¿cual es la cantidad de mol de Na sumasa es de 1.5 gramos?​


Answer 1


What is the amount of mole of Na sumasa is 1.5 grams?


Related Questions

completely lost in this one haha​



1.) Las clases son facilísimos este año.

2.) Este helado esta malisimo.

3.) Esta plaza es chicísima.

The answers above are correct but in the last sentence it’s “Pequeñísima” because “chicisima” isn’t a word

las palabras disfrazadas no se pueden emplear en los medios de comunicación cierto o falso​






Es cierto que no pueden, pero si quieres estar en desacuerdo conmigo puedes


Question 25 (1 point)
Click to watch video.

Teo is preparing for a party at the restaurant. Find the best choice to complete each statement by writing the letter in the space provided.

La fiesta es_________

Question 25 options:

a las seis.

a las cinco.

a las ocho.

Question 26 (1 point)
Click to watch the video.

Teo is preparing for a party at the restaurant. Find the best choice to complete each statement by writing the letter in the space provided.

Teo le pregunta a su papá, "¿qué preparas de _________

Question 26 options:



plato principal?"

Question 27 (1 point)
Click to watch the video.

Teo is preparing for a party at the restaurant. Find the best choice to complete each statement by writing the letter in the space provided.

Las decoraciones son globos y_________

Question 27 options:


papel picado.


Question 28 (1 point)
Click to watch the video.

Teo is preparing for a party at the restaurant. Find the best choice to complete each statement by writing the letter in the space provided.

Los hijos de Lucía piden _________

Question 28 options:

croquetas de jamón.

una servilleta.

un tenedor y un vaso de agua.

Question 29 (1 point)
Click to watch the video.

Which of the following events happened first in the video?

Question 29 options:

La hija de Lucía pide un tenedor.

Antonio pone la sal y pimienta.

Question 30 (1 point)
Click to watch the video.

Which happened first in the video?

Question 30 options:

El abuelo pide las croquetas.

Teo y Antonio hablan de la comida.


I can’t answer them if I don’t see the video

a partir del texto,resuelvan las siguientes preguntas:A)¿En que año se lanzaron las sondas voyager 1 y voyager 2



numero uno En 1977 septiembre 5 y numero dos en 1977 agosto 20




Juan and Jose is an “ellos” form, so it would be hablan
juan y jose “ hablan “.

Which sentence best represents a theme of the passage? Kids always learn about life from their parents. B. Parents are the best tour guides in the world. C. People are often mistaken about their identity. D. More cities in the world have become alike.


I think the answer is A. Kids always learn about life from their parents.


Where is the passage?


1. ¿Cuáles son los programas, secciones o sitios en los medios masivos de comunicación, como el internet, la
televisión, la radio o las revistas, que acostumbras ver o leer?​




URGET! Please make a sentence for each word and the English definition!

La sala de espera
El hall
El distribuidor automatico
El horario
El billete (boleto)
La tarifa
El quiosco
Los libros de bolsillo
Las revistas
Los periodicos
El vagon, el coche
El anden
La via



La sala de espera--The waiting room

El hall-- The hall

El distribuidor automatico-- Automatic distributor

El horario--The schedule

El billete (boleto)-- The ticket


1.) Mi mama y yo espero en la sala de espera en el hospital porque estaba enferma.

2.) Mi amigo estaba caminando en el hall.

3.) Trabajo para una oficina que tiene distribuidor automático.

4.) Recibí mi horario para la escuela la semana pasada.

5.) Yo necesito mi billete/boleto para el avión.


1. La Tarifa: The rate
2. El quiosco: The Kiosk
3. Los libros de Bolsillo: Pocket Books
4. Las revistas: The Magazines
5. Los periódicos: The journalists
Las oraciones: The sentences
1. La tarifa para la película estaba cara.
2. El Quiosco estaba vacío.
3. No tengo libros de bolsillo.
4. Las revistas estaban mojadas.
5. El periódico estaba viejo.
I helped you with the others 5 :D





last one

last one


1. B
2. C
3. B
I’m a fluent Spanish speaker and tbh this was little tricky cause it can really be any word on there so I’m not sure if they are correct
But have an amazing day !

