Help this assignment is missing and i need the answer

Help This Assignment Is Missing And I Need The Answer


Answer 1

It is to be noted that the use of a Research Simulation Task Graphics Organizer is to help the student organize and analyze a topic over a series of articles or multimedia to write an analytical essay.

What is the topic of this assignment?

The goal is then to ensure that the student reads the information from the various sources and then draws from them to write an analytical essay.

The topic you have been given in this assignment is:

The role of zoos is to protect animals.

The articles you have been asked to read at:

The Stripes Will Survive by Jacqueline Adams;The Zoos Go Wild from No More Dodos by Nicholas Nirgiotis and Theodore Nirgoitis; andOur Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment by Alicia Powers

As you read the articles, make notes on the role that zoos have played in protecting animals. These will form your points in the analytical essay.

See how to write an effective analytical essay at:

Related Questions

Good evening! Can someone please answer this, ill give you brainliest and your earning 50 points. Would be very appreciated.



Let's first define Author's Purpose: Author's purpose is the reason or reasons an author has for writing a selection. And of course authors may have more than one purpose for writing.

Question 1:

I can conclude draw about the author's purpose for writing from Reading Lolita in Tehran is put together a powerful argument about the role of report in dictatorial societies as an exercise in freedom and fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one's character or personality especially, not involving anyone else but women.

Question 2:

A evidence from the text to supports my conclusions is from the text it states that " The streets have been turned into a war zone ,where young women who disobey the rules are hauled into patrol cars, taken to jail, flogged, fined,forced to wash the toilets and humiliated, and as soon as they leave, they go back and do the same thing.

For question 3 I think your answer is good.


What is the term for something that is accepted as definite or certain to​ occur, despite a lack of​ proof?


I think the answer is B. Sorry if I’m wrong!

In the story, the Woken
in the Experiment believe that they get to choose their fate: either to die or
to reconnect with the rest of the Woken. Can we really control our fate? Describe a time when you
thought you had complete control over a choice you were making, but things didn't go as planned.



I believe In a sense,people can control their fate.Ultimately one can learn action and consequense or reward,but notalways does itwork in that way for us.Some need to experiencebad in lifetolearn for the betterof them. In this case, i believe one can't control their fate,life and death isinevitable and left in the hands of the world around you. For, its notyour world everyone is living in, its everyones worldyou are part of.
Every choice has different affects than what we expect at times. We don'tfall asleep and hope we have a dream instead of a nightmare...we don't choose whether when we wake if we'd remember it or not. We can only dowhat our minds allow us in such a case.


In the story,  the woken in the experiment, participants feel they have the ability option of choosing their fate: to die or to live. Thus, option first is correct.

What is the meaning of Experiment?

Experiment refers to the examination done in order to test the actions performed in the specific manner is appropriate or not and to notice certain effects as well as impact of the actions which ultimate results in the learning of something new.

Woken is the tale which talks about the death and birth of the species as well as every creature on the Earth. It is allocation of the love of life and humanity and the secrets of the supreme powers.

In the story, people have some power over their fate. Finally, one can understand action and consequence or reward, although this does not always work for us.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option first is correct.

Learn more about the experiment here:


Could somebody write the first couple sentences to a paragraph that is about Rachel Carsons "Silent Spring" and why it was so influential? Will give brainliest.



Rachel Carson was one of the few persons who could write with the scientific rigor her topic demanded, as well as the sincerity and captivating writing style that captivated a nation. Carson's passion with science, as well as her love of and desire to safeguard natural regions, inspired her for the rest of her life, as seen by the work she did for FWS and privately. Silent Spring planted key new ideas in the public consciousness, such as the fact that spraying pesticides to control insect populations might also harm birds that feed on dead or dying insects. These pollutants move through food chains as well as the environment. These were relatively new perspectives, the most important of which was the idea that life is far more interrelated and interdependent than people assumed or understood.

