Based on the role of government you have learned about in this unit, create a fictional ancient leader. Name your leader and describe at least
three roles and responsibilities they have in society. What would be the symbol for your leader? Why?
pls help the GRADEBOOK closes 11:59

Based On The Role Of Government You Have Learned About In This Unit, Create A Fictional Ancient Leader.


Answer 1


name - Ammon

roles - head of state (pharaoh), lawmaker, tax collector, chose who to wage wars upon

symbol - The ankh, the key of life      why? - Because he was a kind leader and was merciful to his people


Related Questions

Which was the most characteristic of United States society at the end of the 1800s?



Owing most of their population growth to the expansion of industry, U.S. cities grew by a lot During the final years of the 1800s, industrial cities, with all the problems they had.


By the late nineteenth century, the United States had become a leading global industrial power, building on new technologies (such as the telegraph and steel), an expanding railroad network, and abundant natural resources such as coal, timber, oil, and farmland, to usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.

what countries in the global community usually need the most help



Hi , so your answer is that countries with hardships , no financial support , unindependant ,  no trade mark , no water , and no food avalible mostly need help , similar to those countries can be parts of Africa .


Really hope i helped , have a nice day :)

The countries that typically require the most assistance from the global community are those facing significant challenges in terms of poverty, underdevelopment, conflict, and humanitarian crises.

These often include countries in sub-Saharan Africa, such as those affected by ongoing conflicts in countries like South Sudan, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Additionally, countries experiencing extreme poverty and limited access to resources and opportunities, such as Haiti, Afghanistan, and Yemen, also require substantial support.

These countries may need assistance in areas such as infrastructure development, healthcare, education, food security, and peacebuilding efforts. International cooperation and aid are crucial in helping these nations address their pressing challenges and work toward sustainable development.

Learn more about humanitarian crises:


This question is not complete, Here I am attaching the complete question:

what countries in the global community usually need the most help? Explain.

what was a reason twh colonists wanted to formally declare independence​



The Colonists wanted independence from Great Britain because the king created unreasonable taxes, those taxes were created because Britain just fought the French and Indians. England decided that since they fought on American soil, then it was only fair to make Colonists pay for it. Except, the Colonists felt like they didn't have say in the British Parliament, so they began to rebel


The Colonists wanted independence from Great Britain because the king created unreasonable taxes, those taxes were created because Britain just fought the French and Indians. England decided that since they fought on American soil, then it was only fair to make Colonists pay for it.


A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called

a .frequency

b. waves

c. amplitude

d. wavelength


It’s B


A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter. Waves transfer energy away from the source, or starting place, of the energy.

Imagine you are a news reporter for the Daily News. Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942. Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not?



Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942.

The Japanese incursion into Manchuria started in 1931, and the invasion of China occurred in 1937. December 7, 1941, was the day that Japanese airplanes attacked the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in the Territory of Hawaii, killing 2,300 American soldiers. The U.S.S. Arizona was completely destroyed as well as the U.S.S. Oklahoma, which flipped upside down. During the assault, a total of twelve ships sank or were aground, while a further nine were badly damaged. More than 160 craft were destroyed, with over 160 others suffering damage. Following the declaration of war on Japan, the United States declared war on the country the following day, December 8. On December 11, Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, which was Japan's Axis ally. Because of this, the US had to go to war on two fronts. As well as occupying various countries around the world, Japan also holds the position of Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma, and Malaya. US aircraft carriers win the Battle of Midway in June of 1942. U.S. forces launch "island-hopping" campaigns that sever Japanese logistics lines as they advance. The formal surrender of Imperial Japan was announced on August 15, 1945, and the terms were signed on September 2nd on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. V-J Day is commonly known as "Victory over Japan Day."

Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not?

Admiral Yamamoto didn't build a wise call on the bombing of Pearl Harbor because although he was doing well at the time since he hit them by without notice. Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku spent months planning an attack that aimed to destroy the Pacific Fleet and destroy morale in the U.S. Navy resulted in the destruction of 180 U.S. aircraft and more than 3,400 American casualties.

The Americans came back and attacked them worse than they had attacked the Americans in the first place. Pearl Harbor attack had failed in its objective to completely destroy the Pacific Fleet. In June 1942, this failure came to haunt the Japanese, as U.S. forces scored a major victory in the Battle of Midway, decisively turning the tide of war in the Pacific.


How many religious wars has the
United States had?
A. O
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4





it is the perfect answer



Explanation: we have a ton of religions so it mean we have lots of diversity in the united states

Describe the different colonial rebellions throughout Southeast Asia


Colonial rebellions in Southeast Asia were diverse and widespread, reflecting the region's struggle against European imperialism.

