Hello , please help! Write simple definitions for each of these words .
Hot seating Emotion memory Magic if Given Circumstances Subtext
Inner monologue Improvise Thought tracking Rehearsal Role on the wall


Answer 1

The definitions for each of these words based on the information given is written below.

What are the definition?

Hot Seating: A technique used in acting where one actor is questioned by another actor or a group of actors in character in order to explore their character's personality, backstory, or motivation.

Magic If: A technique used in acting where an actor imagines "what if" scenarios to make their performance more convincing and authentic.

Given Circumstances: The context, background, and setting of a play or scene, including things like the time period, location, and social status of the characters.

Learn more about definition on



Related Questions

Ten details in order from expert of Harriet tubman conductor on underground railroad


Before the Civil War, Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave, served as a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, guiding slaves to freedom while carrying a bounty on her head.

What is Civil War?

The American Civil War, commonly known as the War Between the States, lasted four years (1861–1855) and was fought between the United States and the Confederate States of America.

Harriet tubman conductor on underground railroad:

1.More than 300 slaves are said to have been led by Harriet Tubman via the Underground Railroad from the American South to Canada.

2.She exhibited amazing fortitude, cunning, tenacity, and iron will.

3.Because fugitive slaves were liable to whipping and criminal prosecution following the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act, these endeavours were very risky.

4.Several Black Americans and adherents of the anti-slavery Quaker religion accompanied Tubman on her travels.

5.Tubman made the decision to assist others in escaping because she felt it was her duty to aid those who could not escape on their own and that their freedom was more important than her own safety.

6.Over 70 of her family members and friends who were slaves were freed by her during the eight years leading up to the Civil War through the course of about 12 trips she made to the South.

To know more about  tubman visit:



Writing summaries of class topics will BEST help you answer which types of test questions?
A. Fill-in-the-blank and essay questions
B. Multiple-choice and true-false questions
C. Multiple-choice and short-answer questions
D. Short-answer and essay questions


Answer: D. Short-answer and essay questions

can be described as altering the firing patterns of motor neurons with the cns in advance of initiating a goal-directed movement.



Look what the cat dragged in!

Here's your answer!

- Cognitive set can be described as altering the firing patterns of motor neurons with the CNS in advance of initiating a goal-directed movement.

(Also is it _____ can be described or is it a question?)

It isn't likely that the school administration will ______ to your recommendation to do away with all examinations and grades. A. acquiesce B. profess
C. covet
D. respite


It isn't likely that the school administration will acquiesce to your recommendation to do away with all examinations and grades.

The word "acquiesce" is a verb that means to agree or express agreement with something to which one does not necessarily approve. The school administration is the executive body of a school, and they are in charge of ensuring that the school's goals and objectives are achieved. Therefore, it's not likely that they'll agree to a proposal to eliminate all exams and grades.

Acquiescing to such a proposal would contradict the school's mission of imparting knowledge and preparing students for the future by helping them achieve academic success. Instead, school administrations are more likely to adjust the school's grading system to better meet students' needs and interests. By engaging with stakeholders such as teachers and students, they can identify areas of the school system that need to be improved, such as curriculum, teaching methods, and evaluation metrics, and develop strategies to address these issues.

know more about verb here



what is your opinion about people losing jobs
(topic coruption) the sentence should be negative


The company may lose business if corruption is exposed to the outside world if not lose the business it  may face many disadvantages and the people who are working may need to find an other job.

What is corruption?

A person or group in a position of authority who engages in corruption is doing so dishonestly or in violation of the law in order to gain unfair advantages or abuse their position for personal gain.

Bribery, buying and selling influence, embezzlement, and other acts are only a few of the numerous things that corruption may entail.

It may also involve actions that are legal in many nations.

Types of corruption

1. Money laundering

2. Stealing from public purse

3. Denying fulfillment of manifestos

4. Violating states laws for personal interests

What are the Ways to end corruption?

1. Make anti corruption part of the cultures of company.

2.Tell the cons of corruption

3.Understand the meaning of healthy improvement.

To know more about corruption visit:



ain’t I woman?

