debate on a doctor is better than a farmer​


Answer 1


Doctor is better than a farmer because a doctor saves peoples live.where as a farmer only do  works under the umbrella of agriculture, producing a variety of food.Doctors meet and talk with patients and caregivers to diagnose, manage and treat illnesses and injuries. Working closely with physician assistants, nurses, EMTs, pharmacists and other health professionals to ensure the best possible care of their patients.Doctors study hard.Farmers are also help because if there will be no farmers in this world so peoples will not be able to eat fruits and vegetable but what i think so is that a doctor are are better than farmers.


Hope it help

Related Questions

Which two sentences in this excerpt from Ernest Shackleton south the author reflecting on memories of his experience rather than recounting factual information


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, and I will try to help you as best I can.

To answer this question, you will need the text it is related to. As stated in the question, you must present two sentences where the author is reflecting on the experiences he has had. In this case, you will need to find, within the text, the moments when the author shows thoughts about his experiences, where he presents what he learned and how these experiences were positive or negative for his life and how this contributed to the story that it's counting, that is, you shouldn't look for the experiences themselves, but how they impacted the author.

Passage: The apathy which seemed to take possession of some of the men at the frustration of their hopes was soon dispelled. Parties were sent out daily in different directions to look for seals and penguins. We had left, other than reserve sledging rations, about 110 lbs. of pemmican, including the dog-pemmican, and 300 lbs. of flour. In addition there was a little tea, sugar, dried vegetables, and suet. I sent Hurley and Macklin to Ocean Camp to bring back the food that we had had to leave there. They returned with quite a good load, including 130 lbs. of dry milk, about 50 lbs. each of dog-pemmican and jam, and a few tins of potted meats. When they were about a mile and a half away their voices were quite audible to us at Ocean Camp, so still was the air.

We were, of course, very short of the farinaceous element in our diet. The flour would last ten weeks. After that our sledging rations would last us less than three months. Our meals had to consist mainly of seal and penguin; and though this was valuable as an anti-scorbutic, so much so that not a single case of scurvy occurred amongst the party, yet it was a badly adjusted diet, and we felt rather weak and enervated in consequence.

10. Bakit itinuring na bagong bayani ang mga Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)?

a. Sila ay nakapagpapadala ng malaking halaga na nakatutulong sa ekonomiya at kaunlaran ng bansa.

b. Sila ay mga matatalino at may kakayahan sa anumang uri ng trabaho.

c. Sila ay napapakinabangan ng ibang bansa.

d. Sila ay tumutulong sa pangangailangan ng kanilang pamilya.




sila ay mga matatalibino at may kakayahan sa anumang uri ng trabaho

Building with Bamboo
We are already aware of the °different and wonderful uses that trees and plants have° They not only provide us with fruits and vegetables, but they also produce beautiful flowers from which we make colors, perfumes, and even tea. However, trees and plants have another important use. They are used for building! Before humans made homes with bricks and concrete, they used plants such as bamboo. °Bamboo is extremely strong and lengthy.° That makes bamboo a useful resource for building houses. Bamboo is used even today for making sleeping mats, bowls, and cages. Bamboo is hollow, so water can easily pass through it. As a result, °people use bamboo as empty pipes to water plants.° It is surely amazing to think about °the vast number of uses that plants and trees° such as bamboo can have.

if the sentance has this by it ° ° then its a selection :)

ples helpp



i dont know exactly what you mean maybe provide us with a question? and maybe i could help :)


pls help me

my work is due at 11:59am and it's currently 9am so this is urgent


1. The mountain has been described as if it has a personality. Write down a few sentences that explain how you feel about the mountain. In your answer you must refer to the words used by the author. (4)

2. In the first extract, what contrast has been used to make the mountain appear particularly forbidding? (2)

3. In the first few paragraphs of the first extract, what connection is established between Ebraime and the mountain? (2)

4. Why do you think the author has set the attack by the leopard in darkness? (2)

5. These extracts set the plot of the novel in motion. Write a few sentences to summarise the plot until this point. (5)

the questions (1-5) should be answered in full sentences

here's the reading extract for context:

Ebraime stared up the slope into the gathering mist. Tongues and tracers of cloud raced past the shattered base of the cliffs; below him the mountain fell sharply away, golden in the light of the setting sun. He had never climbed so high before, and he was scared. He had never lost a sheep before. That scared him too.

