Contrast how a depositor's account is classified by a bank compared to how it is classified by the account owner by completing the following sentence. A depositor's account is a(n) (liability/asset/expense) on the bank's records, but it is a(n) (liability/asset/expense) on the books of the account owner. Because of this, every time the account owner makes a deposit, the bank (debits/credits) the account owner's account.


Answer 1


A depositor's account is a liability on the bank's records, but it is an asset on the books of the account owner. Because of this, every time the account owner makes a deposit, the bank credits the owner's account.


A liability is a debt that a person or company owes to another party, usually in the form of money. Therefore, a depositor's account shows the amount the banking is owing the depositor. This makes it a liability.

An asset is any resource that a business or economic entity owns or controls, such as money. Therefore, a depositor's account shows the amount a depositor has in the bank or the amount the bank is owing him. This therefore makes it an asset.

According to accounting principle, all assets must be debited while liabilities must credited. Since a deposit a liability to the bank, the bank credits the owner's account every time the account owner makes a deposit.

Therefore, a depositor's account is a liability on the bank's records, but it is an asset on the books of the account owner. Because of this, every time the account owner makes a deposit, the bank credits the owner's account.

Related Questions

One could argue that selecting an account with minimal fees is more important than selecting a savings account based on interest rate right now. Why might this be true?




A checking account is a bank account you can write checks from, or access several other ways, which tends to make it your go-to, daily transaction bank account. A savings account is where you stash funds that you aren't ready to use yet, often with the goal of accumulating more.

Saving account are bank account which are used the for benefit of interest accrued on capital being saved therein.

However, there are operation charges on the saving account which might deplete the real amount of interest been accrued.

Using a checking account have no or minimal fee, so they are seen as alternative to saving account because of charges.

In conclusion, people might prefer checking account over saving account during this period because interest rate on saving rate are low which will might make operation charges deduct from interest amount till negative.

Learn more about Checking & Saving account here

explain the meaning of personal account,real account and nominal account,give five examples each​



An example of a Real Account is a Bank Account. A Personal account is a General ledger account connected to all persons like individuals, firms and associations. ... A Nominal account is a General ledger account pertaining to all income, expenses, losses and gains. An example of a Nominal Account is an Interest Account

Discuss the meaning of taxation​



the meaning of taxation is the levying of tax.

Three sisters are interested in forming a business together. They have three initial concerns: How to maximize their benefits from the fact that the business is not expected to earn money for at least the first 2 years Making sure that the business will be able to continue in the event one or two of the sisters dies Minimizing their personal liability for the obligations of the business On the basis of the sister's concerns, which form of business is appropriate for the situation



Limited liability company


A limited liability company is one that the owners are not personally liable for the business. Rather the company is a legal entity on its own and can be sued legally as a sepearte entity from its owners.

It combines features of a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship.

This will be the best type of business given that the business will not be expected to earn for the first two years. The sisters will not be personally liable for any debt incurred.

Also the business will continue even if only one of the sisters remains.

So an LLC is the best option for them.

An economy produces wind turbines, pizza, automobiles, and haircuts. Consumers purchase pizza and haircuts, as well as T-shirts made in another country. Firms purchase wind turbines, as well as x-ray machines made in another country. The government purchases automobiles. An increase in the price of x-ray machines will increase the _____ price index. An increase in the price of T-shirts will increase the _____ price index.



An increase in the price of x-ray machines will increase the _Inflation____ price index. An increase in the price of T-shirts will increase the __Inflation___ price index.


Given -

The price of the X ray machine and the T-shirt is rising and people's income is stable. In this scenario, the purchasing ability of a person declines and he/she will not be able to buy these two commodities thereby increasing the inflation price index.

An increase in the price of x-ray machines will increase the _Inflation____ price index. An increase in the price of T-shirts will increase the __Inflation___ price index.

Monetary policy refers to Question 23 options: actions taken by banks and other financial institutions regarding their approaches to lending, account management, etc. changes in the money supply to achieve particular economic goals. changes in government expenditures and taxation to achieve particular economic goals. the change in private expenditures that occurs as a consequence of changes in the money supply.



changes in the money supply to achieve particular economic goals.