Then they talk about this thing in the head; what’s this they call it? [Intellect, somebody whispers] That’s it, honey. What’s that got to do with women’s rights or negro’s rights?
What idea does Truth reject in these lines ? Do you agree with her ?



In these lines, Truth is rejecting the idea that women are not as intelligent as men, and that their intellectual capabilities are not relevant to discussions of women's rights or the rights of African Americans.

Truth is suggesting that the belief that women are intellectually inferior is a false notion, and that it is being used as a way to deny them their rights. She is essentially arguing that one's gender or race should not be used as a means to discredit or dismiss their intellectual capacity or their right to equal treatment.

I don't have personal opinions. However, I can say that the notion that women are not as intelligent as men is a baseless and discriminatory belief that has been used historically to justify the oppression and marginalization of women. It is essential to reject such harmful ideas and to recognize and respect the intellectual capabilities and rights of all individuals, regardless of their gender or race.

Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from "Deep Listening Brings Rewards."
Cold and crouched in snow in the remote backcountry of the park with microphones and recording gear to the ready, the Colorado State University (CSU) scientists waited and listened. Silence. Then...the stealthy sound of crunching footsteps approaching.
"There were lots of animals, and they were getting closer. They were circling us..."
Which word below could best be used to replace the word stealthy without changing its denotative or connotative meaning?




B)  sneaky


The sentence "stealthy" refers to the quiet, underhanded, or deceitful approach of animals, while "sneaky" implies a quiet, secretive one. To replace "stealthy," one could use "quiet," "sneaky," "secretive," or "clever," but these terms lack the connotation of deceit or secrecy. Therefore, "sneaky" is the best choice without changing its meaning. 

The word "sneaky" is often used to describe someone who acts in a sneaky or sneaky-like way. It includes the part of lying that comes with the word "stealthy." 

https://brainly.com/questions/33781093 Discover how word connotations and denotations are different.

How does the author of selection 1 of ""seatbelts in pick-up trucks"" respond to people who drive pickup trucks?


Seatbelts keep people safe. He presents statistics here on number of deaths caused by not securely fastening a seat belt inside a pickup truck. The agriculture world judged that it might conflict using their normal agriculture work.

I recall riding inside the shoulders of the sport utility vehicle with my bare feet dangling out the bed as we drove down the road. I recall dragging my feet here on road when I was wearing shoes.

We would have sat closer to the driver's side cab if we had known we were in for a turbulent trip. If you're merely sitting in the rear, you may hop down to retrieve that hay bale or tend to domesticated animals.

He answered with data that brought him to the conclusion that wearing a seatbelt is essential for saving lives, irrespective of whether on the farm or anywhere else in the agricultural environment.

To know more about environment click here



How is the proverb "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" illustrated in BOTH the excerpt from "A Dog's Tale" and the excerpt from Chapter II of The Jamesons?


The proverb "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is illustrated in both the excerpt from "A Dog's Tale" and the excerpt from Chapter II of The Jamesons in different ways:

What is the moral of "A Dog's Tale"?

The moral of "A Dog's Tale" is that kindness and compassion should be extended to all living creatures, no matter their size or social standing. The story also highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the contributions of animals and their importance in the natural world. The tale serves as a reminder that kindness and empathy should be shown to all, even those who may not be able to show it in return.

In "A Dog's Tale," the protagonist, a dog, becomes fixated on the idea that her owners' baby needs to be rescued from the crib. She believes that the baby is in danger and tries to "rescue" it by pulling it out of the crib by the clothing. However, her limited knowledge of how babies work leads her to accidentally harm the baby, as she is unaware of the fragility of the infant's body. Her lack of understanding of the situation and her eagerness to act ultimately leads to disastrous consequences.

Learn more about "A Dog's Tale" from given link



In the book Hatchet What is Brian's plan for landing the plane?



Brian's plan for landing the plane is to crash it into the lake.


