Christianity facts
need for my work
50 point + Brainliest


Answer 1


Christianity has its roots in Judaism.

Christians believe in Jesus, a carpenter who began to travel and teach new ideas about Judaism around 30 CE.

He believed that the old laws of Judaism should be replaced by a simple system based on love and kindness.

Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah, or savior.

Jesus performed miracles, and after people saw the results, they became followers.

He laid his hands on people and could heal them.

Jesus used parables (stories that teach lessons) to link his teachings to people’s everyday lives.

Jesus soon gained a large following.

Jesus was not popular with Jewish leaders.

They did not want him to threaten their power and had the Romans arrest him.

Jesus was crucified at the age of 33.

Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead and went to heaven three days later.

They saw the Resurrection as a sign that Jesus was the Messiah.

This date, 33 CE, is the beginning of Christianity.

There are about 2.1 billion Christians worldwide.

Christians are divided into many denominations.  Examples include Catholicism, Orthodox, and Protestantism.

All denominations of Christians follow the teachings of Jesus.

Christians worship in churches and chapels.

The Bible is the main holy book for Christians.

It consists of:

1. The Old Testament -- contains the Ten Commandments

2. The New Testament -- about Jesus and his teachings

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus and is observed on December 25th.

Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus.

~Learn with Lenvy~

Answer 2


Christians believe in one god, it's a monotheistic religion.

Mary was the mother of Jesus.

Monks and Nuns are devoted followers of Christianity.

The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church.

About 71 percent of Americans identify as Christian.

Angle Gibreel put baby Jesus is Maryams womb.


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What is the educational system like in Brazil?



School is free and compulsory for students at the primary (ages 7–14) and secondary (ages 15–17) levels, but roughly three-fifths of Brazilians have only four years of schooling or less.

In Brazil it is mandatory for children to go to school from age 6 to 14. Children under the age of six may be enrolled as long as they turn six in the first semester. These compulsory nine years of education are known as Fundamental Education (Ensino Fundamental) and are divided into two levels: Ensino Fundamental I.

Hope This Helps

Here is a Answer to your question:

Primary Education

Education is compulsory in Brazil between ages 7 and 14, and free at state schools too. Children under 6 may attend optionaleducação infantil before enrolling for 5 years at elementary school known as ensino fundamental – 1.  Following a year achieving literacy they turn their attention to learning Portuguese, geography, history, maths, science, arts and physical education. This core curriculum may be extended to meet local needs, and abilities of individual students.

Middle Education

The curriculum is similar for ensino fundamental – 2, which lasts for a further 4 years, except that 2 foreign languages (usually English and Spanish) are added. 800 hours of activities are prescribed. Each class is usually still served by a single teacher.

Secondary Education

Completion of ensino fundamental phases 1 and 2 are a necessary condition for entering ensino médio high school. Core subjects include Portuguese, Brazilian and a third language - usually English, plus a wide spread of academic subjects too. In parallel during years 2 and 3 professional training courses such as agriculture may be added.

Vocational Education

Brazil understands that its competitiveness depends to a large extent on the quality of its vocational training. In April 2011, the government announced a bold plan to create 8 million more vocational training opportunities by 2014.

Tertiary Education

Brazil EducationHigh school education is a prerequisite for entering tertiary institutions, as is a competitive vestibular entrance examination. Undergraduate bachareladodegrees require 4 year’s study. School teachers must follow a separate 4 yearlicenciatura. Others prefer to follow 2 to 4 years of technology training. The normal range of graduate education is offered too.

The country has a fine spread of over 2,600 state and private universities and colleges. The oldest in continuous operation is the Academia de Artilharia, Fortificação e Desenho, founded in 1699 and illustrated on this page.

I am sorry if this was not helpful

Hope this was helpful

(50 POINTS) Of all the enlisted military members, __________ percent have at least some college credits.




Explanation:I know

A : 45


It has 45 percent of college credit

If this song (aka happy by Pharrell Williams) was non-fiction, what would the genre of the song be?
A. Biography
B. Autobiography
C. Realistic Fiction
D. Speech
(Help please)


I think it would be realistic fiction


Explanation: becase they are singing

Why is the Huang He considered to be a very dangerous river?




