Explain Monday’s reasoning for assaulting Jacob. Is she justified? Why or why not?


Answer 1

Please give the context of questions for people to use, as it makes answering much easier. thanks

Related Questions

My First Day on the Job

1. In the story’s exposition, the narrator reveals that she wants to be a writer but does not know which kind of writer.

What does this detail foreshadow?

A. The narrator will have a long and difficult job search.

B. The narrator will encounter challenges as a journalist.

C. The narrator will decide which kind of writer she wants to be.

D. The narrator will be offered a job because of her strong writing samples.

2. Which excerpt from the story best supports the idea that the narrator admires the people she interviews the first day on the job?

A. “I wasn’t completely sure what I was supposed to be asking besides how the budget cuts would affect each school."

B. “I realized the answer was simple Reporter 101: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?”

C. “It made me think that my new job as a reporter was going to be easy in comparison.”

D. “By the time I finished up, I’d gotten a crash course in interviewing and had received an interesting range of opinions about the budget cuts.”

3. Which excerpt from the story best supports the inference that the narrator is a competent writer?

A. “ . . . I’d taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college.”

B. “He was happy with the few writing samples I’d brought to the interview and offered me the job on the spot.”

C. “ . . . I was sitting down with John, one of the executive editors of the newspaper chain, hearing all the daunting details of being a ‘cub reporter.’”

D. “I’d been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer.”


Answer: Okay, for the first one my answer is tied between A or B

for the second one my answer would be D

3rd my answer is B

Explanation: Based on the fact that they both would make sense in this situation, my answer would be A or B but leaning towards A.

The only one that makes sense.

B  the fact that she didn't need to bring more than a few samples for him to be satisfied and give her a job shows that she must be a competent writer.

samuel is incorrect, for the first one, the answer is;

C) The narrator will decide which kind of writer she wants to be.

Apologies on not answering the other 2, it's cause i didn't have em on my test

At least it's something and not nothing, hope this helps anyone who comes across it!

She drove a car. linto Negativel
Bimal says, "Lam writing my answers," into Indirect Speech
policeman is questioning the man Tinto Passive Voice
Vobody called me ..........? (question Tag)
Ile has proved it wrong. (into Past Perfect Continuous)
She says, "Tam studying my book." (into Indirect Speech)
We will buy car (into Passive)
Someone called me,
(Supply the correct
question las)
Pokhara is hotter than Kathmandu (Into Negative)
They go to school seldom (Intollow often question )​



Dayum man it sounds good but i dont get the question


1. The characters in the play have depth. Audiences learn their strengths and dreams, their weaknesses, and fears. Choose Tom or Amanda as the focus of your response. Is Amanda a good mother in the play, or is she the "witch" that Tom calls her in anger? OR Is Tom a goodson in the play, or is he, like his father, a faithless man? How do these characters' different definitions of happiness cause them to clash? Include at least 2 quotes from the play.


Hi. You have not informed the play to which these questions refer, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To answer these questions you will need to read the play and understand the personality of each character, through the actions they promote within the story. Amanda will be a good mother if she is someone who promotes good things for her son and tries to protect him, even if she fails in that attempt. In short, Amanda Will be a good mother if she has no intention of harming her child, even if she does so unintentionally. Tom will be an unfaithful man if he betrays people's trust, or his own trust, by acting incorrectly, breaking promises, and any other activity that promotes infidelity.

The different definitions of happiness cause these characters to conflict because they don't understand one or the other, or because the happiness of one inhibits the happiness of the other. During the reading, you will need to identify how this is established.

How did early English drama develop?


Answer: Read Below

Explanation: The origin of early English drama develops from churches. To better uneducated congregations understanding, priests used to act out the hymns and biblical stories. This quickly made its way out of the church, and was popularized.

Hope this helps!

write a speech as a head girl to the new students about how to adapt to new environment and how to remain positive at high school



Although moving to a new city might feel like a disaster to a teen, starting a new school can be a positive experience. That doesn't mean your teen won't struggle to adjust, however. Switching peer groups, adjusting to a new academic schedule, and leaving behind old friends can be very hard for adolescents. And it’s not just about social expectations—a new school can also cause challenges in academic and extracurricular areas.1

While some teens will thrive with a fresh start, immediately jumping into activities and making friends, others won’t succeed immediately. Some of them may feel lost for a bit, both academically and socially. If you're moving to a new school system, use these strategies to help your teen adjust to a new school.



