This nickname was given to many Chinese man who came to the United States in search of work. They worked hard on various projects, including railroads mining in construction. What was the groups nickname by the west coast locals


Answer 1



The group's nickname was "Coolies." The term was originally used in China to refer to unskilled laborers, but it was later adopted by Westerners to refer to Chinese immigrants who were brought over to work on labor-intensive projects such as the construction of railroads and mining operations. The term "coolie" has since taken on negative connotations and is generally considered offensive, so it is important to use more respectful language when referring to this group of workers.

Answer 2

The group of Chinese men who came to the United States in search of work, particularly on the railroads, mining, and construction projects, were often referred to as "Coolies" by the west coast locals.

What is the nickname Coolies?

The term Coolie was a derogatory and racially charged term used to refer to Chinese laborers who migrated to the United States in the 19th century.

These workers were often subjected to difficult working conditions, low wages, and discrimination. The term Coolie originated in India and Southeast Asia, where it referred to unskilled laborers who were often transported from one place to another, and it was later applied to Chinese laborers who were similarly transported to other countries for work.

The term has since been recognized as offensive and inappropriate, and its use is generally avoided in modern discourse.

Learn more about west coast locals at:


Related Questions

Which of the following was NOT a result of the changes in farming in the United States during the Green Revolution? OO The production of agricultural goods became more efficient There was a population shift from urban areas to rural areas People began raising concerns about the effects of pesticides There was a decrease in famine​


The following was NOT a result of the changes in farming in the United States during the Green Revolution The production of agricultural goods became more efficient.

What effects did changes in agriculture have?

The effects of the agricultural revolution on people varied. It has been connected to a wide range of issues, including socioeconomic inequality (caused by people's greater reliance on the environment and anxieties of scarcity), a loss in nutrition, and an increase in contagious diseases brought on by domesticated animals.

What modifications were made to food cultivation as a result of the Green Revolution?

Through adapted practices like (1) expanding the amount of land used for farming, (2) double-cropping, which involves planting two crops per year instead of one, (3) adopting HYV seeds, (4) significantly increasing the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, and (5) improved, the green revolution increased crop productivity.

To Know more about  Green Revolution


Question? when an Ad Hominem attack is being used. Explain why it is an attack on personhood rather than debating a difference of policy or issue under discussion.



Question? when an Ad Hominem attack is being used. Explain why it is an attack on personhood rather than debating a difference of policy or issue under discussion.


Ad Hominem is a type of fallacy in which an argument or claim is rejected by attacking the person making it rather than the actual argument itself. It is an attack on the person's character, reputation, or personal circumstances, rather than addressing the substance of their argument. Ad Hominem attacks are used to distract from the issue at hand by focusing on irrelevant personal characteristics of the person making the argument.

Ad Hominem attacks are considered to be logical fallacies because they do not address the actual merits of the argument being made. Instead, they attempt to discredit the person making the argument by attacking their character or reputation. This can be harmful to healthy discourse because it does not allow for productive discussion and can lead to personal attacks and name-calling, rather than a constructive debate on the merits of the issue at hand.

In summary, Ad Hominem attacks are attacks on personhood rather than debating a difference of policy or issue under discussion because they seek to discredit the person making the argument rather than addressing the substance of their argument. They are considered logical fallacies because they do not contribute to productive discourse and can undermine healthy debate.


Question? when an Ad Hominem attack is being used. Explain why it is an attack on personhood rather than debating a difference of policy or issue under discussion.


An Ad Hominem attack is a type of logical fallacy in which a person attacks the character or personal traits of their opponent instead of addressing the substance of their argument. In other words, instead of engaging with the topic at hand, the attacker tries to discredit the person making the argument.

For example, if someone presents an argument in favor of a particular policy, and their opponent responds by saying that we shouldn't listen to that person because they have a negative reputation or questionable history, that's an Ad Hominem attack. Instead of discussing the policy itself, the opponent is trying to discredit the person making the argument.

This type of attack is not helpful for resolving a discussion because it does not address the issue at hand. Instead, it focuses on the personality or character of the person making the argument. Therefore, it's important to focus on the argument itself, rather than the person making it, in order to have a productive discussion.

how did Dr. Neubauer and the louise Wise Services adoption agency manage to pull off the study


Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency were able to pull off the study on twins by separating twins and maintaining confidentiality.

What did Dr. Neubauer do ?

Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency conducted a study on twins in the mid-twentieth century that aimed to investigate the relative influence of nature and nurture on personality development.

To carry out the study, Dr. Neubauer worked with Louise Wise Services, a prominent adoption agency in New York City that specialized in placing Jewish children with adoptive families. The agency helped to identify twins who were available for adoption and matched them with adoptive families that were similar in socioeconomic status, religion, and other factors.

Find out more on other studies on twins at


What was the Confederate response to General Buell’s arrival?
A) They fought even harder.
B) They retreated twenty miles south to Corinth.
C) They started the fields on fire to panic the soldiers.
D) They retreated to the mouth of the Mississippi at New Orleans.




General Buell's arrival during the Civil War was during the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862. The Confederate response to General Buell's arrival was Option B) They retreated twenty miles south to Corinth. The Confederate forces under General Albert Sidney Johnston and General P.G.T. Beauregard were initially successful in the battle, but were eventually pushed back by the Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant and General Buell. After the first day of fighting, the Confederates retreated to Corinth, Mississippi to regroup and plan their next move.

2. Choose 4 contributions and copy down the following chart for the PowerPoint Ch 17 History Alive. For each contribution, write or draw 2 notes.





The Cowboy










Contribution                                                                                              Notes


-Discovery of gold and silver led to the rapid development of western territories

-Mining towns were established and became centers of economic activity and culture


-The cattle industry was a major source of income for western farmers and ranchers

-Cattle drives were organized to transport cattle to markets in the East


-The open range system allowed ranchers to graze their cattle freely on public land

-Ranchers developed new breeds of cattle that were better adapted to the harsh western climate

The Cowboy

-Cowboys played a central role in the cattle industry, driving cattle to market and caring for them on the open range

-The cowboy became a cultural icon, celebrated in popular literature and entertainment

Irrigated Farming

-Irrigation systems allowed farmers to cultivate crops in arid regions

-Farmers developed new techniques for dry farming, such as planting drought-resistant crops

How did the united states involvement in the korean war set the stage for continued involvement in asia in the name of containing communism? Please answer asap!


The United States' involvement in the Korean War marked the beginning of its long-term commitment to containing communism in Asia. The war, fought between communist North Korea and non-communist South Korea, was seen as a test of the U.S.'s commitment to its allies and its ability to resist communist aggression. The U.S. ultimately intervened to support South Korea, sending troops and military aid. Although the war ended in a stalemate, the U.S. maintained a significant military presence in South Korea and other countries in the region as part of its containment strategy. This commitment to containing communism in Asia was reinforced by subsequent events, including the Vietnam War and the Cold War more broadly, and continues to shape U.S. foreign policy to this day.

Final answer:

The United States' involvement in the Korean War, according to the Containment Policy, set a precedent for US's readiness to engage in armed conflict to stop the spread of communism. The division between North and South Korea affirmed the communist threat and led the U.S. to maintain a military presence in South Korea and extend containment efforts to other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam.


The United States' involvement in the Korean War indeed set the stage for its continued involvement in Asia to contain communism. This notion is rooted in the US's adoption of the Containment Policy, aimed at stopping the spread of communism globally. The Korean War was one of the first significant conflicts under this policy, and the subsequent military commitment demonstrated U.S.'s readiness to engage in armed conflict to achieve this goal.

The outcome of the Korean War didn't decisively quell communism in the region but rather affirmed the division between communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. Bearing witness to this division, and the ongoing threat of communism, the U.S. retained a significant military presence in South Korea and continued its containment efforts in other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam. This continued involvement in Asia in the name of preventing communism expansion is direct sequel to the stand it took during the Korean War.

Learn more about Korean War here:


1. What group replaced the Roman Empire as the unifying force in Western Europe? ​



The Roman Catholic Church


please give brainliest!

institutions like churches etc. How does the celebration of the holiday bring unity and close the gaps of the past? Explain how the celebration of the day enforces the application of the constitution of South Africa. discussion to reinforce and explain.​


Instead of celebrating our person cultures on Heritage Day, we have embraced the theme of solidarity to emphasise how as South Africa, we are enhanced together. Heritage Day affords the ideal opportunity for us to recognize what unites us alternatively than what divides us.

How do they rejoice Heritage Day in churches?

