¿Cuál es la canción conocida para el cumpleaños?
a. el regalo
c. la boda
b. el compromiso
d. las mañanitas


Answer 1




Answer 2


las mañanitas es la cancion para los cumpleanos


Related Questions

Juan, ¿______ ________________ la historia



Tú sabes


Juan, ¿__ tú ____ ______ sabes __________ la historia

Which season is described in the paragraph?

Es abril y está lloviendo. Mañana va a salir el sol. Las flores empiezan a brotar. Toda la vegetación está creciendo. Hay diferentes colores por todas partes.

el invierno

el verano

el otoño

la primavera


La primavera
Which means spring.

Una pregunta alguien me puede alludar con un crucigrama qué es muy difícil alguno me colabora muchas gracias espero una respuesta y no copien mis respuestas gracias


ayudar* y yo puedo ayudarte!!

Can someone help me with my Spanish please?




1ºÉl no quiere ir

2º No vamos a  

3º No vamos a  

4º No quiero ir a  

5º No van a  

6º No vamos a

Espero que te haya ayudado .

Un saludo

Choose the correct form of vivir to complete the sentence.

—¿Dónde vives?
—Yo ________ en El Salvador.



Yo vivo en El Salvador.

Which of the follow are not traditions of Quechuas?

fabric making




Fabric making which is called Peruvian weaving




They make fabric and farm but do not do Industry. I also took the test.

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conjugate the following 3 irregular present tense verbs in Spanish, in all persons.


El, Ella, Usted

Nosotros (as)



Ser: to be
Soy, eres, es, somos, son

Estar: to be
Estoy, estás, está, estamos, están

Ir: to go
Voy, vas, va, vamos, van

Please mark brainliest

Which is the correct way to say, “There is snow on the ground.”?

Hay que nieve en el suelo.

Hace nieve en el suelo.

Hay nieve en el suelo.

Haber nieve en el suelo.





.......... trust meeeeeee

Which of the following were gods to the Incas? Select all that apply.

the moon


the sun

the stars



The answer is Sun,moon,stars

20. What is the opposite of; la salida
la llegada
la llegara



la llegada



La llegada


Como es el narrador de este relato?



cual relato?


Choose the best Spanish translation.

Are you from Ecuador?

¿Estás de Ecuador?
¿Están de Ecuador?
¿Es usted de Ecuador?
¿Son de Ecuador?


The third one is correct: ¿Es usted de Ecuador?
The last one is correct
Explanation: the last one is talking about one person while the third one can mean more than one person

1) ¿Qué día es la fiesta de Español?
A: domingo
B: viernes
C: lunes

2) ¿Dónde es la fiesta?
A: Escuela
B: Casa de Fernando
C: Gimanasio



1. A: viernes

2. A: Escuela


Vtgtvtfcygcyuuhuvug gucycguv

On a number line, points A, B and C are such that d(A,C) = 10, d(C,B) = 8
Find d(A, B) considering all possibilities.



[tex]d(A,B) = 18[/tex]

[tex]d(A,B) = 2[/tex]



[tex]d(A,C) = 10[/tex]

[tex]d(C,B) = 8[/tex]



It is possible that:

[tex]d(A,B) = d(A,C) + d(B,C)[/tex]


[tex]d(A,B) = 10+8[/tex]

[tex]d(A,B) = 18[/tex]

Also, it is possible that:

[tex]d(A,B) = d(A,C) - d(B,C)[/tex]


[tex]d(A,B) = 10 - 8[/tex]

[tex]d(A,B) = 2[/tex]

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition





energy in Spanish is energía

Enter the word that correctly completes the conversation.

Anabel: Lorena, vamos a estudiar para el examen.

Lorena: Sí, hay que estudiar en mi casa.

Anabel: ¿Dónde vives?

Lorena: Mi____ es: Avenida Constituyentes, #35, Colonia Pacheco.


Answer: mi DIRECCIÓN es…
la palabra correcta seria: dirección

2:Elaboro un discurso persuasivo (como respuesta) en el que argumento mis puntos de vista. 3:consulto en fuentes confiables 4:expreso mi discurso en voz alta con la finalidad de persuadir(puedo leer el discurso o aprenderme)



perdona pero no le entiendo


¿Cierto o falso?
Guayaquil's official song is called Canción al nueve de octubre.


Cierto, si necesitas ayuda con cualquier otra cosa, avísame

Escribe la respuesta correcta en español o en Inglés.
What year Is It currently on the Aymaran calendar? (You will need to take into consideration the date of the Aymaran
New Year. If It is currently past the Aymaran New Year, add the number from the lesson. If the current date is before the
Aymaran New Year, add the number from the lesson and subtract 1.)
(June 22, 2021)


English Answer: In the Aymaran Calendar, it is the year 5,528.

Spanish Answer: En el Calendario Aymara, es el año 5.528.

