difference of buddhism and business practices,, what does buddhism believes that we shouldn’t practice on business?​


Answer 1


The basic doctrines of early Buddhism, which remain common to all Buddhism, include the four noble truths: existence is suffering (dukhka); suffering has a cause, namely craving and attachment (trishna); there is a cessation of suffering, which is nirvana; and there is a path to the cessation of suffering, the eightfold path of right views, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Buddhism characteristically describes reality in terms of process and relation rather than entity or substance.

Related Questions

An arrangement in which the government makes all the basic economic decisions???


In a centrally planned economy the central government makes all decisions about the production and consumption of goods and services. In a market economy economic decisions are made by individuals and are based on exchange, or trade.

Vì sao nói Môi trường trái đất là nơi lưu trữ và cung cấp thông tin cho con người?





i don't understand sorry :)

Indian Parliament abolished manual scavenging in the year ______.​



The construction of dry toilets and employment of manual scavengers to clean such dry toilets was prohibited in India in 1993.


Indian Parliament abolished manual scavenging in the year 1993.

Read the following quotation. "This power is calculated to annihilate totally the state governments." Which political view does this quotation support? (3 points).



anti federalist


federal in general means pro state governments


Anti Federalist


I took the test

Please describe how the choice of cosleeping or independent sleeping is a good example of a custom complex, and the underlying cultural beliefs each choice represents.



Due difference in cultural beliefs.


The choice of co-sleeping or independent sleeping is a good example of a custom complex, and the underlying cultural beliefs because in some of the culture, co-sleeping is considered as a bad habit and prohibited by the culture but encourages independent sleeping while on the other hand, some culture allows the co-sleeping due to no prohibition in their cultural believes so we can say that custom complex is responsible for this choice of sleeping.

What do you mean by identity?​



The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you.

A family adopts a new dog. Initially, the dog exhibits fear whenever it hears the vacuum running. After a few months, the dog begins ignoring the vacuum and shows no signs of fear toward it. This is known as





Habituation refers to the act of getting used to a stimulus / a decrease in response to the stimulus after repeated presentations

Which three plate touch the South American plate ?



African plate in the east

Nazca plate in the west

Scotia plate in the south


☆Hope it helps

☆Have a great day!!

South American plate is a relatively large sized plate located below the continent, South America. South American plate is bounded by African plate in the east, Nazca plate in the west, Antarctic plate and Scotia plate in the south, and Caribbean plate and North American plate in the north.

Bella reads at the 4th-grade level at approximately 100 wpm (orally). Her oral reading rate includes many incorrect words. When asked comprehension questions on fictional text, she is able to identify broad concepts such as main characters and events. However, she has difficulty identifying main ideas and supporting details in content area texts (science, social studies). She struggles with abstract concepts, inferences, deductions, and connecting the readings to real-world examples. This is not an example of a high-quality :___________



This is not an example of a high-quality PLAAFP statement.


PLAAFP statement is the term that refers to a student's academic performance levels and functional performance levels, that is, the PLAAFP shows the student's quality levels in relation to their ability to respond positively to academic concepts, such as reading correctly, understand complex subjects, but suitable for their academic level, write correctly and be able to do operations and school activities. The PLAAFP statement is very useful as it serves as a basis for presenting teachers and education professionals how a particular student should be monitored to strengthen their academic weaknesses.

The case shown in the question above presents a student with great difficulty in reading and understanding what he is reading. In this case, this student has a low quality of PLAAFP statement and this serves to encourage teachers to read and make this student overcome this difficulty.

what is your understanding of term "research"?​


Research means to study some topic carefully and discover new things from the given data or interpret data in a rational way.

Passage A:

The pastor of my church said that existentialism denied absolute truth and undermined the idea of genuine moral standards. As far as I can tell, existentialism is a movement in philosophy that consists in some rather complex philosophical theories. So, I'll just take my pastor's word for it that existentialism is bad.

Above Passage ______________ commit a fallacy; specifically, it _____________ commit a false cause fallacy.



It does commit a fallacy, specifically, it does not commit a false cause fallacy.


The argument presented above presents a fallacy, specifically, a fallacy known as the Argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority. This kind of fallacy occurs when a relevant personality is used as a justification to support a false argument. In the case of the argument presented in the text above, the speaker uses the authority that the pastor presents in his life, to justify the argument that existentialism is bad.

Explain THREE benefits of participating in any campaign that addresses a human rights issue.​



1. You will be a able to sleep at night, if you have a conscience.

You will meet many like minded people if you believe in what you are participating in.