Since the publication of Silent Spring, the field of chemistry has expanded to include green chemistry—the design, development, and implementation of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of substances harmful to human health and the environment—as well as a new role for chemists in investigating the impact of human activity on the environment. New technologies' trade-offs are increasingly recognized and weighed by scientists, policymakers, and the general public. Carson's values of ecological awareness, environmental protection, and conservation have been embraced by several generations. Carson, who died in 1964, ushered in a new way of thinking in which humans is seen as a component of nature rather than the center of the universe. Silent Spring's legacy carries on in the scientific community's greater focus on environmentally friendly techniques and the public's growing support for sustainability in many aspects of our life today.


Answering so the other person gets brainliest cause they deserve it.

Which excerpt from "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" contains an example of a simile?
O After a few minutes there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops,
crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.
O "Fifteen, sixteen," the old woman said. The girl was nearly thirty but because of her innocence it was impossible to
O "I was raised thataway and there ain't a thing I can do about it. My old mother taught me how do."
O "That wouldn't hardly pay for more than the gas and the hotel," he said. "It wouldn't feed her."


The excerpt from "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" contains an example of a simile is;

After a few minutes there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.

What is a Simile?

A simile is a figure of speech which directly compares two things. Similes differ from other metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using comparison words which include; "like", "as", "so", or "than", while other metaphors create an implicit comparison.

The simile in the excerpt is; a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.

Read more on simile;

pa help po plssss tulungan niyo po aq​




1. B force.

2. C friction

3.  D sandy floor.

4. B opposite.

5.  B

hope dis helps.

but i'm not sure about 3 and 5                  

Part a

what can be inferred about shakespeare's "sonnet xii"?

it is winter

it is autumn.

it is summer.

it is spring.

part b

which line from the sonnet best supports the answer to part a?

"when i do count the clock that tells me the time,"

"when lofty trees i see barren of leaves"

"that thou among the waste of time must go,"

"and die as fast as they see others grow,"



Hello brinaly sir How are you doing

Wanda is eating break fast. which a reasonable time for wanda to be eating?


A reasonable time would be 7:00-9 am.
8 to 10 am is a reasonable Time she should be eating at

Help Needed!!
So, I need a topic for English 9B: Prewriting: Forming Research Questions essay.
I am not asking you to do an entire 500-word essay. I am asking you to give me ideas.



You could do it on Animals, What's wrong with the World, War, COV!D (If you wanted to) What your favorite place in the world is and why, you could do it on modern thinking and if you agreed on it.


A __________ is the originator of the messages expressed.





A, C and D dont make sense

As ken went up the path to the childrens group home,he dragged his feet,clinched his fist, and made faces. Everything about his (1)________announced,"You can make me come here, but you can't make me like it." Ken was 11, and he had been relegated to a group home by the court because there seemed to be no other recourse- his mother was an alchoholic, and his father abandoned him. Ken reacted with rancor. His attitude toward the other children was (2)______;he started fights over the smallest matters. His antipathy toward the home was equally obvious. When he was asked, "How are you getting on?'' he would respond with a terse (3)______:"This place sticks." And his attitude toward his schoolwork and his assigned chores was (4)_______; he was so casual about his responsibilities that he was often scolded for being (5)______.
One day, though,something happened that bolstered Ken's spirits. A small,quiet boy was being teased by some older kids,while others stood by watching, doing nothing to help. Risking a(n) (6)__________action, ken stood up for the child. When the younger boy thanked him, Ken was (7)___________, saying, "It's okay. It was nothing." After that incident, Ken started to (8)__________more and more into the life of the home. As his anger (9)________(e)d, his (10)_______ friendliness began to appear, and he became more gregarious.
Naturally, Ken did not go through a complete metamorphosis. He still got into fights now and then. But he had changed enough to become a happy and well-liked member of the group home

which word goes with the blank


As ken went up the path to the childrens group home, he dragged his feet, clinched his fist, and made faces. Everything about his (1)Demeanor announced," You can make me come here, but you can't make me like it." Ken was 11, and he had been relegated to a group home by the court because there seemed to be no other recourse- his mother was an alcoholic, and his father abandoned him. Ken reacted with rancor. His attitude toward the other children was (2)Belligerent ;he started fights over the smallest matters. His antipathy toward the home was equally obvious. When he was asked, "How are you getting on?'' he would respond with a terse (3)Denunciation :"This place sticks." And his attitude toward his schoolwork and his assigned chores was (4)Indolent ; he was so casual about his responsibilities that he was often scolded for being (5)Nonchalant.