On the day, exceptional speakers will encourage the youth and instruct them about the significance of their heritage. “There will also be a reward and worship session, to reward God in an African way,” he said. Xolani Jwaga encouraged the youth to costume in normal apparel on the day.Heritage Day epitomizes the cultural and ethnic range of South Africa. It serves as a reminder to South Africans to embody the spirit of uBuntu (humanity) and show love for one another—because indeed, there is Unity In Diversity.

Learn more about churches here:

2. Using evidence from Document 16, explain how these historical
developments during the interwar period helped to achieve, maintain,
and/or threaten world peace.


Some events that occurred during the interwar years had a big impact on the peace after World War 1. In 1919, the League of Nations was founded as a global alliance to advance safety and security.

How did these historical occurrences during the interwar period help to uphold or jeopardize world peace?

The peace that followed World War 1 was significantly impacted by a number of events that occurred during the interwar period. The League of Nations was established in 1919 as a multilateral organization to promote security and peace. Via the platform of the organization, nations may discuss their issues and strive to find a peaceful resolution.

The Treaty of Versailles, which put an end to World War 1, also stipulated that Germany and other vanquished nations had to disarm. The likelihood of further conflict was diminished as a result of the decline in these countries' military might. Throughout the interwar years, totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy also began to emerge in Europe. These nations opposed the idea of global cooperation and sought to consolidate their power by engaging in conflict. The emergence of the internet has significantly reduced the size of the world.

Learn more about The Treaty of Versailles:


Which of the following was a result of the French and Indian War?


England became the foremost colonial power in the globe. The Great Lakes were used to conquer French forts. The war was formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

What was the French and Indian War's key turning point?

The conflict started to alter when William Pitt gained charge of the military operations. He believed that England's domination of the globe depended on North America. Pitt agreed to hand over management of recruiting and supplies in exchange for a promise to reimburse them.

In the French and Indian War, the British prevailed. They took control of the area over which France claimed possession. The French mainland came under American authority. All of the nations from the east coast of North America to the Mississippi River were now under British control. The French and Indian War was ended by the signing of the Treaty of Paris in February 1763. The Brits grabbed Canada from France and Florida from Spain while giving France the right to keep its West Indian sugar islands and giving Spain Louisiana.

Learn more about French and Indian War:


Which of the following was NOT a cause of the extended stagflation in the 1970s?
A. Diverted funds due to the Vietnam War
B. Unemployment
C. Deflation
D. Shortage of supplies



The following was a cause of the extended stagflation in the 1970s which would be slower economic growth, higher unemployment, and higher prices such as inflation. so you can rule out unemployment, and you can absolutely rule out the shortage of supplies. I would think deflation. Just because oil market crashed resulting in higher prices of gasoline. which happened in 1970 those funds went to the Vietnam War side.


Write an essay in which you discussed Social Darwinism and opposing views such as the Social Gospel or Settlement House movements and express your own point of view. ( MAKE SURE TO WRITE AN INTRODUCTION, BODY, AND CONCLUSION) ​



Write an essay in which you discussed Social Darwinism and opposing views such as the Social Gospel or Settlement House movements and express your own point of view. ( MAKE SURE TO WRITE AN INTRODUCTION, BODY, AND CONCLUSION) ​



Social Darwinism is a term coined in the late 19th century, which refers to the application of evolutionary theory to social and economic systems. According to this theory, the strongest and fittest individuals, businesses, and nations survive and thrive, while weaker ones die off. Social Darwinism was embraced by many prominent thinkers and leaders of the time, who used it to justify their beliefs in racial superiority, imperialism, and laissez-faire capitalism. However, this theory was challenged by opposing views, such as the Social Gospel and Settlement House movements, which emphasized the importance of social welfare, equality, and cooperation. In this essay, I will discuss Social Darwinism and these opposing views, and express my own point of view on this topic.


Social Darwinism was a popular concept during the late 19th century and was used to justify racial superiority and imperialism. The theory argued that the struggle for existence applied not only to individuals but also to nations, and that the superior nations had a right to dominate the weaker ones. This idea was embraced by many European powers, who used it as a justification for their imperialistic activities in Africa and Asia. Similarly, in the United States, Social Darwinism was used to justify the exploitation of natural resources and the exploitation of workers by capitalists.