Monetary policy can be defined as the actions (macroeconomic policies) adopted and undertaken by the central bank of a particular country (Federal Reserve System in the United States of America) to control the money supply and interest rates so as to boost or enhance economic growth.

Basically, monetary policies are used by the central bank to manage inflation, economic growth through long-term interest rates and level of unemployment in a country. In order to boost economic growth, the national government through its central bank introduces monetary policy to increase money supply (liquidity). Also, a monetary policy can be used to prevent inflation through the reduction of money supply at a given period of time.

Furthermore, money supply comprises of checks, cash, money market mutual funds (MMF) and credit (mortgage, bonds and loans).

In conclusion, monetary policy refers to changes in the money supply adopted by the central bank to achieve particular economic goals.

The interest rate would fall and the quantity of money demanded would:
a. increase if there were a shortage in the money market
b. decrease if there were a shortage in the money market
c. increase if there were a surplus in the money market
d. decrease if there were a surplus in the money market



c. increase if there were a surplus in the money market


The interest rate can be regarded as amount that lender charges s result of using his/her assets which is usually expressed as a percentage of principal amount. It could be typically annual basis which is annual percentage rate. These Asset could be building, cash and so on.

Demand for money can be regarded as

desired that involves holding of financial assets which is in money form .The quantity of money demanded can go up or down with respect to fluctuation of the interest rate.

It should be noted that The interest rate would fall and the quantity of money demanded would increase if there were a surplus in the money market

End item A requires three component parts: B, C, and D. The BOM indicates that for each completed A, 1 unit of B, 2 units of C, and 1 unit of D are required. Current inventory for the four items is as follows: there are 15 As, 40 Bs, 50 Cs, and 15 Ds in stock. If the lead time for all items is 1 week and there are no scheduled receipts for any item, how many units of product A can be delivered to customers at the start of next week (week 2) if you realize now the BOM has been just changed?



30 in total


In order to calculate how many items A we can produce we need to check how many units required we have, in this case, we have:

40 B's

50 C's

15  D's

We require 2 units of C, 1 Unit of B, and 1 unit of C.

As you can see in our inventory we only have 15 units of D's, meaning that that is our maximum number of items A produced this week, since we already have 15 A items, we can deliver 30 A products this week.

elect a product or service to sell.
Now determine the target market for your product or service by answering the following questions in a table:
Are your target customers male or female?
How old are they?
Where do they live? Is geography a limiting factor for any reason?
What do they do for a living?
How much money do they make? This is important if you are selling expensive or luxury items.
What other aspects of their lives matter? For example, do they need to be homeowners?

Now, identify your product or service and explain what your target market is and why.



what is your main question

Which of the following is true about business purchases? Business purchases are usually quicker and more informal than are consumer purchases. Business purchases involve fewer participants in decision making compared to consumer purchases. Purchasing agents are absent in business purchases. Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases. Business purchases involve less technical and economic considerations compared to consumer purchases.



Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases.


A form of business purchase where the purchaser received the assets of the business without presuming the liabilities. Here the purchase price should be distributed to the business assets and the same should become the part of the business purchase agreement. Also as the name suggest it means the purchase done for the business purpose that become professional not for the personal purchase or consumer purchase

Angelo was all set to start his new business. Although he did not have as much cash as he would have liked, he figured that once the business got going, the cash generated from sales would keep the business running. He was surprised, however, that sales weren't as strong as he thought and now he is cash-strapped. Angelo is experiencing a common problem known as ______.



The answer is undercapitalization


It is evident that the business is undercapitalized. Undercapitalization is a situation when a company/firm does not have enough or the needed funds to run the business operations or pay his creditors.

Angelo is undercapitalized because her sales are not generating the needed cash flows coupled with her inadequate capital. So she needs to raise enough capital or develop new strategy to increase her sales.

A facility presents an ABN to a patient in the emergency room who is considered critical after a medical screening exam. The service performed may be noncovered by Medicare based on the diagnosis. The patient signs the ABN. The patient is stabilized and is placed in observation care for 48 hours and then sent home. Medicare denies the service based on frequency limits. Which of the following is most correct?
a. Facility may not bill the patient because two witnesses did not sign the ABN.
b. Facility may not bill the patient because the ABN is defective.
c. Facility may bill the patient for the services because the patient has had the service more frequently than Medicare considers necessary.
d. Facility may bill the patient for the services because the ABN was signed.


