How did the Safavid military resemble the Ottoman Janissaries?


Answer 1


Gunpowder Empires or Islamic Gunpowder Empires refers to the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires as they flourished from the 16th century to the 18th century. These three empires were among the strongest and most stable economies of the early modern period, leading to commercial expansion, and greater patronage of culture, while their political and legal institutions were consolidated with an increasing degree of centralisation. The empires underwent a significant increase in per capita income and population, and a sustained pace of technological innovation. They stretched from Central Europe and North Africa in the west to between today's modern Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east.

Vast amounts of territory were conquered by the Islamic gunpowder empires with the use and development of the newly invented firearms, especially cannon and small arms, in the course of imperial expansion. Like in Europe, the introduction of gunpowder weapons prompted changes such as the rise of centralized monarchical states. According to G. S. Hodgson, in the gunpowder empires these changes went well beyond military organisation The Mughals, based in the Indian subcontinent, inherited in part the Timurid Renaissance,and are recognised for their lavish architecture and for having heralded in Bengal an era of what some describe as proto-industrialization. The Safavids created an efficient and modern state administration for Iran and sponsored major developments in the fine arts. The sultans of the Constantinople-based Ottoman caliphate, also known as the Kaysar-i Rûm, were the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and thus heads of the Islamic world. Their powers, wealth, architecture, and various contributions significantly influenced the course of Asian and European history.


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Which basic principle of today’s laws was unfamiliar to citizens of ancient Rome?



People of all social classes receive equal treatment



People of all social classes receive equal treatment.


Some Roman principles differed from today's laws. Penalties varied according to social class, and lower-class defendants could be treated more harshly. The idea of equality before the law for all would take centuries to be accepted.

What do you believe would be an appropriate course of action regarding
Native American lands as the United States expands westward?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

What do you believe would be an appropriate course of action regarding

Native American lands as the United States expands westward?

An appropriate course of action regarding Native American lands as the United States expands westward could have been a better will to dialogue and negotiate with the many Native American Indian tribes that lived in the region. That would have shown respect and tolerance on the part of the US federal government,

However, something different happened.

The Westward Expansion devastated the Native American Indians. The expansion removed the Indians from their original territories. White settlers started to occupy their territories under the protection of new legislation passed in the United States Congress. Farmers and miners settled in the Plains took the Indian's lands away and hurt Indians because they could not hunt animals in their former territories.

Indians tried to react and defend themselves by attacking the white settlers' homes, and wagons but their actions were limited.

Andrew Jackson encouraged westward expansion and settlement by supporting the Indian Removal Act

On May 28, 1830, United States President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act.

Which of the following describes a similarity between the ways in which the
Islamic caliphates and Christian states dealt with conquered territories during
the postclassical era?



C. both religious groups often tried to force conversion.


Select ALL the correct answers.
What are TWO methods that some states used to make voting more difficult for some groups following the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby v.

limited early voting

photo ID laws

literacy tests

poll taxes


Literacy tests, poll taxes are the 2 that I know of

Methods that some states used to make voting more difficult for some groups following the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby v. Holder are literacy tests and poll taxes. Thus options C and D are correct.

What is the supreme court?

The Supreme court refers to the highest judiciary body in the country that helps to seek whether the laws are implemented properly or not. It helps to take actions that seem unconstitutional to maintain peace and equality.

To prohibit Black Americans from participating in voting, states and municipal governments implemented a variety of restrictive methods, including literacy tests, poll taxes, and physical aggression.

Therefore, options C and D are appropriate.

Learn more about the Supreme court, here:


Over time, more primary and secondary sources are becoming available through __________.
the Internet
government archives



B. the Internet


the answer is b the internet


the internet is a new form of technology that allows people to view more and more sources that at one time were not widely available.

witch item is an example of a primary source?


Someone who experienced it and was there when it happened


A journal is one example.


A primary source is like an original source,and well your journal will belong to you.You put your own thoughts into it,etc.

Reason why the civil war was inevitable



The Civil war wasn't inevitable (or unavoidable) because it was more the result of extremism and failures of leadership on both sides of the conflict. The conflict was made up of anti-slavery northerners and pro-slavery southerners.


I did research about it, if they didn't have extremeism and failures of learderships. they wouldn't have had the Civil War.

¿Qué cambios crees que se dieron en la vida de México desde el modelo exportador hasta los años sesenta?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que que no hay opciones ni incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Los cambios que se dieron en la vida de México desde el modelo exportador hasta los años sesenta, fueron que los presidentes subsecuentes comenzaron a centralizar cada vez más la economía mexicana, lo cual derivó en un proteccionismo estatal notorio en la época del Presidente Luis Echeverría Álvarez (1970-1976) y con el Presidente José López Portillo (1976-1982).

Esos cambios políticos y económicos hicieron que el gobierno de México comprara una gran cantidad de empresas para estatizarlas. El resultado fue que la burocracia mexicana se infló a tal grado que esas empresas comenzaron a ser inoperantes y inefectivas, perjudicando el rendimiento económico del país.

