how did hoover try to help people keep their homes and farms during his administration?


Answer 1

In addition, Hoover persuaded Congress to establish Federal Home Loan Banks to assist individuals in preventing the loss of their homes.

The 31st president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, took office on March 4, 1929, and served until March 4, 1933. Following a convincing victory over Democrat Al Smith of New York in the 1928 presidential election, Hoover, a Republican assumed office.

Hoover raised $17 million, or $265.19 million in 2021, through the establishment of over one hundred tent cities and a fleet of over 600 vessels. By 1928, Hoover had begun to overshadow President Coolidge himself, in large part due to his leadership during the flood crisis.

The Emergency Relief Construction Act, which Hoover signed into law in July 1932, allowed the RFC to lend the states $300 million for relief programs and $1.5 billion for public works projects.

To learn more about Hoover here


Related Questions

explain how you can avoid injury to bones and joints.


To avoid injury to bones and joints, it is important to practice good posture, maintain a healthy weight, and engage in regular physical activity to strengthen muscles and bones.

Warming up before exercise, using proper form and technique, and gradually increasing the intensity of physical activity can also help prevent injury. Wearing appropriate protective gear, such as helmets and pads, can be important for high-risk activities such as contact sports.

Additionally, avoiding repetitive movements and taking breaks during prolonged periods of physical activity can help reduce the risk of injury. Finally, it is important to listen to your body and seek medical attention if you experience pain, swelling, or other signs of injury.

To learn more about bones refer to


Relate these terms: agarose, digest, DNA, DNA fingerprint/profile, restriction enzymes, PCR and gel electrophoresis


The given terms are related as: DNA fingerprint/profile makes use of gel electrophoresis which is performed used agarose gel, to differentiate the samples. The DNA samples present in very less quantity can be amplified using PCR where the sample is digested using restriction enzymes.

DNA fingerprinting is the molecular technique which can help in analyzing the identity of an individual by making use of their DNA, which has unique nucleotides. The technique is highly useful in forensics and also in identifying relationships.

PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. The technique makes use of a thermocycler which amplifies the sample genetic material into millions of copies.

To know more about PCR, here


is the variety of the earth's species, the genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they live, and the ecosystem processes such as energy flow and nutrient cycling that sustain all life


Biodiversity refers to the diversity of organisms on earth, the genes they carry, the environments they live in, and the ecosystem processes that support all life, such as energy flow and nutrient cycling.

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of all living things on earth and the systems that support them. The genetic variation found among individuals of a population is one of the most critical aspects of biodiversity. Genetic variation is essential because it allows for diversity within and between species, enabling species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and preventing genetic diseases or genetic defects.

Ecosystem diversity encompasses the variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems found in different biomes around the world, as well as the interconnectivity of these systems. The food chain, nutrient cycling, and other essential ecosystem services are all vital components of ecosystem diversity.

To know more about the ecosystem:


can creating ketones from the breakdown of amino acids or fatty acids?


Ketones are organic compounds that are produced when the body breaks down fatty acids for energy. They can also be produced from the breakdown of amino acids, but this is a less common source of ketone production.

When the body does not have sufficient glucose to produce energy, it turns to other sources, such as fatty acids and amino acids. The liver converts these molecules into ketone bodies, which can be used as an alternative source of energy for the body's cells, including the brain.

However, relying too heavily on ketones for energy can lead to a condition called ketosis, which can have adverse effects on the body. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and not rely solely on the breakdown of amino acids or fatty acids for energy production.

To learn more about amino acids refer to


Of the muscles listed, the only one that attaches distally on the head of the fibula is the
a. gluteus maximus.
b. tensor fasciae latae.
c. semimembranosus.
d. semitendinosus.
e. biceps femoris.


Answer: biceps femoris


what is the source of the majority of the energy needed by muscles for physical activity that continues for longer than 30 or 40 minutes? aerobic respiration of pyruvic acid in mitochondria atp produced from creatine phosphate stored in muscle fibers glycolysis of glucose in the cell cytoplasm atp stored in muscle fibers


The majority of the energy needed by muscles for physical activity that continues for longer than 30 or 40 minutes is obtained from aerobic respiration of pyruvic acid in mitochondria.

