Following it's defeat in World War I, the Ottoman Empire:

A. began a campaign of genocide against Armenian communities that did not support the war.

B. adopted a communist form of government because of pressure from the Russian Bolsheviks.

C. allowed ethnic groups in its territory to create new countries based on self-determination.

D. gave up control of its African and Middle Eastern territories to the European Allies.​


Answer 1


C. allowed ethnic groups in its territory to create new countries based on self-determination.


The Ottoman Empire was part of the Central Powers created during World War I when nations like Germany and Austria-Hungary joined the group. After the defeat in the First World War, the Ottoman Empire lost its provinces, which allowed ethnic groups in the Balkan region to form nations based on self-determination. The Ottoman Empire broke apart, with the Turks confined to Turkey (Asia Minor).

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By the 1840s, belief in Manifest Destiny had become quite popular in the United States. So, support for expanding the territory of the U.S. was an important issue in the 1844 presidential election. This election was won by James K. Polk, the candidate of the Democratic Party.
Read the following passage adapted from the 1844 Democratic Party platform, or list of the party's goals. Then complete the sentence below.
Our title to the whole of the Territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable, and the annexation of Texas to the United States at the earliest moment possible is important to American progress.
Complete the sentence.
According to the platform, the Democratic Party ___ Manifest Destiny.


neither supported or opposed






because if they didn't the people would have had voted for someone else

The Industrial Revolution caused a change in how the merchant middle class viewed
and treated workers. In the table below, compare how merchants and factory owners did business



One produce the goods whereas the other purchase and sells the goods.


The merchants do business by purchasing goods from the factory and then sells it to various shops present in the market while n the other hand, factory owners did business by producing goods and products in the factory with the help of machines and workers and then sell to the merchants in order to supply to the markets so factory owners produce goods and the merchants purchase and sell the goods.

when and where was the first world war?​



Where was the first world war?​

The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

When was the first world war?​

After 1945, historians found the term "First World War" appropriate because they saw 1914-1918 as the first of a particular type of international conflict - the world's first industrialised "total" war - which had been followed by a second industrialised world war of this kind - 1939-1945.

Write an editorial from the perspective of someone who supports the Union.

Write an editorial from the perspective of someone who supports the Confederacy.






Read this quote from the diary of a woman who lived through the siege of Vicksburg.
I never understood before the full force of those questions – What shall we eat? What shall we drink? And wherewithal shall we be clothed? . . . . For many nights we have had but little sleep.
–Resident of Vicksburg, 1863
List at least two hardships described by this survivor.


Some struggles that the people may have had were things such as lack of food,  lack of clothing, and lack of sleep.

Civilian supplies were taken by the military, so were the clothing, and the civilians could not sleep due to the fact that people were shooting right outside their homes.


hunger and thirst

lack of clothes

lack of sleep


Which best describes Germany's standard invasion strategy at the beginning of
World War II of attacking lightning fast deep into enemy territory?
1) Kamikaze attacks
2) Blitzkrieg
3) Banzai attacks
4) Sitzkrieg



The best Answer I could give is the 2nd one, Blitzkrieg.


It's the only thing that relates to the germans themselves during that era.

Why was the city of Jackson called "Chimneyville” after the war?



On July 16, 1863, Confederate forces slipped out of Jackson during the night and retreated across the Pearl River. Union forces completely burned the city after its capture this second time. The city was called "Chimneyville" because only the chimneys of houses were left standing.


Which diagram best applies to the Clinton administration


Answer: President Clinton was the first Democratic president to serve two terms since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the first president since Roosevelt to have not served in the military.

The Clinton administration focused mainly on the economy —specifically on raising taxes on the wealthiest 1.2%, reducing welfare, lowering taxes on low income families, offering tax breaks to small businesses, and promoting free trade.

During the Clinton years, the economy experienced its longest economic growth in history. During the last four years of the Clinton administration, the federal budget had surpluses for the first time since 1969.

Clinton took office fewer than two years after the fall of the Soviet Union, and the administration’s foreign policy addressed conflicts in Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Haiti, through militarism and economic exploitation.

The Clinton presidency saw the passage and signing of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, which was a bipartisan measure expressing support for regime change in Iraq.

Clinton considered himself a “New Democrat” and was a founding member of the Democratic Leadership Council, a centrist group of Democrats who promoted moderate policies.

Clinton left office with the highest end of office approval rating of any president since World War II, but he was also the first U.S. president to be impeached since Andrew Johnson.


Democratic Leadership Council: A non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation founded in 1985 that, upon its formation, argued the United States Democratic Party should shift away from the leftward turn it took in the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The corporation hails President Bill Clinton as proof of the viability of third way politicians.

NAFTA: An agreement signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America. As of 2010, the trade bloc was the largest in the world, in terms of the combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of its members.

