, health care, and labor rights. Examples to support these commonalities are:

In 1906, Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drug Act, which was intended to safeguard the health of the American people by regulating the food and drug industry. Similarly, Taft signed the Mann-Elkins Act in 1910, which strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission and the regulation of the railroad industry. Wilson, on the other hand, signed the Clayton Antitrust Act and the Federal Reserve Act, both of which were intended to strengthen the regulation of business and finance. In terms of social welfare programs, Roosevelt established the Department of Commerce and Labor in 1903, which was later divided into two separate agencies in 1913: the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor. Taft signed the 16th Amendment, which established a federal income tax, in 1913. Wilson signed the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act in 1916, which was aimed at regulating child labor in factories and mines. These examples illustrate how the three progressive presidents worked to increase the power of the federal government, regulate industry and business, and improve social welfare programs in order to promote greater economic and social justice.

Learn more about  political philosophies here:


The three progressive presidents who held office between 1901-1921 were Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.

The commonalities in their political philosophies are as follows:

They sought to increase the power of the federal government while also regulating industry, business, and labor. This was done in order to promote greater economic and social justice.

They were all strong advocates for the idea of a living Constitution that should adapt to the changing needs of society.

They aimed to reduce the power of political machines and make the political process more transparent and accountable.

They were in favor of increasing the government's role in social welfare programs, particularly in the areas of education, health care, and labor rights. Examples to support these commonalities are:

Learn more about  political philosophies here:


Because the corpses of most murdered in the gas chamber were cremated, which fact might help investigators calculate the true number of executed?

Answer choices are in the picture below ​


The answer is d. The gas chambers could kill 1200 people per hour in Auschwitz.

This fact might help investigators calculate the true number of executed.

Does inquiry research entail?

Investigative research says to a variety of techniques and resources used to discover previously unknown facts about a certain topic or event. Also, the procedure entails looking for essential data that might not be easily there.

Does investigation mean in legal terms?

Investigation shows to the official review and assessment of all pertinent facts to ascertain whether misbehavior has taken place, and if so, to identify the offender and assess the gravity of the wrongdoing.

To know more about Investigation visit:


The clause iS vague but gives the national government responsibilities_ very broad grant of power t0 carry out it$ enumerated powers full faith and credit supremacy necessary and proper


The Clause you are referring to is the Necessary and Proper Clause, which is part of Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. This clause grants Congress the power to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof." In other words, this clause grants Congress broad power to make laws necessary to carry out its other powers. The clause is vague but gives the national government responsibilities very broad grant of power to carry out its enumerated powers full faith and credit supremacy necessary and proper is referring to the Elastic Clause

.What is the Elastic Clause?The Elastic Clause refers to a clause in the United States Constitution's Article I, Section 8. It is also called the "Necessary and Proper Clause." The Elastic Clause specifies that Congress has the power to make any legislation that is necessary and proper to carry out the duties of the United States Government.According to the Constitution, the national government has been given limited powers. However, the Elastic Clause allows the government to extend its authority when required. It is known as the Elastic Clause because it allows the government to stretch its powers as and when required. In conclusion, the clause mentioned in the question is referring to the Elastic Clause that provides the national government with broad power to carry out its enumerated powers.

For more such questions on United States


What is the basic theory of the document with regard to U. S soviet clashes in Korea


The fundamental idea surrounding the U.S.-Soviet struggle in Korea is that it was a proxy war between the two superpowers motivated by conflicting geopolitical interests in the area.

The Soviet Union and China supported North Korea while the United States sided with South Korea during the Korean War (1950–1953). The territory, which had been split into two zones of occupation following World War II, was the scene of a power struggle between the U.S. and the Soviet Union for dominance.

The fundamental argument behind the U.S.-Soviet conflicts in Korea is that the fight represented a proxy war between the two superpowers, with each trying to further its interests in the region. The Soviet Union wanted to increase its influence and support for socialist governments around the world, while the United States saw the battle as a chance to stop the spread of communism.