However, the Social Gospel movement emerged in response to Social Darwinism, emphasizing the importance of social welfare, equality, and cooperation. This movement advocated for the use of Christian principles to address social problems, such as poverty, inequality, and injustice. The Social Gospel movement believed that it was the responsibility of the government and society as a whole to ensure that everyone had access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

Another opposing view to Social Darwinism was the Settlement House movement. Settlement houses were community centers located in urban areas, which provided services and resources to immigrant families. The movement was led by middle-class women who believed that the problems of the urban poor were caused by social, economic, and political factors. The Settlement House movement aimed to address these issues by providing education, job training, and social services to the community.


Social Darwinism was a popular theory during the late 19th century, used to justify racial superiority, imperialism, and laissez-faire capitalism. However, this theory was challenged by opposing views, such as the Social Gospel and Settlement House movements, which emphasized the importance of social welfare, equality, and cooperation. While Social Darwinism is no longer a popular theory, its influence can still be seen in some political and economic policies. In my opinion, it is important to recognize that we live in a complex and interconnected world, and that cooperation and compassion are essential for creating a just and sustainable society. We must continue to work towards a society that values equality, justice, and social welfare for all.

Will give a 5 star rating and brainliest. Be specific.

What does the three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and what is one way we can improve the constitution for that?




The Three-Fifths Compromise was a provision included in the United States Constitution during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of apportioning representation and taxation among the states. This compromise was necessary to secure the agreement of southern states to the new Constitution, as they wanted slaves to be counted as full persons for the purpose of representation, but not for the purpose of taxation.

The Three-Fifths Compromise has been widely criticized for perpetuating the institution of slavery and treating enslaved persons as less than fully human. One way to improve the Constitution with regard to this issue would be to remove any provisions that treat individuals differently based on their race, ethnicity, or any other protected characteristic. This could include amendments that explicitly prohibit the use of race or ethnicity in determining representation or taxation, or that guarantee equal protection under the law for all people regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Another way to address the legacy of the Three-Fifths Compromise and other discriminatory provisions of the Constitution would be to promote greater civic education and engagement around issues of race and equality. This could involve expanding educational resources and opportunities to help people understand the history and ongoing impacts of racism, as well as providing greater support for organizations and initiatives that promote diversity, inclusion, and social justice.

The March on Washington had a tremendous impact on the Civil RightsMovement because??



Because the pressuring the administration of John F. Kennedy to initiate a strong federal civil rights bill in Congress.


In the summer of 1941 A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, called for a march on Washington, D.C.,

to draw attention to the exclusion of African Americans from positions in

Civil right.

True or False: More recently, there were fossils found on Flores Island in Indonesia that represented a paleospecies of human that stood on average 3.5 feet tall and had advanced spear tool use.


True, more recently, remains representing a paleospecies of humans with advanced spear tool use and an average height of 3.5 feet were discovered on Flores Indonesian island.

What fossil was discovered in Indonesia's Flores?

Homo floresiensis (the "Hobbit") remains, which are among the most recent early human species to be identified, and was initially unearthed on the Indonesian island of Flores.

The skull and bone of such an adult female hominid, a group that includes current humans or extinct humankind, who was only about a metre tall, were found in a hidden cave just on Indonesian island on Flores in 2003.

To know more about Indonesian island visit:


Which historical interpretation is supported by this source?



This source supports the interpretation that the American Revolution was largely driven by economic concerns. It shows that the American colonists were motivated by economic grievances, such as the taxes imposed on them by the British government, to rebel against their colonial rulers. The source further suggests that the colonists saw the fight for independence as a way to achieve economic freedom from the British.

previous types of education in south africa




South Africa has a complex history of education that has been influenced by various factors, including colonialism, apartheid, and post-apartheid reforms. Here are some of the major types of education that have existed in South Africa throughout history:

Traditional African education: Before the arrival of European colonizers in South Africa, indigenous communities had their own systems of education that were focused on teaching practical skills and social norms. These systems were usually informal and involved learning through observation and participation in daily life.

Missionary education: During the colonial period, Christian missionaries established schools that were intended to convert African populations to Christianity and introduce Western culture and values. These schools often provided basic literacy and numeracy skills but were also criticized for promoting cultural assimilation and reinforcing colonial power structures.

Bantu education: In 1953, the South African government introduced the Bantu Education Act, which established a separate system of education for black South Africans. This system was designed to limit black access to education and promote segregation. Bantu education provided a limited curriculum and few opportunities for further education or advancement.

Apartheid-era education: During the apartheid era, education was further segregated and controlled by the government. White South Africans had access to high-quality education, while black South Africans were limited to inferior schools that offered a limited curriculum and limited opportunities for further education.

