Earliest eon of the earth's history

A. Cenozoic Era
B. Precambrian
C. Trilobite
D. Mesozoic Era


Answer 1

Answer:  the Mesozoic era came before the others however the accurate earliest eon is the Hadeon to be exact, but from the options you provided, answer it D.


Related Questions

What is the function of erythrocytes?
What is the term for all the components of the blood?
What is blood?



1. The main physiological role of red blood cells (RBCs), or erythrocytes is to transport of gases (O2, CO2) from the lung to the tissues and to maintain systemic acid/base equilibria. In addition, RBCs are well equipped with antioxidant systems, which essentially contribute to their function and integrity.

2. In humans, it includes plasma (the liquid portion), blood cells (which come in both red and white varieties), and cell fragments called platelets. Plasma is the main component of blood and consists mostly of water, with proteins, ions, nutrients, and wastes mixed in.

3.Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

hope it will help u

d) Based on your above answers, do all substitutions cause a change in the amino acid sequence of a
protein? Explain



No, they do not all cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.


Substitution mutation is the type of mutation that results when the nucleotide base of a gene is replaced by another base in the sequence. A substitution mutation can result into three different types of mutation namely; silent mutation, missense mutation, and nonsense mutation.

- In silent mutation, the nucleotide base that gets replaced by another still forms a codon that encodes the same amino acid as in the original sequence. e.g if guanine replaces adenine in the sequence, TTA to form a mutated sequence, TTG. This mutated codon (TTG) still encodes LEUCINE amino acid just as TTA does. Hence, there is no effect on the resulting amino acid sequence. This portrays that NOT ALL SUBSTITUTIONS cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.

vitamin(a) retinol function on the body​


Answer: Function. Vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucus membranes, and skin. It is also known as retinol because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight, especially in low light. Vitamin A (retinol) is ingested as either retinyl esters or carotenoids and metabolized to active compounds such as 11-cis-retinal, which is important for vision, and all-trans-retinoic acid, which is the primary mediator of biological actions of vitamin A


How did humans change the



Humans changed the environment by: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation.




Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

Use the pedigree chart below to answer the question. What do the circles that are half shaded represent.

A a male that is a carrier of a trait. but does not show the trait.
B a female that is a carries of a trait, but does not show the trait
C a male that has the trait and shows the trait
D a female that has the trait and shows the trait.





Consider this claim: changes in the environmental conditions always result in new ecosystems and lost of biodiversity charactera.





Yes, changes in the environmental conditions of a specific region result in formation of new ecosystems as well as the lost of old biodiversity occur because the organisms of that old ecosystem can't tolerate the change that occurs in the environment so they become extinct or migrated to another suitable place and only those organisms begins to live which can survive in that environmental conditions.

Scientists hypothesize that early whale ancestors were amphibious. Which statement
below is most consistent with this hypothesis? The fossil animals ____________.


Scientists hypothesize that early whale ancestors were amphibious. Which statement below is more consistent with this hypothesis? The fossil animals
Had four legs of equal length.

What is the normal pathway a cell uses to make and release proteins?
ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released
lysosome -> Golgi -> ER -> released
ribosome -> Golgi -> ER -> released
ribosome ->lysosome -> ER -> released



ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released


Ribosomes are where proteins are created, ribosomes are located on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). From the ER, proteins will be transported to the Golgi Complex for packaging, transport, and release. The answers with lysosome can be ignored because lysosomes break down waste materials of the cell. Therefore the answer is ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released.

1. List five organelles eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not have.
2. Explain how the following organelles ensure that a cell has the proteins it needs: nucleus, rough ER, vesicles,
and Golgi apparatus.
3. What is the main difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
4. Describe the three types of vesicles.


Answer:   1 Lysosomes and peroxisomes, Microtubules, Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria

2 The role of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is to control the cell. Because it contains most of the cell's DNA, which is encoded with genetic instructions, the nucleus controls which proteins the cell makes.

3 The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface. This is what give the RER a "rough" appearance.            The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) does not contain ribosomes. The Smooth ER looks more like tubes. The SER helps in the storage of proteins and lipids.

