Comparative and superlative

My new phone is ____ than my old one

a- better
b- more good
c- the best​


Answer 1
answer: a

p.s have a wonderful day/night !
Answer 2


A- better


When 2 objects are being compared, use comparative. Thus remove option c: the best.

More good is not a comparative, better is the comparative of good.

Thus the Answer is Better

brainliest please~

Related Questions

Students who have read a section of a text and do not understand it should
keep reading until the end of the story, when things will become clear.
ask themselves when comprehension was lost.
begin to copy any remaining text into their notes.
push themselves to read faster in order to finish early and review.



B. ask themselves when comprehension was lost.


edg. 2021

Pliss help me plisss



I don't know but good luck wit that

Can you post the possible answers in the comment section? Please and thank you.

The passage most supports the conclusion that

most Greeks had bold characters.

the Greek people valued beauty.

most Greeks had mixed parentage.

the Greek people valued respect.



D.the Greek people valued respect.


From the excerpt Given, it was read that the Minotuar who was born to King Mino's wife was a product whose birth was coursed when the king decided once again not to sacrifice the white bull given for sacrifice on the basis that it was fine, and he decided to sacrifice another. This act of not honoring the sacrificial bull and decision to sacrifice another showed a lack of disrespect which resulted in the unnatural feelings between the bull and Mino's wife

Answer: D.

Explanation: On Edge!!!!!!!!

Write a letter to the chairman of your local government area requesting for some social amenities in your area



Letter to the chairman of the local government area requesting for social amenities.



The Chairman

ABC District


23 May 2017

Subject: Request for social amenities in our locality.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the residents of ABC village, I would like to bring to your kind attention the lack of social amenities. For the villagers, it is important that we have some congregational spaces or buildings whenever there's a need to discuss issues. Added to that, we have no means of getting drinking water, which leaves us to try to get it from the nearby village, a hectic and tiring effort for everyone.

And there is also hardly any good infrastructure for the children to learn and study. There are no buildings to be called schools, leaving the children to learn out in the open.

So, as a representative of our locality, we would like to request you o kindly look into the matter and try to get us some of the basic social amenities for our village.

Anticipating your response.

Thank you for your time.


Mr. Ashutosh Singh.

The set of individuals or object with common characteristics selected for a research study is called abstract.





A population can be defined as the total number of living organisms living together in a particular place and sharing certain characteristics in common.

In Statistics, sampling can be defined as a process used to collect or select data (objects, observations, or individuals) from a larger statistical population using specific procedures.

Hence, a larger population may be divided into a fraction of the population (subpopulation or samples) based on certain factors and reasons that are determined by a researcher.

In conclusion, the set of individuals or object with common characteristics selected for a research study is called a population.

screenshot 2021-06 54.09 am ong


I feel it’s a bit at the same time u didn’t provide enough information cause we didn’t read the story

What have you learned about working with others in a
formal setting that will help you be successful in group
discussions? Respond in two to three sentences.




When working in a formal group setting, everyone needs to have an opportunity to both actively listen and speak about the topic. I think that I should always come prepared, support my opinions, and respect the other members of the group, even when we disagree.

Rewrite it correctly using subject verb agreements.
some of the furniture are broken​



Some of the furniture is broken.





Aeolus- A part I forgot

They stay with King Aeolus for 2 months and he gives Odysseus 2 bags of winds, the west which will blow them toward Ithaca and a bag of unfavourable windsThe men open the wrong bag and they are blown back to Aeolus who refuses to help them a second time


The remaining men and Odysseus land here which is home to Helios' blessed cattle. The men are desperate for food and Odysseus tells them not to eat the cattle but they kill and eat one (Odysseus doesn't)Zeus strikes the ship to appease Helios and only Odysseus survives

Ogygia (Calypso)-

Odysseus washes up on Ogygia, home of the nymph Calypso. She becomes infatuated with him and holds him prisoner on her island for 7 years until Hermes (sent by Zeus) tells her to let him build a raft and leave


After Poseidon once more sinks his boat, Odysseus washes up on Scheria and meets King Alcinous. He regales him with the story of his adventureWhen he is sleeping, he is put on a boat sailing for Ithaca (thanks Athena)


When he awakens, he doesn't know he is home until Athena tells him and helps to disguise him so the suitors (who have been plaguing Penelope for her hand since Odysseus left) won't recognize him.Penelope thinks the beggar is Odysseus so she arranges for an archery contest that only Odysseus can winHe wins in his disguise then shows himself and with the help of his son, Telemachus,  they kill all of the suitors.

