Clocks (also called timers) are essential to the operation of any multiprogrammed system. They maintain the time of day, and prevent one process from monopolizing the CPU. How are clocks implemented


Answer 1


The answer is below


The clock in the CPU is made of three elements including the following:

1. Crystal oscillator

2. A counter

3. A holding register

All these clock elements combined and generate interrupts at known periods or duration.

However, the clock has a powered battery back up which is implemented with a form of low-power circuitry similar to that of digital watches.

The purpose is to prohibit the current time from being failed when the computer is powered off or shut down.

Related Questions

Have you ever been presented to someone else's home page of a given website?​


Answer: No, is this the question?

Explanation: Have a stupendous day! <3

Which of the following substances increases in quantity during repititive muscle contraction during oxygen deficti ?
Lactic acid



Lactic acid


Lactic acid builds up during strenuous exercise with limited amounts of oxygen.

Several families are planning a shared car trip on scenic drives in New Hampshire's White Mountains. To minimize the possibility of any quarrels, they want to assign individuals to cars so that no two members of a family are in the same car. Explain how to formulate this problem as a network flow problem.



Following are the response to the given question:  


Build a spring, sink, vertices, and vertices for each car for a household. Every unit in the stream is a human. Attach the source from each vertical of a family with such a capacity line equivalent to the family size; this sets the number of members in each household. Attach every car vertices to the sink with the edge of the car's passenger belt; this assures the correct number of people for every vehicle. Connecting every vertex in your household to any vertex in your vehicle with a capacity 1 border guarantees that one family member joins a single car. The link between both the acceptable allocation of people to vehicles as well as the maximum flow inside the graph seems clear to notice.

For minimization problems, the optimal objective function value to the LP relaxation provides what for the optimal objective function value of the ILP problem?



A lower bound on the optimal integer value.


The question is poorly typed.  The original question requires the optimal solution of the objective function of a minimization problem

I will answer this question base on the above illustration.

When an objective function is to be minimized, it means that the objective function will take the feasible solution with the least value.

The least value are often referred to as the lower bound.

Write a function called rotateRight that takes a String as its first argument and a positive int as its second argument and rotates the String right by the given number of characters. Any characters that get moved off the right side of the string should wrap around to the left.



The function in Python is as follows:

def rotateRight(strng, d):

   lent = len(strng)

   retString = strng[lent - d : ] + strng[0 : lent - d]

   return retString


This defines the function

def rotateRight(strng, d):

This calculates the length of the string

   lent = len(strng)

This calculates the return string

   retString = strng[lent - d : ] + strng[0 : lent - d]

This returns the return string

   return retString


The return string is calculated as thus:

This string is split from the index passed to the function to the last element of the string, i.e. from dth to last.

The split string is then concatenated to the beginning of the remaining string

Can you help me in this question



6 2 and 0


This algorithm doesn't work if the list is not ordered ascending.

In this example it is not, and indeed the item "1" is never found.

first cycle: first=0, last=12 so midpoint=6

second cycle: first=0, last=5 so midpoint=2

last cycle: first=0, last=1 so midpoint=0

then last is assigned -1 so the while statement is no longer true.

who would win in a fight iron man or bat man​



Given two regular expressions r1 and r2, construct a decision procedure to determine whether the language of r1 is contained in the language r2; that is, the language of r1 is a subset of the language of r2.



Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.


An algorithm must be guaranteed to halt after a finite number of steps.

Each step of the algorithm must be well specified (deterministic rather than non-deterministic).

Three basic problems:

Given an FA M and an input x, does M accept x?

Is x in L(M)

Given an FA M, is there a string that it accepts?

Is L(M) the empty set?

Given an FA M, is L(M) finite?

Algorithm for determining if M accepts x.

Simply execute M on x.

Output yes if we end up at an accepting state.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

This algorithm is also clearly correct.

Testing if L(M) is empty.

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if all strings are rejected.