The answer is B. Hopes this helps :)

Orange, an online-gaming site, has millions of users. The site has many games which pit users against each other. The relative standing of each user is presented in the form of an elaborate ranking system for each game. Users pride themselves on gaining the highest points and the highest rank possible. This rise in user participation has increased the value of Orange significantly. This is an example of ________.



C) network effects


Theses are the options for the question

A) monopolistic competition

B) internal marketing

C) network effects

D) guerilla marketing

From the question we are informed about Orange, which is an online-gaming site, has millions of users. The site has many games which pit users against each other. The relative standing of each user is presented in the form of an elaborate ranking system for each game. Users pride themselves on gaining the highest points and the highest rank possible. This rise in user participation has increased the value of Orange significantly. This is an example of network effects. The network effect can be regarded as phenomenon which occur as a result of increased numbers of people or increase in participants improvement about the value of a good or service. One of the example of this effect is Internet. Initially, there were few number of users on the Internet, because people do not see much value then , it was some military and some research scientists that values it, but now almost everyone values it.

Think of an advertisement that you found particularly effective. Describe the product and the advertisement. Explain why you believe it was effective.



I find that the advertisment towards the south korean pop Band BTS directed towards a variety of ages is very effective. They promote their music on all social media plataforms which is obviously directed towards teens and People in their 20s. They make an annual 50 million dollars


My hips dont lie

Which of the following is NOT one of Modigliani and Miller's set of conditions referred to as perfect capital markets?
A. All investors hold the efficient portfolio of assets.
B. There are no taxes, transaction costs, or issuance costs associated with security trading.
C. A firm's financing decisions do not change the cash flows generated by its investments, nor do they reveal new information about them.
D. Investors and firms can trade the same set of securities at competitive market prices equal to the present value of their future cash flows.





here are their assumptions

All expectations on expected cash flows are homogenous bonds and shares are traded in perfect markets - there are no transaction costs. two investments with identical cash flows, terms and risk must trade at the same price investors can borrow and lend at the risk free rate there are no agency cost investing and financing decisions are independent of each other

The option, NOT one of Modigliani and Miller's set of conditions often referred to as perfect capital markets, is A. All investors hold the efficient portfolio of assets.

Modigliani and Miller's theory is based on the assumptions that there are no taxes, transaction, issuance, and bankruptcy costs in security trading. It relies on the symmetry of market information and the same borrowing cost for investors and companies.  These assumptions do not apply in the real world.

Thus, the wrong option is A. All investors hold the efficient portfolio of assets.

Learn more about Modigliani and Miller's set of conditions here:

假設你目前正經營一項事業,你預計將在海外開設一個營運據點。 1. 請自行設定你的事業內容,並予以說明。 2. 請自行設定你預計在海外何處開設營運據點,以及營運據點的功能為何(如負責銷售或生產)。請說明你的設定,以及解釋為何選擇在該國設置據點。 3. 請蒐集資料分析在你所選擇的國家設置營運據點,在營運時,可能需要注意的政治風險有哪些,對你的事業可能會產生什麼樣的影響? ※政治風險包含的層面很廣,包含當地政府對於資金匯回的管制、匯兌管制、對污染及勞工權益的態度、對外國企業的額外賦稅規定、當地消費者的態度(如傾向於買國貨)、當地政府的運作不效率或腐敗,以及戰爭等。


the question is

Suppose you are currently running a business and you expect to open an operating base overseas. 1. Please set your own business content and explain it. 2. Please set yourself where you plan to open an operation base overseas and what the functions of the operation base are (such as responsible for sales or production). Please explain your settings and explain why you chose to set up a base in this country. 3. Please collect data and analyze the establishment of an operating base in the country of your choice. What are the political risks that you may need to pay attention to when operating, and what impact may it have on your business? ※Political risks include a wide range of levels, including local government's control of fund repatriation, exchange control, attitudes to pollution and labor rights, additional tax regulations for foreign companies, and local consumers' attitudes (such as tending to buy domestic products) , Inefficiency or corruption of local government operations, and wars.

MY FINAL QUESTION 80 POINTS! TAKE your time :) Look at image below
Your Blog
Evaluate your blog using the data analytics provided in the blog-hosting service. Then, create a report that summarizes your blog activities.

