Cell Energy Cycle need help

Cell Energy Cycle Need Help


Answer 1


What is the chemical formula of oxygen? O2

Glucoseis a simple sugar. What is the chemical formula of glucose? C6H12O6

What is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide? co2


Gizmo Warm-upThe Cell Energy Cycle Gizmo™ illustrates two processes that are essential to life: photosynthesisand cellular respiratio

All cells make ATP by pathways that release chemical energy from organic compounds such as glucose. 2. Cells store chemical energy as ATP to use in future reactions that require energy input.

Related Questions

Reviewing Mendel's Pea Plant QUICK CHECK Gregor Mendel studied pea plants to determine the patterns of inheritance. What is not a reason Mendel used pea plants in his experiments? Check all that apply. They reproduced sexually. They were drought resistant. They had traits that were easy to observe. They only had two traits to study. DONE​



Drought resistant and Only had two traits to study



The answer is B. They were drought resistant and D. They only had two traits to study


Good Luck!!!

As predicted by the Punnett
square, % of the
offspring have black fur for this






100 on 3dge



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Enzymes are part of the ________ digestion process. Their function is to break down_________. Amylase is a digestive enzyme secreted _________ and is responsible for breaking down__________.

1. chemical, mechanical

2.macromolecules, atoms, vitamins

3.in the stomach by the gallbladder, in the small intestine by the liver, in the mouth by the pancreas

4. proteins, nuclei acids, lipids, starch



Salivary glands secrete salivary amylase, an enzyme that begins the breakdown of starch into glucose. Mucus moistens food and lubricates the esophagus. Bicarbonate ions in saliva neutralize the acids in foods


1. Chemical

2. macromolecules

3. In the pancreas

4. starch


Why is cotyledon the biggest part of a seed?​



it is its outer cover of the seed


The cotyledon is the largest part of the inside of the bean. Cotyledons are rich in proteins, starch, and fats. These stored nutrients are supplied to the seedling during germination. Like a chick embryo it has a yolk and a baby has an umbilical cord, a bean seed has a cotyledon to act as a source of food. At the top of the cotyledon is the epicotyl. Hence it is the biggest part of the seed .

plz mark it as brainliest

What are invasive species?

A) Native species that have no predators.
B) Nonnative species that are superior competitors.
C) Nonnative species that do not survive.
D) Native species that prey on nonnative species.








Invasive species imply that the species are not from the location that you are studying, so we can immediately eliminate A and D, as they mention native species (species that already live in the area). From this, we have B and C, and nonnative species do not become invasive if they die easily. So, we can eliminate C, leaving us with B as the answer. Nonnative species will most likely disrupt the ecosystem in the location that is being studied, so B makes the most sense. Hope this helps and please let me know if you still need help!

Question 7 of 25
Which structure is used by the organism to see the outside world?








We use the eye to look at things

A pair of butterflies reproduces and has one thousand offspring. All one thousand of the offspring have the alleles Aa. What is the most likely combination of alleles (genotype) for each parent? Explain your answer.



It is expected that each parent is homo-zygous for each trait (i.e., one parent has genotype AA and the other parent has genotype aa)


An F1 hybrid is the first filial generation of the progeny of distinctly different parental types. In this case, it is expected that each parent is homo-zygous for each trait, thereby 100% of all offspring will have genotype Aa (i.e., parental cross: AA x aa >> F1 = 100% Aa). On the other hand, in a cross where one parent is heterozygous for the trait (Aa) and the other parent is homo-zygous (either AA or aa), only 50% of all offspring will have genotype Aa.

Which organism would be the least affected by the toxic mercury?

b)small fish
c)larger fish





Because the toxic mercury builds up in the bigger organsims

Label the lettered phases of the cell cycle according to the diagram in Figure. 1-1.

Figure 1-1

A =

B =

C =

D =




A = G1 phase (Growth phase)

B = S phase ( Growth and DNA Synthesis)

C = G2 phase (Growth and final preparations for division)

D = Mitotic phase (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis)

¿Como se llaman las celulas segun el organo en el que estan?



es tejido ... 2 ... es la ... opción correcta ...

Un grupo de células que tienen un origen común, una estructura similar y que realizan una función definida se denomina tejido. ... Por ejemplo, grupos de células óseas forman tejidos óseos y las células musculares forman tejido muscular. espero que te ayude

A force of 10,000 N is applied to a wall that does not move. How much work is performed?



W= F×d

F = 10,000 N

d = 0 m            ---->       W= 10,000 × 0 = 0 j

An organism which depends on a host for its survival is a


The answer is A) virus

Which of the following is NOT true of a base?

A.) A base has a pH greater than 7.
B.) A base is alkaline.
C.) A base has a few hydrogen ions.
D.) A base has a few hydroxide ions.

***Please send legitimate answers ONLY.***



Hey there!

Your answer is option B.


Base are the substance that produces hydroxyl ion dissolving in water.

Option A(true): The pH value of base is always greater than 7.

Option B (false): A base is considered as alkaline if it dissolves in water only otherwise they are not alkaline.