The United States and the Soviet Union clashed and confronted repeatedly throughout the war, engaging in secret operations, media efforts, and diplomatic wrangling at the UN. The short air fight between American and Soviet forces over the Yalu River, which divides North Korea and China, saw the most direct military conflict.

To know more about Korean War


Investiga sobre la minga como institución de reciprocidad andina y escribe ejemplos de cómo se la practica


Minga is the coming together of the entire community to carry out a planned project for the good of the community.

Since ancient times, communities in the Andes have benefited from Minga, a type of collective labor. Several Latin American nations engage in it. Mink'a may choose to use many forms of communal expressions, such as developing public facilities and infrastructure, or benefit an individual or family, such as by asking for assistance when harvesting potatoes or other agricultural goods.

Typically, mink's labor is unpaid, like in the case of Ocra, an Andean Campesino village, which uses it for public works projects. It brings together a community as a whole and ensures brotherhood and harmony.  The practice of Minga is based on uneven power dynamics. Minga occurs as a result of inequality rather than in spite of it.

To learn more about community, refer to:


Your question is in Spanish. Its English translation would be:

Investigate about the Minga as an Andean reciprocal institution and write examples of how it is practiced.

A supply-side policy to address a recession would likely

A) increase government spending rather than provide tax cuts.

B)enact policies that stimulate aggregate demand rather than aggregate supply.

C)provide tax cuts rather than increased government spending.


Answer: C) provide tax cuts rather than increased government spending.

Explanation: A supply-side policy to address a recession would prioritize providing tax cuts rather than increasing government spending. The intention is to stimulate economic growth by reducing tax burdens and promoting private sector investment and consumption.

Supply-side policy: Supply-side policies are economic measures implemented by governments to stimulate economic growth and address recessions. These policies focus on increasing the production capacity of the economy and improving the efficiency of resource allocation.

Tax cuts: Providing tax cuts is a common supply-side policy used to address a recession. By reducing tax rates for individuals and businesses, the government aims to incentivize increased economic activity. Lower taxes can encourage businesses to invest, expand production, and hire more workers. It can also leave individuals with more disposable income, which can lead to increased consumption and spending.

Increased government spending: While increased government spending can be used as a policy response to a recession, it is more commonly associated with demand-side policies. Demand-side policies aim to stimulate aggregate demand, which includes increasing consumer spending and government expenditures.

Learn more about recession here:

An Italian trader bought merchandise in China and now wants to return home with it. However, he doesn't want to return via the Silk Road. Choose all the spots on the route he can take to reach Italy


Sea route: The trader can send his product from a Chinese Italian port through sea. This route passes across the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea. Depending on reach

A trader is a person or organisation that participates in the profitable purchase and sale of financial products like stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies. Traders can either work for a financial organisation or for themselves, trading their own funds. To evaluate market trends, choose whether to purchase or sell, and control risk, they employ a variety of tactics. In order to help them make decisions, traders may specialise on a certain kind of financial instrument or market, such as stocks or foreign currency, and employ cutting-edge tools and technology. Strong analytical abilities, a thorough awareness of market dynamics, and the

Learn more about trader here:


Early on, Hitler joined the



Deutsche Arbeiterpartei aka German Workers' Party

I think thats what your answer should be


Adolf Hitler's rise to power began in the newly established Weimar Republic in September 1919 when Hitler joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers' Party). He rose to a place of prominence in the early years of the party.

Later, when the trials of the Nazis commenced to hold them accountable for crimes such as the death march, most defendants attempted to use the excuse that they were following orders from higher up. If these defendants had their way, who should be the only one held responsible for the crimes in question?

Answer choices are in the picture below ​


The answer is option c. Heinrich Himmler.

According to the question If these defendants had their way, the only one held responsible for the crimes in question would be Heinrich Himmler.

Heinrich Himmler become famous for?