He crouched against the mountainside, afraid to look back. Against the rising noise of the wind he heard the bleating of the ewe once more. It came from his right, it seemed. Cautiously he crept, hand and foot, up the loose, stony slope. The fierce wind was growing colder, biting through his thin khaki shirt. He glanced back. Behind him the golden light died with the sunset as he reached the base of the broken cliffs.

Zebasberg is a fierce mountain. Ebraime stared up at the soaring, cold grey rocks and trembled. He crept carefully around and between the huge boulders that littered the base of the peak, following the faint bleat of the sheep. The light was dim and dying when at last he found the ewe. She lay in a hollow between two slabs, a small corner of shelter from the rising storm. Gratefully he slipped down beside her. 'Quiet now, quiet now, he whispered gently. The ewe gazed at him with empty eyes and nuzzled closer. Outside the hollow, the wind howled and the world went black..
Ebraime nestled against the warmth of the ewe and looked out at the invisible night. I didn't lose her, he thought proudly. Tomorrow it will be light again and I can lead her down to the farm. Mr Lamprechts will be well pleased with me. He will see that I work well when I bring back this sheep. Ebraime huddled against the warm sheep in the sheltered hollow and was soon asleep.

In the hollow high up against Zebasberg, the ewe raised her head. She sniffed the air and gave a loud bleat. Ebraime woke at once. Where am I? Ebraime thought, clutching the ewe. She struggled and suddenly called again. He held her tight around the middle, peering into the darkness.

What's wrong? he thought. "Be still, be still,' he whispered to the ewe. She tried to lunge to her feet. 'Still, still,' he tried to calm her, when sud denly he became aware of the smell. A terrible rank pungent smell, some thing new in the hollow, something close at hand. "Go away!' he shout ed, terrified.

The ewe lunged without warning and a hot gust of foul breath came out of the dark. Something unseen and awful struck Ebraime full in the face. The ewe screamed, a long des perate bleat, and tore loose from his grip. Another awful searing blow ripped across his face and neck.

He reeled back and screamed from fear and the terrible pain of the blow. The unseen shape knocked him carelessly aside and with a throaty roar leaped away out of the hollow. He felt himself sinking into darkness and he tried to cry out again. Far away, he heard the last bleat as the beast took the ewe. The terrible pain shrank away as he slipped into unconsciousness.

There was no one at the cottage. In the kitchen he found a half-loaf of bread. He wolfed the bread and sank exhausted into a chair facing the open door.

He didn't hear the girl's approach. He was roused by the cautious knock and the soft call 'Ouma Sanna?' He stumbled to his feet. The girl was sil houetted against the bright sunshine outside the door. Ebraime stood up and tried to speak. He had hardly realised that no sound would come when the girl screamed, a scream that echoed shrilly around the room and out across the farmyard. Ebraime stood rooted in the doorway. The girl's screams bewildered and frightened him. What was wrong? Why had the girl screamed like that? He looked back into the cottage. Something moved on his left and he started violently. The light was slanting across Ouma Sanna's only picture, a hand-coloured photograph of herself as a young woman, hand in hand with a young man. Ebraime turned towards the movement and realised that it was his own reflection that had moved. His face was reflected in the dusty glass.

Two eyes stared wildly at him from a face raked with raw, bloody stripes, puffed and wounded and horrible. Suddenly he understood. My face, he shouted to himself. It's my face!​​



Is there a passage that goes with the questions?


Why could you say that the ending Homer wrote is more like one for a modern serial adventure than a traditional "happily ever after" ending? Select all that apply.


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try and help in any way possible.

