Fix the mistakes in each sentence and rewrite it in spanish.

Me encanta las galletas. -

Helen y yo corren en el parque. -

Yo mucho como pizza. -

José y tú leemos para español. -

Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -


Answer 1


Me encantan las galletas.

- Helen y yo corremos en el parque.

- Yo mucho como pizza.

- José y tú lean para español.

- Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -


Related Questions

¿Acerca de que tendría que hablar Néstor con Carla?


Answer: Acerca de sus sentimientos


The passage is talking about how Néstor has feelings for Carla but doesn't know she feels the same way. The question is what should Néstor talk to Carla about, the answer is his feelings for her. Hope this helps :)!

The Prado National Museum
Write the script for an audio tour in Spanish for a specific section or exhibition at the Prado Museum.



please mark brainlist

Visual Guide to the Prado Museum

This Visual Guide is an educational resource intended to facilitate the preparation of the museum visit to people who understand better through images.

It has been compiled and illustrated with the participation of people with autism spectrum disorders, and it addresses different issues related to the museum: its history, its rules, its location, its buildings, its staff, the access points, and a series of formal and personal explanations of the museum artworks.

This autonomous material is intended to be a reference and support resource for educative environments and for relatives too.

Yo____ tiempo con mis amigos los fines de semana


Yo paso tiempo con mis amigos los fines de semana

Presentamos la moda para el próximo (1)
geométricas y (3)
vivos, (4)
material escolar (6)
chándals. La (7)
anoraks, (2)
anchas, pura lana, formas
trencas, tejidos resistentes, lavables, (5)
que resiste tanto como tus (8)
Type here to search


It's too short. Write at least 20 characters to explain it well.

Your answer can't be empty

Guys pls help me!!!!!!



i believe the answer is comes


Señor, ¿Ud. ____________________ el alemán? (hablar)







Have a great day!

1. Según la grabación, ¿qué beneficios comerciales tienen las grasas parcialmente hidrogenadas ? (A) Dan mejor sabor a la comida . ( B) Hacen durar más la comida refrigerada . ( C) Poseen más valor nutritivo . ( D) Conservan los alimentos por más tiempo .



la respuesta es D ya que lo hace durar más tiempo y no este en descomposición

Cuando se usa conocer

A. Informacion
B. Persona, lugar o cosa





which of the following has to do with physical appearance


What are the options

1. Mi hermano ________________________ una sopa.

2. Mis tíos ________________________ un postre.

3. Mi padre y yo ________________________ un plato principal.

4. Tú ________________________ una ensalada.

5. Yo ________________________ una bebida.


1. pide
2. piden
3. pedimos
4. pediste
5. pedi

¡Solo la persona más inteligente de su clase de español puede ayudarme con esto!


1. Es
2. Está
3. Estoy
4. Es
5. Es
6. Son
7. Estamos
8. Somos
9. Either “están” or “son” I’m not sure sorry
10. Es
11. Estar
12. Están
13. Es

1. Come
2. Bebe
3. Come
4. Compartimos
5. Abro
6. Hablas

1. Quieres
2. Cuesta
3. Cuestan
4. Pueden
5. Podemos
6. Piensas
7. Almuerzo
8. Pienso
9. Pedíamos

Read and choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.

Ayer, yo ________ que iba a ir a Venezuela. (1 point)


Ayer, yo supe que iba a ir a Venezuela.




Ayer, yo supe que iba a ir a Venezuela it sounds good when you read it like that

¿Cual es el elemento que produce el malentendido en el que se basa la historia? ¿Te parece que hay más de un elemento que produce ese malentendido? Si es así, ¿Cual/es? Preguntas sobre el libro "El enigma" de la autora Sivina Ocampo


Answer: Literatura, me he desviado de cualquier marco teórico único, aunque la teoría narrativa ... Su libro Fantasías de lo femenino: Los relatos breves de Silvina. Ocampo ... Un elemento de la biografía de Ocampo parece esencial para esta investigación, ... tanto la poesía como la narrativa.2 En su ficción hay relativamente pocas descripciones directas de ...malentendidos. Añaden tanta tensión a las historias. Piratas del Caribe es un ejemplo perfecto y una de mis películas favoritas

Publicación brillante


(04.03 LC)
Lee y escoge la opción con la forma correcta del verbo en subjuntivo para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct form of the subjunctive to complete the
Tú me aconsejas que no me
ropa muy liviana porque hace frio. (1 point)
O pongo
O pones
o pongas


the answer is ponga

cual es el significado de depredador


un animal que naturalmente se alimenta de los demás. Which means un animal que naturalmente se alimenta de los demás.
aha ya te dijo el otro pero necesito los puntos gracias

Which verb form correctly completes this sentence?

En la procesión del Viernes Santo _______________ miles de personas.


That’s the answer
You can also say “Colaboraban”

how do you present yourself in spanish ?



Mi nombre es


Hola mi nombre es (your name)

What is the average temperature in the capital city of Lima, Peru?





