Chinese families do thorough cleaning *of their houses*
The part with * is
1) Noun phrase
2) Adjective phrase
3) Adverb phrase


Answer 1




Related Questions

Length: 750 words
write a critical response to Saidiya Hartman's
"Venus in Two Acts." the introductory paragraph in your essay should provide a neat summary of Hartman's text. You should include your own thesis (the focus of your reflection) as the last sentence of your introduction. The remaining space in your essay-three body paragraphs and a conclusion-should be devoted to the intelligent and respectful elucidation of your own position on Hartman's argument. you have accurately paraphrased Hartman's thesis, that you have provided a clear summary of her argument (in approximately two sentences), that you identify the focus of your reflection (your thesis),
and that this reflection relies on evidence you have taken from Hartman's text. No AI please! I am dealing with chemotherapy and i’m too tired to write! I beg!



Write In Your Own Words

Saidiya Hartman's "Venus in Two Acts" is a critical analysis of the representation of Black women's bodies in 19th-century European colonialism. Hartman argued that black women were reduced to mere objects and used as tools for the construction of white European masculinity. In this reflection, I will analyze and critique Hartman's argument, focusing on the limitations of her perspective and the need to consider the agency of black women in resisting and subverting colonial domination.

Hartman's thesis centers on the dehumanization and commodification of black women's bodies in European colonialism. She argues that European explorers and colonial administrators constructed Black women as "Venus" figures, using them to establish their own masculinity and superiority. According to Hartman, Black women were stripped of their agency and reduced to mere objects of sexual desire, used to further the goals of colonialism. This reduction of Black women to mere bodies not only served the interests of colonialism, but also reinforced the patriarchy of European society.

Although Hartman's argument is compelling, it has some limitations. First, her analysis focuses primarily on the construction of Black women's bodies by European colonialists without fully acknowledging the ways in which Black women resisted and subverted these constructions. Black women were not merely passive objects of colonialism; they actively resisted colonial domination. Hartman's argument overlooks the agency of black women in shaping their own identities and resisting colonial projects.

Second, Hartman's argument overlooks the diversity of experiences among black women. While European colonialism certainly had a profound impact on the lives of many black women, it is important to acknowledge that not all black women experienced colonialism in the same way. The experiences of black women in Africa, for example, were shaped by a range of factors beyond colonialism, including pre-existing cultural and religious traditions.

Finally, Hartman's argument overlooks the broader historical context in which European colonialism occurred. While European colonialism certainly had a profound impact on the lives of many Black women, it is important to acknowledge that colonialism was just one aspect of the broader historical process of globalization and the rise of capitalism. To fully understand the impact of colonialism on black women's lives, it is necessary to place this process within the larger historical contexts of global capitalism and imperialism.

In conclusion, Hartman's "Venus in Two Acts’ provides a compelling analysis of the construction of black women's bodies in European colonialism. However, her argument overlooks the agency of black women in resisting and subverting colonial domination, the diversity of experiences among black women, and the broader historical context in which colonialism took place. To fully understand the impact of colonialism on black women's lives, it is necessary to consider their agency and the broader historical and cultural context in which they lived. While Black women were certainly subjected to dehumanization and commodification under colonialism, it is important to acknowledge their resistance and subversion of colonial power. By centering on Black women's agency and acknowledging their diverse experiences, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the impact of colonialism on black women's lives and continue to work towards decolonization and liberation.

In “Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper,” what does it show about Espada that he connects working in a legal pad factory with being a law student?




In "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper," connecting working in a legal pad factory with being a law student shows that Espada understands the connection between work, education, and social justice. By making this connection, Espada highlights the importance of understanding the experiences of workers and the impact that the law can have on their lives. He recognizes that the experiences of the workers in the legal pad factory are not separate from his own experiences as a law student. Rather, they are interconnected, as the law has the power to affect the lives of working-class people like the factory workers. This connection also reveals Espada's empathy and his commitment to social justice. He is not simply using the experiences of the factory workers as a literary device, but rather sees their struggles as linked to his own, and is therefore able to create a powerful and compelling narrative that speaks to the struggles of working-class people in general. Overall, the connection between working in a legal pad factory and being a law student in "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper" shows Espada's awareness of the intersections between work, education, and social justice, and his ability to connect these experiences in a way that is both personal and political.

What is the prefix/suffix of Contented as well as its root.