One day, though, something happened that bolstered Ken's spirits. A small, quiet boy was being teased by some older kids, while others stood by watching, doing nothing to help. Risking a(n) (6)Unilateral action, ken stood up for the child. When the younger boy thanked him, Ken was (7)Unassuming, saying, "It's okay. It was nothing." After that incident, Ken started to (8)Assimilate more and more into the life of the home. As his anger (9)Dissipated (e)d, his (10)Inherent friendliness began to appear, and he became more gregarious.

Naturally, Ken did not go through a complete metamorphosis. He still got into fights now and then. But he had changed enough to become a happy and well-liked member of the group home.

The word that goes in the first blank is "inherent." This is because Ken's entire demeanor seemed to reflect his attitude towards being in the group home.

He was dragging his feet, clenching his fists, and making faces, all of which suggested that he did not want to be there.

This was not just a passing mood or reaction; it seemed to be a part of who he was.
The second blank should be filled with "belligerent." Ken's attitude towards the other children in the group home was aggressive and confrontational.

He would start fights over small things, suggesting that he was looking for any excuse to express his anger and frustration.
The third blank should be filled with "demeanor."

When Ken was asked how he was doing, his response was terse and negative. This suggested that his overall demeanor towards the group home and the people in it was not positive.
The fourth blank should be filled with "nonchalant."

Ken's attitude towards his schoolwork and assigned chores was casual and indifferent. He did not seem to take his responsibilities seriously, which often led to him being scolded.
The fifth blank should be filled with "indolent." Ken's lack of effort and care towards his responsibilities suggests that he was lazy and unmotivated.
The sixth blank should be filled with "unilateral."

Ken's decision to stand up for the younger boy who was being teased was a unilateral action, meaning he acted alone without consulting anyone else.
The seventh blank should be filled with "unassuming."

When the younger boy thanked him for standing up for him, Ken's response was humble and unassuming.
The eighth blank should be filled with "assimilate."

After the incident with the younger boy, Ken started to become more involved in the life of the group home, suggesting that he was starting to assimilate into the group.
The ninth blank should be filled with "dissipated." Ken's anger and hostility seemed to dissipate over time as he became more involved in the group home.
The tenth blank should be filled with "unassuming."

Ken became more friendly and gregarious as he assimilated into the group, but he remained unassuming and humble.

He still got into fights now and then, suggesting that he was not completely transformed, but he had changed enough to become a happy and well-liked member of the group home.

For more such questions on Ken


Adriane developed a research question on the topic of censorship, and she needs to revise it. Adriane’s research question: What leads to books being censored? Available information: The decision to censor particular books is often tied to current political or social debates. Which revised research question is most likely to help Adriane gather relevant information? Why do political and social debates affect which books might become censored? What do students think about political leaders who engage in censorship? How are students affected by politically motivated censorship? How do reasons for censorship change based on the politics of a given time period?



Topic:  The decision to censor particular books is often tied to current political or social debates.  

1. People are social media addicts.  The internet is usually either plainly seen as republican or democratic views and they are expressed to you in a manner that you could actually believe what they are writing about.  They attempt to reach into your own morals and values and convince you that you need to read a certain book - or that a book has things in it that would not be appropriate for you and your beliefs.