Investigate and analyze your blog activities. You will understand how blogs can be effective and what are the challenges involved in creating effective blogs and social media platforms. Use graphics, charts, and other forms of visual data to analyze your blog activities.



Understand your audience. ..Create your blog domain. ...Customize your blog's theme. ...Identify your first blog post's topic. ...Come up with a working title. ...Write an intro (and make it captivating). ...Organize your content in an outline. ...Write your blog post!

this is the guidence how to make blog

I hope u find this helpful

According to Olivier Blanchard, Europeans are more likely to use increases in real wages resulting from technological progress to increase ______, and Americans are more likely to use these increases in real wages to increase ______. unemployment insurance benefits; efficiency wages hours of leisure; consumption of goods and services hours of work; hours of leisure consumption of goods and services; hours of leisure


Answer: hours of leisure consumption of goods and services;


Real wage is the wage that has been adjusted as a result od inflation.

Based on the information given, according to Olivier Blanchard, Europeans are more likely to use increases in real wages resulting from technological progress to increase (hours of leisure) and Americans are more likely to use these increases in real wages to increase the (consumption of goods and services).

In December of Year 4, John (a cash-basis taxpayer) received a $2,000 payment from Tom who signed a year's lease to rent John's house. The $2,000 payment consisted of the following:

1st Month's Rent (for the month of December, Year 4) $800Last Month's Rent (for the month of December, Year 5) 800Security Deposit (to be returned at end of lease) 400

How much should John include as rental income on his Year 4 tax return as a result of the $2,000 payment?



John should include $1,600 as rental income on his Year 4 tax return as a result of the $2,000 payment.


As a cash-basis taxpayer, John's taxable income is based on the actual cash receipts and payments made in the accounting period.  The refundable part of the rent should not be included as rental income since it is a security deposit that would be returned at the end of the lease period.  If John were an accrual-basis taxpayer, the rental income to be included would have been only $800 representing income for Year 4.

Which of the following statement about capital market stakeholders is true Group of answer choices oftentimes capital market stakeholders, product market stakeholders, and organizational stakeholders disagree with each other Offering cash dividends to stockholders will please all the capital market stakeholders within groups, capital market stakeholders are always agree with each others for all the firms, capital market stakeholders are the most important stakeholders for firms to cater to


Answer: Often times capital market stakeholders, product market stakeholders, and organizational stakeholders disagree with each other


The various stakeholders a company will often times find that they are clashing with each other as they try to push their agenda at the expense of other stakeholders.

Capital market stakeholders for instance, provide capital to the business and so would prefer if it kept costs as low as possible so that they the capital providers can get an adequate return. Product market stakeholders such as suppliers would be trying to increase their prices so as to make more money and this would go against the wishes of the capital providers leading to a disagreement between both classes.

Andrea Arenas is the owner of 2 Places at 1 Time, a concierge company. She and her staff of 60 perform everyday services, such as walking the dog, picking up cleaning, waiting for the repairman, and going to the post office, for people who are too busy to perform these simple acts. One way she tries to ensure ___________ of services for her regular customers is to make sure that the same well-trained person is always assigned to work for them.





A service can be defined as an intangible (immaterial), non-physical activities, satisfactions or benefits that are offered for sale by a business service or provided to accompany the sales of a product. Thus, it's an action that involves offering something to a service taker or customer in return for an amount of money as payment.

Basically, a service is expected to have certain characteristics and these includes;

I. Intangibility.

II. Heterogeneity.

III. Perishability.

IV. Lack of ownership.

V. Inseparability.

VI. Variability.

VIII. Quality management.

In this scenario, one of the ways Andrea Arenas tries to ensure consistency of services for her regular customers is to ensure that the same well-trained person (employee) is always assigned to work for them.

This ultimately implies that, she ensures her regular customers get the same level of quality service at all times by assigning a well-trained person (employee) to work for them.

Which of the following is an example of a specific purpose? A. I want my employees to understand and follow the new dress code policy. B. I want to persuade my team. C. I would like ABC Company to select us as the bank to serve their employees' banking needs. D. a and c



D. a and c


I hope it helps.

