Graphic aids refer only to charts.



Answer 1
True lol CUz I want to lol

Related Questions

Moral Education

Work in groups. Create a cartoon character who has the traits needed to be a symbol of empathy. Draw it on a separate piece of paper and describe it below.

[ Note :- Please answer the question given above. the person who is giving an appropriate answer and the person who is giving the answer first also will be marked as brainiest... this question has 81 points, so, if you answer this question, you will get 81 points... ]



I hope this would helps you

Complete the letter with the correct form of say or tell.
who is
Dear Stephanie,
I'm writing to (1) about the discussion I had with my father last
weekend. We talked for several hours and I
him all
about the plans we've made for our business. At first, he wasn't
interested, he (3)
he didn't think we were old enough to
run a business. However, I (4)
him that we had already
seen the bank
manager, ,
that the plan seemed
realistic. So then he sat down and asked me (6)
how much money we'd need to start with, and where we'd sell the stuff we made
and so on. Eventually he 171
to me 'OK, it's a good
plan. (8)
Stephanie that I'll lend you some money to
get started.' Honestly, I couldn't believe he (19)!
Isn't it great? I'm really looking forward to seeing you next week so we can
talk to him together and get things going.
All the best,








6-To Tell




An argument can be structured in different ways. Provide five different examples of an argument.​



“causal” argument is all about cause and effect.

It starts from a Cause to try to predict its possible “effects” — or — it starts from some Effect and tries to deduce its previous “cause.”

Example: “I got good grades on my report card — perhaps my parents will give me a reward.” (Cause to Effect)

Example: “There’s an apple on the ground — perhaps it fell off of that apple tree.” (Effect to Cause)

what does this mean (人)3(面)3不(不)3 ?



person3. side 3. no3

मेरे त शिरावर गोपाल दासी मिरा
गिरिधारी तरी
अल मोती




Gopal Dasi Mira on my head





word meaning from hindi to english
१. घर
२. जल
३. विहगों
४. अदालत
५. परिसर
६. अधेड़
६. प्रखर
७. लुप्त
८. इहि
९. वसा
१०. क्षुब्ध​



1. house

2. water

3. forest

4. court

5. Premises

6. inpatient

7. intense

8. lost

9. this only

10. fat

11. angry

have a great day

viết chủ đề : 谈一次课外活动(去哪儿、怎么去、什么 时间去、怎么过)



do u need translation ?




ये वाक्य किसने किससे कहे हैं, लिखिए :
i) अबे ! धीरे धीरे चल।
ii) बिछा दें साहब ? - ​


انا قلت أيش بسسب! والله اني كنت

In one of the secret language, HSGXSV Mean by doctor. What about the pencil in that language?


You should probably look it up. Or maybe it’s not a thing I’ve never heard of it.

How to Get IELTS Band 7 (7.0 or 7.5)



First and foremost, you should know that IELTS is a standard test focused on test your english skills, although in order to get a 7.0 or a higher score it's more important to focus on test prep rather than developing English skills in a traditional way,  you must do a lot of practise with official material (there are plenty of books avaible on Amazon), then you must consume media in English constantly and analyse what are your dificulties doing mock tests, and work hard to develop these dificulties  

can anyone please tell in English what is want to write here​


It is introduction.

1. My name is ______.

2. I am a _____.

3. I am ____ years old.

4. I study in ________ school.

5. My father's name is ________.

6. My mother's name is _______.

7. I study in ______ class.

8. I like _______ colour

9. I like eating ______ very much.

10. My friend's name is _______.

This is what it wants to say.

If you want any more help in Hindi, just ask.

I will give you some word meanings also:


मेरा my

नाम name

है is


मैं I

एक a/one

हूं am


मैं I

साल year/years

का of

हूं am


मैं I

स्कूल School

में in

पढ़ता study (masculine)

पढ़ती study (feminine)


मेरे my (respected masculine or plural, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)

पिता father

का of

नाम name

है is


मेरी my (respected feminine or simple feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)

मां/माताजी mother (It is optional like mom and mother, the later one is formal)

का of

नाम name

है is


मैं I

कक्षा class

में in

पढ़ता study (masculine)

पढ़ती study (feminine)

हूं am


मुझे I

रंग colour

पसंद like

है is


मुझे I

खाना eat

बहुत very

पसंद like

है is


मेरे My (masculine, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)

मेरी My (feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)

दोस्त friend

है is

Prezentați într-un eseu de minim 200 de cuvinte, apelând la cel puțin 4 argumente diferite importanța literaturii universale dintre secolele 10 -18, apelând la una- două opere cunoscute de către dvs.



do u need translation?