What is aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration is a process by which cells turn glucose, oxygen, and other molecules into energy, water, and carbon dioxide. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells. Aerobic respiration can produce 36 to 38 ATP molecules from each molecule of glucose it metabolizes. This process is one of the two ways the body generates energy, with anaerobic respiration being the other.

Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to produce ATP, and it occurs in the cytoplasm of cells. This process produces two ATP molecules from each molecule of glucose that is metabolized. The ATP produced by glycolysis is utilized quickly and cannot sustain prolonged physical activity.

ATP stored in muscle fibers, on the other hand, is a temporary energy source that can provide energy for only a few seconds of muscle activity.

ATP produced from creatine phosphate stored in muscle fibers can supply energy for a short burst of intense activity. It can supply energy for activities like weightlifting or sprinting but cannot provide energy for activities lasting longer than a few seconds.

Learn more about Aerobic respiration here:


which organelle contains hydrolytic enzymes used to break down polymers?
o centriole
o lysosome
o chromoplast
o chloroplast


The organelle that contains hydrolytic enzymes used to break down polymers is the lysosome.

Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells that contain hydrolytic enzymes, including proteases, lipases, and nucleases. These enzymes are involved in breaking down different types of molecules, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, into their smaller subunits.

The lysosome acts as the "recycling center" of the cell, breaking down and digesting unwanted materials or organelles. They also play a critical role in cellular defense by degrading foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses, that have been engulfed by the cell.

To learn more about hydrolytic enzymes refer to


Cofactors for the Citric Acid Cycle Suppose you have prepared a mitochondrial extract that contains all the soluble enzymes of the matrix but has lost (by dialysis) all the low molecular weight cofactors. What must you add to the extract so that the preparation will oxidize acetyl-CoA to CO2?


Cofactors for the Citric Acid Cycle- In order for the preparation to oxidize acetyl-CoA to CO2, you must add the low molecular weight cofactors to the mitochondrial extract that contains all the soluble enzymes of the matrix but has lost (by dialysis) all the low molecular weight cofactors.

The citric acid cycle is also referred to as the Krebs cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It is a metabolic pathway that completes the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats through the production of carbon dioxide and energy.

Cofactors: They are usually metal ions, coenzymes, or organic molecules. They are essential in ensuring that enzymes work efficiently. An enzyme can only work effectively if it is associated with the correct cofactor or coenzyme. Examples of cofactors include heme, biotin, and NAD+.

Citric acid: Citric acid is a weak organic acid with the molecular formula C6H8O7. It is found naturally in citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. Citric acid is used in a variety of industries, including food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals. The citric acid cycle is a vital process in which the body breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into usable energy. It occurs in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells.

"Cofactors for the Citric Acid Cycle",


A girl walks from her home to a friend’s home 3 blocks north. She then walks 2 blocks east to the post office. 1 block north to the library, and one block east to the park. From the park, she walks 2 blocks west to the movie theater. After the movie, she walks 4 blocks south to the pet store. What is the girls displacement from her starting point to the pet store? Where is the location of the pet store in relation to her home? Calculate the distance she walked in blocks.


To calculate the girl's displacement from her starting point to the pet store, we need to determine the distance and direction between the two locations. We can use a coordinate system to represent the girl's movements:

Starting point (0,0)
Friend's house (0,3)
Post office (2,3)
Library (2,4)
Park (3,4)
Movie theater (1,4)
Pet store (1,0)
To calculate the displacement, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In this case, the displacement is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs of 1 block east and 3 blocks south:

Displacement = √((1^2) + (3^2)) = √10 ≈ 3.16 blocks

Therefore, the girl's displacement from her starting point to the pet store is approximately 3.16 blocks in a direction that is 270 degrees (south) from her starting point.

The location of the pet store in relation to her home is 1 block east and 3 blocks south.

To calculate the distance she walked, we can add up the lengths of each segment of her journey:

Home to friend's house: 3 blocks north
Friend's house to post office: 2 blocks east
Post office to library: 1 block north
Library to park: 1 block east
Park to movie theater: 2 blocks west
Movie theater to pet store: 4 blocks south
Total distance walked = 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 13 blocks

Therefore, the girl walked a total of 13 blocks.