2. If the campaign or movement actually causes change, you will probably get at least a small sense of accomplishment.

By participating you might pay attention to politics more in general afterwards, and policy does affect all of us.

3. Some people will respect you more, since they know you will stand up for your beliefs.

This is a little more light hearted, but if you participate in any protests, you might get some cool scars.

What makes you happy, sad, angry, fearful and hopeful ?



Happy: Usually my favourite things and nature, most people feel happy around natural things.

Sad: When most people see a sad movie that relates to them or when someone has hurt them self.

Fearful: When you hear strange noises, home alone or when someone is seriously ill.

Hopeful: Seeing a rainbow or a plant amongst human infrastructure and factory's.

These are all examples of secondary emotions (✿◡‿◡)

What can the reader infer from the text about Marco Polo?



Provides information about his achievements.


The reader can infer a lot of information from the text about Marco Polo. The text provides information about the adventures and exploration done by Marco Polo. The adventure of Marco Polo has a great influence on the world. Marco Polo had introduced gunpowder to the Chinese and start trade between Europe and China. The Europeans were introduced to citrus fruits, spices, and other new goods which the can't see in their lifetime.

Discuss two contributing factors that led to the government implementing humans rights restrictions ​




The following four sections will cover, broadly speaking, the most studied causes of human rights violations identified by researchers and practitioners: (1) Government Behavior and Structure; (2) Armed Conflict; (3) Economic Factors; and (4) Psychological Factors.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity are similar in that they all______


originate from each other

the bay of bengal is to my east and chhattisgarh lies to my west the name of my capital starts with b I am known for the sun temple who am i​



Bhubaneswar is known for sun temple


successfulness of competition policy in South africa​



1) The product choices along with its competitive prices were provided to the consumers.

2) Practices such as horizontal collusion and resale price maintenance was declared unlawful in 1984.

3) Prevention of monopoly growth was the aim of the competition policy act.

4) Countries monopolies and markets were regulated by the help of this structure.

5) It benefited all the South Africans either by providing employment and by participation of small and medium enterprises balancing the act through ownership economic transformation.

An infant sustains damage to her ventromedial frontal and orbitofrontal brain areas but survives. She has no clear deficits, but the parents have noticed she does not respond to punishment of any kind. What disorder might you be concerned about when they reach adulthood?



Antisocial behavior


Her parents have to be worried of their daughter exhibiting antisocial behaviors when she grows up. A damage to this part of the brain causes an individual to be impaired in how they act and also make moral judgements. Such persons would get to be seriously impaired in how they make social decisions and also in their personal behaviors

PLease help me

Why was Huey Long more successful in his campaign for governor of Louisiana in 1928? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

A.He ensured all citizens in Louisiana were taxed equally.

B.He took funds from road building projects to help the poor.

C.He had consistently worked to improve education.

D.He continued to work to give a voice to the poor.

E.He helped poor, rural citizens after a flood in 1927.



I'm not sure about the options but the main reason was because he had a stronger campaign and more funding and radio appearences, sorry that I couldn't say more!


how an itinerary or tour can be placed on this platform​



An itinerary is a plan of a journey showing the route and the places that the visitor will visit. Thus, it is a schedule or timetable produced in association with a package tourTo find out the per person cost of the tour you have to divide the total tour cost by the total number of people travelling for the tour. So here, Rs. 22706 if divided by 14 people (12 students and 2 faculty), the per person cost comes to Rs. 1621.85/- You have to round this figure to Rs.When planning a flight itinerary there are three (3) basic rules to follow: Avoid crisscrossing; Avoid backtracking; Remember that less carriers used, the better.

Derek believes that all immigrants belong to underdeveloped countries and migrate to his country in search of jobs and better standards of living. He believes that such people are suitable for physically demanding jobs and not for intellectually demanding jobs. Derek's opinions about immigrants are an example o


Answer: i would personally say that this is an example of bigotry.


do you know what human rights are? please explain your answer​


it's when we (humans) want to be accepted, ill give a full example:
Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.