Executive headhunters have approached Charles about taking the position of senior vice president of marketing for a well-known company. Although this company has been highly successful since 1995, Charles has heard persistent rumors of overly aggressive marketing tactics, questionable reporting of sales data, and an atmosphere of intolerance of criticism. The CEO is a powerful and charismatic individual, who built the company from a small regional firm to an international powerhouse in only a decade. The other top managers have been hand-picked by the CEO, as have a number of the members of the board of directors. The salary for this position is very high and includes generous stock options. It would be a major step up in Charles's career and would position him to move to CEO of another company in the future. Charles has prided himself on his high moral values and is viewed as an exceptionally ethical person by his peers. What should Charles do?


Answer: d.Charles should not take the job because the culture of the organization is set by the CEO and other top managers. He would have little influence on the organizational culture as one of many top managers


Since Charles has prided himself on his high moral values and is viewed as an exceptionally ethical person by his colleagues, then this isn't the right job for him.

Since he has heard rumours of overly aggressive marketing tactics, questionable reporting of sales data, and an atmosphere of intolerance of criticism, this doesn't tally with his high moral values.

Also, since the CEO and other top managers sets up the organizational culture of the company, he would have little influence on the organizational culture as one of many top managers.

Assume the market value of Fords' equity, preferred stock, and debt are$6 billion, $2 billion, and $13 billion, respectively. Ford has a beta of 1.7, the market risk premium is 8%, and the risk-free rate of interest is 3%. Ford's preferred stock pays a dividend of $4 each year and trades at a price of $30 per share. Ford's debt trades with a yield to maturity of 8.0%. What is Ford's weighted average cost of capital if its tax rate is 30%




Cost of equity (Re) = Risk free rate + Equity rate*Market risk premium

Cost of equity (Re) = 0.03+(1.7*0.08)

Cost of equity (Re) = 0.03 + 0.136

Cost of equity (Re) = 0.166

Cost of preferred stock (Rpfd) = Dividend/stock price

Cost of preferred stock (Rpfd) = 4/30

Cost of preferred stock (Rpfd) = 0.1333

==> 6 billion + 2 billion + 13 billion = 21 billion

Debt % = 13 billion / 21 billion = 0.619 \

Equity % = 6 billion / 21 billion = 0.286

Preferred stock % = 2 billion / 21 billion = 0.095

Debt capital (Rd) = Its comes from yield to maturity of 8%

Tax rate= 30%

WACC = Re*E% + Rpfd*P% + Rd(1-Tc)D%

WACC = (0.166)*(0.286) + (0.1333)*(0.095) + (0.08)*(1-0.3))*(0.619)

WACC = 0.047476 + 0.0126635 + 0.034664

WACC = 0.0948035

WACC = 9.48%

So, Ford's weighted average cost of capital is 9.48%

Use the Internet to find an article that deals with the financial records of a business. Once you have found and read your article, record your summary and the link location using the following format in the box below. Be sure to include the URL links you used as resources in the space below. Submit your work below.

Paragraph #1 - Summary of article and link
Paragraph #2 - How it relates to entrepreneurship
Paragraph #3 - Your opinion of how the business will do in the next few months based on its financial records.



Business Financial Record

The financial records of a business is a representation of where the money the business earns comes from and where the money is being directed as well as the current status of the money earned, (source, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website) Financial records includes; General accounting books, Banking records, debtor's records, creditor's records, expenses records, tax records, grant details, contract records, list of assets, employee payments, cashbook records, and stock records (Source Australian Charities and Not-for profits commission website)

How it relates to entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur, venturing into a business, where capital investments are and resources are put, revenue is collected, stocks are sold, and factors of production such as equipment are purchased, can best maintain the financial health of the business by keeping an accurate and up to date financial record, such that the cash flows are efficiently manage to obtain the right prices and interest rates from suppliers and lenders respectively (Gateway to Commercial Finance website)

Your opinion of how the business will do in the next few months based on its financial records

A business that consistently makes profits and incurs a fixed expenses is expected to grow, while a business that has limited revenue is expected to embark on novel approaches


A company's financial records show where the money it makes originates from, where it is going, and how much money it is making at any one time. (Source: website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).

Thus,  According to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission website, financial records include general accounting books, banking records, debtor's records.

The creditor's records, expenses records, tax records, grant details, contract records, a list of assets, employee payments, cashbook records, and stock records.