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998: A United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. It was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.

what was the Romanian revolution???



The Romanian Revolution was a period of violent civil unrest in Romania

What was the significance of cherokee nation v. Georgia? I will give you 20 points



Cherokee Nation v. Georgia is an important case in Native American law because of its implications for tribal sovereignty and how to legally define the relationship between federally recognized Native Amer- ican tribes and the U.S. government.


How does a low credit score affect a person who applies for a loan?



A low credit score indicates to lenders that you are a high-risk borrower and they may not be willing to lend you money. ... Loans of this type are known as “subprime loans.” Even though they usually come with a higher interest rate, they can help you consolidate debt and pay off credit cards.

How did new communication technologies affect the economy in 1800s?



It allowed the settlers to communicate with other communities across the continent.


Which document was mostly likely written first and why? Plz explain why or what helped u say it was written first or second.



hello i was wondering did you get the answer yet?

my mother's aunt's daughter is my what?​


Your mothers aunts daughter is your Aunt


Your mothers aunts daughter is your Aunt welcome


What do the strong black outlined images in the painting above represent?


Where is the painting? Sorry, I think you forgot to attach it




Which statement BEST describes the purpose of the separation of powers in government?
The separation of powers was designed to provide the greatest amount of liberty to people.
It ensures that the president is separated from special interest groups who might try to corrupt him/her.
The separation of powers was a promise by kings to keep nobles from taking over the liberties of the people.
It was designed to keep the judiciary, legislative, and executive branches of government working against each other.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






It was designed to keep the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government working against each other



have an nice bye yes

um wats the answer i have to use 20 words ...............................................................................iyiyir



bro whats the question


what’s the question we won’t be able to help without it

¿Por qué se produce la crisis de la monarquía española? ¿Cuál era la situación de España a fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La crisis de la monarquía española se produce aproximadamente entrando al mes de marzo de 1808 debido a una revuelta debido a la situación política dentro del interior del palacio real. Conocida como el motín de Aranjuez, el rey Carlos IV se ve en la necesidad de abdicar al trono debido a la fuerte presión ejercida. El respaldo total es para su hijo, y es cuando Fernando VII se convierte en el nuevo rey de España.

La situación de España a fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX era muy complicada. Los ejércitos franceses de Napoleón estaban estacionados en España y ejercían una fuerte presión en ese reino, al grado de que se consideró la posibilidad de que el rey de España tuviera que salir de Madrid para irse a refugiar a Sevilla, ante la constante amenaza del ejército francés. Finalmente, asumiría el poder José Bonaparte.

(Fill in the blanks) In the years leading up to 1898, the United States mained a strict policy when it came to foreign policy, alliances, and foreign entanglements - a policy of ________________________ (term) in which kept the United States out of global conflicts. This was suggested by President ____________________________ (people) in his farewell address, and further cemented by President ____________ in his statement known as the Monroe Doctrine.

In 1898, the United States emerged on the world stage when it entered the _________________________ (term) in Cuba. The participation of the United States in this conflict was caused by many events including _____________________ (term), a tactic used by journalists to sway the American public in favor of war, and by the sinking of the ship ________________ (term) in Havana Harbor.

Following American victory in the war, the United States annexed the following colonies from Spain: Puerto Rico, Guam, and the ____________________ (term). The idea of American ________________ (term), or establishing American colonies overseas, was debated in both government and the American public. Senator ___________________________ (people) was strongly against American ___________________ (term).

America extended its influence over the Western Hemisphere by building the ______________________ (term) in the early 1900’s under President Taft. The project was seen as a major need for the US Navy, and American economy.

After the early foreign interventions of the United States, it became clear to President Roosevelt that the Monroe Doctrine had to be amended. As such, he wrote an addition known as the _____________________ (term). This stated that European empires had to restrict their influence in North America, and that the United States had the right to exercise a police power to guarantee peace. This was also called the ______________________ (term) policy.

By 1914, the world was at war. European empires were battling across Europe for dominance in colonization and military power. Under the first term of President _________________ (people), the United States maintained neutrality in the war. This changed after a series of events including the sinking of the ship ____________________ (term), and the _______________________ (term), which suggested that Germany and Mexico would form an alliance against the United States.

When the United States entered the war, it joined the alliance known as the ________________ (term). The United States had a small military in 1917 when it declared war, and had to hold a ____________ (term) to create an army large and strong enough for war.

The war had many effects on the United States many more ________________ (people) had to secure employment in factories. ______________________ (people) migrated to the north and western cities of the United States both for work and to escape racism and Jim Crow laws in the south. Additionally, there became a widespread fear of ____________________ (people) - this movement was known as the ______________ (term).

