Explain why World War II was a total war.


Answer 1
Total War: Military conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory.

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Describe the stages of this development.

Do you think that some radical monk started the movement ??

Will give Brainlist



The inscription is believed to date back to the start of the 10th century and is the setting of a short chant dedicated to Boniface, patron Saint of Germany. It is the earliest practical example of a piece of polyphonic music – the term given to music that combines more than one independent melody – ever discovered.

Hence, it can be concluded that the movement was not started by some radical monk.

The Salvation Army were also called the "____ Brigade" ​


The Salvage Brigade.

Explaining, what's the controversy that continues to surround The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.


The controversy that surrounds the novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is particularly due to the fact that schools and libraries across the US have been drawn into debates about censorship context included int the novel , the regional dialects and the stereotypes of African American lives shown in the novel.

Hope it helps I'm from ph❤️

analyse the soghai empire​



The Songhai Empire (also transliterated as Songhay) was a state that dominated the western Sahel/Sudan in the 15th and 16th century. At its peak, it was one of the largest states in African history. The state is known by its historiographical name, derived from its leading ethnic group and ruling elite, the Songhai. Sonni Ali established Gao as the capital of the empire, although a Songhai state had existed in and around Gao since the 11th century. Other important cities in the empire were Timbuktu and Djenné, conquered in 1468 and 1475 respectively, where urban-centered trade flourished and to the south is the north Akan state of Bonoman.[3] Initially, the empire was ruled by the Sonni dynasty (c. 1464–1493), but it was later replaced by the Askia dynasty(1493–1901).

what was the Cleveland massacre



The  Cleveland Massacre was the beginning of John D. Rockefeller's drive toward an oil monopoly.


Why did people in France want a Revolution?


bcoz of the following reasons --

#1 Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.

#2 Tax Burden on the Third Estate.

#3 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie.

#4 Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers.

#5 Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars.

#6 Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests in the preceding years.


plz mark it as brainliest

Jesus taught the people directly about His manner of

Kingly rule



The answer is Death.

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Identify each cause of the French revolution as economic, political, or intellectual
lack of representation of the third estate in
the Estates General
the success of the American Revolution
the French government's aid to the Americans
during the American Revolution



Econmice= The french government's aid to the American's during the American Revolution.

Poltical= Lack of representation of the third estate in Estate-General

Intelluctual= The success of the American Revolution.


The causes of the French Revolution can be classified as follows:

Lack of representation of the third estate in the Estates-General: This cause can be categorized as political. The third estate, which represented the commoners and the majority of the French population, was not adequately represented in the Estates-General, which was the traditional assembly of the three estates of the French society (clergy, nobility, and commoners). This lack of political representation led to grievances and a sense of injustice among the third estate, contributing to the revolutionary sentiments.

The success of the American Revolution: This cause can be categorized as intellectual. The success of the American Revolution, with its ideals of liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty, had a significant influence on the French intellectual and political discourse. The ideas of Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which inspired the American Revolution, spread to France and played a crucial role in shaping the intellectual climate that eventually led to the French Revolution.

The French government's aid to the Americans during the American Revolution: This cause can be categorized as both political and economic. The French government's decision to support the American Revolution financially and militarily strained the French economy. The expenses incurred in supporting the American cause, along with existing economic problems, exacerbated financial difficulties and contributed to mounting public debt. The financial strain, in turn, fueled discontent among the French population and highlighted the mismanagement of the government's finances, thus having both political and economic implications in the lead-up to the revolution.

Hope I helped!

What advances in technology developed during the Han Dynasty?
A) paper, the lock and key, and the plow
B) silk looms, windmills, and papyrus
C) the collar harness, the wheelbarrow, and the phonetic alphabet
D) paper, the iron plow, and advanced water power to grind grain.


A) Paper, the lock and key, and the plow

what did the thirteen amendment do


Answer: The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Slavery was made Illegal in all versions and displays, including indentured servitude.



Alumno/a: _______________________________

(Es importante explicitar el nombre del estudiante para facilitar la corrección por la plataforma)

A partir de lo trabajado en clases (presenciales y virtuales) y de la lectura de las páginas 8 a 17 del cuadernillo, resuelvan con sus palabras las siguientes actividades:

1) ¿Qué son las declaraciones que aparecen en la Constitución Nacional?

2) Completen el siguiente cuadro para clasificar a los artículos de la Constitución Nacional según la categoría de declaración política, religiosa, económico-financiera y jurídica. (Les recomiendo buscar los artículos en el texto de la Constitución Nacional que se encuentra disponible como archivo adjunto de esta actividad.)


