for which of the following was lewis carroll not known? group of answer choices being a scholar of math and logic being a photographer being a deacon in the anglican church being a politician being a novelist being a poet


Answer 1

Lewis Carroll was known for being a scholar of math and logic, a photographer, a deacon in the Anglican Church, a novelist, and a poet. However, he was not known for being a politician.

Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) was an English writer and mathematician who is best known for his children's books such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which were well-known for their play with logic, nonsense, and puns. He was also a scholar of mathematics and logic, and he published books on both topics, which are still used today.

Lewis Carroll was a gifted photographer, and he began to take pictures in the 1850s, around the same time he began to write. In addition to portraits of friends, family members, and famous people, Carroll's photographs include scenes from his travels and architectural studies, among other subjects. His photographic output was prodigious, and he became well-known for his portraits, particularly of children. Although he was a deacon in the Anglican Church, Carroll was not known for his religious writings.

Finally, although he was well-known for his work as a novelist and a poet, he was not known for his political views or activities.

Learn more about Lewis Carroll and photographer at :


Related Questions

Which of the following selections best explains Rey’s attitude towards his little brother?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Rey doesn’t think his little brother is mature enough to take care of himself.

B. Rey wishes his little brother were a better student.

C. Rey is close with his little brother and counts on him for support.

D. Rey is annoyed when he has to do things for his little brother.


The selection that best explains Rey's attitude towards his little brother in The Good Samaritan is that Rey is close with his little brother and counts on him for support. Therefore, the correct option is C.

The Good Samaritan is a short story written by Geraldo G. Vestal. The story is about a man named Rey who is in a hurry to go to a job interview but takes time to help a woman who has been in an accident. After getting the woman to a hospital, Rey is late for the interview and becomes disappointed that he has lost the opportunity for the job.

Rey’s little brother is mentioned in the story, who goes with him to the job interview. As he reaches for the car door to leave, the little brother calls Rey's name and says, "Good luck," meaning "I hope you get the job." These words make Rey feel more guilty for the missed interview and force him to realize how important it is for him to be an example to his younger brother. Rey is close with his little brother and counts on him for support, this selection best explains Rey's attitude towards his little brother.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: In the Good Samaritan, which of the following selections best explains Rey’s attitude towards his little brother? Answer choices for the above question A. Rey doesn’t think his little brother is mature enough to take care of himself. B. Rey wishes his little brother were a better student. C. Rey is close with his little brother and counts on him for support. D. Rey is annoyed when he has to do things for his little brother.

Learn more about Short story:


According to this article, what are the two central ideas regarding why soda should be allowed in school?A) It helps students learn to manage their money and their diets.B) It teaches students the benefits of making wise food and beverage choices.C) It provides financial assistance to the band program and the sports program.D) It helps support the band and sports teams and it teaches the benefits of moderation.


According to this article, Option A and Option B are correct.

The major concept of the article serves as the narrative's uniting theme and connects all of the other fictional devices the author uses to tell the story. The author's argument about the subject is the paragraph's major theme. That is frequently stated explicitly or indirectly.

These two central ideas do not include providing financial assistance to the band program or the sports program (C), nor do they include helping to support the band and sports teams and teaching the benefits of moderation (D).

Therefore the option A, It helps students learn to manage their money and their diets and option B,  It teaches students the benefits of making wise food and beverage choices are correct.

Learn more about "central ideas" at :


a. You are Ankit Sharma staff reporter of Hindustan
Times. You were asked to cover a train
accident. Mentioning all relevant details write
report. (100-120 words)


On {Date}, a tragic train accident occurred in {Location} leaving several passengers injured. According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred due to a technical glitch in the engine. The train was traveling at a high speed when it suddenly derailed and overturned. This is a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring proper maintenance of trains to prevent such incidents from happening. It is important that the railway authorities take steps to ensure that such incidents are prevented in the future. This can be done by conducting regular maintenance checks on the trains, ensuring that the staff is well-trained and equipped to handle emergencies, and by investing in better safety measures.

The rescue teams arrived at the spot within a few minutes and started the rescue operation. The injured passengers were immediately rushed to the nearby hospital for medical treatment. The medical staff worked tirelessly to provide the necessary care and support to the injured passengers, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatment. It is important to note that the medical staff played a crucial role in saving the lives of the injured passengers.

