how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism


Answer 1

The Mongols' favorable attitude of artists was advantageous to them, because it ultimately promoted cross-cultural interaction and international communication. The Mongols sent craftsmen to their territories in China and Persia from every country in the known world.

What part did the Mongol Empire play in the enlargement of the economic and cultural spheres of the Eurasian continent?

The Mongol empire increased trade outside of A-fro-Eur-asia because officials actively encouraged traders and the growth of trade and commerce within their own borders. Because they recognized how essential trade was to the health of their economy and realm, the Mongols actively promoted it.

What effect on trade and the diffusion of culture did the Mongol Empire have?

The Mongol influence improved both trade and communication along the Silk Road by creating a postal relay system. The Mongols helped the Silk Road's culture grow by encouraging religious tolerance.

Learn more about The Mongol empire:


Related Questions

Pro-imperial arguements
natural resources, new ____
included a need for
to sell, and spreading


Natural resources, the new economic democracy, and the need to sell were among the pro-imperial arguments.

What exactly is pro-imperialist?

The following arguments were used by Americans who supported expansion and imperialism—controlling another group of people, typically without their consent. At first, they thought that conquering places like Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines would have economic advantages and opportunities.

The introduction of new modes of transportation like the air, road, and rail A new way of life, religion, and language were introduced. The radicals nations acquired modest, productive labor force. As a result of improved farming practices, more food was produced. Imperialism is never seen as having a positive effect. It may appear to have a positive effect at first, but in the long run, as was the case here, it was a negative one.

To learn more about economic visit :


Complete question -

Pro-imperial arguments natural resources, new ____ democracy included a need for to sell, and spreading .

what does douglass mean when he says “the penalty of telling the truth”




When Frederick Douglass says "the penalty of telling the truth" he is referring to the punishment or consequences that he and other abolitionists faced for speaking out against slavery and advocating for the freedom of enslaved people.

During Douglass's time, speaking out against slavery was a dangerous act, as it challenged the social, economic, and political systems that relied on the exploitation and oppression of Black people. By speaking the truth about the horrors of slavery and the need for its abolition, Douglass and other abolitionists were challenging the status quo and threatening the power and interests of those who benefitted from slavery.

Douglass himself faced numerous penalties for telling the truth about slavery. He was beaten, imprisoned, and threatened with violence and death. He was also subject to harassment, censorship, and defamation by those who opposed his views. Despite these penalties, Douglass continued to speak out against slavery and advocate for the rights and freedoms of Black people, believing that it was his duty, to tell the truth and fight for justice.

In short, the "penalty of telling the truth" refers to the risks and consequences that come with speaking out against social injustice, particularly when doing so challenges the interests and power of those in positions of authority.

Anyone!!What are three advantages and disadvantages of “reasoning from race” by mayeri? And how “reason from race”approach can be controversial?


The "reasoning from race" approach can have advantages such as addressing historical racism, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and challenging the myth of a color-blind society.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

However, it also has disadvantages such as potential reverse discrimination, perpetuating stereotypes, and raising ethical and legal questions.

The approach can be controversial as it challenges traditional notions of meritocracy and equal opportunity, and raises questions about the role of race in society. It can be difficult to determine when and how race should be considered in decision-making, and some argue that other factors such as socioeconomic status or education may be more relevant.

The approach can also promote identity politics and perpetuate racial divisions.

To know more about Stereotype visit:


after removing the african americans from the georgia assembly how did other states view georgia

A: Negatively
B :positive
C: they did not care
D: all of the above


Answer: A


After removing the African Americans from the Georgia assembly, other states viewed Georgia negatively. Therefore, the correct answer is A: Negatively.

in which of the following areas did the united states make the greatest contribution among all of its allies?


Industrial production

Stalims five year plan was successful in transforming agriculture and industry in the soviet union between 1928 and 1941. elucidate on how it helped increase production ​


Initiating rapid and widespread industrialisation from across Soviet Socialist Republics Union was the goal of the first five-year plan.

