Cho e hỏi các vấn đề của chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm trong kinh doanh ẩm thực và cách khắc phục ạ
Mong mọi người giúp đỡ e ạ


Answer 1

Answer: Dưới nhu cầu thưởng thức các loại thực phẩm đa dạng, tươi ngon vào bất kỳ thời điểm nào trong năm, chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm đã phải mở rộng hơn nhiều về mặt địa lý và buộc phải thông qua nhiều nhà cung cấp hơn. Điều này đã làm cho nghiệp vụ quản lý chuỗi cung ứng ngành thực phẩm trở nên cồng kềnh và phức tạp hơn bao giờ hết.  Các nhà sản xuất, nhà phân phối hay các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ logistics theo đó cũng phải chịu những áp lực không nhỏ để đưa các sản phẩm thực phẩm ra thị trường một cách nhanh chóng, an toàn và trong điều kiện tốt nhất có thể.  Một chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm điển hình bao gồm sáu giai đoạn:

1. Tìm nguồn cung cấp nguyên liệu thô

2. Sản xuất

3. Chế biến và đóng gói

4. Lưu trữ

5. Phân phối bán buôn

6.Phân phối bán lẻ


1. Bên cạnh đó mọi vấn đề liên quan đến giá trị sản xuất đều gặp những khó khăn nhất định, một trong những vấn đề mà mọi doanh nghiệp hay cá nhân tham gia vào chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm đều phải lo ngại về vấn đề ( Tìm nguồn cung cấp nguyên liệu thô). Vấn đề truy xuất và đảm bảo nguồn thực phẩm sạch là vấn đề cần cân nhắc đầu tiên,  đi đôi đó là phải đảm bảo phù hợp với mô hình kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp, phù hợp với điều kiện kinh tế.

May mắn thay chúng ta đang sống ở thời đại 4.0  việc truy xuất nguồn gốc nguyên liệu đã không còn nhiều thách thách bởi việc áp dụng công nghệ vào việc truy xuất nguyên liệu rất dễ dàng ví dụ thông qua mã code, mã QR... bằng vài một thao tác đơn giản cũng có thể truy xuất nguồn gốc nguyên liệu nhanh, hiệu quả, tiết kiết chi phí đi lại xác minh. Vấn đề thứ hai là đảm bảo nguồn nguyên liệu thô được xử lý an toàn đã và đang ngày càng không còn là thách thức. Bởi việc ứng dụng công nghệ vào xử lý nguyên liệu thô vừa nhanh chóng, chính xác hiệu quả, ví dụ ngay từ khâu thu hoạch nguyên liệu thô các may móc đã hỗ trợ giúp đảm bảo nguồn nguyên liệu đầu vào đều và chính xác. Các khâu gieo trồng hay xử lý cũng được giúp ngắn và khoa học nhờ có ứng dụng công nghệ, khoa học. Nhưng đi bên cạnh là chi phí cao để đảm bảo chất lượng.

Bên cạnh đó việc xây dựng một mạng lưới về chuỗi cung ứng  thực phẩm trong kinh doanh là một việc vô cùng quan trọng, quyết định sự phát triển của cả doanh nghiệp. Mặc dù là một loại công nghệ vẫn chưa được sử dụng rộng rãi trong ngành công nghiệp thực phẩm, nhưng blockchain được nhiều lãnh đạo coi là một công nghệ đầy hứa hẹn cho phép truy xuất nguồn gốc trong chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm.

Công nghệ blockchain là một nền tảng số chung, nơi người dùng có thể lưu trữ và chia sẻ thông tin qua một mạng lưới tổng. Hệ thống này cho phép người dùng xem tất cả các giao dịch cùng một thời điểm trong thời gian thực. Một trong những lợi thế chính của blockchain là một khi thông tin được thêm vào hệ thống, thông tin đó sẽ được phân phối nội bộ trong mạng lưới và được lưu trữ cố định trong đó vĩnh viễn. Thông tin do vậy sẽ không thể bị tấn công, thao túng hoặc bị hư hại bởi bất kỳ cách nào.  