A prefix is a word component that cannot exist alone. It appears at the outset of a word and alters its definition. For example, re- is a prefix that can be added to the word act to create a new term, respond.

Prefixes are morphemes that are added to the beginning of origins and basic words to alter their meaning. Prefixes are one of two types of affixes; suffixes, which appear at the conclusion of a base word, are the other.

Some root terms make logic on their own. Words can be broken down to separate their affixes, but core word components cannot be broken down further. For example, the term unwitting can be split down to the prefix

Modern Language Association (1) Supporting a thesis (2) Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism (3) Integrating Quotations and Other Source Material




The Modern Language Association (MLA) provides guidelines for academic writing and research, including the following three important areas:

Supporting a thesis: The MLA provides guidelines for developing a strong thesis statement, organizing an essay or research paper, and presenting evidence to support the thesis. This includes tips for developing a clear and concise argument, using effective transitions between paragraphs and sections, and ensuring that the paper is well-structured and easy to follow.

Citing sources and avoiding plagiarism: The MLA has detailed guidelines for citing sources in academic writing, including in-text citations and a works cited page. The MLA style provides a standardized way to acknowledge the sources used in a paper and to avoid plagiarism. The guidelines cover how to cite sources in various formats, including books, articles, and websites, as well as how to format the works cited page.

Integrating quotations and other source material: The MLA provides guidelines for effectively integrating quotations and other source material into an essay or research paper. This includes tips for choosing appropriate quotations, punctuating and formatting quotations correctly, and integrating them smoothly into the text. The guidelines also cover how to use paraphrasing and summarizing effectively to avoid over-reliance on direct quotations.

Overall, the MLA provides important guidance for academic writers and researchers, helping to ensure that papers are well-organized, well-supported, and properly cited. Following these guidelines can help writers to create strong, effective papers that meet the standards of academic integrity and excellence.

Drag each president to his action that affected long-term US foreign policy. Tiles Monroe Tyle Polk Pairs outlined four points that became the basis of US foreign policy negotiated the first formal trade agreement with China went to war with Mexico over western territories Submit


Matching each president to appropriate action that affected long-term US foreign policy are A) James Monroe outlined four points that became the basis of US foreign policy; B) John Tyle negotiated the first formal trade agreement with China; and  C) James Knox Polk went to war with Mexico over western territories.

James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States who served two terms from 1817 to 1825. He is best known for his Monroe Doctrine, which outlined four points that became the basis of US foreign policy. This policy opposed the colonization of the Western Hemisphere by European powers, and warned against any attempts by them to extend their political influence in America.

John Tyler was the tenth President of the United States who served as president from 1841 to 1845. He negotiated the first formal trade agreement with China, which is known as the Treaty of Wanghia. This treaty opened five ports in China for the United States, and also established most-favored-nation status with China.

James Knox Polk was the eleventh President of the United States who served as president from 1845 to 1849. He went to war with Mexico over western territories, which is known as the Mexican-American War. The war resulted in the United States gaining territories such as California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Hence, the actions of each president that affected long-term US foreign policy are: James Monroe outlined four points that became the basis of US foreign policy. John Tyler negotiated the first formal trade agreement with China.James Knox Polk went to war with Mexico over western territories.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Match each president to his action that affected long-term US foreign policy. Presidents – John Tyle, James Monroe, and James Knox Polk. The foreign policy is: A) Outlined four points that became the basis of US foreign policy B) Negotiated the first formal trade agreement with China C) Went to war with Mexico over western territories.

Learn more about US foreign policy:


Read the opening statement from Reagan's speech.

(1) Ladies and gentlemen, I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering.

What inference can be made from this statement?

Reagan believes that the Challenger disaster is an urgent matter.
Reagan is emotionally overwhelmed by the Challenger disaster.
Reagan believes that the State of the Union speech is unimportant.
Reagan has just become aware of the events of the day.


A: he believed that addressing about it was

B: yes he is “ today is the day of mourning and remembering”

C: wrong. He believed it was important to address about the tragedy “but the events earlier today have led me to change those plans”

D: its unclear if he was just aware of it since the speech doesn’t make references about it
Answer: A. Reagan believes that the Challenger disaster is an urgent matter.

Explanation: I got it right!