A lot of sources are used in this article. The American Educational Research Association gives us data on teacher turnover rate and how it is much higher for young teachers and is higher than other professions. It was surprising to ready that “45% of young teachers leave their jobs within the first 5 years,” because that’s almost half of all young teachers. Hearing this makes the reader wonder about what’s so bad that the teachers aren’t staying at their jobs when they are young and full of energy. Dave Eggers opinion piece says that the cost of teacher turnover in the U.S. is $7.34 billion per year. That is a lot of money! That means we are paying a price for this high rate of attrition. Dewey continues Eggers’ point by saying that putting back this lost money into teacher salaries “would likely lower turnover and budgetary shortfalls in the first place.” It seems like a no brainer to do this, but instead, initial teacher salaries continue to be low and many college graduates would not even consider getting into the teaching profession at this rate.



no some punctuation are wrong the "45% is about to be 45% and after 5 years you shouldn't use comma. This much I don't see other mistakes!

surprising to read^ / makes the reader think^ about “what’s the reason for teachers not staying at their jobs when they are young and full of energy (this makes it better)

COUNTY ATTORNEY (with the gallantry of a young politician). And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend. He goes to the sink, takes a dipperful of water from the pail and, pouring it into a basin, washes his hands. Starts to wipe them on the roller-towel, turns it for a cleaner place.) Dirty towels! (Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink.) Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies? The excerpt contributes most to which feminist theme?


This question is missing the answer options. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

A. Women artists face difficult paths when pursuing careers.

B. Women need to feel they are determining their own fate.

C. Women are often expected to conform to roles set by society.

D. Women often suffer great abuses in male-dominated societies.


The excerpt contributes most to the feminist theme:

C. Women are often expected to conform to roles set by society.


The short play "Trifles" was written by American playwright Susan Glaspell, who was born in 1876. The play is full of feminist themes, one of them being developed in the passage we are analyzing here.

First, let's briefly understand the context. The county attorney, along with the sheriff and Mr. Hale are looking for evidence to prove that a certain woman, Minnie Wright, has killed her husband. With them are Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters (the sheriff's wife). As the play unfolds, it is the women who will discover evidence that leads to the motive behind Mr. Wright's murder. However, all the while, the men talk to them or refer to them and other women in general as if they only worry about trifles - as if women's reasoning were inferior.

In the particular passage we are analyzing, the county attorney is judging Mrs. Wright's performance as a housewife. He expects her to conform to a certain role. She must obey her husband, keep the house spotless, cook delicious food, etc. He does not take a moment to wonder why her house is in such disarray. Was something bad happening to her? Did she and her husband have problems? Was she depressed? None of that crosses his mind. He judges her according to his expectations, and that is it.


women are often expected to conformt to roles set by society

Use the context clues to find the definition for the word excluded as it is used in these sentences. kept out prevented shut out not allowed


This question is missing the sentence. I was able to find it online. It is the following:

Their math teacher informed them that division problems would not be on the test. The class was not happy to hear that these kinds of problems would be excluded.


The meaning of "excluded" as it is used in the sentence above is:

A. kept out


A context clue is a piece of information an author gives to help readers understand the meaning of a word that may be regarded as difficult or unusual. In the sentences we are analyzing here, the context clue for the meaning of "excluded" is given before the word itself appears. When the author says, "division problems would not be on the test," he is offering the clue. Some problems will be kept out, excluded, or simply not included in the test.


kept out


Directions: Add a dependent clause to each independent clause below to complete each sentence.
Example: ________make sure to bring your game console.
Answer: When you come to visit, make sure to bring your game console.

7. __________,I looked for my missing baseball.
8. __________,we won the game.
9.___________,the food was wonderful.
10. _________,all the students listened quietly.
11.___________ ,I will tell you the truth.​



7. Even though it was hopeless,I looked for my missing baseball.

8. Although we played badly, we won the game.

9. Even with the lack of salt, the food was wonderful.

10. As he spoke, all the students listened quietly.

11.Even though it's difficult ,I will tell you the truth.


