Economic development has no effect on the overall health of a country.
True false


Answer 1




Related Questions

Think about your family life and compare it to that of your grandparents. In what ways is it different? What factors do you think have produced any differences you perceive?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

When thinking about my family life and compare it to that of my grandparents, I realize is very different in many ways. The factors I think have produced those differences are basically education and social and economic conditions.

Life has radically changed from my grandparent's times to what we are living in 2021. And I mean, it is radically different. Technology is the big factor that has facilitated many comforts and "laziness" too. When my grandfather was young, he told me that he had to work very hard to support the family. He had no access to education because the priority was to work with his father to make ends meet. As simple as that.

They lived on a daily basis and worked extremely hard. He had a small house in the country. No technology. They waked up early in the morning and the day ended up at 8 or 9 at night. Nothing was for granted.

No TV, no radio, no electro domestics.

However, that kind of lack forced the people of that generation to be very clever, to be smart, and to commit to their work. It was a matter of survival.

Unfortunately, today we have everything at hand. And that makes us a lazy society.

Identify the kind of digestion that takes place in the mouth



Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion.


Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion


what are the steps to be taken by government of nepal for susutainable development?​



The following things should Nepal do for the sustainable development . Establish political stability . Education should provide to all citizen . Reduce corruption .

Religion is the scourge of humanity. Just think of all the people who kill one another in the name of their own version of Almighty God. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another! Never again will religion be allowed to pollute the minds of our children in an age of scientific objectivity. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos who force their own narrow-minded view of reality down innocent throats. Besides, don't all religions basically say the same thing about not killing. Which of the following statements best expresses a rephrasing of an emotively expressed portion of the passage in emotively neutral terms?

a. The various world religions have similar ethical prohibitions on murder.
b. People who kill in the name of God will burn in eternal flame.
c. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos.
d. Religion pollutes the minds of children.
e. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.


although i don’t agree i’ll answer for ya the answer is e

evaluate three responsible actions the media can take to involve citizens in awareness about gender violence


Answer: Carrying out enough publicity consistently, scrutinize programs, engage more talk shows on subject matter


An advertisement being consistent is what creates a stored awareness in the minds of people. If it's just done once, people might not remember something was ever done, but with it done often it registers in their minds and grows as the publicity is consistent. The media can help by being consistent with it's advert.

2) Limit programs that promote such division; the media can scrutinize her programs and ensure they don't promote gender differences, but rather promote programs that speaks more on it

3) Do programs(talk show); the media can organize talk shows to speak on these areas affected and seek a solution.

thanh điệu của tiếng việt là gì?


Answer: Là dấu à ???


3. Think and write. Write two thin about any your society You d dislike ?​



What we do not like about our society:-



Why do you think the style of each mosque is so different? (Consider the time, situation etc.)



because the people who develop mosque are not same and time zone of all countries are different

Diferencie entre producto y meta en un proyecto. *


please can you change it to English

3 reasons why we study economics



The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change


difference between formal and non formal​



The distinction made is largely administrative. Formal education is linked with schools and training institutions; non-formal with community groups and other organizations; and informal covers what is left, e.g. interactions with friends, family and work colleagues.


I don't think my answer was correct but Hope it helps!

Ethnorelativism is a mindset that does not aim to see one culture as better than another, does not see cultural differences as a threat, suspends reactive judgment when encountering difference, and through words, deeds and attitudes tries to create an inclusive and respectful intercultural environment.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Ethnorelativism is a belief that all cultures, group or subgroups are equal. No culture have been seen to be either better or worse, but all are valid

with diverse view of the world.

Ethnorelativism speaks acceptance which makes individuals accept that culture exist and it makes them have a more tolerant attitude towards their differences.

It speaks adaptation which enables other individual learn, see into knowing more about other culture and learning to leave together even with the difference.

Someone please help me with this question!!

What's the legal status of the death penalty in the U.S.? Why is the execution method of lethal injection controversial?



umm i think because it kills you painfully and the prisoner would've probably killed more than 2 people or 1

So lethal injection was supposed to be a quick, not very painful way of executing prisoners. However, the drug is actually said to cause a lot of pain and the people feel like they’re suffocating as they pass. It is also controversial because of the amount of people who have been put on death row and/or executed when they have been proven innocent.

How do we distinguish deductive arguments from inductive arguments, and vice versa?



If the arguer believes that the truth of the premises definitely establishes the truth of the conclusion, then the argument is deductive. If the arguer believes that the truth of the premises provides only good reasons to believe the conclusion is probably true, then the argument is inductive.


The argument is deductive if the arguer thinks that the truth of the premises unquestionably establishes the validity of the conclusion. The argument is inductive if the arguer thinks that the truth of the premises offers only solid grounds for thinking the conclusion is probably true.

What are deductive arguments?

An argument that uses deductive reasoning presents premises—statements that are presumptively true or known to be true—for a conclusion that logically derives from those premises. Deductive reasoning makes assumptions about what is already known in order to deduce truths about related conclusions.

A deductive argument S the display of statements that are assumed or known to be true as deductions for a conclusion that necessarily follows from those statements. Deductive reasoning depends on what is assumed to be known to infer truths about similarly corresponding conclusions.