How does Long John act when he first enters the stockade in chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island?
A. He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men.
B. He introduces himself, as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men.
C. Talks kindly to all of Captain Smollett's men, as if saying hello to old friends.
D. He refuses to speak to anyone other than Captain Smollett.


He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men

Summary of The Island

Captain Smollett is suspicious of Silver's gesture of truce, suspecting a ruse. The pirate introduces himself as "Captain Silver," and declares that he wishes to reach an agreement with Smollett. Smollett questions Silver's claim to captaincy and refuses to speak with him. Silver manages to climb over the stockade fence and approach Smollett. In exchange for a cease-fire, he demands the treasure map. Smollett screams angrily at Silver, reminding him that he is far more powerful than the mutineers. Silver tries once more, promising the captain and his men a safe journey in exchange for the map. When Smollett refuses again, Silver storms out.Captain Smollett predicts that the pirates will attack the stockade in retaliation after roughly turning Silver away, and he orders the men to prepare themselves. They wait for an hour in nervous anticipation, then hear a few shots and see the pirates scrambling over the stockade fence. Gray and Squire Trelawney open fire on the pirates, injuring a number of them. Smollett, Dr. Livesey, Jim, and the majority of the others return safely to the stockade, having lost fewer men than the mutineers.

To know more about Island click on the link :


Which sentence uses the colon correctly?
He wanted: one thing from his family, reconciliation.
He wanted one thing: from his family, reconciliation.
He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation.
He wanted one thing from: his family reconciliation.





A colon is used to connect two sentences when the second sentence summarizes, sharpens, or explains the first.

The term "quarterback" can be used to identify anyone
a. who plays football
b. who plays any sport
c. in a leadership position
d. who refuses to play sports





A quarterback is a position in football.

the answer is a.) who plays football its a football position

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Write a thematic statement that relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture

Find 1 quote from Chapters 1-2 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number.

Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture in 2 or more sentences.

Find 1 quote from Chapters 5-9 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number

Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture in 2 or more sentences.

Explain your understanding of how this General Theme (Topic) ha2 developed from the beginning of the book until the end



Thematic Statement: Elie Wiesel's culture of suffering and resilience demonstrates the power of the human spirit to survive and overcome adversity.

Quote from Chapters 1-2: “But my eyes were opened and I was no longer the same. The student of the Talmud, the child I was, had been consumed in the flames” (Wiesel 13).

This quote demonstrates how Elie's culture and identity was forever changed by the Holocaust. He went from being a student of the Talmud to having his innocence and naivety consumed in the flames of tragedy. This quote highlights the immense suffering that Elie and the Jewish people experienced during the Holocaust and how it drastically changed their lives.

Quote from Chapters 5-9: “Every Jew, every human being, carried his fate within him…” (Wiesel 64).

This quote reveals how Elie's culture taught him to remain resilient in the face of adversity. Despite the difficult conditions of the camps and the unimaginable suffering that he experienced, Elie was determined to take control of his own fate and remain strong. This quote shows how Elie's culture taught him to persevere and remain hopeful in the midst of tragedy.

The general theme of Elie Wiesel's culture of suffering and resilience is developed throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book, Elie is a young and innocent student of the Talmud who is unaware of the tragedy that awaits him. As the story progresses, Elie experiences the suffering of Auschwitz and other concentration camps and is forced to confront the harsh truth of his reality. Although he is deeply impacted by the Holocaust, his culture of resilience helps him to survive and remain hopeful in the face of adversity. By the end of the novel, Elie is a changed man who is determined to carry his fate within him and never forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

Which of the followings is not the feature of postmodern literature?​


probly d let’s see !

9. conflict: paraphrase what abigail wants from john proctor and what john proctor says in response.


Abigail wants John Proctor to admit his love for her and continue their affair, but John Proctor refuses and tells her that their relationship is over.

In Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible," Abigail Williams, who is in love with John Proctor, tries to resume their affair and urges him to leave his wife. However, John Proctor, who regrets his past infidelity and is trying to save his marriage, refuses Abigail's advances and tells her that their relationship is over.

In Act I, Abigail says to John, "Give me a word, John. A soft word." She wants him to admit his love for her and continue their affair. However, John responds by saying, "No, no, Abby. That's done with." John Proctor's response makes it clear that he is committed to his wife and is not willing to continue his affair with Abigail.