To what extent did Stalin's five-year plan succeed in changing Soviet agriculture and industry?

In approximately four months and three years, the industry's first five-year plan was formally fulfilled to a degree of 93.7%. Heavy industry's production methods went over the allotted amount by 103.4%. The industry for light goods, or consumer goods, attained up to 84.9% of the its designated quota. Harry Byers' first trip to the Soviet Union took place during the second year of the plan, which started on October 1st, 1928.

To know more about Soviet Union visit:


According to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the States' Doctrine of the
Constitution gave states the authority to do what?


States have the right to nullify/cancel federal acts or laws that violated the Constitution.



Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were prominent proponents of the States' Doctrine, which held that the states had significant authority under the Constitution. According to their interpretation of the Constitution, the States' Doctrine gave states the authority to do the following:

Nullify federal laws: The States' Doctrine held that states had the power to nullify federal laws that they deemed unconstitutional. This meant that states could refuse to enforce federal laws that they believed violated the Constitution.

Interpose state authority: The doctrine also allowed states to interpose their authority between the federal government and their citizens. This meant that states could act as a check on federal power, by intervening to protect their citizens from federal overreach.

Secede from the Union: Jefferson and Madison also believed that states had the right to secede from the Union if they believed that the federal government was overstepping its constitutional bounds. They argued that the Constitution was a compact between the states and that if the federal government violated that compact, states had the right to withdraw from it.

It's worth noting, however, that the idea of nullification and secession was a controversial one, and not all Founding Fathers shared Jefferson and Madison's views. The issue of states' rights would become a major source of tension in the decades leading up to the Civil War, with many southern states invoking the States' Doctrine to justify their secession from the Union. Ultimately, however, the doctrine was rejected by the federal government, which maintained that the Constitution established a strong and centralized national government.

what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the war production board ?




The War Production Board (WPB) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to oversee the production of war materials and ensure that the military had the resources it needed. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the War Production Board:

Social outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in coordinating the country's war efforts and promoting national unity, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in managing the wartime economy and allocating resources, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime production and the role of government in managing the economy. Some may have questioned the efficiency of the government's wartime mobilization efforts, while others may have considered the challenges of transitioning from a wartime to a peacetime economy.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American culture during the war, as many aspects of daily life were affected by the country's war efforts. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The end of the War Production Board had significant economic consequences, as the country shifted from a wartime to a peacetime economy. The agency had overseen the production and allocation of war materials, and its dissolution may have had an impact on industries that had relied on government contracts during the war. Additionally, the country experienced a postwar recession as demand for war materials decreased and soldiers returned to the workforce.

Why did the United States try to stay out of World War I at first?


Put simply the United States did not concern itself with events and alliances in Europe and thus stayed out of the war. Wilson was firmly opposed to war, and believed that the key aim was to ensure peace, not only for the United States but across the world.
Isolationism. Wanted to build their economy rather than burden it by spending money on war materials e.g, weaponry.

Look back at the dates when the nations achieved independence. When did most French colonies gain independence? When did most British colonies gain independence? What historic events do you think led to so many nations gaining independence over a short span of years?




Most French colonies gained independence between the 1950s and 1960s, with some exceptions such as Djibouti which gained independence in 1977. Some of the notable countries that gained independence during this period include Morocco (1956), Tunisia (1956), Senegal (1960), Ivory Coast (1960), Madagascar (1960), Cameroon (1960), Congo (1960), and Algeria (1962).

On the other hand, most British colonies gained independence between the 1940s and 1960s. Some of the notable countries that gained independence during this period include India (1947), Pakistan (1947), Sri Lanka (1948), Ghana (1957), Nigeria (1960), Kenya (1963), Malawi (1964), Zambia (1964), Gambia (1965), and Botswana (1966).

There were various historic events that led to many nations gaining independence over a short span of years. One significant factor was the rise of nationalism in many of these colonies, which led to mass protests and movements for independence. Additionally, World War II played a crucial role in weakening European colonial powers and hastening the decolonization process.