A traditional ending that has the feeling of "happily ever after" is the ending that gives the reader the certainty that no difficulty will settle down for the characters for the rest of their lives. However, a more modern ending is one that leaves room for the characters to face new problems and new adventures in the future, either because of attitudes they had in the past, or from poorly ended relationships, revenges and unfinished stories that these characters left throughout the narrative. In this case, to answer your question, you need to read the text to which the question refers and find loose ends, which can cause future difficulties for the characters, which establishes a more realistic and less idealized ending like "happily ever after ."

Words are really powerful that can build or destroy someone's life" in 150 words.
write essay




Words they say can make or mar you. This in essence packs in a lot and tells us so much about the power in the words we so often speak carelessly without having a preconceived thought of the after effect of that word on us the speaker, the recepient or the people around at the time. Such is the power of the word we speak or issue through writing. Words are so delicate to the extent that a particular thought may need to be passed using some carefully selected words based on the context and environment even when the use of synonymous words would have meant the same. The power of words gives a clear reason why public figures. Political office holders, media personalities always make it a big deal when they communicate, they do so with so much preparation giving great cognizance to waht they are about to spew with their tongue as they know how delicate and powerful spoken words are ; once spewed, it cannot be retracted, it stays in the history books even after those who heard it are no more. Consequently, the making of so many figures can also be attributed to their speaking ability, their carefulness, thoughtfulness and vibrancy with words. Hence, words are capable or making and also bring about down fall.

1, My house is bigger than your house.
-> Your house is................................................................................................................
2, The black is cheaper than the red car.
-> The red car..........................................................................................................................
3, There is a sink , a tub and a shower in the bathroom.
-> The bathroom............................................................................................................
4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.
-> Trung.................................................................................................................................
5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?
-> Is this...............................................................................................................................



1, My house is bigger than your house.

1, My house is bigger than your house.-> Your house is bigger than mine.

2, The black is cheaper than the red car.

2, The black is cheaper than the red car.-> The red car is more expensive than the black.

3, There is a sink , a tub and a shower in the bathroom.

in the bathroom.-> The bathroom has a sink , a tub and a shower.

4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.

4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.-> Trung is taller than the group.

5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?

5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?-> Is this refrigerator better than that?


hey mate hope this help you

Question 3 of 10
Who is most likely the target audience of the Bill of Rights?
A. Citizens of Great Britain
B. Citizens of the United States
C. The king of England
D. The U.S. president


B United States citizens

Choose the most suitable tense:
1. According to the timetable, the bus is going to arrive/ arrives at 6:00





the bus is going to arrive at 6:00

Write about your personal plans for the future.​


I’m planning to open a business or be a vet.

Read the passage.
Miguel had been working on his tired old laptop for ages. One sad day, the computer took its last breath
and closed its eyes, never to open them again.
Which literary device does the author use in the passage?



The correct literary device would be personification.

It is personification

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit. Sheena is famous for speaking in a manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants. The new housing complex near the highway has every that a resident could ask for.


This question is missing the answer options. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

1. piquancy; savior faire; preclusion.

2. magnanimous; querulous; punctilious.

3. sinecure; amenity; magnanimity.


1. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit.

2. Sheena is famous for speaking in a querulous manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants.

3. The new housing complex near the highway has every amenity a resident could ask for.


To answer this question, we must first understand the context given in each sentence. Only then can we choose the appropriate word according to its meaning.

1. The wit of the anchor is being complimented in an interesting way. This is similar to the way we would compliment a sarcastic but funny person. With that in mind, we can choose piquancy as the best option. This word suggests spiciness, be it literal or figurative.

2. The context refers to when Sheena does not get what she wants, which already leads us to assume she is not happy about it. In that case, we can choose querulous, which means "pettish" or "waspish". Sheena most likely complains when things don't go her way.