Hopefully, the students have a teacher, as myself, that will encourage them to read all the banned books that they can get their hands on.  Even though most of all literature is somewhere on the web, I encourage you to purchase the banned books.  Politically motivated censorship is usually someone trying to please the people.  Give them what they want; in reality we do not want books to be banned.  It is simple really, if you do not want to read it, then do not read it.  Whatever is going on in the news, is usually somewhere in history and written about already.  History repeats itself and it is evident that there are people that want to control what you think and what you say.  They want to control people.  There is no government for the people by the people any longer, if they continue to ban books.  If we allow them to continue to ban books, this will trickle slowly into other areas of our lives.  They start slow, and then they get into the media to try to sway people to believe a certain way.  


Books - the ones you still can hold in your hand and read - will continue to disappear.  People will try to control what you think, eat, believe and attempt to change your value system and your morals.  

Fake news?  possibly, but in reality, no on should ban books.

If you have not READ (not watched) Fahrenheit 451, I encourage you to do so.  Read the book.  If you choose to watch the movie, wait until you have read the book.


Answer: D How do reasons for censorship change based on the politics of a given time period?



Brainliest if correct



The second option.


The third and last option are both benifits, so you can eliminate them. THe first one is a way to help people of they can not buy it all at once, so the second one would be correct.

Read the following text from a student essay. How can the writer best improve his or her word choice?
If I could invent something, I would create a really nice bicycle. My bike would have a good seat and great tires so that I could ride it anywhere. It would also have a bell and special pockets for carrying things. A special top would be wonderful, so I could ride it in the rain but also enjoy the sun. I would choose a fun color to reflect my personality. Inventing a new bike would be cool.



maybe a little more describing on the details of the bike

Which viewpoint does Faulkner convey in the excerpt?

A). He thinks that most writers write stories that have

nothing important to say and will be forgotten

B). He thinks that writers who are fearful are cursed and

will not achieve success in their careers,

C). He is weary of reading stories that are poorly written

and that have no conflict to overcome,

D). He believes that writers must overcome their fears

and write from the heart about global human truths


Answer: D) He believes that writers must overcome their fears

and write from the heart about global human truths


"He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed—love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or compassion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.""

The viewpoint Faulkner covey in the excerpt is he believes that writers must overcome their fears and write from the heart about global human truths.

Who was William Faulkner?

William Faulkner was an American writer, who got a Nobel Prize in literature.

He is considered as the greatest writer of southern America.

His best works are sound in the furry, light in August, etc.

He was famous for his short stories.

Thus, the correct option is D.

Learn more about William Faulkner

I know you are super busy but can you please help me with the math homework today you are so good at math and i am really having trouble plus if you help me today i will help you with you book report next week also my mom made these totally yummy cookies today and we can have some while we are working


I know you are super busy, but can you please help me with the math homework today? You are so good at math and I am really having trouble. Plus, if you help me today, I will help you with your book report next week. Also, my mom made these totally yummy cookies today and we can have some while we are working.

Which option best describes the relationship between the two ideas below?
Aaron Rodgers has an impressive collection of rare
Superman comic books. His collection was featured
in the local paper.


Brief descriptions of each Registry title can be found here, and expanded essays are available for select titles. The authors of these essays are experts in film history, and their works appear in books, newspapers, magazines and online. Some of these essays originated in other publications and are reprinted here by permission of the author. Other essays have been written specifically for this website. The views expressed in these essays are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Library of Congress.

hello guys

Directions: rewrite the following sentences observing parallelism.

1.) every morning, we make our bed, eating breakfast and feed the dog.

2.) either she likes to see him or doesn't like seeing him.

3.) Lucia likes to ski, to swim and jump ropes.

4.) my parents saids to get a good education and not settle for less.

5.) She writes a letter and mailed it to the school.

Thank you guys ​



1) Every morning, we make our bed, eat breakfast and feed the dog.

2) Either she likes to see him or she doesn't like to see him.

3) Lucia likes to ski, to swim and to jump rope.

4) My parents said get a good education and do not settle for less.

5) She wrote a letter and mailed it to the school.