(05.06 LC)
Read the text and the question. Then, choose the correct option to answer the question.
¡Hola, chicos! Me llamo Faustina y viaje a Managua, Nicaragua, con mis padres. Nos
quedamos en un hostal. El hostal en Nicaragua solo tenía ventiladores en las habitaciones
dobles. El servicio de internet era de las 6 de la mañana a las 11 de la noche. El hostal solo
tenía agua fría. El hostal servía el desayuno con café orgánico de Nicaragua y jugo de la
pitahaya por las mañanas.
Based on the text, what did Faustina and her parents have with their breakfast? (1 point)
O Beverages
O Oatmeal
O Omelets
O Toast


Agua fría (cold water), café orgánico (organic coffee), and jugo de la pitahaya is basically juice.
So beverages.




mi bisabuela

mis primos


the 1st one. tatarabuela: great-great-grandmother

the 2ed one. primos: cousins

the 3rd one. is child


I took Spanish for a few years

sorry I didn't see the other ones at first

hope this helps (plz mark brainlyest)  ;)

porque el conde pidio consejo para ayudar a su pariente​


El conde pide consejo a Patronio porque tiene que hacer una cosa por la que la gente le criticaría, pero que si no la hacia le criticarían igual. Entonces este le cuenta la historia de un labrador que iba paseando con su hijo y con un buey.

ayuda? xfis no me da tiempo:(


1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C

2. Desayuno, miro debajo la cama por primera vez, su mano topo con algo duro, puso un poco de música, si puso pensar de donde había podido salir el cocodrilo, llamo por teléfono
3. Cierto, cierto, falso, cierto
4. Topó, sentó, cortarse (I’m not completely sure of the this one)

Sometimes like this happened to me when​


What happened to you and when what ????? (:)

¿A que factores se distribuye que Argentina y chile están en el primer segmento y Uruguay esté también encabezando en segundo? ayuda por favor rápido para hoy doy 5​





Can someone translate please?


To escape the pirates they got on a bus that was colored with many colors inside the bus there was music and dancing.The Colombians they call them chives(I don’t know how to say that in English)to these spectacular buses

After the trip they made it to the house of they’re friend who is very smart.

Look at the image. read the question, and choose the option with the correct answer.
¿Qué necesita la señora?
Necesita el papel higiénico en la sala.
Necesita comprar el espejo en el baño.
Necesita el microondas en el patio.
Necesita tener el fregadero en la cocina,


Awnser d trust bluv I was in Spanish class and I am Mexican




Which verb form correctly completes this sentence?

En la procesión del Viernes Santo _______________ miles de personas.




it would be participan!!!

Ayuda por favor no entiendo



Parte I

dirigir: dirijo, dirigía, dirigiré

traer: traigo, traía, traeré

andar: ando, andaba, andaré

tejer: tejo, tejía, tejeré

conducir: conduzco, conducía, conduciré

caber: quepo, cabía, cabré

cantar: canto, cantaba, cantaré

bendecir: bendigo, bendecía, bendeciré

llevar: llevo, llevaba, llevaré

Parte II

1. el verbo es: *ora* y el tiempo que expresa es presente.

2. el verbo es *compitieron* y el tiempo que expresa es pasado.

3. el verbo es *descansa* y el tiempo que expresa es presente

4. el verbo es *llegaré* y el tiempo que expresa es futuro

5. el verbo es *practica* y el tiempo que expresa es presente (pd: en la oracion tambien está el verbo *arrepentirás* en caso de que sea de identificar los dos verbos pues seria: "*practica* es presente y *arrepentirás*es futuro.)