3. This sentence refers to housing and what residents can expect. The best word is amenity, which refers to services or to the infrastructure of the place. Examples would be a covered parking lot or a fitness room in a building.

story which is releated to justice​




describe the good practices as shown in the photo college on how to prevent and control non-communicable disease​


Answer and Explanation:

Good practices for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases(NCDs) include:

Reduced consumption of Tobacco(cigarettes)

Reduced consumption of alcohol

Adoption of healthy diets

Physical exercise and activity

WHO notes that lung disease, heart disease, diabetes are the biggest non communicable disease killers(about 38 million deaths annually) and the above listed prevention practices are major modifiable factors that will go a great length in reducing the impact of these diseases.

Write an email to your friend in about 100 words, telling him about the UAE's rich diverse culture and your experience as an expat living in this country. Talk about the impressions that you have gathered so far. (5 Points)



Hey John, how are you doing? We've not exchanged mail much since I went to UAE to work as an expatriate.

Man, this place is a truly beautiful place! It has different cultures and there is little to no cultural tension among the different cultures. Each month or two weeks, there's a cultural performance of some kind and the people are excited to be a part of it.

Did you know there is even a Minister of Tolerance here who is in charge of social cohesion and cultural integration over here.

Being a foreigner in a strange land is not as different as I thought as the people are excited to have foreigners in their countries and they have heard so much of Canadians and they are always ready to help me.

I hope to see you soon, John. Take care of yourself man.

One of our managers (is / are) preparing the budget



One of our managers is preparing the budget.


The clue words ''one of '' indicates that among the multiple managers,the sentence is referring to only one.This uses the singular verb.

I hope this helps in anyway.

Guys plzz solve this English 2​



its b


im pretty sure it is i cant see it that good


b is the answer

hope you like it

Which sentence from the passage best shows the author's use of deductive


Answer:The correct answer will be option B.


Read the resolution and the affirmative claim.

Resolution: Higher education should be available at no cost in the US.

Affirmative claim: All students should have access to a free college education. Within the last twenty years, the average cost of college has nearly tripled, making a college degree unobtainable for many.

Which piece of evidence would be most effective for the affirmative side?

The cost of attending a trade school is about half the cost of attending a traditional college.
Students attending college in the US spend an average of nearly $26,000 a year for tuition and fees.
A recent survey determined that nearly 63 percent of high school graduates attend college.
The government spends over $720 billion to educate students from kindergarten through high school.



Students attending college in the US spend an average of nearly $26,000 a year for tuition and fees.


In the given resolution and the affirmative claim, the main idea is that of college education and the fees. The speaker talks of the need for a free college education for every student.

In support of the claim, the speaker provides a resolution that the United States should make higher education free of cost. And to support the claim that "the average cost of college has nearly tripled, making a college degree unobtainable for many", the best piece of evidence is sentence 2. Mentioning the amount of money required for attending college will provide the best evidence of the difficult conditions for getting a college degree.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


Students attending college in the US spend an average of nearly $26,000 a year for tuition and fees.


The piece of evidence would be most effective for the affirmative side :

The speaker discusses the requirement for a free advanced degree for each understudy Students attending college in the US spend an average of nearly $26,000 a year for tuition and fees. On the side of the case, the speaker gives a goal that the United States should make advanced education liberated from cost.  What's more, to help the case that "the normal expense of school has almost significantly increased, making a professional education impractical for some", the best piece of proof is sentence In the given goal and the confirmed case, the fundamental thought is that of school training and the expenses. The speaker discusses the requirement for a free advanced degree for each understudy.  

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

Know more :

What is the volume of the cone below


What cone we need an image


792 units

I thing

Hello! YES! HERE! T_T What or how should I answer these questions? Can anyone give me an explanation of what I should answer? Also, give an example if u can please. Thanks!! (This is not very hard, because I’m Chinese and I’m bad on English, I just need a little help :))

1. What did I reaffirm about my learning? (I don’t get the reaffirm means…)

2. I showed critical thinking when….(Thinking outside the box) (I don’t get critical thinking really well… and I have no idea what the “thinking outside the box” is… Someone give me an example and explanation thx)





1. It is just stating to have you validate or confirm what you did about your learning. For example say I was in Math to "reaffirm" what I did I would say I did geometry and this is what I learned....

