How did Workers’ handle the issues that they encountered during the Progressive Era?


Answer 1


Through settlement houses and other urban social work, reformers aided workers and their families and entreated employers to eliminate dangerous working conditions and other abuses. Muckraking journalists and others gave nationwide publicity to accidents and unsafe conditions.


Related Questions

Imagine you are about to do field research in a specific place for a set time. Instead of thinking about the topic of study itself, consider how you, as the researcher, will have to prepare for the study. What personal and physical sacrifices will you have to make?





i  just wanted points sorry not sorry

In this exercise, you will practice Identifying a fallacy that is usually referred to as the appeal to unqualified authority fallacy. This fallacy is often classified as a fallacy of weak Induction. In general, fallaces of weak induction mimic the forms of typical Inductive arguments but rely on premises that are clearly inadequate to support a proposed conclusion. In particular, an appeal to unqualified authority fallacy mimics the form of a typical argument from authority, but the authority cited is someone whose expertise is inadequate to justity belief in the conclusion. Consider the following argumentative passage and indicate (i) whether it commits a fallacy and (ii) whether, specifically, it commits an appeal to unqualified authority fallacy. (Note: It is possible for a single argument to commit more than one type of fallacy. Also, if an argument commits a different fallacy altogether, indicate that it does commit a fallacy, but not the appeal to unqualified authority fallacy.Albert Einstein argued that the United States should not try to pursue a monopoly on nuclear weapons but instead should equip the United Nations with nuclear weapons for the sole purpose of maintaining deterrence. Einstein was a Nobel Prize winner and often was cited as one of the greatest scientific minds in history. The United States should have followed his advice with regard to nuclear weapons. Passage _________commit a fallacy; specifically, it__________ commit an appeal to unqualified authority fallacy,



Passage above commit a fallacy; specifically, it argument commit an appeal.


Fallacy is where there are no specific reasons for a certain statement. When an argument is written there is some force which is convince to believe the argument.

Brett finds out that he won't have enough money to pay rent this month. He starts feelings stressed out and starts having an anxiety attack. He tells himself to breathe and takes a long shower to take his mind off of his anxiety level. This type of coping style is called:_____.
a. Problem-focused coping
b. Emotional relief
c. Emotion-focused coping
d. Temperament focused problem solving
e. None of the above



C. Emotion focused coping


Brent is having emotion focused coping here. In this type of coping mechanism, what he is trying to do is to manage the emotions that are causing him the anxiety attack. He does this instead of trying to fix whatever situation is responsible for the anxiety.

This means that Brent is trying to manage his anxiety level (emotions) first instead of the issue that led to the anxiety attack. Which is the inability to pay his rent

The coping strategies are the behaviors and methods to cope with stress and anxiety. Brent is using the emotion-focused coping style.

What is Emotion-focused coping?

Emotion-focused coping is the coping style that reduces negative emotional factors like depression, stress, anxiety, frustration, etc by various methods.

This method includes the management of the behavior causing the emotional strain leading to the anxiety attack. This includes fixing the emotion rather fixing the problem.

In this situation, Brent is trying to cope with his emotional unbalance and anxiety but is not trying to fix the problem that is paying the rent.

Therefore, option c. this type of coping style is emotion-focused.

Learn more about coping styles here:

Carl, a 13-year-old, is overweight and is not motivated to lose weight. In order to persuade him to lose weight, Carl's parents first ask him to go for walks twice a day for an hour each. He flatly refuses. Alternatively, they ask him to play basketball once a day to which he readily agrees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates ________.


Recency Effect: The more recently heard, the clearer something may exist in a juror's memory.

Which of the following is a problem in the health care system of the United States?
To many doctors in rural areas
Fraud so on



Preventable Medical Errors.

Poor Amenable Mortality Rates.

Lack of Transparency.

Difficulty Finding a Good Doctor.

High Costs of Care.

A Lack of Insurance Coverage.

The Nursing and Physician Shortage.

A different perspective on solving the shortage crisis.


how does family size affect on birth explain​



Family size might adversely affect the production of child quality within a family. ... Controlling for parental family income, parental age at birth and family level attributes, we find that children from larger families have lower levels of education and that there is in addition a separate negative birth order effect.


