Drag the coma to the correct place in the sentence


Answer 1


put comma at the right place in a sentence

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What factors do you think contributed to the downfall of Camelot?


The main factors that contributed to the downfall of Camelot was selfishness among the knight despite that they swore to be loyal to King Arthur.

What is the downfall of Camelot?

The downfall of Camelot was illustrated in the Movie titled "Merlin" when Uther Pendragon's reign in Camelot fell to his daughter Morgan.

In conclusion, the selfish needs of some knight before their duty was the main factor.

Read more about downfall of Camelot


What is the BEST way, if any, to rewrite Sentences (3) and (4) correctly? A) Leave the sentence as is. B) Is it the witnesses during the trial or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney? C) Is it the witnesses during the trial or, is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney? D) Is it the witnesses during the trial, or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney?



The answer is  D)Is it the witnesses during the trial, or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney

When a coordinating conjunction, for example, "or" is used to connect two independent clauses, a comma is always used. Thus, for given example, the correct statement is "Is it the witnesses during the trial, or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney? So, the correct option is D.

What is coordinating conjunction?

A coordinating conjunction is defined as a conjunction which links words, phrases, and clauses that are coordinated, or equal to each other where there are seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or , nevertheless, which can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS.

The coordinating conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases and clauses or sentences. When the coordinating conjunction, like "or" which is used to connect two independent clauses, thus, a comma is always used.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about conjunction, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Excerpt from Fingerprints Carole Jenkins (3) Is it the witnesses during the trial? (4) Or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney? What is the BEST way, if any, to rewrite Sentences (3) and (4) correctly?

A) Leave the sentence as is.

B) Is it the witnesses during the trial or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney?

C) Is it the witnesses during the trial or, is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney?

D) Is it the witnesses during the trial, or is it the expertise of the prosecuting attorney?

The blank contains the main idea in a paragraph



there isn't a picture, add a picture

Which of these is most similar to mechanical weathering



This question is impossible to answer.


You need to attach the related problem for context.

What the first person said

Read these sentences.
My dog loves to chase the critters that sneak through our backyard. Yesterday he almost caught a snake in the grass!
What is the denotative meaning of the phrase snake in the grass as it is used in the sentence?
a limbless reptile slithering in the lawn
one who does things behind another's back
someone with a treacherous personality
a person who is a liar or a thief


The denotative meaning of the phrase snake in the grass as it is used in the sentence is; a limbless reptile slithering in the lawn.

What is Denotative meaning?

Denotation otherwise termed the Denotative meaning of a word or phrase is the literal definition of such word or phrase. For instance, the denotation for red is the color red.

On this note, it follows that the Denotative meaning of the phrase, snake in the grass is; a limbless reptile slithering in the lawn.

Read more on Denotative meaning;



Directions: Identify the subjectand and the verb in each sentence.
1. The family has purchased a television.
2. The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine.
3. Tata Teban, a very good mechanic, is fixing the car.
4. The stores offering the lowest prices will have the most number of customers.
5. The first team winning four games is awarded the championship.


Answer: 1. S: Family V: Purchased

2. S: Poem V: Writing

3. S: Tata Teban V: Fixing

4. S: The stores V: Prices

5. S: The team V: Awarded


Which questions would most help a reader identify the author's purpose for writing? Select three options.
What type of text is this?
What type of reviews did the book receive?
How many copies of the book have been sold?
What is the central idea?
How does this text make one feel?


The type of text, the central idea, and the how does it make one feel

Answer: The type of text, the central idea, and the how does it make one feel

Explanation: Edge

What does it mean to have a mental breakdown?


A nervous breakdown (also called a mental breakdown) is a term that describes a period of extreme mental or emotional stress. The stress is so great that the person is unable to perform normal day-to-day activities. The term “nervous breakdown” isn't a clinical one. Nor is it a mental health disorder.

Read the story and answer briefly the following :

1. Give two virtues that were exemplified by the father in the story and discuss how he acted them out.
2. Inspired by the son in the story, how should you decide and act in accordance with your best intentions and goals in life?