What is the answer. Anyone can help me please. ​


1. die

2. give up

3. get on

4. panic

5. go along

6. help

Hope this helps! :)

The church at Philadelphia was alive.




if it doesn’t breathe it’s not alive

five map symbol used in the guided​



they are







In your opinion, which is most important? And why?










to protect

i mean it’s literally your opinion.. but in my opinion:

It would be a doctor because they help sick patients and take care of them.

Can someone write me a 200 word+ summary about this article called “The Pandemic Seems to Have Made Childhood Obesity Worse, but There’s Hope?” Thanks


Childhood obesity has increased significantly in the United States during the past four decades. In 1980, about 5 percent of the country’s children between 2 and 19 were experiencing obesity, according to the C.D.C.; as of 2018, more than 19 percent were — and an additional 16 percent were considered overweight. Because children are far more likely to gain an unhealthful amount of weight while out of school over the summer, experts were worried last spring when in-person schooling was suspended indefinitely because of the pandemic. They feared extended closures might “exacerbate the epidemic of childhood obesity and increase disparities in obesity risk,” as researchers from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and colleagues put it in a paper in the journal Obesity in June 2020. That, in turn, would mean more children living with related conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and fatty-liver disease.

Those concerns were warranted, according to a May study in Pediatrics. Based on measurements of body mass index taken for more than 500,000 children between the ages of 2 and 17 during visits to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network, researchers found that, on average, between January 2019 and December 2020 the prevalence of obesity increased by almost 2 percentage points overall, from 13.7 percent to 15.4 percent. (In the most recent years for which national data is available, the increase has been 1 percentage point or less.) Black and Latino children, as well as those from families with lower incomes, displayed sharper increases than children from other groups did. Such gains early in life make it more likely that children will have higher B.M.I.s when they grow up. (Obesity already affects more than 40 percent of American adults.) “This isn’t just baby fat that’s going to go away,” says Brian Jenssen, the study’s lead author and a pediatrician at Children’s. “That’s why I think this is so alarming.”

What is the voice of the following sentence?

People ski on snow, water, and even sand.

A. passive

B. active



B. active


In active the person is doing an action (people are skiing).

my life is a _______ beacuse___________________.

for example I said my life is a roller coaster beacuse it's a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.
I need 2 more please help​



my life is a toilet because i am a poop.

my life is a[n] eggshell because i am an egg.


there, i made two more for you

i also fixed the type. you spelled "beacuse" instead of *because

i hope this helps you


1. My life is a mountain because once I reach every peak I am rewarded.

2. My life is a plateau because it's constantly average and never wavering.


I'm not sure if these are what you were going for but I went with whatever I could think of.

what did monday do to jacob



Please give the context of questions for other people, as it greatly helps with answering the question. thanks.

i’ll give brainliest

In Red Jacket’s speech, the primary function of the comparison presented in paragraph 5 is to:
A. bemoan the lack of similarity between the American Indians and the listener’s people.
B. prove that the Great Spirit favors the American Indians and provides them deeper satisfaction and joy.
C. criticize the listener for trying to convert the American Indians because of his ignorance and arrogance.
D. emphasize what the American Indians have lost at the cost of white encroachment
E. establish that the religion of the speaker is lacking in spirituality and compassion.





match each statement to the correct step in how a conflict develops



can u please show me a picture so that I can help u

Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains. When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky but, sometimes, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they will gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like a crown of glory.

What theme is highlighted in this excerpt?

the importance of democracy
glorification of the natural world
the importance of the individual
the influence of the supernatural



Glorification of the natural world

Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.

Then Gandhi invited each person in the theater to join him in an exceptional oath, a pledge not to register, not to accept the government's rules, even if that resulted in severe punishment. Gandhi insisted that every person weigh the commitment and make a personal choice. "Every individual," he explained, must make the oath him- or herself,

facing not to his neighbor, but his God. Nor should it be taken in order to gain power over anybody but oneself, for the power of an oath is defined by what one man can promise to do, and what he is willing to suffer: insult, incarceration, hard labor, flogging, fine, deportation, and even death.

