how did Dr. Neubauer and the louise Wise Services adoption agency manage to pull off the study


Answer 1

Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency were able to pull off the study on twins by separating twins and maintaining confidentiality.

What did Dr. Neubauer do ?

Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency conducted a study on twins in the mid-twentieth century that aimed to investigate the relative influence of nature and nurture on personality development.

To carry out the study, Dr. Neubauer worked with Louise Wise Services, a prominent adoption agency in New York City that specialized in placing Jewish children with adoptive families. The agency helped to identify twins who were available for adoption and matched them with adoptive families that were similar in socioeconomic status, religion, and other factors.

Find out more on other studies on twins at


Related Questions

Please answer accordingly and I will give you brainliest and a 5 star rating.

According to this picture, what is the author’s main argument about the constitutional amendment. Please make specific references.



The author's main argument about the constitutional amendment is that amending the Constitution is the only way to address issues related to the Supreme Court's conservative opinions and administrative state overreach, but the current amendment process is too difficult due to the high level of Congressional inertness. The author suggests that if conservatives truly believe in limiting the administrative state, they should support an easier amendment process to starve the beast. The author references the trial and travails of the Equal Rights Amendment as an example of how difficult it is to amend the Constitution. The author also argues that instituting 18-year terms or guaranteeing every president two SCOTUS picks per term will not solve the problem with the Supreme Court, and only Congress or an amendment process that reflects the will of the electorate can truly address these issues.

HELP ME PLEASEEEEEE come up with 5 questions you have about interracial relationships from the Jim
Crow laws and answer those questions with at least 3 sentences each.
Please help, thank you


Interracial marriage is a marriage involving spouses who belong to exclusive races or racialized ethnicities.

Who was once the first interracial relationship?

Mildred and Richard Loving

At that time, 24 states throughout the united states had legal guidelines strictly prohibiting marriage between human beings of extraordinary races. Five weeks earlier, the longtime couple had realized Mildred was pregnant and determined to wed in defiance of the law.

What are the degrees of interracial relationships?

Foeman and Nance (1999) argue that the literature suggests four stages: (1) Racial Awareness, (2) Cop- ing, (3) Identity Emergence, and (4) Maintenance. Here, we strive to use the proper verbal exchange of interracial couples to explore each phase.

Learn more about  interracial here;


Which countries in the Western Hemisphere
are major destinations for


The United States, Mexico, Canada

Next, with your team members, add information that is similar or different from the Before Class
reading assignment and the OWI film. You may reference your Journal Entry 3.6 response if needed.
Ronald Takaki's "Japanese Americans: "A Tremendous Hole" in the Constitution" excerpts
Similarities to OWI film
Differences from OWI film


The similarities and the differences that exist in the Ronald Takaki reading and the OWI film are stated below.

What are the similarities and differences to OWI film?

Similarities to OWI film:

Both the Ronald Takaki reading and the OWI film discuss the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Both sources highlight the racism and discrimination faced by Japanese Americans during this time period.

They both mention the Executive Order 9066, which authorized the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans.

Both sources also touch on the impact that the internment had on Japanese American communities, including the loss of property, jobs, and personal freedoms.

Differences from OWI film:

The Ronald Takaki reading goes into more detail about the historical context of anti-Asian racism in the United States, tracing it back to the 19th century and the arrival of Chinese immigrants.

The reading also examines the legal framework behind the internment, specifically the Supreme Court case Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the constitutionality of the internment.

While the OWI film briefly mentions the resistance of some Japanese Americans to the internment, the Takaki reading provides more information on this topic, including the formation of the Fair Play Committee and the resistance at the Heart Mountain internment camp.

The reading also discusses the impact of the internment on the children of Japanese American families, who were often forced to attend segregated schools and faced discrimination even after the war.

learn more about Ronald Takaki reading:


name and date each country that joined ww1 In order


The majority joined on the side of the Allies, including Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy and the United States. They were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, who together formed the Central Powers.

What are the reasons of WW1?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the direct cause of World War I, bringing into play the alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism stated above. The Archduke was assassinated in June 1914 by a Serbian nationalist terrorist organization known as the Black Hand.

