HELP! also the question is in the picture, and this is what I had to read:

Tragic fate has thrust upon us grave responsibilities. We must carry on. Our departed leader never looked backward. He looked forward and moved forward. That is what he would want us to do. That is what America will do. So much blood has already been shed for the ideals which we cherish, and for which Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived and died, that we dare not permit even a momentary pause in the hard fight for victory.
Today, the entire world is looking to America for enlightened leadership to peace and progress. Such a leadership requires vision, courage and tolerance. It can be provided only by a united nation deeply devoted to the highest ideals. With great humility I call upon all Americans to help me keep our nation united in defense of those ideals which have been so eloquently proclaimed by Franklin Roosevelt. I want in turn to assure my fellow Americans and all of those who love peace and liberty throughout the world that I will support and defend those ideals with all my strength and all my heart. That is my duty and I shall not shirk it.
So that there can be no possible misunderstanding, both Germany and Japan can be certain, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that America will continue the fight for freedom until no vestige of resistance remains! We are deeply conscious of the fact that much hard fighting is still ahead of us. Having to pay such a heavy price to make complete victory certain, America will never become a party to any plan for partial victory! To settle for merely another temporary respite would surely jeopardize the future security of all the world. Our demand has been, and it remains—Unconditional Surrender!
We will not traffic with the breakers of the peace on the terms of the peace. The responsibility for making of the peace—and it is a very grave responsibility—must rest with the defenders of the peace. We are not unconscious of the dictates of humanity. We do not wish to see unnecessary or unjustified suffering. But the laws of God and of man have been violated and the guilty must not go unpunished. Nothing shall shake our determination to punish the war criminals even though we must pursue them to the ends of the earth. Lasting peace can never be secured if we permit our dangerous opponents to plot future wars with impunity at any mountain retreat—however distant. In this shrinking world, it is futile to seek safety behind geographical barriers. Real security will be found only in law and in justice.

HELP! Also The Question Is In The Picture, And This Is What I Had To Read:Tragic Fate Has Thrust Upon


Answer 1


to promise uninterrupted continuation of the previous administration's duties and struggles → Paragraph 2

to remind all Americans to stay engaged in the effort to secure peace and liberty worldwide → Paragraph 1

to warn that only the victors can dictate how peace is established and how justice is carried out → Paragraph 4

to clarify that an end to the present world conflict can only come with complete allied victory →  Paragraph 3


I have been able to match each of the author's purpose in each paragraph.

Looking at the passage, we discover that in Paragraph 1, the speaker reminds Americans not to permit a momentary pause in the fight for victory. So, he encourages them to stay engaged in the bid to bring peace and liberty. In Paragraph 2, the speaker tends to make a promise to continue the previous administration's duties and struggles. This is seen when the speaker said "I want in turn to assure my fellow Americans and all of those who love peace and liberty throughout the world that I will support and defend those ideals with all my strength and all my heart. That is my duty and I shall not shirk it."

Paragraph 3 actually clarifies that an end to the present world conflict can only come with complete allied victory.

Related Questions

Write a paragraph on 'Good Manners' Or 'Importance of Education in one's life'



Good manners are the guidelines to develop a positive attitude in a personality. A person of such wisdom is full of energy and creates an atmosphere of brightness around him. He is reminisced by everyone and is discussed the most. Such a person is even remembered for the values he has inherited throughout his life.



Paragraph on Importance of Education in one's life :

Education is the essential thing for our life, and it helps in the growth of human civilization. Education is necessary to understand the universe around us and convert it into something more beneficial. With the help of knowledge, we can develop a new perspective for our life.

Explain this expression in your own words.
a place less prone to water scarcity"

Enter your answer

Please please help me


An area or destination where water shortage isn’t that prevalent.

Which of the following is a strong thesis statement?
A. Inherit the Wind is a play about racism.
B. Why is U2 one of the most popular bands in the world?
C. Tax reform is not an adequate solution to America's current economic
D. This paper will examine the causes and effects of the Civil War.





Select the best example of a student who is driven by intrinsic motivation to get an A in science class.

A. Raj receives money from his aunt when he has an A on his report card for any class.
B. Maria feels proud of herself when she works hard and gets good grades in her classes.
C. Cedric wants to get an A in the class so he can be chosen as a peer tutor for science.
D. Portia wants to get an A to raise her overall grade point average before applying to colleges.



B is the answer.


Intrinsic means belonging naturally, essential.

All of the other options have reasons other than just doing it.

Therefore, Maria is an intrinsic student.


Maria feels proud of herself when she works hard and gets good grades in her classes.