2. Tiếp đó là thách thức chi phí vận hành chuỗi cung ứng tăng cao

Điều hành một chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm sẽ tiêu tốn nhiều loại chi phí, một số chi phí quan trọng bao gồm:  Chi phí điện và nhiên liệu,  Chi phí logistics, vận chuyển hàng hóa , Chi phí nhân công , Chi phí đầu tư vào công nghệ mới

Những chi phí này rất đáng kể, do vậy, việc theo dõi chi phí hoạt động thường xuyên là một thách thức cho các doanh nghiệp ngành thực phẩm.

Cho nên giải pháp hữu hiệu nhất đó là Bước đầu tiên để kiểm soát chi phí là phải hiểu rõ các loại chi phí hiện có trong hoạt động doanh nghiệp. Trong các chuỗi cung ứng đơn giản, điều này có thể được thực hiện bằng các công cụ bảng tính. Nhưng ở nếu chuỗi cung ứng ngày càng trở nên phức tạp, doanh nghiệp sẽ cần một giải pháp công nghệ. Doanh nghiệp nên nâng cấp công nghệ của mình, những công việc như gửi tệp bảng tính qua email hay gọi điện báo tin cần được loại bỏ.

Một lưu ý khác là nếu các lãnh đạo quá quan tâm đến việc tiết kiệm chi phí thì tính hiệu quả và sự phát triển lâu dài của doanh nghiệp có thể bị kìm hãm. Một giải pháp công nghệ “đắt tiền”, ví dụ đó là đẩy mạnh mảng truyền trông marketing sản phảm, xâm nhập thị trường khôn ngoan bằng công nghệ mới, mặt hàng mới tác dụng mới, có thể mang lại lợi tức đầu tư đáng kể và tiết kiệm rất nhiều loại chi phí về lâu dài. Từ đó, doanh nghiệp vận hành hiệu quả và trở nên hấp dẫn hơn trong mắt các khách hàng.

Trên đây là những vấn đề cơ bản mà mình nghĩ sẽ giúp ích cho bạn từ kinh nghiệp của bản thân cũng như những kinh nghiệm mà mình học hỏi được. Mong rằng sẽ giúp ích cho bạn. Mình chỉ muốn khuyên là hãy trở thành  nhà đầu tư, kinh doanh khôn ngoan, sáng tạo.

Related Questions

write 20 abbreviation and words in full ( manuscript )​



approx. - approximately

appt. - appointment

apt. - apartment

A.S.A.P. - as soon as possible

c/o - care of, used when sending mail to someone who's not at their usual address

dept. - department

D.I.Y. - Do it yourself

est. - established

E.T.A. - estimated time of arrival

min. - minute or minimum

misc. - miscellaneous

Mr. - Mister

Mrs. - Mistress (pronounced Missus)

no. - number

R.S.V.P. - Répondez, s'il vous plait, this initialism comes from the French for "please reply." It's used on invitations to parties and events and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a "yes, we will attend," or "no, we will not."

tel. - telephone

temp. - temperature or temporary

vet. - veteran or veterinarian

vs. - versus

tsp or t - teaspoon/teaspoons

tbs, tbsp or T - tablespoon/tablespoons

c - cup/cups

gal - gallon

lb - pound/pounds

pt - pint

qt - quart

hope this is what tou looking for. theres more than 20, so you can pick and choose

Discuss FOUR ways in which SAA could benefit from proper long-term planning.




Planning is a core and fundamental step which should be done before embarking in a process, business or task. It could be used to project a short or long term engagement or task.

The benefits of long term planning could include :

Business having a long term plan shows a proactive sense of approach, that is it shows that the business has a blue print, a target and a defined goal which is being laid down in sequence, this ensures that they will have very few chances of making rash decisions due to market fluctuation or growth as d they are less proned to having a reactive agenda.

