During an emergency what should you check first


Answer 1


During an emergency, it is important to check for any immediate danger to yourself and others. This could include things like fire, smoke, gas leaks, or other hazardous materials.

If you are in a building or other structure, check for any obvious signs of danger such as smoke or flames. If you smell gas or hear strange noises, evacuate the area immediately and call for help.

If you are outside, look for any potential hazards such as falling objects or power lines that may have been knocked down.

Once you have determined that it is safe to do so, you should also check on the well-being of anyone who may be injured or in need of assistance.

In summary, the first thing to check during an emergency is for any immediate danger to yourself and others, and then attend to any injuries or assistance that may be needed.


Answer 2

Check, call, care.

For checking, start with C-A-B—circulation, airway, and breathing.

Then proceed tl call whoever you need to and cater.

Related Questions

FILL IN THE BLANK. ___ occurs when a drug use requires more and more of a given drug in order to experience the same effects of the drug.
A. withdrawal
B. psychological dependence
C. tolerance
D. reuptake


Tolerance of drug occurs when a drug use requires more and more of a given drug in order to experience the same effects of the drug.

Drug tolerance or drug insensitivity is a pharmacological term that describes patients' diminished response to a substance after repeated use. While increasing the dosage may re-amplify the drug's effects, doing so may quicken tolerance development and further blunt the drug's effects. Drug tolerance is a sign of drug use but is not always linked to drug dependence or addiction. It is possible to reverse the development of tolerance by taking a drug holiday, and both physiological and psychological factors may be at play.

Tolerance is a favorable trait if it results in the development of pharmacological tolerance to adverse effects. Drug desensitization is the term for a medical technique that aims to improve tolerance (for example, allergen immunotherapy, in which a patient is exposed to increasing doses of an allergen to lessen their allergic symptoms).

To know more about Tolerance of drug click here:



TRUE/FALSE. When glucose is broken down in a cell, all of the energy it stores is released simultaneously, not in a stepwise process.


When glucose is broken down in a cell, the energy it stores is released in a stepwise process through a series of enzymatic reactions. So, the statement is FALSE.

When glucose is broken down in a cell, the energy it stores is released in a stepwise process through a series of enzymatic reactions. This process is known as cellular respiration. The stepwise release of energy allows the cell to capture the energy in a usable form (ATP) and to use it to power cellular processes as needed. The steps are:

Glycolysis is the process by which glucose is partially broken down to produce pyruvate and energy is then transferred to ATP and reduced electron carriers.In the process of being oxidised, pyruvate transforms into the molecule acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), which generates reduced electron carriers and releases carbon dioxide.the Krebs cycle, commonly known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle. The acetyl group is entirely oxidised to carbon dioxide in this series of chemical events, and energy is transferred to ATP and reduced electron carriers. This stage involves the conversion of approximately twice as much energy to ATP and decreased electron carriers as stages 1 and 2.Aerobic phosphorylation. In this set of events, significant amounts of ATP are produced while reduced electron carriers created in steps 1-3 contribute electrons to the electron transport chain.

In some bacteria, these reactions take place in the cytoplasm, and the electron transport chain is located in the plasma membrane.

To know more about glucose,



oxygen must diffuse through which structure listed below on its way from the alveolus to the hemoglobin of a red blood cell?


Oxygen must diffuse through several structures on its way from the alveolus to the hemoglobin of a red blood cell. These structures include:

Alveolar wall: The alveolar wall is the thin layer of tissue that separates the alveolus (air sac) from the surrounding blood vessels. Oxygen first diffuses through the alveolar wall and enters the bloodstream.

Capillary wall: The capillary wall is the thin layer of tissue that separates the bloodstream from the surrounding tissues. Oxygen diffuses through the capillary wall and enters the red blood cells.

Red blood cell membrane: Oxygen must cross the cell membrane of the red blood cell to reach the hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen. Oxygen binds to the iron atoms in the heme group of hemoglobin, forming oxyhemoglobin.

Hemoglobin: Finally, oxygen binds to the hemoglobin within the red blood cells, which are then transported throughout the body to deliver oxygen to the cells.