To learn more about The Crucible, here


Read the following passage:
No one was looking forward to Tommy's fifth birthday. On
that day, he would be removed from the family to enter
communal living. There, he and the other five-year-olds
would be evaluated and set on a "track." We were all
hoping that his intelligence and creativity would be
noticed. Maybe he could become a scientist or
programmer - anything but a coal processor. Either way,
we would never find out.
Which detail from the passage best suggests that the story's setting is a




that day, he would be removed from the family to enter

communal living. There, he and the other five-year-olds

would be evaluated and set on a "track." "


these two sentences give the reader a hint that the story setting is a dystopia. In the passage, it tells us that Tommy would be removed to be evaluated and set on track, hinting that this is a procedure that it is normal for every 5 year old. Than "Maybe he could become a scientist or programmer - anything but a coal processor. Either way,we would never find out." also gives a hint that the society they live in is pretty much sucks.

hope this helps! remember this is just my take on it

Please forgive me ____ not informing you about problems we were having with the new software





The word missing in the sentence above is For

Please forgive me I am sorry I’m not informing you about problems we were having with the new software

1.3 discuss two negative impact that load shedding would have on learnersi​


Load shedding, which refers to planned power outages implemented by power companies to balance the demand for electricity with the supply available, can have several negative impacts on learners.

What is Shedding?

"Shedding" can refer to several different things depending on the context, but in the context of power supply, shedding typically refers to a planned power outage or interruption in electricity supply. This is often done by power companies when the demand for electricity exceeds the supply available. Power shedding is a deliberate and controlled method of reducing the amount of electricity supplied to a particular area or region for a specific period, in order to avoid overloading the power grid and potentially causing widespread blackouts.

Disruption of learning: Load shedding can disrupt the learning process of learners by causing power cuts during school hours. During power outages, learners may be unable to use computers, smartboards, or other electronic devices that are essential for learning.

Increased stress and anxiety: Load shedding can also increase stress and anxiety levels among learners. Power cuts can cause learners to worry about the impact on their studies, as well as on their home life. For example, learners may worry about not being able to complete their homework or assignments on time due to the lack of electricity at home.

Learn more about Shedding from given link


Assume the role of an audience member listening to Abraham Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address. In a letter to a fellow citizen who was not present in
Gettysburg, summarize the speech and describe your reactions. Include whether
you think the speech was appropriate/effective for the occasion.
Product: Write a letter to a fellow citizen that follows the guidelines below.


In his speech, President Lincoln spoke about the importance of preserving the Union and honoring the sacrifices of the soldiers who had died in the Civil War.

How would you summarize the speech and describe your reactions in a letter?

Dear [Name],

I had the opportunity to attend the dedication ceremony of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg and hear President Lincoln's address. It was a truly moving and powerful speech, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

He emphasized that their deaths had not been in vain, and that it was up to the living to continue the fight for freedom and democracy.

What struck me the most about Lincoln's speech was the way he was able to convey such a powerful message in such a short amount of time. His words were simple and straightforward, yet they carried such weight and meaning. I was particularly moved by his closing words: "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Overall, I believe that Lincoln's speech was appropriate and effective for the occasion. It was a solemn and respectful ceremony, and his words reflected the gravity and significance of the moment. He was able to capture the essence of the American spirit and the importance of the Union, while also paying tribute to the fallen soldiers.

I feel privileged to have been able to witness such a historic moment, and I hope that future generations will continue to appreciate the importance of Lincoln's message.


[Your Name]

To know more about Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, visit:


add the correct punctuation marks to the following sentence: the high school cheerleaders who were all blonde were the most popular kids in school.


The correct statement would look like this: the high school cheerleaders, who were all blonde, were the most popular kids in school.

To make the above sentence punctually correct, two commas are required. The comma is a punctuation symbol that has many variations across various languages. In many typefaces, it has the same shape as an apostrophe or a single closing quote mark, but it varies from other symbols in that it appears on the text's baseline.

Commas are required; one is placed before the intensifiers and another before any relative pronouns like who or which. An intensifier is a lexical category used to describe a modifier in linguistics that enhances and provides an additional emotional context for the word it modifies but has no bearing on the propositional meaning of the phrase.

Complex sentences are formed by using relative pronouns. The relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which, and that are examples. Here are some sentences that demonstrate the use of relative pronouns. In addition to being a teacher, Sheela is a social worker.

To learn more about Punctuation, click here:


What is the significance of the title New kid by Jerry Craft.