Similarly, With a laid down long term plan, this shows that there is a guide, a path, a set and defined target which the company aims to achieve with patience and tact. Thus ensures that the business has a well defined direction.

Also, It improves efficiency, the fact that developments to be made at each point or time has long been defined, then there is a dequate preparedness towards such target which in turn improves.

Long term strategic planning will ultimately lead to company's growth and drive profit due to sustained existence in the market and well guided and structure long term planning , leading to increased popularity and revenue drive.

Seemore Company manufactures binoculars. The actual costs for 2013 and 2014 were as follows: 2013 2014 Direct materials: Plastic case $ 8.00 $ 7.60 Lens set 34.00 34.40 Direct labor 64.00 (1.6 hours) 60.00 (1.5 hours) Indirect manufacturing costs: Variable 16.00 14.20 Fixed 4.00 (100,000 units) 3.80 (120,000 units) Beginning in 2014, Seemore implemented a continuous improvement program that required a first-year cost reduction target of a 7 percent reduction of the 2013 base. Seemore's continuous improvement target for direct labor in 2014 was:





Calculation to determine what Seemore's continuous improvement target for direct labor in 2014 was:

2014 Continuous improvement target for direct labor=$ 7.60 – ($ 7.60 × 0.07)

2014 Continuous improvement target for direct labor=$ 7.60 -$0.532

2014 Continuous improvement target for direct labor= $7.07

Therefore Seemore's continuous improvement target for direct labor in 2014 was: $7.07

State and explain types of economies?


The different kinds of economic systems are Market Economy, Planned Economy, Centrally Planned Economy, Socialist, and Communist Economies. All these are characterized by the ownership of the economics resources and the allocation of the same.


There are three main types of economies: free market, command, and mixed. The chart below compares free-market and command economies; mixed economies are a combination of the two. Individuals and businesses make their own economic decisions.The way scarce resources get distributed within an economy determines the type of economic system. There are four different types of Economic Systems; a traditional economy, a market economy, a command economy, and a mixed economy. Each type of economy has its own strengths and weaknesses.Apr 20, 2020

Standard and actual costs for direct materials for the manufacture of 1,000 units of product were as follows:
Actual costs 1,550 lbs. at $9.10
Standard costs 1,600 lbs. at $9.00
Determine the (a) quantity variance, (b) price variance, and (c) total direct materials cost variance. Enter favorable variances as negative numbers.
a. Quantity variance $______
b. Price variance $______
c. Total direct materials cost variance


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below;


Materials quantity variance is

= (Actual quantity used × Standard price) - (Standard quantity allowed × Standard Price)]

= (1550 × 9.00) - (1600 × 9.00)

= $(450.00)

= $450 favorable


Direct materials price variance is  

Materials Price Variance = (Actual quantity purchased × Actual price) - (Actual quantity purchased × Standard price)

= (1550  × 9.10) - (1550 ×$9.00)

= $155

= $155 unfavorable


Total direct materials cost variance is

= Materials quantity variance + Direct materials price variance

= -$450 + $155

= -$295

= $295 Favorable

he following materials standards have been established for a particular product: Standard quantity per unit of output 4.2 meters Standard price $ 18.40 per meter The following data pertain to operations concerning the product for the last month: Actual materials purchased 7,200 meters Actual cost of materials purchased $ 138,600 Actual materials used in production 6,700 meters Actual output 1,550 units. What is the materials price variance for the month?

a. $3,658 U
b. $7,700 U
c. $11,770 U
d. $6,120 U



d. $6,120 U


Calculation to determine the materials price variance for the month

Using this formula

Materials price variance = (AQ × AP) – (AQ × SP)

Let plug in the formula

Materials price variance = $138,600 – (7,200 meters × $18.40 per meter)

Materials price variance = $138,600 – $132,480

Materials price variance = $6,120 U

Therefore Materials price variance is $6,120 U

A way to increase an employee's E-to-P expectancy regarding a specific task is to increase the person's self-confidence through counseling and coaching. True False





The answer to this question is true.

e to p stands for effort → performance expectancy. This expectancy belief is that when the right effort is put into a task, it would yield the desired performance or goals. This belief is based on the former experience of the persons self confidence. Through guidance and counselling, a persons self confidence can rise though an increase in his e to p expectancy.