Overall, the process of oxygen diffusion is critical for maintaining adequate oxygen levels in the body, which is essential for cellular metabolism and energy production. Any disruption to this process, such as lung disease or anemia, can lead to oxygen deprivation and serious health complications.

Learn more about hemoglobin here brainly.com/question/15011428


deduct 100% of the premium as a deduction for agi, whereas include(s) the premiums in computing the itemized medical expense deduction.


The statement is correct. When it comes to deducting health insurance premiums, there are two potential ways to do so on your taxes.

The first way is to deduct 100% of the premium as a deduction for AGI (above-the-line deduction), which means that you can claim the deduction regardless of whether you itemize your deductions or not. This is generally available to self-employed individuals or those who meet certain other criteria, such as having COBRA coverage after leaving a job.

The second way is to include the premiums in computing the itemized medical expense deduction. This means that you can only claim the deduction if you itemize your deductions, and the premiums can only be deducted to the extent that they exceed a certain percentage of your adjusted gross income (AGI), which is currently set at 7.5% for 2021 and 2022. Additionally, you can only deduct medical expenses that are not reimbursed by insurance or any other source.

It's important to note that you cannot double-dip and claim both of these deductions for the same premiums. You must choose one or the other, depending on your circumstances.

To know more about insurance click here:



Which statement about the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is accurate?


The statement accurate about ACE inhibitors is ACE inhibitors may interrupt the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to reduce renal vasoconstriction.

What is an ACE inhibitor?

An ACE inhibitor is a type of medication used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart failure. ACE stands for angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is an enzyme that plays a role in regulating blood pressure by converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II.

Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor, which means that it causes blood vessels to narrow, leading to an increase in blood pressure. ACE inhibitors work by blocking the action of ACE, which reduces the production of angiotensin II and causes blood vessels to relax, lowering blood pressure.

Learn more on ACE inhibitors here: https://brainly.com/question/27809853


This is the source of omega 3 epa and dha


Answer: The three main omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found mainly in plant oils such as flaxseed, soybean, and canola oils. DHA and EPA are found in fish and other seafood.

Explanation: Health/Nutrition

which of the following is probably used to store toxins that can discourage potential predators from consuming a brachiopod?


Brachiopods do not have a specific organ or structure to store toxins to discourage potential predators from consuming them.

Unlike some other animals, such as certain species of fish or amphibians, brachiopods are not known to have the ability to synthesize or store toxins in their bodies as a defense mechanism.

Instead, brachiopods rely on physical defenses such as their hard shells and their ability to attach themselves securely to rocks or other substrates to protect themselves from predators. Some species of brachiopods are also able to retreat inside their shells when threatened, which can make them more difficult for predators to reach.

Brachiopods are a group of marine invertebrates that have been present on Earth for more than 500 million years. They are filter-feeding animals that live on the ocean floor, attached to rocks or other substrates by a muscular stalk called a pedicle. Brachiopods are similar in appearance to bivalve mollusks, such as clams and oysters, but they are not closely related.

To know more about Brachiopods here



hazardous air pollutants list (haps list) - congress listed 188 hazardous air pollutants (haps) in section 112(b)(1) of the caa


The EPA is obligated by the Clean Air Act to control emissions of dangerous air pollutants. 189 contaminants were included in the initial list. Since 1990, EPA has amended the list through rulemaking to include 188 dangerous air pollutants.

The listing covers organic compounds with more than one benzene ring that have a boiling point more than 100 degree C as well as mineral fiber emissions from facilities producing or processing glass, rock. A first list of hazardous air pollutants is provided in Section 1129(b)(1). This list is made up of particular chemical compounds and classes of chemical compounds, and it is intended to be used to identify source categories for which the EPA will issue emissions regulations.

Learn more about air pollutants here:



which of the following structures is known to modify postural muscle amplitude in response to changing task and environment?


The structure that is known to modify postural muscle amplitude in response to changing task and environment is the cerebellum.