Using the chart of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes below, which is the most
likely meaning of the word mortician?
A. Asking for an undeserved favor
B. Having too much to eat

C. Serving under a specific leader

D. One who directs funerals



One who directs funerals

What structural elements are missing from the text in praise of slacking?



hello!your answer is in the attachment

Give ONE adaptation that a seal has so it can survive in the cold sea.



Seals have a large body which holds more heat and a rounded shape cools down more slowly. They also have a layer of fat to reduce heat loss.

Hope this helps u

Imagery for act 1 scene 5 macbeth ​


I’ve done Macbeth ask if anyone needs help with it !!

Stanton is determined to learn the things boys do to gain her father's acceptance


Sometimes... when boys insult you, it actually means they like you - but only sometimes! I agree with the answer above. Some boys do annoying things so that they can get your attention. Some boys do annoying things to others so that they can gain acceptance and attention from other more popular boys.

What actions could be taken to Stop online hate as an individual?



5 ways to stop online hate:

Education on media ethics: Countering tribalised hate speech begins by a realization that while freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, the emergence of social media has created multiple platforms for the production, packaging and dissemination of hate speech. Education on media ethics should focus on the rights and freedoms of journalists and their role in creating and promoting peaceful societies.

Awareness must be raised on the political, social and cultural rights of individuals and groups, including freedom of speech, and the responsibilities and social implications that come with press freedom. Journalists must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify hate speech and to counteract hate speech messages.

Encourage conflict sensitive reporting and multicultural awareness campaigns:  Conflict sensitive reporting will help dispel the ‘us’ against ‘them’ fallacy. Journalists should be taught conflict sensitive reporting skills. Multicultural awareness campaigns should emphasize knowledge about and respect for the diversity of cultures and traditions. Journalists must exercise professional standards in this and can write articles, air programmes and even speak with people without taking sides.

Regulate social media: I know many of you reading this article will ask how you regulate social media without revoking the right to press freedom. Press freedom can be enhanced through education on media laws and ethics.

Encourage victims and witnesses to report hate speech related crimes: Hate speech remains largely invisible simply because many victims do not know where to report the cases or even understand that they are victims of hate speech.

End impunity against hate crimes: Impunity against hate crimes can be tackled by establishing monitoring and evaluation units in newsrooms. These units would then be tasked with monitoring hate speech trends, compiling reports and bringing these to the attention of key institutions and the civil society.


#no nonsense #brainly #carry on learning

Khi nào sửa dụng thì present simple



Thì hiện tại đơn (Simple present tense) dùng để diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên hay một hành động diễn ra lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen, phong tục, khả năng.

Some people believe it is important to work with others as team. Others say it is more important to be able to work by yourself. What do you think? Give reasons and specific examples in your answer essay



I think it is important to work as a team because,a lot of ideas are being brought up not as compared to working individually.And as the saying goes"two heads are better than one".

In “The Rockpile” by James Baldwin, how does the setting influence the way Gabriel and Elizabeth raise their children?


Mark Brainliest please


Their fear of danger causes them to impose strict rules on their children.

James Baldwin's short story "The Rockpile" tells the story of how a young family's approaches t their parenting techniques led to the fateful incident of one of their son's injury. The parents Gabriel and Elizabeth's approach of strictly dominating their children's lives had led to the ensuing incident.
The setting of the story is in a house from where the boys can see the 'rockpile' which they are prohibited from ever visiting. From the start of the story, we find the mother telling the boys to "stay away from (the rockpile)". This strict approach resulting from their fear of them coming "home bleeding like a hog every day the Lord sends" causes them to impose strict restrictions on their involvement and interactions with friends.

Read this excerpt from "The Medicine Bag.”

All I could do was stand there with the whole neighborhood watching and shake the hand of the leather-brown old man. I saw how his gray hair straggled from under his big black hat, which had a drooping feather in its crown. His rumpled black suit hung like a sack over his stooped frame. As he shook my hand, his coat fell open to expose a bright red satin shirt with a beaded bolo tie under the collar. His get-up wasn’t out of place on the reservation, but it sure was here, and I wanted to sink right through the pavement.

Which is a symbol of the grandpa's heritage in this excerpt?

the handshake
the drooping feather
the rumpled black suit
the neighborhood


The dropping feather


its b i took the test


What is the difference between a stream of consciousness and an interior monologue?