The river is floods really easily, and has records of the deadliest disasters  in human history. 1 MILLIUNP OPELE DIED T O THIS

It is a dangerous river because it the deadliest disasters is the human history and it can cause dangerous floods

When Katniss and Peeta decide to eat poison berries rather than fight and kill each other, the announcer Claudius Templesmith stops them and announces that they can both be winners after all.

Explain why they did this, and why the Capitol felt it had to stop them. What did this moment show readers about Katniss's and Peeta's characteristics? What theme (moral or message) does this part of the story hint at?

Explain in a paragraph of at least 4 complete sentences.



they did it out of love. they loved each other and developed a bond. they had been through so much together that they couldn't even imagine life without each other, so the capitol felt like they had to stop them because they were breaking the rules that they had made. the message of this story is to take care of one another and love them. your welcome, and hope this makes your day just a little bit better. ;)

They claim to have done it out of love, and it may have seemed like a rash desicion however they did it out of rebellion to the snow king. They know that if there is no winner people will be against the hunger games. Their actions lead to a mass rebellion against the king to overthroigh the central government which is exactly what they wanted. The8r philosophy was simple. you can have no winner and ris retaliation... Or you can have a controversial two.

Why are rivers important?
What about Desert?



Rivers support trade into distinct ways. First, they provide trade routes to carry products to the seas for shipping.

Secondly, they create arable land because of the nutrient-rich soil deposited in river basins. The water from rivers can also be delivered to farmland to water crops, a process known as irrigation.

Because water is a scarce resource overall in this region, many residents rely on subsistence agriculture, which means maintaining small farms that produce only enough for the survival of a single family. This is different than commercial agriculture, which means producing crops on a mass scale for a profit, and requires a large amount of water for irrigation.

Deserts make trade more difficult because travel is difficult and they cannot support farming. Some people manage to make a small living in the desert by nomadic herding and trading. Interestingly, many (but not all) desert nations have found economic success due to the presence of a very valuable natural resource: oil. Oil is one of the most precious resources shipped along the waterways of the Middle East.

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They carry water, organisms and important gases and nutrients to many areas. They also help drain rainwater and provide habitats for many species of plants and animals. As they make their way to the sea, rivers help shape the features of the Earth.

The Desert Biome is an important part of Earth because many animals live in it and it is a source of sand. Also, a lot of oil is often found under many deserts. … Several species of vultures also live in the desert to scavenge on animal remains. The Desert Biome is also important because it has its own ecosystem.

Factors of Population Distribution in the Middle East essay



The Middle East is a mosaic of cultures mixed together in a volatile world. Ready to blow up at a moment's notice, the Middle East is considered by many as one of the world's most troubled spots. Its physical geography is nearly as striking as its culture. Vast stretches of desert, where almost nothing can live, coexist with a fertile river valley known as the “cradle of civilization,” home to some of the world’s earliest civilizations. There are also seas and coastlines full of shipping and commerce, due largely to the abundance of oil reserves on the Persian Gulf.

Vastly different geographies support vastly different population levels. Lush river valleys support large amounts of crops, which support a large population. Deserts, however, are devoid of life. They support nothing but a few creatures and occasional bands of nomadic herders and traders. Thus the population of the Middle East finds itself concentrated in a few select places, while vast stretches of desert sands lie practically empty.

One of the most densely-population area of the Middle East includes Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The northern part of Turkey also crowds many people into its land. These regions have always had large populations because of their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. As with everywhere else on Earth, there's only a certain amount of livable land available. This forces the population density to increase as more people try to occupy the same limited space.

In contrast, the desert in the middle of Saudi Arabia has almost no people living in it. Less than two people per square mile live there. However, in the middle of the desert, the city of Riyadh, exists because of seasonally flooding stream beds. The definition of a desert, although often thought as a hot place, only needs to be a place which receives little rain. People, of course need water to live. Without water, no life can be supported.

Water, the life blood of the Middle East, controls the population. Much of the water available comes from rain. Rainfall appears greatest around Turkey, which reaches about 40 inches per year. It's especially heavy around the Black Sea, to the north of Turkey. Also, rain comes down in sizable amounts to the south and southeast of Turkey, extending partly into the northern part of Iran.