The "algorithm" is well specified, and it is also clearly correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine; you must think in this fashion to solve the problems we will ask.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between 0 and n-1 where M has n states.

Output no if and only if all strings are rejected.

Otherwise output yes.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts any strings, it must accept one of length at most n-1.

Suppose this is not true; that is, L(M) is not empty but the shortest string accepted by M has a length of at least n.

Let x be the shortest string accepted by M where |x| > n-1.

Using the Pumping Lemma, we know that there must be a "loop" in x which can be pumped 0 times to create a shorter string in L.

This is a contradiction and the result follows.

COMMENT: There are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

Testing if L(M) is finite

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if there are a finite number of yes answers.

This "algorithm" is well specified and correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we again use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between n and 2n-1 where M has n states.

Output yes if and only if no string is accepted.

Otherwise output no.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, it must accept one of length between n and 2n-1.

This builds on the idea that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, there must be a "loop" that can be pumped.

This loop must have length at most n.

When we pump it 0 times, we have a string of length less than n.

When we pump it once, we increase the length of the string by at most n so we cannot exceed 2n-1. The problem is we might not exceed n-1 yet.

The key is we can keep pumping it and at some point, its length must exceed n-1, and in the step it does, it cannot jump past 2n-1 since the size of the loop is at most n.

 This proof is not totally correct, but it captures the key idea.

COMMENT: There again are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

   Other problems we can solve using these basic algorithms (and other algorithms we've seen earlier this chapter) as subroutines.

       COMMENT: many of these algorithms depend on your understanding of basic set operations such as set complement, set difference, set union, etc.

Given a regular expression r, is Lr finite?

Convert r to an equivalent FA M.

COMMENT: note we use the two algorithms for converting a regular expression to an NFA and then an NFA to an FA.

Test if L(M) is finite.

Output the answer to the above test.

Given two FAs M1 and M2, is L(M1) = L(M2)?

Construct FA M1-2 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M1) - L(>M2).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.

1. Briefly explain the various types of models used in software Engineering with benefits and limitations for each



The Software Model represents the process abstractly. The different activities involved in developing software products are present in each phase of the software model. The order for each stage to be executed is also specified.


Waterfall model:-


Implementing the waterfall model is very easy and convenient.

It is very useful for implementing small systems.


If some of the changes are made at certain phases, it may create confusion.

First, the requirement analysis is performed, and sometimes not all requirements can be expressly indicated in the beginning.

Spiral model:-


The working model of the system can be quickly designed through the construction of the prototype.

The project can be refined by the developer and the user during the development phase.


If customer communication is not good or proper, the result is total project failure or project failure which could lead to project comission.

How are dates and times stored by Excel?​



Regardless of how you have formatted a cell to display a date or time, Excel always internally stores dates And times the same way. Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd. tttttt


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Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General. Note: apparently, 42544 days after January 0, 1900 is the same as June 23, 2016

Allow the user to enter the names of several local businesses. Sort the business names and display the results. Continue this process until they are out of business names. Please use good functional decomposition to make your development easier. (Perhaps one for sorting a vector of strings, another for swapping two strings, one for As an example the program interaction might look something like (the parts in blue are typed by the user): $ /busisort.out Welcome to the Business Sorting Program!!! Please enter the name of a business: WalMart Your business is: WalMart Another business? y Please enter the name of a business: JC Penney Your businesses are: JC Penney WalMart Another business? Y Please enter the name of a business: Merlin Muffler Your businesses are: JC Penney Merlin Muffler WalMart Another business? yes Please enter the name of a business: Appleby's Your businesses are: Appleby's JC Penney Merlin Muffler WalMart Another business? Yes Please enter the name of a business: Zippy's Your businesses are: Appleby's JC Penney Merlin Muffler WalMart Zippy's Another business?