How does the evidence most support the central idea that Gandhi recognized indentured servants’ brutal treatment? The evidence explains that Gandhi would lose caste if he traveled across the black water. The evidence indicates that Gandhi wanted to live where he could interact with sugar workers. The evidence shows that Gandhi felt sorry for a man who approached him weeping. The evidence details how Gandhi saw a man who had been beaten and knew that the man could not leave



The evidence details how Gandhi saw a man who had been beaten and knew that the man could not leave.


Hello. You did not submit the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, when searching for your question, I found another question exactly like yours, which featured an excerpt from the book "Sugar Changed the World," specifically, the excerpt that relates the time when Ghandi went to work as a lawyer in South Africa, where there were many Indians who were hired to work in the sugar cane fields.

During his stay in South Africa, Ghani was able to witness an Indian, who worked in these fields, with his clothes torn, his face bruised and his mouth bleeding, in addition to having broken teeth and crying a lot. This man had been violently beaten by his employer. Ghandi realizes how the workers are treated with violence and cannot do anything to protect themselves, as if they leave their jobs, they can be arrested and further mistreated.




Read the passage from "The Caged Bird.”

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

In "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” how does Marguerite’s reaction to oppression differ from the reaction of the caged bird?

A She refuses to dress nicely for Mrs. Flowers.
B She refuses to leave the house.
C She refuses to eat Mrs. Flowers’s cookies.
D She refuses to speak to anyone.


Answer: she refuses to speak to anyone


Pick D

A pronunciation guide is a _____.
guide to where to place accents on syllables
key to help locate the vowel sounds
guide to the original language pronunciation
key to help you understand the sound of pronunciation symbols


Mark Brainliest please

Answer is the last option

a key to help you understand the sound of pronunciation symbols

A pronunciation guide is a _____.

[tex]\pink \dag \boxed{ \bf \red{ \underline{YoUr\: AnsWeR}}}[/tex]

key to help you understand the sound of pronunciation symbols.

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{❦}}}}}[/tex]

can you read my essay and tell me what to improve? (second part)



i think its great tbh

there's no mistake, with details, very persuasive and discriptive, you also included Data /stastistics from different sources,

great job!

p.s good luck on your essay bby<3


it's great but be sure to check your grammar! on main topic 3 you start with "Now, did you ever thought" but it should be have you ever thought! good luck

FRITZ—But you see you make dem talk when you do foolish things. FRANK—Foolish? You mean going out alone? Good Heavens! You don't supose I'm going to give up all my chances of seeing and knowing and understanding just because a few silly people are talking about me? FRITZ—But you are a woman. You must not expect people to trust you—too much. FRANK—I'm not going to spend my life explaining. Which feminist literary theme of the early- to mid-twentieth century is best reflected in this excerpt?



The answer is "Women are under pressure to live up to the standards of society".


Now the literary issue would be that women have a hard time since no one takes them properly or at least inside the early half of the last century. Most people thought it wasn't common for women should take this seriously, rather than for women to have items like voting rights or to work or such. It because they'd been considered less grave than men.


A-  Women feel pressure to conform to society’s expectations.


edg i took the test (;

How do the events of the story change Craig a change of heart



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Craig now realizes that his companion has almost always wanted nothing but the best regarding him. His conviction in his personal challenge is bolstered by her important inquiry and his response. He is comforted in the knowledge that he'll never be all alone his desire to start a new life.

Part Two, “the pedal boat”



To me it looks like the answer is A.

Because the top seller is the brand new canoe if you buy it its a ten-year warranty so... yeah it would be A. sorry if im wrong but im sure that its right. Good Luck. Oh and do you know Malu Trevejo im listening to her right now her voice is just so... UGH i love it

How did scientists use evidence of seafloor spreading to support Alfred Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift after death?