The cerebellum is a part of the brain located at the base of the skull and is responsible for coordinating and regulating movements, including those involved in posture and balance.

The cerebellum receives sensory information from various parts of the body, including the inner ear, joints, and muscles, which it uses to adjust and modify muscle activity in response to changes in the environment or task demands. For example, when standing on an unstable surface or performing a complex movement, the cerebellum will increase postural muscle activity to maintain balance and stability.

The cerebellum also works in conjunction with other parts of the nervous system, including the vestibular system and the proprioceptive system, to ensure accurate and coordinated movement. Dysfunction of the cerebellum can lead to movement disorders and balance problems, which can have significant impacts on an individual's daily life.

Learn more about postural muscle here brainly.com/question/29507091


Full question:

which of the following structures is known to modify postural muscle amplitude in response to changing task and environment?



Brain stem

Which age group discussed in Chapter 5 have you communicated with the most? Describe two communication techniques in Chapter 5 you can apply when communicating with this age group. Explain the therapeutic responses the medical professionals used in the case study from the textbook about the age group you chose.


Answer: Chapter 5 discusses communication with the elderly population.


Chapter 5 discusses communication with the elderly population. Two communication techniques that can be applied when communicating with the elderly are active listening and validating emotions.

Active listening involves paying attention to what the person is saying, observing their body language, and repeating back what they have said to ensure understanding. This technique shows that the person's thoughts and feelings are valued and helps to build trust.

Validating emotions involves acknowledging and accepting the person's emotions, even if you do not agree with their perspective. It is important to show empathy and support, rather than dismissing or criticizing their emotions.

The case study in the textbook about the elderly population discusses a medical professional who used therapeutic responses to communicate with an elderly patient who was feeling isolated and depressed. The medical professional used active listening to understand the patient's concerns and validate their emotions. They also provided support and encouragement, which helped the patient to feel heard and valued. This approach is an example of person-centered care, which involves putting the patient's needs and preferences at the center of care.

which of the following are effective ways a sedentary person who spends a lot of time indoors can make daily activities more active?


There are several effective ways for a sedentary person who spends a lot of time indoors to make daily activities more active.

Firstly, taking short breaks every hour to stand up and stretch can increase blood flow and improve overall health. Secondly, incorporating physical activities such as walking or cycling into daily routines such as commuting to work or running errands can be beneficial. Thirdly, finding a physical activity that is enjoyable such as dancing, swimming, or yoga can increase motivation to engage in regular physical activity. Fourthly, incorporating resistance training with weights or bodyweight exercises can help build muscle and improve overall strength. Lastly, using technology such as fitness apps or wearable devices can track progress and provide motivation to stay active.

To know more about sedentary click here:



which of the following best summarizes the birth outcomes of african americans as they were discussed in unnatural causes: when the bough break.


In the documentary "Unnatural Causes: When the Bough Breaks," the birth outcomes of African Americans were discussed in detail.

The film highlights that African American women are at a significantly higher risk for poor birth outcomes, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and infant mortality, compared to white women. The disparities in birth outcomes between African American and white women cannot be explained by socioeconomic status or access to healthcare alone, and are thought to be influenced by systemic racism, including experiences of discrimination and chronic stress. These findings underscore the need for continued efforts to address racial disparities in health outcomes and to promote health equity for all populations.

To know more about documentary click here:



a problem with fred being a sexually active adolescent is that his risk for contracting an sti increases if he


A problem with fred being a sexually active adolescent is that his risk for contracting an sti increases if he engages in unprotected sexual activity.

Sexually active adolescents are at higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than other age groups. This is because they may engage in sexual activity with multiple partners and are often less likely to use protection consistently. Engaging in unprotected sexual activity, such as not using condoms, increases the risk of transmitting or contracting an STI. Therefore, it is important for sexually active adolescents to practice safe sex by using condoms consistently and getting tested regularly for STIs to prevent the spread of these infections and protect their own health.