The local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the cause of the accident. The railway authorities have announced compensation for the injured passengers and the families of the deceased. This compensation will help the affected families to deal with the financial burden that has been imposed on them due to this tragic incident. It is important that the compensation is fair and just, and that the affected families receive the necessary support to deal with the emotional trauma of the incident.

This incident once again raises concerns about the safety of train travel in our country. It is high time that the railway authorities take necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the passengers. This can be done by conducting regular maintenance checks on the trains, ensuring that the staff is well-trained and equipped to handle emergencies, and by investing in better safety measures. It is crucial that the authorities take swift action to address the concerns raised by this incident.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story. We will keep you informed about any new developments as they happen. It is important to stay informed about this incident and to learn from it so that we can prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.



In a tragic incident, a train accident occurred early this morning near the outskirts of the city. The incident took place when the train was traveling from Mumbai to Delhi and derailed from the tracks. The accident resulted in several injuries and casualties, with at least 20 people losing their lives and many others injured.

The rescue team and medical personnel immediately rushed to the spot and provided necessary assistance to the victims. The injured have been taken to nearby hospitals for treatment. The cause of the accident is yet to be determined, and investigations are underway.

The local administration has set up a help desk to assist the families of the victims, and a compensation amount will be provided to the families of the deceased. The railway officials have assured that they will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. The incident has caused significant disruption to the railway services in the area.

Interpret and Evaluate How does the footage that shows the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon affect your understanding and opinions
about the events of September 11, 2001? Describe how viewing the
footage of the memorial event affects your response to the actions of the
passengers on United Flight 93.
Memorial Is Unveiled


Everyone should visit the Flight 93 Monument, which has impressive walls and a museum.

What does the airliner Flight 93 Memorial symbolise?

A 2,200-acre public park called the Flight 93 Public Monument honours the bravery of the 40 crew members and passengers who halted a terrorist attack just on capital of our country.

Airfones were utilised by the crew and passengers to call loved ones and authorities after Flight 93 was hijacked. Thirteen passengers in all made 37 phone conversations. They were made aware of the initial two attacks through their phone talks, and they quickly responded.

To know more about Flight 93  visit:


imagine you are an adviser to the president, and the economy is headed into recession. which policy changes would you recommend to halt the downturn? why is your plan the best? write a memo explaining your recommendations in terms of aggregate supply and aggregate demand. be sure to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Tax cuts, lower interest rates, and increased public investment will address the aggregate supply and demand issues, boost employment, and consumer confidence and stimulate growth.

The combination of increased government spending,

To: The President
From: Economic Adviser

Date: [DD/MM/YYYY]
Subject: Recommendations to Halt the Downturn in the Economy
The economy is currently in a recession, and there is a need for policy changes to halt the downturn. The most significant challenge in this situation is to address the aggregate supply and demand side issues, which contribute to the downturn. Therefore, the following recommendations will address the root cause of the problem:
1. Increase Government Spending
Increasing government spending can stimulate the economy through increased aggregate demand. The government can increase spending on infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other essential services. This will create employment opportunities, boost consumer confidence, and increase aggregate demand.
2. Tax Cuts
Tax cuts can increase disposable income and stimulate aggregate demand. This can be done by reducing personal income tax rates, corporate tax rates, and capital gains tax rates.
3. Lower Interest Rates
The central bank can reduce interest rates to stimulate borrowing and investment. Lower interest rates can increase consumer and business spending, and boost consumer confidence and aggregate demand.
4. Increase Public Investment
The government can also invest in public works projects such as roads, bridges, and airports. This will create jobs, boost consumer confidence, and increase aggregate demand.
The best plan is a combination of all the four recommendations mentioned above. This is because they will address the aggregate supply and demand issues, and also provide short-term and long-term benefits to the economy.
Overall, the policy changes mentioned above will help halt the downturn and stimulate the economy. The combination of increased government spending, tax cuts, lower interest rates, and increased public investment will address the aggregate supply and demand issues, boost employment, and consumer confidence and stimulate growth.
Thank you.
Economic Adviser

Learn more about Tax Cuts:


Read the sentence.Michael Jordan, the basketball player, won six championships for the Chicago Bulls.The commas are used correctly in the sentence because the underlined element isA - a nonrestrictive phrase.B - semicolensC - compound modifiers.