The Sepoy Rebellion in India (1857) and the Philippine Revolution (1896-1898) were two prominent uprisings against British and Spanish rule respectively. In Indonesia, the Indonesian National Awakening (early 20th century) challenged Dutch colonialism, while the Vietnamese fought against French control during the First Indochina War (1946-1954). Burma's resistance resulted in the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League uprising (1945), and Malaysia witnessed the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960) against British rule.

These rebellions were driven by nationalistic sentiments, economic exploitation, and demands for independence, ultimately shaping Southeast Asia's path toward self-determination.

Learn more about  colonial rebellions here


Who’s the best character on Bojack Horseman (and why?)



Todd Chavez


todd is the heart and soul of BoJack Horseman as well as the show's moral compass.

According to Hakluyt, why should England pursue colonies in North America? Check all of the boxes that apply.


Available options are:

A. To expand England's power and wealth

B. to cooperate with Spain and France

C. to spread Christianity

D. to offer opportunities to the poor

E. to help American Indians protect their land


A, C, and D


Considering the available options, and according to Hakluyt, England should pursue colonies in North America because of the following:

1. to expand England's power and wealth: this will help England build more empire

2. to spread Christianity: this will serve as an opportunity for the English people to spread their Christian religion at the time

3. to offer opportunities to the poor: this will serve as an opportunity for the English poor to start afresh in a faraway land.

Hence, the correct answer, in this case, is option A, C, and D.

The United States Constitution has the branches of government set up as:
Article 1 Legislative Branch
Article 11 Executive Branch
Article III Judicial Branch
Where are the branches of government discussed in Florida's Constitution?
Articles III, IV, and V (3, 4, and 5)
Articles I, II, and III (1, 2, and 3)
Articles IX, X, and XI (9.10, and 11)
Amendments 1, 2, and 3



A.) Articles III, IV, and V (3, 4, and 5)


If you look at the Florida Constitution, available online, it tells you which articles talk about what :)

I hope this helped :)

What was the cause of the population shift between 1870 and 1910?
A. People began moving to urban areas because industrialization created more job
B. More and more people moved to rural areas in order to become farmers.
C. City life was healthier than life in rural areas.
D. The population shift was caused by all of the above.


A. people began moving to urban areas because industrialization created more job opportunities

I do not remember how I explained my presence or my camera to her, but I do remember she asked me no questions. . . . I did not ask her name or history. She told me her age, that she was thirty-two. She said that they had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields, and birds that the children had killed. She had just sold the tires from her car to buy food. There she sat in that lean-to tent with her children huddled around her, and seemed to know that my pictures might help her, and so she helped me.

—Years of Dust,
Albert Marrin



Wow! Lengthy


I can modify

I remember the pictures and memories of him but I do not remember what he said to me and I will not talk to him if he talks I will talk, I did not ask how is he or how is he doing, he has the same age as me, same hobby as me, hate school like I does, he said he has no friends but am I not his friend, we make memories to be kept with each other and so do I.

Also, analyze how the ideals behind the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War impacted the views of women, African Americans, and Native Americans.



The institution of slavery was profoundly affected by the American Revolution. Thousands of slaves were liberated as a result of their service on both sides of the American Revolutionary War. A remarkable amount of captives were dispossessed as a consequence of the Revolution while countless more were liberated by fleeing.

Women took part by rejecting British products, manufacturing items for troops, eavesdropping on the English, and enlisting in the uniformed forces as males disguised as women. Women who stayed faithful to the monarch or who were politically neutral were also impacted by the conflict; in many instances, the consequences were severe.

The basic question between Lincoln and Congress at the end of the Civil
War was...
4 points


Ended slavery for all African American

Which of the following techniques developed after the invention of writing to organize information and keep people interested when reading a historical text?



Narrative History


Narrative history is a method of writing history in a story-based format. This way of writing history makes past events more interesting as readers can interpret and analyze these pieces of information in a way that is relatable to modern understanding. It is divided into two forms namely; the traditional and modern narratives.

The traditional narrative follows a chronological format. The modern narrative explains trends that influenced certain actions of people in the past and reasons why they did certain things.


Historical narrative


What statement can be
drawn from the "Iron Curtain
Speech", given by Winston
A. The United States would have to
control all of Germany to stop the spread
of communism.
B. The Soviet Union was returning control
back to Eastern European countries after
the war.
C. The Soviet Union was expanding their
policies into Eastern Europe and extending
their power.



C. Railroads connected cities and ma

rkets from coast to coast,

making it easier for new immigrants to migrate between shifting

employment opportunities.