4 Secretory vesicles contain materials that are to be excreted from the cell, such as wastes or hormones.

Transport vesicles move molecules within the cells.

Vacuoles are vesicles that contain mostly water.

hope this helps


sheeeeeeeeesh I agree with the other person

have a good day :)


suppose you find a paper clip stuck to a magnet you pull off the paper clip and move it to a short distance away from the magnet what happened to the magnetic Force between the magnet and the paper clip A. it disappears B. it gets stronger C. it gets weaker D.it stays the same​


Answer: C

Explanation: it gets weaker because there not as close together

What elements are needed to carry out photosynthesis? Select all that apply.\


Answer: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.


I’ll mark brainliest!





Which kind of RNA constitutes part of a ribosome?
Group of answer choices




none of the above




rRNA is the answer to your question

Which of the following are reasons Earth's atmosphere makes conditions suitable for life? (multiple answers)

stops earthquakes

protects us from harmful radiation

traps heat

provides oxygen for breathing



B and C I think


Those ones make the most sense in my opinion.

Will mark Branliest if correct. (I think B, but I am not sure. It doesn't seem to be D.)
What makes mitochondrial DNA useful as a molecular clock? (2 points)

It is only found in select organisms, making it easier to compare relationships between species that have it.

A large portion of the DNA ring is not vital to structure or function, allowing it to accumulate neutral mutations.

Its rate of mutation increases over time as organisms continue to evolve and differentiate from each other.

A slow mutation rate makes it useful for determining evolutionary relationships between ancient species.



Mitochondrial DNA is useful as a molecular clock because it displays uniparental inheritance

Are mitochondria found in both plant and animal cells?


Yes the mitochondria is essential for both plant cells and animals cuz it’s the powerhouse of the cell

Which statement best describes how the carbon cycle and oxygen cycle are interrelated?
Plants release water during transpiration and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
Plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis
Animals release water during respiration and carbon dioxide during transpiration
Animals use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during respiration



B: Plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis


A typical virus is made up of 2 parts. Check all that apply.
A) Golgi Body
B) Nuclear envelope
C) Nucleic Acid
D) Capsid



C) Nucleic Acid

D) Capsid


A virus is structure that is dependent on a living host to replicate itself. Viruses are majorly pathogenic in nature and have a structure that is made up of two parts namely: nucleic acid and capsid.

The nucleic acid, which can either be RNA or DNA holds the genetic information of the virus while the capsid is a protein coat that enclosed and protects the virus' genetic material. The capsid is also used during the infection life cycle of a virus where it helps the virus to attach to receptor cells on the host's cell membrane.

Which of these processes do not occur as a part of the cell cycle in the animal cells


d i believe i’m sorry if this is not correct if not try c
The answer is c I can approve

Drag the labels to the correct locations. The labels may be used more than once.
Imagine that a space shuttle carrying astronauts is launched from Earth to the International Space Station (ISS). As the shuttle travels toward the ISS, it will encounter different layers of Earth’s atmosphere.

helppppppppppppp Determine the change in temperature that the shuttle will experience while passing through each atmospheric layer.

temperature decreases with altitude
temperature increases with altitude



Troposphere - temperature decreases with altitude

Stratosphere - temperature increases with altitude

Mesosphere - temperature decreases with altitude

Thermosphere - temperature increases with altitude

Here's a visual to to the changes in temperature as altitude increases:

how many layers are in earth atmosphere ?

The Earth’s atmosphere is layered and each layer of the atmosphere has its own specific traits. The atmosphere of Earth is divided into four layers as Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Thermosphere

Generally, temperatures decrease with increasing height because the atmosphere distributes itself according to gravity. In the troposphere, the temperature generally decreases with altitude. The reason is the troposphere's gases absorb very little of the incoming solar radiation.

Troposphere - temperature decreases with altitude

Mesosphere - temperature decreases with altitude

The temperature increases with increasing altitude in the stratosphere because there’s a high concentration of ozone molecules.