Because the emphasized part in the sentence is A, a nonrestrictive term, the commas are utilized correctly.

What do non-restrictive phrases entail?

Nonrestrictive terms are any nouns, pronouns, phrases, or clauses that provide the reader with more information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence without significantly altering the meaning of the sentence. Between these nouns, commas are frequently used.

As an illustration, the phrase "who is a doctor" is nonrestrictive in the sentence "My sister, who is a doctor, resides in Boston" because it provides information about the sister but is not necessary to the statement's meaning. It would still be grammatically correct and convey the same sense if the words "My sister lives in Boston" were to be omitted from the sentence.

Learn more about nonrestrictive terms with the help of the given link:


Why did Sergei come to remember that he had met the beggar before?



A close look at the beggar's face made Sergei think that he had seen the man somewhere before. Then his eyes fell on his overshoes, one of which was high and the other was low. This made Sergei remember suddenly that he had seen this beggar in Sadovya Street a couple of days before.

What is the difference between knowing something


Gilbert Ryle famously differentiated among knowing-that and knowing-how. Knowing that a particular thing is the case, and understanding it constitutes the knowledge of how to accomplish something.

With this dichotomy in mind, researchers of Chinese philosophy in general, and Confucianism in specifically, have been led to believe that Confucians promote knowing-how rather than knowing-that.

Since that Confucians are mainly focused with moral knowledge and many have unquestionably placed a high value on moral self-cultivation, it is apparent that understanding in Confucianism is more than just propositional and conceptual knowing-that. Indeed, if knowing-that and knowing-how had depleted all conceivable categories of knowledge.

I would then accept that morality in Confucianism is more knowing-how than knowing-that, or at minimum more knowing-how over knowing-that.

To know more about philosophy click here


                               "Complete question"

What's the difference between knowing that and knowing how?

These are the lines from Act 1 of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.​


Act 1 of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare opens on the streets of Rome in the year 44 BC. A group of commoners, or plebeians, have gathered to celebrate Julius Caesar's recent victory over Pompey. They are in a jubilant mood and eagerly await Caesar's arrival.

What was the act about?

As the crowd disperses, two Roman tribunes, Flavius and Marullus, enter the scene. They are displeased by the people's display of support for Caesar and decide to take action to quell the celebration. They remove decorations from Caesar's statues and disperse the crowd, admonishing them for their fickle loyalty.

In the next scene, we meet Caesar and his entourage, including his trusted friend and advisor, Mark Antony. Caesar is informed that the soothsayer, who has been warning him of danger, is again in the streets. Caesar brushes off the warning, saying that he is not afraid of any man.

Learn more about Shakespeare on


How does the poet use language (diction, alliteration, figurative language and imagery) to characterize nature throughout the poem? (Sara Teasdale)



In the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Sara Teasdale, the poet uses language to characterize nature as a force that is indifferent to human existence and resilient in the face of human destruction. Here are some examples of how she achieves this through diction, alliteration, figurative language, and imagery:


The use of words like "rain," "green," "moss," "swallows," and "blooms" throughout the poem creates a sense of natural beauty and abundance.

The repetition of the phrase "And not one" emphasizes the vastness and impersonal nature of the natural world.


The repeated use of the "s" sound in "soft," "swallows," and "sways" contributes to a sense of calmness and serenity in nature.

The repetition of the "w" sound in "willows," "winds," and "wild" creates a sense of movement and vitality.

Figurative Language:

The personification of nature, such as the idea of "the rain" and "the winds" being aware of the absence of human beings, characterizes nature as an entity that exists independently of human life.

The metaphor of nature "swallowing" human artifacts and buildings, and the image of "moss and clover" growing over them, symbolizes nature's ability to recover from human destruction and reclaim the land.


The imagery of "swallows circling with their shimmering sound" and "willows whiten" creates a sense of natural beauty and vibrancy.

The imagery of "not one would mind" and "the daisies" growing regardless of human absence emphasizes the indifference of nature to human existence.


Final answer:

Sara Teasdale uses specific language choices, alliteration, figurative language, and strong imagery to portray nature beautifully and serenely. She draws parallels between nature and feelings or experiences and vividly pictures her perception of nature to the reader.