Germany has received responsibility for invading Belgium in August 1914 despite Britain's assurances that it would be protected. Nonetheless, historians have the idea that the decision was popular based on the public festivities that followed the British and French declaration of war, and politicians are known to follow popular opinion.

The three days leading up to July 28th, 1914, saw the Russian Empire progressively enlist in World War I. This started when Serbia, a Russian ally, was declared at war by Austria-Hungary.

Learn more about WW1:


Which statement is not true about the American settlers who moved into Texas?

1. They were mostly Protestant.
2. They were mostly Catholic.
3. They wanted Texas to become a slave state.
4. They violated Mexican laws.





Will give a 5 star rating and brainliest.

What does the three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and what is one way we can improve the constitution for that?


Found in the third amendment three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and we can improvise it by empowering the judicial branch with secondary executive.
The three-fifths compromise was a vital part of negotiations surrounding the constitution. Without this clause, it would have been hard to persuade southern states to ratify the document, making it less likely that a unified United States would have been created.


Given all that you've learned about this topic, please write an opinion paragraph covering which approach by the
presidents was most effective at helping end the Great Depression.



It is believed that the many different strategies used by FDR that were implemented so swiftly were the most successful. Though not everything went as planned, he steadied the banks and gave them government guarantees, which led to a rise in bank usage.

What is the approach of ending great depression?

Many of his New Deal initiatives concentrated on required infrastructure, which helped to re-establish employment while also benefiting the country.

Hoover's reactions, on the other hand, never appeared to go far enough to make a difference. Because individuals who had enough money to spend were still hesitant to do so, his tax cuts did not help to stimulate the economy.

In the end, the public lost faith in him to the point where it is unlikely he would have won the election, even if he had begun a number of more ambitious initiatives.

Thus, It is believed that the many different strategies used by FDR

I guess not 2 more question?


Issac newton my main man


Isaac Newton


This man is known for inventing the laws of gravity and died as a vi/rg/in.

What a nerd......

How did america justify going to war with mexico? With Evidence and Explanation.



The United States went to war with Mexico in 1846-1848, during the presidency of James K. Polk. The war was primarily fought over border disputes, specifically over whether Texas, which had recently been annexed by the United States, included the Rio Grande or the Nueces River as its southern boundary.

The United States government justified the war on a number of grounds. First, President Polk claimed that Mexico had "invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil" by crossing the Rio Grande and attacking American troops stationed in the disputed territory. This claim was disputed by some at the time, and many historians believe that the American troops were actually in territory claimed by Mexico.

Second, the United States government argued that Mexico had refused to negotiate a settlement to the border dispute, and had rejected a U.S. offer to purchase the disputed territory. This offer was made by Polk's envoy, John Slidell, who was sent to Mexico City in late 1845 to negotiate a settlement. When the Mexican government refused to receive Slidell, Polk used this as a pretext for war.

Third, some Americans believed in the idea of "manifest destiny," which held that the United States was destined to expand its territory and spread its influence throughout North America. The war with Mexico was seen by some as a way to fulfill this destiny.

Overall, the United States government justified the war with Mexico as a response to a Mexican invasion of American territory, as a way to settle a border dispute, and as a means of fulfilling America's manifest destiny. However, these justifications were controversial at the time, and many Americans and politicians opposed the war, arguing that it was unjust and aggressive.

1. what were the reasons for the emergence of a new form, modern dance, very early in the 20th century.


The emergence of modern dance can be attributed to a combination of various cultural and societal changes, including the search for new forms of artistic expression in response to industrialization and the growing influence of Eastern spirituality.

Other reasons -

Additionally, the ideas of some key modern dance pioneers, such as Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Martha Graham, paved the way for a new form of art that embraced movements of the body rather than relying on classical music and ballet-based steps.

Modern dance is often seen as a rejection or defiance of classical ballet, but historians suggest that socioeconomic changes in both America and Europe ushered in changes in the dance world. 