To know more about adolescent, here



--The complete question is, FILL IN THE BLANK A problem with fred being a sexually active adolescent is that his risk for contracting an sti increases if he____.--

when considering the different types of programs utilized for gaining body weight, which of the following is true


when considering the different types of programs utilized for gaining body weight, isotonic and isokinetic programs are true.

People can utilise a variety of strategies to put on weight, including diet plans, weightlifting regimens, and general lifestyle adjustments. The initial weight, body composition, and general health of the participant may all have an impact on how effective these regimens are.

Exercise programmes that can be used for strength training and rehabilitation include isotonic and isokinetic programmes.

Isotonic activities, such lifting weights or performing push-ups, entail tightening the muscles while applying a steady stress. Throughout the whole range of motion, the load or resistance stays constant. This kind of workout is frequently utilised to increase general strength and muscular growth.

Isokinetic workouts, on the other hand, require you to move at a steady pace even as the resistance varies throughout the range of motion. Using specialised apparatus that regulates resistance, such as a dynamometer or isokinetic machine, one can perform this kind of workout. In rehabilitation settings, isokinetic exercises are frequently utilised to assist patients in regaining strength and function following an injury or surgery.

Exercises that are isotonic and isokinetic can both help to increase muscular strength and function. The individual's personal objectives and the environment in which the exercises are being conducted will determine which option is best.

To know more about isotonic,



TRUE/FALSE. Study participants who drop out of a research study do not have an impact on the generalizability of study findings.


FALSE. Study participants who drop out of a research study can have a significant impact on the generalizability of study findings.

This is because the reasons for their dropout may be related to the treatment or intervention being studied, or to factors that affect the outcome of the study. For example, if participants drop out of a clinical trial because they experience adverse effects from the treatment, the study findings may not be generalizable to the larger population who may experience similar adverse effects. Similarly, if participants drop out due to external factors such as lack of transportation, financial difficulties or scheduling conflicts, then the findings may not be generalizable to those who face similar barriers. Therefore, it is important for researchers to take into account the potential impact of dropout on the validity and generalizability of study findings.

To know more about research click here:



Common Specialists of Respiratory system



There are several specialists who deal with respiratory system disorders. Here are some of the common specialists:

Pulmonologists: These are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating lung diseases and respiratory tract disorders. They can treat conditions like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Allergists: These specialists diagnose and treat allergic reactions, which can affect the respiratory system. Allergists can treat conditions like allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic asthma, and allergies to substances like dust, pollen, mold, or pet dander.

Thoracic Surgeons: These are doctors who specialize in surgical procedures related to the chest, including the lungs and other respiratory structures. They perform procedures like lung biopsies, lung cancer surgery, and thoracic reconstructive surgery.

Sleep Medicine Specialists: These specialists diagnose and treat sleep-related disorders, including sleep apnea, which can affect the respiratory system. Sleep medicine specialists can recommend treatments like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines to help improve breathing during sleep.

Critical Care Specialists: These are doctors who specialize in the care of patients with life-threatening respiratory conditions, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), respiratory failure, and severe pneumonia. They work in intensive care units (ICUs) and use advanced techniques like mechanical ventilation to support patients' breathing.

Answer the following questions after reading the previous section.
Match the following words and definitions.
1. Water soluble vitamins
2. Minerals
3. Macro minerals
4. Fat soluble vitamins
5. Vitamin C
6. Legumes
7. Trace minerals
8. Vitamins
Minerals needed in very small amounts.
Unleash energy in fats, carbs, and protein.
Beans, peas, and lentils
Vitamins that dissolve in water and cannot be
stored by the body.
Naturally occurring non-living substances that
regulate chemical reactions in the body.
Vitamins that dissolve in fat.
the body.
Improve immune system and fights infection
that are need in greater quantities in


answer A . 3




E .1



H .4

Water soluble vitamins - Vitamins that dissolve in water and cannot be stored by the body.Minerals - Naturally occurring non-living substances that regulate chemical reactions in the body.Macro minerals - Minerals needed in greater quantities in the body.Fat soluble vitamins - Vitamins that dissolve in fat.Vitamin C - Improves immune system and fights infection.Legumes - Beans, peas, and lentils.Trace minerals - Minerals needed in very small amounts.Vitamins - Unleash energy in fats, carbs, and protein.