Johnson thermal products used austenitic nickel chromium alloys to manufacture resistance heating wire. The company is considering a new annealing drawing process to reduce costs. Assume that the companies mar is a real 12% per year and the inflation rate is 3% per year. If the new process will cost $3.7 million now, how much must be saved each year to recover the investment in 5 years? a. $2,103,784.b. $603,784.c. $1,103,784.d. $1,603,784.



The correct option is c. $1,103,784.


This can be calculated using the formula for calculating the present value of an ordinary annuity as follows:

PV = P * ((1 - (1 / (1 + r))^n) / r) …………………………………. (1)


PV = Present value or cost of the new process = $3.7 million = $3,700,000

P = Annual savings to recover the investment in 5 years = ?

r = interest rate = MARR + Inflation rate = 12% + 3% = 15%, or 0.15

n = number of years = 5

Substitute the values into equation (1)  and solve for P, we have:

$3,700,000 = P * ((1 - (1 / (1 + 0.15))^5) / 0.15)

$3,700,000 = P * 3.3521550980114

P = $3,700,000 / 3.3521550980114

P = $1,103,768

From the options, the closet figure to $1,103,768 is c. $1,103,784. The difference is due the difference I rounding. Therefore, the correct option is c. $1,103,784. That is, the amount that must be saved each year to recover the investment in 5 years is $1,103,784.

On January 1, Great Designs Company had a debit balance of $2,183 in the office supplies account. During the month, Great Designs purchased $515 and $500 of office supplies and journalized them to the asset account upon purchasing. On January 31, an inspection of the office supplies cabinet shows that only $774 of office supplies remains. Journalize the January 31 adjusting entry for office supplies. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. Jan 31 ________ _______ ________ ________


Answer: Dr Office supplies expense $2,424

Cr Office supplies $2,424


Based on the information given in the question, the January 31 adjusting entry for office supplies goes thus:

Journal entry on Jan 31st-

Dr Office supplies expense $2,424

Cr Office supplies $2,424


Total office supplies available = $2183 + $515 + $500 = $3198

Total supplies available on January, 31st = $774

Therefore, supplies consumed will be:

= $3198 - $774

= $2424

Suppose the demand function (D) for golf clubs is: Q = 240-1.00P, where P is the price paid by consumers in dollars per club and Q is the quantity demanded in thousands.
Suppose the supply curve (S) for golf clubs is estimated to be: Q = 1.00P.
Calculate the equilibrium price for golf clubs and the equilibrium quantity sold.
The equilibrium price is $____ per club, and the equilibrium quantity is ____ thousand clubs.
Suppose instead that golf club producers agree to charge a price of ​$ per club. This would result in a surplus of___thousand clubs


Solution :

According to the theory of demand and supply, the equilibrium price and the quantity is established where both the demand and supply curves intersect.

From the graph, we can see that the point of equilibrium is at the intersection of D and S.

At this point, mathematically, D = S. In order to determine the price and quantity which exists at this point, we need to equate the demand as well as supply functions to calculate the equilibrium values.

∵ D is equal to S, we have




Now substituting this value of the equilibrium price in to any of the functions, we get the equilibrium quantity at this price.





This is the equilibrium quantity. At this point, equilibrium price as well as the quantity is the same. Let the price of the golf club increases from $120 to $140. So substituting the value to the function above to determine the new quantity.

[tex]$Q = 240-1.00(140)$[/tex]

   = 100

Therefore, when the demanded quantity decreases from 120 thousand clubs to 100 thousand clubs. This increases the price and decreases the quantity as the supply curve moved to the left. The demand remains constant.