Theo tài liệu do PGS.TS Đặng Anh Đào cung cấp thì Độc thoại nội tâm là một sự miêu tả mở rộng trong độc thoại thường thấy của sự phối hợp giữa tư duy và cảm xúc trong một nhân vật hư cấu. Những tư tưởng này có thể hoặc là có quan hệ một cách lỏng lẻo cảm tưởng gần giống như sự liên tưởng tự do hoặc là sự phối hợp giữa tư duy và cảm xúc được sắp xếp một cách có lí trí hơn. Độc thoại nội tâm bao gồm một vài hình thức, kể cả sự xung đột bên trong đã được kịch hoá, sự lý giải bản thân, cuộc đối thoại tưởng tượng, và sự giải thích duy lý. Một độc thoại nội tâm có thể là một sự diễn đạt ý nghĩ trực tiếp của ngôi nhân xưng thứ nhất, hình như không có sự lựa chọn và kiểm tra của tác giả, hoặc có sự luận bàn của ngôi thứ ba mà bắt đầu bằng một nhóm từ kiểu như “anh ấy nghĩ” hay “những suy nghĩ của anh ấy đã bắt đầu”. Thuật ngữ độc thoại nội tâm thường được dùng hoán đổi với “dòng ý thức”. Nhưng trong lúc một độc thoại nội tâm có thể phản ánh tất cả những suy nghĩ nửa vời, những cảm giác, và những sự liên tưởng tác động vào ý thức của nhân vật, nó cũng có thể bị hạn chế bởi một trật tự phô diễn của tư duy dựa trên lí trí trong nhân vật. Dòng ý thức là phương pháp kể chuyện trong tiểu thuyết không gây cảm xúc (nondramatic) nhằm diễn tả dòng chảy của vô số những cảm giác - thị giác, thính giác, xúc giác, liên tưởng, và tiềm thức - cùng với tư duy lí trí tác động tới ý thức của một cá nhân. Thuật ngữ này được nhà tâm lí học William James sử dụng lần đầu tiên trong “Những yếu tố cơ bản của tâm lí học” (1890). Với sự phát triển của tiểu thuyết tâm lí ở thế kỉ XX, một số tác giả đã cố gắng nắm bắt toàn bộ dòng chảy của ý thức nhân vật của họ, đúng hơn là giới hạn chúng bằng tư duy lí trí. Tượng trưng cho toàn bộ sự phong phú, sự mau lẹ, và sự tinh tế của trí tuệ khi sáng tác, nhà văn có thể kết hợp chặt chẽ nhiều đoạn của tư duy rời rạc, nhiều cấu trúc câu sai ngữ pháp, nhiều ý nghĩ và hình tượng được liên tưởng tự do. Tiểu thuyết dòng ý thức thường sử dụng phương pháp kể chuyện của độc thoại nội tâm.


Interior monologue relates a character's thoughts as coherent, fully formed sentences, as if the character is talking to him or herself. Stream of consciousness, in contrast, seeks to portray the actual experience of thinking, in all its chaos and distraction.

Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

That it is true his other virtues would not have been sufficient for him may be proved by the case of Scipio, that most excellent man, not only of his own times but within the memory of man, against whom, nevertheless, his army rebelled in Spain; this arose from nothing but his too great forbearance, which gave his soldiers more license than is consistent with military discipline. For this he was upbraided in the Senate by Fabius Maximus, and called the corrupter of the Roman soldiery. The Locrians were laid waste by a legate of Scipio, yet they were not avenged by him, nor was the insolence of the legate punished, owing entirely to his easy nature. Insomuch that someone in the Senate, wishing to excuse him, said there were many men who knew much better how not to err than to correct the errors of others. This disposition, if he had been continued in the command, would have destroyed in time the fame and glory of Scipio; but, he being under the control of the Senate, this injurious characteristic not only concealed itself, but contributed to his glory.

How does anecdotal evidence in this passage support the claim that cruelty is a necessary part of leadership?

by showing how Scipio was too lenient and his army rebelled
by depicting how leniency destroyed the Senate
by showing how Fabius Maximus was feared in the Senate
by showing how Scipio’s army rebelled, and how he stopped the rebellion



by showing how Scipio was too lenient and his army rebelled


The text above shows that Scipio was a very tolerant and kind general. The bland behavior he displayed with soldiers gave them a lot of freedom and devalued the military discipline that must be maintained within an army. This freedom allowed the soldiers to rebel against Scipio and fight him, regardless of the kindness they received from him. In this text, we can see that a leader cannot be too tolerant and cruelty must be part of the tolerance process. This is evident in the lines:

"[..] his army rebelled in Spain; this arose from nothing but his too great forbearance, which gave his soldiers more license than is consistent with military discipline."


A on edge 2021


took the test

Question 6 A suitable moral for this story would be:
Read the following paragraph to answer the question.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the paragraph or the text so we can read it.

How we can help, if we do not know the content of the paragraph?

Although you forgot to attach this important information, trying to helo he did some deep research and can say the following.

A suitable moral for this story would be: "popularity does not mean friendship."

We are talking about the story of a hare who was very popular with other animals of the region. All these animals claimed to be friends with the hare, and she believed them.