Thực trạng, nguyên nhân,cách khắc phục tình trạng thất nghiệp của sinh viên hiện nay



-Thực trạng:   Theo số liệu mới nhất của Tổng cục Thống kê, đến quý 1 năm 2017, trong tổng lực lượng lao động cả nước có gần 918 nghìn lao động thiếu việc làm và lao động thất nghiệp là 1,14 triệu người. Thông thường, tình trạng thiếu việc luôn là vấn đề phổ biến ở khu vực nông thôn. Trong quý 1 năm 2017, hiện có gần 85,0% lao động thiếu việc làm sinh sống ở khu vực này. Xét về khác biệt giới, thị phần lao động nam thiếu việc là cao hơn so với lao động nữ (52,2% và 47,8 % tổng số lao động thiếu việc cả nước). Đồng thời, tình trạng thất nghiệp lại được quan tâm hơn ở khu vực thành thị. Mặc dù, tỷ trọng lao động thất nghiệp thành thị hiện thấp hơn, chỉ chiếm khoảng 47,6% tổng số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước. Hơn nữa, dựa trên kết quả điều tra lao động việc làm quý 1 năm 2017 cũng cho thấy lao động thất nghiệp nam là đông hơn so với lao động nữ (chiếm 58,9% và 41,1% trong tổng số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước). Nếu xem xét tình trạng thất nghiệp theo trình độ chuyên môn kỹ thuật (CMKT) tức là sinh viên ra trường có trình độ chuyên môn nhất định, trong quý 1 năm 2016, có tới hơn 32,3% số lao động thất nghiệp cả nước là lao động đã qua đào tạo chuyên nghiệp hoặc nghề từ 3 tháng trở lên. Trong đó, nhóm lao động có trình độ từ đại học trở lên chiếm thị phần lớn nhất, khoảng 38,6% tổng số lao động thất nghiệp nhóm này. 6 nhóm ngành/nghề đào tạo hiện có tỷ trọng lao động thất nghiệp có trình độ CMKT từ 3 tháng trở lên theo thứ tự là “Kinh doanh và quản lý - 30,3%”, “Công nghệ kỹ thuật - 13,4%”, “Sức khỏe - 10,7%”, “Dịch vụ vận tải - 9,5%” và “Khoa học giáo dục và đào tạo giáo viên - 9,0%”. Chỉ khoảng 3,6% nhóm lao động thất nghiệp có trình độ CM:KT

l à có 2 bằng/chứng chỉ đào tạo trở lên.

*Nguyên nhân : - Không có định hướng nghề nghiệp trước khi học

- Sinh viên ra trường thiếu kỹ năng làm việc

- Chất lượng đào tạo chưa thực sự gắn với nhu cầu xã hội

- Trình độ ngoại ngữ vẫn còn nhiều hạn chế

- Luôn than trách và đổ lỗi cho số phận

• Giải pháp

-  cần định hướng sơ bộ về nghề nghiệp của mình trong tương lai

- cần thay đổi nhận thức, hiểu được đầu ra của ngành học

cần học những ngành nghề mà trong đó có sự đam mê, yêu thích của bản thân và phù hợp với khả năng của minh

- các giảng viên của nhà trường nên kết hợp cùng với lãnh đạo của các doanh nghiệp trao đổi và định hướng nghề nghiệp phù hợp với từng tân sinh viên, dựa trên việc phân tích tính cách, đặc điểm gia đình, sở thích...của từng cá nhân để đưa ra lời khuyên cho các em nên chọn ngành nào phù hợp với mình, có cơ hội việc là tốt nhất và phát huy được năng lực cao nhất.

- trải nghiệm thực tế tại các doanh nghiệp  

-  cần nghiêm túc học hành ngay khi đang còn ngồi trên ghế nhà trường

- Nhà nước hoàn thiện thể chế thị trường lao động, tạo khung pháp lý phù hợp, bảo đảm đối xử bình đẳng giữa người sử dụng lao động và người lao động,  Thực hiện đúng các luật về lao động, tiền lương tối thiểu, bảo hiểm lao động, xuất khẩu lao động, pháp lệnh đình công... Người lao động được quyền hưởng lương đúng với số lượng và chất lượng lao động họ đã bỏ ra, phải được bảo đảm về chỗ ở và những điều kiện môi trường lao động, an sinh khác theo đúng luật pháp.

-  Nhà nước cùng các doanh nghiệp cần phải quan tâm đào tạo công nhân trình độ cao, trình độ lành nghề, trình độ văn hóa đối với lao động trẻ, khỏe, nhất là khu vực nông thôn để cung ứng cho các vùng kinh tế trọng điểm, các khu công nghiệp, khu du lịch, dịch vụ và xuất khẩu lao động.