Materials Variances North Wind manufactures decorative weather vanes that have a standard materials cost of two pounds of raw materials at $1.50 per pound. During September 5,000 pounds of raw materials costing $1.75 per pound were used in making 2,400 weather vanes. Determine the materials price and quantity variance



Material price variance = 1250

Quantity variance = 300


Actual price of raw material = $1.75

Standard price = $1.50

Actual quantity = $5000

Material price variance = [Actual price - Standard price] x Actual quantity

Material price variance = [1.75 - 1.50] x 5000

Material price variance = 1250

Quantity variance = [Actual quantity - Standard quantity] x Standard price

Quantity variance = [5000 - 2400 x 2] x 1.50

Quantity variance = 300


Material price variance $1,250

Material quantity variance $300


Calculation to determine the materials price and quantity variance


Using this formula

Material price variance=(AP-SP)*AQ

Let plug in the formula

Material price variance=($1.75-$1.50)*5,000

Material price variance=$0.25*5,000

Material price variance=$1,250

Therefore Material price variance is $1,250


Using this formula

Material quantity variance=(AQ-SQ)*SP

Let plug in the formula

Material quantity variance=(5,000-2*2,400)*$1.50

Material quantity variance=(5,000-4,800)*$1.50

Material quantity variance=200*$1.50

Material quantity variance=$300

Therefore Material quantity variance is $300

The financial staff of Cairn Communications has identified the following information for the first year of the roll-out of its new proposed service:

Projected sales $24 million
Operating costs (not including depreciation) $7 million
Depreciation $4 million
Interest expense $3 million

The company faces a 40% tax rate. What is the project's operating cash flow for the first year (t=1)?



$11.8 million


Particulars                             Amount

Sales                                      $24 million

Less: Operating costs           $7 million

Less: Depreciation                $4 million

EBIT                                        $13 million

Less: Tx at 40% on EBIT       $5.2 million

Net income before interest  $7.8 million

Add: Depreciation                 $4 million

Operating cash flow             $11.8 million

$100 compounded annually for two years at 3% interest would provide the investor with how much of a return?

a). $6.09

b). $3.03

c). $6.00

d). $3.00

e). None of these


i think the answer is B

The Bert Corp. and Ernie, Inc., have both announced IPOs. You place an order for 1,150 shares of each IPO. One of the IPOs is underpriced by $18.00 and the other is overpriced by $6.50. You will receive all of the shares you ordered of the overpriced IPO, but only one-half of the shares you ordered of the underpriced IPO. What profit do you expect?
a. $31,875.00.
b. $11,562.50.
c. $14,375.00.
d. $7,552.00.
e. $2,812.50.



The Bert Corp. and Ernie, Inc.

The profit expected is:

= $2,875.


a) Data and Calculations:

                           The Bert Corp.    Ernie, Inc.

IPO order placed  1,150 shares      1,150 shares

Underpriced by       $18.00

Overpriced by                                   $6.50

Profited expected    $10,350          -$7,475

Net profit = $2,875 ($10,350 - $7,475)

b) The profit expected is generated from the underpriced stock.  This profit is reduced by the increased cost incurred on the over-priced stock.  Therefore, the net profit is the difference between the profit and the additional cost incurred.

Q1. What is recruitment? Explain 5 commonly used recruitment sources companies’ use?



The top five most popular recruitment sources used by employers include (indicated by percentage of employers): General online job boards and websites (89%) Employee referrals (81%) Staffing agency or third-party recruiter (58%)


choose me to brainlist

Biden Resorts Company currently has 0.2 million common shares of stock outstanding and the stock has a beta of 2.2. It also has $1 million face value of bonds that have five years remaining to maturity and 8 percent coupon with semi-annual payments, and are priced to yield 13.65 percent. If Biden issues up to $2.5 million of new bonds, the bonds will be priced at par and have a yield of 13.65 percent; if it issues bonds beyond $2.5 million, the expected yield on the entire issuance will be 16 percent. Biden has learned that it can issue new common stock at $10 a share. The current
risk-free rate of interest is 3 percent and the expected market return is 10 percent. Biden's marginal tax rate is 30 percent. If Biden raises $7.5 million of new capital while maintaining the same debtto-equity ratio, its weighted average cost of capital is?



