How does increased biodiversity increase the stability of a community?
A. High biodiversity increases the chances that a community will
encounter an extreme disturbance.
B. High biodiversity decreases the chances that a community will be
able to survive a disturbance.
C. High biodiversity increases the chances that a community will be
able to survive a disturbance.
D. High biodiversity decreases the chances that a community will
encounter an extreme disturbance.


Answer 1




High biodiversity decreases the chances that a community will be

able to survive a disturbance.

Answer 2

High biodiversity decreases the chances that a community will be able to survive a disturbance. Therefore option " B" is correct.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is a word used when all the different varieties of life forms, therefore, animals, microorganisms, and plants all come together and work. both biotic and abiotic factors are included in biodiversity. There can be a variety of species that co-exist altogether.

There are three levels of biodiversity species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and genetic diversity. Examples are pine trees, sunflowers, blue whales, tigers, and all types of microorganisms. The threats to biodiversity are an invasion of alien species and an increase in the number of predators.

Therefore, biodiversity is all species coexisting altogether.

Learn more about biodiversity, here:


Related Questions

A group of organ systems makes up a



Organs are grouped into organ systems, in which they work together to carry out a particular function for the organism. For example, the heart and the blood vessels make up the cardiovascular system.


Which nutrient cycle has NO atmospheric (gas) form

A) Carbon

B) Nitrogen

C) Phosphorus

D) Water



c.) phosphorus


it can be found in the atmosphere as very little dust particles

what are plant roots?​



vascular plants, the roots are the organs of a plant that are modified to provide anchorage for the plant and take in water and nutrients into the plant body, which allows plants to grow taller and faster.

why do you share similar traits with your parents



por que tienes genes que provienen de ellos y de tus antepasados

Explanation:que es un gen?

Es la unidad molecular de la herencia genética, pues almacena la información genética y permite transmitirla a la descendencia.

difference between incomplete and complete ventilation? any 4​



Due to exchange of gases i.e. normal and abnormal.


The main difference between incomplete and complete ventilation is the occurrence of normal and abnormal exchange of gases. The mechanism in which the exchange of gas happens completely without any difficulty is called complete ventilation. It is the process in which the required amount of oxygen is inhaled or inspired and appropriate amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled out of the body while on the other hand, incomplete ventilation is a mechanism in which exchange of gases is not normal.

Critical thinking is the ability to reason and solve problems using facts and concepts. These questions can be approached from a number of angles, and in most cases, they do not have a single correct answer.
Give the common name of a eukaryotic microbe that is unicellular, walled, nonphotosynthetic, nonmotile, and bud-forming.





The correct answer would be yeast.

Yeast belongs to the fungi kingdom. Organisms in the fungi kingdom are generally eukaryotic in that their cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondrion. Fungal cells lack chlorophyll and are therefore nonphotosynthetic. They are also nonmotile

While fungi exhibit different body forms in terms of body complexity, the only unicellular form is yeast. The organism possesses all the attributes of fungi highlighted above, has a cell wall made largely of chitin, and reproduces through budding.

Answer: Yeast.


Yeasts are eukaryotic organisms, more precisely microscopic fungi that do not form filamentous networks (hyphae), classified as ascomycetes or basidiomycetes and are predominantly unicellular in their life cycle. The cell wall of yeasts is composed of complex "B"-glucan polysaccharides, mannoproteins and chitin. Also, yeast are non-motile organisms when they grownon a solid media.

They usually reproduce asexually by budding or bipartition and by having sexual stages that are not attached to a sporocarp (fruiting body). During asexual reproduction, a new bud emerges from the mother yeast when suitable conditions are met, after which the bud separates from the mother upon reaching adult size. In the case that they reproduce sexually, this occurs by means of ascospores or basidiospores. In conditions of nutrient scarcity, yeasts that are able to reproduce sexually will form ascospores.