What is new kid by Jerry Craft about?

- Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade.


The title "New Kid" by Jerry Craft is significant because it highlights the experience of being the new kid at school and the challenges that come with it. The main character of the book, Jordan Banks, is a young Black boy who is starting seventh grade at a prestigious private school where he is one of the few students of color. As the new kid, Jordan must navigate a new environment, make new friends, and deal with the microaggressions and racism he experiences from some of his classmates.

The title also emphasizes the theme of identity in the book. As Jordan tries to fit in at his new school, he struggles with balancing his own identity and interests with the expectations and stereotypes of others. He is torn between his love for art and his desire to fit in with the popular crowd, and he grapples with the pressure to conform to the expectations of his teachers and classmates.

Overall, the title "New Kid" captures the central themes of the book, including the challenges of adapting to new environments, the complexities of identity and belonging, and the impact of race and ethnicity on social dynamics.

What does the root cand mean in the word candescent?
A. beautiful
B. glowing
C. condition
D. pleasant



the answer is simply glowing

why?because the root cand means to shine

Which is an example of a figure of speech from these poems?
Wept for me, for thee, for alle
When He was an infant small
Sweet Sleep, with soft down
Weave thy brows an infant crown!
Sleep, sleep, happy sleep
While o'er thee thy mother weep.
Sleep, sleep, happy child!
All creation slept and smiled.



I believe this would be B.


What is the meaning of "avoiding concessions of principle or for the sake of atmosphere"?



That the U.S. would not concede (concession), meaning give in/surrender on principles (fundamental truths that serve as a basis of our society)  or for the sake of atmosphere- so that the atmosphere-tone/mood of the relationship would improve


Hope this is clear enough ;)

Basically, The U.S. would not give in to keep the peace, or give up on principles.

The bulleted subheadings allow the reader to understand what about the text?

A) How much each part of an aquarium costs with detailed cost breakdowns, material lists, and suggestions for where to buy.
B)That there are multiple important parts of a successful aquarium and that each part takes a bit of explanation.
C)Why aquariums are important to the world of science to the understanding that scientists seek in the natural world.
D)How aquariums are different from the wild and what kinds of fish and creatures can survive in an aquarium.


Source: Trust me bro


D: How aquariums are different from the wild and what kinds of fish and creatures can survive in an aquarium.


make an essay on the storys is it possible to create zero wast and are U.S. recycling too costly


Zero waste is achievable however it warrants a concerted effort from individuals, businesses, and governments. The United States can improve its recycling efforts by investing in recycling infrastructure and promoting public awareness about the benefits of recycling.

Waste is any substance that is discarded or unwanted. There has been a significant increase in the amount of waste produced in recent years. Landfills, incinerators, and open dumps are the most common methods of waste disposal. It is critical that we begin to focus on waste reduction and recycling.

Zero waste is a philosophy that promotes the responsible use of natural resources. This involves the reduction of waste in our society, as well as the reuse and recycling of materials to avoid waste. It is a goal that can be accomplished by focusing on waste reduction and recycling, in addition to the development of alternative and sustainable production methods. The notion of zero waste has gained traction over the years, and many businesses and individuals have begun to adopt it.

Zero waste offers several advantages, including resource preservation, pollution reduction, and cost savings. By reducing the amount of waste produced, we can reduce the use of natural resources such as oil, minerals, and water. It also reduces pollution by reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, incinerators, and open dumps.

The United States is among the world's largest producers of waste, generating more than 254 million tons of waste in 2013, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The United States recycles about 35% of its waste, which is significantly lower than other countries like Germany, which recycles 68% of its waste.

Cost is one of the primary challenges of recycling in the United States. Recycling can be expensive due to the high costs of processing and transporting materials. The United States also lacks the infrastructure needed to recycle materials effectively, leading to a significant amount of waste being sent to landfills instead of being recycled.

In conclusion, zero waste is achievable, but it requires a concerted effort from individuals, businesses, and governments. The United States can improve its recycling efforts by investing in recycling infrastructure and promoting public awareness about the benefits of recycling. Recycling has the potential to generate significant cost savings and reduce pollution while preserving natural resources.

Learn more about Zero waste:


Reread pages 57–60. What concerns did some organizations in Little Rock have about desegregating Central High School? How did those concerns affect Carlotta and the Little Rock Nine?