Incluso, ante la crisis del final de su sexenio, el Presidente López Portillo tomó la decisión de nacionalizar los bancos.


source A. what impressions does this source give of events in hungary in November 1956? explain your answer





No, the Soviet Union was not justified in intervening because the problems can be solved peacefully through dialogue. The intervention of Soviet union  is needed if the conditions goes out of control in order to bring the situation under control but here the dialogue can solve all the problems that exist between protestor and the government. The protestor also know that the problem can be solved through dialogue not through violence.

What did General Sherman's March entail? Why did it cause such lasting resentment?



The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman's soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back.

Hope this answer is right!

5. Native Americans turned wild plants to crops for human consumption.
True or false




Approximately 12,000–15,000 years ago people from northeast Asia crossed the Bering Land Bridge to enter and inhabit North America beginning in Alaska but rapidly spreading throughout North and South American and the Caribbean islands. These people rapidly adapted to the available food sources and soon developed new foods. It is estimated that about 60% of the current world food supply originated in North America. When Europeans arrived, the Native Americans had already developed new varieties of corn, beans, and squashes and had an abundant supply of nutritious food.



Hope it helps

why did Indians desire for independence increase following World War II ?!?!?


Why did India's desire for independence increase following World War II? It felt that its service in the war effort should grant it independence. Israel launched a preemptive strike during which conflict? Which statement describes Mustafa Kemal?

In early 1900, how much contact did a Russian tsar have with the people


Answer: A Russian Tsar was rarely seen and was removed from the people.

Explanation: The Tsar was unpopular and represented an old and horrible system of government. In this point of time in Russia the Bolsheviks were starting to take control and there was a Civil War in the fight for power.

Read the statement about Mount Vesuvius.

Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE and destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii.

Why is the statement free of bias?

It is based on opinion.
It is a fair statement of fact.
It expresses one specific view.
It exaggerates details of the event.



It is a fair statement of fact.



It is a fair statement of fact.


This statement states a fact that is unopinionated and unexagerrated this is why its an unbiased statement.

Which best describes Muhammad's attitude toward Judaism and Christianity?

a. He tolerated their existence but felt they were basically wrong.
b. He thought these religions offered the same truth as Islam.
c. He respected these religions and felt they had paved the way for Islam.
d. He viewed them as pagan religions that needed to be suppressed.





He tolerated their existence but felt they were basically wrong. He thought these religions offered the same truth as Islam. He respected these religions and felt they had paved the way for Islam

In the late 1780s, land in the Northwest Territory appealed mostly to
slave owners, because regulations were less strict there.

explorers, because parts of the country were still unknown.

farmers, because there was great potential for growing crops.

business owners, because it consisted of urban developments.



C. Farmers, because there was great potential for growing crops.


The Economic Crisis of the 1780s

In the late 1780s, the land in the northwest was allocated to farmers because it had better agricultural potential.

Farmers suffered significantly due to the thefts of troops. Farmers were required to borrow money that they were unable to repay. The legislatures then enacted measures to assist farmers with lenient repayment conditions. The new laws infuriated the lenders since they had anticipated payment from the debtors.

Many farmers were imprisoned for not repaying their debts. Although the United States emerged victorious from the Revolutionary War, its economy was in grave difficulties. Land was provided to farmers to cultivate crops and stabilize the economy.

Which of the following is an example of cultural blending ?

A )Chinese tea becoming one of the most popular drinks in Europe
B. ) Europeans firearms ending the Japanese Samurai warrior system
C. )Porcelain vases becoming a sign of wealth among Europeans

D. )All of the above


Answer: D. All of the above.


The world is getting smaller and people from different cultures are now interacting a lot more. These interactions have led to some changes in the way these cultures do things sometimes and this process is called Culture Blending.

All of the above are examples as they show the influence that a people had on another people. The Chinese and their tea and porcelain vases became very popular in Europe which means that Europeans indulged in Chinese culture.

And the end of the Japanese Samurai era when they saw Western equipment was also an example of culture blending as one group (Japan) was affected by another group (Europeans).

Which answer choice does NOT explain the Dust Bowl?

The Dust Bowl added to the problems of the Great Depression since it displaced many people that relied on farming to provide money for their families.

Throughout the book, Harper Lee refers to hardships that the people of Maycomb are experiencing, such as banks failing and farmers losing their crops and land because of what has come to be called the Dust Bowl.

The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the southern part of the United States where the story To Kill a Mockingbird takes place.

The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the desert part of the United States.



The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the southern part of the United States where the story To Kill a Mockingbird takes place.


The Dust Bowl was located mostly in the southern part of the United States where the story To Kill a Mockingbird takes place.


I took the test

explain the attitudes and politics toward immigration in the 1920s​



Bad attitude.


The attitudes and politics of Americans toward immigration in the 1920s​ was not good because Americans thought that these immigrants increase unemployment as well decreases the wages. Many Americans feared that there was high unemployment rate in America after World War I. New immigrants were used to break strikes and were blamed for the deterioration in wages so we can say that Americans attitudes turns bad due to the above factors,

The terra-cotta figures near the Qin First Emperor's burial mound demonstrate the a. use of ceramics as a sculpture medium, replacing the ivory-casting of the Shang. b. huge expenditures that were devoted to afterlife preparation for the monarch. c. continuation of the Shang practices of human sacrifices. d. freeing of the individual soul under the influence of Doaism. e. transience of human life.



the answer is c


How did war change the economies of nations?