Explicación de la declaración





El Tesoro nacional es el dinero disponible para cubrir los gastos del Gobierno nacional. El dinero del Tesoro nacional proviene de: venta o alquiler de tierras del país, impuestos por las cosas que entran y salen del país y los que paga la población, préstamos que pide el Gobierno cuando el dinero de los impuestos no le alcanza. El Congreso nacional es el encargado de crear los impuestos. Los impuestos deben ser equitativos: cuanto más tenés, más pagás.







3) Busquen en la Constitución Nacional los artículos 14 y 14 bis, 15, 37, 41 y 75 inciso 17. Luego expliquen con sus palabras cuáles son los derechos reconocidos en cada uno de los artículos, a qué clasificación de derechos corresponde, busquen una imagen para ilustrarlos y agréguenle un epígrafe.


Artículo 14: Reconoce a todos los habitantes de Argentina (nacionales y extranjeros) la libertad para trabajar, transitar, comerciar, peticionar a las autoridades, y de expresión, asociación, culto y educación. Es por ello que decimos que el artículo 14 garantiza los derechos civiles (de primera generación.

La imagen ilustra el derecho a publicar las ideas por la prensa sin censura previa

4) ¿Qué son las garantías constitucionales?

5) A continuación les presento diversos casos en los que no se cumplen las garantías constitucionales. Comenten con sus palabras qué tipo de acción judicial usarían en cada caso para proteger los derechos constitucionales.

a) Una persona es detenida en la vía pública por ser de la religión musulmana

b) Una ley sancionada este año establece que los alumnos que el año pasado aprobaron la materia de Construcción de la Ciudadanía con 7 deben rendir nuevamente la materia, porque ahora se estableció que la note mínima es 8

c) Una persona es detenida por fumar en la vía pública, en un espacio abierto

d) Una persona que robó una bicicleta fue detenida y golpeada por los vecinos de la zona

e) Un grupo de jóvenes fue detenido por la policía y obligados a mostrar los mensajes recibidos en sus teléfonos

f) Una familia está a punto de ser desalojada de su vivienda porque se atrasó una semana en el pago del alquiler

6) Elaboren un mapa conceptual para graficar las declaraciones, derechos y garantías reconocidas en la primera parte de la constitución nacional.



is there english transalation?


Which key term is found in the first passage? By the nineteenth century, a period of intense scientific discovery was well underway. Remarkable advances in science and medicine helped to lift people out of wretched poverty and ignorance, enrich their lives, empower them with knowledge, open their eyes to new worlds, and eventually unleash DONE vur Wu, Une w uur uuu u povruuuu effect on crime and punishment. They have reversed the verdict in fully 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to by the FBI since 1989. -Visions, Michio Kaku Intro​


Answer: Discovery


The next one is: science improves people’s lives.

The last one: DNA testing helps prove innocence or guilt.




Which of the theory reflect the philosophy of John Locke?
Social Contract Theory
Evolution Theory
Force Theory
Divine Right Theory


Most probably it’s A

Why was Ancient Zimbabwe referred aa "Great Zimbabwe"? Explain with three examples​



With an economy based on cattle husbandry, crop cultivation, and the trade of gold on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Great Zimbabwe was the heart of a thriving trading empire from the 11th to the 15th centuries. The word zimbabwe, the country's namesake, is a Shona (Bantu) word meaning “stone houses.”


Fun facts:

Great Zimbabwe is the name of the stone ruins of an ancient city near modern day Masvingo, Zimbabwe. ... The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, which was a Shona (Bantu) trading empire. Zimbabwe means “stone houses” in Shona. Great Zimbabwe was part of a large and wealthy global trading network.

what does the word Feudalism mean?



the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.


i have had this on edgenui ty before. it should be muliple choice, if it is not the answer up there might be able to help you. but if it is multiple choice tell me in the comments below.

feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval europe that flourished between the 9th century to 15th century

Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the?





Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the pressure because energy has no relation with the pressure or energy does not depends to pressure. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy in the body is also increases but the pressure exert on the body only deform the body structure but can't the energy present in the body

Select the correct answer.
Based on the map, what conclusion can you draw about ancient civilizations?
indus Valley
Indian Ocean
OA. They were all located in areas of southeast Asia.
OB. They all had their origins in people from the Middle East.
OC. They interacted with one another frequently through trade.
OD. They usually developed near a major body of water.