After the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies, Brian, who is a passenger on the plane, is left to navigate and try to land the plane. He tries to use the radio to call for help, but he is unable to communicate with anyone. He then remembers a conversation he had with the pilot about how to land the plane in an emergency. The pilot had told him that the plane could float on water because of its pontoons, and that if he ever needed to land the plane, he should aim for a lake or a river.

With this knowledge, Brian tries to steer the plane towards a lake. He successfully manages to crash-land the plane on the surface of the lake, but he is injured in the process. He must then use his survival skills to stay alive in the wilderness while waiting to be rescued.

Answer: Brian's plan was to crash it in a lake


20 lines descriptive speech about Tony Stark


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather to remember and honor a beloved hero who has touched our hearts and inspired us all. Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, was not just a fictional character but a symbol of hope, courage, and sacrifice.

Tony Stark's journey as Iron Man was filled with ups and downs, victories, and losses, but through it all, he remained true to his values and beliefs. He fought for what was right, even when it meant putting himself in harm's way. He sacrificed his own life to save the world from destruction, leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Tony Stark was not just a hero because of his incredible superpowers and high-tech gadgets. He was a hero because of his humanity. He cared deeply about the people around him and was willing to do anything to protect them. He was a mentor, a friend, a father, and a husband, who left an indelible mark on the lives of those who knew him.

The loss of Tony Stark has left a void in our hearts, a void that can not be filled. But we must remember that his legacy lives on. His courage, his strength, his compassion, and his determination to make the world a better place will continue to inspire us, even in his absence.

As we say goodbye to this beloved hero, let us remember his sacrifices, his accomplishments, and his unwavering spirit. Let us honor him by continuing to fight for what is right and by living our lives with the same sense of purpose and dedication that he did.

Rest in peace, Tony Stark. You will always be remembered, loved, and missed.

for this writing fluency assignment, you will submit a response (minimum of 500 words) to one of the following questions: Why do you think Elie Wiesel named his book Night? What is the significance of night in the novel? Please refer to at least three events or passages from the novel as you answer this question. Choose one of the themes we discussed in this lesson. In your response, discuss how one of these themes is used in the book and use at least two examples from the book to support your answer. Additionally, include one example from your life or the world around you to show how this theme relates to the larger world apart from the book: Identity—The loss of identity when one loses that which formed his or her identity Crisis of faith—The struggle to believe in God when faced with inhumanity and overwhelming tragedy Inhumanity—When humans are stretched to their limits through suffering, they can lose their humanity. Fathers and sons—The relationship between a father and a son and the love of a father for his son


Answer: Elie Wiesel's book, "Night," is a haunting memoir that chronicles his experiences as a young boy during the Holocaust. The book is a testament to the atrocities of the Holocaust and serves as a reminder of the importance of remembrance and bearing witness to historical events. The title, "Night," is a fitting name for the book, as it symbolizes the darkness and despair that engulfed Wiesel's life during the Holocaust. The significance of night in the novel is multifold, representing the loss of identity, crisis of faith, inhumanity, and the relationship between a father and son.

One of the major themes of the book is the loss of identity. During the Holocaust, Jews were stripped of their identity and reduced to mere numbers. In the book, Wiesel writes about the moment when he and his father are stripped of their clothes and are forced to shave their heads, "We no longer had any name. In one instant, I had ceased to be my father's son." (Wiesel 29). This passage highlights the moment when Wiesel realizes that he has lost his identity as a son and is reduced to a mere number. The loss of identity is also evident when Wiesel is forced to wear the same striped uniform as everyone else, which strips him of his individuality and makes him indistinguishable from the other prisoners. The loss of identity is a theme that is not unique to the Holocaust and can be seen in the larger world around us. For example, refugees who are forced to flee their homes due to war or persecution often face a loss of identity, as they are forced to leave behind their homes, possessions, and sometimes even their families.