Hope this helps

March80° / 67°0 days
April76° / 64°0 days
May72° / 62°0 days
June68° / 60°0 days

Copy the sentences below, and insert the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. Yo __________________________ un cafe. (tomar)

2. Ustedes ______________________________ con amigos. (hablar)

3. Nosotros ______________________________ uniforme. (llevar)

4. Tu ________________________________ por la calle? (caminar)

5. Ella ______________________________ espanol. (ensenar)

6. Vosotros _________________________ por la noche. (estudiar)

7. Usted ______________________________ en deportes? (participar)

8. Ellos _________________________ muy bien! (cantar)

9. Nosotros ____________________________ bien ingles! (hablar)

10. El ______________________________ atencion al profesor. (prestar)



1. Tomo

2. Hablan

3. Llevamos

4. Caminas

5. Ensena

6. Estudiáis (I'm not sure about this though).

7. Participa

8. Cantan

9. Hablamos

10. Presta


Can someone do this?



i have no clue what you are doing


complete with correct form of tener

1. y tu, ¿____ hermanos?
2. ¿cuanto hermanos ______?
3. ¿_____ ustedes una mascota?
¿Que _____, un perro o un gato?
4. Nosotros ____ una casa privada.
5. La casa _____ cuarto dormitorios.
6. Yo _____ mi dormitorio y mis dos hermanos _____ su dormitorio.



1. Tienes

2. Tienes

3. Tienen

4. Tienes

5. Tiene

6. Tengo, tienen

1: tienes
2: tienes
3: tienen
4: tienes
5: tienen
6: tengo y tienen

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?
Anoche fuimos al aeropuerto.
O airport
o church
0 hair salon
O post office​



A) Airport


The answer will be airport

In this activity, you will record a few sentences, in Spanish, describing your future aspirations when you were a child. Use the preterite and imperfect tenses as appropriate. Use comparatives to note how your aspirations changed over the years and why. You can use any audio recording software. Submit the audio file to your teacher.


Cuando yo era menor quiere ser una doctora. Hablaba con mi mamá de ayudar personas enfermas. Ahora que soy mayor, cambia de idea. Me encanta muchos los animales así que por el momento, me y mama hablamos de que sea veterinaria un día.

Use Spanish adjectives to help answer the questions in the picture




Carol es alta y delgada. Tiene pelo cafe, una camisa verde, y un bolso.

Ana es rubia y alta. Tiene una camisa celeste y unos pantalones azul.

Tina es muy sonriente. Tiene pelo negro, una blusa roja y un pantalón negro.

How long does it take to be fluent in Spanish ? I’ve been taking Spanish for 3 years so far.


i think that maximum you should take like 6 years in mi opinion
In my opinion its all about how hard you study bro like you choose how many words you wanna learn a day and how much time you want to spend into the language ;)

I need help please help



viajan, necesitan, puedo, tengo, preferiemos, somos, somos, gustan, pasamos, miramos, vuelo, traje, llame, confirmo


Hope it helps

The verbs salir decir and venir pls help


Decir = to say/tell

Venir = to come/arrive
3. Te

¿de dónde venimos? ¿cómo pensaban y vivían nuestros bisabuelos y tatarabuelos?​



de la vida, con una aspectativa differente ya que no tenian los avances tecnologycos que los que tenemos ahora


Can somebody help me out with this Spanish stuff? If you speak Spanish and are willing to help that will be great! Ty!



1 Juan compra una maleta

2 Mis tíos toman un taxi

3 Mi prima compre trajes de baño


- Ya buscaste en tu chaqueta?

- Si, ya lo hice y no lo encuentro

- No podremos viajar

This are the solutions to your homework :)

Use Spanish adjecives for female.



buenos dias

soy,emily,me llamo emily

tengo:13 años

soy de :mexico



Hola, Buenos Dias, Soy Emilie (example), tengo 15 años (example). Soy de EEUU.

2. Soy Buena y educada. También soy un buen ejemplo. No soy ni mala , ni malvada. No soy nada malvada.

3. Después de la escuela me gusta Dormir Y Comer.

   Me gusta mucho pintar. Me gusta mas Nadar. No me gusta escribir. No me gusta nada mas. No me gusta ni Leer ni Correr.