Hence, the weighted average cost of capital is 15.87%.


We have to find current weights,  

Value of equity = Shares x Share price = 0.2 x 10 = $2 million  

Face Value of Bonds FV = $1 million

Semi annual coupon P = 1 x 8% / 2 = $0.04 million

Number of coupons remaining n = 5 x 2 = 10

Semi annual yield r = 13.65% / 2 = 6.825%

Value of Debt = Px [1 - (1 + r)-n] / r + FV / (1 + r)n

= 0.04 x [1 - (1 + 0.06825)-10] / 0.06825 + 1 / (1 + 0.06825)10

= $0.8 million

Total Value = 2 + 0.8 = $2.8 million

Weight of Debt = 0.8 / 2.8 = 28.57%

Weight of Equity = 2 / 2.8 = 71.45%

Amount of Debt to be raised = Weight of debt x Capital

= 0.2857 x 7.5

= $2.14 million

Since the amount of debt to be raised is less than $2.5 million, the yield will be 13.65%  

Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + Beta x (Market Return - Risk Free Rate)

= 3% + 2.2 x (10 - 3)

= 18.4%

The weighted average cost of capital:-  

WACC = Weight of Debt x Cost of Debt x (1 -Tax Rate) + Weight of Equity x Cost of Equity

= 0.2857 x 13.65% x (1 - 0.3) + 0.7145 x 18.4%

= 15.87%

what the term economic environment means​



gracias por los puntosdssss


All external economic factors that influence consumers(buyer) and businesses, affect the performance of companies.


urrent Attempt in Progress Wildhorse Chemicals management identified the following cash flows as significant in its year-end meeting with analysts: During the year Wildhorse had repaid existing debt of $317,900 and raised additional debt capital of $645,200. It also repurchased stock in the open market for a total of $44,750. What is the net cash provided by financing activities





Calculation to determine the net cash provided by financing activities

Using this formula

Net cash provided by financing activities= Additional debt capital -Repaid existing debt- Repurchased stock

Let plug in the formula

Net cash provided by financing activities=$645,200-$317,900-$44,750

Net cash provided by financing activities=$282,550

Therefore the net cash provided by financing activities is $282,550

Question #1
Multiple Choice
If a customer is dissatisfied and disgruntled, a customer service profession should act as an intermediary, negotiating understanding
between the customer and the company.
O False




Sudoku Company issues 21,000 shares of $8 par value common stock in exchange for land and a building. The land is valued at $237,000 and the building at $368,000. Prepare the journal entry to record issuance of the stock in exchange for the land and building.


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entry to record issuance of the stock in exchange for the land and building is given below:

Land $237,000

Building $368,000

           To Common stock, $8 par value $168,000

           To Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock $437,000

(Being the issuance of the stock in exchange for the land and building is recorded)

Indicate the effect of each of the following transactions on total assets, total liabilities, and total stockholdersâ equity. Select + for increase, - for decrease, or No Effect.

Transaction Total Assest Total Liabilities Total stockholders' Equity
Issue common stock
Issue preferred stock
Purchase treasury stock
Sale of treasury stock
Declare cash dividend
Pay cash dividend
100% stock dividend
2-for-1 stock split



Transaction                       Assets            Liabilities        Stockholders' Equity

Issue common stock           Increase               NE                      Increase

Issue preferred stock         Increase               NE                      Increase  Purchase treasury stock     Decrease             NE                       Decrease

Sale of treasury stock         Increase              NE                        Increase  Declare cash dividend            NE                   Increase                   NE

Pay cash dividend               Decrease            Decrease NE

100% stock dividend              NE                        NE                      NE

2-for-1 stock split                    NE                       NE                         NE

When shares are sold or issued, they increase the stockholders equity as people buy these shares. They also increase assets because cash comes into the company when the shares are sold. This is why the Issuing of preference and common stock as well as the sale of Treasury shares had the same effects.