The area near the Caspian Sea also supports a large population because of the plentiful precipitation between the sea and the Elburz Mountains. This rain supports up to 100 people per square mile in this little sliver of land in Iran. The capital city of Iran, Tehran, is located within this fertile region. On the other side of Elburz Mountains, the rain is blocked. This keeps most of Iran dry, and therefore sparsely populated with levels around 25-49 people per square mile.

In closing, the Middle East has great geographical diversity. This supports a diverse population spread out throughout the Middle East. Rainfall, rivers, and mountains affect where people can live. From empty deserts to crowded oases and marshes, the Middle East finds itself defined by geography. Unfortunately, this can cause conflicts and disagreements.

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Population growth directly affects the sustainability of a society’s resource base under the pressure of its needs and demands (Choucri and North 1995, 232). Put differently, the greater the population, the greater is the aggregate demand for resources. Yet, demographic correlates considerably affect governmental policies and constrain state actions. Since rising density in the international system is driven, among other things, by the increasing population, this, in turn, implies that people’s activities are more likely to impinge on the conditions of other people’s existence, both intentionally and unintentionally, and positively as well as negatively (Buzan 1991, 41). Therefore, the study of the impact of demographic factors is central to any integrated approach to security. There is a clear link between demographic and migration trends in the sense that migration, whether in its domestic or international form, constitutes one of the most important parameters/variables when studying population growth. Consequently, significant migration flows may add to demographic pressures facing states and societies. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that migration is widely viewed by the national publics of the host states as posing threats to their national security, as well as to international stability.Thus, the security implications (military, political, societal, economic and environmental) stemming from increased migration have the potential to enhance the salience of the security implications, which result from other aspects of population growth. Most importantly, due to their securitisation, migration trends have become a matter of high domestic and international politics. Note, for example, the rise of anti-immigrant political parties and increasing demand for anti-migration policies. Although the separate literatures on migration and security have grown substantially since the early 1990s, few studies directly address the linkage between the two (Kleinschmidt 2006, 9–10; Guild and van Selm 2005, 1–2). As Nazli Choucri suggests, migration.

Explanation: Hope this helped, i wrote it when i was in 10th grade so its good

8.) During what era did a good deal of music and art focus on religion?
A. Middle Ages
B. Classical Period
C. Romantic Period
D. Impressionism



classical period



the correct choose is (B)

As more and more ____________________ were built, northern businesses were increasingly successful. There were plenty of people who were willing to work in the factories for low wages (including children), and slavery simply wasn’t part of the northern way of life.

I need the answer help me


The world was were built as northern business

what happens to a ballon when its lowered in hot water?



The pressure from the water causes the air to compress inside the balloon. The deeper the balloon is taken into the water, the greater the pressure, and therefore, the smaller the balloon will become.

Why is there a need for local governments?
A. Local governments have a better idea of what their citizens need.
B. Local governments have more money to spend per capita than state and federal governments.
C. Local governments always have simple organizational arrangements.
D. Local governments allow people to work, play and live without any fear.



Either A or C


The goal is to provide revenue to maintain, grow and improve local infrastructure and community services. Local governments can initiate a community's economic planning efforts, to build on their official community plan and role of shaping community growth and determining land use.

I believe the answer is A. I believe this because the national government only knows what the states need. The local governments are the only ones that can determine what is needed for their state, city, or town.

Give 3 examples of Jim Crow Laws that impacted the lives of African Americans in the South.


Jim Crow laws were state and local laws passed from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 through the mid-1950s by which white southerners reasserted their dominance by denying African Americans basic social, economic, and civil rights, such as the right to vote.

I don’t know but I hope this helps and I need points.

can yoalll help me cuz ion kno what dis is


Answer: B hope it helps !

What was the bold, carefree women of the 1920’s called?