At the beginning we had small battles like Lexington and Concord, 19th April 1775; The Battle of Bunker Hill, 17th June 1775 and The Battle of Quebec, 31st December 1775; The Northern and Southern colonies knew that the war was real and we had to be unified in our efforts to win, the middle colonies thought as late as May 1776 that it was all minor disagreements and we could still make peace with the King. Even with all the excess of the British Government many felt that war was avoidable or unnecessary at this time; so the Northern and Southern colonies pushed the idea of the declaration to show the need and justification for going to war. The representatives in Congress that believed the time for separation had come wanted a way to clearly state to their brothers the reasons why a break with Great Britain was necessary. One purpose of the Declaration of Independence then, was to boldly state the reasons for separation with Britain to both their friends and their enemies and to persuade them that the separation was morally justified and that they should join the cause.


At the beginning we had small battles like Lexington and Concord, 19th April 1775; The Battle of Bunker Hill, 17th June 1775 and The Battle of Quebec, 31st December 1775; The Northern and Southern colonies knew that the war was real and we had to be unified in our efforts to win, the middle colonies thought as late as May 1776 that it was all minor disagreements and we could still make peace with the King. Even with all the excess of the British Government many felt that war was avoidable or unnecessary at this time; so the Northern and Southern colonies pushed the idea of the declaration to show the need and justification for going to war. The representatives in Congress that believed the time for separation had come wanted a way to clearly state to their brothers the reasons why a break with Great Britain was necessary. One purpose of the Declaration of Independence then, was to boldly state the reasons for separation with Britain to both their friends and their enemies and to persuade them that the separation was morally justified and that they should join the cause.

What was the Confederate States of America?



Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.

(Score for Question 3: of 9 points)

3. How did the railroads impact Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane during this time? Describe how each city was
type your answer here


If you're still here, please give the time frame of this question, as you didn't already do so. Thanks

The Kansas-Nebraska Act did all of the following, except what?



I believe the first one I am pretty sure


True/ False

Special interest groups use violence and fear to achieve goals.





In simple words, A special interest group (SIG) can be understood as the community inside a bigger company with a common interest in improving a certain area of knowledge, education, or innovation. Members collaborate to effect or provide answers within their sector, and may interact, meet, and arrange seminars.

These groups might go for peaceful protests or candle marches but do not use violence like terrorist groups.

Which colony was founded by Catholic proprietors?


New Jersey

North Carolina



Maryland I believe is the correct answer.
Maryland is it I think

Please help me I give brainlist

Which terms best describe the Greek city-state of Athens?

unenlightened and regressive

tyrannical and repressive

militaristic and aggressive

educated and progressive



educated and progressive

Educated and progressive

how was the falaj built​



Shafts are built at a 20-metre distance along the tunnel. They also have a ring of burnt clay that removes debris and helps in ventilation. The ring protects the channel from destruction in case the tunnel collapses and also prevents the falaj from flooding.

How did the bulding of the railroads affect people's ability to travel?


Transportation time was drastically low. Prior to that people were using horses, and the building of the railroad cut that travel time significantly.

PLS HELP ASAP question is below if u dont know the awnser DONT AWNSER THE QUESTION PLSSS



1. an alliance of nations

2 war equipment and supplies

3 affluent middle class people

4 the poorest class of working people in society

5 a male monarch or emperor

6 left-wing majority group of Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

7 an agreement to temporarily cease fighting

8 an economic setback

9. indemnities paid by defeated countries

who wrote the Nkosi Sikeleli version?​



Enoch Sontonga


Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika was composed in 1897 by Enoch Sontonga, a Methodist mission school teacher. The words of the first stanza were originally written in Xhosa as a hymn. Seven additional stanzas in Xhoza were later added by the poet, Samuel Mqhayi. A Sesotho version was published by Moses Mphahlele in 1942.


The Era of Good feelings was a period of relative political unity. One reason
for this is because the merging of the two political parties.
Select one:
O False



bts biot bts biot jungkukk

jskndbkn djxjbdbdnjungkujk biot bts biot bakit because she is biit



I’m taking this course right now and it was correct

The message of the Second GreatAwakening was:
B)states' rights.
C)o equality.
D)the dangers of hell.



D) the dangers of hell.


The Second Great Awakening began to aim for a perfect society in the 19th century. The Second Great Awakening in America let people look for other beliefs including, Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists. The Second Great Awakening encouraged people to improve their lives. The Second Great Awakening is known for its large camp meetings that preached people to follow the right path by avoiding sin.

What territory did Rome win control of after defeating Carthage in the
Punic Wars?
O Greece
O North Africa
O The Middle East



North Africa


The Second Period of Expansion Rome’s growth threatened another great power, the city of Carthage (KAR-thidge), in North Africa. During the second period of expansion, from 264 to 146 B.C.E., Rome and Carthage fought three major wars. Through these wars, Rome gained control of North Africa, much of Spain, and the island of Sicily . Roman armies also conquered Macedonia and Greece.

The answer is North Africa
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