6. el verbo visitamos y jugamos es presente

7. el verbo hablo es pasado

8. el verbo limpiaran es futuro

9. el verbo hablarán es futuro

10. el verbo oyeron es presente

pd: (La parte III te la contestare en los comentarios ya que no me cabe mas.)

Los jóvenes en los países hispanos solo juegan partidos organizados de fútbol en la escuela.
O True
O False


the answer is False
Falso por que los jóvenes en los países hispanos pueden juzgar en liga comunales , club etc

Preparing for University Studies
Create a brochure in Spanish to advise fellow students on what they need to do to prepare for university life. The text for your brochure should use affirmative and negative tú commands about selecting and applying to a university, and all the things that students will need to do once they move to the university. Also include some relevant images to support your copy.




i can do this if you need it might take a few hours

Spanish hw please help not hard


Hello, and welcome to this SSC Training! We will be going over all of the basic information crucial to working as a Junior Counselor here at the clinic.

Esta tiene 5 preguntas:
1. ¿A qué tipo de audiencia está dirigido este anuncio?
-A una audiencia juvenil
-A los medios de comunicación
-Al público en general
-A los diseñadores

2. Según el anuncio, ¿qué deben lograr los carteles que participen en la competición? *
-Darle mayor visibilidad al trabajo de los diseñadores
-Informar al público general sobre la Semana Global de los MIL 2016
-Llamar la atención de los jóvenes sobre la Semana Global de los MIL 2016
-Obtener la aclamación oficial de UNESCO

3. ¿Por qué se menciona en el anuncio a la Universidad de San Pablo?
-Es uno de los organizadores de la Semana Global de los MIL 2016.
-Es el lugar donde se realizará la exposición de carteles.
-Es el lugar donde se realizará la Semana Global de los MIL 2016.
-Contribuirá a la entrega de premios al cartel ganador.

4. ¿Dónde se podrán ver los carteles seleccionados para la competición, según el anuncio?
-En la Universidad de San Pablo y en el sitio web de la Semana Global MIL 2016
-En el sitio web de la Semana Global MIL 2016 y en el lugar de la exposición
-En el lugar de la exposición y en las oficinas de UNESCO
-Solamente en el sitio web de la Semana Global MIL 2016

5. Si quisieras participar en la competición con un cartel, ¿cuál de las siguientes preguntas, que no puedes responder con información del anuncio, harías a los organizadores? *
-¿En qué formato debo presentar mi cartel a la competición?
-¿Qué tipo de materiales puedo incluir en mi cartel?
-¿En qué idioma deben estar los textos de mi cartel?
-¿Hasta cuándo puedo presentar mi cartel a la competición?


Answer:I dunno

Explanation:It has 5 questions:

1. What type of audience is this ad targeting? -To

a youth audience -To the


-To the general public -To


2. According to the advertisement, what should the posters that participate in the competition achieve? *

-Give more visibility to the work of designers

-Inform the general public about Global MIL Week 2016

-Draw the attention of young people to Global MIL Week 2016

-Get official acclaim from UNESCO

3. Why Is the University of São Paulo mentioned in the ad?

-He is one of the organizers of the Global MIL Week 2016.

-It is the place where the poster exhibition will be held.

-It is the place where the Global Week of the MIL 2016 will be

held . -It will contribute to the awards ceremony for the winning poster.

4. Where will the posters selected for the competition be seen, according to the advertisement?

-At the University of São Paulo and on the 2016 MIL Global Week website -On the 2016 MIL Global Week

website and at the exhibition site

-At the exhibition site and at UNESCO offices

- Only on the 2016 MIL Global Week website

5. If you wanted to participate in the competition with a poster, which of the following questions, which you cannot answer with information from the advertisement, would you ask the organizers? *

-In what format should I present my poster to the competition?

-What kind of materials can I include in my poster?

-What language should the texts of my poster be in?

-How long can I present my poster to the competition?




hope it is helpful..........