Another theme that is prominent in the book is the crisis of faith. Wiesel writes about his struggle to believe in God in the face of inhumanity and overwhelming tragedy. In the book, Wiesel writes about the moment when he witnesses the hanging of a young boy, "For more than half an hour he stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes. And we had to look him full in the face. He was still alive when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished." (Wiesel 62). This passage highlights the moment when Wiesel questions God's existence and his role in the face of such inhumanity. Wiesel's crisis of faith is not unique to the Holocaust and can be seen in the larger world around us. For example, many people struggle to reconcile their faith with the injustices and tragedies that occur in the world, such as natural disasters, acts of violence, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Inhumanity is another prominent theme in the book. The Holocaust was a period of extreme inhumanity, where humans were stretched to their limits through suffering and lost their humanity. In the book, Wiesel writes about the moment when he witnesses the death of his father, "I woke up at dawn on January 29. In my father's place lay another sick person. They must have taken him away before daybreak and carried him to the crematorium." (Wiesel 113). This passage highlights the moment when Wiesel's father is taken away and cremated, reducing him to nothing more than a pile of ashes. This inhumanity is not unique to the Holocaust and can be seen in the larger world around us. For example, wars, genocides, and acts of violence are all examples of inhumanity that occur around the world.

Finally, the relationship between a father and son is another prominent theme in the book. Throughout the book, Wiesel writes about his love for his father and the moments when he tries to protect him. In the book,

tasha says goodbye and then waves at her family. this is an example of what function of nonverbal communication?


As Tasha says goodbye and then waves at her family, this is an example of the affective function of nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal communication refers to any type of message that is not conveyed by words but with nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, or body movements. This form of communication is often as important as the words we speak, and it is particularly essential in conveying emotions, attitudes, and social relationships. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is important to understand nonverbal signals when communicating.

The affective function of nonverbal communication is one of the six functions of nonverbal communication. The affective function relates to the expression of emotions and feelings. It is frequently used in social communication to express feelings of liking, admiration, contempt, or disgust.

Affect displays are often observed as facial expressions, vocal intonation, and body language. It can also be conveyed through touch, such as a pat on the back, a handshake, or a hug. Tasha says goodbye and then waves at her family. This is an example of the affective function of nonverbal communication because it conveys Tasha's feelings of affection and perhaps gratitude to her family.

Learn more about Nonverbal communication:



Write It Down! Achieve 3000 answers. I need help!!!




In the poem, "In Spite of War," what does the speaker mean by "a glory liveth through despair"?Question 1 options:that people become more glorious through hardshipthat war helps people achieve glorythat despair can make people strongerthat life goes on even when bad things happen


In the poem, "In Spite of War," the speaker mean by "a glory Livet through despair" that life goes on even when bad things happen. So the option D is correct.

The speaker is saying that even when there is war, or despair, there can still be a beauty and greatness that can come from it. Even though bad things happen, there is still a sense of hope and beauty that can come from it. This idea is expressed in the line, "A glory liveth through despair."

This line suggests that even in moments of despair and darkness, there is still a glimmer of hope and light that can be found and held onto. It implies that we can still find a source of strength and courage to carry on despite our struggles and adversities. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about In Spite of War link is here



You have been tasked with setting up a business in the health and fitness industry just like Ben Francis did with Gymshark in 2012. Once you have a business idea, complete the tasks below.
a) Explain what your business would offer (it can be a service or product) and justify why you believe the business would be a success.

b)Complete the market segmentation process for your business idea and justify the segments of the market you will target and why.


To create a successful business in the health and fitness industry, like Ben Francis did with Gymshark in 2012, I would offer a range of fitness apparel and accessories for men, women, and children.

In order to complete the market segmentation process, I will divide the market into segments based on age, gender, lifestyle, income level, and location. I will target the 18-30 age range, since they are more likely to purchase fitness apparel and accessories. I will target both male and female customers since both genders are interested in the health and fitness industry. I will target customers with active lifestyles, as they are more likely to purchase fitness apparel and accessories. I will target customers with a medium to high income level, since these customers are more likely to make purchases. Lastly, I will target customers from all locations, since fitness apparel and accessories are widely accessible. By targeting these market segments, I believe the business would be successful.

Learn more about Business: brainly.com/question/26106218


Question 1 of 10
What is visual evidence?