Anti-integration became an brazenly sexualized situation. This mind-set affected Carlotta and the Little Rock Nine in that it altered their excessive faculty experience.

They couldn't attend sports activities functions, dances, pep rallies, after faculty activities, or be a part of clubs. Carlotta is regarding Elizabeth's selection to stroll to the the front doorways of Central High School with Jefferson, even though she became now no longer returning to Central herself. Carlotta is bowled over approximately the segregation of public areas and groups withinside the nation's capital due to the fact she continues to be conserving idealistic ideals approximately the energy of the democracy withinside the United States. Her ride to New York City makes Carlotta recognize that matters aren't the equal anywhere and in a few locations she will stay greater freely. In New York she should experience everywhere at the bus, did now no longer should use a separate rest room or water fountain from others, and will even play at the equal playground as white kids.

To learn more about Carlotta check the link below-


What are opinions on gender equality



Gender equality refers to the concept that all people should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment regardless of their gender. It involves the belief that individuals should not be discriminated against or treated unfairly because of their gender.

Many individuals and organizations support gender equality, and it is considered a fundamental human right by the United Nations. The push for gender equality has led to important changes in areas such as education, the workplace, and politics.

However, there are still some who do not support gender equality, and who hold traditional views about gender roles and the supposed superiority of one gender over another. These attitudes can lead to discrimination and inequality in areas such as pay, education, and opportunities.

Overall, the goal of gender equality is to create a world where all individuals have the same opportunities and are treated with the same respect, regardless of their gender.

Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence.
"Katherine submitted the recommendation report yesterday."
a. Simple
b. Compound
c. Complex


The sentence pattern of the above sentence is simple. Hence, option A is correct.

The suggestion report is the object of this sentence, which also includes the subject Katherine, the verb "submitted," and the verb. Additionally, the word "yesterday," an adverb of time, is used to denote the time the activity took place. To connect two independent clauses or a dependent clause with an independent clause, respectively, there are no coordinating conjunctions or subordinating conjunctions used.

A subject, a verb, and possibly an object plus modifiers make up a basic sentence. However, there is just one independent clause. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe was waiting for the train. A delayed train pulled up.

Hence, option A is correct. The above sentence is a simple sentence.

To learn more about Simple Sentence, click here:


The Golden Fish: A Retelling of a Russian tale

1The old fisherman floated on the Black Sea, boat bobbing from side to side as a frigid wind sliced through his threadbare sweater. Though the fisherman and his wife were struggling to survive without much money, he thought happily of the meager but delicious dinner of homemade bread that was waiting for him at home. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pull on the fishing line, and the fisherman heaved a large, shining, yellow fish onto the boat. Its fins sparkled like coins cascading from a treasure chest.

2The fish began to beg. “If you release me,” the fish blubbered, “I’ll give you everything you need.”

3The fisherman eyed the fantastic creature. “I am content with what I have, but I will let you go regardless,” the fisherman said as he plopped the fish back into the sea.

4When the sun’s heavy eyelids began to droop, the fisherman returned home through the town. He passed a wealthy man arguing with a shopkeeper about merchandise and sadly shook his head at the annoyed men as he entered his house.

5“What did you catch today?” his wife inquired as she handed him some morsels of bread. The fisherman related the story of the remarkable talking fish.

6“No fish and no wish? You threw away a lucky gift!” the wife scolded, her usual affectionate manner absent as she sent her husband back to ask for more food.

7The drowsy fisherman walked back to the water’s edge and called the name of every fish in the sea until finally the golden fish arrived on a small, sparkling wave.

8“My wife wants more food,” he told the fish, who simply nodded its scaly head and slipped back under water.

9After receiving more food, the wife sent the fisherman to ask the fish for a bigger house while she nervously picked at the expensive lobster feast spread before her. She became perpetually restless and irritable, pacing the house until the fisherman returned home each day to discover his wife’s latest longing.

What is the theme?
the destructive power of greed.
the terrible effects of poverty.
the powerful effects of thought.
the soothing power of nature.



a. The destructive power of greed.

The story illustrates how the wife's greed leads to her incessant desire for more and more, which ultimately leads to her destruction. She becomes increasingly restless and unhappy despite receiving everything she wants, and the fisherman's contentment is replaced by a constant feeling of dissatisfaction. The theme of the story is that greed can lead to destruction, and that contentment with what one has is ultimately more valuable than constantly striving for more.

