An originally neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and eventually produces the desired response when presented alone is a(n)


Answer 1


Conditioned Stimulus


The conditioned stimulus in pavlovian conditioning is an unique advantage that becomes linked with the unconditioned stimulus and eventually triggers a reflex. When delivered alone, an initially neutral stimulus that is coupled with an unconditioned stimulus ultimately elicits the desired reaction in an organism.

Related Questions

True or false.
the bible is the oldest religios book?



Here is your answer : )



The Rigveda a scripture of Hinduism is dated to between 1500–1200 BCE. It is one of the oldest known complete religious texts that has survived into the modern age.

Hope u like it

Explain why you believe Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin are so significant that they are deserving of "the most significant person in history award". give me a speech about it!​



Because they contribute the most to communism.


Which term describes the Nazi mobile killing units sent to invade the Soviet Union and kill Jews?





The term that describes the Nazi mobile killing units sent to invade the Soviet Union and kill Jews was Einsatzgruppen.

The Einsatzgruppen were Schutzstaffel death squads of Hitler in Nazi Germany which specialized in killing people in large numbers usually by shooting during the Second World War and were a terror to behold.

Describe the characteristics of Greek and Roman historigraphy​



Roman historiography stretches back to at least the 3rd century BC and was indebted to earlier Greek historiography. The Romans relied on previous models in the Greek tradition such as the works of Herodotus and Thucydides. Roman historiographical forms are usually different from their Greek counterparts, however, and often emphasize Roman concerns. The Roman style of history was based on the way that the Annals of the Pontifex Maximus, or the Annales Maximi, were recorded. The Annales Maximi include a wide array of information, including religious documents, names of consuls, deaths of priests, and various disasters throughout history. Also part of the Annales Maximi are the White Tablets, or the "Tabulae Albatae", which consist of information on the origin of the Roman Republic.

Hellenic historiography involves efforts made by Greeks to track and record historical events. By the 5th century BC, it became an integral part of ancient Greek literature and held a prestigious place in later Roman historiography and Byzantine literature.

2.13 Journal 50 POINTS HELP!!!

Writing Prompt

In this journal activity, you will write your own version of history for the period between 8000 and 600 BCE by answering the questions below. In your responses, use your own words and be as clear as possible. You will be graded primarily on the completeness and clarity of your writing.


Neolithic Revolution



Think of a creative or descriptive name for this time period. For example, you might call the period before the development of agriculture "Life Before Farming" or "Hunting to Survive." Make this name the title of your journal entry.

Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences long. Make sure to also use the terms listed above at least once in your writing. Your journal entry should address each of the following:

Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of this period; what were the biggest changes in how people lived, what they were able to do, or what they valued and believed?

Identify the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred.

Predict the major impact of these changes on human history. What effects might we see in the eras that followed this time period? What impact can we still see or feel today?


Use these social studies terms correctly:

Neolithic Revolution



Write a minimum of three paragraphs; include a title for your journal entry. (You can type your answer or write it by hand.)



                                      Farming into Change

   The Neolithic Revolution marked a dramatic shift in how people-built societies. People transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one based on agriculture and communities.  The realization that farming and herding would be more useful was a crucial turning point in the growth of agriculture during this century.  Animals would be able to acquire enough water and agriculture would be hydrated if their civilizations were built near rivers. Civilizations were able to settle down and stay in one spot near a significant water source because of these developments.  Civilizations were given the ability to evolve into more efficient societies by living near a healthy source of water.

    Mesoamerica, the Andean Region, Fertile Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus River Valley were the primary civilizations that initiated this significant agricultural transformation. The potential to have work specialties arose because of these additional locations.  People were able to trade the things they created in their work with those around them, which helped the economy thrive, by allowing people to specialize in jobs like farming wheat and weaving garments.  They liked the specializations of their new occupations, as well as the fact that they were able to stay in one place and earn a living.

    The ability to allow civilizations to remain in the same place was a fundamental change brought about by the Neolithic Revolution.  Cities were able to flourish because of this transformation because people were able to thrive and grow in one spot rather than needing to pick up and relocate.  We can see development in cities in the following periods, as well as sources of food and resources.  Today, we still apply the concept of job specialization to assure societal efficiency.


What do historians call a relationship in which one event or variable

contributes to the occurrence of another?

A. Causation

B. Unrelated

C. Correlation

D. Coincidence


Causation is What do historians call a relationship in which one event or variable contributes to the occurrence of another.

What is Causation?

Causation, or causality, can be described as the  capacity of one variable have in the bid to influence another.

The first variable could bring about the occurrence of  second into existence  and sometimes it could be cause the incidence of the second variable to fluctuate, hence Causation is What do historians call a relationship in which one event or variable contributes to the occurrence of another.