To know more about modern dances -


2. Why do you think Christianity is regarded as the most important of Roman legacies to Western civilization?​




Christianity is regarded as the most important of Roman legacies to Western civilization due to several reasons:

Influence on European Culture: The spread of Christianity across the Roman Empire and Europe had a profound impact on European culture, shaping art, architecture, literature, music, and philosophy. The Christian faith provided a common bond that united diverse cultures and peoples across the continent.

Development of the Western Worldview: The Christian worldview, with its emphasis on the value of the individual, equality, and the sanctity of life, has had a significant impact on the development of Western thought and values. Christian teachings on morality, ethics, and social justice have influenced Western legal systems, political institutions, and social structures.

Foundation of Education: The Christian church was instrumental in the development of education in Europe. Christian monasteries and universities were centres of learning that preserved and transmitted ancient knowledge and culture. The Christian emphasis on literacy and education contributed to the development of a highly educated and skilled workforce that fueled the growth of European economies.

Impact on Global History: Christianity has had a significant impact on global history, with missionaries spreading the faith to every corner of the world. The Christian faith has also inspired countless social and political movements, including the abolition of slavery, civil rights, and the fight against poverty and injustice.

Overall, the enduring legacy of Christianity in Western civilization is due to its influence on culture, worldview, education, and global history. It continues to shape and inspire individuals and societies around the world today.

When southern slaveholders looked at the map of 1854,
what would have caused them concern 




In 1854, the United States was embroiled in a heated debate over the issue of slavery, with tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces reaching a boiling point. One of the key events of this period was the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and allowed for the expansion of slavery into new territories.

For southern slaveholders, the map of 1854 would have caused concern for several reasons. Firstly, the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act meant that the territories of Kansas and Nebraska were now open to the possibility of slavery, which would have been seen as a major victory for pro-slavery forces. However, the act also sparked a fierce struggle between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in the newly opened territories, which threatened to spill over into other parts of the country.

Secondly, the map of 1854 would have highlighted the growing strength and influence of the anti-slavery movement in the United States, particularly in the northern states. This would have been seen as a major threat to the institution of slavery and the economic interests of southern slaveholders, who relied on slave labor to cultivate crops such as cotton and tobacco.

Finally, the map of 1854 would have highlighted the fact that the issue of slavery was becoming increasingly polarized and divisive, with tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces threatening to tear the country apart. This would have been a cause for concern for southern slaveholders, who feared that the growing anti-slavery sentiment in the North would eventually lead to the abolition of slavery and the loss of their economic and political power.

When the southern slaveholders looked at the map of 1854, what would have caused them concern was an increase in the number of free blacks in the area.

What happened to southern slaveholders in 1854?

In 1854, the United States was embroiled in a heated debate over the issue of slavery, with tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces reaching a boiling point. One of the key events of this period was the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and allowed for the expansion of slavery into new territories.

The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act meant that the territories of Kansas and Nebraska were now open to the possibility of slavery, which would have been seen as a major victory for pro-slavery forces. However, the act also sparked a fierce struggle between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in the newly opened territories, which threatened to spill over into other parts of the country.

Its highlighted the growing strength and influence of the anti-slavery movement in the United States, particularly in the northern states. This would have been seen as a major threat to the institution of slavery and the economic interests of southern slaveholders, who relied on slave labor to cultivate crops such as cotton and tobacco.

Read more about slaveholders


What is the Haritage ​



1. property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance

2. a special or individual possession; an allotted portion.


Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. Next time try to be more specific with your question.

the secret gentlemen's agreement that president theodore roosevelt worked out with the japanese in 1907-1908


The secret gentlemen's agreement that President Theodore Roosevelt worked out with the Japanese in 1907-1908 is known as the Root-Takahira Agreement.

The Root-Takahira Agreement was a secret agreement that was signed on November 30, 1908, between the United States and Japan. The agreement was signed by U.S. Secretary of State Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador to the United States Takahira Kogorō.

The agreement was signed to improve the relationship between the two countries by resolving territorial disputes in Asia and the Pacific. It also allowed the United States to recognize Japan's dominance in Korea, while Japan agreed to respect American interests in the Philippines and the Open Door Policy in China.

