c'mon just help me with these questions and get the points!

C'mon Just Help Me With These Questions And Get The Points!


Answer 1

Well ive never seen these and i can barely read them or else i would help Explanation:

Answer 2


this one is kinder hard am sorry I don't know it

Related Questions

Two boys in the class started to fight, and they will get suspended for having a brawl. (Find out a word and its synonym from the sentence)​



a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.




boys synonym is lad

class is homeroom or study hall

started is commenced or began

fight is fracas, rumpus, or melee

suspend is defer

brawl is fight or conflict


Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.

The wind that carried west from Ilium
brought me to Ismarus, on the far shore,
a strongpoint on the coast of Cicones.
I stormed that place and killed the men who fought.
Plunder we took, and we enslaved the women,
to make division, equal shares to all—
but on the spot I told them: 'Back, and quickly!
‘Out to sea again!' My men were mutinous,
fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they
butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle,
feasting,—while fugitives went inland, running
to call to arms the main force of Cicones.
This was an army, trained to fight on horseback
or, where the ground required, on foot. They came
with dawn over that terrain like the leaves
and blades of spring. So doom appeared to us,
dark word of Zeus for us, our evil days.
My men stood up and made a fight of it—60
backed on the ships, with lances kept in play,
from bright morning through the blaze of noon
so holding our beach, although so far outnumbered;

Which central idea should be included in a paraphrase of this excerpt?


After he and his men land on the island and plunder for goods, Odysseus commands them to return quickly to the ship so they can safely set sail.


The forces sent by Cicones to fight Odysseus and his men arrived during the early morning hours.



When they are trying to study together, what does Melanie point out that Danny is doing?

Tapping his foot nervously
Tapping his pencil nervously
Breathing heavily



d.breathing heavily


di ako sure

God bless na lng sa module nating lahat

Romeo and Juliet’s final fate in Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet represents which element of Shakespearean tragedy?

an emotional release
an unhappy ending
a spiritual awakening
an unlikely resolution


The correct answer is B. An unhappy ending.


The tragedy is a type of literary text or dramatic theatrical expression that is characterized by having leading characters who face a fatal destiny that gives rise to a hopelessly sad end, which usually ends in the death of the characters. According to the above, Romeo and Juliet’s final fate in Act V, scene III of Romeo and Juliet represents the characteristic unhappy ending of Shakespeare's tragedy because in this scene both die tragically. So, the correct answer is B. An unhappy ending.


Its b (an unhappy ending)


I got it correct on egde :)

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members,” ... discuss following



Coretta Scott King said. To serve, she said, quoting her husband, all one needs is “a heart of grace and a soul generated by love.”

A heart of grace and soul generated by love

(not/be) really that good then gramer



What I didn't understand is this question

Read the excerpt from Flannery O'Connor's The Life You Save May Be Your Own
Mr. Shiftlet was so shocked that for about a hundred feet he drove along slowly with the door stiff open. A
cloud, the exact color of the boy's hat and shaped like a turnip, had descended over the sun, and another,
worse looking, crouched behind the car. Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about to engulf
him. He raised his arm and let it fall again to his breast. “Oh Lord!" he prayed. "Break forth and wash the
slime from this earth!
The turnip continued slowly to descend. After a few minutes there was a guffawing peal of thunder from
behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.
Which is a metaphor?
O The turnip continued slowly to descend
raindrops, like tin-can drops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiflet's car
Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about to engulf him
O He raised his arm and let it fall again to his breast



raindrops, like tin-can drops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiflet's car


A metaphor is used in comparing two things that are not the same but have some things in common. The comparison is made using words such as 'like' and 'as'. When the drops from heaven were compared to tin-can drops, using the word, 'like', a metaphor was employed. So this comparison between the tin can and raindrops might have been as a result of the sound made by the droplets of rain.

Mice of men

Chapter 5 (84-98)



The men decide to go out and hunt for Lennie after they find out that he has killed Curleys wife.

Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Daughter of Invention" and answer the question. Select a detail that supports the idea that General Trujillo was a violent dictator


Answer: May I see the questions??


What is unit????????????????????



unit is individual thing or person regarded as single and complete but which can also form an individual component of a larger or more complex whole.



an individual thing or person regarded as single and complete but which can also form an individual component of a larger or more complex whole.

"large areas of land made up of smaller units"-Dictionary


What is important for you when you buy a product like a computer, TV or car? Why?





Reviews and ratings are key things to look over when looking for the perfect product. When I am looking at something to buy, I look at the reviews and ratings first, if it is over a 4 star rating, then I continue. I then look at some of the top reviews to see if they seem like they are bot reviews, then I look at the bottom reviews to get a good idea of what I am expecting for quality, shipping, use, etc. All of these things are important for me, because it helps provide a sense of safety and security in a product I am getting. Also, it helps me know if the product would be worth the price tag (via quality, time of shipping, shipping quality, usage, and more).