When cash dividends are declared, they become a liability that is owed to equity holders.

When these dividends are then paid, they remove the liability but reduce assets as cash is used to pay the dividends.

100% stock dividend reduces retained earnings but increases equity so stockholders equity does not change.

Beginning inventory Merchandise $302,000 Finished goods $604,000 Cost of purchases 420,000 Cost of goods manufactured 760,000 Ending inventory Merchandise 202,000 Finished goods 196,000 Compute cost of goods sold for each of these two companies for the year ended December 31, 2017.



A. $520,000

B. $1,168,000


Computation to determine the cost of goods sold for each of these two companies for the year ended December 31, 2017.

a. UNIMART Partial income statement

For the year ended December 31,2017


Beginning merchandise inventory $302,000

Cost of purchase $420,000

Goods available for sale $722,000

Less; Ending merchandise inventory ($202,000)

Cost of goods sold $520,000

b) PRECISION Manufacturing

Partial income statement

For the year ended December 31,2017


Beginning finished goods inventory $604,000

Cost of manufactured $760,000

Goods available for sale $1,364,000

Less; Ending finished goods inventory ($196,000)

Cost of goods sold $1,168,000

Therefore the cost of goods sold for each of these two companies for the year ended December 31, 2017 will be:

Unimart $520,000

Precision $1,168,000

Congratulations! Today is your 20th birthday, but you are starting with nothing in the bank. You just started working full-time, earning $50,000 per year. Your goal is to have $5 million by your 60th birthday (i.e., 40 years from today). Your employer offers a 401(k) plan (contributions by you are tax deductible, growth is tax deferred), and within that plan you choose to invest in an extreme low-cost S&P 500 index mutual fund (like ones offered by Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.). The long-term expected return on the S&P 500 index mutual fund is 10% per year. Your employer pays you monthly.

a. Ignoring taxes, if the employer offers no match on your contributions, how much would you need to save every month to reach your goal?
b. Ignoring taxes, if the employer offers a 10% match on your contributions, how much would you need to save every month on top of your match to reach your goal?
c. Assume your Federal marginal tax rate is 24% and State marginal tax rate is 6%. What is the answer to question (b) on an after-tax basis (i.e., how much do you have to contribute every month after the employer match and net of tax savings)?



A) $790.63

B) $718.75

C) $503.13


a. Interest rate = 10%, monthly rate = 10%/12 = 0.10/12

Number of years = 60-20 = 40 years = 40*12 = 480 months

Goal = FV = 5,000,000

The monthly savings needed if employers offers no match =PMT(rate,nper,pv,fv) =PMT(0.10/12,480,0,5000000)

= $790.63

b. If employer offers a 10% match.

Then monthly savings needed

= 790.63/1.10

= 718.75

Monthly savings needed with 10% match by employer

= $718.75

c. Tax savings are 24%+6% = 30%.

So on the contribution of 718.75, you save a 30% tax. So. tax savings = 718.75*0.30 = $ 215.63

So, monthly contribution taking into account tax savings and employer match

= 718.75 -215.62

= $503.13

Holmes, Inc., has offered $215 million cash for all of the common stock in Watson Corporation. Based on recent market information, Watson is worth $193 million as an independent operation. If the merger makes economic sense for Holmes, what is the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger



the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is $22 million


The computation of the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is given below:

= Holmes Offered value in cash - watson worth

= $215 million - $193 million

= $22 million

Hence, the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is $22 million

Oregon Forest Products will acquire new equipment that falls under the five-year MACRS category. The cost is $500,000. If the equipment is purchased, the following earnings before depreciation and taxes will be generated for the next six years. Use Table and calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods.
Earnings before Depreciation
Year 1 $160,000
Year 2 215,000
Year 3 125,000
Year 4 89,000
Year 5 78,000
Year 6 44,000
The firm is in a 20 percent tax bracket and has a 12 percent cost of capital. Calculate the net present value.