The Root-Takahira Agreement was a significant diplomatic accomplishment that helped to reduce tensions between the United States and Japan. However, the agreement was controversial, as it allowed Japan to expand its influence in Asia at the expense of other countries.

For more such questions on Root-Takahira Agreement, click on:


Why would doing without something you want make
you stronger?




Doing without something you want can make you stronger in several ways. First, it can help you develop discipline and self-control, which are essential qualities for achieving success in life. By resisting the temptation to indulge in immediate gratification, you learn to delay gratification and focus on your long-term goals.

Second, doing without something you want can help you appreciate what you have and become more grateful for the things you already possess. It can help you realize that material possessions and instant gratification are not the keys to happiness and fulfilment.

Third, doing without something you want can help you build resilience and perseverance. When you encounter setbacks or obstacles in life, you will be better equipped to handle them because you have already learned to cope with the disappointment of not getting what you want.

Overall, doing without something you want can help you become stronger and more self-reliant, as you learn to rely on your inner resources and find satisfaction in your own achievements rather than relying on external factors.

please help me with history i’ll give you brainlist

did germanys debt increase

germanys debt decreased

germanys debt stayed the same



Germany's debt increased from 1921 to 1924. According to the graph, Germany's debt to GDP ratio was 196% in 1921 and it increased to 258% in 1924. This was due to the burden of war reparations and the economic and political instability of the Weimar Republic during that time.

Which of the following seemed to be the purpose of the raids into places like La Placita?

To create a climate of fear and anxiety that would cause people to leave voluntarily

To arrest illegally immigrated people before they could get to their documents

To get people to the hospital who need medical care en route to Mexico

Send people south on a "closed-body" school bus or "Mexican gun boat"


Based on the given options, the purpose of the raids into places like La Placita appears to be "to create a climate of fear and anxiety that would cause people to leave voluntarily."

Purpose of the raids into places like La Placita?

Such raids are typically conducted by immigration authorities with the aim of identifying and apprehending individuals who are in the country illegally. By conducting these raids in public places and neighborhoods, such as La Placita, they aim to create a sense of insecurity and uncertainty among undocumented immigrants, which could prompt them to leave voluntarily.

The raids are often conducted with a show of force, which includes armored vehicles, riot gear, and heavily armed officers. This display of force is intended to intimidate the targeted community and to send a message that they are not welcome in the country. In some cases, individuals who are apprehended during the raids are detained and deported, while others may be released with a notice to appear in court at a later date.

In conclusion, the purpose of the raids into places like La Placita is to create a climate of fear and anxiety among undocumented immigrants in the hopes of driving them out of the country voluntarily. Such raids are often conducted with a show of force and can be traumatic for the individuals and communities that are targeted.

To know more about La Placita , visit :




The biggest economic calamity in US history was the Great Depression. It started in 1929 and carried on till the 1930s.

The Great Depression officially began in 1929 with the stock market fall that month. More than 5,000 banks had to be down by 1933, and unemployment had gone 25%.

Mood of the country-

After the stock market crashed and banks went after loans, the general mood among the nation was mostly bitter and, as the title states, depressing.

New deal in the great depression-

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's idea of 'new deal' do at promoting economic recovery and putting Americans back to work through Federal activism.

How did new deal help?

New federal agencies made an effort to regulate agricultural output, maintain prices and salaries, and develop a good public works program for the jobless.

Reasons behind the Great Depression?

The 1929 stock market crash, the collapse of international commerce as a result of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, and government policies are a few of the things for the Great Depression.

The Great Depression and why?

The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939, was the greatest economic down in the history of the industrialized world. It started during the 1929 stock market thing, which paralyzed Wall Street and caused the loss of millions of investors.

To know more about Great Depression visit:


why the colonial government introduced the waste land rules. explain the impacts of waste rules on the pastoralists comunitee​




The Waste Land Rules were introduced by the colonial government in India in the late 19th century. The main reason behind their introduction was to maximize the revenue generated from the land by bringing previously uncultivated lands into cultivation. These rules designated certain lands as "waste" or unproductive and transferred them to the government, which then sold or leased them to private individuals or companies for cultivation. The colonial government believed that this would increase agricultural production and revenue, while also promoting economic development.