Furthermore, the emergence of the Cold War and the pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union to respect the right to self-determination also contributed to the independence of many colonies. The formation of the United Nations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also played a role in creating a global framework for decolonization and promoting the principle of self-determination.

Most French colonies achieved independence between the 1950s and 1960s, while most former British colonies achieved independence between the 1940s and the 1960s. This was due to historical occurrences and the growth of nationalism.

How British colonies got independence?

Over a short period of time, numerous nations gained their independence as a result of various historical events. The growth of nationalism in many of these colonies, which sparked widespread unrest and independence movements, was one important element. Furthermore, the decolonization process was accelerated as European colonial powers were significantly weakened as a result of World War II.

Additionally, the start of the Cold War and the pressure from the US and the USSR to respect the right to self-determination helped many colonies gain their independence. A worldwide framework for decolonization and the promotion of the idea of self-determination was established with the creation of the United Nations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Learn more about independence of British colonies here:


PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which of the following are examples of reforms during the rule of Kublai Khan?

Merchant class laws and extensive new roads
Religious tolerance and increased literacy
Paper money and a Mongol alphabet
Iron plow and farming education



B. Religious Tolerance and increased literarcy


ok don't rely on my answer i might not be 100% right

12. Which statement is accurate about the Hunley?
A Crew members could stand inside the Hunley easily.
B. The Hunley sunk two times.
C. The Hunley was the first submarine to sink another ship.
The Hunley sunk three ships throughout the Civil War.


The statement that is accurate about the Hunley is C. The Hunley was the first submarine to sink another ship.

About hunley -

During the American Civil War, the CSS Hunley was a submarine built in the Confederate States of America. It was constructed during 1863 and 1864 by a team of engineers led by Horace Lawson Hunley. The Hunley is known for being the first submarine to successfully sink an enemy warship, the USS Housatonic, on February 17, 1864, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. The Hunley also sank twice before the successful attack on the Housatonic, claiming the lives of all crew members on both occasions.

To know more about hunley -


need help with these 3 questions please

(Q005) Explain how the drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political or philosophical purposes.

What did he hope to accomplish by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory (there are several possible answers).

Why send Lewis and Clark in the first place?


We can see that Documents 1 and 2 refer to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. The purpose of the expedition was to explore and document the newly acquired territory of Louisiana, which had been purchased from France in the Louisiana Purchase.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Jefferson was a president, diplomat, an architect, a musician, and a philosopher. He was a strong advocate of individual rights and limited government, and he is often regarded as one of the most important figures in American history.

During his presidency, he oversaw the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, among other notable achievements.

Jefferson hoped to accomplish several goals by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory. One of his primary objectives was to establish American control over the Mississippi River and its tributaries, which would facilitate trade and commerce in the region.

Additionally, he hoped that the exploration of the territory would yield valuable information about the region's geography, natural resources, and potential for settlement and economic development.

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on the expedition because he believed that they were well-suited for the task. Lewis had served as Jefferson's private secretary and was a skilled outdoorsman and naturalist, while Clark was an experienced soldier and frontiersman.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson on


How did Reagan try to make the government smaller? Check all that apply.

He cut funding for drug programs and federal drug-control agencies.
He eliminated government programs to address money mismanagement.
He decreased spending on nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles.
He proposed cutting funding to certain government agencies and groups.
He reduced government regulations on business.



These actions suggest a political agenda that prioritizes reducing the size and role of government in various areas. The cut in funding for drug programs and federal drug-control agencies could be seen as a prioritization of reducing government spending over addressing drug-related issues. The elimination of government programs to address money mismanagement could be seen as an effort to reduce government intervention in the private sector. The decrease in spending on nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles could be seen as a move towards reducing military spending. The proposed cuts to certain government agencies and groups suggest a belief that certain areas of government are not necessary or are redundant. The reduction of government regulations on business could be seen as a prioritization of reducing government interference in the economy, potentially to stimulate economic growth.