Himmler established the Einsatzgruppen and established concentration camps. Himmler oversaw the Nazi extermination projects and ordered the murder of around six million Jews, 200,000 to 500,000 Romanis, and other victims.

Heinrich Himmler, brief note?

One of the most influential people in the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler oversaw the establishment and administration of the big Nazi police state as well as the foundation for the Holocaust.

To know more about Heinrich Himmler visit:


 A country with absolute advantage can

 A country with comparative advantage can

(U.S. Government and Economics)



A country with absolute advantage can produce a good or service more efficiently than another country, using fewer resources.

A country with comparative advantage can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country, meaning they have to give up less of one good or service to produce another.


A country with absolute advantage can produce a good or service more efficiently (i.e., with fewer resources) than another country.

A country with comparative advantage can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost (i.e., sacrificing fewer resources) than another country.

The 1930s and 1940s laid the foundation for which event or era?
(1 point)
O for the United States to enter World War II
O for the civil rights movement
O for the Jazz Age
O for economic stability
Plss help!


The 1930s and 1940s laid the foundation for economic stability in the United States through significant government interventions in the economy.

During the 1930s, the country was experiencing the Great Depression, which resulted in high unemployment rates and a significant decline in economic growth. In response, President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented a series of New Deal policies designed to stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment. These policies included public works programs, social welfare programs, and significant government spending.

How does the government federation work ?

The government also established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to protect bank deposits, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate the stock market, and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to protect workers' rights to unionize and bargain collectively.

These government interventions helped stabilize the economy and created a foundation for economic growth in the post-World War II era. The economic stability created by the New Deal policies was essential for the country to mobilize and finance its efforts in World War II and establish itself as a global economic powerhouse in the post-war era.

To know more about global economic powerhouse , visit :


who was the united states delegate to the united nations who championed and won approval of the universal declaration of human rights in 1948?a) Eleanor Rooseveltb) Harry Trumanc) Franklin Delano Rooseveltd) Marian Anderson



a) Eleanor Roosevelt


how does a block of data on a blockchain get locked?


A block of data on a blockchain gets locked through a process called "mining."

The process occurs like this:

1. Transaction Validation: The first step is to validate the transactions within the block, ensuring they are legitimate and follow the rules of the blockchain network.

2. Block Creation: Next, the validated transactions are grouped together into a new block, which is added to the existing chain of blocks.

3. Proof of Work: To lock the block, a miner needs to solve a complex mathematical puzzle called Proof of Work (PoW). This requires significant computational power and energy.

4. Adding Nonce: The miner adds a random number, called a "nonce," to the block. This nonce is used as an input in the mathematical puzzle.

5. Hashing: The miner then calculates the hash (a unique string of characters) of the block using a cryptographic hash function. The hash should meet certain criteria set by the network, usually a specific number of leading zeros.

6. Puzzle Solution: If the hash meets the criteria, the miner has successfully solved the puzzle. If not, the miner changes the nonce and tries again until they find a valid hash.

7. Block Verification: Once the puzzle is solved, the block is considered locked. Other nodes in the network verify the block's validity by checking the hash and confirming it meets the required criteria.

8. Consensus: If the majority of the network nodes accept the block as valid, it gets added to the blockchain, and the miner is rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency or transaction fees.

In summary, a block of data on a blockchain gets locked through the mining process, which involves solving a mathematical puzzle (Proof of Work) and obtaining consensus from the network nodes.

To know more about blockchain click here:


Select all the correct answers Which two strategies used by the Allies contributed to the success of DDay?


The two main strategies used by the Allies contributed to the success of DDay are:

element of surprisecoordinated effort

Which two strategies contributed to the success of DDay?

The first strategy was the element of surprise. The Allies made great efforts to conceal their true intentions and mislead the Germans about the location and timing of the invasion. They created a complex web of deception tactics, such as using fake radio transmissions and inflatable tanks, which convinced the Germans that the main invasion would take place at a different location.