Based on what you've read in the textbook about intelligence and the intelligence quotient, what are the pros and cons of the IQ test? Do you think it should be used in schools? Should it be used by businesses to evaluate potential employees? Explain.

Your initial post should be at least 100 words in length


Pros: quantify intelligence in order to determine students' weaknesses + address them effectively, identify students with learning disorders

Cons: inaccurate + culturaly biased towards white people, reliant on school smarts, nonrepresentative of creativity

Your answer for the last two questions relies on your own opinion

Describe a party in full swing, and then what the place is like when all the visitors have gone home


Answer:It was cool, everyone was dancing and having fun, no one thought that a huge crane would soon fall on them, which was building a neighboring house, but after the party no one was hurt, although the place where they danced was like garbage




The room is warm and filled with smiles. People are dancing, swaying, laughing, and eating their hearts away. Everyone's voices clash with each other and the music is far too loud but no one seems to care. Drinks of punch quench a dancer's thirst and and the dim lights and disco ball make everyone energetic.

At the end of the night when the last guest has departed things quiet down and reality hits. The music is gone, and a huge headache is in its place. Disgarded plates and cups are everywhere. Someone's shoes were left behind and the disco ball is annoyance. The food is picked apart and melted and the energy is long gone.


the relationship between clothing styles and developments in clothing creation


Over the past century, different clothing styles and techniques of designing clothes have emerged and have helped shape the way society views clothing. In the past, there were not many options as to which clothes to wear because of the lack of efficiency when developing them. Up until the Civil War era, many people were stuck having to wear clothes that didn't fit because custom made clothes were only accessible to the wealthy. Tailoring and ready-made clothing has changed the way society perceives clothing and has shined light upon new opportunities for people to express themselves at an affordable price. These new ways of developing and sizing clothing are drastically changing for the better and are the beginning of something much bigger.


Hope this helps

Does Mobile Phone Usage Increase the Risk of Traffic Accidents?
by Donald Statham, Susie Smith, Elliot Penderghast, and Felicia Jones

Note: This study is part of a wider investigation conducted by Norton College psychologists. The results of this wider investigation were published in the November 2001 issue of Psychosocial Behavior Today.

The use of mobile phones has risen dramatically over the past five years. As of July 1, 2001, more than 112 million people subscribe to mobile phone service in the United States alone. The increase in the number of mobile phone subscribers has mirrored the rise in the number of roadway accidents caused by drivers talking on mobile phones. Estimates suggest that mobile phone users spend as much as 60% of their total talk time while on the road.
The complete effects of mobile phone use on roadway safety are unknown, but state legislatures have made several attempts to restrict mobile phone use on the road. In these instances, the legislation assumes that any interference to safety from mobile phones use is due to secondary factors, such as dialing, or holding the phone while speaking. We conducted our research in an attempt to evaluate the validity of this assumption.
Existing research demonstrates the handling of equipment, such as dialing the phone, answering the phone, etc., increases the risk of accident. However, this research does not elaborate on the effects that mobile phone conversation has on driving. One study finds that conversation does not hinder the ability to maintain road position or to respond quickly to hazards. Prior studies have discovered that tasks like mental arithmetic, memory tasks, and reasoning tasks produce negative effects on simulated driving.
Select the correct answer.
Lennox is doing Internet research for a paper about cell phone use while driving. Lennox wants to prove that driving while using a cell phone is dangerous. He finds this article from the National Traffic Safety group at

Why should Lennox not cite this source in his assignment?

It has too many authors attached to the research.
It gives statistics about how many people use cell phones.
It was written in 2001, and that makes the research dated.
It does not have information that supports Lennox's argument.


Lennox should refrain from citing the source of the article from the National Traffic Safety group at due to its outdated nature. The article was written in 2001 and lacks relevant information that would support Lennox's argument. Consequently, option C, which states that the research is dated, is the appropriate choice.