Dysfunctions in the alliance holding the Greek city states together we’re many but it was the fast rise and imperial ambitions of____ that worried ____ to the point of going to war to defend their independence


Dysfunctions in the alliance holding the Greek city-states together were many, but it was the fast rise and imperial ambitions of Athens that worried Sparta to the point of going to war to defend their independence.

Why did Sparta go to War with Athens ?

The Peloponnesian War was a long and protracted conflict between the two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta, which lasted from 431 BCE to 404 BCE.

The war was primarily fought over control of the Greek world and the balance of power between Athens and Sparta. While there were many factors that contributed to the outbreak of war, including economic competition, political rivalry, and cultural differences, the main concern for Sparta was the growing power and influence of Athens, particularly its imperial ambitions and its perceived threat to the independence of other Greek city-states.

Find out more on the Peloponnesian War at


FILL IN THE BLANK jefferson and the republicans worked to reverse the trend whereby ____ had nearly tripled between 1793 and 1800.






Help please and thank you


Answer: Pythagoras Samos


the documents above best illustrate which of the following widespread attitudes about the responsibility of europeans under imperialism?


The correct option is B. Ruling the less civilized nations. Europeans believed it was their responsibility to rule over and civilize less developed nations by asserting their superiority and gaining respect from the natives.

The document above BEST illustrates the widespread attitude that Europeans have a responsibility to rule over and civilize less advanced nations under imperialism. This is demonstrated through Lugard's emphasis on the need for Europeans to assert their superiority and gain the respect of the African people through their accomplishments and mode of life. Lugard also suggests that the African people are like "late-born children" who must be schooled in the discipline of the nursery, implying that Europeans have a duty to educate and civilize them. Therefore, the answer is b. Ruling the less civilized nations.

Learn more about imperialism here:


The missing document:

F.D. Lugard, 1893

The essential point in dealing with Africans is to establish a respect for the European. Upon this--- the prestige of the white man---depends his influence, often his very existence, in Africa. If he shows by his surroundings, by his assumption of superiority, that he is far above the native, he will be respected, and his influence will be proportionate to the superiority he assumes and bears out by his higher accomplishments and mode of life...

The whole influence of the European in Africa is gained by this assertion of a superiority which commands the respect and excites the emulation of the savage. To forego this vantage ground is to lose influence for good... He must at all times assert himself, and repel an insolent familiarity, which is a thing entirely apart from friendship born of respect and affection. His dwelling house should be as superior to those of the natives as he is himself superior to them...

I am convinced that the indiscriminate application of such precepts as those contained in the words to turn the other cheek also to the smiter, and to be the servant of all men, is to wholly misunderstand and misapply the teaching of Christ. The African holds the position of a late-born child in the family of nations, and must as yet be schooled in the discipline of the nursery.

Lugard, F. D. "Internet History Sourcebooks." The Rise of Our East African Empire. Edinburgh, 1893. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.

Complete question:

The document  above BEST illustrates which of the following widespread attitudes about the responsibility of Europeans under imperialism?

a. Raising the children of native peoples

b. Ruling the less civilized nations

c. Studying the specimens of other races

d. Caring for the world’s less fortunate

The first manufactured good to be produced by truly modern, industrial means was

a. cast iron.

b. the case clock.

c. cotton cloth.

d. the breech-loading rifle.

e. porcelain.


Cotton cloth was the first item to be manufactured   using genuinely contemporary, industrial techniques.

What was produced during the initial Industrial Revolution?

The steam engine, the spinning jenny, the cotton gin, and the telegraph are a few of the first Industrial Revolution's most significant technologies. The second Industrial Revolution that followed witnessed the development of the internal combustion engine, managed electricity, and the lightbulb.

What contemporary factory was the first during the Industrial Revolution?

Industry started to advance after the industrial revolution. The first factories were constructed in 1790, beginning with Samuel Slater's Slater Mill cotton-spinning facility in Rhode Island.

To know more about manufactured  visit:-


How did the formation of alliances affect countries before WWI?