What are the vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients required in small quantities by the body to maintain health and function properly. Vitamins are organic compounds that the body needs to grow and develop, while minerals are inorganic substances that the body uses for various functions, such as building strong bones, transmitting nerve impulses, and maintaining a healthy immune system. Some common vitamins include vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, while common minerals include calcium, iron, and potassium.

To know more about vitamins, visit:




The creators of the Gluc-O-Meter app have received feedback that users would like the app to track their sleep patterns. A design team has surveyed many users to determine the desired requirements for the app’s new sleep pattern screen. It is up to you to create the design sketches for this screen.

Features Needed on Sleep Pattern Screen:

The user needs to be able to:

· Indicate that they want to log sleep from the previous night

· Enter the times they went to sleep and woke up

· See their average amount of sleep per week

· Change the display to see sleep patterns from other days

· Navigate to the other screens in the app

Important: Keep the UI simple. Complicated or crowded screens can be slow to use or prone to error. Your drawing does not have to be perfect. It should communicate the features of the app, not your drawing skills.

Teacher example of one sort of design (not mine):


There are various ways that diabetes applications can be useful. The apps allow you to track your blood sugar and take notice of patterns over time, as well as create reminders for when to take your blood sugar.

FeedbackSome apps let you download this data so you may give it to your doctor as well. To make dietary adjustments, you can plan your meals using apps. You can also connect with other diabetics using some applications to obtain more advice and support.The Gluc-O-Meter app has heard from customers who want it to keep track of their sleep patterns.As a result, they would want a resource to calculate the area of the coastal area views that they would need.

For more information on glucometer kindly visit to



Using what you have learned about the adolescent brain and social development, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Your goals are to help Monica understand why her son makes the choices he does and recommend some strategies that may help solve the problem.

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 3: What advice would you give Jordan’s mother, Monica, that would teach him how to make better choices and decisions? Discuss a specific strategy that Monica may implement to help her son make better decisions.



One strategy that Monica could implement to help her son make better decisions is to encourage him to develop better impulse control. Adolescents' brains are still developing, and they are more likely to make impulsive decisions that prioritize immediate rewards over long-term consequences. Monica can encourage Jordan to take a step back and think through the potential outcomes of his decisions before acting on them. She can also help him identify situations that may trigger impulsive behavior, such as being around certain friends or feeling stressed, and teach him coping mechanisms to manage those triggers. By helping Jordan develop better impulse control, Monica can equip him with the skills he needs to make better choices and decisions in the future.


Which of the following information should be collected to understand the institutional context? Select two or more: Food safety policies and regulations Main commitment on nutrition endorsed by the government Prevalence of malnutrition and most vulnerable groups Retail prices of ultra-processed foods and carbonated drinks


Food safety policies and regulations and the main commitment on nutrition endorsed by the government are two pieces of information that should be collected to understand the institutional context.

What is food safety policies?

Food safety policies are regulations, guidelines, and standards that are put in place by governments, international organizations, and other regulatory bodies to ensure that food is safe for consumption. These policies aim to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure that food is free from contaminants, pathogens, and other harmful substances. Food safety policies may cover areas such as food processing, handling, storage, transportation, and labeling.The goal of food safety policies is to protect public health by ensuring that the food supply is safe and nutritious for consumers.

What is nutrition?

Nutrition is the study of how food affects the human body. It encompasses all aspects of the food we eat, including its composition, digestion, absorption, metabolism, and effects on health. Nutrition is essential for human health and wellbeing, and it plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

To know more about nutrition, visit:



Supporting individuality is providing for someone’s personal attributes and individual preferences


Yes, that is correct! Supporting individuality means recognizing and respecting a person's unique personal attributes, preferences, and characteristics, and providing them with opportunities to express themselves and make choices based on their own interests and needs. This can involve tailoring care and support to meet their individual needs, preferences, and goals, and promoting their independence and autonomy. By supporting individuality, we can help people to feel valued, respected, and empowered, and enhance their quality of life.