Sara Teasdale, in her poetry, eloquently uses various elements of language such as diction, alliteration, figurative language, and imagery to characterize nature. Diction refers to the choice of words, and Teasdale tends to use words that portray nature as beautiful and peaceful. Alliteration, or the repetition of similar sounds, contributes to the rhythm of the poem and further emphasizes the harmonious elements of nature. Figurative language, like metaphors and similes, allows Teasdale to draw comparisons between nature and other experiences or feelings. Finally, imagery is perhaps the most potent tool she uses. By creating vivid pictures of nature in the reader's mind, she immerses them in her perception of the natural world. Thus, the poet skillfully weaves these components of language to illustrate her unique perspective of nature.

Learn more about Poetry Analysis here:


The authors of both passages would most likely agree with which of the following statements about women in the eighteenth century?A) Their natural preferences were the same as those of men.
B) They needed a good education to be successful in society.
C) They were just as happy in life as men were.
D) They generally enjoyed fewer rights than men did.


The answer is option D. The authors of both passages would most likely agree with the statement that women in the eighteenth century generally enjoyed fewer rights than men did.

In the mid-1700s, the Eighteenth Century began, and it continued until the early nineteenth century. It was a time when society was evolving, and several new philosophical schools emerged. Many cultural and intellectual advances, such as the industrial revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment, marked the century.

According to the passages, women in the eighteenth century generally enjoyed fewer rights than men. They faced societal restrictions and gender discrimination. These statements imply that women were not regarded as equals to men and did not have equal rights in society. "They generally enjoyed fewer rights than men did."

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about "authors" at:


1. According to the author, what is one reason that Romeo and Juliet began to be
presented as a "teen love-story"?

A.) Romeo and Juliet's rebellion identifies them as teenagers.
B.) Societal changes inspired directors to present the play with young characters.
C.) Shakespeare's dialogue gave details that showed Juliet was a teenager.
D.) Audiences wanted performances to show the reality of young love in moderr


Romeo and Juliet's rebellion identifies them as teenagers

Summary of Romeo and Juliet

The play begins with a brawl between the servants of two noble families, Capulet and Montague, in the streets of Verona.Benvolio, one of the Montagues, tries to stop the fight, but instead of stopping it, he becomes involved in it as Tybalt, of the Capulet clan, arrives.The citizens are not happy with the constant turbulencies, so the ruler of Verona decides to put a stop to the uproar by bringing a death sentence to the picture for anyone who starts a fight in future.Romeo is a son of Montague, is in love with girl that does not love him back, named Rosaline.At the same time, Paris falls in love with Juliet and proposes marriage to her.She is a Capulet, and her father requests that Paris wait two years, until Juliet reaches the age of fourteen.Otherwise, he is pleased with the match, so he invites Paris, along with many other guests, to the masquerade ball he holds every year, hoping to express his feelings for Juliet at the ball.

To know more about Romeo, click on the link :


what mood or emotional effect is conveyed by imagery using the words dried and dry? how does the imagery convey a lack of passion, emotion, or excitement in the lives of the hollow men?


The imagery of the words dried and dry convey a feeling of emptiness and desolation in the poem "The Hollow Men" by T.S. Eliot.

Hollow Men

The Hollow Men is a poem by T. S. Eliot that reflects on the hopelessness and emptiness of the modern world. The use of the words "dried" and "dry" in the poem is significant as they portray the sense of desolation and lack of vitality in the lives of the hollow men. The dried leaves, dry grass, and the dry voices of the hollow men are all suggestive of a sense of aridity and emptiness that dominates their lives. The imagery in the poem emphasizes the lack of passion, emotion, or excitement in the lives of the hollow men.

Overall, the imagery in the poem paints a bleak and pessimistic view of the world and reflects on the spiritual decay of modern society.

Learn More about  Hollow Men here:


The mood or emotional effect conveyed by imagery using the words "dried" and "dry" is typically one of lifelessness, barrenness, and a lack of vitality. This imagery creates an atmosphere of emptiness and a sense of stagnation.