Yeasts are important because of their ability to carry out the decomposition by fermentation (predominantly alcoholic) of various organic compounds, mainly sugars or carbohydrates, producing different substances. Therefore, they do not photosynthesize to obtain energy, since they do not possess chlorophyll (pigment responsible for capturing solar energy for photosynthesis).

A series of two-point crosses among fruit flies is carried out between genes for brown eyes (bw), arc wings (a), vestigial wings (vg), ebony body color (e), and curved wings (cv). The following number of nonrecombinant and recombinant progeny were obtained from each cross:
Genes in cross Progeny (NR) Progeny (R)
a,bw 2224 117
a,cv 2609 823
a,e 3200 3200
a,vg 5172 2379
bw,cv 4614 1706
bw,e 4150 4150
bw,vg 2796 1434
cv,e 3116 3116
cv,vg 2102 305
vg,e 4559 4559
Using these data from two-point crosses, what it the best genetic map (in m.u.) that can be developed?
A) cv 5 bw 13 a 34 vg with e assorting independently
B) bw 5 cv 24 vg 32 a with e assorting independently
C) a 5 bw 13 vg 24 e with vg assorting independently
D) cv 13 bw 5 a 27 vg with e assorting independently
E) bw 5 a 24 cv 13 vg with e assorting independently



E) bw 5 a 24 cv 13 vg with e assorting independently


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files  

Only a few thousand years
passed between the
appearance of life on Earth
and the appearance of
True or false?


False more like millions


hlw its jess bragoli

your answer is here

• false


The dinosaurs died out 65 million ago

and 65 million is a lot. Not a few

so your ans will be


a phlebotomy technician has collected a neonatal screening card. which of the following actions should the technician take to properly dry the blood stop collection card?



place the card on a flat dry surface

The term "evolution" is best described as A) a process of change in a population through time B) a process by which organisms become extinct C) the reproductive isolation of members of certain species D) the replacement of one community by another​


Answer: A) a process of change in a population through time





Evolution is a process of change in a population through time

¿Cuál es el rol de la genética microbiana en el contexto de la Biología?
¿Qué aplicaciones tiene la Genética Microbiana hoy en día?

¿En qué consiste el protagonismo de la Genética microbiana en el devenir histórico de la Biología?



- La genética microbiana ha sido fundamental para la comprensión de diferentes mecanismo genéticos y evolutivos  

- Los microrganismos son ampliamente utilizados en medicina y procesos biotecnológicos  

- La microbiología ha permitido descartar la teoría de la generación espontanea (anteriormente aceptada en biologia) como así también formular nuevas teorías (hoy en día ampliamente aceptadas por la comunidad científica)


La genética microbiana juega un papel fundamental en biología, ya que los organismos microscópicos (por ejemplo, bacterias) poseen características únicas para el estudio de mecanismos genético/moleculares tales como, por ejemplo, 1-un corto tiempo generacional y 2-la capacidad de manipulación de un número de organismos muy alto (N muestral) en un laboratorio. En consecuencia, los microrganismos permiten estudiar mecanismos genéticos y evolutivos con mayor grado de precisión y versatilidad al ser comparados con organismos pluricelulares. La microbiología ha permitido el desarrollo de técnicas esenciales en el campo de la biología molecular: la técnica de edición genómica CRISPR-Cas9 se basa en el sistema adaptativo que poseen ciertas bacterias para hacer frente a infecciones virales. La biotecnología microbiana ha permitido también desarrollar diferentes tipos de alimentos y procesos biotecnológicos (por ejemplo, la cerveza y ciertos productos lácteos requiere la utilización de microrganismos para llevar a cabo el proceso de fermentación). Por otra parte, mediante técnicas de recombinación genética podemos explotar las características de los microrganismos para producir a gran escala ciertos productos biotecnológicos y medicinales (por ejemplo, producir insulina para uso humano). La microbiología emergió en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y desde entonces ha posibilitado el desarrollo de importantes avances para el tratamiento y cura de enfermedades infecciosas, como así también descartar teorías tales como la generación espontánea y generar nuevos conocimientos en el campo de la biología y la genética (por ejemplo, el descubrimiento que el ADN se replica de manera semiconservativa fue realizado utilizando cepas de E. coli).