Post-apartheid education: Following the end of apartheid in 1994, the South African government introduced a series of reforms to improve access to education and promote equality. These reforms included the abolition of the Bantu education system and the establishment of a more inclusive and diverse education system that aimed to provide quality education for all.

Today, South Africa's education system still faces significant challenges, including funding shortages, teacher shortages, and disparities in access to education. However, there have been some positive developments, including improvements in literacy and numeracy rates, and increased access to tertiary education.

Which section of the text best supports the theme that endless labor keeps human beings from reaching their full potential?

“Down all the stretch of Hell to its last gulf / There is no shape more terrible than this”
“tongued with censure of the world’s blind greed”
“Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?”
“Through this dread shape the suffering ages look; / Time's tragedy is in the aching stoop”

the answer is c. “Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?” on edge 2023 :)



The section "Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?" best supports the theme that endless labor keeps human beings from reaching their full potential because it shows that the speaker believes that people who are enslaved to their work cannot appreciate or enjoy the higher pursuits of life, such as philosophy and stargazing. The phrase "wheel of labor" suggests a repetitive, monotonous cycle of work that dominates the worker's life, leaving no room for personal growth or intellectual pursuits. The rhetorical question "what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?" emphasizes this point by implying that someone who is stuck in this cycle of work would have no time or energy to contemplate the beauty and wonder of the natural world or engage in intellectual pursuits.


Explanation: edge 2023

how did the persian wars change greek society ?​


The Persian Wars were a series of conflicts fought between the Persian Empire and the Greek city-states in the 5th century BCE.

How the Persian war affected the Greek society

National Unity: The Persian Wars brought the Greek city-states together and fostered a sense of national unity. Greeks from different city-states fought side by side against a common enemy, which helped to break down the traditional divisions between the various city-states.

Military Developments: The Persian Wars led to the development of new military tactics and technologies, which helped to make the Greeks more effective in battle. For example, the Greeks learned to fight in phalanxes (tight formations of soldiers), which allowed them to withstand the Persian cavalry charges.

Naval Supremacy: The Greek victory over the Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE gave the Greeks control of the Aegean Sea and established their naval supremacy in the region.

Learn more about Persian wars at:


Which of the following was not a primary method by which the American government dealt with American Indians during the period of western settlement?


The choice that was the one that the American government did not use as a main strategy while dealing with American Indians throughout the period of western settlement is option B: appeasement.

During the time of western settlement, the American government mostly dealt with American Indians through relocation, appeasement, annihilation, and assimilation.

The U.S. government was ready to deal with tribes that settlers perceived as impediments to growth throughout the period of western settlement. The American Indians were confined to reserves, frequently in parts of the West that white settler's thought was least appealing. Throughout the West's settlement, the U.S. government employed a variety of strategies to counter the "Indian danger."

To know more about western settlement, refer:


Complete question is:

Which of the following was not a primary method by which the American government dealt with American Indians during the period of western settlement?

A. relocation

B. appeasement

C. extermination

D. assimilation

Which of these people groups FIRST developed a complex society in the region identified in the map?


The first people who developed a complex society in the region identified in the map was Sumerians

which of the following events happened last? a the stamp act b the boston tea party c the intolerable acts d the writs of assistance


The event that happened last was option C. the intolerable acts .

What is intolerable acts?

The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts, were a series of punitive measures imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies in 1774. These acts were passed in response to the Boston Tea Party, a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in which they destroyed tea imported by the British East India Company. The British government considered the Tea Party a rebellious act and sought to assert its authority over the colonies.

The Intolerable Acts consist Boston Port Act: This act closed the port of Boston until the city paid for the tea that had been destroyed in the Tea Party. This measure was intended to punish the city of Boston and to discourage other colonists from engaging in similar acts of protest.

Learn more about events at:


-horse riding nomads
-most likely introduced horses to Egypt
-significant military advantage over Egypt
-Captured Memphis and later gained control of all of Egypt
-gradually pushed out of Egypt


Based on the information provided, the documents seem to be referring to the Hyksos, a group of horse-riding nomads who invaded and conquered Egypt in the 17th century BCE.