Stratosphere - temperature increases with altitude

Thermosphere - temperature increases with altitude

to learn more about earths atmosphere



What kind of seeds should farmers plants in order to grow giant pumpkins,and why is this important?



Pumpkin plants need a lot of sun. Choose the sunniest place you have; remember that pumpkins are sensitive and will need shelter from wind and frost. Try to protect pumpkins from the worst of the elements by covering them during heavy rains, or putting up some kind of barrier to protect the vines from high winds or using shade tents during summer’s hottest days.

Pumpkins like and need a lot of water, but don't plant pumpkins in wet or dense soil. They need good, well-drained soil. You can dig it up by hand. Don’t use a tractor, pumpkin roots don’t go down very far. Prepare the soil in early spring, as soon as the ground is warm. Fertilize the patch with a good four inches of rotting cow manure. Pumpkins do best in soil that is slightly acid or nearly neutral.

If you live in a part of the country where there is still danger of frost in late April or early May, start pumpkin seeds indoors about two weeks before planting. Sow one seed for every four-inch peat pot filled with grow mix. Keep the pots watered, never let them dry out.

How to Plant Pumpkins

When seedlings have the fourth or fifth leaf, set them outdoors in hills about the size of a pitcher s mound, one plant to a hill. Protect pumpkin seedlings the first few weeks with plastic-covered frames. Space each hill at least 20 feet apart.

Growing Fall Pumpkins and Gourds

How to Fertilize Pumpkin Plants

Pumpkin plants have two kinds of flowers, male and female, which appear in early July. The male flowers show up first, followed by the females. Look out for the first female flowers. Look for vines to be strong and well-established before letting a female flower set fruit. It might help to break off the first female on each vine and wait for the second or third, when the vines are at least ten feet long. A female is easy to recognize: she has a baby pumpkin at the base of each flower.

You need a big vine to produce a big pumpkin, so in a sense you’re choosing the vine before the pumpkin. When you find a vine that’s strong enough and a female flower on the verge of opening, put a bag of cheesecloth over it for the night to keep the insects out. The next morning pick a fresh male bloom, trim off the corolla or outer petals, and rub the pollen-laden stamen in around the center of the newly opened female bloom.

How to Grow Pumpkins

Giant pumpkinsThis is just the beginning of a summer of long but rewarding work. What you have started is actually a pumpkin-producing factory. Remember that there are 100 or more leaves to each vine and if you are trying to grow a 300-pound pumpkin, each leaf is responsible for up to four pounds of weight in your pumpkin. Every leaf, every stem, every hair roots is now receiving sunlight, absorbing water, and blending nutrients. All are traveling down the all-important stem to your prize pumpkin.

Giant pumpkins balloon out from the vine and if precautions are not taken, they will tear away and lose touch with their all-important stem. Since vines put out roots at every leaf, tear out the roots of the vine where it is close to the pumpkin. This will give it free room to grow without damage to the vine. Gently train vines away from the pumpkin to prevent it from crushing them, try giving them a nudge in the right direction every day.

When two or three fruits on each plant reach the size of softballs, remove all but the most promising one and start to prune the pumpkin plants. After the primary vine has reached 20 feet, pinch off the tips and the side shoots so the vines won't divert resource from the fruit. Break off all the other female flowers A potential prizewinner is forming. The work of the plant now must go entirely toward nurturing this fruit alone.

It is important to remember that the only thing that will increase the size of the fruit comes out of the vines and the vines must get support from the natural root. For growing really big pumpkins, the most important things to remember are seeds, soil, sunshine, and water.

By mid-August the plants are pulling in water and nutrients at a great rate. Nighttime is when pumpkins do their growing, most expand two inches in circumference every night.

If it’s a dry season, give each plant 15 to 20 gallons of water twice a week. Water in the evening, and water only the base of the plant to keep the leaves dry, which reduces the risk of disease.

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

The "Dill's Atlantic Giant" seed will produce a pumpkin that typically grows to reach between 200 and 300 pounds. They are not used for eating instead are carved and decorated.