How is the equilibrium of an ecosystem maintained?



Biodiversity provide stability to the ecosystem and maintains the ecological balance. Plants and animals in ecosystem are linked to each other through food chain and food web. The loss of one species in the ecosystem affects the survival of other species. Thus the ecosystem becomes fragile



phân tích đặc điểm thích nghi sinh lý của sinh vật đất



Các vi khuẩn Psychrotolerant rất quan trọng đối với các ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học và chu trình cacbon. Tuy nhiên, các cơ chế cho phép chúng tồn tại và hoạt động trong môi trường đông lạnh vẫn chưa rõ ràng. Để làm sáng tỏ sự thích nghi của màng tế bào vi sinh vật với sự đóng băng, chúng tôi ủ đất với glucose được đánh dấu 13C theo vị trí cụ thể ở + 5 (đối chứng), - 5 và - 20 ° C và định lượng 13C trong CO2 và axit béo phospholipid. Quá trình oxy hóa cao của glucose C-1 ở + 5 ° C cho thấy sự biến đổi thông qua con đường pentose phosphate. Tuy nhiên, ở nhiệt độ subzero, sự oxy hóa ưu tiên của vị trí C-4 gợi ý chuyển sang quá trình đường phân. Sự gia tăng gấp ba lần axit béo photpholipid Gram âm trong đất ủ ở - 5 ° C đi kèm với sự gia tăng gấp hai lần sự kết hợp ở 13C. Sự gia tăng không đều này của các axit béo phospholipid và kết hợp 13C có thể được giải thích là do sự khử bão hòa đồng thời của các chuỗi axit béo hiện có và sự tổng hợp de novo của các axit béo không bão hòa đơn, cho thấy sự phát triển của vi sinh vật. Ngược lại, vi khuẩn Gram dương kết hợp các axit béo phospholipid ở nhiệt độ - 20 ° C cao hơn 2 lần so với ở - 5 và + 5 ° C mà không làm tăng đáng kể hàm lượng axit béo của chúng. Điều này phản ánh việc sửa chữa chuyên sâu các màng bị hư hỏng ở - 20 ° C mà không có sự phát triển của vi sinh vật. Tỷ lệ nấm / vi khuẩn thấp hơn 1,5 lần ở nhiệt độ subzero so với + 5 ° C, phản ánh sự thay đổi cấu trúc cộng đồng vi sinh vật theo hướng vi khuẩn. Theo đó, vi sinh vật đất thích nghi với sự đóng băng bằng cách (1) chuyển con đường trao đổi chất của chúng từ con đường pentose phosphate sang đường phân, (2) điều chỉnh axit béo phospholipid bằng cách khử bão hòa và, (3) chuyển cấu trúc cộng đồng vi sinh vật sang vi khuẩn Gram âm bằng cách khử nấm dân số.


Không phải lời của tôi! Tôi hi vọng cái này giúp được!

What is an organism’s niche?
1) the physical environment of the organism
2) the role that an organism plays in the environment
3) the traits that increase an organism’s survival
4) the competitors and predators of the organism


2 the role that an organism plays in the environment

which of the following are examples of mechanical erosion/weathering

A. Wind blowing sand

B. water flowing over rock

C. a plant's roots cracking

D. none of the above

E. A & B only



c. a plant's roots cracking rock


C.) a plant's roots cracking  rock

Oswald Avery's work with two strains of bacteria, one of which caused the
other to become harmful, showed that:
A. the factor that transforms cells is a protein.
B. DNA is the factor that transforms cells.
C. two alleles interact to produce a trait.
D. DNA carries the instructions for making proteins.
Plz help


Answer: B

Explanation: the DNA is the factor and that will transform the cells.

trust me bois

a. Why was it important in this case to identify Salmonella Typhi in the feces of the restaurant worker?​



Some other types of Salmonella cause typhoid fever or ... Most people with Salmonella infection have diarrhea, fever, and ..