Night Ladies






The factors of production are land, ___, capital, and entrepreneurship
A) AnImAls
B) FoOd


the answer is labor

explanation: i’ve done this before

No Explanation needed. I just need answer asap. -Brainliest- / -Thanks- Given

1. The people of Sudan have been in conflict since _________.
a. 1992
b. 1956
c. 1800
d. 2005

2. Many different cultures exist in Sudan today because of ________________.
a. the rich oil reserves in Sudan
b. its central location in Africa
c. the Sudanese Civil Wars
d. British colonization
3. The North wanted access to the __________ in the South.

a. salt mines
b. sand dunes
c. oil reserves
d. all of these
4. The Lost Boys belonged to the _________ ethnic group.
a. Nuer
b. Dinka
c. both of these
d. neither of these
5. The Lost Boys fled on foot to refugee camps in Ethiopia and ___________.
a. Kenya
b. Uganda
c. Egypt
d. Chad

6. The Lost Boys were mostly under the age of 12 because the older boys ___________.

a. were killed
b. were forced to fight in the war
c. stayed back to take care of the women
d. all of these
7. On their journey to refugee camps, the lost boys faced ____________.

a. disease
b. attacks from wild animals
c. heat exhaustion
d. all of these

8. Although some Lost Boys were resettled in the U.S., many of them have returned to South Sudan in order to…

a. help rebuild South Sudan
b. fight in the war
c. start a new life
d. all of these



1. The people of Sudan have been in conflict since _________.

a. 1992

b. 1956

c. 1800

d. 2005

Answer = 1956


2. Many different cultures exist in Sudan today because of ________________.

a. the rich oil reserves in Sudan

b. its central location in Africa

c. the Sudanese Civil Wars

d. British colonization

Answer = British Colonization


3. The North wanted access to the __________ in the South.

a. salt mines

b. sand dunes

c. oil reserves

d. all of these

Answer = Oil reserves


4. The Lost Boys belonged to the _________ ethnic group.

a. Nuer

b. Dinka

c. both of these

d. neither of these

Answer = Both of these


5. The Lost Boys fled on foot to refugee camps in Ethiopia and ___________.

a. Kenya

b. Uganda

c. Egypt

d. Chad

Answer = Kenya


6. The Lost Boys were mostly under the age of 12 because the older boys ___________.

a. were killed

b. were forced to fight in the war

c. stayed back to take care of the women

d. all of these

Answer = were forced to fight in the war


7. On their journey to refugee camps, the lost boys faced ____________.

a. disease

b. attacks from wild animals

c. heat exhaustion

d. all of these

Answer = All of these


8. Although some Lost Boys were resettled in the U.S., many of them have returned to South Sudan in order to…

a. help rebuild South Sudan

b. fight in the war

c. start a new life

d. all of these

Answer = help rebuild South Sudan


~Learn with Lenvy~

1. b
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. d
8. a

Which of the following elected officials would be considered part of the local government?
A. A volunteer fireman
B. The Governor of your state
C. A City councilman
D. The President of the United States



A city councilman.


Since you are talking about local goverment the President and Governor of your state would not count because they are overall government not living locally. And the volunteer fireman is not involved in any government affairs.


C. A City councilman


The president is part of the federal government.

A fireman is not part of any government

The governor of your state is part of the state government.

A city councilman is part of a government that is in a specific place in a state. They have a little bit of control over some parts of the local government.

Lance is afraid that, even though he is innocent, he will make a bad impression upon the jury. Must Lance speak at the trial?

should he or no and why?


Answer: If Lance must speak at trial then he should.

Explanation: If he is nervous about making a bad impression he should practice what he will say beforehand, and wear something presentable that won't make a bad impression.

I don't have experience in this stuff but that is what I would do.


If Lance must speak at trial then he should.


which has more potential energy

a baseball held 1 m above the ground or a baseball held 2 m above the ground?



a base ball held 1m


the closer to the ground the better the boitic potentail


2m Because


When an object is close to the ground it has less potential energy but when it is closer to the sky it has more potential energy

I hope this helps!

What is a synonym for break in the verse below, “sunshine she’s here, you can take a break”
A. Rest
B. Fix
C. Brake
D. Vacation
(Please help!)


A. Rest

Because you could be taking a break/rest from something.


A. Rest


Which courts are part of the judicial system in Florida?
Choose exactly three answers that are correct.

General Trial Courts

Justice Courts

U.S. Supreme Court

Appellate Courts


Answer: I think it's A,B,D

Explanation: Hope this Helps!

All besides the supreme court

What was a shaduf and how did it work? Which geographic areas was the shaduf commonly found?