2. Critical thinking means like just a little harder. Say you where trying to explain to me a different language I would need you to explain go a little farther than just say words in the different language. Think outside the box just means think out of the ordinary, give the professor or teacher a remarkable explanation on when you showed critical thinking.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following words are antonyms?

smiling and frowning

shopping and buying

soft and gentle

messy and unorganized



smiling and frowning


antonyms are words opposite in meaning


The answer us option A


Smiling and frowning are antonyms which means they are opposite in meaning

"The campfire crackled and popped when we added another log.
a. sight
b. sound
C. smell
d. taste
e. touch



B. Sound


Crackled and popped are counted as onomatopoeia since you can hear them in real life sometimes, too. Therefore, the answer is sound.




Why does Juliet kill herself?


Why does Juliet kill herself?

She chose to kill herself after she found Romeo dead because she loved him and he's the only man she wanted to be with.Its her true love that caused her to sacrifice herself. Romeo and Juliet are best example of true and pure love...

hope this helps you....

Answer: Juliet wakes up from the sleeping potion and finds Romeo dead next to her. She says her final goodbye to Romeo and takes her own life with Romeo's dagger. She chose to kill herself after she found Romeo dead because she loved him and he's the only man she wanted to be with

Explanation: :)

To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their
internal influences.
outside influences.
attitudes toward things.
similarities and differences,



similarities and differences

To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their:

D. similarities and differences

What is Comparison?

This refers to the situation where a person is looking for similarities or differences between two distinct things.

With this in mind, for effective character comparison, it is important that the reader notices their similarities and differences which would help show how unique they are.

Read more about comparison here:

Enzo wants to add a heading to the passage to help readers who are previewing the text. What is the best heading for him to add?




Select the correct answer.
Based on the excerpt, what is the meaning of the word inscrutable?
OA. unavoidable
OB. unpleasant
OC. hopeless
OD foreseeable
OE mysterious


impossible to understand or interpret so i would assume your best bet is mysterious E however what excerpt is this coming from?

Based on the excerpt, the meaning of the word "inscrutable" is mysterious. The correct option is E.

What is the meaning of the word inscrutable?

Inscrutable means impossible to understand or interpret. The term is used to refer to something that is difficult to grasp, as if it were not entirely transparent.

The excerpt indicates that the judge's behavior was inscrutable, which means that it was difficult to decipher why he was behaving in such a way. As a result, the correct word will be mysterious.

The words which have similar or same meaning are called as synonyms whereas the words which have opposite meanings are called as antonyms.

The things which are responsible for making any person or thing that's mysterious, mystifying, hard to read, or impossible to interpret is inscrutable.

Therefore, the correct option is E.

Learn more about Inscrutable here:

Summary of the story the beggar by anton chekhov​



The Beggar was written by Anton Chekhov which is the story of a poor alcoholic beggar named Lushkoff who used to beg on roads as he was unable to find work. He resorted to begging in order to survive himself. One day, he met Sergie, a wealthy advocate and asked him for some work.


The story begins with a beggar's pleas to an advocate, Sergei.


The beggar says that he has not eaten in three days. For eight years he was a village schoolteacher and fell victim to a conspiracy that cost him his reputation and his job.

I hape this is help ful make me as breainlest

when cat is away complete the following

the mice will play​


The mice will play .

Shakespeare's plays considered difficult for modern students to
Why are



They are plays, which is to say, they are instructions to actors as to what to say in the performance of the play. They are best understood when they are watched, not when they are read. If you want to know what a movie is all about, do you read the screenplay, or do you watch the movie? Of course you watch it. The ability to read and understand playscripts requires an understanding of dramatic convention and a good imagination, and it is not easy, especially the first time. Unfortunately Shakespeare's plays are usually the first plays students read.