When starting a firm where resources and capital are invested, money is gathered, stocks are sold, and production factors like equipment are bought, an entrepreneur can best manage the financial health of the business.

Thus, A company's financial records show where the money it makes originates from, where it is going, and how much money it is making at any one time. (Source: website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).

Learn more about production, refer to the link:


Economic fine-tuning is the (usually frequent) use of Group of answer choices fiscal policy that both balances the budget and counteracts even small undesirable movements in economic activity. monetary and fiscal policies to counteract even small undesirable movements in economic activity. only fiscal policy to counteract even small undesirable movements in economic activity. monetary policy that is based on a predetermined steady growth rate in the money supply to counteract even small undesirable movements in economic activity.



monetary and fiscal policies to counteract even small undesirable movements in economic activity.


Economic fine-tuning is the (usually frequent) use of monetary and fiscal policies to counteract or subvert even small undesirable movements in economic activity.

Monetary policy can be defined as the actions (macroeconomic policies) adopted and undertaken by the central bank of a particular country to control the money supply and interest rates so as to boost or enhance economic growth. The central bank uses monetary policies to manage inflation, economic growth through long-term interest rates and level of unemployment in a country. In order to boost economic growth, monetary policy is used to increase money supply (liquidity) while it is also used to prevent inflation by reducing money supply.

On the other hand, Fiscal policy refers to the use of government expenditures (spending) and revenues (taxation) in order to influence macroeconomic conditions such as Aggregate Demand (AD), inflation, and employment within a country. Fiscal policy is in relation to the Keynesian macroeconomic theory by John Maynard Keynes.

What is the impact of changes in the cost of energy, raw materials, borrowing, and premises on your
chosen enterprise?
(What happens if these costs increase/decrease and how will this impact the price of goods/services your enterprise provides)



Answer shortly


Running an enterprise may seem daunting at times especially when the economy isn't healthy and lack adequate commercial infrastructure. The running cost incurred on energy especially in a star without stable electricity to power engines and machines and as such leading to increased reliability on fuel and gas eats up a large chunk of revenue.

Raw materials are at the heart of producton, they are so important since they are the basis of what is being produced. This has a direct impact or say on the price of goods produced and ultimately the profit made from revenue.

Borrowing has formed a common part of a business setup, Running an enterprise would require the need taking loans, the impact of loans on business may be the repayment plan and interest rates. High Interest may result in unreasonable borrowing plan or inability to take loans to fund enterprise growth.

Identifying required environment or arrangement required for the business to thrive.

Generally, increase in energy cost and raw materials and borrowing will lower revenue as production cost will soar and high interest eats deep into profit.

Calculate the forward rate for (i) the second year; (ii) the third year; (iii) the fourth year. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to the nearest whole percent.) Maturity (years) Price of Bond 1 $ 943.40 2 898.47 3 847.62 4 792.16



Bond 1 : 4.38%

Bond 2 : 5.91%

Bond 3 : 6.07%

Bond 4 : 7.21%


The face value of the bond is assumed to be $1,000

Price of Bond 1 : 943.40 = 1000 / (1 + x1) ^1

x1 = 4.38%

Price of Bond 2 : 898.47 = 1000 / (1 + x1) ^2

x1 = 5.91%

Price of Bond 3 : 847.62 = 1000 / (1 + x1) ^3

x1 = 6.07%

Price of Bond 1 : 792.16 = 1000 / (1 + x1) ^4

x1 = 7.21%

True or false: A reduction of the deferred revenue account can be interpreted as a leading indicator of lower future revenues. Explain False. Revenue is recognized when the deferred revenue liability increases. If the deferred revenue account has decreased, more cash came in from customers and more revenue will be recognized in the future. True. Revenue is recognized when the deferred revenue liability decreases. If the deferred revenue account has decreased, less cash came in from customers and less revenue will be recognized in the future. False. Revenue is recognized when the deferred revenue liability decreases. If the deferred revenue account has decreased, less cash came in from customers and more revenue will be recognized in the future. True. Revenue is rec


Answer: True


Revenue is recognized when the deferred revenue liability decreases. If the deferred revenue account has decreased, less cash came in from customers and less revenue will be recognized in the future. Which proves that a reduction of the deferred revenue account can be interpreted as a leading indicator of lower future revenues.