Hyksos were a group of horse-riding nomads who are believed to have migrated from the Levant region and settled in the eastern Nile Delta region of Egypt around 1650 BCE. They are credited with introducing the horse to Egypt, which gave them a significant military advantage over the native Egyptian army. The Hyksos conquered Memphis, the capital of Egypt, and gradually gained control over the entire country, ruling for about a century (1650-1550 BCE). However, they were eventually pushed out of Egypt by the native Egyptian pharaohs, who regained control of the country and began the New Kingdom period.

To know more about Hyksos


The complete question is:

Identify the word that best suits with the given sentences:

-horse riding nomads

-most likely introduced horses to Egypt

-significant military advantage over Egypt

-Captured Memphis and later gained control of all of Egypt

-gradually pushed out of Egypt

What is the answer to this question


Based on the concept of wood defect, the type of defect that affects the lumber grading, in this case, is Knot.

What is the Knot defect in Lumbering?

Knot defect is a term that is used to describe the defects in timber, which occur when branches die off and the bases become enclosed by a second layer of wood.

Generally, Knot is considered a natural defect in the wood, and can create an interesting visual sight which is commonly seen on hardwood floors.

In this case, the oval shape depicts a form of knot defects in the wood.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Knot.

Learn more about Wood defects here:



What defect that affects lumber grading is illustrated in the photo below?

Are States or Federal Governments responsible for helping the victims of a California earthquake?


The federal government provides short-term and long-term help for victims of natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, and severe storms.

3. The Romans tolerated other religions as long as they did not endanger the state. Why did they react so violently toward Christians?​



The Romans reacted violently towards Christians because the early Christian belief system challenged the authority of the Roman state and threatened its stability. The Romans were a polytheistic society, and they had a long tradition of tolerating and incorporating different religions and beliefs into their society. However, the early Christians were monotheistic and believed in a single God, which was seen as a direct challenge to the Roman gods and the emperor, who was seen as a deity.

Additionally, early Christians refused to worship the emperor or participate in the state-sanctioned religious ceremonies, which were seen as essential to the maintenance of the Roman social and political order. This refusal to participate in the traditional practices of the Roman state was seen as a threat to the social fabric of Roman society, and Christians were often accused of being atheists and enemies of the state.

Furthermore, the early Christians were often associated with rebellious and subversive movements, which further heightened the suspicions of the Roman authorities. As a result, the Romans viewed Christianity as a dangerous and subversive movement that needed to be suppressed to ensure the stability and survival of the Roman state. This led to the persecution of Christians and the eventual spread of Christianity as a persecuted religion.

what impression of the americans does japanese image convey



what impression of the americans does japanese image convey


It is difficult to provide a definitive answer without additional context, such as the time period and specific Japanese image in question. However, during World War II, Japanese propaganda often portrayed Americans as cruel, barbaric, and racist. The Japanese government used propaganda to portray the United States as a nation bent on world domination and accused Americans of atrocities such as bombing civilians and committing war crimes. This propaganda was meant to mobilize support for the war effort in Japan and to dehumanize the American enemy. Similarly, American propaganda during the war often portrayed the Japanese as a fanatical and inhumane enemy. It is important to note that propaganda is often designed to manipulate public opinion, and may not reflect the actual attitudes or experiences of the people being depicted.

After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?



After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BCE to 146 BCE. After the final Punic War, which ended in 146 BCE, Rome emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. However, the victory in the Punic Wars did not bring stability to the Roman Republic. The social, economic, and political changes that occurred during this time period contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators.

One of the main social changes was the increase in slavery. Slavery was an integral part of the Roman economy, and the conquests during the Punic Wars led to an influx of enslaved people. The wealthy elite used this cheap labor to increase their profits, while the poor and middle-class citizens suffered from unemployment and a lack of opportunities.

The economic changes during this time period also contributed to the instability of the Republic. The rise of latifundia, large estates owned by the wealthy elite, led to the displacement of small farmers. This led to a decline in the number of citizens who could serve in the military, which was a requirement for holding political office.

Politically, the Republic became increasingly corrupt and ineffective. The Senate, which was supposed to be the governing body of the Republic, became dominated by wealthy landowners who used their power to further their own interests. This led to a decline in the power of the plebeians, or common people, who had once been able to influence the political process.

All of these changes contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators. The people of Rome were looking for strong leaders who could restore order and stability to the Republic. This led to the rise of powerful generals such as Julius Caesar and Pompey, who used their military power to gain political control. Eventually, this led to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

How does policy instability in a parliamentary system and gridlock in presidential system eompare?