A. The historical context for the piece of art
B. The visual elements of the piece of art that distinguish it from
other pieces
C. Your opinion of what you see.
D. None of the above


The correct meaning for visual evidence is in option b).

What is evidence?
Evidence refers to any type of information, data, or facts that support a claim or an argument. Evidence can be gathered through various methods, such as observation, research, experimentation, and analysis.

B. The visual elements of the piece of art that distinguish it from other pieces can be considered visual evidence. Visual evidence refers to the information and details that can be gathered from an image, such as the colors, lines, shapes, composition, and subject matter. These visual elements can provide clues about the artist's intentions, the historical and cultural context in which the piece was created, and the meaning and symbolism of the artwork.

A and C are not correct because they do not specifically refer to visual evidence. While historical context can provide important background information about a piece of art, it is not itself considered visual evidence. Similarly, personal opinions or interpretations of an artwork are subjective and do not necessarily constitute visual evidence.

To know more about artwork visit:

prepare a speech to be given on the day of the induction of SS1 students on the topic a child of today is the father or mother of tomorrow​



Good morning, fellow students, teachers, and esteemed guests. Today marks a special day for our newly admitted SS1 students who are joining us to continue their educational journey. On this occasion, I want to talk about a topic that has been relevant for generations, and it is none other than "A child of today is the father or mother of tomorrow."

We are the future of our country, and the world is in our hands. As young people, we are the ones who will shape the future of our society, and it is our responsibility to make a positive difference in the world.

Our actions and decisions today will determine the kind of world we will live in tomorrow. It is our responsibility to make sure that we are doing everything in our power to create a better future for ourselves and for the generations to come.

As the saying goes, "today's children are tomorrow's leaders." It is essential for us to understand the significance of this statement. It means that what we do today will shape our future, and the future of our society.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to be responsible, to take ownership of our actions, and to strive for excellence. We must work hard to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that will enable us to become the leaders of tomorrow.

As we begin our journey in SS1, let us remember that we are the ones who will shape the future of our society. We must embrace this responsibility with open hearts and minds and work towards creating a better world for all.

In conclusion, I urge all my fellow students to take this opportunity to learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself. Always remember that a child of today is the father or mother of tomorrow, and let us strive to create a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and for the generations to come. Thank you.


the girls ______ their homework(do) in present perfect tenses​



The girls have done their homework

Arannge the following events in "Beowulf in chronological order write numbers 1 to 5 on the blanks provided


The correct chronological order for beowulf occurrences is 5,4,1,3, and 2. The of Heorot, Beowulf's encounter with the monster Grendel, and his reign as King of Geatland are among the events that took place.

_5__Grendel's mother took revenge, but later was killed by Beowulf.

_4__The great hero, Beowulf, died by the gruesome corpse of the dragon.

_1__Hrothgar built a magnificent hall called Heorot where celebrations were held.

_3__Beowulf came to fight against Grendel and successfully killed him.

_2__The hideous and fearsome monster, Grendel, attacked the hall nightly and left it devastated.

What's the significance of the story of Beowulf?

Beowulf is a heroic poem that is regarded as the pinnacle of Old English literature as well as the initial European vernacular epic. It is thought to have been a work written among both 700 and 750 CE and deals concerning occurrences inside the earlier and earlier sixth century CE.

To know more about literature click here



                                        "Complete question"

Arrange the following events in "Beowulf' in chronological order. Write numbers 1 to 5 on the blanks provided.

____Grendel's mother took revenge, but later was killed by Beowulf.

____The great hero, Beowulf, died by the gruesome corpse of the dragon.

____Hrothgar built a magnificent hall called Heorot where celebrations were held.

____Beowulf came to fight against Grendel and successfully killed him.

____The hideous and fearsome monster, Grendel, attacked the hall nightly and left it devastated.​​

Are designer babies morally and or ethically right? Is this a good scientific discovery
for humankind, or are scientists "playing god" like Victor Frankenstein?


It can be argued  that designer babies are morally wrong and that there are  consequences for tampering with nature.

Why are designer babies morally and or ethically wrong in the view of some people?