12. The green revolution
depended on
a. new biodegradable
b. high-yielding grain
c. clearing forest for crop
d. organic fertilizers.


Answer: b. high-yielding grain varieties.

which of these is most likely to increase in garter snakesA. The avarge number of genes in the garter snake populationB. the number of time garter snake replicates the variant geneC. The frequency of the variant gene in the garter snake populationD. The avarage number of time genes mutate to create tolerance for the toxin


The most likely factor to increase in garter snakes is the frequency of the variant gene in the population. Here option C is the correct answer.

Garter snakes are known to be highly adaptable and can evolve rapidly to tolerate or resist toxins from their prey. This adaptation is usually driven by natural selection, which favors individuals with traits that provide a survival advantage in their environment.

If a variant gene that provides toxin resistance arises in a garter snake population, and this trait confers a survival advantage in their environment, then the frequency of this gene will increase over time through natural selection. The garter snakes that possess the variant gene will be better adapted to their environment and more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on the variant gene to their offspring.

Therefore, the frequency of the variant gene is the most important factor in determining the evolution of toxin resistance in garter snakes. The other factors listed, such as the number of genes in the population or the rate of gene replication or mutation, may also play a role in evolution, but their effect on adaptation to toxins is likely to be indirect.

To learn more about garter snakes


identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the lower jaw.


The region of the temporal bone that articulates with the lower jaw is called the mandibular fossa.

It is a concave depression located on the undersurface of the temporal bone, in the area known as the squamous part of the bone. The mandibular fossa is located just in front of the external acoustic meatus, which is the opening of the ear canal.

The mandibular fossa is an important part of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the jawbone (mandible) to the skull. Specifically, the rounded surface at the top of the mandible, called the mandibular condyle, fits into the mandibular fossa to form the TMJ. This joint allows for the movement of the jaw during chewing, speaking, and other oral functions.

To learn more about temporal bone refer to


After conception, which of the following characteristics applies to zygotes carrying the XY chromosome pair?
a. The Y chromosome is larger than the X
b. The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene
c. Metabolic rate is slower than XX chromosome pairs
d. Prenatal growth is slower than XX chromosome pairs


The correct option is (b) The Y chromosome carrying the SRY gene.

Conception refers to the period when a sperm cell from a male and an egg cell from a female fuse together to create a zygote. This is known as fertilization.

When the sperm and egg combine, they create a zygote, which is a single cell that contains all of the genetic material required to produce a new individual.

The XY sex chromosomes in humans are the chromosomes that decide the male sex. When fertilization occurs, the mother always provides an X chromosome, while the father contributes either an X or a Y chromosome.

If the father contributes an X chromosome, the zygote will develop into a female, while if the father contributes a Y chromosome, the zygote will develop into a male.

The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene, which controls the growth of testes in males. The Y chromosome is not bigger than the X chromosome, but the X chromosome has a lot more genetic material than the Y chromosome.

The metabolic rate and prenatal development of zygotes with XY chromosomes are not impacted by their sex chromosomes.

To learn more about chromosomes:


how could a dispersing bug know what species of plant it was settling on?


A dispersing bug may be able to identify the species of plant it is settling on by relying on a variety of cues.

First, the dispersing bug may use visual cues to identify the plant species since different plants have distinct visual features, such as leaf shape, flower color, and leaf texture, which can all help a bug to identify the species of plant it is settling on. Else the bug may be able to use olfactory cues as plants also produce unique scents. The bug may be able to use tactile cues that describe physical features, such as leaf texture, stem texture, and bark texture. It may also use chemical cues because plants produce unique chemicals which the bug may be able to detect, allowing it to identify the species of plant it is settling on.

To learn more about species click here


uv radiation causes a lethal mutation in bacterial dna. briefly explain how the mutation is lethal to bacterial cells.


When bacterial DNA is exposed to UV radiation, it can lead to the formation of thymine dimers, which are covalent bonds that form between adjacent thymine bases in the DNA strand.