Like most previous studies, we find a negative correlation between family size and children's educational attainment. The evidence suggests that family size itself has little impact on the quality of each child but more likely impacts only the marginal children through the effect of birth order.

what was the contribution of Rosa parks in the history of America​



She helped initiate the civil rights movement in the United States


The contribution of Rosa parks in the history of America​ is that "She helped initiate the civil rights movement in the United States."

Rosa Parks became known as the "mother of the civil rights movement." This was a result of her insistence on not giving up her seat on a public bus to a white person. The event which occurred in Alabama bus in 1955 led to the beginning of the civil rights movement in the United States.

And it has been the means at which citizens of the United States protest against injustices and discrimination on the part of the government or the majority against minorities.

What were two advantages of Rome’s location that allowed it to grow as a republic?



It was both easily defendable and had easy access to the rest of the sea


the treaty of versailles sowed the seeds of the second world war justify​





The treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds of the second world war because this treaty of Versailles were imposed on Germany by force after its defeat in the First World war. Several harsh restrictions were imposed on Germany such as Germany had to pay a huge war repayment to affected countries and its mineral rich areas of Saar and Rhineland was occupied by France. These actions leads to the initiation of second world war.

what are activities done during a protest?​






those are the main ones normally done

qual a reacao e o pemsmemto do jovem ao descamsar a sambra da arvore​





how can we save natural recourses



Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. You can get involved in protecting your watershed, too.

Educate. When you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.

Conserve water. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.

Choose sustainable. Learn how to make smart seafood choices at

Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.

Use long-lasting light bulbs. Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the light switch off when you leave the room!

Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change.

Don't send chemicals into our waterways. Choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office.

hope it helps

no we can’t we are f’ed

majour cause of unemployment are?​



Believe you meant major cause of unemployment. Anyway, unemployment is often caused by 7 main reasons: voluntary leave of workforce, worker relocation, new workers, job seekers re-entering, advances in technology, job outsourcing and demand-deficient unemployment.


Hope this helped!

Two examples of medicalization effecting how we experience our bodies



Examples of medicalized disorders include menopause, alcoholism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia, infertility, sleep disorders, and erectile dysfunction (ED) [3].



The Medicalization of Obesity

Examples of medicalized disorders include menopause, alcoholism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia, infertility, sleep disorders, and erectile dysfunction (ED)

The belief, not shared by bio social theories, that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve is known as



Gender equality


Gender equality is the belief that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve. There is no inequality between male and female, they all have equal rights of learning and in other aspects of life. This belief provides a tool to women to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. They can gain respect and higher status through hard work and determination.

Economic development has no effect on the overall health of a country.
True false





It is a general rule that the person who receives treatment is responsible for payment even if someone else requests the services. Explain who is responsible for minors and incompetents.



hmmvzzgjhscb pits. FCC in in Z GB i. GB n

explain why a culture of travel is absent for some south Africans​



Probably because Africa is a 3rd world country and a lot of people there are poor, so they can't afford travel

describe 2 ways how social media platform are abused​


Answer: Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your pas.swords. Constantly texts you and makes you feel like you can't be separated from your phone for fear that you will be punished.



1. Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return.

2. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your past.

Nasik is famous for its_________(a) litchies (b) seeds(c) grapes​


Im pretty sure is C grapes

sorry it thats wrong


I believe the answer would be (c) grapes


More than 1 lakh tonne of grapes are exported every year to Europian countries according to statitics. This is all I have on Nasik's grapes. Hope it helps.

Help Please This is science


Answer: climate
Please mark brainliest


The Climate


As the given passage above is about Antarctica, the answer is obviously "The Climate".

Because "the weather" Is a short-lasting term refers to the change in an atmosphere whereas "the climate" is a long-lasting term to say about an atmosphere of a certain place that doesn't change constantly (such as The Climate of Antarctica).


Quản trị nhân lực là gì? Mục tiêu và các cách tiếp cận về quản trị nguồn nhân lực? Xu hướng mới trong quản trị nguồn nhân lực? .



Các trách nhiệm chính liên quan đến quản lý nguồn nhân lực bao gồm: phân tích công việc và bố trí nhân sự, tổ chức và sử dụng lực lượng lao động, đo lường và đánh giá kết quả hoạt động của lực lượng lao động, thực hiện các hệ thống khen thưởng cho nhân viên, phát triển nghề nghiệp của người lao động và duy trì lực lượng lao động. (The primary responsibilities associated with human resource management include job analysis and staffing, organization and utilization of workforce, measurement and appraisal of workforce performance, implementation of reward systems for employees, professional development of workers, and maintenance of workforce.)


i hope this helps!