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
What is the role of lipase in digestion?
If lipase was not part of the enzyme mix that is delivered to the small intestine during digestion, ______
would not be digested properly.





Lipase is an enzyme the body uses to break down fats in food so they can be absorbed in the intestines. Lipase is produced in the pancreas, mouth, and stomach.

sort the following forces as relevant or not relevant to this situation. the symbols are defined as follows: normal force


The relevant forces in this situation are:

Normal force on the car (n_c): This is the force exerted by the ground on the car perpendicular to the ground. It is relevant as it supports the weight of the car and provides the necessary normal force for the car to move forward.

Normal force on the truck (n_t): This is the force exerted by the ground on the truck perpendicular to the ground. It is relevant as it supports the weight of the truck and provides the necessary normal force for the truck to move forward.

Horizontal force of the road on the car (F_rc): This is the force exerted by the road on the car in the horizontal direction. It is relevant as it provides the necessary force to move the car forward.

Horizontal force of the road on the truck (F_rt): This is the force exerted by the road on the truck in the horizontal direction. It is relevant as it provides the necessary force to move the truck forward.

Force of the car pushing on the truck (F_ct): This is the force exerted by the car on the truck in the horizontal direction. It is relevant as it provides the necessary force to push the truck forward.

Force of the truck pushing on the car (F_tc): This is the force exerted by the truck on the car in the horizontal direction. It is relevant as it opposes the force of the car pushing on the truck, and affects the acceleration of the car-truck system.

Learn more about acceleration here brainly.com/question/12550364


Full Question:

A 1200-kg car pushes a 2100-kg truck that has a dead battery to the right. When the driver steps on the accelerator, the drive wheels of the car push against the ground with a force of 4500 N. Sort the following forces as relevant or not relevant to this situation. The symbols are defined as follows: normal force = n, tension force = T, horizontal force of the road on the car = Frc, horizontal force of the road on the truck = F rt, weight = w, force of the car pushing on the truck = F ct, and force of the truck pushing on the car = F tc.Which are relevant?

TRUE/FALSE. Concern about weight gain as a result of quitting smoking is an example of the construct perceived barriers.


The given statement, Concern about weight gain as a result of quitting smoking is an example of the construct perceived barriers is true because perceived barriers refer to the perceived or anticipated obstacles or difficulties that may prevent someone from engaging in a behavior.

Perceived barriers are one of the constructs of the Health Belief Model, a psychological framework used to understand health behaviors. According to this model, individuals consider several factors when making decisions about engaging in a particular behavior, including perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and cues to action.

Perceived barriers refer to the obstacles or difficulties that people anticipate when trying to engage in a particular health behavior. These can be physical or psychological, and can include things like financial concerns, lack of time or resources, social pressures, or concerns about side effects. In the context of smoking cessation, a common perceived barrier is the concern about weight gain that may occur after quitting smoking. People who smoke often worry that quitting will lead to weight gain, which can deter them from attempting to quit.

To know more about smoking, here



Discuss the challenges that both interviewees mentioned their blended family faced that traditional families might not.


Growing Up Mixed: Blended In The New American Family is a book that explores the experiences of individuals who have grown up in blended families.

What are the challenges blended family face that traditional families might not?

Blended families are those that are formed when two adults with children from previous relationships marry or cohabit. The book highlights the challenges that blended families may face that traditional families might not, including:

Adjusting to new family dynamics: Blended families often have to navigate complex family dynamics that can be difficult to manage. Children may have to adjust to new step-siblings, step-parents, and step-grandparents, which can be challenging and emotionally taxing.Dealing with loyalty conflicts: Children may feel a sense of loyalty to their biological parents and struggle with forming close relationships with their step-parents. Handling financial issues: Blended families may have to navigate complex financial issues, such as child support, alimony, and dividing assets.Managing different parenting styles: When parents come from different households, they may have different parenting styles and expectations. Coping with the loss of the previous family structure: Children may feel a sense of loss when their parents divorce or separate, and it can be difficult for them to adjust to a new family structure.