Everyone in the audience raised his or her hand.

Gandhi bound the crowd together to follow a new path, which he called Satyagraha—which means "truth with force," or "firmness." It is also called "love-force." While the goal of violence is to defeat and vanquish the enemy, the goal of Satyagraha is to convince or convert the opponent. "He must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy." A person who believes in Satyagraha will not fight physically, but instead resists through his or her own inner courage, knowing he might be jailed or beaten.

Which statement best describes the authors’ purpose in this passage?



Its B: The authors want to persuade readers that Gandhi had a strong influence on the Indian workers.

Explanation: Took the test

A person who believes in Satyagraha will not fight physically, but instead resists through his or her own inner courage, best describes the authors’ purpose in this passage.

What is Satyagraha?

Satyagraha is a philosophy and practice of nonviolent resistance that was developed by Mahatma Gandhi. The term "Satyagraha" is derived from two Sanskrit words, "satya" meaning truth and "agraha" meaning holding firmly to or insistence.

Gandhi believed that through the practice of Satyagraha, individuals and communities could resist oppression and injustice without resorting to violence.

Satyagraha involves the use of various nonviolent tactics, such as civil disobedience, boycotts, strikes, and peaceful demonstrations, to bring about social and political change.

The essence of Satyagraha is the willingness to suffer and endure hardship in the pursuit of a just cause, with the goal of converting the opponent through love and compassion.

Learn more about Satyagraha here:



What is one way to revise for word choice?



Thinking about the reader and their expectations will also help you make better decisions. As word choice is important, reviewing the evaluative modifiers is one way to revise for word choice.

One way to revise for word choice is to check for appropriate level of language.

1. Stress involves what kinds of reactions?

All the above





espero te sirva........

What do the readings of voices of an emerging nation reveal about diversity within the new nation



The readings in this unit reveal the diversity within the new nation about American Independence.

Many newly independent Latin American countries went to war with each other. Which factors led to disputes?
Select three choices.

A.natural resources
D.forms of government
E.religious differences


Answer: A,C,D

-Natural resources


-forms of government


Edge 2021


A, C, D


took za test :D

How does a story change depending on the person who tells it?​



The story changes because each person has gone through something different. For example, if the protagonist told the story it's going to lead more towards how they felt, what they saw, and the journey of, "I am the hero and i have to defeat the villain!", but if the antagonist was telling the story it might lean towards their point of view, and why they became the "villain" in the first place.

Because different people see it differently and have their own opinions on things. Some could have not have seen a whole situation happen and they’re story could be wrong in the outcome

Literacy means much more than knowing how to read and write words. It also means being able to comprehend and
make meaning from what you are reading.

t or f??








The __
build the main idea.
O A. first paragraphs
O B. supporting details
O C. titles
O D. demands





Match the term to the description.

1. creation story
when your disagreement is with someone other than yourself
2. dynamic
a character who changes or learns during the story
3. external conflict
a one-dimensional character
4. first person
a culture's way to explain why something is the way that it is
5. flat
when a person tells the story from his or her perspective



1. creation story -when a person tells the story from his or her perspective

2. dynamic -a character who changes or learns during the story

3.external conflict-when your disagreement is with someone other than yourself

4.first person-a one-dimensional character

5.flat- a culture's way to explain why something is the way that it is


it is 100% correct and verified!

GIVING BRAINLIEST!! Rewrite the sentence below, correcting the problem of incorrect omission.

Astronomers on the whole understand the solar system better than chemists.