Guys pls help me!!!!!! pls be correct not wrong and don’t make me loose my points



im pretty sure it is beben

Which place is shown in the picture? montaña B. ruinas C. selva D. río


Answer: the one I have looks like a river and rio in Spanish is river but since I don’t know what the picture is I’ll just tell you what the words mean translated so you can easily find it by the picture.


Montaña- Mountain



Ruinas- Ruin(The remaining of a building city or anything)

The place that is shown in the picture attached below is called a: C. selva.

What is selva?

In the Amazon basin of South America, selva is a terminology which is used to connote or describe either a rainforest or a jungle that is mainly characterized by tall, green and broad-leaved trees.

On the other hand, playa refers to a beach, ruinas simply means ruins while río refers to a river in Spanish.

Based on the picture that is attached below, we can deduce that this place describes a selva because there are lots of tall, green plants and trees.

Read more on selva here: https://brainly.com/question/1316802

Mi primo y yo conocemos a Los jugadores del real Madrid.ellos



c) son españoles


The answer is c ellos son españoles

enumere seis pasos que siguen el proceso de la producción de la panela de la caña de azúcar​



El proceso de fabricación consta de los siguientes pasos:

Entrada o transporte de la caña de azúcares.





Separación o centrifugación.




Can someone please help me with this like pretty please
With all three



1. hice 2. puse 3. puse


(sorry if i got any of those wrong)

Fill in with the correct form of the adjective.
Hola, me llamo Miguel. Yo tengo dieciséis anos. Yo soy_______(alto) y__________
(atlético). No soy ___________(bajo). Tengo los ojos _________(azul). Tengo dos
hermanas_________(menor). Mi hermana Jessica es __________(bajo) y________(bonito). Ella también es _______(atlético). Mi hermana Carolina es__________(artístico)
Ella siempre pinta y dibuja. Mis dos hermanas son_______(simpático). Ellas tienen los ojos_________(verde) y tienen el pelo________
(rublo), Mi familia y yo somos_________(generoso). Tenemos dos gatos___________ (gordo) y un perro________(tonto).