The thing that is important for me when I buy a product like a computer, TV or car is utility.

Utility simply refers to the satisfaction that one gets from the use or the consumption of a particular commodity. People typically go for the products that'll give them the highest satisfaction.

Therefore, when I buy a product like a computer, TV, or car, the most important thing for me is the utility that's derived from the product. If I derive utility, then I'm satisfied with the purchase.

Read related link on:


How is the gerund phrase used in this sentence?
We get most of our exercise by swimming in the new pool.
A) direct object
B the object of a preposition
C predicate noun
D appositive phrase


The correct answer is B. The object of a preposition


The object of the preposition is a noun or a pronoun that completes the meaning of the preposition. Some prepositions are: by, above, behind, in, outside, under, among others. On the other hand, a gerund is the non-personal or impersonal form of a verb that ends in "ING", for example, swimming, walking, watching, playing, among others. According to the above, in the sentence presented swimming a gerund and is used as the object of the preposition "by" because it completes the meaning of this preposition. So, the correct answer is B. The object of a preposition

Use your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots to find the word which best replaces the underlined word.

My mother wanted to augment the amount of chores I had, but I thought I already had plenty.
none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




A. Increase


Answer: A


Read the sentence.

I never get tired of reading the book 101 of the most fascinating places on the planet.

How should this sentence be revised?

I never get tired of reading the book 101 of the Most Fascinating Places on the Planet.
I never get tired of reading the book 101 Of The Most Fascinating Places On The Planet.
I never get tired of reading the Book 101 Of the Most Fascinating Places On the Planet.
I never get tired of reading the Book 101 of The Most Fascinating Places on The Planet.



I never get tired of reading the book 101 of the Most Fascinating Places on The Planet.

You just need to capitalize some words.

Read the excerpt from The Dark Game.

Mr. H. quickly began talking to his contacts in the city. Soon he heard of a British printer in Mexico City who had been falsely arrested for printing counterfeit money. Mr. H. intervened with the British minister, who got the frightened printer released from custody and the charges against him dropped. The printer, overjoyed to be free, told Mr. H. that he would welcome the opportunity to repay the agent for his intervention. As a matter of fact, Mr. H. told him, there was a favor the printer could do for him.

Which inference can a reader make based on the information in the excerpt?

Mr. H. knew the printer would help them upon release from prison.
Mr. H. was very concerned for the falsely imprisoned printer.
Mr. H. and the printer had known each other for a long time.
Mr. H. originally had not intended to employ the printer’s help.



The answer is A, Mr. H assumed the printer would help him as a favor for helping the printer out of custody




I can also verify that this answer is A as I just took the quiz and passed that quiz.


Write what Edward does on Sunday.​



no clue just doing it for the points


đặt câu với infant, pensioner, teenager, career,family



Kindly check explanation


The programmes were specifically organized to reduce and fight infant mortality to the bearest minimum within the community.

Five years after service, my father who is a pensioner still misses going to work in a government established parastatal.

Her marital issues escalated as a result of career related misunderstanding between her spouse.

We were all enjoined to be calm and let the issue slide as well all aim to be good ambassadors of the family.

girls answer this: how can i be a gentleman? :(


not a girl, but be respectful and respect their opinions.

CLASSIC OPEN THE DOOR FOR THEM and pull their chairs for them

ask them if they feel safe and comfortable

ask them how they are EVERYDAY

let them now that you will go infinite and beyond for them

Write a news story to be published in newspaper about a local festival/fair you have witnessed.​



"Pizza lovers rejoice" festival


Pizza lovers across the coutry celebrate "Pizza lovers rejoice" festival every year on 30th April. This year too the festival was celebrated with joy and excitement across the country. The festival starts from noon and  the celebration is on till 10 PM. All varieties of Pizza is prepared and served along with music and dance to the visitors. Booze, desert and non-pizza options are also on the plate along with retro games, facepainting etc.

F) Pick out Pronoun and tell the kind.

1. He has written this book himself.

2. Who came late in the class?

3. The manager himself checked the taste of the soup.

4. This is a present from my uncle.

5. These crayons are ours.

6. This is the man whose son won the first prize.

7. The Principal herself suggested the changes.​







3.pronoun: himself





kind: demonstrative


kind: demonstrative


kind: reflexive

Based on its etymology,
which sentence best uses the
word "reminiscence"?
A. He got caught up in a reminiscence of
the first time he saw the face of his forty
year bride.
B. He wiped his brow and muttered a
reminiscence before resuming chopping
C. It would be a good idea to
reminiscence about the ingredients before
making the cake.



The answer is a.


Because I know it

you have been installed a chief in your hometown. write a letter to your friend in another school telling him,at least, two things you intend doing to develop the town.​



Letter writing to a friend telling him about my plans as the new chief of my hometown.