Here the code is given as follows,



#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <list>  

using namespace std;  

std::string readName ();

void display (list <std::string>);

bool promptContinue ();  

int main()


std::string Business = "";

list <std::string> Array;

bool Continue = true;  

do {

//enter input items

Array.push_back(readName ());  

//sort business


//display business

display (Array);

   }while(promptContinue ());  

return 0;  

} //end of main function

std::string readName ()


   std::string _Business = "";

   cout << "Please enter the name of a business: ";

   getline (cin, _Business);

   return _Business;


void display (list <std::string> _Array)


   cout << "Your businesses are: " << endl;

   int i = 0;

   while (i < _Array.size ())


       cout << _Array.front () << endl;

       _Array.push_back (_Array.front ()); // This loops the front of the list to the back this makes it possible to not use an iterator

       _Array.pop_front ();




bool promptContinue ()


   std::string prompt = "";

   cout << "Another Business? ";

   cin >> prompt;

   cin.ignore (); // Clear the whitespace leftover from cin

   return (prompt == "yes");


A company manufactures televisions. The average weight of the televisions is 5 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.1 pound. Assuming that the weights are normally distributed, what is the weight that represents the 75th percentile?​





Given that :

Mean, μ = 5 pounds

Standard deviation, σ = 0.1

Given that weight are normally distributed ;

From the Z table, the Zscore or value for 75th percentile weight is :

P(Z < z) = 0.75

z = 0.674

Using the relation :

Zscore = (x - μ) / σ

x = weight

0.674 = (x - 5) / 0.1

0.674 * 0.1 = x - 5

0.0674 = x - 5

0.0674 + 5 = x - 5 + 5

5.0674 = x

The weight which corresponds to the 75th percentile is 5.0674

A hacker gains access to a web server and reads the credit card numbers stored on that server. Which security principle is violated? Group of answer choices Authenticity Integrity Availability Confidentiality PreviousNext





Cyber security can be defined as a preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

In Cybersecurity, there are certain security standards, frameworks, antivirus utility, and best practices that must be adopted to ensure there's a formidable wall to prevent data corruption by malwares or viruses, protect data and any unauthorized access or usage of the system network.

In this scenario, a hacker gains access to a web server and reads the credit card numbers stored on that server. Thus, the security principle which is violated is confidentiality.

Confidentiality refers to the act of sharing an information that is expected to be kept secret, especially between the parties involved. Thus, a confidential information is a secret information that mustn't be shared with the general public.

This ultimately implies that, confidentiality requires that access to collected data be limited only to authorized staffs or persons.

Given the following tree, use the hill climbing procedure to climb up the tree. Use your suggested solutions to problems if encountered. K is the goal state and numbers written on each node is the estimate of remaining distance to the goal.


I see that using the hill climbing procedure to climb up a tree

Mice can be connected to a computer using the _________ or ________ port.​


Bluetooth or USB port

For an array of size N what is the range of valid indices (or subscripts)?



The valid range is 0 to N - 1



Valid range of an array of size N

The index of an array starts from 0, and it ends at 1 less than the size.

Take for instance:

An array of size 4 will have 0 to 3 as its indices

An array of size 10 will have 0 to 9 as its indices


An array of size N will have 0 to N - 1 as its indices

Ten examples of an interpreter



Some popular examples of today's interpreters are:

Interpreter of PythonInterpreter for RubyPerl performerInterpreter for PHPMATLAB UCSD Pascal


An interpreter executes the commands directly in an object code or a machine code, written in a program or a scripting language.

The Interpreter can be referred to as system software that can read and execute the programme instead of interpreting programmes. This interpretation includes high-level source code, pre-compiled programmes and scripts.

It is important to note that the interpreter translates programme by programme line, meaning that one statement is translated on one go. This feature makes it easy for programmers to check any line on debugging but slows the whole programme running time.

Explain the
4 ways

ways of arranging icons.



There are 4 ways of arranging icons:

By date or by size.


Click right-click a blank desktop area and then click Arrange icons to arrange icons for name, type, date, or size. Click on the command to show how the icons should be organized (by Name, by Type, and so on).

Click Auto Arrange to set the icons automatically. Click Auto Arrange to remove the checkmark if you want to set the icons alone.