To convey a lack of passion, emotion, or excitement in the lives of the hollow men, the imagery of "dried" and "dry" can be interpreted as:
1. Symbolism: "Dried" and "dry" can symbolize the absence of emotional depth, as water is often associated with emotions and feelings. The absence of water, or its evaporation, suggests that any emotional intensity has disappeared or been drained away.
2. Contrast: The imagery of dryness can create a contrast between a rich, emotional existence and a sterile, emotionless life. This contrast highlights the hollow men's lack of passion and emotion.
3. Atmosphere: The overall atmosphere created by this imagery contributes to the mood of the poem or story. The dry, barren environment helps set the tone for the hollow men's lives, which are devoid of any emotional connections or excitement.

Learn more about hollow men here:


How does Annabeth pay for the trip to L.AGold DrachmasCold hard CashLotus cash cardsnothing


The right answer is C, Lotus Cash Card. The Lotus Casino card is used by Annabeth to cover the cost of the journey to Los Angeles.

The passage comes from Percy Jackson's The Lightning Thief, Chapter 17. They locate a taxi and take it to Santa Monica Beach using their limitless Lotus Casino money. Percy shares with them his dream from the night they rode in the truck during the cab ride. But, he is unable to recall every moment because it appears that the Lotus Casino damaged his memory.

Why the chilly voice in Percy's dream indicated it was waiting for two objects and not just one (Zeus's master bolt) is a mystery to Annabeth and Grover. They start to question whether Hades is indeed the source of the voice from the pit. They start to doubt if Hades actually stole the master bolt. What happens if the master bolt isn't located there? There is only one day left.

To know more about Percy Jackson, click here:


2.) Select the sentence that best supports the answer to Part A

A.) “Romeo and Juliet is, after all, one of Shakespeare's tragedies (as compared
to Much Ado About Nothing, a comedy ... resulting in two happily wedded
couples)." (paragraph 12)

B.) "A convention of tragedy is that the characters who die should do so in a way
that transforms the ones who live!" (paragraph 12)

C.) “But the tragedy of this play extends beyond the title characters..." (paragraph 13)

D.) "... we continue to indulge our persistent desire to romanticize a play that
might be Shakespeare's greatest critique of romanticizing something that
really isn't that romantic...." (paragraph 14)


The two lovers' families in Romeo and Juliet are at odds with one another. Romeo and Juliet are consequently forbidden from seeing one another, forcing them to meet in secret.

How do Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing compare?

Shakespeare always includes love, intrigue, and identity in his plays, whether they are comedies or tragedies. Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing both have love as their central topic. In both plays, hate functions as a force that tries to split apart the two lovers, but their love keeps them together.

How does the Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet differ from other tragedies?

Romeo and Juliet differs from other Shakespearean plays in a significant sense because the primary Characters can never be said to commit a fatal mistake that results in their death. Romeo kills Tybalt not because of a weakness in himself but rather because of the bloody fighting that is erupting throughout Verona.

To know more about Romeo Juliet visit:


Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? The groundlings a group of people who stood in the pit paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance. The groundlings, a group of people who stood in the pit, paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance. The groundlings a group of people who stood in the pit, paid only a penny to watch a shakespearean performance. The groundlings, a group of people who stood in the pit paid only a penny to watch, a Shakespearean performance.



The groundlings, a group of people who stood in the pit, paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance.

Final answer:

The grammatically correct sentence is: 'The groundlings, a group of people who stood in the pit, paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance.'


The grammatically correct sentence from the choices provided is: 'The groundlings, a group of people who stood in the pit, paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance.' This sentence uses commas correctly to set off the nonessential clause 'a group of people who stood in the pit'. Nonessential clauses give additional information but are not necessary to the basic meaning of the sentence. Without this clause, the sentence would still make sense: 'The groundlings paid only a penny to watch a Shakespearean performance.'

Learn more about Grammar here:


A reader who is unfamiliar with Ovid's Metamorphoses, and only reads A Midsummer Night's Dream, might not realize that the story of Pyramus and Thisbe— Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A was often performed during Shakespeare's time. (Choice B) B is supposed to be a tragedy, not a comedy. (Choice C) C requires talented actors for the lead roles. (Choice D) D is a play, not a musical


A reader who is unfamiliar with Ovid's Metamorphoses, and only reads A Midsummer Night's Dream, might not realize that the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is often performed during Shakespeare's time. Option (A) "A was often performed during Shakespeare's time" is the right answer.