To know more about deductive arguments refer to :


Chữa lỗi (nếu có)
Câu b. Trong chuyến thăm quan bảo tàng khảo cổ vừa rồi, tôi đã có dịp tận mặt nhìn thấy cơ man là sản phẩm đắt đỏ của các nhãn hàng thời trang nổi tiếng nhất hiện nay.
Câu d. Người phụ nữ tầm 68 tuổi ấy đã bước vào cửa hàng thời trang SM khoảng 9 giờ 27 phút thứ năm tuần trước; và cô ta không chút biết rằng đó là một bước ngoặc cho cuộc đời mình.



Câu b. Trong chuyến thăm quan bảo tàng khảo cổ vừa rồi, tôi đã có dịp tận mặt nhìn thấy những sản phẩm đắt đỏ của các nhãn hàng thời trang nổi tiếng nhất hiện nay.

Câu d. Người phụ nữ tầm 68 tuổi ấy đã bước vào cửa hàng thời trang SM khoảng 9 giờ 27 phút thứ năm tuần trước; và cô ta không biết rằng đó là một bước ngoặc cho cuộc đời mình.


viết một đoạn văn ngắn thỏa quy tắc modus tollens .


?? Sorry I don’t know either



Học logic IUH đúng k

Enlist any four components of operating environment.​








in every environment there should be air for breathing and water for domestic purpose and also food to quench ur hunger and also shelter to live in with your family


the four components of the general environment for business (economic, sociocultural, technological and political).


briefly define ethnography and ethnology



hiiiii nsjsjsjsjsjajjaja

the scientific description of peoples and cultures with their customs, habits, and mutual differences.

اريد افكار مواضيع برزنتيشن عن التعليم



نتعلم منه الكثير عن اهمية التعليم وفوائد التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وكيف ان ارتقاء وتقدم الشعوب يكون فقط من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزيلا احد يستطيع ان ينكر فضل و أهمية التعليم, فمن دون التعليم لن ترتقي الامم ولن تتقدم الشعوب.وهنا سنتعرف على اهمية التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وايضا الصفات والمهارات التي يجب ان تكون موجوده في المتعلم. كل ذلك هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

3 measures for protecting a forest




Controlled Deforestation

While deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature trees should not be felled as far as possible. We must look to avoid large-scale commercial deforestation as well. Adapting practices such as clear-cutting or selective cutting will be beneficial in the long run


This is the process by which we plant more trees in the area. We try to increase the forest cover by manual transplantation, or fresh plantation of trees. It is an attempt to balance our ecosystem to reduce the effects of deforestation and environmental pollutions of all types.

Better Farming Practices

Slash and burn farming, overgrazing by cattle, shifting agriculture are all farming practices that are harmful to the environment and particularly to forests. We must keep all these practices under control.

bài tiểu luận Thực trạng, hiệu quả của việc thúc đẩy khả năng pt ngôn ngữ - nhận thức qua các hoạt động ngoài trời của trẻ mầm non



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Children's cognitive growth is aided by outdoor play. Play also helps a child's cognitive abilities, independent thinking, conflict resolution, and behaviour management. They learn to assess events and come up with innovative solutions to problems they face.

Executive function, concentration, and a child's capacity to organise and respond to the events and information they encounter on a daily basis are all part of cognitive development.

how can learning theories help us understand civil disobedience


Harasim (2017), states that “a theory is an explanation for why something occurs or how it occurs”. She defines a learning theory as a theory which aims “to help us to understand both how knowledge is created and how people learn”.Oct 1, 2020

Which one of the following is an example of dramatic cultural adaptation that impacts
globalization on cultural diversity?
A. For an area that is hot and humid, people move to a colder climate.
B. For an area that lacks fertile farmland, food is imported.
C. For an area that is often windy and cold the common practice is to wear hats,
D. For an area that is snowy people move to a warmer climate,


B because yes yessssssssss

5. What do you mean by the active participation of people? Why is it important in the development of a country? Present your views.​



Active participation of people means participation of people to give people voted during elections. It is important for a country as this would bring new and efficient leaders to improve a country's development.


All of the following islands are located in Canada except


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you forgot to attach the options for this question, we can answer the following.

All of the following islands are located in Canada except "Puerto Rico."

The islands that are located in Canada are the Queen Charlotte Islands, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland.

Perto Rico is not an island of Canada. Puerto Rico is an island that is located in the Caribbean. It is one of the major Caribbean islands with the island of Cuba, the island of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and the third one is Puerto Rico. Its capital city is San Juan, and Puerto Rico is a protectorate of the United States.

Dựa trên cơ sở nào để Pháp trở thành nước phát triển nông nghiệp nhất trong
Liên minh châu Âu (EU).