What is Graff's thesis "What's Gender Got To Do With It?"




Graff's thesis in "What's Gender Got To Do With It?" is that gender plays a significant role in shaping the way individuals are educated and how they are perceived by society. Graff argues that traditional education systems, which are primarily designed by and for men, have historically neglected the experiences and perspectives of women, resulting in a gender gap in education and a perpetuation of gender stereotypes.

According to Graff, traditional education systems emphasize competition, individualism, and rationality, which are often associated with masculine traits, while downplaying collaborative and emotional learning, which are often associated with feminine traits. This creates a system that privileges boys and men and marginalizes girls and women, perpetuating gender inequality.

Graff argues that a more inclusive and equitable education system requires a shift in how we think about gender and education. She advocates for the incorporation of feminist perspectives and a greater emphasis on collaborative and emotional learning to create a more inclusive and equitable education system that benefits everyone, regardless of gender.

randy halasan 2003,2007,2014 life
i need it now thnks





he received an award in 2014



he recieved ramon magsaysay award in 20154

all the other years given in the options seem insignificant

Other Questions
Discuss the impact of Stalins five year plan on the soviet economy and the russian people : SCENE REWRITERewrite this scene from Daisy's or Gatsby's point of view. Your rewritten scene must include thecharacter's inner thoughts, description of other characters/the setting, and dialogue Explain.PLEASE NOTE: You may use the dialogue from the original text, but nothing else. Don't let dialoguedominate your entire rewritten scene. Also, you may rewrite the dialogue, as long as it stays true tothe scene and characters. (Example: Many versions of books change the dialogue but not in away that changes the representation of the character or scene, ideally.)When you are finished, answer the following:1. How did the change in narration affect the story?2. Which narrator-Nick, Daisy, or Gatsby-do you think is more effective in th Why might tortoises grow to such huge sizes on isolated islands, such as the Galapagos, but not elsewhere? Evaluate the expression z + 3x4A. 27B. 32C. 56D. 1,304 Demon Lover question from English bookBeyond the physical effects of war on the home front, what emotional effects of the war does Bowen's story suggest? In your response, use at least two of these Essential Question words: alter, vulnerable, unre-solved. [Connecting to the Essential Question: What is the relationship between literature and place?] which of the following best describes an event during step 2 in the simplified model above? responses A. a new rna molecule is synthesized using a dna template. B. a new polypeptide is synthesized using an rna template. C. thymine nucleotides in an rna molecule are replaced with uracil nucleotides. D. noncoding sequences are removed from a newly synthesized rna molecule. In Exercise 5.12 , we were given the following joint probability density function for the random variables Y1 and Y2, which were the proportions of two components in a sample from a mixture of insecticide: f(y1,y2)={2,0,0y11,0y21,0y1+y21 elsewhereAre Y1 and Y2 independent? Can you think of any modern-day or recent conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliputand Blefuscu? Compare this passage from Gulliver's Travels to any real-life issue between two factions, groups,or communities, and discuss why Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is stillapplicable today. You may use outside research and evidence from the text to support your response. the process for selecting a political partys nominee for a wide variety of office is outlined in the united states constitution and calls for primary elections or caucuses at the state level. How much greater is 0.05723 then 0.005? When doing content analysis coders should be blind to all but one of the following. Which one should they not be blind to? a. main hypothesis of the study b. operational definitions of descriptive categories and units of measurement c. source of the messages d immediate context surrounding the message to be coded many companies are committed to make quality the guiding factor in everything they do. these companies follow a widely recognized philosophy known as please help ill give you brainliest Question 11 (1 point)(06.03 LC)What is the product of the expression, 5x(x2)? a25x2 b10x c5x3 d5x2 An action potential causes depolarization of the T tubule membrane.T/F In which kind of speech do presenters make lighthearted jokes about the individual to whom tribute is being paid? an urn contains p black balls, q white balls, and r red balls; and n balls are chosen without replacement. a. find the joint distribution of the numbers of black, white, and red balls in the sample. b. find the joint distribution of the numbers of black and white balls in the sample. c. find the marginal distribution of the number of white balls in the sample. rickettsias differ from chlamydias in that rickettsias. T/F when considering most goods in most markets we would likely observe that solve simultaneously 4x-y=3x+1y 4x+3y=x+6y