The second strategy was the coordinated effort of the different branches of the military. The invasion involved a massive and complex operation that required the coordinated efforts of soldiers, sailors, and airmen from multiple countries.

Read more about D-Day


a context that helps to explain the development discussed in the excerpt is that, after 1920, americans were debating ___


A context that helps to explain the development discussed in the excerpt is that, after 1920, Americans were debating: the appropriate gender roles for women in society.

What is  context of the debate over appropriate gender roles for women?

The context of the debate over appropriate gender roles for women in society in the aftermath of 1920 can help explain various social and political developments during that period.

In particular, the 1920s marked a significant turning point for women's rights and gender relations in the United States. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting women the right to vote, and this opened up new possibilities for women's political and social participation.

Overall, the context of the debate over gender roles in the 1920s helps to explain the larger social and cultural changes of the time and highlights the ongoing struggle for women's rights and gender equality in American society.

Learn more about gender role for women here:


As the Vietnam War progressed, American casualties mounted, and protests against American involvement spread and grew, trusted television journalist ______ questioned if the war had become unwinnable.


As the Vietnam War progressed, American casualties mounted, and protests against American involvement spread and grew, trusted television journalist Walter Cronkite questioned if the war had become unwinnable.

Trusted television journalist Walter Cronkite famously questioned if the Vietnam War had become unwinnable in a 1968 broadcast. In his speech, Cronkite expressed his opinion that the war had become a "stalemate," and he urged the United States to begin negotiations for a cease-fire with North Vietnam. Walter Cronkite, who was once known as the most trustworthy man in America, was a trusted television journalist.

He was well-known for his coverage of Vietnam War and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981.Walter Cronkite was the anchor of the CBS Evening News from 1962 to 1981. During the Vietnam War, he was the most popular news anchor and had the highest ratings in the world. He was a huge influence on American opinion and many people believed that he was the one who ended the war.

As the Vietnam War progressed, American casualties mounted, and protests against American involvement spread and grew, trusted television journalist Walter Cronkite questioned if the war had become unwinnable.

To know more about Vietnam war, refer here:


The Shocking Cynicism Behind the Voyage of the “St. Louis” and Its Ship Full of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany

What is the author referring to when he says, “And if a few thousand Nazi collaborators ended up in the US refugee potpourri, better them than Jews, who belonged in Palestine?”

What is the “shocking cynicism” that the author refers to in the title of the article?



\ The author is referring to the belief held by some in the US government at the time that Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany were not a priority and that it was more important to focus on admitting refugees who were deemed politically favorable, such as those who were anti-Nazi or potential allies in the war effort. The author suggests that this attitude led to a lack of action on the part of the US government to help the Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis, and instead they were turned away and sent back to Europe.


What made it difficult for the German invasion of Europe to be stopped during World War II? Germany Bombs and Torpedo Germany Powerful U-boats German Air Strikes and Fast Moving Ground Forces Sea Attack Germany Fast Moving and Powerful Naval


powerful bombings, effective U-boats, coordinated air and ground attacks, successful naval warfare, and fast-moving and powerful German forces made it difficult for the German invasion of Europe to be stopped during World War II

The factors include:

1. German bombings and torpedo attacks: The Germans were able to inflict significant damage on enemy infrastructure and forces using their powerful bombs and torpedoes, which weakened the resistance against the invasion.

2. Powerful U-boats: Germany's U-boat fleet was highly effective in disrupting the supply lines of the Allied forces, making it harder for them to maintain a strong defense against the German invasion.

3. German air strikes and fast-moving ground forces: The German military used coordinated air and ground attacks to quickly and efficiently conquer territory, making it difficult for the Allies to respond in a timely manner.

4. Sea attack: The German navy was able to successfully engage in naval warfare, further complicating the defense efforts of the Allies.

5. Fast-moving and powerful German naval forces: The German navy was able to quickly mobilize and project power in various areas of Europe, making it difficult for the Allies to defend against multiple fronts simultaneously.