The degree of separation of power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in these systems is the main distinction between them.

What distinguishes the presidential system from the parliamentary system?

The relationship between the legislative as well as  executive branches at the heart of the primary system types. when a president is in power. In these regimes, the president, who serves as the chief executive, plays a very small part in the parliamentary branch. Semi-presidential systems are those that have a presidency and a prime minister. Certain parliamentary and presidential aspects are present in both of these systems. The relationship between the executive and the legislative in a presidential and a parliamentary system is another significant distinction.

To know more about parliamentary visit:


So the Guinness World Record declares 20-year-old Iranian as the world’s shortest man but I thought Tom Cruise was the shortest man in the world, IM CONFUSED : / ??????



So you see, never judge a book by its cover.


The book is wrong.

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for this year, the corporation reports earnings beofre ontrest and taxes of $5,000,000 the company is in the 34% tax bracket. the company's reported earnings per share is: in the mouth, the structures that begin the mechanical digestion of food by breaking it down into smaller pieces are the is called please help the other page is on my page this is due tonight and I really need help!! which of the following best predicts how movement proteins help plant viruses travel from one plant cell to another If the cost of 7m is Rs. 1470, find the cost of 5m cloth adam cuts 2 3/8 inches off of the width of a board that is 6 1/8 inches wide . how wide is the board after he cutscorrect answer will be awarded BRONZE4. There arepotential dangerswith regards toovertraining, andnot giving yourselfrest and recoverytime betweentraining sessions.Write down asmany reasons whyovertraining canhave a negativeeffect on our fitnessas you can think of.5. Different playersin the same teamsometimes havedifferent fitnessrequirements. Howmany sports, otherthan football, canyou think of wheretwo team membershave differenttraining needs?How do theirtraining needs differand why? if it was possible for one company to gain ownership control all of the uranium processing plants in the us, then can you find the slope of the given graph?slope of graph=? Jose, who is 18, plans on meeting his lover, Julia over the summer. Jose wants to stay at her place for 5 days. Its a 7 hour trip by drive, but the car is quite old, and 20hr trip by buses and trains. He desperately wants to visit Julia but his parents mustn't know about it. What should he do? What could help him? What lie could be convincing to his parents?**PLEASE GIVE A DETAILED ANSWER** Most hosting companies offer the use of a combo of software popularly call LAMP, which is an acronym: Linux for operating system, _______, MySQL for DBMS, and PHP or Python or Perl for developing dynamic Web pages. A ball has a potential energy of 100. J when it is sitting on the top of a hill. At the bottom of the hill it has an energy of 80. 0 J. The work done by friction was a circuit with a ba[ery and a variable resistor is near a loop of wire as shown. when the resistance r is decreased, the induced current in the loop is PLEASEE HELP! DUE TONIGHTFind the perimeter of the figure below, in feet. during 2022, concord corporation entered into the following transactions. 1. borrowed $59,600 by issuing bonds. 2. paid $9,120 cash dividend to stockholders. 3. received $19,200 cash from a previously billed customer for services performed. 4. purchased supplies on account for $3,000. using the following tabular analysis, show the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation. (if a transaction causes a decrease in assets, liabilities or stockholders' equity, place a negative sign (or parentheses) in front of the amount entered for the particular asset, liability or equity item that was reduced. see illustration 3-4 for example.) assets Complete the function CheckChars that takes one string parameter and one character parameter. The function returns true if all the characters in the string are equal to the character parameter . Otherwise, the function returns false. Ex:If the input is mcmd c, then the output is: False, at least one character is not equal to c. #include using namespace std; bool Che chars (string inputstring, char x) /* Your code goes here */ int main() string InString: char : bool result cin >> instring: ein >> result - CheckChara (instring, x); tronult) cout in most behavior feedback workshops for management development, the primary source of information about a manager's behavior is: ASTRONOMY!NASA has discovered several exoplanets that lie in the distance from a star where temperatures could allow for liquidwater to exist on the surface. What is this area referred to as?the habitable zonethe unhabitable zonethe creature zonethe black zone which of the following statements about the first stars that were born in the universe is expected to be true? In the epic poem Beowulf, the monster Grendel is depicted as an evil being without human qualities. What evidence is there in this first chapter that the monster Grendel in this novel has emotions and feelings?a. He shows true hate toward the skyb. He was happy as a childc. he is annoyed at the ramd. all of theses are examples.