Alliances were formed so countries could fight over resources.
Alliances brought more countries together to focus on extending trade.
Alliances were formed so partners could protect against larger foreign armies.
Alliances brought about a lengthy period of peace as groups focused on industrialization



Alliances we're formed so partners could protect against larger foreign armies


They served as a means of guarding or advancing national interests while acting as a deterrent to war. Having alliances with other powerful countries deterred your enemies from attacking you. If a country started a war with one nation it would have to fight all its allies as well.

If you succeed in understanding then kindly mark my answer the brainliest. Thank you :)

Why did the Scientific Revolution happen in the West and not another world civilization?



The Scientific Revolution happened in the West due to a combination of factors, including the development of new technologies, the encouragement of a questioning attitude towards established knowledge and beliefs, and increased access to higher education. In particular, the printing press allowed for the rapid dissemination of new ideas and accessible texts, while the rise of universities and academies allowed for the sharing of new knowledge and theories. The West also benefited from the influx of classical texts from the Islamic world and the Renaissance period, which provided the foundation for the development of new theories and scientific assumptions. Additionally, the West benefited from the emergence of nation-states, which provided the economic and political stability necessary for the growth of science and technology.

Match each person with something he or she did. Write a letter on each line.

6. Ivan the Terrible
7. Peter the Great
8. Empress Catherine II
9. Karl Marx
10. Nicholas II
11. Vladimir Lenin
12. Joseph Stalin

a. the German who wrote about his ideas
on communism

b. changed Russian government, became the
first czar of Russia

c. the "man of steel, " ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

d. opened a Russian "window to the West"

e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put
down peasant revolt

f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called
Father of the Revolution

g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave
up the throne



Ivan the Terrible - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltPeter the Great - d. opened a Russian "window to the West"Empress Catherine II - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltKarl Marx - a. the German who wrote about his ideas on communismNicholas II - g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave up the throneVladimir Lenin - f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called Father of the RevolutionJoseph Stalin - c. the "man of steel," ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

Describe Woodrow Wilson's attempt to keep the United States out of World War I by discussing the ways that President Wilson own actions undercut his desire to keep the country at peace?



One of Wilson's key strategies was to pursue a policy of neutrality, which meant that the United States would not take sides in the conflict and would remain neutral in its dealings with both the Allied and Central Powers. However, Wilson's own actions undercut this policy in several ways.

Firstly, Wilson issued a series of diplomatic statements that appeared to favor the Allied Powers. For example, in his address to Congress on April 2, 1917, Wilson urged the United States to enter the war on the side of the Allies, arguing that it was necessary to make the world "safe for democracy". This statement signaled to both sides that the United States was no longer a neutral party and would likely join the war effort.

Secondly, Wilson's decision to continue arming merchant ships carrying supplies to the Allies also undermined his policy of neutrality. This decision provoked a series of attacks by German submarines, including the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, which killed over 1,100 civilians, including 128 Americans. Although Wilson initially protested these attacks, he eventually authorized the arming of American merchant ships, which further escalated tensions with Germany.

Finally, Wilson's support for the Allied Powers also led him to implement a series of economic policies that favored the Allies over the Central Powers. For example, the United States extended credit to the Allies to purchase American goods, while at the same time imposing an embargo on trade with Germany. These policies further eroded Wilson's policy of neutrality and signaled to Germany that the United States was aligned with the Allies.

In conclusion, while Woodrow Wilson attempted to keep the United States out of World War I through a policy of neutrality, his own actions, including his public statements, military decisions, and economic policies, ultimately undercut this effort and contributed to the United States' eventual entry into the war.


There is a little something to get you started.

At the beginning of the civil war Abraham Lincoln viewed it as a war about blank?


Answer: Preserving the union


I have learned this in school

Ideas of the enlightenment were very popular with people who desired what?


The enlightment was popular because it gave people freedom and rights, which is what people desired.

According to the graph, which statements about Florida’s population are true? Check all that apply. The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline. Fewer retirement-age people live in Florida than in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida in the 45–54 age range is the same as in other states.