What changes did the invention of the radio bring to Americans?
It gave Americans a way to listen to sporting events instead of attending them.
It gave Americans new ways to communicate with friends and family.
It made Americans more isolated because they listened to the radio alone.
O It provided Americans with a way to heal the news as it happened.
Mark this and retum
Save and Fyit




Would you like me to choose one? LMK

Which of the following was a cause of the Great Migration?
expansion of cotton fields
World War I
civil rights movement
the 19th Amendment
Plessey v. Ferguson


iqlevel-99 world war and peace and security of your personal data


according to PLATO it is World War I


your welcome lol

is the napoleonic code a reliable source about life in france in 1804?



It is a reliable source insofar as it is a comprehensive legal document that was revolutionary at the time, that was adopted in most of Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, and that described many situations and behaviours present in Frnace in 1804.

However, as a legal code, its main goal is not to describe life in France at the time, and for this reason, its reading should be complemented with other books in order to better comprehend life in France at the time.


It is a reliable source insofar as it is a comprehensive legal document that was revolutionary at the time, that was adopted in most of Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, and that described many situations and behaviours present in France in 1804.


In a short paragraph, describe the short- and long-term effects of European imperialism in Africa as a result of the scramble for Africa.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Here is my short paragraph.

The short- and long-term effects of European imperialism in Africa as a result of the scramble for Africa were the following.

The Scramble for Africa refers to how European nations wanted the biggest and richest colonies in Africa.

Shorte term: What Europeans really wanted was to exploit the many raw materials and natural resources that were abundant in Africa, in order to make big profits.

Long-term: these African nations never learned how to govern themselves after the Europeans granted their independence. That is why these nations have a corrupt and inefficient government even today.

After the Berlin Conference of 1844-1845, European superpowers agreed on regulating the split of the African Continent. These European superpowers such as France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal split the African territory, displaced people, and created new borders in order to colonize the territories.

Which of the following developed at the junctions of railroad lines?


Switches & signaling

In which of the following setups can the Boyle's law apply


Hi. You did not submit the setups the question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

Boyle's law can be applied to any system where the mass of a gas occupies a volume inversely proportional to the pressure of that gas. This is the definition of Boyle's Law that was created by the physicist Robert Boyle who aimed to study the relationship between temperature, pressure and volume of a gas.

An example of how this law can be applied can be seen when we blow a balloon with air. This is because the balloon and the blow establish a system at constant temperature. As we blow, the balloon becomes fuller with air and the molecules of that air become compressed and compacted as the balloon inflates. This increases the pressure of the gas inside the balloon, which starts pushing on the balloon walls, decreasing the volume.

Rights of American Crozena
• The ability to leave and return to the country
• Protection of the American government while abroad
• The ability to pass citizenship to one's children
• Protection from deportation
. ?
Which right completes the chart?
A. Home ownership
B. Voting in elections
C. Protection from imprisonment



B. Voting in election


I decided to trust the people that commented on the question and the other answer. I just want to prove they're right!

Election voting is the absolute right to complete the chart. Therefore, option B is correct.

What are citizens' rights in America?

The U.S. Constitution, the 13th and 14th Amendments, and later Congressional Acts all guarantee some basic liberties and benefits for all citizens.

Citizenship is a privilege, not a right. In the United States, provisions in the Constitution, other statutes, and international agreements are commonly used to acquire a nationality. The legal requirements for acquiring U.S. citizenship are outlined in U.S. nationality law.

The rights of citizens include freedom from discrimination, equal protection under the law, and civil liberties.

Among the five freedoms it defends are the right to petition the government, free speech, the press, and the right to assemble. The United States of America's citizens are the most liberated globally due to these five fundamental liberties.

Learn more about citizenship here:


What guaranteed that African Americans would be given equal protection of the law?

the Black Codes
the 14th Amendment
the 15th Amendment
the Reconstruction Acts



14th amendment gave us equal protection of the law

Amendment 14 is the answer

guys need help on a new one here you go Why did the Founding Fathers believe the Electoral College was necessary?


Answer: They thought the electoral college was necessary because the ballot box has been stuffed all throughout history. It ensures that rural and low population states are fairly represented and that large population states don’t win the election every time.

hope this helps you have a good day :)

What motivated John Cabot to explore?


John Cabot (about 1450–98) was an experienced Italian seafarer who came to live in England during the reign of Henry VII. In 1497 he sailed west from Bristol hoping to find a shorter route to Asia, a land believed to be rich in gold, spices and other luxuries.


John Cabot was a Venetian explorer and navigator known for his 1497 voyage to North America, where he claimed land in Canada for England. After setting sail in May 1498 for a return voyage to North America, he disappeared and Cabot's final days remain a mystery.