Shakespeare wrote using verse. Many of his characters speak in it. What this means is that there is a rhythm to their speech and sometimes Shakespeare bends the syntax to fit the rhythm. So, instead of having Richard III say "buried in the deep bosom of the ocean" he has him say "in the deep bosom of the ocean buried," moving the verb to the end of the sentence. Formerly, this was a common custom among people writing lyrics to songs, to make them fit the rhythm of the melody. More recently, however, lyricists do not try to match their lyrics to the melody; they alter the melody to match the lyric. As a result, English speakers these days have very rigid expectations of syntax and easily get confused when it is altered.

Other Questions
Thomas can go to school and an ice cream parlor on the bus and his bicycle. In how many ways can he reach the school and parlor?Show your calculation. easy math i'll mark brainliest Which part of the Thirteen Colonies is represented by Cluster B? Argument A:When Sputnik II was launched into space, it carried a Russian dog named Laika, which became the first living mammal to orbit the earth. Since dogs commonly live for more than 10 years, it follows that Laika lived in space for nearly a decade before her death.Argument A is_________ and _____________ all true premises. Therefore, Argument A is __________.Argument B:Every globe shows that the United States is in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, next year most American cities will probably be colder in July than in January.Argument B is ___________ and ____________ all true premises. Therefore, Argument B is :__________-Argument C:Trains and airplanes are both popular ways to travel across the country. Since you can purchase a cabin in a sleeping car on a transcontinental railroad trip, it follows that there are sleeping cabins available on most transcontinental airline flights.Argument C is __________ and ___________ all true premises. Therefore, Argument C is ___________.Argument D:Since there have never been any major earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area, it is unlikely that there will be a major earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area anytime soon.Argument D is ____________ and _ all true premises. Therefore, Argument D is __________. (b) Explain clearly how the circulatory system and the respiratory system in the human body work together. Find the error in Bellas reasoning and explain how she should have solved this problem . If x^151+ 100 is divided by x+1 then the remainder is Which of the following describes an artisan?A. A merchantB. A public officialC. A skilled workerD. A business owner Based on the table below, Taxi Cab B had the greater rate of change.True or False? What is ballistochory? Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) is an organization that provides secure communication for contracts, invoices, and other trade documents that normally accompany cash payments. false The basal metabolic rate is the rate at which energy is produced in the body when a person is at rest. A 157 lb (71.0 kg ) person of height 5.91 ft(1.80 m ) would have a body surface area of approximately 1.90 m2 .Reqiuired:a. What is the net amount of heat this person could radiate per second into a room at 19.0 C (about 66.2F) if his skin's surface temperature is 31.0 C? (At such temperatures, nearly all the heat is infrared radiation, for which the body's emissivity is 1.00, regardless of the amount of pigment.)b. Normally, 80.0 % of the energy produced by metabolism goes into heat, while the rest goes into things like pumping blood and repairing cells. Also normally, a person at rest can get rid of this excess heat just through radiation. Use your answer to part A to find this person's basal metabolic rate(BMR). as a student how would you stay positive on the new normal way of learning using the different What is the result if you increase your ad budget relative to the competition? increase in sales, doesn't increase sales in general, increase awareness, or increases your market share ProblemUsing the following image, find the value for I.(x + 13)(4x + 2) ("Some keep the Sabbath goingto Church"):Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice -I just wear my Wings -And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church, -Our little Sexton - sings.What is one purpose of the personification in this excerpt?A. To compare the speaker to a church bellO B. To make the Sabbath seem like a peer to the speakerC. To indicate that the speaker does not believe in GodD. To link two unlike concepts: a bird and a church official Elle takes anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics to ease the pain and discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis. She knows these drugs will not cure the disease, yet her doctor prescribed them. Explain why. Describe the market structure in which KFC and Nandos operate. HELP PLEASE I HAVE 15 MINS LEFTIn AABC median AM is drawn from vertex A to BC, BM = 14x and MC = 6x + 56. Determine andstate the value of x. john drew a polygon with two line segments