My Favorite Love Story

Among the Navaho Indians was an initiation rite for young boys before they were accepted into the tribe as warriors. The moment a boy was between the ages 13 and 14, his father would take him to the jungle for his initiation. There would only be the two of them and they would bring nothing except the horse that they would be riding on. The forest is dense. Sometimes it is very hot in the jungle.

Then as night fell and as darkness descended, they were already there in the jungle. The father told the boy, “You have to pass this test my son or else I will be ashamed before our tribesmen. You will never be recognized as a grown-up man and, if you are not initiated, they will not make you a soldier.”

The boy could not do anything but obey his father. But you know he was trembling in fear. He could not complain as the father told him, “I will leave you now my son. There is no food, and there is no weapon for defense. Fend for yourself.” In that empty darkness, the father left the boy.

Now, the boy, alone, stayed there against a trunk of a big tree, shivering in a cold night, yet sweating beads of hot perspiration because of fear. Every rustle of the leaves made him tremble because it might be the movement of a snake. Every crack in the branch of a tree, within his mind, looked like a leopard ready to pounce on him. Every footstep might be the footstep of a lion ready to devour him. So he was not able to sleep for many hours. He was shivering there thinking “What kind of father is he? If he loves me, why does he conform to the laws of the tribe and leave me here to die? Why does he have to abandon me for the sake of his pride?” But then he could not even cry a complaint because he was afraid if he cried the wolves would come and tear him to pieces. He was even very careful with his breathing because his breathing might attract the snakes. But he was there. He could not even move because when he moved he was afraid it was not his movement. It might be something else. Finally, he was very sleepy and the poor boy fell asleep terrified with fear.

The morning came and the sun emerged from the mountain beyond the forest, casting resplendent beams like the illumination of the thousand diamonds reaching the earth. The streaks of light sparkling on the dewy leaves of the trees. The boy was speechless. Wondering how he survived the night as he beheld a glorious morning, in exultation, he shouted, “I am alive.” As his eyes wandered around, he realized there were no wolves, no tigers, no pythons. And as he looked farther, about 9 feet away from him, what did he see? All along his father was there guarding him with his bow and arrow and his hunting knife. In tears of joy he ran to his father, embraced him, and said, “Oh father, I thought you had abandoned me.” The father whispered, “No my son, I cannot do that because even when you were struggling in the night, I was there with my bow and arrow ready to attack any kind of wild animal that may come near you. How could I do that to you? Even when you were so afraid in the dark, I was there with my eyes searching through the darkness and intensely watching you there. I was always there!

Multiply that a million times and that is how God takes care of us even in our doubts and fears. Multiply that a million times and that is how God loves you and me. In return He only asks us to love others. He says, “If you love the very least of these, my brethren, you have loved me in return. “

Moral life must be considered not as a system of do’s and don’ts or as a reaction to a set of laws or commandments imposed from the outside, but as a dynamic process of becoming a person. A person who acts as a human being ought is virtuous. He acts with reason; he is in control; he directs his actions to the best ends to achieve his potential as a human being. A person who is truly human directs his actions by bringing into play four cardinal virtues and three theological virtues. Let us now look into the meaning of these virtues.


The two virtues that are acted out by this father to his son are


How love is acted out in the question

The father has love for his son that is why he felt the need to stay with him through the dangerous experience.

Also the father is a protector of his son. WShile the son slept, the man was up with his weapons ready to attack anything that may harm the boy.

2. The best way to go through you intentions in life is with love for others and also having the ability to face our fears.