Option C (true): A base always has few hydrogen ions in it.

Option D(true) : A base has also few hydroxide ions.

Hope it helps!





it's four

That definitely incorrect it is 4

I need to write a 5 paragraph essays! HELPPPP



The core threats to biodiversity are human population growth and unsustainable resource use. To date, the most significant causes of extinctions are habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and overharvesting.


Essay written by Applepi101

Biodiversity, and Humanity's Threat to Life.

A variation in genetics, species, and of course, an ecosystem level, biodiversity is the single most important thing we must preserve in order for the food chain to be in balance, and for one species to not overtake the scale. This is what makes Earth unique from every other planet on the solar system. Biodiversity provides everyone's needs for food and water, shelter and much more. The importance of this single word is astounding, not only because of the fact that it is needed to conserve humans, but all life on Earth. Biodiversity comes from two words. The first part, "Bio" meaning "life" and the second part, "diversity" meaning "variety". Combine the two, and you have the variety of life.

It is important to understand that biodiversity can be studied on a global scale, or microscopically, genetically, or environmentally. One example is genetic biodiversity in the cross-breeding of dogs, and environmental biodiversity is how diverse the ecosystems around us are. Preserving this is what humans have the task of while living on this beautiful planet. Although humans are widely consumer based, taking from the environment, the question is how much longer can the Earth sustain the rapid population increases while taking and modifying the Earth's environment?

Zooming in on our oceans, which cover over 70 percent of the earth's surface, they are becoming increasingly polluted and threatened each year, with climate change, fishing, commercial agriculture, pollution, and oil spills. Studies show that in 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. In the oceans, coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystem in the world, seeing that they have a number of fish communities to tend to. But our reefs are dying, which means less fish, which means less animals that eat the fish, like birds, and less animals that eat the birds, and so on, which I see as a ripple effect, one drop on the pond shakes the whole pond, the whole food chain, the whole scale, but not as much humans.

At the same time, large parts of the Amazon are being cut down and burnt. Tree clearing has cut down the forest by 15 precent already. In Brazil, which has half the forest, 19 percent has disappeared. Those number are just numbers though, but when we have no trees to look at, no flowers to smell, no grass to play in, it will be too late. Many have warned that at one point, the rainforest that contains over 3 million known species, will turn into nothing but a dry scrubland, and we don't have a clue when it will reach it's tipping point.

How can we help? Reducing, reusing, and recycling is just the beginning, started climate strikes, campaigns, and protests is a great way to get started. Volunteering for non-profits that are dedicated to taking young interns to help weed, garden, and grow plants is another effective way. The future depends on us, starts with us, and it is our responsibility to commit ourselves to making sure that we should not need a list to keep track of endangered or extinct species, and we must act now.

Hope this helps!!


Mendel drew several key conclusions based on his observations of pea
plants. Which of the following best describes one of his conclusions?
A. A parent can pass on only one factor for each trait to its offspring.
B. An offspring that inherits different versions of the factor for a trait
will not survive.
C. Hereditary factors blend together to produce the traits of
D. Dominant hereditary factors are those that help an individual
survive and reproduce.


It is a parent can pass on only one factor for each the factor for each trait to its offspring

The best statement that describes the conclusion of the given scenario, is that parent can pass on only one factor for each trait to its offspring. The correct option is A.

What is Mendel law?

Gregor Mendel proposed the law of inheritance after seven years of research on pea plants.

Mendel's inheritance laws encompass the laws of dominance, segregation, and independent assortment.

In this, the parent can pass on only one factor for each trait to its future offspring.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding Mendel, visit:



Answer the next five questions based on the following information. You are studying a particular type of spider and have identified four traits that follow simple mendelian genetics. The B gene governs body color and black body color is dominant to brown. The D gene governs whether or not the spider is poisonous, and poisonous is dominant to non-poisonous. The E gene governs eye color and black eyes are dominant to red eyes. The H gene governs hair type and hairy is dominant to hairless. Indicate your answer numerically not alphabetically. For instance, answer "2" not "two." For each answer that is not a whole number, give your answer as a fraction reduced to the lowest possible whole numbers. For instance, 3/9 would be reduced to 1/3.

How many different types of gametes can be formed by a spider that has the genotype BbDdEeHH?

If you chose a single gamete at random from a spider that has the genotype BbDdEeHh, what is the probability that the gamete would have the genotype BdEh?

You mate a BbDDEeHh spider with a BbDdEEHh spider. What is the probability that one randomly chosen offspring will have the genotype BbDdEEHH?



a. 81/256.

b. 9/256.

b. 9 / 256.