One of the primary concerns is the potential for eugenics, where people are selected or excluded based on predetermined genetic traits, leading to a lack of diversity and discrimination against certain groups. The creation of designer babies could also exacerbate existing social inequalities and further divide society based on genetics.

There is also the concern that the creation of designer babies could result in unintended consequences or unforeseen negative effects on the human genome. It is also essential to consider the impact on society and the psychological and social effects on the child and their family.

Find more useful information about designer babies;



what type of figeritive language is see the grass is full of stars




I believe it is a idiom.

DEFINITION OF IDIOM: a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light ).

Read the passage from the New Testament of the Bible


Answer: Please include more info, which passage and why?


Write an implied message about race in America that you discovered in The Flowers.


In The Flowers, Alice Walker conveys an implied message about race in America: racism and discrimination still exist.

Racism is a belief or practice that discriminates against individuals or groups based on their perceived race or ethnicity. It can manifest in many different ways, such as through individual attitudes, social institutions, or systemic policies and practices. Racism often involves prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination, and it can lead to unequal treatment, harassment, and violence against those who are targeted. Racism can have a negative impact on both the individuals who experience it and on society as a whole, as it can perpetuate inequality, create division, and limit opportunities for individuals and communities.

Learn more about Racism: brainly.com/question/2864094


One narrow strait may take you through his blows:denial of yourself, restraint of shipmates.When you make landfall on Thrinakia firstand quit the violet sea, dark on the landyou'll find the grazing herds of Heliosby whom all things are seen, all speech is known.Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent,and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka.But if you raid the beeves, I see destructionfor ship and crew.Which excerpt from the passage best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict?denial of yourselfrestraint of shipmatesquit the violet seadestruction for ship and crew


The excerpt from the passage that best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict is "destruction for ship and crew."

In the given passage, Teiresias predicts that if the crew of Odysseus raids the cattle of Helios, it will lead to the destruction of their ship and crew. This indicates a character versus nature conflict. However, the excerpt "destruction for ship and crew" also implies that there will be a conflict between the characters (Odysseus and his crew) and the consequences of their actions.

In other words, the crew will have to deal with the aftermath of their actions, which will put them in conflict with each other.

Learn more about Teiresias https://brainly.com/question/3846282


I NEED THIS LIKE RIGHT NOW 11. What emotions does the word communist have in the poem? How are the emotions different from the definition of the word?



i believe the answer is that the communist is afraid

because he kept denying who he is

Do a quick internet search for “personal values” and select the ones that speak to you the most. Choose 5-10 of your listed values and reflect on how they impact your health practices and behaviors. Write a 200- to 250-word reflection about how each of these values influences your personal health.


Answer: Honesty


One of my personal values is honesty. I believe that honesty is an essential virtue that promotes trust and integrity in all aspects of life, including health. I strive to be truthful about my health practices, including what I eat, how much I exercise, and how much sleep I get. Being honest about my health habits enables me to assess my strengths and weaknesses and make necessary adjustments to improve my overall well-being.

Another personal value that influences my health is compassion. I value being kind and empathetic to myself and others. I believe that showing compassion towards myself is vital in practicing self-care, which includes setting boundaries, prioritizing my needs, and seeking help when needed. Practicing compassion towards others means being supportive and understanding, such as encouraging a friend to seek help for their mental health.

My value of growth also influences my health practices. I believe in continuously learning and evolving, including in my health habits. I try new healthy recipes, experiment with different forms of exercise, and educate myself about different health issues to improve my overall health.

Lastly, my value of community impacts my health practices. I believe that health is not only an individual effort but also a collective one. I value building and maintaining a supportive community of friends and family who share similar health goals. I also seek out resources and services that support the well-being of my community, such as local farmer's markets or community fitness classes.

Overall, my personal values play a significant role in shaping my health practices and behaviors. By being honest, compassionate, growth-oriented, and community-minded, I can strive towards better health and well-being.

What are the differences between cultural norms and stereotypes? How does it hurt or help people’s understanding of other’s cultures? How does it hurt or help people’s understanding of themselves?

Can someone help me right now please?