Answer: Based on the graph, the following statements about Florida's population are true:

The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline.

The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

Therefore, the correct options are:

The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline.

The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States.



A,C and D



God The midwives refused to kill Hebrew babies. One
midwife was named



The reference here is to the story in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. The midwives who refused to kill Hebrew babies were named Shiphrah and Puah. In the story, the Pharaoh of Egypt orders the Hebrew midwives to kill all male babies born to the Hebrews, but Shiphrah and Puah refuse to carry out the order, citing the fact that the Hebrew women give birth before they arrive to help. As a result, the Hebrew babies are saved and the midwives are rewarded by God for their courage and compassion.

Explain the events around the Boston tea party and how are the events related to taxes?



The Boston Tea Party was a demonstration by American colonists against Britain and is seen as the start of the American War of Independence. a shipment of tea was thrown into the sea on December 16, 1773, at Boston.

The Tea Act, which regulated the import of various goods into the city, including tea, to benefit the East India Company, was approved by Great Britain in 1773, which led to the colonists' boycott of purchasing tea from the Netherlands, sparking the rebellion of the settlers in the port of Boston (Massachusetts).


explain this asap

TITLE: Factors affecting high school students’ career preference: A basis for career planning program

Unemployment rate in the country is commonly associated with the misfit graduates produced by universities and colleges and the workforce needed by different companies. The wrong choice of course taken by most of high school students adds to the unemployment and underemployment rate of newly graduate students. With this the study determined the factors affecting the fourth year high school students’ career preference of University of Rizal System’Laboratory School in Morong Rizal. The relationship of the factors affecting students’ preference of course to their career preference, Brainard’s Occupational Preference Inventory (BOPI) results, academic achievement and their elective grades were considered. Frequency, percentage and chi-square were used as statistical treatments. The findings revealed that the availability of work after college is the first consideration of students in choosing a course in college. Most of the students prefer to take scientific related field courses, or the “popular courses” for Filipinos. The least preferred course are in the Agricultural field. The BOPI results showed that most of the student-respondents are suited to take professional courses. Students’ preferred course is related to their BOPI result as well as to their father’s occupation. Other factors such as mother’s occupation, monthly family income, students’ sibling position and students’ third year general average grades are not related to the students’ preferred course in college to their BOPI results. BOPI results are significantly related to the students’ elective course grades.​



The article discusses a study on the factors affecting the career preferences of fourth year high school students at the University of Rizal System's Laboratory School in Morong Rizal. The study aimed to identify the factors that influence students' choice of college courses and career paths. The study used statistical treatments such as frequency, percentage, and chi-square to analyze the data collected from the students.

The study found that the availability of work after college is the top consideration for students when choosing a course in college. Students tend to choose popular courses related to scientific fields, while agricultural courses are the least preferred. The study also found that students' preferred courses are related to their Brainard's Occupational Preference Inventory (BOPI) results and their father's occupation.

Interestingly, the study found that factors such as mother's occupation, monthly family income, and students' third year general average grades are not related to students' preferred course in college and their BOPI results. However, the BOPI results are significantly related to the students' elective course grades.

Overall, the study provides insight into the factors that influence high school students' career preferences and can serve as a basis for developing career planning programs.

which of the following represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s?


The following represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s: Equal Rights The social and moral aspects of the issue of women’s suffrage were also considered.

They held that it was right that women should have an equal political status with men since they were essentially equal before the law. Women’s natural rights as citizens necessitated that they must be allowed to vote. Voting rights would give women a chance to voice their opinions on issues that affected them, their children, and the community at large.

Many reformers were of the opinion that suffrage would allow women to more efficiently fight for social improvements, specifically for the poor and the working class. Suffrage would help raise the moral standards of society, especially in areas such as education, temperance, and public health.

In brief, women's suffrage supporters believed that it was their moral duty to work towards social reform, and that enfranchisement was a way to achieve it.

For such more question on women's suffrage:


What represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

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