Learn more about Causation at:


Which statement is true about an early European explorer and the route he took?



Vasco da Gama


Vasco da Gama had been a historical European explorer who journeyed to India using this route.

The uncovering of the maritime route to India by the Portuguese was the very first documented journey from Europe to India through the Cape. It was done underneath the reign of Emperor Manuel I in 1495–1499. It was led by Vasco da Gama.

Disuss the era before Greek and Roman historiography(proto-history)​



Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, is the period of human history between the use of the first stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems. The use of symbols, marks, and images appears very early among humans, but the earliest known writing systems appeared c. 5000 years ago and it took thousands of years for writing systems to be widely adopted. In some human cultures, writing systems were not used until the nineteenth century and, in a few, not even until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.

Sumer in Mesopotamia, the Indus valley civilization, and ancient Egypt were the first civilizations to develop their own scripts and to keep historical records; this took place already during the early Bronze Age. Neighboring civilizations were the first to follow. Most other civilizations reached the end of prehistory during the Iron Age. The three-age system of division of prehistory into the Stone Age, followed by the Bronze Age and Iron Age, remains in use for much of Eurasia and North Africa, but is not generally used in those parts of the world where the working of hard metals arrived abruptly from contact with Eurasian cultures, such as Oceania, Australasia, much of Sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of the Americas. With some exceptions in pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas, these areas did not develop complex writing systems before the arrival of Eurasians, so their prehistory reaches into relatively recent periods; for example, 1788 is usually taken as the end of the prehistory of Australia.

The period when a culture is written about by others, but has not developed its own writing system is often known as the protohistory of the culture. By definition there are no written records from human prehistory, so dating of prehistoric materials is crucial. Clear techniques for dating were not well-developed until the nineteenth century


plz mark me as a brainlest


Selling my epic games acc ( $400 worth of games), Synapse X, and 10 OP scripts, all for $50 USD





im selling by toenails for 10 bucks a toenail. wow! ill even do half of if you click the crown, the heart and a five star rating!!! YAY!!!

What were the beliefs of Legalism?


strict application of widely publicized laws, management techniques, and etc

How did the Zimmerman telegram help push the United States into World War I?


Answer: The Zimmermann Telegram helped turn the U.S. public, already angered by repeated German attacks on U.S. ships, firmly against Germany. On April 2, President Wilson, who had initially sought a peaceful resolution to World War I, urged immediate U.S. entrance into the war.

According to the Slavery Today article, slavery still exists today but most people don’t know it because



It is a hidden crime


According to the Slavery Today article, slavery still exists today but most people don’t know it because "It is a hidden crime."

According to the Slavery Today article, modern-day slavery comes in various forms such as Labor slavery, sex slavery, forced marriage slavery, and child slavery, all of which are difficult to tracked or harder for the public to see.

The rise of modern slavery is a result of population, migration, corruption, and discrimination among the people.

Trong các đáp án dưới đây, hãy chọn đáp án đúng cho câu hỏi: Vì sao nói rằng “Trên lãnh thổ nước Pháp không có mảnh đất nào là không hữu dụng”? *


Đáp án đâu để chọn ạ

Why did King George, II discourage the Plan of Union with consideration that the Empire was in desperate need for military assistance?



Because he want them to be strong

India’s “Golden Age” began as a direct result of

an increase in trade.
a takeover of other Asian countries.
a decrease in government dependence.
the fall of the Mauryan empire



an increase in trade.


India’s “Golden Age” began as a direct result of the increased volume of trades due to the expansion of trade in europe through the silk route. It provided direct connectivity to  Europe, thus casuing the trade to increase manifolds. Hence the correct option from the given ones is "an increase in trade."

its A on edge!!


trust me :)

which country wanted to punish and weaken germany after ww1



Lloyd George - Britain


George wanted to weaken Germany for two reasons: he wanted to appear on the side of the British people who were now very anti-German and he wanted to stop them from being powerful enough to cause another war.

The Treaty of Versailles Punished Defeated Germany With These Provisions. Some disarmed the German military, while others stripped the defeated nation of territory, population and economic resources, and forced it to admit responsibility for the war and agree to pay reparations. USA was the only country that felt Germany was harshly punished.


name and explain 5 causes of the CUBAN REVOLUTION



1.  Batista regime:  Political causes of the revolt during the Batista administration. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar gained control of the Cuban government on September 4, 1933, in an uprising known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants." The coup ousted Gerardo Machado's liberal government, signaling the commencement of military control over the country. Under the government of Ramón Grau San Martin, Batista rose to become a self-appointed chief of the military forces and a US-friendly figure. In April 1933, US Ambassador Benjamin Sumner Welles was dispatched to Cuba and found a friend in Batista.