ABC Plaza Road


21 May 2017

My dear best friend Mike,

I hope you are doing well. I am also doing fine by the grace of God. And I also have some news to share with you.

Recently, I have been appointed the chief of my hometown, which was a huge deal for me. I have numerous plans to make my town a bit more developed and operational in all stages. So, I planned to ensure that the school buildings are reconstructed as the present one is barely standing on its own. Moreover, I wanted to ensure that all children are made to attend the school as I want to make sure that the children stay educated, at least to some extend. And, most of all, I want to promote the various skills of the town folks and ensure that they have some form of income source.

These are some of the plans that I have developed, which I hope, I can do so.

Take care and will see you soon.



What are some of the character traits that great leaders have in common? What are some historical or modern figures that you consider to be a great leader?



1. A Positive Attitude

Great leaders know that they won’t have a happy and motivated team unless they themselves exhibit a positive attitude. This can be done by remaining positive when things go wrong and by creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the workplace.

Even some simple things like providing snacks or organizing a team Happy Hour can make a world of difference. An added perk is that team members are likely to work harder and do overtime when needed if they’re happy and appreciated.

2. Confidence

All great leaders have to exhibit an air of confidence if they’re going to succeed. Please don’t confuse this with self-satisfaction and arrogance. You want people to look up to you for inspiration, not so they can punch you in the face.

Confidence is important because people will be looking to you on how to behave, particularly if things aren’t going 100% right. If you remain calm and poised, team members are far more likely to as well. As a result, morale and productivity will remain high, and the problem will be solved more quickly.

3. A Sense of Humor

It’s imperative for any kind of leader to have a sense of humor, particularly when things go wrong. And they will.

Your team members are going to be looking to you for how to react in a seemingly dire situation. It would probably be best if you weren’t stringing up a noose for yourself in the corner. You need to be able to laugh things off because if staff morale goes down, so will productivity.

4. Ability to Embrace Failure

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, failures will happen; that’s okay. You just need to know how to deal with them.

Great leaders take them in strides. They remain calm and logically think through the situation and utilize their resources. What they don’t do is fall apart and reveal to their team how worried they are, which leads to negative morale, fear, and binge-drinking under desks.

5. Careful Listening and Feedback

This is far more complex than it actually sounds. Good communication skills are essential for a great leader. You may very well understand the cave of crazy that is your brain, but that doesn’t mean that you can adequately take the ideas out of it and explain them to someone else.

How should the sentence below be changed to include a verb phrase using the
indicated verb?

Many famous auto racing drivers _____ about the sport at a young age. (think)

a) Many famous auto racing drivers thought about the sport at a young age.

b) Many famous auto racing drivers think about the sport at a young age.

c) Many famous auto racing drivers spend time thinking about the sport at a young age.

d) None of the above


Option A, it shows that the famous auto racers THOUGHT about the sport at a young age and shows it happened in the past. (Hope that helps)

paraphrase the following sentence: "To be an effective problem-solver, you need to be able to manage broad chunks of knowledge, and also be able to perform critical thinking activities like analysis, synthesis and evaluation of both new and existing information"​



Knowledge and critical thinking skills are needed to be a good problem-solver.


I paraphrased it.

what does unseen composition mean​



means that you have a complete and thorough 

understanding of the passage 

The main goal of comprehension is to assess

 one's ability to correctly understand the 

meaning of a given passage as well as one's 

ability to answer questions based on the 

passage in one's own words.

In "How to Tell a True War Story," what does O'Brien compare the war to?
a cloud
a tree
a fog
a cat


I think the answer is a fog

In "How to Tell a True War Story," O'Brien compares the war to a fog.

What does O'Brien say about a true war story?

O'Brien says the moral of a true war story, like the thread that makes a cloth, cannot be separated from the story itself. A true war story cannot be made general or abstract, he says. The significance of the story is whether or not you believe it in your stomach.

How does O'Brien do in telling you his war story?

O'Brien says you can tell a true war story "by the questions you ask." If someone tells a story and afterward you ask whether or not it was true and the answer matters, then it's not a true war story.

Learn more about "How to Tell a True War Story," by O'Brien at



Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence for our
a.) The Declaration of Independence
b.) Declaration Of Independence, Country
C.) Declaration of Independence, country
d.) None of the choices have ALL properly capitalized words.
ob mills
Which of this answers need to be capitalized and which did not


C. Declaration of Independence, country

find out about a popular folktale prevalent to ISLAM region.



many persons who spared islam


kulrus osam a Oatman empire


Fatima the spinner is one of them

What is the final step in evaluating the information in a video?
1) listing key details
2) summanzing ideas
3) identifying the subject
4) recording central ideas
plz help​



2) summarizing ideas

Hope this helps! :)


2) summarizing ideas

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