As it is an accurate representation of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. It's also true that the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is a tragedy, not a comedy. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare includes a performance by the mechanicals, who put on a play in which they tell the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe. However, the mechanicals' production is intended to be funny and to entertain the audience, and they incorporate a number of unintentional comedic elements into their play. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is a tragic one that is frequently featured in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Pyramus and Thisbe are two young lovers who are separated by a wall that runs through their families' property. They are eventually able to communicate through a crack in the wall and decide to run away together. However, a series of unfortunate events conspire against them, and they end up dying tragically.

To learn more about Shakespeare:


Why do they look healthy and happy all the time? Because they….
A. Are never late to school
B. Walk to school
C. Often speak English
D. Answer question in English​


They look healthy and happy all the time because they walk to school. The answer is option B. Walk to school.

Walking is one of the most effective ways of maintaining and improving overall health. It's a great way to increase physical activity, burn calories, and get rid of stress. Walking to school can help children stay fit and healthy. Walking can also improve mood and reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. It's a fun way to spend time with friends and get some fresh air, and it doesn't cost anything.

Walking is a type of locomotion that involves moving forward by putting one foot in front of the other. It is a low-impact, natural kind of exercise that can bring several health advantages, including improved cardiovascular health, muscular and bone strength, and stress and anxiety reduction.

For more such questions on walk, click on:


It’s your turn to write me a fictional piece of writing
Make sure your work is at least 200 words long.
Choose one of the following topics
A shrill cry echoed in the fog………….
As I was digging in the garden………..
She sat on the cold hard rock looking at …………
I rang information today just to hear another human voice …………….
They skipped down the street carefree and ……….
As I looked out the plane window …………….
Take notes, do some planning on paper

Write your fictional text?



A Shrill Cry Echoed in the Fog

The fog was thick and heavy, like a blanket draped over the small town. It had settled in the early morning hours and had yet to dissipate. The air was still, save for the occasional shrill cry that echoed through the streets.

I was walking home, my hands in my pockets, my head bowed against the chill. I was almost home when I heard it again, a loud, piercing cry that seemed to be coming from the park. I stopped, my heart racing as I tried to pinpoint the source of the noise.

I slowly made my way towards the park, my feet crunching on the gravel path. As I got closer, I could make out a figure standing in the mist. It was a woman, her hair disheveled and her clothes tattered. She was standing in the middle of the park, her hands clasped tightly in front of her.

I approached her cautiously and asked if she was okay. She turned to me, her eyes wide and her face pale. She said nothing, but her lips trembled as she tried to speak. I offered to take her home, but she shook her head and pointed to the sky.

I followed her gaze and saw a flock of birds flying in the distance. She smiled and said, “They are free, and I want to be free too.”

I nodded and said nothing. We stood in silence for a few moments, until the birds had disappeared into the fog.

The woman turned to me and said, “Thank you for understanding.” She then disappeared into the mist, leaving me alone in the park. I watched her go, her shrill cry echoing in the fog.

How can we communicate these ideas?


The ideas you mentioned in your previous question (the importance of exercise and a healthy diet, and the potential negative effects of social media and screen time) can be communicated in a variety of ways, depending on the audience and the context.

What is Communication?

It involves both sending and receiving messages through various channels, such as verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. Effective communication involves not just the transmission of information, but also the understanding of the intended message by the receiver.

Education: One way to communicate these ideas is through formal education, such as health classes in schools, public health campaigns, or workshops and seminars.

Media: Another way to communicate these ideas is through various forms of media, such as TV, radio, social media, and print publications.

Personal conversations: Communicating these ideas through personal conversations can also be effective. Discussing these topics with family and friends can help to spread awareness and encourage others to adopt healthier habits.