In 1497, Cabot traveled by sea from Bristol to Canada, which he mistook for Asia. Cabot made a claim to the North American land for King Henry VII of England, setting the course for England's rise to power in the 16th and 17th centuries.

ike Columbus, Cabot believed that sailing west from Europe was the shorter route to Asia. Hearing of opportunities in England, Cabot traveled there and met with King Henry VII, who gave him a grant to "seeke out, discover, and finde" new lands for England. In early May of 1497, Cabot left Bristol, England, on the Matthew, a fast and able ship weighing 50 tons, with a crew of 18 men.

a fisherman was stranded in the middle of the sea and needed water to sustain himself.At the same time , there were clean plastic bottles in his boat.Invent and explain. How the fisherman could produce distilled water using sea water and plastic bottles which were in his boat​



Through the process of evaporation.


The fisherman could produce distilled water using sea water and plastic bottles. The fisherman takes two bottles and takes seawater in one of the bottle and connect both bottles head to head with each other. Place these bottle in the sunlight, the water in one bottles moves to the other when the water is evaporated due to high temperature gained through solar radiation in this way, salts remained in the second bottle whereas the fist bottle has clean distill water to drink.

What does the presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare?



The happening of war with Germans.


The presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare that in these trenches, German soldiers are present to defend their front lines and save themselves from machineguns and the attack of fighter planes. This trench warfare has a great importance and very important method which was used to defend their lines against enemies so the dead body shows the happening of war with Germans.

bagaimanakah penyata razak 1956 mencapai perpaduan negara​


Laporan Razak merupakan tolak ansur di antara Laporan Barnes (digemari oleh orang Melayu) dan Laporan Fenn-Wu (digemari oleh orang Cina dan India) dan antara perkara penting yang dicadangkan adalah mewujudkan dua jenis sekolah rendah iaitu Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan (SRK) dan Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (SRJK) serta menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar bagi SRK. Dahulunya, Laporan Barnes telah diserahkan kepada undang-undang sebagai Ordinan Pelajaran 1957. Apabila Laporan Razak mengetengahkan bahasa Melayu sebagai medium bahasa yang utama di dalam pengajaran, [perlu rujukan] ia juga membenarkan pengekalan dalam menggunakan medium bahasa yang lain di sekolah.

Elabora un cuadro comparativo entre "La situación del Ecuador antes y después de la Pandemia y una Reflexión con sus propias palabras, 8 para cada una antes y despues y la reflexión.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

El cuadro comparativo lo elaboras tú, como parte de tu tarea.

Lo que nosotros podemos hacer con mucho gusto es ayudarte con las ideas que puedes incluir en tu cuadro.

Antes de la pandemia, Ecuador se colocaba como uno de los países sudamericanos con mayor desarrollo humano. La empresa privada aumentaba sus inversiones en el país. Aunque lento, había un ligero repunte en el empleo. El gobierno podía aplicar cierto presupuesto en la generación de programas sociales para ayudar a la población. Los sistemas públicos de salud, sin ser los ideales, atendían a la población necesitada. El ciudadano común vivía una vida normal. Salía, se divertía, consumía lo que podía y lograba que el dinero circulara en la economía ecuatoriana.

Desafortunadamente, después de la pandemia, muchas cosas cambiaron para mal. Los servicios de salud pública no tuvieron tanta capacidad para atender las emergencias y el servicio se vio rezagado. Las empresas tuvieron que cerrar. Hubo varios despidos y recortes de personal. Las corporaciones dejaron de invertir en nuevos negocios. El gobierno dejó de invertir en proyectos de infraestructura. Cayeron las ventas de los comercios. El comercio electrónico tuvo un notorio repunte porque las personas no querían salir de casa por miedo. El turismo dejó de visitar Ecuador. La gente dejó de gastar en deporte, diversión, entretenimiento y esas empresas se vieron seriamente afectadas.


Uno de los mayores problemas durante la pandemia fue la desinformación que pegó directamente en la sociedad. Al día de hoy, la gente todavía nos abe que tanto es verdad y qué tanto es el "pánico colectivo."

Al día de hoy, la gente se pregunta si fue necesario ordenar varias cuarentenas y tan prolongadas, ya que el efecto económico para los países fue más que desastroso. Incluso, más, que el propio problema de salud.

Entre chismes y rumores, la gente sintió miedo, y ese miedo paralizó a la sociedad. Sólo creían lo que les decía el gobierno y las noticias. Pero pocas personas decidieron investigar más allá y leer escuchar a distintos especialistas. Los que estaban a favor y en contra de las medidas tomadas. Esa gente vivió sin miedo y fue capaz de tomar sus propias decisiones.

Y eso es lo importante, que ante cualquier situación como estas, porque vendrán más, la gente no se quede tan sólo con lo que le informan porque la pueden engañar e infundir miedo. Lo importante es que la gente pregunte, busque más fuentes de información, diferentes puntos de vista, y al final, sean ellos los que saquen sus propias consecuencias.

Así, nadie los podrá engañar.

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