Shadoof is a tool used to pull water from Wells and rivers by man power (Hands)

A diagram attached

It is geographically found in deserts like Egypt where water is scare so wells are built

Residents of Baton Rouge are concerned about a creek which is constantly overflowing into their neighborhood streets whenever there is heavy rainfall​



Residents of Baton Rouge are concerned about a creek which is constantly overflowing into their neighborhood streets whenever there is heavy rainfall​


This hypothetical situation depicts an issue with Baton Rouge's storm water management, wherein persistent rain causes a nearby creek to overflow and inundate adjacent communities.

Amount of precipitation that falls to the ground as rain is referred to as "rainfall" in meteorology. This amount is typically measured in millimeter or inches. Water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid droplets, which then fall to the earth as a result of gravity.

Numerous factors, including inadequate drainage systems, poor upkeep, or an increase in impervious surfaces like roads and buildings that prevent water from percolating into the ground, could be to blame for this. It's likely that residents of the impacted neighborhood have had property damage.

Learn more about rainfall here:


Their ___________________ did most of the work.


Answer: give credit to the other perperson is yes their friend did most of the work


Which of these would be considered a natural resource? A) coal B) computers C) furniture D) pizza



The answer is A.


Coal is a natural recourse while the rest of the answer choices are made from many different materials.


Arrange these events in Siddhartha Gautama’s life in the order in which they occurred.



Siddhartha gave up his rich's, Siddhartha ventured out of his kingdom, Siddhartha studied under Hindu master, Siddhartha meditated under the bodhi tree, Siddhartha at attained supreme wisdom


1. Siddhartha ventured out of his palace and  became aware of realities such as poverty,  disease, and death.

2. Siddhartha gave up his riches and title and  left his palace.

3. Siddhartha studied under Hindu masters  to learn the truth about how to end  suffering.

4. Siddhartha meditated under the Bodhi tree  until he attained enlightenment.

5. Siddhartha attained supreme wisdom and  became the Buddha, or the “awakened  one.”


hope it helps and good luck!! :)

Think about what you have learned about the role that plants
play in their ecosystem. Write a response in complete sentences
below that includes the answers to the following:
a. Do the producers in a rainforest affect the climate there?
b. If so, how do they do it?
c. How would the climate of a rainforest change if many of
the producers were removed?


Answer:The ecosystem's response to disturbances starts with the responses of its parts that may—through feedback loops and interactions—subsequently lead to self-organization, a phenomenon that exceeds the sum of the single responses. Ecosystem inherent features coregulate (the direction of) these ecosystem dynamics.

2A)  Therefore, living rainforests have an important role in mitigating climate change. But when rainforests are chopped down and burned, the carbon stored in their wood and leaves is released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change

2B) Rainforests produce about 20% of our oxygen and store a huge amount of carbon dioxide, drastically reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. Massive amounts of solar radiation are absorbed, helping regulate temperatures around the globe. Taken together, these processes help to stabilize Earth's climate.

2C) Cutting the rainforests changes the reflectivity of the earth's surface, which affects global weather by altering wind and ocean current patterns, and changes rainfall distribution. If the forests continue to be destroyed, global weather patterns may become more unstable and extreme.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

Now you will complete a quick write in response to the following question: Why is Louisiana the only state to have parishes as our political boundaries?​



Louisiana was officially Roman Catholic under both France and Spain's rule. The boundaries dividing the territories generally coincided with church parishes. In 1807, the territorial legislature officially adopted the ecclesiastical term. Through each change in her history, Louisiana never deviated and the primary civil divisions have been officially known as parishes ever since.


put it in your own words

Answer the following question with three or four complete sentences. 4 Points Identify at least two similarities and two differences between installment plans of the 1920s and credit cards of today.


Answer:Installment sales and credit sales are quite similar

Explanation:Installment sales and credit sales are quite similar. Each is a form of credit that provides a way for goods to be delivered and the payment for the goods to be deferred to a later date. However, there are two key differences between installment and credit sales: time to repay and collateral. While a credit sale is a short-term payment deferral option, an installment sale is generally stretched over many years. Collateral refers to the type of assets used to secure the credit.

Research a past Supreme Court decision. Write at least one page about the issue and the final ruling concerning it. Use your own words to summarize what you have learned, but you will need to include a work cited section at the end of your report. Don't forget to include the name of the court case and the date of the decision.


The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States, and leads the federal judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed with the "advice and consent" of the Senate.

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