Finally, after Allied victory in World War 1 - the overwhelming opinion of Americans was that they wished to return to the foreign policy of _________________ (term). As such, President Wilson’s plan for the peacekeeping entity known as the _____________________ (term) was not popular and the _________________ (term) was not ratified.



In the years leading up to 1898, the United States maintained a strict policy when it came to foreign policy, alliances, and foreign entanglements - a policy of neutrality in which kept the United States out of global conflicts. This was suggested by President George Washington in his farewell address, and further cemented by President James Monroe in his statement known as the Monroe Doctrine.

In 1898, the United States emerged on the world stage when it entered the Spanish American War in Cuba. The participation of the United States in this conflict was caused by many events including yellow jornalism, a tactic used by journalists to sway the American public in favor of war, and by the sinking of the ship _USS Maine in Havana Harbor.

Following American victory in the war, the United States annexed the following colonies from Spain: Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. The idea of American imperialism, or establishing American colonies overseas, was debated in both government and the American public. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge was strongly against American isolation.

America extended its influence over the Western Hemisphere by building the Panama Canal in the early 1900’s under President Taft. The project was seen as a major need for the US Navy, and American economy.

After the early foreign interventions of the United States, it became clear to President Roosevelt that the Monroe Doctrine had to be amended. As such, he wrote an addition known as the Roosevelt Corollary. This stated that European empires had to restrict their influence in North America, and that the United States had the right to exercise a police power to guarantee peace. This was also called the Good Neighbor policy.

By 1914, the world was at war. European empires were battling across Europe for dominance in colonization and military power. Under the first term of President Woodrow Wilson, the United States maintained neutrality in the war. This changed after a series of events including the sinking of the ship Lusitania, and the Zimmerman Telegram, which suggested that Germany and Mexico would form an alliance against the United States.

When the United States entered the war, it joined the alliance known as the Allies. The United States had a small military in 1917 when it declared war, and had to hold a draft to create an army large and strong enough for war.

The war had many effects on the United States many more women had to secure employment in factories. African Americans migrated to the north and western cities of the United States both for work and to escape racism and Jim Crow laws in the south. Additionally, there became a widespread fear of immigrants - this movement was known as the Nativism.

Finally, after Allied victory in World War 1 - the overwhelming opinion of Americans was that they wished to return to the foreign policy of Neutrality. As such, President Wilson’s plan for the peacekeeping entity known as the League of Nations was not popular and the Treaty of Versailles was not ratified.

What does Emma Goldman's account of the Homestead strike emphasize about the experience of workers during this time period? A) The government frequently protected workers while on strike. B) The owners of factories and mines were anxious to peacefully settle with workers who were on strike. C) It was dangerous for workers to go on strike because companies were willing to use force to break up a strike. D) Only adults were involved



its D)


Emma Goldman's account of the Homestead strike emphasize that It was dangerous for workers to go on strike because companies were willing to use force to break up a strike and that workers experienced the worst conditions during the time period.

Who was Emma Goldman?

Emma Goldman, an anarchist political activist and author, lived from 1869 to 1940. In the first half of the 20th century, she was crucial to the growth of the anarchist political thought in North America and Europe.

Throughout her life, Goldman was vilified by opponents as a supporter of politically motivated murder and violent revolution while being exalted by lovers as a free-thinking "rebel woman." Prisons, atheism, freedom of expression, militarism, capitalism, marriage, free love, and homosexuality were just a few of the topics she covered in her writing and lectures.

What was homestead strike?

The Homestead Strike, also known as the Homestead Riot, was a bloody labour conflict that broke out in Homestead, Pennsylvania, on July 6, 1892, between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its employees. The management of the company—including its owner, American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, and American industrialist Henry Clay Frick—the strikebreakers (replacement workers), and the Pinkerton National Detective Agency—were pitted against the company's employees who belonged to the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. Several Pinkerton agents and strikers were killed in the ensuing gun battle, and many more were hurt.

Supporting answer

Hence option C is correct answer

To learn more about Emma Goldman here


Which of the following was a legacy of imperialism?

a. Weak economic development, with little to no industrialization
b. Strong economic development, with domestic adoption of new technologies
c. Strong economic development, with a focus on raw materials
d. Weak economic development, with strong existing infrastructure


c. Strong economic development, with a focus on raw materials

What was the origin of Putin's distrust of the US?



the dominant narratives about russia and its president,vladimir,putin,are correct within the context of global, mainstream thinking on US

What is the purpose of this source?
o to describe the challenges faced by those living
outside of the cities
The industrial cities were different from those founded in
earlier times. The modern downtown was created, and it
was connected to outlying areas by streetcars and
commuter rails. Middle-class professionals found it easy
to get from their homes outside the city to their jobs, and
back home at the end of the day.
Not everyone was fortunate enough to live outside the
city. Working-class immigrant families lived in the
poorest parts of the city in tenement buildings that lacked
light and fresh air. As urban areas became more crowded,
they grew more unsafe and unsanitary. Epidemics of
diseases such as cholera and yellow fever spread quickly.
Fires, crime, and poverty were common.
o to show similarities in the living conditions of those
inside and outside of the cities
O to contrast the different living conditions for the
middle and working classes
o to show the positive effects of urbanization for those
who lived in industrialized cities


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The correct answer is "to contrast the different living conditions for the middle and working classes."