Therefore, the difficulty in stopping the German invasion of Europe during World War II was due to a combination of factors including powerful bombings, effective U-boats, coordinated air and ground attacks, successful naval warfare, and fast-moving and powerful German forces.

To know more about German invasion click here:


Habsburg conflicts of this time were related to _________, while Tudor conflicts focused on _________


The Hapsburg conflicts of this time were related to territorial disputes and religious divisions, while Tudor conflicts focused on succession and religious reform.

How were Hapsburg and Tudor conflicts different ?

The Hapsburg conflicts were part of the broader European wars of religion that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries, and were characterized by territorial disputes between the Habsburg dynasty, which controlled much of Central Europe, and other European powers.

In contrast, Tudor conflicts were primarily focused on succession and religious reform in England. The Tudor dynasty ruled England from the late 15th century to the early 17th century, and their reign was marked by significant political and religious changes.

Find out more on the Tudors at


In the period 1850 to 2001, new technologies emerged that had significant social, political, and economic effects.
Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which changes in the spread of ideas/information before and after World War I impacted societies.


In the period between 1850 and 2001, new technologies such as the telegraph, telephone, radio and the Internet enabled the rapid dissemination of ideas and information that had a significant impact on social, political and economic changes in societies.

Before World War I, most ideas and information were limited to the countries and regions that possessed them, but the spread of communication technologies made it possible for them to spread over greater distances more rapidly. After World War I, the spread of ideas and information was even faster, due to the emergence of new technologies such as television and satellite.

Overall, the diffusion of ideas and information during the period from 1850 to 2001 had a significant impact on societies, both before and after World War I.

Lear More About World War I


Match the descriptions the Reconstruction Plans they a 10 % of formerly Confederate males must swear loyalty to the 50 % of formerly Confederate white males must swear loyalty to the U.S. Divided formerly Confederate states into five military districts and enforced 13th - 15th Amendments d . Pardoned all Southerners upon request and returned their property 1. Ten Percent Plan 2. Wade - Davis Plan 3. Johnson Plan 4. Reconstruction Act


Here we are talking about Reconstruction plan so, The Ten Percent sketch used to be a Reconstruction sketch for the south put forward with the aid of Abraham Lincoln in 1863.

The fundamentals of the graph have been that a state would be readmitted when 10 percentage of its 1860 vote casting population had taken an oath of allegiance to the Union and ordinary the stop of slavery.

What used to be the 10 format for Reconstruction?

Known as the 10 Percent Plan, it requires solely 10% of a former Confederate state's voters to pledge the oath earlier than the kingdom can commence the procedure of readmission into the Union. Early 1864: President Lincoln starts offevolved Reconstruction in the Union-occupied former Confederate country of Louisiana.

This proclamation used to be phase of Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan, a method that allowed Confederate states to rejoin the Union when ten percentage of its voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Constitution.

Learn more about 10 Percent Plan here:

As a result of French and Indian War
A: Spanish settlement could expand throughout Florida.
B: French settlement could expand east of the Mississippi River.
C: Indigenous settlement could expand eastward.
D: American colonial settlement could expand westward.



D: There could be more American colonial settlements in the west.

D is the right answer. From 1754 to 1763, France and Great Britain fought over who would control North America in the French and Indian War. France had to give up its claims to land east of the Mississippi River because Great Britain won the war. This gave the American colonies access to a lot of new land, and they could now move west without worrying about the French getting in the way.

A is wrong because the French and Indian War didn't change much about how the Spanish lived in Florida. France and Great Britain fought the war, and Spain did not directly take part.

The French and Indian War ended French settlements east of the Mississippi River. So, B is the wrong answer. The British took over all the French territories east of the Mississippi, including Quebec, and France had to stop trying to settle in these areas.

C is wrong because the French and Indian War did not cause native settlements to spread to the east. On the other hand, many Native American tribes lost a lot of land, resources, and people because of the war.

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