- đa dạng hóa các loại hình thị trường, các lớp dạy nghề của Nhà nước, của tư nhân và quốc tế; áp dụng cơ chế thị trường trong dạy nghề, dần dần hình thành thị trường dạy nghề phù hợp với pháp luật. Thực hiện quy hoạch đầu tư tập trung hệ thống dạy nghề, kỹ thuật thực hành qua lao động trực tiếp; đặc biệt là xây dựng các trường dạy nghề trọng điểm quốc gia.

-  thực hiện hiệu quả dự án hỗ trợ đào tạo giảng viên; xây dựng cơ chế xác định chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh đào tạo trung cấp, đào tạo cao đẳng, đại học hàng năm trên cơ sở nhu cầu của thị trường lao động, năng lực đào tạo và tỷ lệ người học tốt nghiệp có việc làm của cơ sở đào tạo; chỉ đạo các cơ sở đào tạo đầu tư nâng cao điều kiện đảm bảo chất lượng đào tạo, hợp tác với đơn vị sử dụng lao động để xây dựng chương trình đào tạo cân đối giữa lý thuyết và thực hành, xây dựng chuẩn đầu ra, hỗ trợ sinh viên thực tập và đánh giá sinh iên tốt nghiệp theo yêu cầu TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO:

1. Tổng cục Thống kê năm 2016 - 2017

2. ThS. Nguyễn Thúy Hà, Chính sách việc làm: Thực trạng và giải pháp, Trung tâm Nghiên cứu khoa học - Viện Nghiên cứu Lập pháp

của thị trường lao động.



Faculty of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics

Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment

James has been working at a restaurant for a couple years. During this time, he has received numerous positive reviews from customers and his coworkers know they can depend on him during busy periods. However, despite his hard work he is still earning the same hourly wage he was when he was first hired. This wage is so low that James is struggling to pay his bills and afford an apartment. While he is experiencing this financial struggle, he sees many customers drive nice cars to the restaurant and hears stories about how many of his coworkers are taking vacations. James’s dissatisfaction with his standard of living is best described as :___________

a. absolute poverty.
b. structural discrimination.
c. relative poverty.
d. anomie.



c. relative poverty.


Relative poverty is an individual or people that earns less than an average household usually about 50% less than an average household.

They do not have access to what every other household posses their salary can only take care of the basics as in the case of James who struggles to pay his house rent from his salary.

This people cannot afford to participate actively in the society just as James could not afford a car or send himself to vacation.

In a movie, the character Meili was born in Asia and is a non-Christian in a
predominantly Christian town. The character Ankti, whose mother is an
American Indian, behaves according to high moral principles, and her
teachers say that others should behave as she does. Another character,
Javier, is a helpless older Latino. In this movie, Javier's role is that of a(n)
A. model minority
B. consumer
C. heathen
D. infantilized person



letter A


Mortality is:________.
Select one:
a. the certainty of mass casualties.
b. the possibility of dissemination.
c. the potential for death.
d. the availability of biologic substances.



c. The potential for death


Mortality means "being subject to death" or refers to the state of being mortal (destined to die). So mortality would most likely be the potential for death.

how has the media impacted public opinion of wars?


The media has the ability to influence public opinion of wars by putting out propaganda in support of one country and against another. This garners public support for one country and their actions while condemning the other. The information is often one sided and not relayed in a subjective manner, creating an unfair bias in the public eye.

What is the climate of Samoa



Samoa's average daytime air temperature throughout the year ranges from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Roles of civil Society in Tanzania​



Civil society (CSOS) can play an important role in enhancing transparency and good governance in developing countries by contributing to increase public debate on issues surrounding the formulation and implementation of government budgets as well as in supporting greater transparency of revenues. So this are the roles of civil society on Tanzania