Learn more about Communication from the given link


How does each poet's use of figurative language contribute to the overall meaning of "the author to her book" and "a hymn to the evening"? wheatley's use of hyperbole accentuates her gratitude for god’s creation; bradstreet's uses metaphors to shows how she cares about her writing. wheatley's use of metaphor contrasts different types of creation; bradstreet's use of metaphor contrasts a relationship between a mother and child. bradstreet's use of metaphor exaggerates the importance loving your work; wheatley's use of metaphor exaggerates the greatness of god’s creation. wheatley's use of hyperbole provides details about the importance of rain in nature; bradstreet's use of hyperbole provides details about a mother and father.



a) Wheatley's use of hyperbole accentuates her gratitude for god’s creation; Bradstreet uses metaphors to show how she cares about her writing. 


Each poet's use of figurative language contributes to the overall meaning.

In "A Hymn to the Evening," Phillis Wheatley thanks God for making the world by saying that the evening is "serenely sweet" and "decked with every charm." Anne Bradstreet talks about how she feels about her writing by comparing it to a child. This shows how much she cares about it and how it needs to be cared for, just like a mother cares for her child.

By saying that her writing is like a child, Anne Bradstreet shows how caring and protective she is of her writing. This metaphor shows how much she cares about her work and how important it is to treat it with love and care. Through these metaphors, both writers show how much they care about their work and how important it is in their lives.

Find more about "figurative language" at:

Games Throughout History

Board games are great to play with friends. One of the most popular games, checkers, was invented centuries ago.

History of Checkers
By 1400 B.C., people living in Egypt were playing a game called Alquerque using a board and small round pieces. Alquerque spread all over the world. Then, in 1100 A.D., a man in France decided to play the game on a chessboard with 12 pieces for each player. The game later became known as checkers in North America.

Rules of the Game
People began writing books about the game of checkers. Over time, the rules were changed, and new rules were added. Now, there are different sets of rules for the game, but the basic ones are the same. One player has 12 white checkers, and the other player has 12 red checkers. The pieces are placed on two rows at each end of the board, and the player with red checkers moves first. Each player tries to get all of their pieces to the opposite end of the board. One player can also jump over another player’s piece and capture it if the diagonal space on the other side of it is open. Once a checker has reached the top row of the opposite end of the board, it becomes a king. Kings can move backward or forward across the board. The first player to capture all of the other player’s checker pieces wins the game.

Checkers Tournaments
The American Checkers Federation (ACF) organizes checkers tournaments in the United States. It also sponsors a national checkers tournament for adults and a tournament for children each year. This organization has more than 500 members who can play in any tournament in the country.

An International Pastime
Checkers has different names in other countries. In England and Australia, the game is called draughts. Some of the rules also change depending on where the game is played. In one version, for example, the “flying king” can move more than one space at a time. When the game is played in Germany and Italy, only kings can jump over and capture other kings. No matter what it is called, checkers has become a pastime for all people.
Alexandra is writing a summary of “Games Throughout History.” Which word in the passage should she highlight as being important for her summary?



C- names


the different names of the game are important to her summary

(Lower Order 1.4 State FOUR ways in which romantic relationships could distract Grade 11 learners from their academic goals. (4x1) (4) (Lower Order​


Four ways in which romantic relationships could distract Grade 11 learners from their academic goals are:

Time management: When students become involved in romantic relationships, they may spend a significant amount of time communicating with their partner, going on dates, or engaging in other activities related to their relationship. This can result in less time being dedicated to academic work, leading to poor time management and reduced academic performance.
Emotional stress: Romantic relationships can be emotionally demanding, and conflicts or breakups can cause significant stress for learners. This emotional stress can impact their ability to concentrate on academic work and may lead to decreased motivation and productivity.
Distractions: When learners are involved in romantic relationships, they may be distracted by thoughts or feelings related to their partner. This can result in reduced concentration during class, decreased focus while studying, and poor performance on academic assignments.
Priorities: Romantic relationships can shift learners' priorities away from academic goals. Learners may become more focused on their relationship than on their studies, leading to a decline in academic performance and achievement.
In conclusion, romantic relationships can be a distraction for Grade 11 learners and can impact their academic goals in various ways, including poor time management, emotional stress, distractions, and a shift in priorities. It is important for learners to maintain a balance between their personal and academic lives to achieve their goals

How does referring to people as “the moderns” in paragraphs 5 and 6 help develop the theme?


It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking.

It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking.

It highlights the difference in perspectives between the younger and older generations.

It highlights the difference in perspectives between the younger and older generations.

It reveals that cooperation among generations leads to progress for everyone.