Seafloor speeding is the phenomina of new seafloor being created through mid-ocean ridges. Wegener proposed that the continents themselves move, which is untrue. It is the tectonic plates that move. Seafloor speeding caused the breakup of Pangaea, which prompted to add this in support of his Continental drift theory

What is the subject and theme of "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley?
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
a Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
O A.
The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.
© B.
The subject is art and IS the theme is that art can immortalize beauty.
© C. The subject is human vanity and the theme iS that human vanity is destroyed by time.
© D.
The subject is immortality and the theme iS that human vanity is not subject to time and natur



A. The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.


"Ozymandias" is a poem that portrays the moment when the speaker came across the statue of a king, who was very grand and powerful while he was alive, but who now, years after his death, is nothing more than a mere destroyed statue. , thrown in the sand. The power and kingdom that this king built was completely defeated by death, which is more powerful than he.

Thus, we can see that the poem has death as its main subject. In addition, the poem is about death's ability to dominate everything the way it wishes.

The subject of a poem refers to the main element that the poet wants to address within the text. In contrast, the theme is the message the author wants to convey through the poem.

What does “It” in line 6 refer to? Support your answer with evidence from the poem.



Why are Russian students doing so well in school? How could this question be improved to make it a more effective research question?



Russian students have been doing very well in school, Do you think the information is false?


Answer: Because in mother Russia school do you.

Explanation: Russia

What does parrker mean by the poor are always silent



Parker is referring to poor people's helplessness when she says "the poor are always silent." Money is extremely important in poverty. Money is the perfect solution to all problems. Poor people, on the other hand, feel weaker as a result of a lack of resources


What does the word precipitated mean in the following sentence?

The incident at school precipitated the need for more security.



cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.

Guys helping I can't think of 5 questions I can ask the clouds WRITE A LIST OF UP TO 5 QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD ASK THE CLOUDS?




Do you ever get lonely?Do you have any friends?Do you ever get bored just floating around?Would you ever like to come down to earth?What do you do in your free time?


Hopefully this is what you mean-

free poinnttts...........​








it is the third answer ♡

Which of the following is an example of a fable





Fables usually have a simple lesson/message for the reader

answer: C

Explanation: a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

What technique makes both excerpts effective?
Read the two excerpts from Governor George
Wallace's inaugural address,
As Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life,
gave us liberty at the same time; no King holds the right
of liberty in his hands."
O They both quote historical figures.
O They both have a counterclaim that disproves facts.
O They both make an appeal to emotion
O They both include the use of repetition.
The great writer Rudyard Kipling, wrote of them, that:
"There in the Southland of the United States of
America, lives the greatest fighting breed of man in
all the world!"



O They both make an appeal to emotion


Emotional appeal is a literary device employed by writers or speakers when they try to elicit an emotional response like anger, pity, happiness, pride, etc., from their audience. It helps in convincing the audience thus making the speaker win his argument. Thomas Jefferson employed this by appealing to the peoples' desire for liberty. Rudyard Kipling also employed this by appealing to the strength of the people located in the South of the United States.


is A. Both quote historical figures


I saw the same question but with this answer and is right

two birds / the tree / nest which / There are / is on / near the/ ( rewrite the sentence ).. please tell me the answer..​



There are two birds near the nest which is on the tree.

Read this passage.
Tia and Lin had been best friends since kindergarten. Both
avid soccer players, the girls decided to try out for the high
school team together. Unfortunately, there was just one
open spot, so only one of the girls would be chosen. They
both worked hard, and on tryout day, they did their best.
When the team roster came out, Lin was excited to see
that she had made the team but sad that Tia had not. Tia
was happy for her friend and vowed to work harder so she
would make the team the next year.
What is the main conflict in this passage?
O A. Tia and Lin are both competing for one spot on the soccer team.
B. Tia is mad at Lin because Lin made the soccer team and Tia didn't
O C. Lin is mad at Tia because Tia didn't do her best at tryouts for the
soccer team
D D. Tia and Lin want to play soccer, but the coach wont let them try



A. Tia and Lin are both competing for one spot on the soccer team.





hema will not attend the party because she is sick compound sentence or complex sentence​



Yes, that is exactly what you should tell them. If two clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction, it's a compound sentence. If two clauses are connected with a subordinating conjunction, it's a complex sentence.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest


it is a compound sentence

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