4. En los fines de semana yo juego y nado. También salgo a pasear a mi perro. No cocino.


Other Questions
Find the solutions of the inequality and complete the statements. The solutions of the inequality include all numbers . There are solutions of the inequality. PLEASE HELP!! Eliminate the parameter in the equations y = t + 2 and x =t^1/2.How can the rectangular equation be described? What is one of the countries within Africa with the same time zone as KSA? Josh and Lucy share some money in the ratio of 3 : 7 they share 84 in total how much money does Josh receive2858.8025.208.40 What is the job of a ground intelligence officer? Provide an example of a non-universal theme.Please write your answer in a complete sentence.lols hi me again help please Formula =6s2 gives the surface area A of a cube with a side length s.The surface area of a cube that has a side length of 5 inches is _______________inches squared. *No need to label this answer.*. Please help me cules son los problemas del territorio del rtico Plss this is timed will mark brain least if shown work! I'm confused. Can someone help and also lmk how to work it out? :) Where did the Roman Empire begin? Include the city and country. answer asap thanks!! Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head.People tell me the demons aren't as bad as I say. "You're letting them control you!" they say. "They aren't that bad! You're making it up for attention!"Addie and Ziah dig their claws in a little deeper every time they hear that.When I tell people about Addie and Ziah, how they hurt me, they tell me to just try not to listen. "Don't listen to them! Be happy! If you think positively, they'll go away."They've taken all my happy thoughts. Ziah feeds on them, spitting them back out as poison that Addie then spreads like a disease until there's nothing left.Ziah whispers in my ear, telling me how terrifying the world is, how everyone hates me, how everyone judges me, how I'm messing up, how I'm a waste of space and air, how I should just give up. She reminds me of how fragile I am, how easy it would be to draw blood, how easy it would be to give up.Addie is less subtle, choosing to scream rather than whisper.She isn't as nice, either. Ziah is only telling the truth, but Addie tells me anything she thinks of.What if you put your finger in an electric socket? she screams. What if you chewed your fingers until they bled? What if you went a little too far while wrestling with your siblings? What if you threw something across the room?What if you died?Sometimes they work in harmony, screaming and whispering at the same time, telling me I'm not enough so I should hit something, telling me I'm worthless so I should distance myself from everyone, telling me I should just... stop.Addie doesn't stop at screaming in my ear, though. She's in my whole body, in my legs to make them constantly bounce and annoy people (Ziah loves that, she tells me everyone hates me because I'm constantly moving). She's in my chest, squeezing my heart and lungs and filling them with electricity until I feel like I have to burst (Ziah does this too, except when she does it hurts more). She's in my brain, stealing my memories and thoughts and setting fire to my emotions.Fire. That's a good way to describe what Addie does to me. She sets fire to my skin, making it crawl with energy until I feel like it's going to break through and I'm going to die. She sets fire to my thoughts and memories until they burn up and I can't find them anymore. She sets fire to my emotions, making them burn too brightly and too hot until I burn other people with them.Full would be another good way. I'm full of energy and emotion and it makes me feel sick and pressured and I need to do something, anything to release the pressure, and sometimes I feel as though knives are the only option~They aren't, though. Haven't been for almost a year now. Addie and Ziah have given me that much.Nobody blames the demons, though. They blame me."Why can't you sit still? Why can't you be quiet? Why can't you remember? Why can't you pay attention? Why are you so annoying?It's the demons!I need a review of Don't listen"Don't listen to them, then!" I have no thoughts of my own to listen to instead. I have no name. I have nothing of myself. There are only the demons.Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head. Can Anybody Help Me With This PLZ!!!Which sentence contains a proper noun?The Internet is a communication network that gained popularity in the 1990s.Users of electronic databases can check a librarys catalog to see which books are available.Using computers, people can obtain goods directly from manufacturers in other countries.With the capabilities provided by the computer, users can research products, services, and companies online. Write down the name of the solid. There were 45 runners to start a race. In the first half of the race, 2/3of them dropped out. In the second half of the race, 4/5of the remaining runners dropped out. How many runners finished the race?runners? Questions in this section: Mark the best answer to questions on the geologic history and contact relationships of the Hutton Gulch area. Multiple Choice 1. The contact between the granite and the gneiss represents what type of contact? a. intrusive contact. b. fault (tectonic) contact. c. nonconformity. 2. Which rock unit is the oldest in this cross-section? a. Diorite c. Granite b. Basalt d. Gneiss d. angular unconformity. e. disconformity. e. Breccia 3. What principle allows you to best distinguish the age relationship between the gneiss and the diorite? a. law of superposition d. cross-cutting relationship b. law of original continuity e. principle of inclusion c. law of original horizontality 4. The granite cuts across the gneiss, what other principle allows you to distinguish the age relationship between the gneiss and the granite? a. law of superposition d. principle of inclusion b. law of original continuity e. faunal succession c. law of original horizontality Which of the following is NOT true about message sensitivity options? Messages can be marked private.Messages marked as private or confidential cannot be shared with others. Recipients of messages do not have to respect your requests for privacy.Not all email services provide options for email sensitivity. Which detail would you find in a secondhand account of an event?information on what happened after the eventbackground information on the eventall of the abovedifferent perspectives on the event Guillaume et Chlo Complete the following story with le, la, l', or les. Guillaume est _____ami de Chlo____ deux copains sont trs sympathiques. Ils sont lves dans ______mme lyce ___cours d'anglais est le mardi et le jeudi. _____prof d'anglais, Mademoiselle Ryan, est une prof excellente____ cours de Mademoiselle Ryan sont trs lves de Mademoiselle Ryan sont tous intressants et ____ trs forts en franais!