These dimers cause the DNA to become distorted, leading to errors in DNA replication and transcription. The distortion caused by thymine dimers can prevent DNA polymerases and other enzymes involved in DNA replication and transcription from accurately copying the genetic code. This can lead to mutations in the DNA sequence, which can disrupt the normal function of the bacterial cell.

In some cases, the mutations may be lethal to the bacterial cell because they can affect essential cellular processes, such as DNA repair or protein synthesis. The mutations may also interfere with the normal functioning of bacterial enzymes, causing metabolic dysfunction and cellular damage. As a result, the bacterial cell may become unable to survive, replicate, or perform its normal functions, leading to cell death.

Learn more about  bacterial DNA


why does the corpse flower need to attract insects to reproduce?


The corpse flower, also known as Titan arum, needs to attract insects to reproduce. This is because the flower has a unique way of pollination that involves attracting carrion beetles and flies. These insects are attracted to the pungent odor produced by the flower, which resembles rotting flesh.

The corpse flower is a fascinating plant that blooms once every few years and is native to Sumatra, Indonesia. The plant is known for its large inflorescence, which can grow up to 3 meters tall. The flowers are usually dark red or maroon and have a ruffled skirt-like structure that surrounds the central spadix. The spadix is covered with tiny male and female flowers that are responsible for pollination.

The corpse flower uses the foul odor to attract carrion beetles and flies, which are attracted to rotting flesh. When the insects visit the flower, they become coated with pollen from the male flowers. They then fly off to another flower, where they transfer the pollen to the female flowers. This process allows for cross-pollination, which is essential for genetic diversity in the plant population.In conclusion, the corpse flower needs to attract insects to reproduce because it uses the pungent odor to attract carrion beetles and flies for pollination.

For such more questions on Titan arum(corpse flower):


In rabbits, genes for Black color and straight ears are dominant over white color and floppy ears. Suppose a rabbit heterozygous for both traits is crossed with a heterozygous black rabbit that has floppy ears. Show the parent genotypes, Punnett square, and phenotype ratio


Consider breeding a black rabbit with floppy ears and a rabbit that is heterozygous for both features. Display 50% gametes with "B" and 50% gametes with "b" to represent the parent genotypes, Punnett square, and phenotypic ratio.

In comparison to white colour and floppy ears, black colour and straight ear genes are more prevalent in rabbits. According to the law of dominance, a heterozygous person has two contrasting factors of a gene, whereas a homozygous person has two copies of the identical factors.

As a result, the homozygous recessive genotype of the rabbit will be bb, and the heterozygous genotype will be Bb. As a result, the heterozygous person creates gametes of two different types: 50% gametes with "B" and 50% gametes with "b".

Learn more about genotypes Visit:


Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis rely on electron transport chains embedded in membranes to produce ATP molecules. Which of the following correctly describes the difference between the two types of electron transport chains?
in cellular respiration the electron source is the hydrogens in energy rich food and the final electron destination is oxygen.


The correct response is: in cellular respiration, the electron source is the hydrogens in energy-rich food and the final electron destination is oxygen.

Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis rely on electron transport chains embedded in membranes to produce ATP molecules. Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis are metabolic processes that occur in living organisms. However, in photosynthesis, the electron source is H2O, and the final electron destination is NADPH.

Cells generate energy through a metabolic process called cellular respiration, while plants use photosynthesis to create energy. The electron transport chain is an essential part of cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Learn more about photosynthesis:


Use the UCSC Genome Browser ( to determine how many amino acids are in the protein encoded by the EFNB3 gene.
a. 330
b. 340
c. 333
d. 346


Use the UCSC Genome Browser ( the amino acids are in the protein encoded by the EFNB3 gene is 330 amino acids.

UCSC Genome Browser is a web-based browser that includes genomic sequences and annotations for a wide range of species. To determine how many amino acids are in the protein encoded by the EFNB3 gene, follow the steps outlined below, 1. Visit the UCSC Genome Browser website by going to 2. Choose the "Genome Browser" option from the "Genomes" menu. 3. Choose the "Human" genome from the "Genome" drop-down menu.