Present in an essay of at least 200 words, using at least 4 different arguments the importance of universal literature from the 10th to 18th centuries, using one or two works known to you



" (speech marks or also known as quotation marks)

What is French for the when describing a male word



est-ce pour décrire un homme

paano mo maiignay sa tunay na buhay ang mga pangyayari sa akdang napagaralan 100 words po sana plssss


Kfbemsifneid dieneiene is due eissjeneiee

हमें संस्कृत क्यों पढ़नी चाहिए ?​


sanskritभारत के विभिन्न प्रान्तों में विद्यालयों में भाषा सम्बद्ध नीति समान नहीं है। कहीं दो भाषाएँ पढ़ाई जाती है तो कहीं तीन। उनमें जो एक भाषा सब प्रान्तों में अनिवार्य रूप में पढ़ाई जाती है वह अंग्रेजी है। अधिकांश पढ़े लिखे लोगों के 62 वर्षों के अथक प्रयत्नों के पश्चात् भी हमारे देश के 10 प्रतिशत लोग अंग्रेजी समझ पाते हैं और 1 प्रतिशत बोल पाते हैं। 100 प्रतिशत भारतीयों की मातृभाषा कोई न कोई भारतीय भाषा है, जिनकी जननी संस्कृत है। यदि संस्कृत को सभी प्रान्तों में अध्ययन के लिए अनिवार्य भाषा बनाया होता और अंग्रेजी इतना परिश्रम संस्कृत सीखने पर किया होता तो भारत के सभी लोग आपस में जुड़ जाते और क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं को समझ पाते। बिना संस्कृत जाने आप भारतीय भाषाओं का पूरी तरह से आस्वाद नहीं उठा सकते। उदाहरण के रुप में ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ इस गान को लिया जाए। इसमें मूल बांग्ला शब्दों की तुलना में संस्कृत शब्द अधिक हैं। इस कारण अधिकतर जनता ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ को संस्कृत गीत मानती है। ‘जन-मन-गण’ इस गीत की स्थिति भी ऐसी ही है। क्या बिना संस्कृत जाने राष्ट्रगानों का अर्थ समझ में आ जायेगा?

भारत की सभी भाषाओं पर अंग्रेजी, फारसी, अरबी इत्यादि विदेशी भाषाओं का आक्रमण जारी है। वार्तापत्र, दूरदर्शन एवं दैनिक व्यवहार में मिली जुली भाषा का प्रयोग बढ़ता जा रहा है। ऐसी ही स्थिति रही तो भारत की किसी भी भाषा को शुद्ध बोलना अधिकांश लोगों के लिए असंभव हो जायेगा। इस संकट का एक कारण है मण्डी में आनेवाली विविध नूतन वस्तुओं के लिए नामों का भारतीय आविष्कार उपलब्ध न होना। इस कार्य को संस्कृत भाषा माध्यम से निश्चित पूरा किया जा सकता है। 1700 धातु 22 उपसर्ग और 20 प्रत्ययों के आधार पर संस्कृत में अनगिनत शब्दों का सृजन किया जा सकता है और भारतीय भाषाओं को बचाया जा सकता है। वर्तमान में 27 लाख 20 हजार शब्द संस्कृत भाषा में प्रयुक्त होते हैं। वें अर्थवाही हैं। उदाहरण के लिए हृदय शब्द को लीजिए। इसमें प्रथम धातु है हृ याने हरण करना, दूसरा है दा याने देना और तीसरा है य याने घुमाना। यह तीनों कार्य हृदय करता है।


hope it will helps


you should learn sanskrit so that you will always know about the bravery of our great ancestors,historical personalities and to preserve our natural heritage.

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