A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. A cultural characteristic, on the other hand, is a pattern of behaviour that is typical of a certain group.

Difference between stereotypes and Cultural Norms

Stereotypes are simply exaggerated assumptions about groups of people. Imagine a tourist visiting a small Swiss town and seeing a number of locals playing the alphorn instrument, then claiming that Swiss people can play the alphorn. an an an an an an an an a saga This is an exaggerated representation of the Swiss based on one tourist's experience.However, if this tourist claims that the Swiss are very punctual, this could be interpreted as a cultural trait. This is because it is a behaviour pattern that is very common in Switzerland, from their transportation system to their business meetings.Some argue that generalising another culture is not only useful, but also important. Politicians must always be mindful of the cultural differences between countries. They can avoid offending people in other cultures by becoming aware of different cultural characteristics.However, others argue that generalising cultures will always lead to offensive stereotypes. They argue that the best thing we can do is stop generalising cultures and start treating people as individuals.

To know more about Stereotypes click on the link :



Imagine that you are the Principal of ABC school and organizing Parenté Day Programine a 6th September, 2018 on premises. White letter of invitation to the School Supervisor.​


As principal of a school, you are tasked with writing a letter of invitation to the supervisor regarding the parents' day programme. You can go about it in different ways.

How do you write a letter of invitation to the supervisor regarding the event?

Dear [School Supervisor],

I am writing to formally invite you to our upcoming Parenté Day Program, which will be held on September 6th, 2018 at ABC school. As the Principal, I am excited to welcome parents and guardians to our school premises and showcase the academic progress and achievements of our students.

The Parenté Day Program is an important event on our school calendar as it provides an opportunity for parents and guardians to interact with teachers, staff, and students, and gain a better understanding of the educational experience that their children are receiving. The program will include various activities, such as classroom visits, student performances, and presentations from teachers, which will highlight the learning and development that has taken place throughout the academic year.

We believe that this event will be a great opportunity for parents and guardians to become more involved in their child's education and we encourage all parents to attend. We are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for our families, and we hope that this event will strengthen our school community and foster positive relationships between parents, students, and staff.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require additional information regarding the Parenté Day Program. We look forward to seeing you on September 6th, 2018.


[Your Name]

Principal of ABC School

To find out more about formal letters, visit:



Why would a portfolio be beneficial, especially if a person did not have any work history or experience?



A portfolio can be beneficial for a person without work history or experience as it can showcase their skills, create a professional image, help them stand out from competition, and demonstrate their potential and willingness to learn. Overall, a portfolio can be a valuable tool for anyone starting their career or switching to a new field.


A portfolio can be beneficial for a person without work history or experience for several reasons:

Demonstrating skills: A portfolio can showcase a person's skills and abilities in a particular field, such as writing, design, or programming. This can help potential employers or clients understand what the person is capable of, even if they don't have a traditional work history to reference.

Creating a professional image: A portfolio can make a person appear more professional and prepared for job opportunities. It demonstrates that the person has taken the time to curate their work and is serious about their career goals.

Standing out from the competition: In competitive job markets, having a portfolio can help a person stand out from other applicants who may not have a portfolio or other evidence of their skills.

Showing potential: A portfolio can also demonstrate a person's potential and willingness to learn. Even if they don't have a lot of experience, a portfolio can show that they are committed to developing their skills and building their career.

Overall, a portfolio can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to start their career or switch to a new field, as it helps showcase their skills and potential to potential employers or clients.

The necessary leverage to assist you to acquire what you want, whether negotiating a starting salary or a raise in your present pay, is provided by a port-folio full of work samples and lists of successes.

What is a port-folio?

A portfolio is a tangible collection of a student's work that may contain written assignments, journal entries, completed tests, artwork, lab reports, physical projects (like dioramas or models)

They tell about tangible evidence of the student's learning progress and academic success, such as awards,  certifications, recommendations, written evaluations by teachers or peers, and self-reflections by the student.

Benefits of port-folio:

1. Demonstrating skills

2. Showing strength.

3. Standing out from the competition.

To know more about port-folio visit:



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