Lennox should not cite the source of the article from the National Traffic Safety group at because the research is dated. The article was written in 2001, and it does not have information that supports Lennox's argument. Therefore, the correct option is C. It was written in 2001, and that makes the research dated.

This passage discusses the study conducted by Norton College psychologists about the correlation between mobile phone usage and traffic accidents. The researchers aimed to evaluate whether mobile phone conversations while driving can cause accidents. The study also reveals that although the complete effects of mobile phone use on roadway safety are unknown, mobile phone users spend as much as 60% of their total talk time while on the road.

Additionally, existing research demonstrates that handling equipment like dialing the phone or answering the phone increases the risk of accident. However, this research does not elaborate on the effects that mobile phone conversation has on driving. Lastly, Lennox should not cite the National Traffic Safety group's article because the research is dated.

For more such questions on Lennox, click on:


Thomas More wrote Utopia during a period of

political stability and religious unity.
mutual tolerance and social diversity.
improvement in health and medical treatments.
increased prosperity and a growing middle class.



The correct answer is D


Thomas More wrote Utopia in the year 1516 just before the commencement of the period which was characterized by a growing middle class and growing economic stability.

Answer: Increased prosperity and a growing middle class


pass dat test

Based on the details from the first paragraph of the story, the reader can tell that Mrs Johns


Answer: that Mrs. Johns can what


How do you translate the Spanish word "también" to English?


'También' in English means also.

You can translate more Spanish words into English using translation apps.

Tambiã©n' is  translate in  english means moreover you can make an interpretation of additional Spanish words into English utilizing translation applications.

What do you mean by Translation?

Translation is the correspondence of the importance of a source-language text through an identical objective language text.

The meaning of a translation is an understanding starting with one language or circumstance then onto the next. An illustration of a translation is "bueno" signifying "great" in Spanish.

An illustration of a translation is telling a parent the significance behind their youngster's look.

For more information about translation, refer the following link:


Select the correct answer.
What is one quality of a strong research question?
The question can be answered with "yes" or "no."
The question explores various sides of an issue.
O C.
The question provides specific details.
The question is written in paragraph form.
O E. The question is not open to debate.



I think the answer is B.


A strong research question

What do you think were the biggest issues (at least 2) in our country in 1920? (Research if you need to do so).
How does that compare to what you think are the biggest issues today? Explain



The articles of confederation was very uneffective. The biggest issue was that the government was unable to enforce the laws. Citizens were afraid of having a government that was too powerful so instead they creates one that lacked any power. The articles of confederation allowed the government to make laws but wothout being able to enforce them it might as well not have made any.


Do you think it’s important to pursue a career based on how much it pays?



I would say no, I mean, of course, the majority would want to have a job that has a high income, etc ( Doctor). It's also important to pursue a career that you would prefer or want to be in. For example, if you are experienced in coding or computer science you can be a video game designer. Just because you want a job that gives a higher income can cause stress if you absolutely hate it. In the end, you should always pursue your want than needs.


No, I do not believe it is important to pursue a career based on its pay. You should not pursue a career based on how much it pays because you want to choose a career that you want to work at and put your effort into. If you work at a job you dislike, you will become depressed, isolated, experience mood swings, and so on. Yes, you want a job that pays well, but you also want a job that you feel comfortable with and enjoy working at or you’ll just become miserable.

pls i will give brainliest a hacker keep commenting Which sentence uses parenthesis correctly?

Mikhal finally responded (after taking several minutes to think) that he needed the question repeated.

Mikhal (finally responded after taking several minutes to think) that he needed the question repeated.

Mikhal finally responded after taking several (minutes to think) that he needed the question repeated.

Mikhal finally responded after taking several minutes to think (that he needed) the question repeated.



The first one.


its a


Give an account of between two boys in your class. fight that you saw​



OK so there was a white kid and a black kid and they both got into a fight in the boys bathroom i say the fight video so the black kid picks up the white dude and body slams him to the ground and they were punching each other then the police walked in grabbed them put them in handcuffs


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