Im english


Nền kinh tế của Pháp rất phát triển và theo định hướng thị trường tự do. Đó là thế giới ... Mặc dù là một nền kinh tế được tự do hóa rộng rãi, chính phủ vẫn tiếp tục đóng vai trò ... Pháp là quốc gia hàng đầu thế giới về năng lượng hạt nhân, quê hương của năng lượng toàn cầu ... Pháp là nước sản xuất nông nghiệp lớn thứ sáu thế giới


Which number illustrates the fact that in English, numbers do not all follow a regular naming pattern, thus making learning
to count more difficult in English than in some other number systems?
A. 1
B. 31
C. 11
D. 21


Maybe the answer is D…sorry if i’m wrong
The answer is 11 because 31 and 21 start with thirty and twenty and 11 is a whole another word by itself.

What was the significance of the battle of the coral sea


The battle was significant for two main reasons: it was the first time in World War 2 that the Japanese experienced failure in a major operation; and. the battle stopped the Japanese sea-borne invasion of Port Moresby.

The Battle of the Coral Sea halted Japan's advance, marked a turning point, and demonstrated the importance of aircraft carriers.

The Battle of the Coral Sea, which took place in May 1942 was the first naval battle in history where opposing fleets did not directly engage each other, as the fighting primarily occurred between aircraft carriers and their accompanying aircraft.

This battle halted Japan's advance toward Australia and marked a turning point in the Pacific theater. Importantly, the battle prevented Japan from further expanding its control in the South Pacific and demonstrated the effectiveness of aircraft carriers in naval warfare.

Thus, it also highlighted the significance of intelligence gathering and code-breaking, as the Allies were able to intercept and decipher Japanese communications, gaining a strategic advantage.

Learn more about the Battle of the Coral Sea here:


A hospital system is implementing an electronic health record. The facility conducts education and training for nursing staff, medical staff, and ancillary staff over a period of 6 months. This is an example of:__________
a. transformation.
b. innovation.
c. planned change.
d. emergent change.



Option c. Planned change


Types of change

1. unplanned chang/ change by drift

2. planned change

Reasons for Change in organizations

1. Change is done so as to solve some problem or issues arising.

2. Change is done so as to make work procedures more efficient.

3. Change so as to limit workload that are not necessary.

Planned change

This is simply regarded as thorough, intentional effort that has been put in place so as an event or something to occur or happen.

When compared to accidental change or change by drift, it emanated from a well thought through/over and intentioal effort to make sure something occur. More often, change is an intended, purposeful effort/attempt or thought over plan by an people or group.

Change agent

This is an individual well versed in theory and implementation of change, this factor will often determine success of change. Example: manager.


C. planned change


A Planned change is a change that is been prepared for by an entire organization or a significant part of it. This is done for new goals, direction or achievement.

The direction of the change varies it can be cultural, internal structures of the organization, records, processes used by the organization or any other relevant aspect that is required by the organization.

The ability to train the concern staffs before the innovations,to achieve a goal made it a planned change.

who was the 1st preident of the usa



George Washington

On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.


Hope it helps


George Washington was the first president of the USA.


•| ۝ jess bregoli ۝ |•

#keep learning!!

Other Questions
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Using the cycle of inquiry, Lyle discovered that theproblem is the staff meeting time coincides with when weekly finance reports are due.Read the following possible courses of action and decide which is the BEST way for Lyle to handle thesituation and which is the WORST way for him to handle the situation.1. Inform the staff that his meeting is higher priority than the finance department's reports.2. Move the staff meeting time to after the weekly reports are due and see if attendance andfocus improve.3. Cancel the staff meetings so the team can focus on completing their finance reports.4. Allow the staff to continue multi-tasking so that they can attend his meeting and get thefinance reports done.Which is the BEST way to handle the situation? Which is the WORST way to handle the situation?Option 1IS Option 1Option 2Option 2Option 3Option 3 Select the sentence that uses an apostrophe to shorten a word and uses it correctly in the sentence. 1. It's a good idea to plan road trips a couple of months in advance. 2. Well be traveling to visit family at the end of the year. . 3. When we get to Memphis, l'ets stop at Beale Street to sightsee. 4. First we will see my sister, and then we will see you're parents. The United Nations Human Development Report gives the following data for real GDP per person in 2014: China, $12,547; Russia, $22,352; Canada, $42,155; United States, $52,947.Other information suggests that household production is similar in Canada and the United States and smaller than in China and Russia. The underground economy is larger in Russia and China and a similar proportion of each of these economies. Canadians and Americans enjoy more leisure hours than do the Chinese and Russians. Canada and the United States spend significantly more on the environment than do China and Russia. 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Explain why? here are some questions from different social studies assignments that i have:1) identify and explain one aspect of today's society that has its roots in societies of the past2) choose either ancient egypt, ancient greece, or ancient rome. explain how their culture, beliefs, and worldview are represented in their art. give examples. 3) how do you think worldview, culture, and beliefs are expressed in modern art (imagery, movies, books, songs, etc.)? give examples. 4) where did the British Empire expand to? and why? 5) how do you think a person's worldview might impact the type of leadership or government they want in a society?6) how does the structure of government in Canada ensure that power is distributed to all regions of the country? i would appreciate anyone's help asap, even if you can only answer one of these questions (don't need to answer all if can't) thanks in advance!! please answer this !!! You toss a coin 83 times. 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