Then to locate the gene, 4. type "EFNB3" into the search box and press enter. 5. Select the "RefSeq" track to see the RefSeq annotation for the EFNB3 gene. 6. Click on the "Gene Details" link.7. The protein encoded by the EFNB3 gene is 330 amino acids long. Hence, the answer is 330. The answer is option A.330

Learn more about amino acids at:


if photosynthesis and respiration are almost symmetrical processes, how is energy lost in the process of converting sugar back into atp?


Photosynthesis and respiration are almost symmetrical processes, as both involve the conversion of energy between different forms. During photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose, while during respiration, glucose is broken down to release energy that is used to produce ATP.

However, while the overall process of converting sugar back into ATP is exergonic (releases energy), there is still some energy lost in the form of heat. This is because not all of the energy released during the breakdown of glucose can be captured and converted into ATP.

Some of the energy is lost during the conversion process itself, as well as through various metabolic reactions that occur throughout the cell. Therefore, while photosynthesis and respiration are symmetrical in terms of the overall conversion of energy, there is still some energy loss during the process of converting sugar back into ATP.

To learn more about photosynthesis refer to


A stereogenic C atom is one that has four different groups attached to it. Which of the following are not stereogenic centers by this definition? a) Carbon atoms in CH2 groups. b) Carbon atoms in CH groupsc). c) sp^2 hybridized C atoms. d) Carbon atoms in CH3 groupse). e) sp^3 hybridized C atoms


The following are not stereogenic centers by this definition is

Carbon atoms in CH2 groups (option B)Carbon atoms in CH groups (option B).sp2 hybridized C atoms (option C).

It is a well-known fact that stereoisomerism exists when compounds have the same molecular formula and the same connectivity, but they differ only in the spatial arrangements of atoms or groups in the molecule. One of the most common types of stereoisomerism is chirality, which refers to a molecule's non-superimposable mirror image that cannot be superimposed on its image. Therefore, stereogenic centers are the points in the molecule that create chirality.

Learn more about stereogenic:


two agronomists analyzed the same data, testing the same null hypothesis about the proportion of tomato plants suffering from blight. one rejected the hypothesis but the other did not. assuming neither made a mistake in calculations, which of these possible explanations could account for this apparent discrepancy? i. one agronomist wrote a one-tailed alternative hypothesis, but the other used 2 tails. ii. they wrote identical hypotheses, but the one who rejected the null used a higher a - level. iii. they wrote identical hypotheses, but the one who rejected the null used a lower a - level.


Option (ii), where both agronomists wrote identical hypothesis but one rejected the null, is the most plausible cause of the apparent disparity between them.

What is the null hypothesis used to assess if the means of two distinct populations differ?

The null hypothesis asserts that: the difference between the two population means is not substantially different from zero when testing for differences between the means of two independent populations.

What is the called null hypothesis rejection probability when it is true?

The degree of statistical significance (also known as alpha) is the probability of making a type I error, which is rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

To know more about hypothesis visit:-


Which hormones regulate the amount of water and salt reabsorbed by the DCT and collecting duct? select all that apply.a) angiotensin converting enzymeb) antidiuretic hormonec) epinephrined) aldosteronee) natriuretic peptides


The hormones that regulate the amount of water and salt reabsorbed by the DCT (distal convoluted tubule) and collecting duct are:

b) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, regulates the water reabsorption in the collecting duct by increasing the permeability of the cells lining the duct. This hormone is released by the posterior pituitary gland in response to changes in blood osmolarity.

d) Aldosterone, a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, regulates the reabsorption of sodium ions and the secretion of potassium ions in the DCT and collecting duct. This hormone increases the expression of sodium channels and sodium-potassium ATPase pumps in the cells lining the tubules, leading to increased reabsorption of sodium and water.

e) Natriuretic peptides, such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), are hormones released by the heart in response to increased blood volume and pressure. These hormones increase the excretion of sodium and water by inhibiting the secretion of ADH and aldosterone, leading to increased urine output.

To learn more about hormones refer to


The lysing of a cell occurs in which phase?