One person’s consumption of a __________ product does not reduce the availability of the good to others. A. private B. public C. externality D. free-rider Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



the answer for this is Public .

Consumption of a public good by one person does not affect the good's availability to others. Therefore, (B) is the correct option.

What is a Public Good?

A public good is a good that must be both nonexcludable and nonrivalrous in order to qualify as one. Due to these qualities, it is challenging for market producers to sell the goods to individual customers.

Public goods are non-rivalrous, thus when others consume them, it has no effect on people's access to them.

Therefore, (B) is the correct option.

To know more about Public Good, visit the link below:


How and why has medicine usurped legal and religious institutions when it comes to defining norms/deviance?



At the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, in most secularised Western societies medicine substituted legal and religious institutions that used to hold the power to define deviant behaviors because it became a fully legitimized industry able to carry on the institutionalization of medical social control through the professionalization of medicine. The new perspectives on the conjunction of medical science, religion, and penal law changed the way that deviancy is defined.

Sociology, therefore, considers mental health professionals as agents of social control, whose diagnostic labels function as a way to enforce conformity to the existing social order.


For example, Alcoholism used to be defined as sin by religious institutions, and the rhetoric of A.A. was openly religious. However, in the present, alcoholism has been medicalized and is listed as a medical illness.

Which statement below is NOT true about GDP?

It is one of the most common measures of the health of the macroeconomy.

It includes value from leisure.

There are different ways to calculate GDP.

It attempts to measure all economic activity that takes place inside a country in a given year.



b.) It includes value from leisure.

GDP is the total market value of all finished products and services produced annually within a nation's borders over a given time period. It not includes value from leisure. Thus, option B is not true about GDP.

What is GDP?

The market worth of all the final goods and services produced and sold (not resold) in a certain time period by countries is measured in dollars using the term "gross domestic product" (GDP). This measurement is frequently changed before it can be trusted as an indicator because of how complicated and subjective it is.

To compare living standards between countries, using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) may be more useful, whereas nominal GDP is more useful for comparing national economies on the global market. GDP (nominal) per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries. It serves as the primary indicator of output and economic activity all over the world.

Therefore, GDP does not include value from leisure.

To learn more about GDP, click here:


Vasquez (2001) described how her worldview was shaped early in school because of her Mexican American heritage in a school that had mostly European American teachers. She discussed the negative attitudes of her teachers toward her because she was a(n):__________.





ALANA is used as an acronym by schools to describe people of this cultural heritage.

These group includes



People from Africa

And native Americans

From what Vasquez has said, her teachers in school had negative attitude towards her die to her ethnicity. Given that she is from a different cultural group from them.

What are differences between Juneteenth and Fourth of July??

5 for Juneteenth
5 for Fourth of July

What are some similarities of Juneteenth and Fourth July? Give me 5 examples.

ASAP please!!




July 4th is a federal holiday but Juneteenth is not. Juneteenth is recognized as a holiday by 45 states, and there is a movement calling for it to be a national holiday


please mark as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 pts

How does the community support people affected by human rights violations​



The community needs to work along with Government and religious organizations, to support the communities affected by human rights violation. ... They also force the Government to take necessary action. Government institutions and communities work to stop human rights violations, by working on policies and legalizationExplanation:

We depend on the sea, economically, social well-being, and for the quality of our lives, yet direct and indirect human activities have affected the marine environment, causing many problems such as overfishing and pollution. What can we do to correct these problems?


This is more pf your opinion


what you could say is...

I believe what we can do to correct these problems is limit ourselves on how much we do these things...something around this line, hoped i helped

What can be done to correct how human activities affect marine environment by overfishing is to set up a regulation on Marine environment.

What is regulation on Marine environment?

Regulations serves as the process of control on the marine environment to curb practice that can affect the marine life.

Therefore, if government should impose fine on any one that go against the rules, the marine life will be preserved.

Learn more about regulations at:

What basic view of culture underlies the structural-functional approach? The social conflict approach? This question refers to the basic view of culture underlying these two paradigms.



Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is "a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability".

Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.


wikipedia / investopedia

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