Other Questions
A knight wanted to visit a princess.He had to arrive at exactly 17h00.If he travelled at 15 km per hour, he would arrive one hour too early.If he travelled at 10 km per hour, he would arrive one hour too late.Questions : 1- At what time did he leave?2- What distance did he travel?3- At what speed did he travel? Aqueous hydrochloric acid reacts with solid sodium hydroxide to produce aqueous sodium chloride and liquid water . What is the theoretical yield of sodium chloride formed from the reaction of 0.73g of hydrochloric acid and 1.3g of sodium hydroxide?Round your answer to 2 significant figures. Why are Shakespeare's plays considered difficult for modern students tounderstand? Select the correct text in the passage.The excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical?No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. {The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country.} {For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery;} and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfil the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. {Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country}, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. {We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.} Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? {For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.} Blue litmus paper is used to determine the acidity of a compound. When litmus paper detects hydrogen ions (H+), the paper turns red. Which solution will leave the blue litmus unchanged in color? hydrochloric acid (HCI) hydrobromic acid (HBr) B C sodium hydroxide (NaOH) sodium chloride salt (NaCl)A. Hydrochloric acid (HCI)B. Hydrobromic acid (HBr)C. sodium hydroxide (NaOH)D. sodium chloride (NaCI) Select the correct answer.Jessica's friend has decided to quit smoking. What should Jessica do to encourage her friend?OA. Use reverse psychology by telling her that she will never be able to quit.O B. Celebrate smoke-free days with her and give her small gifts for not smoking.O C. Carefully monitor her and scold her whenever she sneaks a cigarette, SAT A bag contains 3 red marbles, 2 green marbles, and 4 blue marbles. One marble is randomly drawn and replaced. Then a second marble is drawn. Find the probability of drawing three bluemarbles. Which is the correct way to say, "Some people do not want to travel."?Alguno personas no quieren viajar.Algunos personas no quieren viajar.Alguna personas no quieren viajar.Algunas personas no quieren viajar. Ivanhoe Company buys merchandise on account from Metlock Company. The selling price of the goods is $1,290 and the cost of the goods sold is $770. Both companies use perpetual inventory systems.Journalize the transactions on the books of both companies. (If no entry is required, select "No Entry" for the account titles and enter 0 for the amounts. Credit account titles are automatically indented when amount is entered. Do not indent manually.)Account Titles and ExplanationDebitCreditIvanhoe Enter an account titleEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amountEnter an account titleEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amountMetlockEnter an account title to record sale of merchandiseEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amountEnter an account title to record sale of merchandiseEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amount(To record sale of merchandise)Enter an account titleEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amountEnter an account titleEnter a debit amountEnter a credit amount A gas has a pressure of 2.36 kPa at 62 C. What is the pressure at standardtemperature? Find f(2) if f(x) = (x + 1). Venus International makes customized furniture and uses job order costing. During a period, its beginning raw materials inventory was $10,000. It purchased raw materials of $20,000 and ended the period with ending raw materials inventory of $3,000. What is the cost of raw materials transferred to Work in Process Inventory Translate the following sentence into an algebraic inequality: Three times a number, v, added to eight is greater than or equal to twenty-two. Question 7 options: A) 3v + 8 > 22 B) 3v + 8 22 C) 3v + 8 22 D) 3v + 8 < 22 Maria tiene 1 1/2 de manjar para rellenar una torta, ella quiere preparar 3 tortas pero su alcalcena solo cuenta con 1 1/2 cuanto le falta para preparar la torta si vende a 35,90, le pagan con billete de 200 soles cuanto de vuelto le dara? 5. In the triangle ABC, M is the midpoint of [AB] and N is the midpoint of [CM].Find the coordinates of N. Given that A(-1,3), B(7.-3) and C(1,6). Hy la chn mt cng ty s dng dch v nghin cu marketing ca cc nh cung cp bn ngoi 1.L do cng ty phi thu ngoi 2.Nhng t chc no cung cp dch v marketing cho cng ty? 3.CNG TY THU MT HAY THU TON B CAC HOT NG NGHIN CU MARKETING Rizio Co. purchases a machine for $12,500, terms 2/10, n/60, FOB shipping point. Rizio paid within the discount period and took the $250 discount. Transportation costs of $360 were paid by Rizio. The machine required mounting and power connections costing $895. Another $475 is paid to assemble the machine and $40 of materials are used to get it into operation. During installation, the machine was damaged and $180 worth of repairs were made. In moving the machine to its steel mounting, $180 in damages occurred. Also, $40 of materials is used in adjusting the machine to produce a satisfactory product. The adjustments are normal for this machine and are not the result of the damages. Compute the cost recorded for this machine. (Rizio pays for this machine within the cash discount period.) Find an equation for the line perpendicular to y= -4/3x+5 with y-intercept (0,-12). Write the answer in slope-intercept form Chickenpox is a virus that was common in children, and there are still many cases of the virus each year. Christopher caught chickenpox afterspending time with another person that had the virus. The chickenpox represents what link in the chain of transmission in this scenario?OA. susceptible host.Infectious agentO c. mode of transmissionOD. portal of entryO E. reservoir PLEASE HELP!need answers to a and b !thank you!