However, the introduction of the Waste Land Rules had significant impacts on the pastoralist communities in India. These communities relied on these "waste" lands for grazing their livestock and as a source of livelihood. The Waste Land Rules effectively denied them access to these lands, forcing them to move their livestock to other areas. This led to overcrowding of available grazing lands, competition over resources, and conflicts between pastoralist communities and other land users.

The Waste Land Rules also had other negative impacts on the pastoralist communities. As they were forced to move their livestock to other areas, they faced increased costs in terms of transportation and fodder. This reduced their income and increased their poverty levels. Additionally, the introduction of new cultivators to previously uncultivated areas led to deforestation and ecological damage, which further impacted the livelihoods of the pastoralist communities.

Furthermore, the government's efforts to convert "waste" lands to agriculture also had an impact on the ecological balance in the region. Large-scale deforestation and conversion of grasslands into agriculture led to soil erosion, reduced groundwater recharge, and an overall decline in the quality of the ecosystem. This impacted the ability of the pastoralist communities to rely on the natural resources of the area for their livelihoods.

In summary, the introduction of the Waste Land Rules by the colonial government in India had a significant impact on the pastoralist communities, denying them access to the lands they relied on for their livelihoods and contributing to ecological damage. These policies were driven by the government's desire to maximize revenue and promote economic development, without regard for the impact on the existing communities and the environment.

2. In what ways do Sources B and C
agree about Columbus?


Ask the question you are not telling us the background of the question to answer to you

Which was not a result of the Six Day War, which was fought in 1967? The number of Palestinian refugees increased dramatically. The Palestine Liberation Organization became more militant. Israel gained considerable territory, including the Sinai Peninsula. The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​



The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​


The conflict is ongoing still

which of the following correctly identify aspects of american cultural life in the early nineteenth century?


The following options correctly identify aspects of American cultural life in the early nineteenth century is all of the above.

The rise of Transcendentalism, a philosophical and literary movement that emphasized individualism, self-reliance, and the connection between humans and nature.

The emergence of a distinctly American art form, with painters such as Thomas Cole and Asher B. Durand depicting American landscapes and scenes from American history.

The popularity of theater, with actors like Edwin Forrest and Charlotte Cushman becoming major stars.

The spread of evangelical Protestantism, with revivals and camp meetings drawing large crowds and leading to the establishment of new denominations like the Mormons.

The growth of a market economy led to the creation of new forms of popular entertainment like circuses, minstrel shows, and dime novels.

Overall, the early nineteenth century was a time of significant cultural change in America, as new artistic movements, religious movements, and forms of popular entertainment emerged and gained popularity.

To know more about American cultural life here


which of the following correctly identifies aspects of American cultural life in the early nineteenth century?

development of American literature

new literary and artistic influences

increased educational opportunities

What is Plato’s achievement 3 major ones with a symbol


Many people believe the Academy, which he created, was the initial Western university. At least 25 philosophical writings were written by Plato. He is credited as one of the early advocates of Western philosophy and spent his entire life to study or instructing.

What are the main ideas of Plato?

Plato saw wellbeing, joy, lofty virtue, and upright moral behavior as the pinnacle of ethical behavior and life. The belief that the soul is trapped in the body and tries to escape to become the ideal Form.

What really is Plato's most important principle?

According to Plato, competing interests of various social groups can be reconciled. He contends that the finest political system is one that unites society in harmony and gives everyone of its members the freedom to pursue their own interests to grow, yet not at the price of other aspects.

To know more about philosophical visit:


In a paragraph, choose and describe one landmark court ruling during the Civil *
Rights Movement.



One landmark court ruling during the Civil Rights movement was Brown v. Board of Education (1954). In this case, the United States Supreme Court declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The Court held that segregation in education created a feeling of inferiority among African American students and violated their right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights movement, and set the stage for further legal challenges to segregation and discrimination in other areas of society.