2.  In 1940, Batista was elected president in a free and fair election, the first under the new Cuban constitution. During Batista's administration, the following things happened:  Trade relations with the United States improved; War taxes placed on Cubans grew.

3.  Economic corruption was a hallmark of the Batista era. Foreign industry ownership, industries not held by Cubans in Cuba, U.S. reliant 1928, 75 percent sugar mills controlled by the U.S.

4.  In 1953, the 26th of July Movement was attacked. General Martin Tamayo was commanded by Batista to "kill ten rebels for every soldier killed" in the attack. The "ten-for-one" law was enacted as a result of the order.

5.  Movement of the 26th of July the revolution (1953) Fidel Castro's failed guerilla campaign against the Moncada Barracks in Oriente Province, Cuba's easternmost province, chose July 26 because it coincided with a large celebration in Santiago de Cuba celebrating the city's patron saint, Apostle James the Elder, as well as the end of the sugar harvest.



Compare and contrast the system of indirect colonial rule and
direct colonial rule in south East Asia. What were the pros and
cons for people being ruled in each system?.


European colonialism and colonization was the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over other societies and territories, founding a colony, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.[1][2] For example, colonial policies, such as the type of rule implemented,[3] the nature of investments,[4][5] and identity of the colonizers,[6] are cited as impacting postcolonial states. Examination of the state-building process, economic development, and cultural norms and mores shows the direct and indirect consequences of colonialism on the postcolonial states.

The European colonialism is the practice of acquiring full or partial political control over other societies and territories and founding a colony, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

What is colonialism?

The colonialism is a political, economic, and social system in which one country or group of people dominates and exploits another country or territory.

This domination often involves the colonization of the territory by settlers from the colonizing country, as well as the imposition of the colonizer's political, social, and economic systems on the colonized population.

Colonialism has been practiced by various countries throughout history, but it is most commonly associated with the European powers that colonized much of the world during the 16th to 19th centuries.

Learn more about colonialism here:


What are the motives for US imperialism and the Spanish American War?


The United States' involvement in the Spanish American War was primarily caused by its imperialist desires. The United States wanted to expand its political, economic, and social influence to other parts of the world and the Spanish American War helped accomplish this.

Impeachment power is a check congress has over_____


The President in the executive branch can veto a law, but the legislative branch can override that veto with enough votes. The legislative branch has the power to approve Presidential nominations, control the budget, and can impeach the President and remove him or her from office.

evaluate the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation and by the Germany during the period 1933 to 1946​


Jewish people. It is most often referred to as the "Holocaust", during Adolf Hitler's rule of Germany, 1933-1945.

4. What are some potential benefits of growing up in a
Soviet/Communistic society? What are some potential


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Potential benefits of growing up in a Communistic society.

-Great educational system. Communist is characterized for having an excellent school system.

-Education is free in Communist systems.

-Excellent public health system. And it is also free.

-Communism can create a kind of equality in a society that is totally the opposite of de inequality created in Capitalist systems.

-Great physical education development that forges true sports competitors, as it has been seen in the Olympic Games.

Potential downsides.

-People cannot own property.

-It limits your aspirations to grow and prosper. Under communism, every individual has the same.

-There is no entrepreneurship spirit.

-The state owns the means of production, and dictates what to produce, when to produce, and at what price.

-Generally speaking, there is no freedom of speech in Communist systems.

Why was the last Han Emperor considered. Emperor Xiandi, not considered a strong Emperor?

What is the answer


Answer: I'm not really sure either but most chinese emperors according to tv aren't strong because they can be easily manipulated by other officals and also care more about their wives and concubines rather than managing the land.


Which new material did Neolithic people invent and use for making tools



The new material that Neolithic people invented and use for making tools was Bronze

select the correct answer from each drop-down menu
In most local governments, the mayor and council members have...(four-year, two-year, one year) terms. Local elections are usually held separately from national elections, and...(about the same number of, fewer ,many more people usually vote in local elections than in national elections.


First one is 2 year term n the second is fewer people vote


Four-year terms, fewer

In most local governments, the mayor and council members have four-year terms. Local elections are usually held separately from national elections, and fewer people usually vote in local elections than in national elections.


Mayoral terms are pretty similar to presidential terms, and using stats, you can figure out if there are fewer, more, or the same turnouts for voting.

Which phrase best completes the diagram?


D is the answer because I had the same hw and I got D

either a decrease in population or a de rease in income will cause consumers to demand goods and services at each price level.



decrease in income



In the case of normal goods, income and demand are directly related, meaning that an increase in income will cause demand to rise and a decrease in income causes demand to fall.


haircuts are an example of inelastic supplu true or false


Answer: False


The elasticity of Supply refers to how each supplier can respond to a change in price by changing how much he produces. If a business can´t change its output level quickly, the supply is inelastic.