Conjugate the following verbs:
1:Empezar 2:Negar 3: Cerrar


El, Ella, Usted
Nosotros (as)
Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas



yo Empiezo

Tú empiezas

El, Ella Usted Empieza

Nosotros empezamos

Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas empiezan.

Yo niego

Tú niegas

El, Ella, Usted niega

Nosotros negamos

Ustedes, Ellos, ellas niegan.

Yo cierro

Tú cierras

El, Ella, Usted cierra

Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas cierran.

Nosotros cerramos

4. Anoche (leer)
durante la pelicula.
5, Tus amigos (hablar)
toda la noche.
6, Mi perra (ladrar)
..en Marbella.
7, De niña (vivir, ella)
paella el domingo.
8. Vosotros (comer)
una cosa muy importante, gracias.
9, Usted (preguntar)



your friends were talking all night nuber 5



4. Anoche leí mucho durante la película.

5. Tus amigos hablaron toda la noche.

6. Mi perra ladra en Marbella.

7. ldk

8. ldk

9. Usted pregunta


rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.she,interested,that,was,in,proposal,said,she,the.​


the answer is: she said that she was interested in the proposal

Identificar si es una oracion simple o compuest. 2. La historia registra diversas formas de esclavitud en casi todos los pueblos y culturas. 3. En Atenas existía un cuerpo policial formado por 300 esclavos.



2) Oración compuesta, 3) Oración compuesta


Una oración simple consiste en la combinación de un sujeto, una acción y un predicado en la siguiente forma:

Sujeto + Acción + Predicado

Una oración compuesta consiste en la combinación de oraciones simples, mediante conectores o formas verbales especiales.

A continuación, procedemos a analizar cada oración:

2) La historia registra diversas formas de esclavitud en casi todos los pueblos y culturas.

Es una oración compuesta al usarse el conector "y" y dos oraciones simples: (i) La historia registra diversas formas de esclavitud en casi todos los pueblos, (ii) La historia registra diversas formas de esclavitud es casi todas las culturas.

3) En Atenas existía un cuerpo policial formado por 300 esclavos.

Es una oración compuesta en tanto que utiliza la forma verbal especial "[que está] formado" por y dos oraciones simples: (i) En Atenas existía un cuerpo policial, (ii) El cuerpo policial está formado por 300 esclavos.

¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones contiene una expresión en sentido figurado? A Por suerte soy lisita, no como el sapo, que está lleno de verrugas. B Llevamos los defectos propios bien ocultos, en una mochila, en la espalda. C Todos se creían perfectos. Suele ocurrir. D Gracias a mi altura veo los paisajes de la tierra y el cielo, no como la tortuga que solo ve las piedras.





“I was little” in spanish



Yo era pequeño.

Yo era pequeña.



"Fui pequeño"


"Fui pequeña"


Which of the following statements best describes when to use the passive voice?
When the subject is unknown or not necessary

When you know who did the action

When a person in the object of a sentence

When something gets destroyed



when something get destroyed

When something gets destroyed

Which word correctly completes the sentence?

Hace mucho calor. ______ está muy fuerte.

El invierno

El sol

La nube

La nieve


It is El Sol. This is because the sentence says it is very hot. The options are winter, sun, clouds, and snow. Only sun is hot

kasing kahulugan ng mabait​




Ano ang isang kasingkahulugan para sa anong uri ng bagay na pag-uusapan?

can you help please???​



1. Habló

2. Comí

3. Escribieron


Spanish is my maternal language, so I have a bit of experience. Anyways, I hope I helped

Sofia Pérez tiene una familia muy grande. Tiene un padre y madre también tiene cinco hermanos! Sofia tiene trece años, su hermano Juan tiene
veinticinco años, su hermano Berto tiene veinte años, su hermano Mateo tiene dieciocho años, su hermano Pablo tiene quince años y su hermano Luis
tiene nueve años. Sofía es la única chica! Ellos viven en una casa grande y muy elegante. La casa tiene una piscina y un gimnasio. La madre de Sofia
es una doctora y su padre es un profesor de inglés en la Universidad de México. Toda la familia va al parque en la tarde para caminar. Toda la família
va a iglesia en los domingos porque ellos son católicos. En los inviernos Sofia y su familia van a las montañas porque ellos les encanta esquiar,
También en los veranos ellos van a la playa para nadar en el océano. La familia Pérez juegan deportes diferentes. Juan y Beto juegan basquetbol y
Pablo, Mateo, Luis y Sofía prefieren jugar fútbol. A Sofía no le gusta ir a la escuela porque los profesores son muy estrictos. Ella siempre tiene mucha
tarea en la clase de matemáticas y inglés. Pero ella tiene muchas amigas en la escuela, Sofía tiene ochenta y cinco amigos en la escuela y no tiene el
tiempo para hablar con ellos. Su mejor amigo es Andrea, ella es muy simpática. En los fines de semana ellas ir al cine con Carlos y Fernando dos
chicos muy guapos y deportistas