The lysing or lysis of a cell refers to the process of breaking down and rupturing the cell membrane, which results in the release of the cellular contents.

This process can occur in different phases of a cell's life cycle, depending on the circumstances.

For example, in the context of bacterial growth, the lysis of a cell can occur during the late stage of the lytic cycle of bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria. During this phase, the bacteriophage causes the host cell to produce and assemble new virus particles, which eventually lead to the lysis of the cell, releasing the new viruses to infect other cells.

In other cases, the lysis of a cell may occur as a result of physical or chemical damage to the cell membrane, such as exposure to toxins or extreme changes in temperature or pressure. In these cases, the lysis may occur at any phase of the cell's life cycle, depending on when the damage occurs.

Therefore, the lysing of a cell does not occur in a specific phase of a cell's life cycle, but rather is a process that can occur at various stages under different circumstances.

To know more about Lysing, visit:


refer to focus figure 17.2, specifically the pressure in the left atrium. which statement best explains the second rise in atrial pressure on the line graph? view available hint(s)for part a refer to focus figure 17.2, specifically the pressure in the left atrium. which statement best explains the second rise in atrial pressure on the line graph? the pulmonary aortic semilunar valve closes; blood is contained within the closed chamber, exerting pressure against the ventricular wall. the bicuspid/mitral valve closes; blood is contained within the closed chamber, exerting pressure against the atrial wall. the tricuspid valve closes; blood is contained within the closed chamber, exerting pressure against the atrial wall. the aortic semilunar valve closes; blood is contained within the closed chamber, exerting pressure against the ventricular wall.


Answer:bicuspid/mitral valve closes; blood is contained within the closed chamber, exerting pressure against the atrial wall.


The process of moving water through a plant by transpiration works because water molecules stick to each other with
A. turgor pressure.
B. osmosis.
C. ionic bonds.
D. adhesion.
E. hydrogen bonds.


E. Hydrogen bonds. Cohesion is the term for the molecular attraction between "like" molecules. Hydrogen bonds between the molecules of water enable its cohesion.

As the highest water is driven towards the stomata, cohesion, or water attaching to one another, causes additional water molecules to fill the space in the xylem.

On the mesophyll cell surface, the cellulose microfibrils of the leaf's primary cell wall become wet. The intercellular air gaps in the leaf are abundant and roomy, which is crucial for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. As it is exposed to the interior air space of the leaf, the thin film of water in the mesophyll cells evaporates, reducing its volume.

Learn more about cohesion here:


Sexual reproduction has not been observed in Bd. A Bd sporangium initially contains a single, haploid cell. Which of the following processes must be involved in generating the multiple zoospores eventually produced by each sporangium?
1. S phase
2. cytokinesis 3. mitosis
4. meiosis
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 3
D) 1, 2, and 3 E) 1, 2, and 4


Sexual reproduction has not been observed in Bd. A Bd sporangium initially contains a single, haploid cell. The following processes must be involved in generating the multiple zoospores eventually produced by each sporangium is  A) 1 and 2 that are 1. S phase 2. cytokinesis 3. mitosis

Mitosis is the process of cell division in which a single cell divides into two daughter cells that are identical to the original parent cell in terms of genetic material. Cell growth, replacement of worn-out cells, and asexual reproduction are all part of the normal life cycle of multicellular organisms, and they are all processes that rely on mitosis.

Cytokinesis is a phase of cell division in which the cytoplasmic contents of a single eukaryotic cell are separated into two daughter cells. It usually occurs during the telophase phase of mitosis, but it can also occur independently, resulting in the formation of haploid cells. Bd sporangia contain haploid cells, and meiosis is not involved in the generation of zoospores, which rules out choice 4.Hence, the correct options are A) 1 and 2.

Learn more about cell growth at:


Part B - Dehydration, Fluid Balance, and Hyponatremia The three main hydration states of the body are dehydration, water balance, and hyponatremia. Sort the items that properly describe each of these states into their respective bins Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins. Hints Reset Help This state can result in swelling of tissues, including the brain This state can occur as a result of severe diarrhea andlor vomiting or abuse of diuretics. This state occurs when the thirst mechanism has been successful This state occurs when enough fluid is consumed to allow for an equal concentration of electrolytes between the intra-and extracellular fluid compartments This state occurs when too much fluid (particularly pure water) is consumed in a short period of time Older adults, those with vigorous jobs, and individuals who ane physically active are particularly at risk for this state Dehydration Water Balance Hyponatremia Submit My Answers Give Up


The three main hydration states of the body are dehydration, water balance, and hyponatremia.