Alto, atlético, bajo, azules, menores, baja, bonita, atlética, artística, simpáticos, verdes, rubio, generosos, gordos, tonto
Other Questions
guys help with this plzz brainlest even if u try ur best :Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation__________ carries heat from the core around the body.As blood flows through the ______________ close to the surface of the ______, heat is lost to the bodys surroundings.The __________________ which supply the capillaries in the skin have smooth _________ in their walls. This means that the arterioles can dilate or constrict to ____________ the flow of blood into the capillaries. Which sentence lacks parallel structure? A) I listened to music as I sat in line at the bank. B) Antonio and I enjoyed a relaxing dinner and a romantic movie. C) Sam and Charlie watered the plants, pruned the rose bushes, and mowed the lawn. D) There are three ways into the apartment building: the back door, the front door, or you could go through the second story fire escape.**EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER** plz help will mark brainliest if correct! If the sum of all chemical reactions taking place in an ecosystem results in an overall change in free energy of 9732 kJ, which of the following best describes the impact this will have on the ecosystem? The amount of energy available to do work will increase. The ecosystem will move away from equilibrium. The energy given off as heat to the surroundings will decrease. The entropy of the ecosystem will increase. Explain in detail what you would experiencethroughout the year if the axis of the Earth was nottilted. Two small, identical conducting spheres repel each other with a force of 0.020 N when they are 0.35 m apart. After a conducting wire is connected between the spheres and then removed, they repel each other with a force of 0.055 N. What is the original charge on each sphere HELP ME PLEASE HURRY UPIn the right triangle shown, what is the length of segment PQ?P17 cm15 cm ( Help me please and thank you ) What was the outcome of the ScopesTrial during the 1920's?A. Scopes was found not guilty.B. The case was settled out of court.C. Scopes was sent to federabprison.D. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. $4,000 principal earning 6% interest after 3 years Simple Interest Function or not a function? Find the mass of 3.27 x 10^23 molecules of H2SO4. Use 3 significant digitsand put the units. What is the difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp?help Please help from A Bachelors Complaint of the Behaviour of Married Peopleby Charles LambAs a single man, I have spent a good deal of my time in noting down the infirmities of Married People, to console myself for those superior pleasures, which they tell me I have lost by remaining as I am.I cannot say that the quarrels of men and their wives ever made any great impression upon me, or had much tendency to strengthen me in those anti-social resolutions, which I took up long ago upon more substantial considerations. What oftenest offends me at the houses of married persons where I visit, is an error of quite a different description;it is that they are too loving.Not too loving neither: that does not explain my meaning. Besides, why should that offend me? The very act of separating themselves from the rest of the world, to have the fuller enjoyment of each others society, implies that they prefer one another to all the world.But what I complain of is, that they carry this preference so undisguisedly, they perk it up in the faces of us single people so shamelessly, you cannot be in their company a moment without being made to feel, by some indirect hint or open avowal, that you are not the object of this preference. Now there are some things which give no offence, while implied or taken for granted merely; but expressed, there is much offence in them. If a man were to accost the first homely-featured or plain-dressed young woman of his acquaintance, and tell her bluntly, that she was not handsome or rich enough for him, and he could not marry her, he would deserve to be kicked for his ill manners; yet no less is implied in the fact, that having access and opportunity of putting the question to her, he has never yet thought fit to do it. The young woman understands this as clearly as if it were put into words; but no reasonable young woman would think of making this the ground of a quarrel. Just as little right have a married couple to tell me by speeches, and looks that are scarce less plain than speeches, that I am not the happy man,the ladys choice. It is enough that I know I am not: I do not want this perpetual reminding.The display of superior knowledge or riches may be made sufficiently mortifying; but these admit of a palliative. The knowledge which is brought out to insult me, may accidentally improve me; and in the rich mans houses and pictures,his parks and gardens, I have a temporary usufruct at least. But the display of married happiness has none of these palliatives: it is throughout pure, unrecompensed, unqualified insult.Marriage by its best title is a monopoly, and not of the least invidious sort. It is the cunning of most possessors of any exclusive privilege to keep their advantage as much out of sight as possible, that their less favoured neighbours, seeing little of the benefit, may the less be disposed to question the right. But these married monopolists thrust the most obnoxious part of their patent into ourfaces.Nothing is to me more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new-married couple, in that of the lady particularly: it tells you, that her lot is disposed of in this world: that you can have no hopes of her. It is true, I have none; nor wishes either, perhaps: but this is one of those truths which ought, as I said before, to be taken for granted, not expressed. The excessive airs which those people give themselves, founded on the ignorance of us unmarried people, would be more offensive if they were less irrational. We will allow them to understand the mysteries belonging to their own craft better than we who have not had the happiness to be made free of the company: but their arrogance is not content within these limits. If a single person presume to offer his opinion in their presence, though upon the most indifferent subject, he is immediately silenced as an incompetent person. Nay, a young married lady of my acquaintance, who, the best of the jest was, had not changed her condition above a fortnight before, in a question on which I had the misfortune to differ from her, respecting the properest mode of breeding oysters for the London market, had the assurance to ask with a sneer, how such an old Bachelor as I could pretend to know any thing about such matters.All the following are mocked in the passage EXCEPTA.intelligence gained as a result of marriageB.undisguised preference of married couples for their spouseC.condescension of married females to bachelorsD.married individuals presumptive knowledgeE.overt cruelty of married couples to unattractive unmarried femalesPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCDE PLEASE ANSWER HURRY!! This case is as simple as black and white.How is this case literally about black and white? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Has anyone of you done a color scheme project ? & if so can I see your color scheme example please ? 3. Mrs. Hilt has a pizza that is 35 inches in diameter. What is the radius of that pizza? What did both Charlemagne and the Pope want to control? what is the median of 6 8 10 12 12 15 15 20?