The purpose of this source is " to contrast the different living conditions for the middle and working classes."

That is the purpose of the excerpt when it describes the following: "Middle-class professionals found it easy to get from their homes outside the city to their jobs, and back home at the end of the day. Not everyone was fortunate enough to live outside the city. Working-class immigrant families lived in the poorest parts of the city in tenement buildings.

It is true to say that tej Industrial Revolution changed people's for good or for bad.

People who lived in the rural areas of the country decided to move to the larger cities, where the big industries and factories were located. These fabrics offered jobs, although low-paid jobs to operate the machines in the factories. That attracted many people, including immigrants.

These immigrants were poor citizens from the rural areas who had to live in overcrowded spaces. These were small and unhealthy places with no ventilation, where the spread of disease was a major risk. Poverty and crime were also a consequence of this situation.

In the late 1800s, Americans supported expansionism because:
1) They wanted to rule the world
2) They wanted access to raw materials and markets
3) They needed more slave labor
4) They needed more living space for the American people



2) They wanted access to raw materials and markets

Which of these was true about north american colonies held by britian and france before the french and indian war



British colonies had more people but French colonies held more land.


The French and the Indian War was a war between the Great Britain and France. The war started in the year 1754 and lasted for many year till it came to end in the year 1763 with the Treaty of Paris.

This war gave Great Britain large territorial gain in North America and it also increased the debt of the nation. The British colonies had more number of people and the French colonies have more of land.

Do you think the farmers had problems with industrialization (factories, machines)? Why or Why not?



Explanation:Overproduction, the flooding of the market with goods at a time when consumers were unable to afford them, led to a steep plunge in prices for farm products. Most farmers had borrowed money to plant their crops. With the drop in the value of their crops, they could not repay what they owed.

How did the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 advance the abolitionist cause?



In 1850 Congress adopted a revised Fugitive Slave Act, increasing pressure from Southern politicians.

More passionate criticism and resistance than the previous measures were met with the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850.


This new law force citizens to assist in the capture of the herried, a part of Henry Clay's famous 1850 compromise—a group of bills that contributed to a quiet early call for southern secession. It also denied the right to a trial by a jury and increased the penalty to $1,000 and six months of imprisonment for interfering in the surrender process.

In order to ensure the enforcement of the statute, the law of 1850 also gave federal Commissioners control over individual cases. These officers had been paid for returning an alleged defect rather than for releasing them, which led many to argue that the law was biased towards southern slaveholders.

In the 1850s, the Underground Railway peaked and many enslaved people escaped U.S. jurisdiction to Canada.

Resistance also boiled in riots and uprisings sometimes.

How does Columbus "show off" what he has found/discovered in the New World after he has
returned to Spain? -


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can comment on the following.

The way Columbus "show off" what he has found in the New World after he has returned to Spain was the following.

After the discovery of the American continent on October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus returned to Spain on March 15, 1493. He went to report his findings to his sponsors, King Ferdinand de Aragón and Queen Isabella del Castille.

Columbus wrote a letter that made it to be translated into Latin to send a copy to the Vatican.

Columbus informed that he had taken possession of the new land in the name of the King and Queen of Spain, to honor and increment the kingdom of Spain. Columbus affirmed that he encountered no resistance from the island natives. Columbus added some descriptions about the geography of the land and the characteristics of the native people that inhabited the territory.

Finally, he ended up writing that the new territories could be easily conquered by the Spanish navy and that the native Indians were open to the Spanish religion and rule of the Kingdom of Spain.  

What did the philosophers Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau have in common?



they had different philosophies about the purpose of life, the source of evil, and a perfect society.


hope this helps! have fun!

Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau were all Enlightenment philosophers who shared some common characteristics like: Criticism of Absolutism; Social and Political Reform; and Influence on the French Revolution.

Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau were all influential figures during the Enlightenment period. They contributed significantly to the development of Enlightenment philosophy, which emphasized reason, individual rights, and progress.

All three philosophers criticized absolute monarchy and advocated for limitations on the power of the ruling monarchs. Each philosopher focused on various aspects of social and political reform.

Learn more about Montesquieu here:


What did Jacob Riis's book do?

A. Helped poor people get better jobs

B. Supported anti-immigration laws

C. Got police to visit the slums

D. Told about life in the slums


The answer is D. Told about life in the slums


D. Told about life in the slums


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