In what ways does Harry Farr's version of events on 17th September 1916 contradict to Segeant Major​



There is little dispute about the sequence of events on 17 September 1916 that led to the execution of Private Farr.


Now that you are more familiar with federal influence in education policy, select one of the policies discussed with regard to federal educational control. In your opinion, was the policy successful in its purpose? Does the policy support further efforts to increase federal educational control?


One policy that has been discussed regarding federal educational control is the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, which was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002.

What is the policy about?

The NCLB Act aimed to improve the academic achievement of all students by setting high standards for schools and holding them accountable for their students' performance. Under NCLB, schools were required to administer annual standardized tests to all students in grades 3-8, and schools that failed to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) faced a series of escalating consequences.

The effectiveness of NCLB has been a topic of much debate. Supporters argue that the law brought much-needed accountability to the education system, highlighted achievement gaps among different student populations, and led to some improvements in student achievement. However, critics argue that NCLB led to a narrow focus on test preparation and a neglect of other important areas of education, such as the arts, social studies, and physical education. They also argue that the consequences for schools that failed to meet AYP were too harsh and often resulted in punitive measures, such as school closures or teacher firings, which hurt students and communities.

Learn more about education on:


last question of the day



Sir Isaac Newton


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following?
revolution demands based on Enlightenment political Ideas


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared the demand for revolution based on Enlightenment political ideas.

Both movements were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, including concepts such as natural rights, popular sovereignty, and the social contract. These ideas inspired many of the leaders of the independence movements, who sought to break away from European colonial rule and establish independent republics based on these principles. The American Revolution, which began in 1776, and the Latin American Wars of Independence, which took place from 1810 to the 1820s, were both rooted in these Enlightenment political ideas and helped to shape the political landscape of the Americas.

To know more about American independence movements


does any savior have the answers(or questions) to US History Semester 2 on PLATO.

it would be greatly appreciated (●'◡'●)


Other selections to 'please' include: - I'd appreciate it if you could... - It would be splendid if you would... - I'd be grateful if you'd... - It would be a massive assist if you...

How do you say I would respect a reply?

“As this count is urgent, I would respect a reply as quickly as possible.” “I would be grateful for your prompt reply.”

“I look ahead to hearing from you as quickly as possible.” “I look ahead to listening to from you at your earliest convenience.” (Slightly old-fashioned.)

How do you write it would be appreciated?

Using both the phrases, “it would be radically appreciated” and “it would be appreciated”, are correct, relying on the intention of the words.

Learn more about appreciated here;


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When some students get an "F" as a grade, they interpret that letter as a message: "You are a failure." That interpretation is not accurate. Getting an "F' means only that you failed a test or an assignment- not that you failed your life.From now on, experiment with a new way of thinking. Imagine that the letter F when used as a grade represents the word feedback. An "F" is an indication that you didn't understand the material well enough. It's an invitation to do something new to increase your skills and knowledge.Within 24 hours after a graded test is returned to you (no matter what the grade), spend at least five minutes reviewing it. Then answer the following questions.1. On what material did the teacher base test questions- readings, lectures, discussions, or other class activities?2. What types of questions appeared in the test-objective (such as matching items, true/false questions, or multiple choice), short-answer, or essay? Did you miss certain types of questions more than others? If so, which types?3 How well did you prepare for the test? When studying, did you focus yourattention and avoid distractions-or did you end up multitasking? Also, howmany classes did you attend, and how many of the assigned readings did you complete?4. Now look for clues for new study strategies. Do your notes from class and onassigned readings contain answers to the questions that you missed? If not,then how can you read or take notes differently to capture the content thatyou've been missing? (Note: This can be a useful question to ask yourinstructors.) For example, instead of simply skimming your notes, you couldrewrite them to be more organized and complete. Instead of glancing over thepassages of a textbook that you highlighted, you could write answers to thereview questions at the end of each chapter.5 Can you learn anything from the instructor's comments on this test that will help you prepare for the next test?6. Can you now correctly answer the questions that you missed?7. 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