A company that provides haircuts is an example of a highly elastic supply because haircut suppliers can easily expand or reduce production.

An increase in the price of haircuts can lead to an increase in the quantity supplied, even in the short term. If the price of haircuts rises, hair salons can quickly hire new personnel or extend the working hours, and new salons could open.

And, in the case of a drop in the price of haircuts, they can reduce the working hours, and some will leave the market for a job somewhere else, so the supply can also fall quickly.

What changed in the relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in 1990?



The fall of socialist run Yugoslavia







Political science.



Other Questions
Mike is planning to invest his savings in a savings account. He manages to deposit $1,000 at the end of the first year, $700 at the end of the second year, $1,500 at the end of the third year, and $600 at the end of the fourth year. If the account earns 7 percent interest each year, what is the terminal value of this uneven cash flow stream? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) The length of a rectangle is 18 cm and the width is 6 cm. A similar rectangle has a width of 2 cm.What is the length of the second rectangle? pls help im solving hw ._. Which type of economy is associated with Adam Smith's belief that people pursuing their own self-interests will create a better society?A feudalistB communistC socialistD free market A converging lens can be defined as __________a lens that causes parallel light rays to bounce off the surfacea lens that allows parallel light rays to pass without changing directiona lens that causes parallel light rays to separate from each othera lens that causes parallel light rays to focus at a specific location Express in roster form. Set of B is the set of all elements x such that x is an element of natural numbers and x is a multiple of 8 The following information is available for the Johnson Corporation: Beginning inventory $27,000 Inventory purchases (on account) 157,000Merchandise purchases (on account) 157,000 Freight charges on purchases (paid in cash) 12,000 Merchandise returned to supplier (for credit) 14,000 Ending inventory 32,000 Sales (on account) 252,000 Cost of merchandise sold 150,000Required:Applying both a perpetual and a periodic inventory system, prepare the journal entries that summarize the transactions that created these balances. Include all end-of-period adjusting entries indicated. Nutz and Boltz, Inc., employs one hundred people; eighty are lawyers and twenty are engineers. Albert, a lawyer at the company, is quiet, likes puzzles, and carries a calculator. Most people, when asked whether Albert is a lawyer or an engineer, will guess that he is an engineer. These people are using __________ to make this faulty guess. A correct guess would have been made if they had used __________. For what value of x is the rational expression below equal to zero?20+2x5-xO A. -10O B. -5C. 10O D. 5 What was one of President Wilson's Fourteen Points? here did you walk? What did you find most enjoyable while walking: listening to music, listening to an audio book, or nothing? How did your body react to this introductory amount of exercise? Was it more exercise or less exercise than you are used to? If you did not walk, what other type of physical movement did you do? Which evidence from paragraphs 1-3 of the passage best supports the meaning of the phrase lives within the legends in paragraph 2 Mr Yadav buys a radio for Rs 640 and sells it for Rs 672 Find it's profit percent In process I need the volume of e and f A school teacher must schedule seven sessions, which are abbreviated M, N, O, P, S, T, and U, during a day. Seven different consecutive time periods are available for the sessions, and are numbered one through seven in the order that they occur. Only one session can be schedules for each period. The assignment of the sessions to the periods is subject to the following restrictions:M and O must occupy consecutive periods. M must be scheduled for an earlier period than U. O must be scheduled for a later period than S. If S does not occupy the fourth period, then P must occupy the fourth period. U and T cannot occupy consecutively numbered periods.Which of the following could be true? a. M is assigned to the first period. b. O is assigned to the fifth period. c. S is assigned to the seventh period. d. T is assigned to the sixth period. What is a working copy of DNA that leaves the nucleus of the cell? And is read by organelles called that connect amino acids together to make proteins The length of a cylindrical axon is 8 cm and its radius of 8m,and the thickness of the membrane is 0.01m,dielectric constant ( =24.78x10-12 F/m),the capacitance of nerve cell is What is the simplified value of the exponential expression 273?1 9 Two parallel lines, e and f, are crossed by two transversals. What is the measure of You are the executive director of the local animal humane society. A staff member you supervise has been working at the society for less than one year. At the 6-month, you discuss with this employee that they seem to have mastered the basic tasks of the job but not the more difficult tasks. You have noticed lately that they seem a bit disillusioned about the job and the process of caring for these animals that seem so sad to be in the facility. Based on the Situational Leadership Approach, which leadership style should you exhibit is the sentence the bird snatched the worm an active or passive voice