However, one day, the hare needed the help of her friends to protect her against the hounds that were going after her. The hare asked the help of the horse, the bull, the goat, the ram, and the calf, and no one wanted to help. In the end, she got to run for her life.

So, a suitable moral for this story would be: "popularity does not mean friendship."

Which statement best describes the atmosphere the author creates? It is an atmosphere of relief. It is an atmosphere of hesitation. It is a skeptical atmosphere. It is a nightmarish atmosphere.


Answer: The answer is D

Explanation: D is, " it is a nightmarish atmosphere"


It is a nightmarish atmosphere.


Just took the test. Made 100

Can someone proofread this for me?

According to studies, 93% of young people use the internet to engage with people or share their online creations. This demonstrates how technology is used as a constructive outlet by numerous young people. Despite the fact that over sixteen percent of teenagers say they have been cyberbullied, the majority of them utilize technology to communicate with distant family members or establish new friends. As a result of technology, many young people in our generation have become more outspoken. People may, for example, utilize the internet to raise awareness or share their views on social problems that are highly passionate, contentious, and current.​



plz help me in find the number whose product with the 2/211 gives 8/11

which statement best describes how the washington times introduces the earthquake in the first article





Read the excerpt from a speech to the school board about the art department. Art is the foundation of what it means to be a human. So many things try to push their way into being more important. We need to refocus ourselves and reevaluate our priorities. We should not cut the funding to the school's art department, because the students will suffer. Everyone thinks that art class is just fun and games. We always think that we need to prioritize everything else first. But it is everything else that will suffer when we lack art and beauty in our lives. Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select two options.



A) "Art is the foundation of what it means to be a human."

B) "We should not cut the funding to the school's art department, because the students will suffer."


In the given excerpt from the speech, the speaker talks about the importance of the art department. In the speech, the speaker also talks about why he thinks it is important not only important for academic life but also for life as well.

For the summarized version, the two sentences most appropriate to be included are

"Art is the foundation of what it means to be a human"


"We should not cut the funding to the school's art department, because the students will suffer."

Thus, the correct answers are options A and B.


A & B


i did it

Which sentence is an example of an objective summary?


i believe its the second one, forgive me if im wrong.

Which phrase from the passage contains a feature of Anglo-Saxon culture?

Please post this by answering ACCURATELY, WHY B is correct or with a wholesome quote from Chuck Norris.



"Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they loose their worth."

- Chuck Norris


I am not too sure why B is correct. But I hope you enjoy the Chuck Norris quote!

When Anita hears the song lyrics, “I’m Chiquita Banana and I’m here to say,” what does she think they’re saying and why does this upset her so much?




Question 8 of 20 Which story idea best fits the traditional definition of tragedy O A. An executive runs his business into the ground because of his arrogance. O B. A high school student starts having a bad day that just gets worse and worse O c. A couple is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar. O D. An old woman is careful to wrap up all her affairs in life before her death PREVIOUS​



c. A couple about is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar

The answer is C. A couple is about to get married but the groom leaves the bride at the alter

Determine the intercepts.

x-intercept =

y-intercept =


The awnings are not good

By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that "impetuous" most likely means



Impetuous means, acting or done quickly and without thought or care.



“someone who acts without impulsiveness or emotion.”


According to the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, how did the
king prevent the colonial population from growing?



Explanation: In the Declaration of Independence, the drafters write about the abuses of King George III. ... What the drafters are saying here is that King George III has prevented the colonial population from expanding by ensuring the naturalization (becoming a citizen) process is hard if not impossible for foreigners


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carry on learning

100 %sure

a story which includes the following words :the police arrived at the time when I had lost​



Story writing using the line "the police arrived at the time when I had lost".


Once I had gone on a trip to celebrate a friend's engagement. Spending my initial days with the event, I was busy for some weeks. After the main events were done, I decided to explore the new city alone, believing that I had enough knowledge of the place.

The day started fine, and I was having a great time. The grand places, the mountains, the tourist spots all excited me. Without thinking much about it, I moved on towards small and narrow streets, clicking pictures along the way. Little did I know what was going on back at my friend's home.

It seems I haven't really told my friend where I am going. So, when I did not appear the whole day, they presumed that I had gone alone and got lost. And my cellphone had died so there was no possibility of contacting me. I returned after it was dark, and there I saw that the police had arrived when I had lost track of time, at the home of my friend. They were ready to send a search party and report me missing.

While I must have enjoyed my day, I had stressed others so much. But at the end of the day, I am safely back. It was indeed an interesting day.

Read the sentence. My history teacher said, “it was the turning point in the war.” Which change would correct this sentence? Capitalize teacher. Capitalize history. Capitalize it. Capitalize war.



Capitalize it.



Maby we just have to capital the sentence cause it's written capitalize . I guess

Other Questions
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