Add as brainlist

One of your classmates submits the post below which is a very informative post about criteria for safe food production during the manufacturing process. What is missing from this post? "I recently read that industrial food processing factories are required to undergo periodic inspections by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration. For the USDA, these inspections are conducted by staff in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, or FSIS."A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the postB. Did not state what s/he specifically learned from the sourceC. Did not provide a citation for the source of the information



A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the post


In the post written by his friend, we can see that he decided to write information about the periodic inspections carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration, because he read about these inspections somewhere. However, he forgot to show this place where he read this information, that is, he forgot to present the source where he got the information presented in the post. By presenting the source, it would make the post more trustworthy and relevant.

width and size of a cheek cell



it is 0.06milimeters or 60 micrometres


a human cheek cell is about 60 micrometres in diameter.if it was 100000 times bigger, it would have

the length of an average classroom (6m).

At her initial evaluation, Ms. Jones reports that she has lost 25 pounds over the past eight months despite an increase in her appetite. She complains of extreme fatigue, heart palpitations and irritability. Clinical observations reveal a protrusion of the eyeballs and hand tremors. You suspect that she might have:

a. hypothyroidism
b. diabetes mellitus
c. hypopituitarism
d. hyperthyroidism



d. hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland in our body secretes too much of the thyroxin hormone. Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is located in our neck and it produces the hormone called thyroxin. Excess production of thyroxin leads to a condition named hyperthyroidism.

A person's metabolism increases when he or she is suffering from hyperthyroidism. One's weight is lost but the appetite increases. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, sweating and puffy eyes.

Thus in the context, Ms. Jones is suspect to have hyperthyroidism as she she is showing all the above symptoms.

If the contents of a cell have a solute concentration of 0.04 percent which of these solutions would cause it to swell?



The contents of a cell if has the solute concentration as 0.04 percent then it should have much lesser concentration that the cell, then only it will allow the cell to swell. Because of the solutions with a lower osmotic pressure than a cell fluid solution concentration, can make it swell.


Two different enzymes catalyze the same reaction and both exhibit the same Vmax. When Enzyme A was run with a 40 uM substrate, the initial rate (Vo) was 10 uM/min, and when g it was run with a 4 mM substrate, the Vo was 20 uM/min. Estimate the approximate Vmax and Km of Enzyme A. When Enzyme B was run with 80 uM substrate, the initial rate (Vo) was 10 uM per minute. Estimate the Km of Enzyme B.



a) k_m = 4.08 uM

  V_{max} = 20.07 uM/min

b) k_m = 8.16 uM


Given that:

For Enzyme A:

the substrate concentration [S] = 40 uM

the initial velocity rate v = 10 uM/min

when it was 4mM, v = 20 uM/min


at 4mM = 4000 uM;

Using Michealis -menten equation;

when v = 10

[tex]V = \dfrac{V_{max}[S]}{k_m+[S]}[/tex]

[tex]10 = \dfrac{V_{max}\times 40}{k_m + 40}[/tex]

[tex]10 (k_m + 40) = V_{max}40[/tex]

[tex]40V_{max} -10k_m = 400 --- (1)[/tex]

when v= 20

[tex]20= \dfrac{V_{max}\times 4000}{k_m + 4000}[/tex]

[tex]20 (k_m + 4000) = V_{max}4000[/tex]

[tex]4000V_{max} -20k_m = 8000 --- (2)[/tex]

equating equation (1) and (2):

[tex]40V_{max} -10k_m = 400 --- (1)[/tex]

[tex]4000V_{max} -20k_m = 8000 --- (2)[/tex]

let multiply equation (1) by 100 and equation (2) by 1

4000V_{max} - 1000K_m = 4000

4000V_{max} - 20 k_m = 8000    

  0        -980k_m = 4000

k_m = 4000/-980

k_m = 4.08 uM

replacing the value of k_m into equation (1)