To know more about blended families, visit:



please select the word from the list that best fits the definition the physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction.Puberty is the physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction.


The physical growing that renders an individual capable of sexual reproduction is puberty. Depending on genetic and environmental variables, sexual maturation or puberty can start at various ages.

When a person reaches puberty, their bodies start to alter and develop more. This is seen in men through the development of pubic hair, bigger testicles, a deeper voice, and sperm production.  Girls often have monthly menstrual periods, pubic hair development, and broadening of the hips as a result of this.  Humans are able to reproduce sexually once they have gone through this procedure. While women can produce fertile eggs that can lead to pregnancy, men can only produce semen.

Learn more about puberty here:



Complete Question:

What is the physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction?



good luck on exam

Which of the following foods is a high-protein snack that can replace a snack that contains animal proteins?
a. 1/2 cups of apple and watermelon chunks
b. slice of american cheese
c. peanut butter on crackers
d. vegetable salad with greens and baby carrots


Answer: C: Peanut butter on crackers

Explanation: Peanut Butter is high protein but comes from plant protein instead of animal

FILL IN THE BLANK in explaining why humans are not completely mechanical, descartes has become associated with the ____distinction


In explaining why humans are not completely mechanical, Descartes has become associated with the mind-body distinction. The idea that the mind and body are truly separate is one of Descartes' philosophical tenets that has persisted the longest and is now known as "mind-body dualism."

He argues that the nature of the mind, which is a thinking, non-extended object, is quite different from that of the body, which is an extended, non-thinking thing, and that one may therefore exist without the other. This leads him to this conclusion. This argument leads to the well-known, still-controversial problem of mind-body causal interaction: how can the mind move some of our limbs (like raising a hand to ask a question) and how can the body's sense organs cause feelings in the mind when their natures are so dissimilar? The issue goes beyond the simple distinction between the mind and body. It is because of their differences that they cannot interact with one another.

Learn more about mind-body distinction here:



TRUE/FALSE. When a mediator keeps detail of a mediation private, the mediator is following the basic principle of confidentiality.


The given statement When a mediator keeps detail of a mediation private, the mediator is following the basic principle of confidentiality is true because confidentiality is a fundamental principle of mediation which requires that all information shared during the mediation process should remain private and confidential, and not be disclosed to anyone without the parties' consent.

One of the most fundamental principles of mediation is confidentiality, which refers to the protection of information exchanged during the mediation process. When a mediator keeps details of a mediation private, they are respecting the confidentiality of the process and the parties involved.

Confidentiality helps create a safe and open environment for communication, where participants can freely express their concerns and explore potential solutions without fear of retribution or legal consequences. Additionally, confidentiality helps maintain the integrity of the mediation process and the mediator's neutrality, which is critical for reaching a mutually satisfactory resolution.

To know more about mediation, here



Exam rooms do not have to conform to ADA standards.
Select one:
O True
O False



Exam rooms do not have to conform to ADA standards.

Select one:

O True

O False



Exam rooms, like all other areas of a medical facility, are required to conform to the standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure accessibility and non-discrimination for individuals with disabilities. This includes providing adequate space for wheelchair access, accessible medical equipment, and other accommodations as necessary. Failure to comply with ADA standards can result in legal liability for healthcare providers and facilities.

If you can, give me brainliest please!