Read more on the Navajos here: https://brainly.com/question/24859555

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Which of the following means words that appeal to one or more of the five senses?
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Which of the following means giving human qualities to something non-human?
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Which of the following means a comparison of two dissimilar things or ideas that does not use like or as?
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Which of the following means using like or as to compare two dissimilar things?
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Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
Which of the following means language that means exactly what is stated?
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figurative language

literal language


Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
Which of the following is an espression meaning something other than the literal meaning of the words?
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literal language

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
Which of the following means when a word imitates the sound it represents?
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Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
Which of the following means accented syllables that produce a distinct beat in a line of poetry?
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rhyme scheme



Flag question: Question 9
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Which of the following means words lines or phrases that are repeated?
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Flag question: Question 10
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Which of the following means words, lines, or phrases that end with the same sound?
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Flag question: Question 11
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Which of the following mean the repetition of the beginning consonant sounds in words?
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rhyme scheme




Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
Which of the followig is a reference to a real or fictional person, place, or event?
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Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
Which of the following is an extreme exaggeration?
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Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
Which of the following is language that is not meant to be taken literally?
Group of answer choices


literal language

figurative language


Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"A narrow wind complains all day how someone treated him."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"He hears the parson pray and preach."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"Men's words are bullets, that their enemies take up and make use of against them."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"My solitude grew more and more obese, like a pig."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
What is the rhyme scheme used in this stanza?

It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of Annabel Lee;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"In the morning the city...spreads its wings."

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Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"It was so cold that all the fish moved south."

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard..."

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Flag question: Question 24
Question 241 pts
What literary device is used in this quote?

"That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles/and my daddy said 'Stay away from Juliet.'"

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Answer: imagery


bc we're right and ur of less than average intelligence. we take grammar lessons from our local oompa loompa BET

Write an introductory paragraph on the topic the benefits of e-learning
Underline your thesis statement


An introductory paragraph can be indicated as follows:

E-learning refers to the act of being educated via electronic means. One of the benefits of eLearning that has been most touted is that it allows the students to log in from anywhere in the world rather than being in a particular geographical location.

What is an Introduction?

An Introduction refers to the group of words that help to shape the first impression or exposure that a reader gets to a particular topic. it also serves to hint to the reader about what the entire text is all about.

The following are the various types of introductions:

InquisitiveParadoxicalCorrectivePreparatoryNarrative etc.

Learn more about Introduction at:


write the adjectives in the correct place according to the way they form the opposites. Use the dictionary if necessary



Dis: Honest, respectful, tolerant

Im (m/p): mature, possible

un: healthy, regular, fair

In: credible

Il: legal, legible,

Ir: responsible

What are the points of comparison used to compare Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin in this passage?

inspiration for their art, style, and techniques

personality, creativity, success

personal history, popularity, fame

subject matter, talent, artistic heirs


Answer:inspiration for their art, style, and techniques


What is one crucial change to how the first theme, bridge, second theme, and concluding section are presented in the recapitulation


The crucial change to how the first theme, bridge, second theme, and concluding section are presented in the recapitulation is:

"All principle material is now on the tonic key."

What is a Theme?

The theme of a literature is its 'central idea.' In other words, it is that principle or message being communicated by the author.

Sometimes, it could also be a claim that the author is trying to make.

Some examples of themes are given below. They are:

Winners don't quitIt is beneficial to always plan ahead

Learn more about themes in the link below:


Select the helping verb.
Did you notice the old, worn statues in the formal gardens?



Did-helping verb

notice-main verb


We mostly rely on media for:
A. consumption
B. information.
C. gadgets.
D. consumers.



B. Information


Sending and sharing of information is the major function of media.

info, we usually use the media to see what’s going on in the world

Read the lines from "Harlem [2]."
Or fester like a sore-
And then run?
How does the word choice of these lines affect the tone of the poem?
o It creates an earnest tone.
O It creates a disgusted tone.
0 It creates an uncertain tone.
It creates a sorrowful tone.



It creates a disgusted tone.


I did the test

Hi!! Please answer! In one to two sentences, determine how Wendy's point of view changes as the dialogue continues.


Point of view is the perception of the writer or someone towards something. Wendy's point of view changes when she initially believes that Peter should stay with them till he turns into a man.

Cause of the change in her Point of view

Since Peter wishes to never take care of business she sees it was childish of her to wish that without contemplating what peter needed. Hence, she changes her point of view by considering what she needs and what Peter needs.

Therefore, the change in the point of view is as a result of the clash of interest in what they both want.

learn more about point of view: https://brainly.com/question/13107415

Himal is washing his clothes .(into passive voice)



clothes are being washed by himal

If you ____________ exercises regularly, your health will significantly improve. A,did B,doing C,do D,does​





It is do since your sentence is in present tense.