What is the best way to grow pumpkin ?

Long sunlight hours are preferred by pumpkins, so choose your garden location accordingly. Select a location with sufficient surface drainage and stay away from shaded regions. Additionally, being close to a water supply is crucial because these pumpkins need a lot of water to grow to their full potential.

Monster pumpkin seeds should germinate in soil that is 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 65 to 75 degrees in the air. Plant pumpkins from seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings to your garden five to seven weeks later. After the final frost in late May, plant. Avoid locations with complete or partial shade because full sun is crucial.

Therefore, its important to grow giant pumpkins used for ornamental purpose.

Learn more about pumpkins, here:


What is the term used for secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?​





Hormones is the term used for chemical secretion of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking in the body.

The diagrams show what happens to the shape of a plant cell place in distilled water. Explain why the cell swells and becomes turgid. Name the process involved.



the name of the process should be osmosis

Explanation: Reason being that plant cells are hypertonic because they have a cell sap so when they are pout in distilled water  which is a hypotonic solution, it then absorbs water by osmosis and swells up and become turgid. But they do not burst because they have a cell wall that develops a wall pressure that balances the turgor pressure exerted by turgid cells

Which statement best describes an autotroph?



B Autotrophs make their own food because they are producers.


Cell respiration occurs in
heterotrophs only.
all eukaryotes.
animals only.



Cell respiration occurs in all eukaryotes

2. Image formed by a plane mirror is
(a) virtual and erect
(b) real and erect
(c) virtual and inverted​



a) virtual and erect

Plane mirrors are the only type of mirror for which a real object always produces an image

Newton's first law of motion states that an objects motion remains the same unless a force acts upon it. What would be an example of this law in action? *


A good example would be a ball rolling along a flat surface. Since the ball is circular it will roll for a while but will stop after some distance. The force that caused this ball to stop is called friction. There are other things like air resistence but that is still considered friction. If you don't understand anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

For Example the net force for the box of frozen burritos would be zero if the rightward force was 45 Newtons and the leftward force was 45 Newtons. If the burrito box started moving at a constant speed before the forces were applied, it would either continue to move or remain at rest. If it was already at rest before the forces were applied, it would remain at rest.

What is the first law of motion ?

The first law of motion : Unless acted upon by a net external force, an object at rest remains at rest or moves at a constant velocity when in motion.An external force is one that comes from outside an object rather than one that comes from within an object. An external force on the moon is, for instance, the gravitational pull of Earth on the moon. However, the moon's internal force is the gravitational pull that the moon's inner core exerts on its outer crust. An object's overall motion cannot be altered by its own internal forces.Inertia refers to a body's ability to remain stationary or in motion at a constant speed. The "law of inertia" is a common name for Newton's first law. Experience has taught us that some things have more inertia than others. It is evidently more challenging to alter a basketball's motion than a large boulder's is.The mass of an object is used to determine its inertia. By measuring an object's acceleration difficulty, mass can be determined. Accelerating an object becomes more difficult the more mass it possesses.

To know more about first law of motion check this:



Why is it possible that two ecosystems with identical conditions of temperature and precipitation, could support different plants?



Because even if they are similar, they still have a difference between them, and that difference helps other plants.

It is possible because plants require other factors like sunlight and soil nutrients) other than Temperature and precipitation to grow

Plants require some Important factors for its growth and development and they are :

Temperature precipitation Sunlight soil nutrients type of soil

The two ecosystems with identical conditions of Temperature and precipitation might have differences in the amount of sunlight they receive and the Nutrients contained in its soil. therefore the ecosystems although similar can support different plants based on the difference in the amount of sunlight and Nutrients contained in the soil.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/22856681

which birth control method involves the cutting of sperm tubes or the oviduct?


the surgical method carried out in males is called ( Vasectomy) = cutting of sperm tube

in female it is ( tubectomy)

cutting of oviduct

a _____________ is the of a chromosome pair that attaches to a fiber stretching across the cell during cell division.





i think.


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