The arrangement of the appropriate items at their respective state of the body is,


Older adults,

those with vigorous jobs, and

individuals who are physically active are particularly at risk for this state.

This state can occur as a result of severe diarrhea and vomiting, or abuse of diuretics

Water Balance

This state occurs when enough fluid is consumed to allow for an equal concentration of electrolytes between the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments.

This state occurs when the thirst mechanism has been successful.


This state can occur when too much fluid (particularly pure water) is consumed in a short period of time.

This state can result in the swelling of tissues, including the brain, and lead to seizures, coma, and death.

Learn more about the Hydration process here:


The land plants are probably descendants of which of these groups? a. green algae b. red algae c. brown algae d. angiosperms. a. green algae.


The land plants are probably descendants of green algae. Therefore the correct option is option A.

Green algae are considered the likely ancestors of land plants since they share a common ancestor and possess some comparable characteristics. Green algae are tiny freshwater or marine unicellular or multicellular algae that grow in colonies, and they resemble plants because they have cell walls composed of cellulose and chlorophyll a and b pigments in their chloroplasts.

Green algae have flagellated sperm and alternation of generations, which are traits that are also present in land plants, according to scientists. Hence, the correct option is (a) green algae.

For such more question on green algae:


select all of the molecules that are reactants of glycolysis.glucoseNAD+ ATP ADP


The reactants of glycolysis are glucose, NAD⁺, ATP. Option A, B, and C is correct.

Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway which converts glucose into pyruvate. It is an important process in cellular respiration, which is the process by which cells generate energy from glucose and other nutrients. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of cells and consists of a series of 10 chemical reactions, which can be grouped into two stages: the energy investment phase and the energy payoff phase.

During the energy investment phase, two ATP molecules are used to phosphorylate glucose, which makes it easier to break down in the subsequent steps. The glucose molecule is then split into two three-carbon molecules called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G₃P).

In the energy payoff phase, the G₃P molecules are converted into pyruvate through a series of reactions that generate four ATP molecules and two NADH molecules. The ATP molecules are produced through a process called substrate-level phosphorylation, in which a phosphate group is transferred from a molecule to ADP, forming ATP. The NADH molecules are produced by the transfer of electrons from G₃P to NAD⁺.

Hence, A.B.C. glucose, NAD⁺, ATP is the correct option.

To know more about glycolysis here


--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"Select all of the molecules that are reactants of glycolysis. A) glucose B) NAD⁺ C) ATP D) ADP."--