C - If you do exercises regularly, your health will significantly improve


This is a conditional sentence.

The English language has three forms of conditional:

Zero conditionalFirst conditionalSecond conditional

The Zero conditional is used to talk about things that are generally true such as: "If you heat ice, it melts"

The structure is if {simple present}, {simple present}

The First conditional is used to talk about future situations we believe are real or possible such as: "If I finish my chores, I'll play some games"

The structure is if {simple present}, {will + infinitive}

The second conditional is used to imagine situations that are unreal or unlikely, such as: "If I were a millionaire, I'd be happy"

The structure is if {simple past}, {would + infinitive}

The sentence given fits the First conditional better.

what does it mean dim lights in driving????


Answer:to lower the angle of the front lights of your car, especially when someone is driving towards you SYN dip British English → dim.

4. How do the Jews of Sighet react to the arrival of the Germans? The creation of the ghettos? Their own deportation? How do you account for these responses?​


Answer: The Jews react to the German decrees by freaking out and thinking that they are unfair. The Jews of Sighet don't freak out over the creation of the ghettos because they don't think it's a major deal yet since some of them can still live in their own homes and they are able to live amongst themselves.


What type of irony is this: Bryce put on his "Buy
American" shirt that was
made in China.
Verbal irony
Situation irony
Dramatic irony


Answer: Situation irony.


Activity 2: Enhance your Vocabt
DIRECTIONS: You will score the most seen that
mening on the right colums
* 2 about to read. Match the selewing wafania woda to
1. Fist
A. to shake or move
2 porch
B. to look curiously
3. quiver
c. to pass a thread through the eye of a needle
4. peering
D. the hand close as in grasping
5. thread
E a covered area adjoining an entrance
to a building


tha answerr of the match the following

1 D

2 E

3 A

4 B

5 C

The letter, as well as the postcards, _ on the table.
A: is
B: are
C: were





The letters , as well as the postcards, are on the table.

What are the Bokansovsky babies dosed with? (Brave New World)



The world represented here could be a utopia, albeit ironic and ambiguous: humanity is ordered into castes where everyone knows and accepts their place in the social gear, healthy, technologically advanced and s3xually free. War and poverty have been eradicated, and everyone is permanently happy. However, the paradox is that all these things have been achieved after eliminating many others: family, cultural diversity, art, the advancement of science, literature, religion, philosophy and love. The title originates from a play by author William Shakespeare, The Tempest, in Act V , when Miranda delivers her speech.


O wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in't.

If I help you give me points, thanks

the six ways to improve the outcomes of panel discussion or public forums will helps us to ____



carefully choose moderators and panelists

interesting and articulate panelists

get rid of the long,draped table

stress preparation formal rehearsals

structure the discussion to be more like a conversation

limit the number of slides

If we take the 9:30 flight, we _
too late.

O will arrive
O arrive
O would arrive
O would have arrived


If we take the 9:30 flight, we will arrive

too late.


A) If we take the 9:30 flight, we will arrive too late.


If we take the 9:30 flight, we will arrive too late. (I would choose this one)

If we took the 9:30 flight, we would arrive too late.

If we take the 9:30 flight, we arrive too late.

If we had taken the 9:30 flight, we would have arrived too late.

A duck is a bird. Or The duck is a bird.



A duck is a bird known as a waterfowl because they live near ponds, rivers, and lakes.


A duck is a bird.


The animal was named after the verb and not the other way around.


Though the woods were dangerous, the boys were undaunted and decided to continue up the trail.

If the word daunted means to not have courage, what is the meaning of undaunted?
study of courage
without courage
able to be courageous
with courage



C. able to be courageous


Undaunted means not intimidated by difficulties or dangers,in other words, it means being able to act courageously.  One of the best synonyms for undaunted is therefore courageous or able to be courageous.

able to be courageous


it says not to be intimidated or not to be discouraged. it shows how courageous you can be without or with the downfall

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