40{V_max } - 10(4.08) = 400

40{V_max } - 40.8 = 400

40{V_max } = 400 +  40.8

40{V_max } = 440.8

V_{max} = 440.8/40

V_{max} = 11.02 uM/min


Since V_{max} of A ie equivalent to that of B; then:

V_{max} of B = 11.02 uM/min


[S] = 80  uM

V = 10 uM/min

[tex]10 = \dfrac{11.02 \times 80}{k_m + 80 }[/tex]

10(k_m +80) = 881.6

10k_m = 881.6  - 800

10k_m = 81.6

k_m = 81.6/10

k_m = 8.16 uM

Some people believe that there should be no government subsidies for water use, even for irrigation of crops, as there are now. Which of the following most likely describes their reasoning? A. People are more likely to value and conserve what they must pay for. B. Industry, rather than farming, should receive water-use subsidies. C. Food production is not as important as other uses of water, such as for recreation. D. Farmers have it easy and should not benefit from tax dollars.​


Answer: A. People are more likely to value and conserve what they must pay for

Explanation: I thought the answer was C but it said the answer was A

Which type of society has an economy primarily based on manufacturing
goods and products?
A. Hunter-gatherer
B. Industrial
C. Pastoral
D. Agrarian



B. Industrial


Industrial society is the society that prospers under the name of machines and technology. In this type of society, mass production of goods and services are enabled. The use of fossil fuels help in the production of the goods. The advancements in terms of manufacturing and production. Such societies were prevalent during the Industrial revolution. It also brought urbanization and increase in the labor workers.

Can you add nutrition please?



yes we can add nutrition from healthy and nutritious foods .

hope it is helpful to you

Which term best describes the following scenario?

Calcium ions travel through the cell membrane into the cell, using an integral protein. There is a higher concentration of calcium in the cell.



facilitated diffusion


There are three types of diffusion:

1-simple diffusion: ions are moved from areas of higher

concentration to lower concentration

2-osmosis: moves water molecules

3-facilitated diffusion: ions move through the

membrane facilitated by transport/carrier proteins

Explain the role of enzymes to living organisms



enzymes create chemical reaction in the body.But they actually speed up the rate of chemical reaction to help support life.. Enzymes is important to our body as it supports in building muscles and destroying toxins..

Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body. They actually speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life. The enzymes in your body help to perform very important tasks. These include building muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion.

Currently, two of the living elephant species (X and Y) are placed in the genus Loxodonta, and a third surviving species (Z) is placed in the genus Elephas. Assuming this classification reflects evolutionary relatedness. Draw the most accurate evolutionary tree.




The evolutionary tree is composed of,

Lineages → These are the taxonomic groups of interest placed in the extremes of the lines called branches ⇒ Elephant species X, Y, Z Nodes → These are the ramification points, which are also known as divergence points. They represent the location of the most recent common ancestor ⇒ The red spot in the graph shows the location o the most recent ancestor between species X and Y Root → This is the older common ancestor that all lineages share. The first one in the tree ⇒ The blue spot in the graph show the oldest common ancestor shared by the three species

Two or more lineages are more related to each other if they share a recent common ancestor -In this example, X and Y are more related to each other-. This means that they all diverge from the same node.

Two or more lineages are less related to each other if they lack a recent common ancestor. This is, the node from which these lineages diverge is placed far away in the tree.  


Earth's seasons are caused by its
O A. precession
O B. rotation
O C. revolution
O D. ecliptic



seasons are caused by revolutions. hope this helps

6. Describe/explain the primary and secondary/memory response of the adaptive immune system. Tell which antibodies appear and in what time frame.



Immune responses to antigens may be categorised as primary or secondary responses. The primary immune response of the body to antigen occurs on the first occasion it is encountered. Depending on the nature of the antigen and the site of entry this response can take up to 14 days to resolve and leads to the generation of memory cells with a high specificity for the inducing antigen. The humoral response, mediated by B cells with the help of T cells, produces high-affinity and antigen-specific antibodies. This is in contrast with the CD8 T-cell response which leads to the generation of large numbers of antigen-specific cells that are capable of directly killing infected cells. Antigen-specific CD4 T cells, which provide help to B cells in the form of cytokines and other stimulatory factors, can also be expanded upon antigenic stimulation.