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to the end of the sixth year;

b/ The number of years required before the capital stock exceeds $200 000.

Which of the following is generally not one of the five processes integrated into an enterprise project management methodology?

a. Manpower staffing
b. Total quality management
c. Scope change management
d. Risk management



a. Manpower staffing


Project management can be defined as the process of designing, planning, developing, leading and execution of a project plan or activities using a set of skills, tools, knowledge, techniques and experience to achieve the set goals and objectives of creating a unique product or service.

Enterprise project management (EPM) can be defined as a strategic process which typically involves managing various projects on a large scale.

Some of the processes integrated into an enterprise project management methodology include the following;

I. Total quality management: it is a management framework that is focused on achieving long-term success through the satisfaction of your customers by the efforts of all the member of staff in an organization.

II. Scope change management: it involves defining what the objective and goal of a project is.

III. Risk management: it can be defined as the process of identifying, evaluating, analyzing and controlling potential threats or risks present in a business as an obstacle to its capital, revenues and profits.

The Keller's discovered that they could reduce their mortgage interest rate from 10% to 4%. The value of homes in their neighborhood has been increasing at the rate of 5% annually. If the Keller's were to refinance their house with $3,000 in closing costs added to their current mortgage balance ($277,000) over a period of time which coincides with their chosen retirement age in 20 years, what would be their new monthly payment including principal and interest



The Keller's

Their new monthly payment including principal and interest is:

= $1,817.94


a) Data and Calculations:

Current mortgage balance = $277,000

Closing costs for refinancing      3,000

Total mortgage balance =    $300,000

Mortgage interest rate changed from 10% to 4% upon refinancing

Loan Amount  300000

Loan Term  20  years  0  months

Interest Rate  4

Compound  Monthly (APR)

Pay Back  Every Month  



Payment Every Month   $1,817.94

Total of 240 Payments   $436,305.84

Total Interest   $136,305.84

giá trị của hàng hóa được quyết định bởi đâu?



Giá trị của hàng hóa được quyết định bởi: ► Lao động của người sản xuất hàng hóa kết tinh trong hàng hóa. ► Sự hao phí sức óc, bắp thịt, thần kinh của con người. ☺ Lao động trừu tượng của người sản xuất hàng hóa kết tinh trong hàng hóa. ► Quan hệ cung cầu về hàng hóa ở trên thị trường.


A tractor acquired at a cost of $420,000 has an estimated residual value of $30,000, has an estimated useful life of 25,000 hours, and was operated 1,850 hours during the year. Determine the following. If required, round your answer for the depreciation rate to two decimal places. (a) The depreciable cost $fill in the blank 1 (b) The depreciation rate $fill in the blank 2 per hour (c) The units-of-output depreciation for the year




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Currently, the income statement for company reflects a total period cost for depreciation of $7,876,000

Metallica Bearings, Inc., is a young start-up company. No dividends will be paid on the stock over the next nine years because the firm needs to plow back its earnings to fuel growth. The company will pay a dividend of $15 per share 10 years from today and will increase the dividend by 5 percent per year thereafter.
If the required return on this stock is 15 percent, what is the current share price?





P9 = Next dividend / Required rate r - Growth rate g

P9 = $15 / 14% - 5%

P9 = $15 / 9%

P9 = $166.67

Po = P9 / (1 - Required rate of return)^9

Po = $166.67 / (1 + 0.14)^9

Po = $166.67 / 3.2519

Po = $51.25

So, the current stock price is $51.25.

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