The government had to spend money for supplies for the military so economic changes for civilians were very real

Who was given a blank check by Germany to deal with Serbia





What were two reasons that Britain was opposed to the Soviet Union's occupation of Poland after World War II?



Britain was against communism, and the Soviet Union in Poland made the country a communist one. As well, they were losing trade with the country due to Soviet intervention in trades.

The two main reasons that Great Britain was opposed to the Soviet Union's occupation of Poland after World War II was...

If Poland was taken by the Soviet Union, trade would be harder to accomplish.If Poland was taken by the Soviet Union, that would mean they would be under communist control.

Poland was essentially a political country during World War II, whoever had control of Poland was seen to be winning politically. Great Britain, along with other countries like the United States, wanted to prevent and stop the spread of communism at all costs. They wanted to protect Poland and make sure it did not fall under communist control.

When Germany invaded Poland, Great Britain was quick to go to war with Germany and try to stop Poland from falling to another country. Germany had signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union, which only made matters worse.

Which of following would not be an issue supported by madern progressive


The answer is A
Progressives are pro choice, mostly anti military unless necessary, and are for universal healthcare. Progressives want more environmental restrictions.

The poster "Food Will Win the War" was most intended to address the
problems faced by which of the following groups during World War I?
A. African American migrants
O B. Recent immigrants
O C. European civilians
D. Poor industrial laborers



C. European civilians


Just took the test


C. European civilians


Read the excerpts from historical documents. From the Declaration of Independence: We . . . solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved . . . From the Declaration of Sentiments: . . . we insist that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of the United States. How are these excerpts similar



All excerpts have government demands.


All of the excerpts presented above present government demands related to the management of the former British colonies, which united to form the US and act as a unified country. The demands present factors that must be followed by all American citizens throughout the territory, so that the country remains organized and all citizens enjoy harmony and justice.


b : both state demands


correct on edg 2022

How did fascism in Italy differ from militarism in Japan in the 1930s? Put each aspect in the correct category.
Supporters were called Blackshirts.
Fascism in Italy
Militarism in Japan
All men over 20 were conscripted.
Military leaders seized power.
Ethiopia was invaded.
China was invaded.
Mussolini seized power.


Fascism in Italy:

Supporters were called Blackshirts, as their volunteer army was known to wear black shirts & pants, robes, and other black articles of clothing.

All men over 20 were conscripted, though this can fall under both sections. However, Italy focused mainly on man power, while Japan used both women and men, as well as children in preparation for the invasion of Japan (Operation Downfall, which never occurred, as the US resorted to the usage of the Atomic Bomb).

Ethiopia was invaded, as Italy wanted to start off a campaign not only to boost morales and obtain military experience, but also as a suggestion to history, in which Ethiopia was historically able to defeat European aggressors due to their ability to stockpile "state-of-the-art" weapons during the colonial days. They were successful.

Mussolini seized power, and was the main leader that supported Hitler. Hitler reinstated Mussolini and had to bail him out of many defeats, and saw Mussolini as a rising rival, who wanted to reinstate the Roman Empire, contrary to the views of Hitler.

Militarism in Japan:

All men over 20 were conscripted, and were told that to die for the Emperor was to gain, and to protect the empire even to their death. They followed the bushido code, which did not allow for their soldiers to surrender, as that was seen not only as a failure, but almost as treason. Instead, they were to either die fighting, or were supposed to take their own life. Military leaders were not above the law, though there are times where they asked officers to assist with the bushido.

China was invaded. While Italy looked to expand mainly in Africa, and Germany looking to expand in Europe as well as Russia, Japan looked to expand in the Eastern Hemisphere, as well as westward into Eastern Russia and China in hopes of obtaining living spaces.


Read the excerpt.

Vicksburg is the key! The war can never be brought to a close until that key is in our pocket.

–President Abraham Lincoln

Why did President Lincoln consider Vicksburg important?

Vicksburg was the first capital of the Confederacy.
Vicksburg was the home of an important Union armory.
Vicksburg was essential to controlling the Mississippi River.
Vicksburg was a major supplier of weapons for the Confederate army.



Vicksburg was essential to controlling the Mississippi River.


The city of Vicksburg in Mississippi was one of the most important locations that would help determine who succeeds in the Civil War. And it was the desire to conquer this city that Lincoln famously declared as "the key".

Vicksburg was along the Mississippi River and also a major stronghold of the Confederate troops. The capture of this city would determine which way the War will sway. Abraham Lincoln considered it important because it was essential to the controlling of the Mississippi River.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

Read the quotation written by Martin Luther in 1517.

Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally d*mned, together with their teachers.

This quotation was part of which document?

the Book of Common Prayer
the Edict of Worms
the Institute of the Christian Religion
the Ninety-Five Theses


the institute of the christian religion


the institute of the christian religion


i took the quiz

to determine the distance between two cities on a map, which map feature would a student have to use?



A scale


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