Right-click the Desktop and from the resulting shortcut menu select View; make sure that Auto Arrange Icons are not selected.

         Destroy it before proceeding to the next step if selected.

Click on the desktop with the righ-click.Choose Sort-by from the resulting shortcut menu and then click on the desktop shortcut criteria.Any icon can be clicked and dragged to a different place on your desktop, for instance, to separate your favorite game from other desktop icons to help you easily find it.

Explain why it is important for you to build proficiency with Microsoft Word.



Listing proficiency in Microsoft helps push your resume through applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office programs can also increase your earning potential.

Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Additionally, having more in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications can boost your earning potential.

What is Microsoft skills?

Your proficiency and expertise with the Microsoft Office family of software products are collectively referred to as Microsoft Office skills.

Although MS Office has many various programs, employers may frequently assess your proficiency with some of the most widely used ones, such as MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word.

The most popular business productivity software globally is Microsoft Office.

Therefore, Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review.

Learn more about Microsoft, here:


Use the following to calculate the acid-test ratio. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) Cash: $100,000 Short-term investments: 17,000 Net current receivables: 250,000 Inventory: 330,000 Total current liabilities: 760,000 O 0.92 5.88 O 0.79 0.48


Answer: 0.48


The acid test ratio will be calculated as:

Cash = $100,000

Add: Short term investments = $17,000

Add: Net Current Receivables = $250,000

Total Assets = $367,000

/ Total Current Liabilities = $760,000

Acid Test Ratio will now be:

= Total Assets / Total Liabilities

= $367000/$760000.

= 0.48

Therefore, the acid test ratio is 0.48.

4. Used to grip, pull and cut electrical wires. A. Pliers C. Long-nose B. Electric plug D. Electric drill and Drill bit

5. A special tape made of vinyl used to wrap electrical wires A. Cutter C. Electrical tape B. Drill bit D. Screwdrivers

6. What pair of sharp blades are commonly used to cut wires and to remove a portion of the wire insulatione A. Combination plier C. Electrical tape B. Cutter D. Screwdrivers​



4. A. Pliers

5. C. Electrical Tape

6.  B. Cutter


what is the meaning of antimonographycationalis​



Although this word was made up in order to be a contender for the longest word in English, it can be broken down into smaller chunks in order to understand it.

Anti- means that you are against something; monopoly means the exclusive control over something; geographic is related to geography; and the remaining part has to do with nationalism.

So this word means something like 'a nationalistic feeling of being against geographic monopoly,' but you can see that it doesn't have much sense.

(answer copied from  Kalahira just to save time)

smaller answer: So this word means something like 'a nationalistic feeling of being against geographic monopoly,' but you can see that it doesn't have much sense.

Write a program that reads integers from the user and stores them in a list. Your
program should continue reading values until the user enters 0. Then it should display
all of the values entered by the user (except for the 0) in order from smallest to largest,
with one value appearing on each line. Use either the sort method or the sorted
function to sort the list.



The program in Python is as follows:

numList = []

num = int(input())

while num != 0:


   num = int(input())



for num in numList:



This initializes the list

numList = []

This gets input from the user

num = int(input())

This loop is repeated until the user enters 0

while num != 0:

This appends the user input to the list


This gets another input from the user

   num = int(input())

This sorts the list in ascending order    


This iteration prints the list elements, each on a line

for num in numList:


what represents the amount of data that travels along a network​






Bandwidth is measured as the amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another within a network


Write a function addingAllTheWeirdStuff which adds the sum of all the odd numbers in array2 to each element under 10 in array1. Similarly, addingAllTheWeirdStuff should also add the sum of all the even numbers in array2 to those elements over 10 in array1.