This would be false
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rico has been trying hard to get a certain building contract for his company. he talks to the government official who is managing the building contract allotment. rico promises the official a 'treat' if he directs the contract to rico's company. rico can be found guilty of . question 52 options: aiding and abetting money laundering bribery larceny embezzlement Which of the following best predicts the effect of removal of oxygen from a facultative anaerobic organism's environment?A. glucose consumption and the growth rate both increaseB. glucose consumption increases, while the growth rate decreasesC. glucose consumption decreases, while the growth rate increasesD. glucose consumption decreases, while the growth rate remains unchanged Will give a 5 star rating and brainliest. Be specific.What does the three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and what is one way we can improve the constitution for that? What is the meaning of "Mind you grow a little wiser.Little better every day"? Mr. Chand is one of the landlords of his town. He buys a land for his daughter spanning over aarea of 480m. He fences the dimensions of the land measuring (x+12) mx (x+16) m. Now heplans to erect a house with a beautiful garden in the ratio 5:3 respectively. A total of Rs. 5,00,000 is estimated as the budget for the expenses.1)Give the area of the land purchased in linear polynomial form using algebraic expression2)Mr. Chand's daughter is ready to share 3/5" of the expenses by her earnings. Express thefraction in amount.3)Can you solve the linear equation/polynomial of the area into different factors? What federal agencies have any jurisdiction over deep fluid-injection wells, andhow broad is their power? The local newspaper allows readers to make comments on stories in its online edition. Readers do not have to give their names, and many of the comments are extreme. This is an example of __________ messages.A. onymousB. anonymousC. denotativeD. connotative Pawprints Paint recently went public in a best efforts offering. The company offered 85,000 shares of stock for sale at an offer price of $41 per share. The administrative costs associated with the offering were $325,000 and the underwriter's spread was 8 percent. After completing their sales efforts. The underwriters determined that they sold a total of 81,200 shares. What were the net proceeds to the company?Multiple ChoiceA. $2,737,864B. $2,556,200C. $3,062,864D. $2. 412,864E. $2,881,200 Children in lower-economic areas have higher rates of obesity. Children who live in lower-economic areas experience more stress than their wealthier counterparts. Also, they have greater access to junk food and fast food than children who are raised by wealthy parents. If we want healthier children we need to care for their economic needs as well as their health needs.This is an example of ________a. The Method of Agreementb. The Method of Differencec. Joint Method of Agreement and Differenced. The Method of Residuese. The Method of Concomitant Variation Greatyear Tires orders 50 tons of rubber from a Bill, a rubber broker. The broker has a number of rubber plantations that it can deal with but does almost all of its business with Ritchie's Rubber Farm. The delivery of the rubber is due on September 1st. On August 1, a fire destroys Ritchie's Rubber Farm. A Bill's performance is excused due to impossibility of performance. C. Bill's performance is excused if he can show that dealing with another plantation will be extremely difficult and very inconvenient. D. Bill's performance will not be excused if he can get the rubber from another source even if a higher cost cuts his profit margin. 25. When a party intentionally relinquishes a right to enforce a contract, this is called a: A. Let loose agreement. B. Waiver C. Emancipation agreement. D. Surrender. A pipe with the diameter of 2.4 cm discharges water a rate 2.8 m per second. find the volume of water discharges one and a half hour, giving the answer in litres? A user is experiencing garbled print on each page printed from her printer.Which of the following would be a probable cause for the garbled print? (Select TWO.)a. Print drivers are corrupt or need to be updated.b. An application on the computer is sending garbled print.c. Ink cartridge has clogged nozzles.d. Printer needs to be calibrated.e. Printer paper does not meet specifications.f. Printer needs to be cleaned. A cruise ship compartment can hold 440 pieces of luggage. If a ship had 42 compartments,how many pieces of luggage can it hold? one way in which photosynthesis in a typical c4 plant differs from that in a c3 plant is that the c4 plant ___. When you combine baking soda and vinegar in a container, producing many bubbles and making the substance overflow. What do you think will happen if you try the experiment again using orange juice, a weaker acid instead of vinegar?(Help me pls)I will mark you brainiest Alicia, a district manager for a global retailer, is traveling to different stores in her district to discuss with store managers how to increase profitability for the rest of the fiscal year. What is Alicia doing? Multiple Choice eliminating the planning/control cycle avoiding the planning/control cycle controlling the direction of the planning/control cycle researching the planning/control cycle forecasting the planning/control cycle if there is a sample, the standard error is used in the denominator of the z stat or t stat formula. group of answer choices true false What is one possibility for the price of Carlottas charges per person can you guys help me with this What are the rhythmic muscle contractions that move food in the esophagus towards the stomach?