The given traits in the question follow the Mendelian character. The cross between the body color where B is responsible for black color and b is responsible for brown color is as follows: Bb × Bb results in the 3/4 black color ( BB, Bb, Bb) and 1/4 brown color progeny (bb). The cross between the poisonous and nonpoisonous trait where D is responsible for poisonous trait and d is responsible for nonpoisonous is as follows: Dd × Dd results in the 3/4 poisonous trait  (DD, Dd, Dd) and 1/4 nonpoisonous (dd). The cross between the eye color where E is responsible for black color and e is responsible for red color is as follows: Ee × Ee results in the 3/4 black color ( EE, Ee, Ee) and 1/4 red color progeny (ee). The cross between the hair trait where H is responsible for hairy and h is responsible for hairless is as follows: Hh × Hh results in the 3/4 hairy (HH, Hh, Hh) and 1/4 hairless (hh).

a. The cross between BbDdEeHh spider with a BbDdEeHh spider results in the 3/4black body, 3/4 black eyes, 3/4, hairy, and 3/4 poisonous progeny. Their probability is 3/4× 3/4× 3/4× 3/4 = 81/ 256.

b. The cross between BbDdEeHh spider with a BbDdEeHh spider results in the  3/4black body, 3/4 black eyes 1/4 hairless, and 1/4 nonpoisonous progeny. Their probability is  3/4× 3/4×1/4 3/4×1/4 = 9/256.

Thus, the answer is a. 81/256.

Which of the following is true about global climate
A The climate has remained constant over that past 200 years
B) The global climate has been increasing over the past 200 years
The global climate has been increasing each year for the past 100,000 years
It has remained constant over 100,000 years


B. The global climate has been increasing over the past 200 years




circle the brighter (yellow / red) areas, the are hotter, so we can expect more stars there.

the darker (blue / dark blue) areas are colder, do we expect less dense mattet/stars

since the areas are overall equal in energy density (note that the different color represent very little difference in temperature), we can expect a common origin, because regions of space so vastly apart couldn't possibly smooth out later, they would be to far apart.

Cual es la relacion entre la disponibilidad y el consumo de recursos renovables y no renovables entre los paises desarrollados y los paises en vias de desarrollo





La relación entre la disponibilidad y el consumo de recursos renovables y no renovables entre países desarrollados y en desarrollo es diferente debido a la presencia de tecnología que permite a los países desarrollados utilizar sus recursos renovables y no renovables disponibles. Los países desarrollados están más avanzados que los países en desarrollo en el campo de la tecnología y también la economía, por lo que pueden utilizar recursos renovables en comparación con los recursos no renovables.

A person who has allergies has a compromised immune system because the body's immune system
attacks its healthy cells.
overreacts to an antigen.
• steals nutrients from healthy cells.
O responds to mutagens.



overreacts to an antigen


Allergies to substances are as a result of immunological dysfunction.

Which gland helps fight against cold

A. Pituitary gland

B. Thyroid

C. Adrenal gland

D. Pancreas



A. Pituitary gland


Twins are born. One is a boy and one is a girl. Which statement is correct
about their genetic makeup?



If twins are a boy and a girl, clearly they are fraternal twins, as they do not have the same DNA. A boy has XY chromosomes and a girl has XX chromosomes. Girl-boy twins occur when one X egg is fertilized with an X sperm, and a Y sperm fertilizes the other X egg.


Some species of hares are brown most of the year, but change color to white in the winter. This allows them to blend in through the seasons.

Where are these organisms adapted to live?

deciduous forests
tropical rain forests



Snowshoe hares have an interesting adaptation that helps protect them against predators. Depending on the season, their fur can be a different color. During the winter, snowshoe hares are white, which helps them blend in with the snow. When the seasons change to spring and summer, snowshoe hares turn a reddish-brown.

40 in 2000 US Caucasian newborns have Tay Sachs Disease. T for normal is dominant over t for Tay sachs Disease.
a.) What percent of the above population have Tay Sachs Disease (tt or q2)?
b.) Calculate the allelic frequencies of p and q for this example
c.) Now, calculate the genotypic frequencies for the population





because its the only responsible answer and I dint understand how to do this

How to speak perfect japanese​


don’t hshdhahvsvdbxnmsoks

Which of the following is true about the flow of energy within ecosystems? A. Energy flows both ways between living systems and the physical environment. B. Energy flows from the physical environment into living systems only. C. Energy does not flow between living systems and the physical environment. D. Energy flows from living systems into the physical environment only.



Energy flows both ways between living systems and the physical environment

is the correct answer

[tex]what \: is \: chyme \: \: \: \: {?}[/tex]


Hey Mate Here Is Your Answer

Small intestine in the form of a thick paste called chyme. When the inner walls of the intestine are thrown into millions of processes called villi. The muscle layers of the small intestine are thinner than those of the stomach.

Hope This Helps You ❤️

This chart shows four atoms, labeled W, X, Y, and
These stoms can combine with each other to form
Which combination of atoms will form a molecule, but
not a compound?
Wand X
X and Y
O W and a
Y and





because because it is not an element

Snapdragon color is an incomplete dominant trait. A red flower (RR) is crossed with white flower (ww). What color are the flowers that are (RW)?

Asap plz help less than 3 minutes





this pattern is inheritance is described as incomplete dominance meaning that neither of the alice's is completely dominant Over The Other both analysis can be seen at the same time

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