The function is as follows:

def addingAllTheWeirdStuff(array1,array2):

   sumOdd = 0

   for i in array2:

       if i % 2 == 1:


   for i in array1:

       if i < 10:




   sumEven = 0

   for i in array1:

       if i % 2 == 0:


   for i in array2:

       if i > 10:




This declares the function

def addingAllTheWeirdStuff(array1,array2):

This initializes the sum of odd numbers in array 2 to 0

   sumOdd = 0

This iterates through array 2

   for i in array2:

This adds up all odd numbers in it

       if i % 2 == 1:


This iterates through array 1

   for i in array1:

This adds up all elements less than 10 to sumOdd

       if i < 10:


This prints the calculated sum



This initializes the sum of even numbers in array 1 to 0

   sumEven = 0

This iterates through array 1

   for i in array1:

This adds up all even numbers in it

       if i % 2 == 0:


This iterates through array 2

   for i in array2:

This adds up all elements greater than 10 to sumEven

       if i > 10:


This prints the calculated sum


We will find an video named????
Help us and select once name.
Complete: B__in___t


Beint cause its cool yea yea
Beinlit (pronounced ben-in-lit)

What is a fruitful function? Explain with help of programming example?


These are the functions that return a value after their completion. A fruitful function must always return a value to where it is called from. A fruitful function can return any type of value may it be string, integer, boolean, etc. It is not necessary for a fruitful function to return the value of one variable, the value to be returned can be an array or a vector. A fruitful function can also return multiple values.

Write a Program that will print all the numbers divisible by 2 between 0 and 100​



//In java

for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)


if ( i % 2 == 0 )


System.out.println( i + " ");



Write a short essay on the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) in the AFN industry. Add suitable examples to substantiate your answer.





is an ICT device that help and makes things or work easy

In this chapter, you learned that although a double and a decimal both hold floating-point numbers, a double can hold a larger value. Write a C# program named DoubleDecimalTest that declares and displays two variables—a double and a decimal. Experiment by assigning the same constant value to each variable so that the assignment to the double is legal but the assignment to the decimal is not.



The DoubleDecimalTest class is as follows:

using System;

class DoubleDecimalTest {

 static void Main() {

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;  

    decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;


   Console.WriteLine(decimalNum);  } }



Program to test double and decimal variables in C#

This declares and initializes double variable doubleNum

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;

This declares and initializes double variable decimalNum (using the same value as doubleNum)

     decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;

This prints doubleNum


This prints decimalNum


Unless the decimal variable is commented out or the value is reduced to a reasonable range, the program will not compile without error.

Other Questions
Please can you help me Andy is sitting on the sofa, quietly reading a book. Which of the following is most likely supplying the majority of his energy right now?a. amino acidsb. ice creamc. polypeptidesd. fats.e. cholesterolf. glycogen Charles's law is a gas law relates volume to temperature. The law is named after (1) _____________________, who was a French inventor and scientist. He found through his experiment the volume of a gas increases linearly with an increase in the (2) _____________________. Shrinking of an inflated balloon and a bicycle tire in a very low temperature show the decrease of (3) ______________ which explains that the relationship of volume and temperature is directly related at constant (4) ______________. For a given sample of gas under two different conditions at a constant pressure, the equation can be written as (5) ________________________. Question 24 of 25 The graph of F(x) shown below resembles the graph of G(X) = x2, but it has been changed somewhat. Which of the following could be the equation of F(x)? G(X) = x2 Fx) = ? how will you manage patient diabetic Financial leverage is defined as Multiple Choice the amount of equity used in the capital structure of the firm the amount of operating assets used in the capital structure of the firm the amount of current liabilities only used in the capital structure of the firm the amount of debt used in the capital structure of the firm three ways in which the local government should provide services that promote safe and healthy living Mt on thng c o 6 ln cng chnh xc c kt qu sau: l1 = 178,672 m ; l2 = 178.661 m ; l3 = 178,668 m ; l4 = 178,682 m ; l5 = 178,663 m; l6 = 178,667 m. Hy tnh sai s trung phng tng i ca gi tr trung bnh cng. Brady is a 16-year-old student with an emotional disability. He participates in a therapeutic program at his school that includes individual counseling and social skills. 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