The secondary response of both B- and T cells is observed following subsequent encounter with the same antigen and is more rapid leading to the activation of previously generated memory cells. This has some quantitative and qualitative differences from the primary response.



Other Questions
Which line of poetry is written in iambic pentameter? a)O que so Unidades de Conservao? what can scientists learn from radiometric dating? A- how long ago a plant or animal livedB- how much time it took a fossil to formC- where a plant or animal livedD- whether a fossil has modern relatives Based on this excerpt, what inference can be made about Odysseus? Check all that apply. o Odysseus is a careless leader who does not care about the safety of his crew. 0 Odysseus's curiosity about the Cyclops is stronger than his good judgment. o Odysseus wants to see if the Cyclops has anything to give to him and his men. Odysseus is worried about appearing weak in front of his men Apply the Seasonal Forecast Using Simple Proportion method to calculate a forecast for product X for the first quarter of the next year. The expected total sales for product X is 14800 for the next year. Quarter Average seasonal factor 1 0.70 2 0.46 3 1.73 4 1.11a. More than 0 but less than or equal to 1500 b. More than 1500 but less than or equal to 2000 c. More than 2000 but less than or equal to 2500 d. More than 2500 but less than or equal to 3000 e. More than 3000 Can some one help me with the rest of this chapter! Ill pay them as-well! If a company purchases equipment costing $4,500 on credit, the effect on the accounting equation would be: Assets increase $4,500 and liabilities decrease $4,500. Liabilities decrease $4,500 and assets increase $4,500. Equity decreases $4,500 and liabilities increase $4,500. Assets increase $4,500 and liabilities increase $4,500. The main difference between a nation and state is that a nation isa political unit within a imagined political community.a territory with one ethnic autonomous country. Here is a pattern made from sticks:a)How many sticks would be in pattern number 6?b)How many sticks would be in pattern number n?Help needed I cant figure this out. extraigan los adjetivos calificativos en el siguiente texto.Durante todo un dia de otoo, triste ,oscuro, silencioso, cuando las nubes se cernan bajas y pesadas en el cielo, cruc solo, a caballo ,una regon singularmente lgubre del pas y al fin al acercarse las densas sombras de la noche, me encontre a la vista de la melanclica Casa Usher.correspondientes a los siguientes sustantivos y realicen las consignas . adjetivos persona y Usher.PORFAVOR ES PARA HOY LO NECESITO URGENTE attendance drop at 7% this year to 1050 what was the attendance before the drop A(n) is a molecule, cell, or organ that directly carries out a response to a stimulus and restores homeostasis. How does the community support people affected by human rights violations (1) The solubility of Salt AB2(s) is 5mol/dm^3. (a) Obtain an expression for the solubility product of Salt AB2,in terms of s. The cell potential of the following electrochemical cell depends on the pH of the solution in the anode half-cell:Pt(s)|H2(g, 1atm)|H+(aq, ?M)||Cu2+(aq,1.0M)|Cu(s)What is the pH of the solution if Ecell = 355 mV? the treaty of versailles sowed the seeds of the second world war justify Can I get some help? Which relation is a function?O A. {(7, 8)(5,0)(-3, 1)(-5, 0)(-3, 2)}B. {(0, 0)(1, 1)(4, 2)(9, 3)(16,4)}O C. {(-4, 1)(-2, 2.5)(0, 4)(-4, -1)(-2, -2.5)}OD. {(1, 0)(2, 1)(3, 2)(1, 3)(2, 4)} What is the perimeter of the shape?2 yd3 yd5 yd4 yd2 yd6 yd A side of the triangle below has been extended to form an exterior angle of 157. Find the value of x