It reveals that cooperation among generations leads to progress for everyone.

It emphasizes the nicknames people created for each other because of how close they were.

It emphasizes the nicknames people created for each other because of how close they were.


Answer:It suggests how much the elders ridicule the younger people for their new ways of thinking.


It is said that travelling a place equals to reading three books. Do you agree?Why?​


Yes, I completely agree that travelling to a place is equal to reading three books.

However, the number of books one could read while travelling may vary depending on the duration of the trip and the type of place visited. Travelling can be a significant source of knowledge, and there are many reasons why it is said to be equivalent to reading three books. Firstly, travelling exposes you to different cultures, customs, traditions, and ways of living. It allows you to understand the world around you better and opens up your mind to new ideas and experiences. You can learn about history, geography, and anthropology by visiting museums, historical sites, and cultural landmarks.

Secondly, travelling offers opportunities for personal growth and development. It can boost your confidence, build resilience, and help you to be more adaptable to new situations. You can learn how to communicate with people from different backgrounds, learn a new language, or even find a new hobby. Lastly, travelling allows you to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. You can experience new and beautiful landscapes, try new foods, and immerse yourself in nature. In conclusion, travelling can be a transformative and enriching experience that can teach you things that you may never learn from books.

To learn more about Reading :


trus or false. in the united kingdom, the head monarch is the chief executive.





The monarch (currently King Charles III) is not the Chief Executive.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy where the power to make and pass laws lies with an elected Parliament. The Prime Minister and Cabinet hold executive power and are responsible for running the government.

There are lots of other constitutional monarchies.

Countries like Liechtenstein, Monaco, Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Japan.

In passage 1, how does the main character, Mr Lorry, change from the start of the passage to the end?


The passage shows how Mr. Lorry's character changes as a result of the events he experiences during his journey.

Passage 1 is from the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. The primary character in this passage is Mr. Lorry, who is portrayed as a reliable employee of Tellson bank. He is traveling from London to Paris to deliver a message to a former Tellson client. In the passage, Mr. Lorry is characterized as being an efficient and stoic individual who does not exhibit any outward emotion. He is described as having a "business-like" demeanor, which is necessary for his role at Tellson. However, his character undergoes a significant transformation throughout the passage. As Mr. Lorry approaches Paris, he begins to encounter a lot of chaos and confusion in the streets.

This chaos is due to the French Revolution, which is taking place during this time. Mr. Lorry starts to show signs of fear and concern as he encounters an angry mob of revolutionaries. He starts to worry about his safety and the safety of his client. In the end, Mr. Lorry reaches his destination, and it is clear that his character has changed. He is no longer the stoic and emotionless character that he was at the beginning of the passage. Instead, he is now a character that is aware of the dangers and struggles that people are facing due to the French Revolution.

To learn more about Passage :


which of the following statements supports the claim that artificial selection is driving evolutionary change among Africa’s female forest elephants? Choose two that apply.

A. The number of male elephants losing their tusks to poachers is at an all-time high.

B. The number of female elephants born with tusks decreases overtime as poaching for Tusk ivory continues.

C. The variation of traits, such as having or not having tusks, is a result of genetic variations occurring in the population.

D. The trait of being tuskless confers an advantage making it more probable that an elephant will survive and reproduce.


I think it’s c but I’m not too sure tho

I need help i most of them make since I js don’t know which ones true


Answer: 21 (D) 22 (G) 23 (D) 24 (G)


They describe best.

Happy to Help!

what contrast is made between the man and the dog. in what ways does the dog seem to have more sense than man


The contrast that is made between the man and the dog is that the man is weak, starving, and freezing, whereas the dog is well-fed and has a coat of fur that shields it from the cold.

In many ways, the dog seems to have more sense than man.What contrast is made between the man and the dog?The man and the dog are two very different characters in the story To Build a Fire. The man is the protagonist of the story, while the dog is a secondary character who accompanies him on his journey.

It is well-fed, and it has a coat of fur that shields it from the cold.The dog seems to have more sense than the man in several ways. For starters, the dog is instinctual and understands that it is too cold to stop moving. The dog continues to move, even when the man makes the mistake of stopping to build a fire under a tree that drops a load of snow on him.

Learn more about man and a dog here:


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