Other Questions
I. Use conditional sentence type 1, 2 & 3 in serious way & be supported by the verbs in the bracket then complete your sentence1. If she __ (win) the lottery, she __ (be) happy.2. __ (be) he a pilot, he __ (visit) the cities in the world. The playground director has a total of24 basketballs and footballs. He has6 more footballs than basketballs, Howmany of each does he have? in what ratio we increase 900 to get 1200 6. A warehouse employee is pushing a 15.0 kg desk across a floor at a constant speed of 0.50 m/s. How much work must the employee do on the desk to change the speed to 1.00 m/s? "You will be writing a research paper on the Freedmens Bureau and its effects, and the restrictions placed on the rights and opportunities of African Americans in the Reconstruction-era South. Write questions that will help you narrow your research on the topic"plz help asap Eddie Zambrano Corporation began operations on January 1, 2017. During its first 3 years of operations, Zambrano reported net income and declared dividends as follows. Net Income Dividends Declared2017 $ 40,000 $ 02018 125,000 50,0002019 160,000 50,000The following information relates to 2020.Income before income tax $240,000Prior period adjustment: understatement of 2018 depreciation expense (before taxes) $ 25,000Cumulative decrease in income from change in inventory methods (before taxes) $ 35,000Dividends declared (of this amount, $25,000 will be paid on Jan. 15, 2021) $100,000Effective tax rate 20%Instructionsa. Prepare a 2020 retained earnings statement for Eddie Zambrano Corporation.b. Assume Eddie Zambrano Corporation restricted retained earnings in the amount of $70,000 on December 31, 2020. After this action, what would Zambrano report as total retained earnings in its December 31, 2020, balance sheet? Which central idea is Most supported by the section " A New Home In France, Then America"? Find the equation of a line with a slope of -9, passing through the point (1, -3). Enterthis equation in slope/y-intercept form in the blank Find the median and mean of the data set below: 6 , 37 , 2 , 38 , 1 , 3 , 46 6,37,2,38,1,3,46 Look for words and phrases that show emotion. What moods do these words suggest ? Comfy Clothing is thinking of hiring Tom. If hired, he can increase total production by 100 units a week. He would cost the firm $1,500 a week in wages. If the price of each unit is $20:_______a. the MR of hiring the worker is $2,000b. The MC of hiring Tom is $1,500c. The firm should hire Tom since MR>MCd. All of the above What is Mathematics? role of microfinance institutions in national development Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.Use contractions where possible. Valor (0,25 c/u)1) My sister thinks she's________(intelligent) than me, but I don't agree!2) Avatar is probably_________(bad) film I've seen!3) What is________(wet) month of the year in England?4)Do you think the Harry Potter films are_________(good) than the books?5)Who is__________(powerful) person in your country?Parte B. Elige la respuesta correcta. Valor (0,25 c/u)1 of 10My mother is ____ than my father.oldolderthe oldestthe old2 of 10What is ____ movie you have ever seen?funnyfunnierthe funniestthe funny3 of 10That movie was bad, but it wasn't ____ I have ever seen.baddestworsestworsethe worst4 of 10Rachel's hair is not as ____ as Sarah's.longlongerthe longestmore long5 of 10Yesterday's exam was ____ than the one last month.difficultdifficulterthe difficultestmore difficult6 of 10Peter is as ____ as Alex.fastfasterthe fastestthe faster7 of 10I think Mary is ____ woman I have ever seen.beautifulthe most beautifulthe beautifulestthe beautifuler8 of 10Her room is only a little bit ____ than mine.biggerthe biggerbighe biggest9 of 10He is ____ when he is playing football.the happierhappiestthe happyhappyest10 of 10Michael's house is ____ from the train than Betty's.farthe furthestthe fartherfurtherParte C. Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto. Valor (0,25 c/u)Samplethan / father / is / mother / is / my / younger / myMy mother is younger than my father.orMy father is younger than my mother.1 of 5cheapest / store / table / is / the / in / this / the2 of 5as / cookies / good / mine / as / are / Sue's / not3 of 5football / more / than / basketball / is / popular4 of 5more / is / dress / a lot / this / than / black / expensive / the / dress5 of 5sister / faster / Sue / than / her / speaksParte D. Read the article about "Do emoijs and GIFs restrict our language andcommunication? And then do the following activities.1. Translate it into Spanish. Valor (4 puntos)2. Is using emojis and GIFs a good thing for communication? Tell me about it! Valor (1punto). thit k ic 555 v code ic hot ng At a grocery store, you want to buy lb of 2 1/2cheese What decimal should the digital scale show What is 3/5 divided by -1/5 What is the slope of the line represented by the equation y = -2/3 - 5x Find the length of X ( IN THE PICTURE) what is the characteristics of tropical air mass