Sofia Pérez has a very large family. He has a father and a mother he also has five siblings! Sofia is thirteen years old, her brother Juan is

twenty-five years old, his brother Berto is twenty years old, his brother Mateo is eighteen years old, his brother Pablo is fifteen years old and his brother Luis

He is nine years old. Sofia is the only girl! They live in a large and very elegant house. The house has a swimming pool and a gym. Sofia's mother

She is a doctor and her father is an English professor at the University of Mexico. The whole family goes to the park in the afternoon to walk. The whole family

he goes to church on Sundays because they are Catholic. In the winters Sofia and her family go to the mountains because they love to ski,

Also in the summers they go to the beach to swim in the ocean. The Pérez family play different sports. Juan and Beto play basketball and

Pablo, Mateo, Luis and Sofía prefer to play soccer. Sofia does not like to go to school because the teachers are very strict. She always has a lot

homework in math and english class. But she has many friends at school, Sofia has eighty-five friends at school and she does not have the

time to talk to them. His best friend is Andrea, she is very nice. On the weekends they go to the movies with Carlos and Fernando two

very handsome and sporty boys

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We often ......... to keep fit. a. do morning exerciseb. do aerobics c. go swimmingd. play football 4. We sometimes ......... in our free time a. play volleyballb. play chess c. watch football matchd. read story5. ......... the film is late, I will wait to watch it a. Because b. Although c. When d . But 6. We postponed our journey to the beach ......... it rained. a. and b. butc. because d . or 7. My sister likes going to the cinema ......... I like watching TV at home. a. and b. butc. because d. or 8. My mother likes spending our summer holidays at the seaside ......... my father does too. a. and b.orc. because d. although 9. As it doesn't rain so I have to....... the flowers in my garden every day. a. water b. watering c. watered d. waters10. He will be late for...........if he doesn't start at one. a. the busb. the train c. the taxi d. the lorry Petro Motors Inc. (PMI) produces small gasoline-powered motors for use in lawn mowers. The company has been growing steadily over the past five years and is operating at full capacity. PMI recently completed the addition of new plant and equipment at a cost of $7.800.000, thereby increasing its manufacturing capacity to 100.000 motors annually. The addition to plant and equipment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 10 years. Sales of motors were 60.000 units prior to the completion of the additional capacity. Cost records indicated that manufacturing costs had totaled $60 per motor, of which $48 per motor was considered to be variable manufacturing costs. PMI has used the volume of activity at full capacity as the basis for applying fixed manufacturing overhead. The normal selling price is $80 per motor, and PMI pays a 5% commission on the sale of its motors. LawnPro.com offered to purchase 35,000 motors at a price of $60 per unit to test the viability of distributing lawn mower replacement motors through its website. PMI would be expected to produce the motors, store them in its warehouse, and ship individual motors to LawnPro.com customers. As orders are placed directly through the LawnPro.com website, they would be forwarded instantly to PMI. No commissions will be paid on this special sales order, and freight charges will be paid by the customer purchasing a motor.Required:a. Calculate the cost per motor, for cost accounting purposes, after completion of the additional plant capacity.b. Identify all the relevant costs that PMI should consider in evaluating the special sales order from LawnPro. find the equation of the line perpendicular to the given line, through the given point x=-3; (1,8) An angle measuring 60 degrees is measured as 62 degrees. What is the percentage error correct to 3 significant figures? This is my introduction are you to help me Most of us, at at least one point of our life, have experienced a time in a moving vehicle where someone almost got into an accident or did get into one. Neither fun, but here is something you did not know. This year alone there have been 6,357 fatal car accidents, even during the Pandemic, where we should all be staying home. Today we will be talking about the effect automobiles have on our society today including, deadly accidents, too fast of transportation, and toxic fumes damaging the ozone layer. Aaron is considering an investment that will pay $7,500 a year for five years, starting one year from today. This is an example of: a. a set of unequal cash flows.b. an ordinary annuity.c. a perpetuity.d. an annuity due. The uniformity and similarity in the construction and architecture of all the cities in Indus Valley suggest that there was a ______________________ that coordinated the organization efforts and laid out standards. strong decentralized governmentstrong centralized governmentcomplicated set of rulesNone of these As an employee of the FDA Jamal is notified that there have been several reported cases of illness in a three-county area. Doctors have found thatall the people who have been hospitalized ate at the same steakhouse within a two-day period. Jamal contacts the steakhouse to have the meat instock tested and find out who their beef supplier is. Then he looks up the NAIS records. What information will these records tell Jamal?OAwhether the restaurant has had complaints or health violations in the pastthe journey of the restaurant's beef from farm to tableChow many people in the United States have reported the same symptomsODany medical malpractice complaints against the reporting physiciansResetNext In the study of geography, place refers to?A - The location of a site compared to another site. B - The characteristics of a particular site. C - The region to which a site belongs. D - The longitude and latitude location of a site. E - The distance from one site to another.