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Which of the following are MIS-related strategic roles found in an organization? (Check all that apply) an ne cki of Check All That Apply led-fo Accounting ercel mi CCO -fi-cor king erce/ille Marketing the own CIO CSO 6.1.d compare the direction in which replication forks move with the direction in which the new dna strands are synthesized. a small accounting firm has 4 44 accountants who each earn a different salary between 52 , 000 52,00052, comma, 000 dollars and 58 , 000 58,00058, comma, 000 dollars. for extra help during tax season, they hire a 5 th 5 th 5, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript accountant who earns 10 , 000 10,00010, comma, 000 dollars. [show data] how will hiring the 5 th 5 th 5, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript accountant affect the mean and median? choose 1 answer: choose 1 answer:A. Both the mean and median will increase, but the median will increase by more than the mean. B. Both the mean and median will increase, but the mean will increase by more than the median. C. The mean will increase, and the median will decrease. D. The median will increase, and the mean will decrease. with a 35 percent marginal tax rate, would a tax-free yield of 6.4 percent or a taxable yield of 9 percent give you a better return on your savings? please answer question i cannot do it =Suppose that a new employee starts working at $7.32 per hour and receives a 4% raise each year. After time t, in years, his hourly wage is given by the equation y = $7.32(1.04). Findthe amount of time after which he will be earning $10.00 per hour.After what amount of time will the employee be earning $10.00 per hour?years (Round to the nearest tenth of a year as needed.)HELP PLEASE scientists have hypothesized that mitochondria evolved from aerobic heterotrophic bacteria that entered and established symbiotic relationships with primitive eukaryotic anaerobes. according to this hypothesis, the bacteria that entered primitive eukaryotic cells were able to carry out which function(s) that the primitive eukaryotic cells could not? Consider any other changes in your locality that you think have resulted from climate change. which is correct answer?a (a value)bcd BRONZE1. Suggest a suitable trainingzone for a 25-year-old javelinthrower.2. Suggest a suitable trainingzone for a 25-year-oldmarathon runner.SILVER3. Apart from the differencein heart rates, what otherdifferences would there bein the training schedules ofthe javelin thrower and themarathon runner? Why? an airplane flies due west at an airspeed of 425 mph. the wind is blowing from the northeast at 40 mph. what is the ground speed of the airplane? what is the bearing of the airplane? from Farewell Addressby President George WashingtonThis question refers to Johnsons 1968 Presidential Address to the Nation and the excerpt from Washingtons Farewell Address.What challenge do Johnson and Washington issue to their audiences?Responsesto abandon political parties and defer to the president on important issuesto fulfill their responsibilities as citizens and become public servantsto join the military and protect the Union from foreign aggressorsto preserve the Union and work together for the good of the country ____ knowledge is not easily communicated but could very well be the most important aspect of what we learn in organizations. Use the daily data for IBM below: RIBM is the log return of IBM adjusted closing prices. Is there evidence of volatility clustering using 15 lags? ret_ibm= diff(log(price_ibm)) nobs 714.000000 Mean 0.000187 Stdev 0.011466 Skewness -0.418588 Kurtosis 5.958068 Jarque - Bera Normalality Test X-squared: 1085.9541 P VALUE < 2.2e-16 Box-Ljung test data: ret_ibm X-squared = 16.355, df = 15, p-value = 0.3588 Box-Ljung test data: ret ibm 12 X-squared 39.655, df - 15, p-value -0.0005112 BOX-Ljung test data: relibm 2 X-squared - 39.655, df - 15, p-value = 0.0005112 Since the p-value>5% for the Box-Ljung Q test of returns we do not reject the null hypothesis and find no evidence of volatility clustering. Since the p-value>5% for the Box-Ljung Q test of returns we do not reject the null hypothesis and find evidence of volatility clustering. Since the p-value In 2010, the population of Belvedere was estimated to be 39,366 people with an annual rate of increase of approximately 2.8%.Select the explicit expression that represents the population in the next 6 years.OA. 39,366(1.0028)5OB. 39,366(1.28)OC. 39,366(0.028)OD. 39,366(1.028) according to jordan, what did daisy do on her wedding day? why? what does this reveal about daisy? Which of the following could be a logical or realistic accounting period for a business that is creating financial statements? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select A delivery company is considering adding another vehicle to its delivery fleet, all the vehicles of which are rented for $100 per day. Assume that the additional vehicle would be capable of delivering 1500 packages per day and that each package that is delivered brings in ten cents ($.10) in revenue. Also assume that adding the delivery vehicle would not affect any other costs.a. What is the MRP? $_______What is the MRC? $__________Should the firm add this delivery vehicle?(Click to select) Yes or Nob. Now suppose that the cost of renting a vehicle doubles to $200 per day. What are the MRP and MRC in this situation?MRP = $ _______MRC = $ _______Should the firm add a delivery vehicle under these circumstances?(Click to select) Yes or Noc. Next suppose that the cost of renting a vehicle falls back down to $100 per day, but, due to extremely congested freeways, an additional vehicle would only be able to deliver 750 packages per day. What are the MRP and MRC in this situation?MRP = $_______MRC = $ _______Would adding a vehicle under these circumstances increase the firms profits?(Click to select) Yes or No Write an article for publication in your School magazine on the topic. My Role Model and how he or she has influenced me Find the value of x.