Lorenzo just received a prestigious fellowship to study abroad for a year! However, he still has six months left on his one-year apartment lease. His landlord has given him permission to draw up a new agreement with his sister Maggie, whereby Maggie will live in the apartment, pay rent to Lorenzo, and then Lorenzo will pay the landlord. This is an example of ______.





Since in the given situation it is mentioned that Lorenzo has received the fellowship for studying abroad for a year but he needs to stay 6 months in the apartment also at the same time the landlord gives the permission for the new agreement with his sister where his sister pay the rent to him and then he pay the rent to landlord so this represent the assignment which needs to be followed for the 6 months anyhow

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Can someone help me with this question please. Fleming Sign Company uses the allowance method in accounting for uncollectible accounts. Past experience indicates that 6% of accounts receivable will eventually be uncollectible. Selected account balances at December 31, 2017, and December 31, 2018, appear below: 12/31/14 12/31/15 Net Credit Sales $400,000 $500,000 Accounts Receivable 60,000 80,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 5,200 ?Record the following events in 2015.Aug. 10 Determined that the account of Sue King for $800 is uncollectible.Sept. 12 Determined that the account of Tom Young for $3,700 is uncollectible.Oct. 10 Received a check for $500 as payment on account from Sue King, whose account had previously been written off as uncollectible. She indicated the remainder of her account would be paid in November.Nov. 15 Received a check for $300 from Sue King as payment on her account. What base in RNA pairs with adenine?uracilguaninecytosinethymine Which answer choice does NOT explain the Dust Bowl?The Dust Bowl added to the problems of the Great Depression since it displaced many people that relied on farming to provide money for their families.Throughout the book, Harper Lee refers to hardships that the people of Maycomb are experiencing, such as banks failing and farmers losing their crops and land because of what has come to be called the Dust Bowl.The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the southern part of the United States where the story To Kill a Mockingbird takes place.The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the desert part of the United States. five countries practicing written Constitution name the device of measurement and write its used or its function? which equation is the inverse of 5y+4=(+3)^2+1/2? please what is the history and development of the Egyptian map Can you guys stabalize me im about to do exams and im really nervous and anxious What do you believe would be an appropriate course of action regardingNative American lands as the United States expands westward? 10 points to answer this question. Determin the numerical length of VW. Defined the total variation distance to be a distance TV(P,Q) between two probability measures P and Q. However, we will also refer to the total variation distance between two random variables or between two pdfs or two pmfs, as in the following.Compute TV(X,X+a) for any a(0,1), where XBer(0.5).TV(X,X+a) = ? Which traits do you think make speeches strong? NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED! Only answer if you're very good at English.No guessing please.Author's Point of View: Video games can help teens become more social.Part 2 of the "Social Gaming" Section:Most teens play video games by themselves some of the time, but gaming is far from being just an independent activity.In a 2008 PEW research study of teenagers ages 12-17 only one quarter of the teens played video games alone all the time.Of the teens who played with others,65 percent reported playing games with people in the same room with them.The other 25 percent played with people through an internet connection, and these other players were mostly people the teens knew.Which point of view conflicts with the author's point of view about video games in the section "Social Gaming"?A: Video games should teach teens more about responsibility and cooperation.B: Video games isolate teenagers from the outside world.C: Teenagers and play video games are socially awkward.D: Playing video games is not just an independent activity. What does gene mutation mean? When r+s=13 and 2t+s=13 , what is the value of t? An asphalt concrete mixture includes 94% aggregates by weight. The specific gravity of aggregate and asphalt are 2.7 and 1.0, respectively. If the bulk density of the mix is 2.317 g/cm3, what is the percent voids in the total mix? Find the surface area of the cone in terms of pi17 cm height3 cm radiusNot drawn to scale if i have 100000 what is 47.6% OF THE MONEY Retained earnings, December 31, 2019 $210,300 Decrease in total liabilities during 2019 45,800 Gain on the sale of buildings during 2019 16,100 Dividends declared and paid in 2019 4,500 Proceeds from sale of common stock in 2019 49,400 Net income for the year ended December 31, 2019 22,600Required:From the above data, calculate the retained earnings balance as of December 31, 2015.